
Budgie^Smorehmm rookie mistake time? :-/00:00
lazyPowerBudgie^Smore - i've lied to you00:01
lazyPowerits non base64 encoded when looking at the secret via the webui00:01
Budgie^SmoreOK *phew* don't scare me like that :P00:02
Budgie^Smorethen it doesn't make sense why it is serving the wrong cert even after removing and readding the service :-/00:04
Budgie^Smorenot to mention removing and readding the secret, simplifying the secret name, etc.00:05
lazyPowerBudgie^Smore - when you're in a better position to debug, lets try to get you some TLC and get you unblocked.00:06
lazyPoweri'm going be sticking around late tomorrow by about an hour or so, and i'm happy to help debug/reproduce then00:06
lazyPowerthink you'll have the time for that Budgie^Smore?00:06
Budgie^Smorethat works, I am going to try and getting my virtualized environment up today00:07
lazyPowerok, that sounds great then00:07
lazyPoweri'll see you tomorrow evening :)00:07
Budgie^Smorefirst step in solving a problem is figuring out if you have a problem at all, better to do that from a simplified cluster to rule out complexities00:08
Budgie^SmoreI need to do it anyway since I want to be able to basically make a master node made up of VM (for now) that I can just spin up worker nodes... call me crazy but I want to containerize everything I can :P00:09
Budgie^SmoreI would probably constainerize kubernetes masters if I could :P but that is totally just crazy talk00:14
lazyPowerBudgie^Smore why do you think thats crazy talk? they are really gung-ho for self hosted at the developer watering holes00:15
lazyPoweri'm not sold on the idea myself, but if its done well i can see why its attractive00:15
Budgie^SmoreOK not sure crazy talk then00:15
lazyPowernah  just mostly crazy if you forget the triple-o work back in teh day and how big of a sideshow that was00:15
lazyPowernot that it wasn't a feat of engineering, but that it was clunky and not really intuitive00:16
lazyPowerok i'm going to shut up now i feel like i'm dissing someone elses work...00:16
* lazyPower checks out for the evening00:16
Budgie^Smoreit is all about making sure that the services are all hardened correctly, I am not totally sold on the idea of the masters but everything else yes00:17
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Budgie^Smoregiving my laptop a real workout tonight, backing up a couple of VMs to USB and then I am going to do system reset and image it so I can wipe the hard drive and put Ubuntu on it!05:01
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kjackalGood morning Juju world!08:03
kjackalHi nobuto do you have a charm that uses the apache-php layer?09:13
nobutokjackal: not really. but I demoed how to write a new charm in front of customers along with the official doc (https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/developer-layer-example) it never worked with xenial.09:19
nobutothat's why I made a pull request to the layer.09:19
kjackalnobuto: I see. thank you for the PR. I am testing it right now with a dummy charm. Hopefully I am going to merge it. Lets see!09:21
nobutokjackal: thanks09:21
kjackalnobuto: do you have a valid apache.yaml ?09:34
kjackalnobuto: I am getting this exception: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24000015/ Could be because the apache.yaml I found on the web is not valid09:45
pranav__Hey. Can we configure Juju 2.0 with maas server?09:47
kjackalpranav__: yes09:51
kjackalpranav__: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/clouds-maas09:52
nobutokjackal: let mee prepare apache.yaml for you to test.10:00
pranav__@kjackal many thanks!10:01
chittetiHi juju World!!!10:02
chitteticharm release giving command giving error "ERROR cannot release charm or bundle: unauthorized: access denied for user"10:04
chittetibut able run the push command and its giving revision too10:05
chittetiurl: cs:~ibmcharmers/xenial/ibm-db2-2 channel: unpublished10:05
nobutokjackal: how about this? https://github.com/nobuto-m/layer-vanilla/blob/xenial/apache.yaml10:09
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kjackalnobuto: I got another exception this time http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24000102/10:23
nobutokjackal: I used example vanilla layer. so checksum might be different. let me check.10:23
kjackalBut this is past the patch your are proposing, so i will merge the PR. However, this layer seems rather old, and you might not want to use it for demos10:24
nobutokjackal: right. vanilla layer needs to be updated to use new apache.yaml syntax: https://github.com/nobuto-m/layer-vanilla/blob/xenial/apache.yaml10:27
nobutokjackal: anyway our new charm developing story in jujucharms.com might need a face lift.10:28
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Guest34515channel wise charm revoke command is not working. how can we fix that?12:54
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kklimondahow do I create services in bundle so more than one can be installed on a single machine?13:03
kklimondaright now, it seems to be ignoring "to" field, and spawn new machines for services13:04
Guest34515channel wise charm revoke command is not working. Please advice13:05
marcoceppikklimonda: the to field should do it. could you share your bundle?13:20
marcoceppiGuest34515: are you getting an error message? Could you describe what's not working?13:20
kklimonda@marcoceppi: ah, I see - it seems if I add a new service to the bundle file, "to" is ignored13:31
kklimonda(add a new service and deploy again without cleaning the environment)13:39
stokachukklimonda, is this with conjure-up?13:40
kklimondano, pure juju 2.013:40
kklimondaperhaps there is a different way to incrementally work on bundles?13:42
kklimondaso I can write them one application at a time13:42
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Guest26106how to revoke specific revisions of a charm in charm store?14:20
Guest26106how to revoke specific revisions of a charm in charm store?14:41
Guest26106please help14:41
marcoceppiGuest26106:  are you getting an error message? Could you describe what's not working?14:48
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
bildzgood morning15:23
bildzI am wanting to bootstrap juju to perform a canvas install of openstack, not through autopilot15:23
bildzthe issue I am having is the internal network created by the lxd bridge on the bootstrapped juju machine15:23
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marcoceppibildz: does that collide with your current network?15:26
bildzno its NAT'ed and preventing root based containers from getting a routable IP15:27
bildzI need the LXD bridge to use the correct DHCP, instead of the default bridge network15:28
h00pzok guys how the heck do we reconfigure lxdbr0 to use my existing network (and dhcp) when deploying an app instead of going rogue and uising it own defined and useless 10.x.x.x network15:37
bildzmarcoceppi: h00pz and I work next to each other15:40
marcoceppibildz h00pz is this on maas?15:43
h00pzthe hosts are deployed by maas but avoiding using autopilot as it sucks ass at placement15:44
h00pzwe stood up a standalone juju controller and ‘juju add-machine ssh:<host>’ for all the computes15:44
h00pzthen we added the openstack env and created the lxd containers for the various services but when it came to the lxd networking it went and used 10.x.x.x15:45
h00pzwe would like to know how to change that lxd networking to use the same network and dhcp as the hosts they will be on15:45
h00pzmarcoceppi: any idea how to hack the lxd bridges ?15:50
kjackalkwmonroe: cory_fu: and easy to merge update on the readme https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-cwr/pull/8616:26
bdxI posted this in #netfilter and #lxdcontainers, possibly someone here has some insight ...16:37
bdxhaving some issues getting packets through to lxd containers via iptables nat, wondering if someone might shed some light on my attempt to nat from host to container16:37
bdxI'm applying a prerouting rule on my external interface in order to nat through the host to a lxd container on lxdbr0, the prerouting rule is "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ens3 -p tcp --dport 6379 -j DNAT --to"16:38
bdxthe packets don't seem to be making it through to the container though.... I'm wondering if there are any tricks of the trade I'm missing here?16:38
bdxtrying to introspect the ufw rules docker creates in an attempt to recreate16:40
kklimondabbcmicrocomputer: which contrail charms on jujucharms.com are most up to date?16:45
kklimondahttps://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/cassandra-29/archive/config.yaml - why is install_sources type "string" when the default value is actually a list?16:50
bbcmicrocomputerkklimonda: https://jujucharms.com/u/sdn-charmers/16:54
bbcmicrocomputerkklimonda: bundles are here - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sdn-charmers/+junk/contrail-deployer/files/head:/bundles/16:54
bbcmicrocomputerkklimonda: works best with Contrail 3.2/3.1 commercial packages from Juniper16:55
kklimondahave you looked into dpdk vrouter?16:55
bbcmicrocomputer(require license)16:55
bbcmicrocomputerkklimonda: these charms don't support dpdk16:55
bbcmicrocomputerContrail 4.x charms from Juniper should do (due April)16:55
kklimondasigh, I need R3.1 with dpdk and juju - fortunately I'm familiar with contrail itself, so I just have to unknowns16:56
cholcombeanastasiamac: upgrading to juju 2.1-rc1 to fix the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1605241 causes juju to no longer be able to bootstrap a localhost environment.  It just says:cloud localhost not found17:44
mupBug #1605241: lxd instances not starting <conjure> <juju:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1605241>17:44
bdxis there a method in charmhelpers that returns the primary network interface?17:49
bdxahh, just found it - charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip.get_iface_addr()17:51
bdxeven better - charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip.get_iface_from_addr(addr), nice17:52
lazyPowerZic - you around?18:21
rick_hJuju Show #6 in 14min18:46
rick_hget your popcorn18:47
* jrwren fetches popcorn18:47
rick_hthedac: arosales marcoceppi lazyPower and anyone else I'm missing the HO url will be https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/jtR7zxxKKNe2lyJ_QtFXBACCGGaZLppiaK6hWnMYUyI=?eid=10318440595651078563018:49
rick_hand the viewing url is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-cWDvM2zts18:50
* thedac nods18:50
arosalesrick_h: ack omw18:51
thedacrick_h: I am getting you do not have access to this page18:53
rick_hthedac: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/jtR7zxxKKNe2lyJ_QtFXBACCGGaZLppiaK6hWnMYUyI=?eid=103184405956510785630&hl=en_US&authuser=0 is my full url18:53
rick_hthedac: last time folks had to remove the hl and authuser keywords, maybe try setting up authuser to the right one for your account18:54
* rick_h also manually invites you in via email18:54
magicaltroutdoesn't modern technology suck?! ;)18:55
rick_h5 minute warning18:56
rick_hmagicaltrout: at times...then it does magical things and tries to make up for it18:56
thedacjust fyi, still not able to get in. No email received18:56
thedacSure this is not restricted to a specific circle?18:56
rick_hthedac: try https://hangouts.google.com/call/kwu2kkxx5ve5rdlgkdcznmwoeae18:56
thedacThat seems to be working18:57
rick_harosales: marcoceppi lazyPower and anyone else ^18:57
arosalesyoutube play list19:04
magicaltroutsat in a darpa webex and office hours, this is like multi tasking overload19:10
mbruzekCan I get a link to "watch" the juju sho?19:11
magicaltroutmbruzek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-cWDvM2zts19:12
mbruzekThanks magicaltrout19:12
mbruzekmarcoceppi: is it like brackets?19:15
arosalesmagicaltrout: lolz re darpa webex :-)19:16
marcoceppimbruzek: hah, you wish19:17
cholcombehow do you remove a storage pool from juju lol?  I can't seem to find the cmd19:27
arosalescholcombe: looking here https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/charms-storage19:29
arosalesI think it is also dependent on when you want to remove the pool.19:29
cholcombearosales: yeah i was looking there19:30
cholcombeeverything there is about creating storage pools.  nothing about removing them19:30
cholcombeis it tied to the controller maybe?19:30
arosalesya I am also looking for remove19:30
arosalescholcombe: may have to ping in #juju-dev19:32
cholcombearosales: ok19:32
arosalescholcombe: I think wallyworld and axw were working on storage and there was some gaps19:32
arosalescholcombe: would be interested what you find out for 2.1 support19:32
cholcombearosales: yeah i've talked with axw a few times.  I might ping him on this19:32
arosalescholcombe: +119:32
arosalesI think they come online here in a bit19:33
arosales~3-4 hours19:33
arosalesI think you can catch them more easily on west coast time19:33
arosalescholcombe: sorry I don't have a better answer19:33
cholcombearosales: no worries19:33
arosalescholcombe: asked folks in the hangout too, but no command that we were able to find19:35
cholcombearosales: yeah i don't think it exists.  that is really strange19:36
rick_haxw: the destroy is coming? ^19:37
kklimondainteresting, juju is hardcoded to connect to streams.canonical.com, even if local mirrors for tools and images are configured19:37
kklimondathat was a cause of a very long delay between juju deploy and MAAS starting to provisiong a machine19:38
cholcombearosales: do you know the env variable i have to set to allow loopback devices in lxc with juju?19:42
cholcombeaxw: ^^19:49
arosalescholcombe: is that ENV or LXD profile?19:56
cholcombearosales: i thought i saw in a PR that you could set an env variable for juju and it would set the profile on creation20:00
cholcombearosales: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1154/20:00
cholcombelooks like it says if StorageConfig.AllowMount is true than it sets it20:01
arosalescholcombe: ah ok :-)20:01
arosalesgood to know thanks cholcombe20:02
cholcombearosales: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1826/files#diff-abd61728f26e92bea6ee732aa19f7808R1720:02
arosalescholcombe: good stuff20:04
cholcombewe need to document this.  this was entirely too hard to find20:05
arosalescholcombe: could you file a bug @ https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/20:13
cholcombearosales: yup will do20:13
rahworksHello all I followed the “kubernetes cluster Easy Way" Tutorial and decided to add deis workflow to it. The helm install failed at the deis install step with the following message. Error: forwarding ports: error upgrading connection: Upgrade request required.. Any suggestions on how to proceed?20:53
lazyPowerrahworks - the "upgrade request" bits are due to the APILB charm. Its a layer7 router and it doesn't support SPDY, which kubernetes requires. There's a bug to replace this with an ELB as i know you are an AWS shop - https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes/issues/18320:54
lazyPowerrahworks - additionally we are cycling towards replacing with HAProxy for the non cloud-koolaid version of that service20:54
lazyPowerrahworks - there is a published work around for the helm installer failure because of the apilb - https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/ubuntu/troubleshooting/#common-problems20:56
rahworkslazypower thanks for the links, will take a look.20:56
ravenpiI love deploying to containers, because it "boots" so darn fast.  But it seems I always need a "base" charm installed on a physical system before I can install additional charms to containers on that physical system.  Is there a dummy juju charm I could install to set up a physical system, then install the charms I actually care about as containers?21:02
lazyPowerravenpi - juju deploy ubuntu21:04
ravenpiD'oh!  It is safe to say I would never have thought of that.  Too darn obvious.  :-)  Thanks!!21:04
lazyPoweranytime :) we've hidden it in plain sight.21:04
lazyPowerrahworks - you're going to find another issue after that helm work-around though21:08
lazyPowerrahworks - the deis chart is going to try to provision a service of type LoadBalancer, which will never be satisfied. bdx and i spoke to this lastnight21:08
rahworksohh ok...21:08
lazyPowerrahworks - we'll need to submit a patch for an alternative path (users on bare metal will love us for this) where it uses NodePort service type, or we'll have to manually configure an HAProxy alternative to forward the deis requests to the router21:09
lazyPowerrahworks - additionally, if you have ingress=true on your workers, the deployment will never complete, as the ingress controller is occupying port 80, which the deis router wants.21:09
rahworksOne extra step I did do was to allow all tcp traffic from my workstation...via sg21:10
lazyPowerrahworks - are you trying this in lxd?21:10
rahworksjust applying the dais install to the canonical-kube install... nothing lxd specific21:12
rahworksjust applying the deis install to the canonical-kube install... nothing lxd specific21:12
lazyPowerok, that statement of "allow all traffic from my workstation" caught me off guard, not sure how that fits into the order of operations here.21:12
rahworksohh... well after i updated the config to point to port 6443, the security groups setup for the master defaults to block that port.21:13
lazyPowerrahworks - you should be able to juju expose kubernetes-master, and get that unblocked. its just defaulted to unexposed in HA formation to help isolate traffic away from it (read: slightly more secure by default)21:14
rahworksohh ok..21:14
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
bdxlazyPower: container networking in 2.1 you say???21:28
lazyPowerbdx - kick the tires and tell us what works for you and what doesnt :)21:28
bdxomg - on it21:29
lazyPowerbdx https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2017-February/008595.html21:33
cholcombeevilnick___: so yeah that setting doesn't seem to do it22:18
cholcombeis there a way to list the model config values currently set?22:19
evilnick___cholcombe, :(22:19
evilnick___yes, just juju model-config22:19
cholcombeevilnick___: cool.  do i need to create the model before this'll take?22:19
evilnick___cholcombe, you can set it as a default for models, then create a new model22:20
evilnick___i'm not sure if that will make a difference22:20
cholcombeok then yeah it doesn't work :-/22:20
evilnick___ah. in that case maybe it didn't make it to LXD22:22
cholcombeevilnick___: yeah wallyworld just commented22:22
cholcombethat stinks.  i really want to test gluster on lxd so i can have it grab some floating ip's from my bridge and use them22:23
cholcombeallocating elastic ip's on ec2 is a pain22:23
wallyworldthere are security issues with loop mounts22:23
evilnick___cholcombe, well, sorry about that, but at least I can now turn that issue into removing the reference from the storage page.22:23
cholcombewallyworld: yeah i saw in the commit22:23
wallyworldit was enabled with lxc because those were prvileged22:23
cholcombei see22:23
cholcombewallyworld: can we at least give people the option to use said unsafe thing?22:24
wallyworldthere are plans to come up with a solution, but there are things to consider so we don't do bad things22:24
cholcombei'm totally onboard with this being bad in production but for dev it's difficult to work around22:24
wallyworldyeah understood22:24
wallyworldit's something that fell off the "most important thing to do next" list22:25
cholcombeyeah i understand22:25
wallyworldi'll prod the right folks to look into it22:25
cholcombewallyworld: are there any block devices that'll work on my local lxd?22:25
wallyworldwithout loop devices, i don't think so22:26
wallyworldleave it with me and i'll dig to get a proper answer22:27
cholcombewallyworld: maybe a zfs provider :)22:29
cholcombethat would be sweet for local22:29
wallyworldyeah, it would be22:29
wallyworldLXD is getting new storage APIs this cycle - juju was going to support those but we've had a team restructure and may need to drop that work22:30
cholcombeah interesting.  i'll talk to rockstar about it and see what he knows22:30
wallyworldso it is recognised we have work to do, but not the people to do it as the next priority at the moment22:31
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
axwcholcombe: there's no command to remove pools, and the config attribute we use to have for loop devs no longer exists in juju 223:14
axwcholcombe: you would have to make the necessary changes to the lxd profile by hand23:14
cholcombeaxw: i see23:14
cholcombecan i set it globally for lxd?23:14
axwcholcombe: you can set it in the default profile23:15
axwcholcombe: juju also creates profiles for each model, so you can set it on a per-model basis23:15
cholcombeaxw: cool.  if that was in the docs that'd be super helpful :D23:15
cholcombei wouldn't have to bug ya23:15
axwcholcombe: I'll find out exactly what profile changes are required and update the docs issue23:16
cholcombeaxw: awesome!  I'm looking forward to test driving this23:16
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
axwcholcombe: https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/166523:43
cholcombeaxw: :D23:43
=== mwhudson is now known as Guest32650
* cholcombe high fives axw23:43
axwcholcombe: btw, LXD is adding a storage API that we'll make use of when we're both ready23:43
axwcholcombe: so you'll be able to add volumes into a container programmatically23:43
cholcombesounds good to me !23:43
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=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
andrew-iiIs it recommended to deploy charms one at a time, or is it better to use bundles?23:53
andrew-iiI've been trying to get a modified openstack bundle to deploy properly, but I'm wondering if it's smarter to build it piece by piece23:54

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