
netritious"whoa! it's netritious!" :D02:48
netritioushowdy everyone. just finished VDay dinner. hope everyone is having a great valentines day!02:49
netritiousping Juzzy02:49
netritiousGood morning!14:38
netritiousdoes anyone use ulogd?14:48
netritious^^cyberanger, Unit19314:49
cyberangernetritious: no, is it worth using?15:00
netritiouslooks like it cyberanger15:13
netritiouswas only neccessary for me because rsyslog doesn't seem to work within a conatiner :/15:13
netritiouslet me rephrase...15:14
netritiousrsyslog and iptables logging... no log output anywhere with any configuration I tried. not sure if there was more t try, but three days of trying I think is a thorough amount of testing to make certain something is broken heh15:15
netritiousiptables logging via rsyslog works fine on my 14.04 server (no containers, bare metal) but same config fails inside 16.04 container, but I think that's just a container "feature"...keep container userland out of kern.log15:17
cyberangernetritious: Cool, I'll have to take a closer look19:05
* cyberanger has already spent too much time on IPv6 and Tinc-VPN, OpenVPN, GVPE, OpenConnect/AnyConnect, ntn & StrongSwan19:10
netritiousbut cyberanger, those are fun things.22:43
cyberangerEven more so in a few months, esp when stunnel4 and obfs4proxy are added to the mix.22:48
cyberangerChina has some intresting filter choices23:00

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