
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
jbicharicotz: does vala 0.35 need gobject-introspection to be updated to 1.51.* first?13:51
ricotzjbicha, no, they are independent, but g-i should to together with glib14:41
ricotzany chance for vala to be updated to 0.35.5 in zesty?14:41
jbichayes, but because it's a transition, I need to know whether anjuta, gnome-builder, and valabind will build with the new vala14:49
jbichaalso, how "safe" is the new vala? should we get approval from #ubuntu-desktop?14:51
jbichazesty feature freeze is tomorrow so trying to get all this stuff in today or tomorrow14:54
ricotzjbicha, it has stricter type checking so and various bug fixes15:03
ricotztest builds are done only with the current gnome dev branches though15:03
ricotzthe required gee-0.8 is already in zesty15:04
jbichaare you able to test build those packages?15:09
jbichathere's a lot of packages that build against valac in Ubuntu (many not in core GNOME at all), are you available to help fix any that fail to build because of the update15:11
jbichaubuntu-dev-tools has this command:15:12
jbichareverse-depends -b valac15:12
ricotzjbicha, I guess the easiest would be to have a ppa, binary-copy the vala-team/next package in there, and copy those packages mentioned by r-depends for rebuilding15:24
ricotzjbicha, geary and shotwell were a pain to fix upstream15:25
jbichaok, shotwell is difficult because we are semi-permanently on an old version15:28
ricotzare e.g. rygel and tracker getting updated?15:28
jbichaif you've got a patch to make shotwell work with the new vala, then maybe; otherwise we'll have to postpone to 17.1015:29
jbichabut the fact that shotwell needed work makes me suspect other stuff will too (there's a bunch of Unity related stuff that uses vala)15:30
jbichaI intend to update tracker yes, I was hoping they would do another release by today15:30
jbichaotherwise I'll just upload the tracker package I had sitting in the zesty gnome3 staging ppa15:31
jbichado you use rygel? I don't15:31
ricotzjbicha, the things why shotwell fail were bad programming though, so those are simply syntax errors15:32
ricotzwhich doesnt mean unity stuff would be affected15:32
ricotzno I don't really use rygel15:32
ricotzthere will likely be a 0.34.5 with some cherry picked bug fixes15:34
jbicharygel is unseeded universe which as I understand it means it can be uploaded almost whenever (feature freeze doesn't really affect it)15:34
ricotzfor vala, I mean15:34
ricotza ppa with test-builds is still worth it though15:35
jbichayes, it would make it easier to land vala 0.36 in 17.10 early15:43
jbichait would be nice if there were new mutter/gnome-shell releases today so I don't have to ask for a FFe15:44
jbichaI tried building a mutter snapshot but 'make dist' failed15:45
ricotzyeah and gnome-shell has some linking problems15:48
ricotzI just asked for a new libgee release which might happen soon too then.15:49
ricotzjbicha, I will take a look at the rebuilding15:57
jbichawe'll probably stay with gvfs 1.30 which is stuck in proposed anyway because it has problematic autopkgtests16:39
ricotzjbicha, is there a script to use launchpad api for copying packages from archive to ppa?17:05
jbichabzr branch lp:ubuntu-archive-tools17:06
jbichaif you don't mind the version number being lower, I use backportpackage (from the ubuntu-dev-tools package) for most of my gnome3 ppa uploads17:08
jbichabut I think copy-package is what you want here17:09
ricotzjbicha, ah thanks17:11
ricotzjbicha, it seems this is no fun -- https://launchpadlibrarian.net/306568148/buildlog_ubuntu-zesty-amd64.bamf_0.5.3+16.10.20160929-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz17:36
ricotz.. if the package even wouldn't stand a current archive rebuild17:37
jbichaoh, sunweaver got bamf back in Debian17:40
jbichatry adding gnome-common to Build-Depends17:40
jbichaso gnome-common is deprecated17:41
jbichahumorously, sunweaver fixed that bug in Debian by having it Build-Depend on mate-common (!)17:41
ricotzjbicha, "dee" fails with stricter gcc 617:45
ricotzalso "folks" needed some greater syntax fixing17:46
ricotzand "address-book-service" ships an internal copy of folks17:47
jbicharicotz: yes, gnome-shell from git failed to build :( I've got the gjs and mutter packaging done though18:26
jbichaI wonder if that's the same problem that we had earlier in zesty with gnome-shell not building on amd6418:33
ricotzjbicha, iirc it is a missing .la reference19:19
jbichaif you know how to fix, that would be useful :)19:21
ricotzbtw it could be worse https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/red/+packages?batch=20019:23
ricotzjbicha, what is the error log of your build?19:24
jbicharicotz: https://paste.gnome.org/phnjlfyr819:26
ricotzah right19:29
jbichaso it's looking for the wrong name19:29
ricotzno, your packaging is off19:29
ricotzmutter is shipping internal copies of cogl and clutter19:30
ricotzlet me build mutter here19:31
jbichahere, you're welcome to take a look: https://launchpad.net/~jbicha/+archive/ubuntu/dev3/+packages19:31
ricotzlooks like there were a bunch of build changes19:31
jbichait's of course tricky to actually install the packages since both gjs and mutter break gnome-shell until I can get gnome-shell built19:32
ricotzaka https://git.gnome.org/browse/mutter/commit/?id=4ebc55f2b3d7812184d75ec476996633edf7eafb19:32
ricotzjbicha, ok you didnt install the *.so file of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mutter/19:34
jbichano, libmutter-dev has /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmutter-0.so19:35
jbichaand libmutter-0-0 has the other .so's19:36
ricotzjbicha, this is not a symlink19:36
ricotzbut the actual library19:36
jbichalist-missing only shows some .la files19:36
ricotzlibmutter-clutter-0.so and son19:36
ricotz-rwxr-xr-x  1 rico rico 7437632 Feb 15 20:33 libmutter-clutter-0.so*19:36
ricotz-rwxr-xr-x  1 rico rico 5617432 Feb 15 20:32 libmutter-cogl-0.so*19:36
ricotz-rwxr-xr-x  1 rico rico  272432 Feb 15 20:33 libmutter-cogl-pango-0.so*19:36
ricotz-rwxr-xr-x  1 rico rico  321200 Feb 15 20:33 libmutter-cogl-path-0.so*19:36
ricotzah, I thought your paste was a dir listing19:37
jbichaI mean I might be building gnome-shell wrong, I don't normally build it from git19:39
ricotzno, I am seeing this in jhbuild too19:40
jbichait's too bad that rename didn't land sooner to make sure it doesn't break the build19:43
ricotzseems to be some rpath mess20:07
jbicharicotz: I got gnome-shell to build by cheating20:46
jbichaI just created a tarball from git without trying to run 'make' or 'make dist' and tweaked the Ubuntu packaging slightly20:47
jbichaso this is the same build problem we've had since December in Debian & Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/3.22.2-1ubuntu1/+build/1122778620:49
jbichaadd this to your ~/.jhbuildrc if you want to build gnome-shell (borrowed from the Debian package)22:21
jbichaos.environ['LDFLAGS'] = '-Wl,--disable-new-dtags'22:21
ricotzhmm, rpath vs runpath22:34

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