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lorddoskiashello when i dump blocked tasks via sysrq (echo w> /proc/sysrq-trigger) my output is dominated by schedstats and this overruns the kmsg buffer and i cannot see the blocked stasks, how can i disable this? 08:48
lorddoskiasi'm using 4.4.0-62-generic kernel 08:48
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tseliotrtg: my patch works, in addition to building. I am going to update all the drivers today12:34
rtgtseliot, great, I'll get that 4.10 kernel promoted to -proposed12:35
tseliotrtg: I can't test CPU_HOTPLUG with my hardware though12:35
rtgtseliot, well, I guess we'll have to rely on community12:35
tseliotrtg: fair enough, it's a bit of a corner case anyway12:37
osc_khojMy system is crashed...Who can help me please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24000622/12:53
osc_khojnow I run "crash" now...12:54
osc_khojIt;s openstack hypervisor ..and 5 machines are crashed in parallel 12:55
apwosc_khoj, that is reporting that the kernel was hit with an unexpected NMI and got upset12:57
osc_khojawp : but hp enginner said there are no log in ilo.12:58
osc_khojA Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is a hardware interrupt that cannot be ignored by the processor.  These types of interrupts are usually reserved for very important tasks and  to report hardware errors to the processor. The Operating system does not have much of a role in NMI handling,  it primarily reports what the hardware throws.  The kernel is able to interpret the reason for some NMIs.  The normal behaviour is to log it an12:58
osc_khojI searched the google..but, I need some clue to solve the problem.thanks.apw12:59
apwosc_khoj, as that text says, the kernel doesn't normally have anything to do with them, they come from the platform13:00
apwosc_khoj, i would tend to expect that to be a hardware problem if it occured on my machine.  i would likely reboot as normal and worry about it if it recurs13:00
apw(on my own kit, you obviously need to decide for your platform)13:00
osc_khojIs there any command to find the clue in crash?    HW : HP BL460c G9 - OS : ubuntu 14.04 (3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu) - SW : openstack Juno version13:02
osc_khojafter crashed, I update kernel to 3.16.0-77..because there are no debug tool...in 3.16.0-30.13:03
osc_khojbut, same issue occured..13:04
apwosc_khoj, on the same CPU do you know ?13:07
apwosc_khoj, that crash is pretty thin on information if all it is showing is that one processor in NMI13:08
osc_khojapw,  many machine occured the crash.13:08
osc_khojwe have 20 openstack compute node...5 machines crashed about 1 month...13:09
osc_khojI run some command if you want, apw, now13:09
apwosc_khoj, hmmm. 3.16 that was a utopic kernel, so we don't have anything newer on that stream to try, it being far beyond EOL13:11
apwosc_khoj, it must have any number of guest to host security issues13:12
apwi would try a kernel from a supprted release on there as the first step, to see if that stops the issue13:12
osc_khojIt's very difficult to update the kernel because it;s openstack compute node..13:13
infinityInstall kernel, migrate guests off, reboot, repeat?13:14
apwosc_khoj, really, don't you just migrate them to another node reboot it, and migrate them back ?13:14
osc_khojhmm,after update the kenrel, I can run live-migrate and can test...It don;t need to com back.13:17
osc_khojbut we want to know the core issue...by analyze the crash dump.13:18
osc_khojIs there no info in crash? ^^13:18
apwosc_khoj, maybe, likely not, it looks and sounds like the h/w is trying to tell you something and the kernel has no idea how to handle it and exploding13:19
apwosc_khoj, that is the kind of thing we see new drivers for, handling new forms of EDAC information coming up from the hardware13:20
osc_khojThanks apw, I will update the kernel and retest h/w....13:23
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nilujeI can't kill -9 a process running in a docker container (tried both from the host and from the container). ps status is R. Any idea?16:14
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green_I am looking for good instructions for recompiling 4.8.0-28-generic kernel. I need to edit a file, recompile. I'd need that specific kernel as it works with sound on a new machine17:21
green_I haven't compiled kernels before so beginner type instructions would be useful and the location of source for download17:22
apwgreen_, there should be information in the kernel team wiki18:24
apwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel perhaps18:24
WeiJunLi https://bpaste.net/show/1b11450f5e8e - 'make mrproper' cleans everything including delete debian/rules which is needed for compilation18:38
apwWeiJunLi, yes, it has no understanding of the debian bits18:40
WeiJunLiapw: what that means exactly18:41
WeiJunLiwhat should i do18:41
apwrunning make mrproper does not work correctly in an ubuntu kernel, but it should not be needed18:41
ogra_to clean up: fakeroot debian/rules clean18:41
WeiJunLiI have done that.18:42
WeiJunLiand then fakeroot debian/rules editconfigs18:42
WeiJunLiand for last that one in the paste18:42
WeiJunLiwhich productes that Error18:42
apwWeiJunLi, rmdir include/config18:44
WeiJunLiapw: I dont have any file named config inside include folder18:45
WeiJunLiI do have one .config which in the root of the source tree18:45
WeiJunLiwhich is the kernel .config itself18:45
apwi find that when it produces that error rmdir include/config sorts that out18:46
WeiJunLi'no such file or directory'18:46
green_apw: ok thanks. If I recompile would the resulting kernel be exactly the same as the one I am using exceept for the changes I make?18:47
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WeiJunLiapw: anything else?18:51
apwWeiJunLi, it is possible the .config would also confuse things18:52
apwWeiJunLi, you don't normally use a .config in the top level with debian packaging18:52
WeiJunLiI just noticed now that I have a bunch of .deb files on /home/18:53
WeiJunLinot sure if I should go forward or just delete them18:54
WeiJunLiapw fakeroot debian/rules editconfigs 18:56
WeiJunLiI'm loading a .config18:56
WeiJunLinot sure what's wrong.18:57
apwi am not sure what you are askingme18:57
WeiJunLiwhere should the .config be then18:58
WeiJunLiif not in the top level18:58
apwin debian/configs is where our configs are18:58
WeiJunLiok so I should move the .config there18:58
WeiJunLiand what commands to do next18:58
apwif you are trying to make an ubuntu compatible kernel it is more normal18:59
apwto add the changes you need to make to the debian/configs/.../config.flavour.<flavourname> file18:59
apwand then run fakeroot debian/rules updateconfigs19:00
apwreplacing the .config wholesale is not a normal thing to do19:00
apwbut if you really think you have to dropping it in as that leaf config and running the same command may help19:00
WeiJunLiapw: I'm used with the basic method, make; make modules; sudo make modules_install; make install19:02
WeiJunLieverytime i say I do that way, the feedback is to use the debian way with fakeroot19:03
WeiJunLibut in fact in kernel # nobody do that wya.19:03
apwyou use whatever method works for you19:03
WeiJunLiapw: Im trying fakeroot because last time i compiled one, guess was missing the filesystem '/' since when the kernel booted i was getting into the busybox initramfs shell19:04
apwor your config doesn't contain something that the ubuntu runtime initramfs requires19:05
WeiJunLiapw: if i show you my .config can you try to spot something wrong?19:10
apwWeiJunLi, it is far to complex to just look over the config19:10
apwWeiJunLi, you would want to compare the generated config, with the config you intend19:11
apwWeiJunLi, you can generate configs using "fakeroot debian/rules genconfigs" ... they will be generated in CONFIGS/*19:11
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