
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Xenial 16.04.2] has been updated (20170215)20:58
wxltsimonq2: fyi i386 is STILL rebuilding. that doesn't seem right23:42
tsimonq2wxl: Eek, thanks for the heads up.23:43
wxltsimonq2: when you get that fixed might just ping the ML and request additional testing. maybe don't mention the smoketesting and maybe we'll get a whole new set of updates :)23:43
wxltsimonq2: you know where to find the build logs, right?23:45
wxlif anyone wants to get started testing new 16.04.2 images we have one up for amd64. i386 coming soon23:46
wxl^^ lynorian23:47
* lynorian has done a live session of amd64 already23:47
wxllynorian: thx :)23:48
wxlin all reality that's probably the only one that matters if all we're getting is HWE23:51
lynorianyeah and I tested that with some of my newest hardware for the live session.23:53
wxlyou get some new toys?23:54
lynorianwell I got it last year and it works with foss drivers now out of the box23:54
wxlnice :)23:54
lynoriannvidia gtx 960 but then the 1060 came out soon after23:54
lynorianplays f1 2015 well enough23:55
wxlyou got the new card or did that come with a larger system?23:55
lynoriannew card I built this system so I could make vms not glacial ie have vt-x which has resulted in my massive amount of testcases23:56
tsimonq2wxl: yep sec23:58
wxlhow did you survive without vt-x??????23:59
wxlwow if you did all that testing that you did do without that, i owe you a massive debt of gratitude :)23:59

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