
mupPR snapcraft#1140 opened: catkin plugin: support building with an underlay <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1140>00:28
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mupPR snapd#2853 closed: cmd: autoconf for RHEL <Created by Conan-Kudo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2853>00:58
mupPR snapd#2854 opened: Fix error message using GET /v2/users as non-root <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2854>01:11
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mupPR snapd#2854 closed: Fix error message using GET /v2/users as non-root <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2854>06:37
mupPR snapd#2855 opened: add intel realsense udev rules into camera interface <Created by swem> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2855>07:02
mupPR snapd#2840 closed: unity7: support missing signals and methods for status icons <Created by 3v1n0> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2840>07:09
mupPR snapd#2832 closed: interfaces/builtin: add network-setup-control which allows rw access to netplan <Created by morphis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2832>07:10
mupPR snapd#2856 opened: debian: add "Recommends: squashfuse" <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2856>07:20
mupPR snapd#2857 opened: Add /boot/uboot/config.txt read/write/lock support to core-support <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2857>07:58
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mupPR snapd#2830 closed: allow core_support interface to modify /etc/default/swapfile <Created by ogra1> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2830>09:31
mupPR snapd#2858 opened: Add missing newline character to end of deprecated command warnings <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2858>09:31
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mupPR snapd#2851 closed: tests: failover test for rc.local crash <Created by fgimenez> <Closed by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2851>10:22
ogra_sergiusens_, hey ...10:29
mupPR snapd#2856 closed: debian: add "Recommends: squashfuse" <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2856>11:06
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sergiusensogra_: hey11:36
mupPR snapd#2859 opened: [WIP] asserts: a snap-declaration "aliases" header to list auto aliases with explicit targets <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2859>12:04
mupPR snapd#2859 closed: [WIP] asserts: a snap-declaration "aliases" header to list auto aliases with explicit targets <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2859>12:05
mupPR snapd#2860 opened: [WIP] asserts: a snap-declaration "aliases" header to list auto aliases with explicit targets <Blocked> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2860>12:06
ogra_sergiusens, i'm struggling with an old problem ...12:15
ogra_sergiusens, namely with bug #161143912:16
mupBug #1611439: snapcraft should be able to autofill the version field based on some property of the build and/or stage files. <Snapcraft:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611439>12:16
ogra_sergiusens, we need to somehow start using the snapd version string in the core snap version field12:17
ogra_i tried sed'ing snapcraft.yaml during build on LP but that doesnt work, same goes for putting my own meta/snap.yaml in place ... would it be possible to allow the latter ?12:18
mupPR snapd#2859 opened: [WIP] overlord: switching to explicit targets for enabled/auto aliases <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2859>12:18
ogra_or simply have snapcraft read an env var that gets set during the build and use that for the version ?12:18
ogra_SNAPCRAFT_VERSION_OVERRIDE ... or some such ...12:18
ogra_iirc the snap.yaml is generated, so it should be possible to inject something there i think12:19
ogra_sadly i cant manage that from the outside of the build, since the person building is free to use any PPA for the core builds ... which means i dont actually know what the final snapd version will be (and it is used that way by a few teams)12:20
ogra_and indeed launchpad doesnt allow me to do the build in steps either so that i could skip prime12:20
mupPR snapd#2570 closed: snap: add contact: line in `snap info` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2570>12:22
mupPR snapd#2861 opened: [WIP] interface hooks: expose attrs to the interface API, snapctl enhancements (step #4) <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2861>12:27
pstolowskimardy, hey, the next PR for interface hooks ^ in case you want to keep an eye on it. not yet fully ready for review, but close12:31
mardypstolowski: thanks!12:32
pstolowskialecu, ^12:33
alecupstolowski: amazing!12:40
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mupPR snapd#2791 closed: store: use xdelta3 from core if available and not on the regular system <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2791>12:52
sergiusensogra_: you can go all the way to `snapcraft prime` and them replace `prime/meta/snap.yaml` or sed it and then `snapcraft snap prime`12:52
ogra_sergiusens, how ... i'm building on launchpad12:53
sergiusensogra_: I don't mind doing this over envvars though and not promote it `SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_VERSION=2.21 snapcraft`12:53
sergiusensogra_: but how will you get launchpad to use it?12:54
ogra_sergiusens, hmm, but i dont know the version before i call snapcraft12:54
sergiusensogra_: is this related to my comment on version on the list?12:54
ogra_yeah, kind of12:54
ogra_we discussed it in the standup and the outcopme was that version: should be the snapd version inside the core snap12:54
ogra_so we can tie features to stable snapd versions in the docs12:55
mupPR snapd#2862 opened: cmd/snap, store: change error messages to reflect latest UX doc <Created by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2862>12:55
sergiusensogra_: I don't know how to solve this from a snapcraft PoV, we are peeling an onion to get the version, then putting the layers back on top and applying that to the meta data12:55
sergiusensogra_: wouldn't it be better to have a special feature for this on launchpad?12:55
ogra_sergiusens, well, you could check for a pre-existing snap.yaml and in that case not generate one12:56
sergiusensogra_: if you are going to go throught the trouble of creating a snap.yaml why not just set the version?12:56
ogra_sergiusens, how ? the version is already seeded when snapcraft reads snapcraft.yaml at the beginning of the build12:57
sergiusensogra_: ok, I see. so I can compromise on "existence of file in project root .snapcraft_project_version"12:57
ogra_sergiusens, i only know the version i need later ... during the build12:57
ogra_sergiusens, sonmething like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/24000747/ (indeed i made up yaml.read() there)12:58
ogra_that way i could just copy a snap.yaml in place during the build or generate it from the makefile12:59
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sergiusensogra_: had a crash and we aren't chatting on rocket, will need to repeat from what last I said ;-)13:04
ogra_sergiusens, but i'd be fine with .snapcraft_project_version as well indeed ... if you prefer that13:04
ogra_<ogra_> sergiusens, i only know the version i need later ... during the build13:05
ogra_<ogra_> sergiusens, sonmething like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/24000747/ (indeed i made up yaml.read() there)13:05
ogra_<ogra_> that way i could just copy a snap.yaml in place during the build or generate it from the makefile13:05
ogra_but as i said, .snapcraft_project_version would indeed work as well for my case13:05
ogra_as long as prime reads it :)13:05
sergiusensogra_: I'd rather not go the route and just overload the version13:06
ogra_fine with me then13:06
ogra_sergiusens, should i re-open the old bug ?13:09
ogra_(i am on rocket btw, we can move there if that helps)13:09
Son_Gokusergiusens: yo13:16
Son_Gokuhow's it going?13:16
sergiusensogra_: read topic ;-)13:18
* sergiusens finally has a reason to say that13:18
Son_Gokusnapcraft discussion isn't on IRC anymore? :(13:18
ogra_well, like snapd development hasnt been on IRC in a long time13:19
Son_Gokuthat's even worse13:19
sergiusensSon_Goku: good good13:19
Son_Gokusergiusens: :)13:19
sergiusensSon_Goku: you?13:23
Son_Gokusergiusens: I'm okay these days13:23
Son_Gokulife stuff making things annoying, as always :)13:24
sergiusens_Son_Goku: great, I'll be working on repo stuff tomorrow or even this evening if time allows for it btw, will ping you for a review (probably straight on github)13:25
Son_Gokulooking forward to it13:25
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caiortpHi folks! I'm embedded developer and I have some question about the snappy13:48
caiortpI saw that it's possible to create a private snappy store...13:49
caiortpThere's some tool (like resin.io / openstack ) to manage the snappys instances installed in each board?13:51
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Guest12115do you know if it is possible to install snapd on a Wheezy Debian ?14:47
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ogra_Guest12115, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/wiki/Distributions14:48
Guest12115i did it but it doesnt work14:48
Guest12115it cant recognize snapd14:48
Guest12115do you know the source ?14:49
ogra_what do you mean by "recognize" ?14:49
Guest12115paquet not found14:49
ogra_ah, right, wheezy is 7.0 ... afaik snapd only works in testing and unstable14:50
ogra_and there is is the the archive14:51
ogra_i doubt you can make it run on anything older14:52
Guest12115humm ok14:58
Guest12115have a nice day14:59
Guest12115i will dig a little14:59
niemeyerjdstrand: ping15:20
mupPR snapd#2863 opened: cmd/snap-confine: ensure that hotfs is root owned <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2863>15:24
mupPR snapd#2858 closed: Add missing newline character to end of deprecated command warnings <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2858>15:25
jdstrandniemeyer: hey15:27
niemeyerjdstrand: Heya15:28
niemeyerjdstrand: Do you have a moment to meet with pedronis and myself?15:28
jdstrandniemeyer: actually, not atm. I have an appt in a few minutes. I can do it in ~3.5 hours15:28
niemeyerThat sounds late for pedronis15:29
pedronisit's doable but slightly late15:29
jdstrandfirst thing tomorrow would be fine with me15:29
niemeyerOk, let's do it tomorrow then15:29
jdstrandwhichever you decide is fine with me15:29
jdstrandmy morning is open, so ping me at 14:00 or later when you want to meet15:30
jdstrand14:00 UTC15:30
ahayzendidrocks, hey, to be able to properly test my change to the desktop-helpers, is there a way i can tell snapcraft to use a local version of the part rather than the cloud version?15:33
didrocksahayzen: sure, you can cp the part from snapcraft.yaml you are interested in15:34
didrocksand change source:15:34
ahayzendidrocks, ah i see thanks :-)15:35
didrocksahayzen: yw! easiest way to test AFAIK :)15:35
flexiondotorgogra_ We discussed snapd-xdg-open the other day.15:42
flexiondotorgI have concerns.15:42
ogra_tell me15:42
flexiondotorgWe talked about it need SRU to Trusty, which "fixes" a problem for Ubuntu.15:42
flexiondotorgBut snapd-xdg-open isn't in Debian 9, or other distros.15:42
flexiondotorgMeaning the cross-distro story is broken.15:43
flexiondotorgParticular for snaps such as Spotify and Skype for Linux Alpha.15:43
ogra_flexiondotorg, well, talk to the snapd team, perhaps we can include it in the snapd package itself15:44
flexiondotorgniemeyer It that possible?  ^15:44
flexiondotorgogra_ Thanks.15:44
flexiondotorgjdstrand Your thoughts on the above?15:45
ogra_thats the only idea i have beyond ... well ... pushing it into the other distros as well15:45
flexiondotorgWould need switch action for Debian 9.15:45
flexiondotorgmvo Is that still a possibility at this late stage?15:46
niemeyerflexiondotorg, ogra_: We have better plans for that15:46
jdstrandflexiondotorg: I agree it would have to be part of snapd15:46
flexiondotorgThat is reassuring.15:46
ogra_after all the package only contains a single binary and a dbus service file15:46
* jdstrand hasn't heard the better plans15:46
flexiondotorgniemeyer Is there a bug to track those plans?15:47
niemeyerjdstrand: You probably have, but it wasn't super high profile15:47
niemeyerflexiondotorg: Probably, can't remember as we haven't touched that conversation in a few weeks15:47
* jdstrand -> appt15:48
niemeyerflexiondotorg: The idea is simple: instead of using dbus, we'll use snapctl15:48
flexiondotorgniemeyer Thanks.15:48
flexiondotorgOK, I'll go hunting. If I don't turn up an existing bug I'll raise a new one.15:48
ogra_after all you only want to forward a url to xdg-open ...15:49
* ogra_ thinks there already way to much plumbing around it today, an overhaul will be healthy15:50
niemeyerogra_: I don't think we're even using the real xdg-open today15:50
niemeyerIt just looks like it15:51
ogra_well, the final call goes to xdg-open (at least it should)15:51
ogra_because that knows what to do with specific urls15:51
niemeyerI don't think it does, and I don't think it necessarily should either15:51
ogra_well, it needs to use the mimetypes to identify the right app to fire up for a certain handler15:51
ogra_you dont want to duplicated this on our side15:52
ogra_but i have never looked at the code of snapd-xdg-open so you ar probably right :)15:52
niemeyerYeah, it doesn't really.. it uses g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri15:52
niemeyerogra_: We're not duplicating code.. and we're chosing *which code* we're not duplicating. ;)15:53
niemeyers/heh/Good idea Gustavo!/15:54
ogra_oh, it just uses glib, i see15:54
* ogra_ just looked at the code for the first time15:54
niemeyerEither way, this is the status quo15:54
niemeyerWe most probably won't be using glib in the new implementation because we don't want more dependencies15:54
niemeyer(it will be inside snapd itself)15:55
niemeyerI'd rather not use the mess of xdg-open.. but we'll see15:55
ogra_i'd just let xdg-open do its job and hand over the url from snapd15:55
ogra_simply because then it isnt our job to take care after the handoff15:55
ogra_heh, now i scared seb15:56
niemeyerWe'll not implement tool-picking ourselves for sure.. but I'd prefer something cleaner if it exists15:56
niemeyerWe'll see15:56
* ogra_ would love if we could get rid of the ugly bits in the core snap ... more than caring about the handoff actually 15:57
Cynerva_any advice or best practices for passing args to a daemon that needs them?15:59
Cynerva_right now we're using a single "args" config, e.g. `snap set kube-apiserver args='--etcd-servers'`15:59
ogra_i'd use a wrapper script ...16:00
Cynerva_and a wrapper script that passes them into the daemon16:00
ogra_yeah, that sounds like an okayish approach16:00
Cynerva_okay, cool :) do you think it'd be better for us to break up the config?16:02
ogra_well, snap set doesnt really tell your config hook which the arg was, so in the end you will re-generate the whole config anyway16:03
ogra_s/arg/key/ actually16:04
Cynerva_ah sorry, i mean more from an usability perspective, i guess16:07
Cynerva_like instead of "args", we could have configs for "etcd-servers", "kubeconfig", etc -- all the flags that our daemon takes16:07
ogra_yeah, i'd do that long term16:07
ogra_and split it into categories so you can "yaml'ify" it later16:08
Cynerva_okay great. Thanks ogra_!16:09
niemeyerjdstrand: Comment fixed and improved: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2604#issuecomment-28004594116:11
mupPR snapd#2604: interfaces: add classic-support interface <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2604>16:11
mupPR snapd#2864 opened: interfaces: API additions for interface hooks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2864>16:12
mupPR snapd#2604 closed: interfaces: add classic-support interface <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2604>16:13
mupPR snapd#2865 opened: image,cmd/snap: refactoring and initial envvar support to use stores needing auth <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2865>16:21
mupBug #1665029 opened: snapweb needs a link for device when store selected <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665029>16:46
EEightpopey: bad news for me, my game is still not listed in Ubuntu Software. It is listed if installed via snap install, but it is not the idea, I want to have exposure from the store.16:46
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mupPR snapd#2852 closed: cmd/libsnap: add privilege elevation helpers <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2852>17:16
kyrofaHey barry, what is the recommended way to use ubuntu-image? From the snap, or from the deb?17:21
ogra_kyrofa, from the deb it depends on your host machine (for xenial you need the PPA with a newer ext4 lib) ... i'D go for the snasp from edge17:26
ogra_*for the deb17:27
kyrofaAh, good to know, thanks ogra_17:27
elopiojdstrand: zyga is asking for you in rocket chat.17:29
elopiohe has "technical reasons" :)17:29
alex-abreukyrofa, ping17:35
kyrofaalex-abreu, hey there! In standup right now but I'll be available in a minute. What's up?17:35
alex-abreukyrofa, np I can wait, just a few questions around configure hooks ... the usual17:36
alex-abreukyrofa, when a snap is getting installed, the configure hook is run before any daemon that the snap could host is started?17:40
kyrofaalex-abreu, no, the configure hook is run _after_ the daemons are fired up17:43
kyrofaalex-abreu, it's why bug #1661126 was logged17:46
mupBug #1661126: Add One-shot Install/Uninstall Hook <feature> <hook> <install> <request> <snapd:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1661126>17:46
alex-abreukyrofa, yes ! ... so in general is there an easy mechanism to e.g. do a systemctl reload when a snap configuration is updated or infor the snap of a conf change?17:52
alex-abreukyrofa, thx for the bug # ...17:52
barrykyrofa: really, it's entirely up to you.  consume it how you like. :)  one thing to keep in mind is that the snap version (currently) has some minor limitations, e.g. you can't put your model or extra snaps in /tmp and you can't output your images to /tmp.  other than that there shouldn't be much visible difference18:08
kyrofaalex-abreu, the method I use personally is to set the daemons up to restart always18:10
kyrofaalex-abreu, and then my scripts just kill the services in question (since systemctl is off limits)18:10
kyrofaalex-abreu, then systemd brings them back u18:10
kyrofabarry, ah, good to know, thank you18:12
alex-abreukyrofa, this crossed my mind but sounded too "scary", ... :)18:12
alex-abreukyrofa, do you have a snap example for that?18:12
kyrofaalex-abreu, definitely18:12
kyrofaalex-abreu, remember though that every daemon is different. This is for apache, which has a script that wraps it and utilizes a pid file, so I could just ask it to stop: https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap/blob/master/src/https/utilities/https-utilities#L13818:13
kyrofaalex-abreu, but that could just as easily have been a kill -1518:14
mupPR snapd#2866 opened: cmd/libsnap: add helper for dropping permissions <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2866>18:17
alex-abreukyrofa, totally, thx18:19
kyrofaalex-abreu, I find it actually works pretty well. It would be pretty awesome if we could call systemctl for in-snap daemons though18:24
alex-abreukyrofa, definitely ... is there a bug # for that? or a strong not to be able to ?18:24
kyrofaalex-abreu, I suspect there are technical issues with that, but jdstrand could answer better. Or morphis, I think he ran into it recently18:25
kyrofaBy the way, jdstrand did you see my responses to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2837 ?18:27
mupPR snapd#2837: interfaces/apparmor: allow reading from ecryptfs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2837>18:27
kyrofaalex-abreu, to answer your question, I don't know of a bug for that18:31
mupPR snapd#2859 closed: [WIP] overlord: switching to explicit targets for enabled/auto aliases <Blocked> <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2859>18:40
mupPR snapd#2860 closed: [WIP] asserts: a snap-declaration "aliases" header to list auto aliases with explicit targets <Blocked> <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2860>18:40
mupPR snapcraft#1141 opened: Use the existing code to find origin's snapcraft.yaml <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1141>18:42
kyrofapmcgowan, you pinged me a while back about nextcloud not working on the dragon board. I'm sorry it took so long, but I finally got around to testing this myself, and at least the latest revision works fine. Have you tried recently?18:44
pmcgowankyrofa, I haven't tried lately, I recall it was just a memory usage issue18:45
kyrofapmcgowan, yeah I wouldn't be surprised18:45
pmcgowankyrofa, did you run from stable or other channel18:46
kyrofapmcgowan, stable, yeah. I think some efficiency gains landed in nextcloud v1118:47
pmcgowanok will give it a try18:48
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kyrofapmcgowan, no rush, I just have the dragon up now so I can experiment if you run into issues18:49
jdstrandkyrofa: re https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2837, but haven't had a chance to circle back yet. hopefully today18:53
mupPR snapd#2837: interfaces/apparmor: allow reading from ecryptfs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2837>18:53
mariogripjdstrand: Hi, I pushed a snap to the store, but it seem to be stuck on "Revision waiting for review of a previous upload." even though the review of the previous upload is done18:53
kyrofajdstrand, of course, no problem18:54
pmcgowanhmm kyrofa interesting you cannot refresh a disabled snap18:57
kyrofapmcgowan, ah, I never tried. But that kinda makes sense... it's disabled18:57
jdstrandmariogrip: what is the link?18:57
pmcgowankinda, but thats cause it doesnt run correctly18:57
kyrofapmcgowan, hahaha18:57
kyrofapmcgowan, good point18:57
mariogripjdstrand: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/6986/18:58
pmcgowankyrofa, so I would remove and install instead18:58
kyrofapmcgowan, or enable and refresh18:58
pmcgowanyeah, but then it sucks up my memory and my other snaps dont work :)18:58
kyrofaYeah, remove/install might be a better path18:59
kyrofapmcgowan, that might explain why it's working alright here-- I don't have any other snaps installed18:59
jdstrandmariogrip: I'm not sure how it got to that state... can you request a manual review and then I can reject it and the next one will get reviewed18:59
pmcgowankyrofa, reminds me of a recent thread on not having snaps start right after install18:59
mariogripjdstrand: It might be because i uploaded a new one before the review was done18:59
mariogripjdstrand: but could you reject rev2 so it uses 3rev insted19:00
mariogripjdstrand: manual review requested19:02
jdstrandnessita: fyi, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/6986/rev/2/ seems stuck in 'Task state is unknown.'19:04
jdstrandnessita: mariogrip requested that it be rejected so rev3 may be auto-reviewed19:04
nessitajdstrand, hi, let me check19:04
nessitajdstrand, can you reload?19:05
nessitaI see it failed19:05
mariogripjdstrand: it says "Manual review pending" for me19:05
jdstrandnessita: ok, it isn't stuck. it took quite a while to get there. sorry for the noise19:06
jdstrandmariogrip: ok, rev2 rejected19:06
mariogripjdstrand: Thanks :)19:06
mupPR snapd#2867 opened: screen-inhibit-control: add methods for delaying screensavers <Created by 3v1n0> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2867>19:22
jdstrandalex-abreu: we can't call systemctl from snaps without patching systemd. systemd isn't diesigned to be isolated and the snap requires a ton of privileges19:25
jdstrandsystemctl isn't designed to isolate calls to applications that is19:26
jdstrandit could be made to do so. better would be to update snapctl so snapd could call ystemctl on the snap's behalf19:26
alex-abreujdstrand, thx for the update, ... makes sense yes, something like a systemctl facility or expanding systctl could be very handy19:27
alex-abreusnapsctl I mean19:27
kyrofajdstrand, agreed, we've tried to isolate snapd and snapd from knowing they're running on systemd anyway19:27
kyrofasnapd and snaps*19:27
* jdstrand nods19:27
kyrofaSo snapctl seems the best solution19:27
kyrofajdstrand, from a technical standpoint though, can apparmor not parse cli args to a binary?19:28
lutostagany ideas what I'm hitting with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1665102 ?19:45
mupBug #1665102: Snap refresh not working <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665102>19:45
sethjwasn't there a bug report about being required to sign in to install a snap?19:59
EEighti poked popey directly, but if anyone knows about exposing a snap application in the ubuntu software (16.04 only) let me know, my app is not listed.20:13
EEightI think that only .debs will be listed there? Am I wrong?20:13
naccisn't ubuntu software centre deprecated? gnome software seems to find sanps20:15
naccEEight: what's your snap called?20:15
kyrofaEEight, I'm still not completely clear: does your snap not show up at ALL in xenial's software center, or just not in the correct categories?20:15
kyrofanacc, I assume that's what EEight means20:15
nacckyrofa: i always have to double-check in #ubuntu :)20:15
kyrofanacc, fair enough!20:16
EEightnacc: bayam20:16
naccEEight: is it french?20:16
EEightshould be in Games / Kids20:16
naccmy gnome software found a bayam snap20:17
nacc(on 16.10)20:17
kyrofaEEight, indeed, same here (on xenial)20:17
EEightyes, but I don't want people to search for it, I want the exposition of the categories20:17
kyrofaEEight, then you need to be clear with your problem!20:17
EEightmy bad!20:18
kyrofaEEight, you said "my app is not listed [in ubuntu software]" which isn't the case20:18
naccnote that i don't see bayam under games/all eitehr20:18
EEightwhat is the process behind this, is there real people reviewing the snap submission?20:19
kyrofaEEight, not unless your snap requires manual review20:20
kyrofaEEight, I expect this is a limitation right now, of either the store or snapd20:20
kyrofa(or both)20:20
kyrofaEEight, I suggest logging a bug20:20
naccyeah, it seems like snaps don't hav ea "Category" field set (visibly at least)20:20
kyrofanacc, they kinda do, on the store side20:21
kyrofanacc, but I don't think anything consumes that20:21
nacckyrofa: right, i meant on the client side, sorry20:21
nacckyrofa: whereas debs do show one visibly20:21
kyrofanacc, indeed20:21
naccyeah, seems like just an oversight (I assume the field would have to be found somewhat differently between debs and snaps)20:21
kyrofaEEight, specifically, I suggest logging a bug against gnome software, since that's where the issue is surfacing. It'll get triaged and also-applied from there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+filebug20:23
kyrofaEEight, again, be specific. Say that your snap shows up, but not in the categories you've requested20:23
EEightbut the category from the .desktop file or from the myapps.developer.ubuntu ?20:24
kyrofaEEight, good question. I expect from myapps, since the desktop file is hidden away in the snap at that poit20:24
EEightThen the myapps. should be updated to reflect all the categories...20:24
kyrofaEEight, heh, one problem at a time20:25
kyrofaEEight, plus I'm not certain that's the case, anyway20:25
EEightWell the myapps.dev website is in french here (cannot change the language). The field html name is department_id... and it should have a category (Games) and a sub-category (Kids). But like you said, one thing at a time.20:29
EEightDid my best: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/166512620:39
mupBug #1665126: snap not listed in categories <snap> <gnome-software (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665126>20:39
kyrofaEEight, looks great, thank you. I tweaked the description ever so slightly, but nice job20:49
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cjwatsonelopio: yeah, I need to finish fixing yakkety/zesty snap builds on LP21:40
cjwatsonI see you ran headfirst into that21:41
mupPR snapcraft#1142 opened: Asset Tracking - Store versions of stage-packages <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1142>21:48
mwhudson_ogra_: around?23:14
mwhudson_running /var/lib/classic/enable.sh in an unpacked core snap makes snapd think it's a classic system23:14
mwhudson_which is a pain23:15
mwhudson_oh it's because it overwrites lsb-release i think23:20
kyrofamwhudson_, classic mode needs to act like classic ubuntu (regarding lsb-release) or various tools break23:21
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mwhudson_ah hm23:21
mwhudson_what i am actually trying to do is make a core snap with an upgraded console-conf in it23:21
kyrofamwhudson_, snapcraft, catkin, etc.23:22
mwhudson_maybe there is a better way to do this these days23:22
mwhudson_i guess i can just build my own core snap from scratch but ehh23:22
mwhudson_actually i think i can just unpack the new debs23:23
mwhudson_in this case23:24
mwhudson_but that won't work in full generality23:24
mupPR snapd#2868 opened: Don't return null result for async responses <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2868>23:31
ogra_mwhudson_, why the heck would you ever run that script ?23:42
ogra_mwhudson_, that script is the backend for the classic snap ...23:42
ogra_nothing you should run by hand :)23:42
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ogra_snap install --devmode --edge classic; sudo classic ....23:43
ogra_then you use the script  the right way23:43
mwhudson_ogra_: ok23:45
ogra_mwhudson_, to change the core snap itself, you should use unsquash it ... unpack your deb in the squashfs-root dir that created and then snapcraft snap squashfs-root ... then you can sideload it23:45
mwhudson_ogra_: yeah, that's what i did23:45
ogra_but do that on a PC ...23:46
mwhudson_i guess it hardly matters that the dpkg database is wrong...23:46
mwhudson_ogra_: no fear, i am not in the "snappy == iot" brigade :-)23:46
ogra_the dpkg database is gone23:46
ogra_we rip it out :)23:47
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