
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
inetpro_oh and hi cocooncrash as well05:45
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
inetprowb Kilos, oh and good mornings to you as well06:10
inetprooh and note that Maaz has gone AWOL06:11
Kilosmorning inetpro and ty06:14
Kilosuh oh06:14
chesedo-morning inetpro Kilos superfly and all others06:15
Kiloscocooncrash morning to you . maaz has died. when you get some time can you please fix it. new ibid coming soon06:15
Kiloshi chesedo- paddatrapper superfly and everyone else06:16
=== chesedo- is now known as chesedo
nsnzeromorning all06:24
nsnzeroanyone try or use ocaml ? 06:25
superflyHi Kilos, chesedo, nsnzero, paddatrapper 06:28
superflyAnd inetpro 06:28
chesedonsnzero: nope, the example on its site also seems a bit complicated06:32
nsnzerohi superfly and chesedo 06:34
Kilossuperfly whats news with new ibid06:35
nsnzerothanks chesedo - i give it a try just for kicks though 06:35
Kilosseems crash kid struggling to stay connected today06:35
paddatrapperHi Kilos, superfly, nsnzero, chesedo, i07:01
paddatrapperEveryone 07:01
chesedohi paddatrapper07:01
Kilospaddatrapper whats news with ibid07:01
paddatrapperKilos: slow. But happening. Still merging our changes back 07:02
Kiloscool ty07:02
theblazehenmorning all08:09
inetprowb theblazehen08:40
Kiloshi theblazehen 08:40
Kiloscrash kid battling inetpro 08:40
theblazehenhi inetpro, Kilos08:40
theblazehenLooks like network connection at home must have died... Pulseaudio switched to playing audio over my vpn to pulseaudio server at home...08:40
cocooncrashMaaz: wb08:50
MaazThank you so much cocooncrash my good good friend08:50
theblazehenAh, maybe netsplit then?08:50
Kilosthanks cocooncrash 08:51
theblazehenirc client doesn't show join / parts08:51
inetprothanks cocooncrash09:01
KilosMaaz coffee on09:02
* Maaz puts the kettle on09:02
Kiloslong time no cyber coffee09:02
Kilosinetpro get your coffee now09:03
inetproMaaz: coffee please09:05
Maazinetpro: Sure09:05
inetprococooncrash: how are you doing sir?09:06
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!09:06
inetproMaaz: dankie09:06
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend09:06
KilosMaaz gracias09:07
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!09:07
Kilosyes cocooncrash long time no progress report from you09:07
Kiloswe  are all maintaining09:07
Kiloshe must be in bed now married peeps cant say they dont sleep09:08
cocooncrashinetpro: Good but unsettled thanks, just moved to London09:58
inetprococooncrash: at least you'll be more in line with our timezone here, hope you can settle down soon and be back here more often soon09:59
cocooncrashinetpro: Yup :)10:00
Kiloshope all goes well for you cocooncrash 10:15
cocooncrashKilos: Thanks10:16
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
=== smile|away is now known as smile
nsnzeroevening guys17:56
smileKilos, nsnzero: hi :)17:59
Kiloshi theblazehen 18:00
Kilosoh and evening nsnzero 18:01
inetprogood evening to all and sundry18:01
inetpro--exclude superfly18:01
KilosMaaz ask Langjan did you get the battery repair thing18:01
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll ask Langjan on freenode18:01
Kiloshelloooo inetpro 18:02
inetprogood mornings superfly18:02
Kiloshe afk still inetpro 18:02
inetproKilos: oh he'll see it, I'm sure 18:03
nsnzerohi Kilos , smile, inetpro 18:03
Kiloslol yes18:03
smilehi inetpro :)18:03
nsnzerodoes anyone know of a computer language that is interpreted and can be compiled to native code ? 18:11
inetpronsnzero: would Python not fit the bill on that ^^?18:18
nsnzeroinetpro: using pypy ? but the syntax for complied python differs from interpreted python18:19
inetprowhy would you want this?18:20
inetpro"modern computing has turned some issues that used to be black and white into shades of gray"18:21
nsnzerotest out code in the interpreter and compile it for deployment - no guarantee that the other computer will have same interpreter installed18:22
nsnzerofound ocaml as well but hardly any resources on the net for it - yes its obscure 18:24
inetprowhy stick with interpreted code in such a scenario?18:26
nsnzerorapid application development as interpreted languages are generally offer high level of abstraction / programming 18:29
nsnzeroin other words its much easier to write out interpreted code 18:29
inetprofor sure18:30
MaNITheres no such thing as an interpreted or compiled language, from a theoretical perspective all languages are both, only languages whose implementations /tend/ to be interpreted or compiled exist.18:30
inetpronsnzero: see, it's complicated18:31
MaNINothing to do with modern comp sci either, it's been this way since the start. Even c which is the canonical 'compiled' language, has several interpreters18:31
nsnzero100% correct MaNI 18:32
nsnzerocling is such an interpreter for c 18:33
nsnzeroi know inetpro - but its an interesting read 18:33
inetproTorvalds: I’m a huge believer in 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration. Anybody can innovate, 99% is get the work done. #lfosls18:35
inetpronsnzero: just get the work done18:35
nsnzeroi also just code sometimes , after a few days i will be wondering why i didnt do it this way or that way 18:40
nsnzeroAccording to Larry18:42
nsnzeroGreenfield, “One of Linus’s earlier projects was a program that would switch between printing18:42
nsnzeroAAAA and BBBB. This later evolved to Linux.” (The Linux Users’ Guide Beta Version 1).18:42
inetprohaha of course, "I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones"18:47
nsnzerolook how that turned around 18:54
nsnzerogood night all - take care 19:07
=== smile is now known as smile|away
Kilossleep tight everyone21:50

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