[07:22] mamarley, still there? [08:55] mamarley, copied 340 and 378, but needed to fix 340.102-0ubuntu0~gpu17.04.2 === lol768- is now known as lol768 [09:17] tseliot, tarballs for 304, 340, 375 and 378 are in the ppa (304 soon) [09:39] ricotz: ok, thanks [09:40] ricotz: BTW do the new drivers support 4.10? [09:51] ricotz: never mind, 375 sure doesn't [11:20] ricotz: I'm sorry. What did I mess up so I can watch out for that in the future? [11:21] tseliot: Nope, but curiously both the 378 and 340 releases did make changes to reduce the size of the 4.10 patches. [11:22] ricotz: I also have nvidia-settings, though I will need to upload the xenial package directly because of a version-number screwup I made in my staging PPA. [11:24] mamarley, you simply uncommented the wrong line https://launchpadlibrarian.net/306441551/nvidia-graphics-drivers-340_340.102-0ubuntu0~gpu17.04.1_340.102-0ubuntu0~gpu17.04.2.diff.gz [11:25] Oops, sorry. [11:25] Yesterday seemed to be a mistake-happy day for me. I ended up catching most of them, but that one slipped through. [11:26] mamarley, what is up the nvidia-settings xenial package again? [11:28] My initial attempt FTBFSed because I tried to update it from the nvidia-settings package in the Xenial repository instead of the last one I had packaged. The failure was because they changed how stripping was handled since then. I looked at the diff between Xenial and Yakkety and discovered that the only difference was that in Yakkety and up it was compiled on more architectures, so I decided to just use the Yakkety package on Xenial too. [11:28] However, I screwed up the version number by making it higher than I intended. I deleted that upload but it still wouldn't let me upload the proper version. [11:31] mamarley, I see, ok [12:31] ricotz, mamarley: my patch for 4.10 works well. I can't really test CPU hotplug here though. At least it builds and works on my testing box [12:32] it's a bit of a corner case, anyway [12:33] all tested with my GEFORCE GTX 1080 :) [12:36] I've also noticed that they dropped support for my laptop's GPU in the transition from 367 to 375 [13:13] Really, which GPU is that? [13:54] tseliot: Is the patch available anywhere yet? [14:44] mamarley: I'm going to upload today, so you should be able to see all the patches soon (I have to fix up the legacy drivers too) [14:44] OK [14:58] tseliot, hmm, with your latop's gpu support, are there known plans to drop older series again aka introducing a new legacy branch? [15:02] ricotz: I don't think so [15:05] and I'm not sure what to do with the stable Ubuntu releases. If I migrate users to either 340 or to 375, somebody is still going to end up with a broken system [15:15] ricotz, mamarley: so the two legacy drivers support the new X ABI while 375 doesn't... [15:15] Really‽ That's odd. [15:17] Are you sure? Now that I think about it again, I'm pretty sure I ran 375 with my own build of xserver-xorg 1.19 for a while. [15:17] mamarley: they didn't mention the new ABI in the release notes [15:18] But I think it was added a few releases back. Even for 304 and 340, the new ABI was supported in the previous release. They just forgot to update the release notes for those. [15:19] mamarley: you're right: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/111596/en-us [15:21] oh, and I had already added support for that in the package. My memory is really bad [15:22] I think they broke the ABI again, though [15:29] The X people did? I know they broke it again for 1.20, but there is no point in worrying about that yet. [15:41] yes, no need to worry at this point, I think === JanC_ is now known as JanC [17:38] ricotz, mamarley: I have just uploaded all the drivers in zesty. Please give it some testing. While my desktop works, my laptop is acting up (in general) with 4.10 [17:40] tseliot: OK, I will try. You are saying you think it is 4.10 and not the driver causing your laptop problems? [17:40] mamarley: yes, even the network dies [17:40] I have been running 4.10 on both my laptops and my desktop for a few weeks now without issues. I'm sorry you are having problems. [17:41] it works fine on the desktop [17:43] When you say all the drivers, does that include 378 too? [17:43] 375, 340, and 304 [17:43] OK. [17:43] i.e. all the drivers that we support in Ubuntu