
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.04 - i386 - i386 built.01:53
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.02:16
flocculantknome: ack - that works 07:34
flocculantochosi: :)07:34
flocculantyay - I get a mention on http://simon.shimmerproject.org/2017/02/13/releases-releases-releases/07:40
ochosiflocculant: i'll mention you by name next time, knowing now that you read *and* appreciate those posts ;)07:47
flocculantochosi: ha ha :)07:48
flocculantochosi: been quite an interseting time for me this cycle :)07:54
ochosiflocculant: good to hear! it's not over just yet ;)08:34
akxwi-dave:-) nice work ochosi .. thanks09:07
bluesabrewill be adding the create document templates to xubuntu-default-settings tonight if there are no objections, https://code.launchpad.net/~bluesabre/xubuntu-default-settings/xubuntu-templates/+merge/31718611:26
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [xubuntu-templates] r631 Restore spaces for smaller diff on merge (by Sean Davis)11:57
flocculantbluesabre: nice 12:00
Unit193bluesabre: Poke me before you do, I have a few remarks.12:06
flocculantochosi: am I still supposed to see the X in taskmanager? 12:10
bluesabreUnit193, what's up?12:18
Unit193I can't English right now very well, so figured later when I make more sense is better.  You seem to "hardcode" ~/.config/ when the user can use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to change it.12:19
Unit193https://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html#variables, or the more readable https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/XDG_Base_Directory_support#User_directories12:19
Unit193A slightly more descriptive d/changelog would be nice, but..12:20
bluesabreCan do that too12:20
Unit193(Nice use of xdg-user-dir!)  Also, it occurs to me, that the first python3 script?  It might need py3 foo.12:21
bluesabreshould be py3 safe12:23
bluesabrehandles bytes decoding where needed12:23
bluesabreand other things (it has been tested) :D12:24
bluesabrebut yeah, if there is any other feedback, feel free to just dump it here and I'll review when I get home tonight12:25
Unit193Hah, sure.  Was thinking packaging.12:25
bluesabrebbl, hf all12:25
flocculantochosi: ignore that last one - had your gtk3 task manager here not master17:11
ochosiflocculant: ok, was hoping it'd be something along the lines of that18:21
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ubottuDebian bug 855157 in mugshot "mugshot is not starting" [Normal,Open]21:01
flocculantochosi: ok - so ... found an odd thing - open task manager - go to settings for it - Toolbar Style set to default, set it to small - watch the icons increase in size21:02
flocculantso default is smaller than small :p21:03
ochosithe toolbar icon setting is totally superfluous and silly21:05
flocculantochosi: well - only because default isn't large :D21:05
ochosino, because there are system-wide settings for the toolbar size21:06
ochosiand all this silly setting does is make taskman inconsistent with all the other aps21:06
ochosithis setting must come from times when there was no such gtk setting21:07
flocculantthere's somewhere to set toolbar size? 21:07
* flocculant never knew or found it 21:09
ochosiright, maybe the size is not exposed in the appearance settings21:09
ochosibut it'd be easy to do that21:10
ochosiit's a general gtk setting that you can set through xfce4-settings-editor21:10
flocculantoh right21:10
flocculantwindow scaling in appearances is newish - never saw that before 21:13
ochosithat's for gtk3 exclusively though21:13
ochosito support hidpi displays21:14
flocculantaah right - that makes sense21:14
ochosiunfortunately gtk3 only supports to factors though: 1x and 2x21:14
flocculantmight need it in about 5 years :D21:14
ochosinothing in between21:14
ochosianything in between would be useful but hard with X (is what they told me), for seamless scaling we'll have to wait for wayland21:14
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