
tsimonq2Hey, more of an advanced apt question, but I'm not sure how to word it in Teh Googlez. How do I find out if a package is in a tasksel task (and what tasks it's in)?00:01
tsimonq2Seeds, tasks, you get it.00:02
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel tsimonq2 have a read00:02
wedgietsimonq2: you're looking for a list of what is installed when you select, say, "openssh server"?00:03
tsimonq2wedgie: No, let's say the vrms package is in the ubuntu-desktop task AND in the lubuntu-desktop task. Is there a CLI way to tell me that it's in those two tasks?00:04
koleygru_u check #kde-neon00:05
tsimonq2bazhang: Sorry, doesn't answer my question, thanks anyways.00:05
nacctsimonq2: do you mean given vrms knowing it's in both, or simply looking in both tasks for that package?00:09
tsimonq2nacc: I believe the former :)00:09
zuiss1is there a way to install a current version of youtube-dl in ubuntu the way there is in debian (through debian backports)?00:11
nacctsimonq2: sort of like `seeded-in-ubuntu` but for tasks?00:12
saitoh1836:54 PM <saitoh183> hey all, quick question.i know its not totally python related but since it has to do with my python script as well, i figured i could ask. On my seedbox i dont have root access. Im trying to run a python script via cron and it works  but fails the filebot portion in the script (using Popen) because cron seems to be using the wrong java.00:13
tsimonq2nacc: I really need to go through ubuntu-dev-tools, I keep doing development tasks manually and I've been yelled at to look at that package :P00:14
chindywhat are som good music players that can also handle a hugh amount of music files as library00:14
tsimonq2nacc: (friendly yelling :P)00:14
nacctsimonq2: :) i know the feeling00:14
tsimonq2nacc: But, looking at a man page.00:14
tsimonq2nacc: OH that just might be what I'm looking for, actually. Sec...00:15
harovali1hi folks; see, I have a machine in a remote location which runs vivid, which isn't supported anymore. Some people in the forums talk about reinstall from scratch. If there is no other alternative, that's what I'll do. However, I'd like to try to do something from the current state to improve it a little. Up to this point, "apt-get upgrade" fails (and so does "apt-get -f install")  at a point with some 'DATA ERROR' (sic) pres00:16
tsimonq2nacc: HAH yes thank you!00:17
nacctsimonq2: :)00:17
k1lharovali1: the gerneral target should be to get that machine to 16.04. which means doing 2 upgrades: to 15.10 and then to 16.0400:17
ubuntu-mate_hi dear´s00:19
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Felipe_-silent channel00:20
koleygrFelipe_-: Not at all00:21
bazhangFelipe_-, it's support only, not chit chat00:21
Felipe_-hey, what´ up ?00:21
bazhang /msg alis list social   Felipe_-00:21
bazhangto find a chat channel Felipe_-00:21
Felipe_-ok thanks guys00:22
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koleygrnormie: If you have a support question... just do it... Don't wait for "hi"00:28
PhotonRunning 16.04 and my mouse only moves in a fucking diagonal line, is there a fix00:29
bazhangPhoton, no cursing here00:30
k1lPhoton: the mouse is ok? hardwarewise? did you try to reconnect it to the pc? tried another usb port?00:30
koleygrPhoton: Is it a razer mouse?00:32
PhotonThe mouse is working perfectly most of the time, sometimes I have this problem randomly00:32
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normiei was trying to install a program that was zipped00:33
normiei followed the instructions but i get error on line 600:34
k1lnormie: what program is it? what error was there? put the output on to paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here00:34
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normiewill do 1 sec00:35
normieprogram is measure up00:35
normie./Launcher.sh: line 6: ./executable: No such file or directory00:39
normiebut i show executable as a file in the directory i unzipped the files to00:40
Photonchmod +x Launcher.sh ?00:42
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k1lnormie: what is in line 6 of that script?00:47
normielast line00:48
k1lso is there "executable" in the same directory? or whereever that script is going to?00:48
k1lnormie: i dont know what you try to run there at all00:49
normieexecutable is in the same directory which is what is really baffling00:50
normieexecutable  icon.png  Launcher.sh  lib  LICENSEREADME.txt  settings.ini  www00:52
tgm4883normie: can you run the executable outside the script?00:52
lerneri dont understand this: every time I run sudo I run my regular password and execute commands, but if i type su to become root, that password does not work00:53
tgm4883lerner: root doesn't have a password00:53
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:53
k1lnormie: can you show the output of "ls -al | nc termbin.com 9999" in here (its a url)00:53
tgm4883maybe? You either can you you can't...00:54
lernertgm4883, are these instructions outdated then?00:54
tgm4883lerner: what instructions00:54
k1llerner: ubuntu doesnt have a activated root account. ubuntu uses sudo. other distros handle that differently.00:54
normiei meant maybe i can run the script.. maybe it will work00:54
k1llerner: do they have ubuntu instructions on there?00:54
lernerthe link https://www.whonix.org/wiki/KVM says: Become root.su00:55
tgm4883lerner: I don't see that00:55
tgm4883lerner: I see some Debian instructions that mention that, but Debian isn't Ubuntu...00:55
koleygrlerner: on debian su works00:55
lernerok, im an idiot00:55
lernerthanks for clarifying that00:56
normiels -al00:56
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koleygrlerner: sudo su may be do the trick in ubuntu... but I am not sure00:57
lernerkoleygr, those instructions no longer relevant, right? im on ubuntu. but thanks00:57
k1lkoleygr: lerner no, dont run sudo su. this will spoil all the environment variables. if you want to have a root shell sudo provides -i00:58
koleygrkil : thanks for leting me know00:58
normie./executable... no  such file or directory01:01
k1lnormie: please run "ls -al | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the output01:01
normiedo you want the output or just the url?01:03
k1lthe url01:04
k1lthe command already made a pastebin01:04
k1lnormie: "cat Launcher.sh | nc termbin.com 9999" show the url please01:05
normiecat Launcher.sh | nc termbin.com 999901:06
koleygrnormie: this is the command... not the url01:07
normieuse to putty everything copys when you highlight01:08
normiei wish all programs auto populated the clipboard when you highlight text01:09
wedgienormie: there is the middle click buffer which works pretty much like that01:10
normiemiddle click?01:10
wedgieyeah, click down the mouse wheel01:10
normieill be01:10
normiethank you01:11
normieit is so much easier01:11
k1lnormie: what happens when you run "./executable" in that directory?01:13
cfhowlettwa [-9IU432Q V01:13
wedgiehope that password wasn't for anything important01:14
cfhowlettirc came up before I finished cleaning the keyboard. sorry.01:15
normiebash: ./executable: No such file or directory01:15
k1lnormie: you cd to the correct folder first, right?01:16
normieexecutable  icon.png  Launcher.sh  lib  LICENSE  README.txt  settings.ini  www01:17
wedgienormie: what type of file is executable? Run ''file executable'' to find out01:19
k1lcan you please show the website of that software?01:19
wedgie^^ also that. Googling "measure up" doesn't return many helpful results01:20
normieexecutable file type01:20
k1li guess we dont have a "bash doesnt find that file" problem. but another one like wrong architecture or such01:20
tgm4883normie: paste the output01:20
* wedgie is guessing php script01:20
normieFile executable01:21
normieexecutable: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=0b7ec69824a1ff621c8e697a32d12f1cf42274c6, not stripped01:21
k1lnormie: and "uname -a"?01:22
normieLinux normie-Aspire-5732Z 4.4.0-62-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 14:10:15 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:23
koleygrit is probably a 32 bit file and he tries to run on 64-bit system.01:23
k1lnormie: ok, you are trying to run a 32bit file on your 64bit OS. best is to get a 64bit version of that executable01:23
koleygrnormie: you downloaded wrong file... you had to chose 64-bit01:24
koleygrkil: of he double click the file would he get an answer?01:25
normiethey only offer a 32 bit version darnit01:27
normiewho has a 32 bit cpu these days01:27
normieany fix for that?01:28
k1ladd the i386 achritecture01:28
k1land then install the libc6 packages for 32bit01:28
normiethat sounds difficult?01:28
troubled_creaturthats cool01:29
normiewow first system i built was with a 386 lol01:29
k1l"sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" then run "sudo apt update" then "sudo apt install libc6:i386"01:29
normieo thats doesn't sound too bad01:29
normielemme try01:29
normiewill that affect any current apps?01:30
troubled_creaturk11 and those just live there in perfect harmony... with the 64 libs?01:30
k1lwell, i cant say for all pacakges. sometimes that becomes an issue when 32bit and 64bit packages have different dependecies. but its the same what steam forces the desktop user to do01:31
troubled_creaturthe implementation I'd seem around are app oriented: like a particular app (or group of apps) with the compat package - but it would be same as compile fork - your approach seems more generalist01:33
normiesudo apt install libc6:i38601:34
troubled_creaturand the are the deps for a particular pack (if dynamically linked)01:34
normie./executable: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:34
troubled_creaturthat may be nomenclature symlink stuff (or dep)01:35
normiestill wont execute01:35
k1lnormie: is this a script from the 90s?01:36
normiecovers material that is 2 years old so i wouldn't think so01:36
troubled_creaturnormie, are there any libz* in your lib paths?01:36
k1lmaybe it needs zlib1g-dev package01:37
normiehow to get to the lib path01:38
cfhowlettperhaps a question best asked in the steam channel?01:38
k1llook at the readme of that script what it wants01:38
troubled_creaturnormie, /usr/lib /lib ?01:38
k1lthey should state what dependencies that script has.01:39
peterrusmy system drops to an emergency prompt while booting, pressing ctrl+d or typing 'exit' just drops me back to emergency mode. running 'mount -a' and then exit makes the system boot fine. any suggestions?01:39
troubled_creaturnormie, you can do a global find for libz*01:39
k1lpeterrus: what happend before that? what do the logs like dmesg say?01:40
normiefind libz01:40
normiefind: ‘libz’: No such file or directory01:40
troubled_creaturnormie, libz*01:41
lernerso if I find debian instructions to install a program, those wont install something usable on ubuntu?01:41
wedgiein most cases it will. But not guranteed01:42
normiesame issue troubled_creatur01:42
k1llerner: ubuntu is similar to debian, but not the same. the root handling is different, for example. so you need to adjust that then.01:42
lernerok k1l01:42
troubled_creaturnormie, so you dont have the lib - k11 already indicated the package to download01:42
normiei ran the commands ...let me try again01:43
troubled_creaturnormie, k1l> maybe it needs zlib1g-dev package01:43
normiesudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" then run "sudo apt update" then "sudo apt install libc6:i386"01:44
lernerso i need the opposite of sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin virt-manager and purge does not work...01:44
normiei ran those commands01:44
lerneror I dont know how to usepurge01:44
normieo i missed the zlib message01:45
normiehow do i do that?01:45
normiethe readme doesn't list any dependencies01:45
peterrusk1l: nothing of value I am afraid, can't remember doing anything funky either, and I have been using ubuntu long enough to know when I am doing something funky :p01:46
normiei don't know how to add zlib1g-dev package01:47
troubled_creaturnormie, i don't know how to use dpkg :D - maybe google for it?01:48
k1lnormie: that software is rubbish, tbh01:49
k1lnormie: sudo apt install packagename01:49
koleygrnormie: sudo apt-get install zlib1g:i386 k1l:Am I right?01:50
troubled_creaturlibz is pretty basical isn't it?... isnt it to compress stuff?01:50
k1lkoleygr: worth a try01:51
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troubled_creaturow, but its the devel01:53
ZabotSo I just installed server 16.04. Install went fine, no issues. After install I see grub and the boot text and then as soon as I would expect the login prompt, the screen goes into standby01:53
troubled_creaturZabot, monitor setup?01:54
ZabotSame thing with both HDMI and VGA off integrated graphics01:55
ZabotMonitor is just an average dell monitor01:56
troubled_creaturZabot, I mean the physical setup - those button and overlay dialogues (isnt it's power saving set to too low?)01:57
ZabotThe monitor still works fine, its reporting no input01:58
troubled_creaturZabot, thats bad - Im thinking about hardware issue (cable/connection/video card) - or acpi or video driver02:00
troubled_creaturZabot, so it enters standy and cannot be waken?02:01
troubled_creaturtks BOFH02:01
k1lZabot: ctrl+alt+f1 works?02:01
ZabotThere is no display output at all02:02
ZabotThere is console display to see the initialization logs, and then as soon as I would expect to get the user login prompt, the display turns off02:03
ZabotIts not a hardware issue, there's a second partition on the drive that boots without issue02:04
ZabotRunning desktop 12.04 I think02:05
ZabotHence the upgrade -_-02:05
troubled_creaturZabot, ok02:05
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troubled_creaturZabot, tried a new login as k11 told?02:06
troubled_creaturZabot, nope ctrl-alt-f1 is new X - not login02:07
Zabotctrl alt f1-6 didn't do anything02:09
troubled_creaturZabot, can you change confs to boot and dont x? (since you have another partition -  isnt there a no X boot option?) - you may try to debug X issues from there02:10
troubled_creaturmay or might - whats the difference02:11
ZabotThere is no x server installed on the partition I'm trying to boot. Its barebones server02:12
troubled_creaturZabot, ah02:14
ZabotI'm not getting any video after the boot finishes02:15
troubled_creaturZabot, uhum - youre totally on CLI - how about the init scripts (tried to check them from the good booting partition?)02:16
ZabotLooking for anything in particular?02:17
* troubled_creatur is starting to torrencially sweat02:17
troubled_creaturZabot, dunno - just try to get ACPI and video references in there02:17
troubled_creaturZabot, it looks like its hanging on init phase02:18
ZabotLet me just grep etc for the word video xp02:19
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troubled_creaturZabot, isnt there anything related on the ubuntu kb ? - but your setup is pretty odd (I think most people nowadays go direct to X) - would like to see you succeed on this02:21
troubled_creaturZabot, but its late here and I must leave now - good luck02:21
ZabotAnybody else got any ideas? :P02:24
SITMdoes anyone know of any programs for ubuntu server that will show the CPU load / IO stats in the corner of the terminal?02:28
SITMlike maybe a status line at the top or something02:28
ZabotSITM: Something like htop?02:28
SITMwell htop takes up the entire screen.  I want something that is always visible on one line as I run commands and stuff02:29
ZabotSTIM: You could do a tmux split and put whatever program into a pane in the corner02:30
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SITMI'm guessing there is also some way to put the system load in the prompt itself02:31
SITMthat will update each time the prompt is refreshed02:31
daxi think byobu has options for CPU load. haven't used it in ages tho02:35
daxit's a tricked out tmux basically02:35
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kirklanddax: SITM: byobu displays cpu load by default;  it's the black-text-on-yellow-background indicator02:44
daxoh hello :)02:44
Bashing-omZabot: A thought, can you boot to the grub boot menu ? And then from there set to explitly boot to TTY1 ?02:45
kirklanddax: I light up on "byobu" :-)02:45
ZabotBashing-om: Yes I can get to grub, I was about to explicitly set gfkpayload to text. Where would I set TTY1?02:46
Zabottext payload changes the resolution of the boot text, but still no display after boot finishes02:48
koleygrZabot: http://ask.xmodulo.com/boot-into-command-line-ubuntu-debian.html02:48
ZabotNo good, same issue :/02:51
Bashing-omZabot: Zabot 16.04 (systemd) : from grub 'e' key for edit - in the line starting with linux replace quiet splash and all after with the term systemd.unit=multi-user.target . key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process to TTY1 .02:52
ZabotI'll give it a go, no quiet splash, so I'll just append it to the end of the kernel line02:53
Bashing-omZabot: K;02:53
ZabotNo go, display still stops after init log02:55
ZabotI've gotten it to stay on before when one of the network interfaces failed to launch and caused it to hang, let me see if I can engineer that to happen again02:55
ZabotI have ssh, thats something I guess -_-03:01
cfoch-alwaysI have userdir enabled in $HOME/public_html, I want to be able to install plugins there in wordpress03:02
ZabotIt did boot into tty1, If I who from the ssh session I can see me logged in on tty1, but no actual display03:02
cfoch-alwaysBut wordpress tells me that it "can't write to the directory'03:02
Bashing-omZabot: Any hints : ' journalctl -b -0 ' shows messages from the current boot ?03:03
catbeardchmod 755 public_html/wp-content/plugins03:03
cfoch-alwaysI can solve this problem by doing "chown -R www-data:www-data site_folder/"03:03
wedgiecfoch-always: sounds like a permissions problem in the webroot. For wordpress to write there the webserver user needs to be able to write there03:03
wedgiecfoch-always: sounds right.03:03
cfoch-alwaysbut the problem is that I would like my non-root user can write to that directory03:03
wedgiecfoch-always: put the non-root user into the www-data group03:04
cfoch-alwaysthat is why I created a folder in publich_html, because I don't want to do things as root03:04
wedgieand make sure that the group can write03:04
wedgiechmod -R g+w site_folder/03:04
ZabotBashing-om, Nothing obvious, let me look through dmesg03:05
cfoch-always sudo usermod -a -G www-data fabian03:05
cfoch-alwaysthat would be?03:05
wedgiecfoch-always: looks right. You'll have to log out and back in again for it to take effect03:06
cfoch-alwayswedgie: why log out?03:06
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ZabotBashing-om, Nothing revealing in dmesg either03:07
wedgiecfoch-always: don't necessarily have to... but any open terminals or programs won't know that it is now in the group03:07
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cfoch-alwaysis this okay?03:08
cfoch-alwaysdrwxr-xr-x 9 www-data fabian 4096 phi 14 21:45 snapshot03:08
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cfoch-alwaysI think it should be fabian:www-data03:08
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cfoch-alwayswedgie: ^03:08
wedgiecfoch-always: that's another way to do it, but you'll still need to do ''chmod -R g+w site_dir/''03:08
wedgiecfoch-always: either way you want will work03:08
wedgiecfoch-always: if it was me i'd keep it www-data:www-data03:09
wedgieand put fabian in the www-data group03:09
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Bashing-omZabot: 'Bout at the end of my thoughts . maybe see what results with a CHange Root from the alternate install .. see what ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' reveals ?03:10
wedgiecfoch-always: scales better that way... Maybe next week you decide that the user 'sally' also should be able to write.03:10
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ZabotAll of the documentation is on debugging x server >:(03:10
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Bashing-omZabot: Yeah .. Here there is no X .03:12
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cfoch-alwayswedgie: yep, it works, thanks03:12
cfoch-alwayswedgie: so, it is okay that www-data user and group own my web site folder_03:13
ZabotBashing-om, I've got root shell, so no need to chroot, looks like mostly dev libraries. there console-setup needs to be upgraded, going for the hail mary03:13
ZabotThe worst part is that I can see the boot logs, what changes between boot logs and login prompt?03:14
mintHello guys, i am in need of your help: After restarting my grub did not work and the rescue prompt opened instead. I repaired grub as always when i had such a problem. But today something very uncommonly happened which i have never seen before: when doing update-grub or os-prober, only my windows10 partition is recognized but no linux mint. I get the additional error message: /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or03:14
wedgiecfoch-always: generally speaking, i prefer that the webserver user NOT be able to write, but wordpress is special in that a lot of stuff doesn't work right if it can't. And the benefits of effortless (and even automatic) updates outweigh the security risk. So yes, www-data:www-data is ok IMO03:14
mintdirectory... I am grateful for any help i get.03:14
ZabotIf display didn't work at all at least I'd have some logical reasoning to cling to -_-03:15
cfoch-alwayswedgie: what are the risks of having webserver user able to write?03:16
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wedgiecfoch-always: allows a malicious user to upload shells and things if they find an exploit in a site. Not being able to write anywhere takes away a lot of their options03:16
Bashing-omZabot: Still maybe a grahic's driver issue .. grub hands off it's display .. and there is nothing at the other end to pick up the display ??03:17
wedgiecfoch-always: but again, for wordpress, you generally need it. And turn on automatic updates :P03:17
wedgiei'd prefer and up-to-date wp site that can write over and out-of-date one that can't.03:17
ZabotBashing-om, Maybe, those modern text consoles are pretty demanding on the GPU /s When does that hand off happen I wonder03:18
Zabotwedgie, For 100% web server security, turn off execution and read too :P03:18
wedgieZabot: lol03:19
Bashing-omZabot: Ouch .. My smart bucket is not that large . I recently experienced a similar issue .. in that the graphics chip set "kempler" was unknown to the kernel . but boot parameter 'nomodeset' allows me to boot .03:20
wedgiesudo shutdown -h now && never get hacked again03:20
ZabotBashing-om, I've tried that one before, found some grub gfx stuff, maybe something in there03:20
Zabotwedgie, sudo rm -rf / && sudo shutdown -h now03:21
ZabotInstalling GPU drivers on a server, not something I'd really expected to need to do ever -_-03:22
Bashing-omZabot: A million ++ new lines of code to the kernel . Kernel is getting real picky ??03:24
mintHey guys, it's me again. Is there no one with grub experience who could help me to figure out why my linux mint installation is not recognized? (even with started lvmetad service)03:26
kk4ewt!mint |mint03:26
ubottumint: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:26
mintOh ok, thanks03:26
Bashing-ommint: Not that at all . what it is is that the mint disto is not supported in this channel . mint has their own support .03:27
ZabotI FOUND AN OBSCURE THREAD FROM 5 YEARS AGO WITH THE SAME ISSUE! Watch it end with "nvm I fixed it" and nothing else -_-03:28
Bashing-omZabot: Yuk ! I hate when that happens .03:29
wedgiejust as bad is some jerk saying: "Just google the problem." HOW DO YOU THINK I GOT HERE?03:31
ZabotRandom crazy guy that told me to blacklist kernel modules fixed it03:31
Zabotblacklisted gma500_gfx03:32
cfoch-alwaysbtw, does Ubuntu participate in the Google Summer Of Code?03:33
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Zabotcfoch-always, I think it did last year, that may have been gnome I'm thinking of though03:34
daxDepends on whether it gets accepted. GSoC tends to favor projects that need more people.03:34
daxe.g. Ubuntu wasn't accepted to GSoC last year03:34
cfoch-alwaysare there GTK projects I can get involved in Ubuntu?03:35
cfoch-alwaysfor a GSoC03:35
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cornernotehi, im trying to put a new cert on postfix, but after restarting postfix it's still sending the old cert... is there anything else i need to restart?  I cant see any services for imap/smtp/etc03:37
cfoch-alwaysis this the right channel to talk about GSoC?03:37
daxcfoch-always: organizations for this year didn't get announced yet. #gsoc for general GSOC discussion, #ubuntu-google i think is the one for ubuntu specifically but I'm not sure if it's active03:39
dax#ubuntu is generally just for support03:39
aroonii *love* ubuntu but * hate * how ubuntu 16.04 on my lenovo t420 laptop is never able to come back from resume.  i always see flashing caps lock.  any way to deal with this?  thanks!03:40
Zabotarooni, I came across some bugs regarding resuming from suspended on my quest for info about no display03:41
cfoch-alwaysdax: I made a question there, I hope sb answers me at least in the next 2 days03:42
Zabotcfoch-always, If you watch the GSoC site, accepted organizations should be being announced fairly soon.03:42
ZabotNow that thats over I need food. Thanks for the help.03:43
cfoch-alwaysZabot: yep, but it would be helpful to go researching about a project soon.03:44
arooniso its a known issue03:45
JairunCalothHey guys, I'm running Xubuntu 16.04. I've got set putting the screen to sleep to never in the power manager, but my screen keeps going to sleep anyways. What is putting my screen to sleep?03:46
JairunCalothxscreensaver is not installed, so it's not that03:47
=== waltman_ is now known as waltman
isdeswell hello all03:50
agent_whitehello human03:58
isdeshello hahahaha03:59
JohnnyR030T@JairunCaloth Not sure why it's going to sleep. Have you tried installing caffeine and using that to keep the computer awake?04:01
JairunCalothnever seen it before, but I might give that a go04:17
=== evilnewbie is now known as beaver
silv3r_m00nhi there04:25
LordWestonhello silv3r_m00n!04:25
silv3r_m00ni am going to reinstall ubuntu on the existing installation. during setup do i need to format the partition, or will the installer automatically wipe the partition first ?04:25
wedgiesilv3r_m00n: you can tell it to format the whole disk, if that is what you want04:27
silv3r_m00ni just want to wipe the existing data on the partition first.04:28
silv3r_m00nwhat happens if i install over it without formatting ? files from previous installation will persist ?04:28
wedgiesilv3r_m00n: there are options... one says something like "trash data". It won't be securely wiped, but you won't see the old files04:29
silv3r_m00nis formatting an ssd advisable ?04:29
silv3r_m00nor is it ok ?04:30
LordWestoni mean yeah04:30
wedgiesure, why not?04:30
LordWestoni think defragmenting is the no-no for SSDs04:30
silv3r_m00npeople often say to minimise writes to ssds04:30
silv3r_m00nformatting will write empty values all over it ?04:30
LordWestonsilv3r_m00n: they have more write longevity than HDDs lol04:30
silv3r_m00nso i should mark format while installation04:31
silv3r_m00nrestarting ...04:31
wedgiesilv3r_m00n: formatting does *not* write to the whole disk04:32
ill_logicHello. I have a question about installing Ubuntu Server. Am I in the right room for that? Just want to install over an existing installation without losing /home.04:32
LordWestonyup you are in the right place ill_logic04:32
ill_logicSweet. So, the Ubuntu Server dialog (Yakkety) doesn't seem to recognize my existing installation.04:32
LordWestonas long as /home is a separate partition you can select it and tell the installation to not format it during the installation04:32
JairunCalothill_logic: unless you have your /home/ on a seperate partition, you will need to move your files off first.04:32
ill_logicIt's on a separate partition.04:33
LordWestonJairunCaloth: we told him the same thing in opposite ways haha04:33
JairunCalothill_logic: even then, you should backup your files first.04:33
ill_logicBut, I also have ecrytfs. It asks me if I want to encrypt my home directory. I'm not sure if "yes" or "no" is the more dangerous option.04:33
LordWestonill_logic: about encrypt-fs (typnih)04:33
LordWestonit acutally doesn't encrypt anything until you define a passphrase the first time you login, AFAIK04:34
JairunCalothduring installation, you will probably want to do manual partitioning, and mount your home partition on /home.04:34
JairunCalothsorry, I'm not super familiar with encryption on ubuntu.04:34
JairunCalothLordWeston: aye :)04:34
ill_logicI have backed up my files. Pretty sure. I guess I should doublecheck it.04:34
LordWestonill_logic: how did you back up?04:34
JairunCalothalways a good policy :)04:34
LordWestonmazzei: hi04:34
ill_logicI can't back up again because I accidentally deleted /lib heh.04:35
LordWestonhaha lma04:35
LordWestonhow did that happen ill_logic04:35
JairunCalothAlso, the thing I always forget, export your bookmarks and back them up as well04:35
ill_logicLordWeston: Duplicity, in short.04:35
LordWestonrest in peace ill_logic04:35
JairunCalothill_logic: If needed you can boot into a liveCD, mount your existing homedirectory and pull whatever files you need.04:35
ill_logicDuplicity is how I backed up my stuff. Unless you're saying Duplicity is a poor choice for backups.04:35
LordWestonill_logic: it is not bad, but duplicity has some hilarious bug threads04:36
ill_logicDeleting /lib was because I rm'd a symlink that pointed to it. Apparently rm -r follows symlinks.04:36
ill_logicWell what would you recommend?04:36
LordWestoni actually wrote my own backup software in python with a gui and everything, ill_logic, if you want to give tha a try04:37
ill_logicAnyway that's a separate question. Okay, so y'all are saying that manual partitioning should get me where I want to go.04:37
LordWestonill_logic: duplicity is good software. it has some...interesting bugs04:37
ill_logicWhat about ecryptfs? Sounded like you were going to say something regarding that.04:37
JairunCalothyeah, if you auto partition it will probably wipe your existing /home/04:37
ill_logicSure. So I will def. do manual.04:38
ill_logicBut that's all you were going to say about ecryptfs?04:38
ill_logicThat seems to apply to /home in general.04:38
LordWestonill_logic: oh about encryptfs. yeah here's what i was going to say:04:39
LordWestonAFAIK, when you tell it to encrypt, it doesn't permanently do anything until the first time you login, at which point it will ask you to generate a passphrase. if you don't do anything, your partition remains unencrypted04:39
LordWestonat least on my Manjaro installation it does04:39
ill_logicLordWeston: To be more clear: My user directory in /home is already encrypted with ecryptfs. How do I make sure that's not bothered with?04:41
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:41
ill_logicIt asked me whether I want to encrypt my home directory, before it even asks me how I want to partition my disks.04:42
LordWestonill_logic: im honestly not sure, i've never had to install around an encrypted directory04:42
ill_logicI don't want it to touch /home at all, and I still want ecryptfs to work as it did before. I'm not sure what to tell it for that.04:42
LordWestonsorry ill_logic04:42
ill_logicokay. np04:42
JairunCalothill_logic: So to be clear. You're homedir is already encrypted?04:43
ill_logicJairunCaloth: Yes, for my main user. Not all the users.04:56
JairunCalothI see. As I said I'm not really familiar with encryptfs. So I'm not entirely sure what you need to do to get it working correctly.04:57
kubuntuhi there05:00
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest67365
Guest67365I installed kubuntu and when i start the system it drops to a login prompt05:01
kk4ewt!kubuntu | Guest6736505:02
ubottuGuest67365: Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde05:02
=== Glog is now known as Seven_Six_Two
effectnethi can anyone recommend a script blocker for chromium?05:14
effectneti just tried scriptblocker helper but it didn't block enough05:15
effectneti'll look around i guess, afk05:18
effectnetwow this is the 2nd largest channel on freenode?05:19
ankurThis Updated version of Ubuntu 16.04 has a lot of glitches05:20
ankurThe Ubuntu software center doesn't have all the required tools05:21
ankurPlease help updating it.05:21
elias_a_... says the occasional visitor and leaves the channel...05:41
uxfisinging songs05:41
ill_logicIn the Partition Disks section: "Use as: Do Not Use" vs "Use as: ext4". It was ext4 before. If I choose the same file system, will it not erase anything on there?05:44
ill_logicI mean, "not the same fs = delete everything" is not a great thing to have implicit.05:44
ill_logicIt's kind of amazing that this stuff hasn't gotten better over the years.05:44
ill_logicI guess the desktop version has.05:45
ill_logicAh, there's a "Format the partition:" "No, keep existing data" thing. Good.05:45
ill_logicWhy didn't you say so?! heh.05:45
vahehi, how to create image on Usb flash uefi ? cp linux.iso /dev/sdX  or dd if=linux.iso  of=/dev/sdX05:51
rypervencheill_logic: Well, technically the data (or most of it) doesn't get overwritten if you do that. Just the partition table.05:52
Sir_AndreiGood night!05:55
ill_logicI have my things. /home was preserved. Thanks all for moral support :-)06:11
ill_logicand help06:11
=== Hinsbart_ is now known as Hinsbart
hanshenrikwhen installing ubuntu netboot, it asked what language i wanted for the installation,  my choices were "C" and "English"06:29
hanshenrikwhat is C?06:29
hanshenrikoh nvm06:30
hanshenrik>Choosing the “C” locale will result in the installation proceding in English; the installed system will have no localization support as the locales package will not be installed.06:30
ralliasSo... I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server on a QEMU/KVM virtual machine, and it's stack dumping... am I missing something? https://i.imgur.com/vA1s6Gr.png06:40
cpaelzerrallias: is this right from booting the iso or did you get any further before this happened?06:41
ralliascpaelzer, Straight from ISO. About a second and a half in.06:41
cpaelzerrallias:hmm, I thought I did the same a few weeks ago, can you share your command to get it running?06:42
cpaelzerrallias: or did you use like virt-install or anything like it?06:42
alkisgrallias: how much ram did you give to the vm?06:42
ralliasalkisg, Half a gig, but I reproduced with a full gig.06:42
ralliascpaelzer, virtual machine manager... just went through the regular install interface.06:42
alkisgrallias: try with plain kvm at first, e.g. kvm -m 512 -cdrom /path/to/ubuntu.iso -boot d06:44
ralliasCould not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting06:46
rallias(the kvm host is headless)06:46
cpaelzerrallias: add -nographics06:47
cpaelzersorry, -s06:47
cpaelzeryou might experiment with -curses if you like as alternative "graphical" (but really not graphical) backend for the screen06:48
ruxuHi, I have several filesystems mounted on my linux box, how can I find the command with which they're mounted? 06:48
ruxuI'm interested in fact, in an aufs filesystem mounted06:49
alkisgruxu: try `sudo lsblk --fs` or `df -h`06:49
ralliasruxu, You can see what mount options were passed in /proc/mounts06:50
ruxuI've tried `/proc/self/mountinfo`, `/etc/mtab`, `/proc/mounts` but I only get the mounted aufs layer, not the layers that build up to it06:51
ruxualso `df -h`/ `lsblk --fs` don't show that06:51
SimonFinkelCIRCUMCISION: THE TORTURE IN HIS BONES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwCY5BUPTmI06:52
alkisgruxu: yeah sorry I misunderstood the question. What about `ps aux | grep aufs`?06:52
lotuspsychje!ot | SimonFinkel06:52
ubottuSimonFinkel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:52
SimonFinkelTorture and mutilation of another human being. Utterly appalling treatment of an infant.06:52
ruxualkisg no, there's nothing running06:52
SimonFinkelThey're talking vile Hebrew as they sexually mutilate this innocent infant boy.06:53
SimonFinkelThat's fucking sick.06:53
lotuspsychje!ops | SimonFinkel06:53
ubottuSimonFinkel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:53
b3h3m0thWhat package should be installed on Ubuntu to get pam_faillock.so ?06:58
=== Sir_Andr` is now known as Sir_Andrei`
ralliasMeh... might be something specific to that host... going to cheat and install it on my desktop and migrate it.07:02
cpaelzerrallias: I tried but can't reproduce with 16.04 or 16.1007:03
cpaelzerrallias: if installing elsewhere and migrating is an option then fine07:03
ralliasYeah, I hate it, but it's fine...07:04
cpaelzerrallias: I found this which might be similar - if you happen to run into it again you could check if you think you hit the same https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/145804507:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1458045 in linux (Ubuntu) "KVM and CFS bandwidth control causes kernel crashes (oops)" [High,Expired]07:04
=== Sir_Andrei` is now known as Sir_Andrei
cpaelzerhas a similar signature, but your png was too short to fully compare07:04
heraldii/amsg The baby is in extreme anguish as these Hebrew sadists continue fucking up his penis with zero mercy shown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwCY5BUPTmI CIRCUMCISION: THE TORTURE IN HIS BONES07:04
heraldiiWrong chan.07:04
vok`I'll say.07:05
agent_whiteheraldii Needs to find some hobbies.07:05
elkywell, better hobbies.07:06
ralliascpaelzer, Hrm... I dunno, the stack trace is all different.07:07
cpaelzerrallias: I'd have wonderd if the top would have been a null poiner derefernce in the same function07:07
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: can this you in a way? http://www.tecmint.com/use-pam_tally2-to-lock-and-unlock-ssh-failed-login-attempts/07:08
b3h3m0thI was using tally2 but I want some features that are in faillock but not in tally207:09
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: yeah, didnt find much on faillock itself, apt cache doesnt show much neither07:10
b3h3m0thhow do I go about building it ?07:11
b3h3m0thI did find this https://src.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/pam.git/tree/pam-1.2.1-faillock.patch07:12
cpaelzerI think on ubuntu usually fail2ban is used instead of pam_faillog - not sure if they are fully feature equivalent07:12
cpaelzerI found some references of people missing one being pointed at the other07:12
b3h3m0thI want to use the fail_interval feature to be precise07:13
b3h3m0thcpaelzer:  can fail2ban be used as a pam module? I recall using it as a fully fledged service for SSH bruteforce mitigation07:14
cpaelzermy memoery matches yours, honestly I don't know if it can go into the pam stack as well07:14
cpaelzerb3h3m0th: maybe look at libpam-shield for that?07:16
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: this could be interesting also: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/158378807:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1583788 in openstack-ansible "Security role should use pam_faillock for V-38501 on CentOS" [Wishlist,Won't fix]07:17
b3h3m0thcpaelzer:  I'm not looking for brute force mitigation now. I was saying that I used fail2ban for that since you mentioned fail2ban07:18
b3h3m0thnow I'm looking for the lockout window slide07:18
b3h3m0thlotuspsychje:  I'm wondering if fail2ban would be an overkill for this just one feature addition07:19
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: fail2ban is never overkill and strongly needed07:20
b3h3m0thdoes it come as a PAM module?07:20
b3h3m0ththat can be stacked to my current PAM07:20
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: that im not sure of, perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys have more xperience on this07:21
b3h3m0thOkay, thanks. I'll check there07:21
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: whats your endgoal exactly? perhaps other alternatives will come if you explain the whole story?07:22
b3h3m0thThe length of the interval during which the consecutive authentication failures must happen for the user account lock out is n seconds. The default is 900 (15 minutes).07:22
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: aka ssh brute force attempts on pam?07:23
b3h3m0thKind of. I currently use pam_tally2 to lock user for X seconds after Y consecutive failed login attempts.07:25
b3h3m0thI want to change that to:07:25
b3h3m0thLock user for X seconds after Y consecutive failed login attempts within a time windows of Z seconds.07:25
b3h3m0thpam_tally2 does not support the Z07:25
b3h3m0thI want a user to be able to try to login (Y-1) times every Z seconds indefinitely without lockout.07:26
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: cant find much on faillock and ubuntu related, but some pages on bruteforce block show pam_abl can this also do what you need?07:28
lotuspsychjemorning cfhowlett & EriC^^07:30
cfhowlettafternoon lotuspsychje07:30
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje07:31
lotuspsychjecfhowlett, EriC^^ b3h3m0th is looking to block bruteforce attempts on pam and needs the fail interval option, you guys know something?07:32
cfhowlettover my head completely lotuspsychje.  sorry.07:32
EriC^^no idea here07:33
lotuspsychjeb3h3m0th: perhaps fool around with that pam_abl, fail2ban, firewall and #ubuntu-server07:38
b3h3m0thone more thing, I am not just hardening SSH auth, but local auth as well. That rules out the firewall option07:39
cfhowlettb3h3m0th, ask #ubuntu-sever??07:39
b3h3m0thI've dropped a query there07:39
b3h3m0thdidn't get anything there07:40
=== souravbadami1 is now known as souravbadami
PimmelHi, i am looking for information on Ubuntu 10.04, but can not find it, which debian-release is "Ubuntu 10.04" based upon ? Looking here was of little help : https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Lucid_Lynx/07:54
cfhowlettPimmel, based on whatever debian was current at that time07:54
Pimmelcfhowlett: never mind, your answer is of little use, if you do not know, please give opportunity to knowledgeable geeks , please..07:56
cfhowlettgratuitous insult aside ... you got it.07:56
Ent-R-PryZubuntu 10.04 is so old, why not just update07:57
PimmelEnt-R-PryZ: do you represent the spirit of Ubuntu ? PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO . why not ? that is not the issue i am asking about ...07:58
atmosxHello, to mount a reiserfs partition, what do I need to do under xenial? I can't find any resources.07:58
atmosxis kernel recompilation with ReiserFS4 the only option?07:58
lotuspsychje!resierfs | atmosx07:58
cfhowlettPimmel, dial down the attitude please.  as 10.04 is no longer supported, please take this query to the #ubuntu-offtopic channel please.  thank you.07:59
lotuspsychje!reiserfs | atmosx07:59
ubottuatmosx: reiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext4, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html07:59
ducassePimmel: ubuntu is not based on a stable debian release, but testing/unstable07:59
Pimmelcfhowlett: dial down you attitude..., please...07:59
atmosxlotuspsychje: I'm testing a software package performance... I don't have a choice07:59
atmosxlotuspsychje: I tested on every ther FS, that's the last one07:59
Pimmelducasse, thats sounds like a good information, do you have any online sources to confirm what you are saying ??08:00
ducassePimmel: it is mentioned several places on the ubuntu wiki, there's a "ubuntus relationship to debian" article there08:01
Pimmelducasse: thanks.. , i gonna try reading it....08:02
turistahello every1, I'm lazy to read the manual now cuz I don't get it but08:09
sami__hello all08:09
turistahow can I use 'cron' to shutdown this computer in around two hours?¿ :-P08:09
* turista needs to be bathed with knowledge08:09
cfhowlettturista, starting with that almost guarantees you get ignored.  suggest you open a terminal and read:       man cron08:09
turistaI did but08:09
turistaI don't understand that /etc/cron.dayly08:10
cfhowlettdayly?  are you trolling us?08:10
turistaI open the xterm terminal cuz the letters are more smaller08:10
turistaalso I can't copy stuff from there08:11
turistaor paste them08:11
cfhowlettreally.  you can't paste.  unconvinced.08:11
cfhowlett!paste | tur08:11
ubottutur: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:11
alkisgturista: if you want to shut down the pc in 2 hours, open a terminal and run this: sudo -i <enter> sleep 2h && poweroff08:11
turistadon't tell anyone but the xterm terminal seems to be bugged, sometimes the manual get mixed with whatever I was doing there08:11
=== madwizar1 is now known as madwizard
turistaI did type the line but it seems it gots stuck08:14
alkisgturista: yes it will stuck for 2 hours and then it will poweroff08:14
alkisgturista: no cron needed that way08:14
alkisgturista: you can cancel it with Ctrl+C08:14
turistabut the root is now open :-P anyone could enter, cancel it and use root !08:14
alkisgturista: this will not "leave root open": sudo sh -c 'sleep 2h && poweroff'08:15
turistaI am reading the manual about cron but, it always tell me how it does work :-P and that's confuse me08:16
alkisgYes it's confusing to read how things work when you want to learn how things work08:16
turistathat makes sense to me; but you know, I was waiting to use -t -f stuff08:17
ducasseturista: try 'man 5 crontab' and 'man crontab'08:18
WhiskeyHow do i create a tar file whit data from another path from where it executed and save file on another place from where its executed08:18
turistathx by the support, this is the manual file I was looking for !08:20
gnomethrowerhaving some issues08:20
gnomethrowerThe following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic08:20
gnomethrowereven with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade08:20
ducasseturista: it's mentioned under 'see also' near the bottom of the other cron pages08:20
turistaI dislike the xterm terminal but I keep using it, dunno why08:21
gnomethrowerturista: because most terminals for Linux aren't great ;)08:22
turistau're pretty wrong :-P08:22
turistamay its cuz I feel like a beta tester on it, I like bugs though08:23
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
gnomethrowerthere are some great terminals, don't get me wrong08:23
gnomethrowerbut iterm2 > * :)08:23
turistaI prefer the gnome terminal cuz I can copy&paste stuff :-P~ but lately I'm using xterm a lot dunno why08:24
turistaI'm so tired now, have g'day/night!08:26
workBABL version too old!08:28
workGIMP requires BABL version 0.1.24 or later.08:28
workInstalled BABL version is
workSomehow you or your software packager managed08:28
workto install GIMP with an older BABL version.08:28
workPlease upgrade to BABL version 0.1.24 or later.08:28
ducasse!paste | work08:28
ubottuwork: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:28
ducassework: are you on zesty?08:34
workwhat is zesty?08:35
ducassework: which ubuntu version are you on?08:36
silv3r_m00nhi there08:37
ducassework: then what have you done to it? gimp should have the libraries it needs, and that is not the babl version in xenial.08:37
silv3r_m00nin the commandline, what does %U mean ?08:37
silv3r_m00nchromium-browser %U08:37
workok. and will work on 16.10?08:39
ducassework: did you install gimp and/or babl from a ppa?08:39
ducassework: 16.10 has 0.1.18-1. but gimp in 16.04 should just work.08:39
gnomethrowerThe following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic08:40
gnomethrower^ dist-upgrade won't fix this for me :( what do?08:40
alkisggnomethrower: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade ==> output of those?08:43
arminlooks loke periodic updates sometimes goes wild: http://base.m2m.pm/unattended.png am i right that i completely am able to disable this by setting APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0"; in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic ?08:47
=== freakynl_ is now known as freakynl
kalu26anymore ubuntu free cd's?08:48
ikevinkalu26, nop08:50
kalu26oh i got plenty of cd's kinda free stuff from ubuntu08:51
gnomethroweralkisg: https://gist.github.com/Zorlin/9f0022b8013830eeb7c92c4ac05a417308:52
alkisggnomethrower: and the output of `apt-cache policy linux-image-generic` ?08:53
j4ckcomhow can i install vmware tools?08:54
kalu26just hit press08:54
j4ckcomhit? what?08:54
kalu26flush potty button08:54
ducasse!behelpful | kalu2608:54
ubottukalu26: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.08:54
gnomethrowerj4ckcom: apt-get install open-vm-tools08:55
gnomethrowerj4ckcom: you almost certainly want OpenVM Tools rather than VMware tools08:55
gnomethrowerwhich is unsupported on like Ubuntu 14.04 and later08:55
gnomethrowerj4ckcom: that sounds about right, if this is not a headless box ;)08:55
j4ckcomthanks gnomethrower :)08:55
gnomethroweralkisg: added to that jist08:55
alkisggnomethrower: you didn't put any packages on hold, did you? Can you retry with `sudo aptitude dist-upgrade`, and see what blocks the upgrade?08:57
gnomethroweralkisg: I unheld one of those packages08:57
gnomethrowerthen realized it was meant to be held (and was on other similar machines) and re-held it08:57
gnomethrowernot sure if that's the issue..08:57
j4ckcomvirtual Machine > Install VMware Tools.08:58
gnomethrowerj4ckcom: No, you don't want to do that08:58
gnomethrowerj4ckcom: that inserts the VMware Tools CD (really an ISO) into your machine08:59
gnomethroweryou don't need the VMware tools from that, you need open-vm-tools08:59
j4ckcomok thanks08:59
j4ckcomapt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop? gnomethrower ?08:59
gnomethrowerj4ckcom: correct08:59
j4ckcomthanks :)08:59
gnomethrowerno problem08:59
alkisggnomethrower: apt-mark showhold09:00
gnomethroweralkisg: https://gist.github.com/Zorlin/9f0022b8013830eeb7c92c4ac05a417309:01
alkisggnomethrower: well, unhold them, that's the issue... :)09:01
j4ckcomhow can i update ubuntu? gnomethrower ?09:01
alkisggnomethrower: sudo apt-mark unhold packagename09:02
gnomethroweralkisg: i got that... just need to confirm safety ;)09:02
gnomethroweralkisg: I have that same output on a clean Ubuntu 14.04 box that I know I haven't touched09:03
gnomethrowerlinux-generic, linux-headers-generic and linux-image-generic all held09:03
kalu26anyone good at mathematics here?09:03
hateballkalu26: try ##math09:03
gnomethroweralkisg: Oh. Huh09:04
gnomethrowernever mind. our Salt config is set to hold those 3. braindead.'09:04
=== lol768- is now known as lol768
msevworkanyone of you guys use Wireguard?09:10
=== olmari_ is now known as olmari
hh2010Hello.  I am running Ubuntu 16 on Amazon AWS EC2.  I have successfully added a secondary IP address, but when I log into it and check ifconfig.co, it returns my primary IP address instead.  Any idea how I can fix this?09:22
gnomethrowerhh2010: tiny nitpick, do you mean Ubuntu 16.04 or 16.10?09:23
souravbadamiHow do I build phpmyadmin from source on Ubuntu ?09:23
souravbadamiI don't find any documentation.09:23
souravbadamiI have an existing phpmyadmin which I installed from the official repository.09:24
souravbadamiI have the code, I did a "composer update". What is the next step ?09:24
gnomethroweralkisg: Okay, just confirmed a brand new U14.04 install has NO HELD PACKAGES09:24
hh2010Gnome i am away from my computer right now and am honestly not sure09:24
gnomethrowerso this is an internal problem I'll have to rectify. Thanks for all the help :)]09:24
hh2010I can log in and check if in a few09:25
hh2010Well actually im trying to sleep so maybe not lol.  This problem is bugging me though.09:25
Whiskeytar cvzf "$directories(backup)/file.tar.gz" -C "$directories(tar)" . <- Give me strange structur https://snag.gy/sxnKjm.jpg how do i fix that?09:27
hh2010Any thoughts gnomethrower ?09:31
=== gry_ is now known as gry
ppf_hh2010: how did you add the address?09:32
hh2010First on amazon aws you generate the IP address and its corresponding public IP address09:34
hh2010Then in /etc/network/interfaces i added the new up address09:34
ppf_can you paste interfaces?09:35
ppf_you said you added it "successfully". how did you determine success?09:35
hh2010"auto eth0" "iface eth0 inet dhcp" "ip addr add xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/20"09:37
hh2010I am away from computer but the lines in interfaces looks like that09:37
gnomethrowerhh2010: not my field, mate, sorry :)09:37
gnomethrowerjust wanted to get that info so others could help better09:38
hh2010By success i just mean i am able to ssh into the secondary public IP09:38
ppfhh2010: that's not valid interfaces syntax09:39
hh2010The first two lines are direct from Amazon AWS09:39
hh2010The third line i am trying to recall from memory but that was the gist of it09:39
ppfyes, and it's wrong09:40
vahehi all, https://bpaste.net/show/d7f32a1f2c5f want to formating but it does not work09:40
bleeepbloopdoes anyone here use lets encrypt?09:40
ppfwe can't really guess what's up like this. when you get back to your computer, paste the interfaces file and we can take a look09:40
alkisg(11:24:42 πμ) gnomethrower: alkisg: Okay, just confirmed a brand new U14.04 install has NO HELD PACKAGES ==> of course, that's normal...09:40
bleeepbloopidk if this is the propper place to ask but I'm running a couple of lxc containers09:41
hh2010The third line is: "ip addr add xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/20 dev eth0"09:41
bleeepbloopand one of them is for email, the other is for a web server09:41
alkisgvahe: do you see any read errors in `dmesg`?09:42
ppfvahe: try gparted instead09:42
bleeepbloopand I'm trying to do the lets encrypt validation in the containers, but since they are natted they cant do the validation09:42
ppfhh2010: yes, that's not valid interfaces syntax09:42
hh2010Ok im logging on09:42
bleeepbloopI have port forwarding in the fw to the web server one so I was able to do the validation challenge in that but that leaves the other container09:43
vahealkisg: no09:43
gnomethroweralkisg: I was pretty sure that was the case, I just wanted to verify for myself09:43
bleeepbloopIm a bit confused on how to go about this...09:43
vahealkisg: I just want to format to install the image for Ubuntu EFI09:44
bleeepbloopi was wondering if any of you guys had any ideas09:44
vaheppf: thanks i try09:44
alkisgvahe: is this an internal hard disk? is it ssd?09:44
gnomethroweralkisg: and so I could discuss it with my boss. just needed to verify09:44
bleeepbloopi dont mean to interrupt any of you guys at all09:44
alkisggnomethrower: ok09:44
vahealkisg: normal sandisk :)09:44
vaheI can't just format09:44
alkisgvahe: sandisk is a company, not a disk model09:45
alkisgvahe: what's the output of `sudo parted -l`?09:45
indraone01part #Ubuntu09:45
vahealkisg: I know, but I don't know how to determine what it is mmc mabye09:46
vahealkisg: it took me half an hour ago worked, but after installing on a flash drive image, then became not to work09:47
alkisgvahe: yes it sounds like a hardware issue, not a software issue... so what's the output of `sudo parted -l`?09:47
vahealkisg: I've done this many times, but now was not working09:48
vahealkisg: it is not possible that would be a hardware error :(09:49
alkisgvahe: comments are nice, but pasting what I asked would be better09:49
hh2010seems impossible to copy from shell lol… had to type that09:50
hh2010i also made some changes to routing table…09:50
ppfi expect it's properly indented?09:50
hh2010there is no indentation...09:50
rafaelcenteioHi, I'm having no sound on Ubuntu 16.04 after installing new speakers. Here is dmesg output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24000034/09:51
rafaelcenteioThanks in advance.09:51
ppffor your own sanity please indent it then :D09:51
hh2010indent everything below auto eth0?09:51
ppf(it's not required)09:51
hh2010ok will do thanks09:51
ppffor completeness check man interfaces for some examples09:52
ppfnow for the contents09:52
ppfwhy do you configure your interface both with dhcp _and_ a static ip?09:52
ppfare both IPs in your paste identical?09:52
hh2010these IPs are both generated from Amazon AWS09:53
ppfso "no" to the second question?09:53
hh2010and they have “public IPs” associated with them09:53
hh2010no they are not identical09:53
hh2010yeah the first one is the primary address09:53
ppfokay. and why dhcp ?09:53
hh2010the second one is the secondary which is the one im struggling with.  the primary works fine09:53
hh2010because it didnt seem to pick up the elastic IP unless i did DHCP09:54
hh2010for the primary09:54
hh2010and this is how amazon set it up09:54
hh2010the amazon settings were simply the first two liens09:54
hh2010elastic IP is their word for static IP that will be used for public09:55
ppfokay, fair enough09:55
ppfdo you want to get the first IP from dhcp or statically?09:56
hh2010well i guess dhcp09:56
hh2010thats how amazon had it09:56
hh2010i added the static line on my own09:57
ppfalright, then use that, delete the rest09:57
hh2010even delete the second ip address?09:57
ppfto add the second address, you add another iface line09:57
=== gnomethrower is now known as GT|Away
ppfanother line: iface eth0 inet static09:58
ppfto that you add the proper address and gateway09:58
hh2010whats the best way to find the gateway to use?09:59
ppfask your network administrator i guess09:59
hh2010ok, wasnt sure if thers a way in linux09:59
ppfwhat the egress router for that subnet is09:59
hh2010ah ok10:00
ppfhow would linux know :)10:00
hh2010if a command like “ifconfig” maybe specified the gateway the ip is connected to?10:00
ppfhow would ifconfig know?10:00
atmosxsomeone had tell ifconfig what to do, stupid thing10:01
ppfyou can specify a gateway statically, e.g. through interfaces, or dynamically, through dhcp10:01
hh2010because when interfaces activates the network interface it has to specify the gateway10:01
=== krisd_ is now known as krisd
hh2010right so wouldnt ifconfig or ip have the gateway info that dhcp genreated?10:02
ppfyes, but only for the subnet the dhcp ip is on10:02
hh2010oh i guess what im saying is10:02
hh2010to use the gateway from the first ip10:02
ppfokay, that you can get via `ip route`10:03
cristian_cI'd like to make avrcp profile working on my bluetooth headset, I mean: media buttons located on the headset10:03
cristian_cI've looked at bluetoothctl info output and avrcp is listed as available for the device10:04
cristian_cWhat methods could I try in order to find the issue?10:04
cristian_cany ideas?10:04
hh2010yeah i just double checked and these IPs are on the same subnets and gateway10:04
=== Andy80^ is now known as Andy80
hh2010ip route just says “default via xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx dev eth0”10:05
hh2010where xxx is my primary private ip10:05
hh2010ah no nevermind10:05
hh2010xxx is the gateway10:06
hh2010does that sound right?10:06
ppfyes, that's the default gateway10:06
hh2010ok in ip route there are also two lines which i believe were generated by dhcp perhaps10:08
hh2010xxx.xxx.xxx.0/20 dev eth 0 proto kernel scope link src [primary private ip]10:08
hh2010and xxx.xxx.xxx.0/20 deb eth1 proto kernel scope link src [secondary private ip]10:08
hh2010eth0** for the first one10:08
hh2010no space10:08
ppfwait, that's another interface10:09
hh2010that was going to be my next question lol10:09
hh2010i wanted to get this first interface figured out first10:09
ppfso do you have two interfaces or one?10:09
hh2010having issues with second one working at all10:10
ppfso the second one is supposed to have the second address?10:10
hh2010theres two more addresses on the second one10:10
hh2010each interface has two addresses each10:10
hh2010in the interfaces for the second ip which is static generated, should i add the address like this: xxx.xx.xx.xxx/2010:11
hh2010‘/20 to signify the subnet10:12
ppfyes. like line 3 from your original paste10:12
hh2010and for gateway should i add a subnet as well?10:12
hh2010like i am seeing on that second line of the routes table i sent you10:12
hh2010ok i have added the second ip to first interface10:12
hh2010should i “ip addr flush eth0 && systemctl restart networking.service"?10:13
hh2010_should prob get off my znc while doing this lol10:15
hh2010_yeah it broke when i restarted network10:15
=== souravbadami1 is now known as souravbadami
hh2010_i think it broke because of the second interfact i had generating in there as well10:16
hh2010_although that one was static10:16
=== hh2010_ is now known as hh2010
ppfbroke how?10:18
anddamI inserted an usb disk and it was automounted by unity (or whatever the approprite component name is)10:19
hh2010cant connect to it10:19
anddamI connected a second disk and this wasn't automounted10:20
anddamboth are listed with their partitions in lsblk's outut10:20
hh2010the shell froze immediately10:20
ppfwell yeah, you disconnected its network, that's to be expected10:21
hh2010yeah well i rebooted the instance on amazon and still cant get in10:23
hh2010very weird i dont see how anything we did could have done that10:23
nadio_what is the best recommended wifi pci-e card for linux currently ?10:24
ppfif the interfaces file is broken now the machine can't get its network up10:24
=== DeadKaptain is now known as DeadSheep
hh2010yeah this happened before i can fix it if needed10:24
hh2010might just be taking a long time to boot though10:25
Rembohello, i have a folder with multiple .jpeg large files(10-12 mb each pic), i want to resize them about  5-6 mb each, i want to use imagemagic command line, can you help me? thanks10:26
anddamhow do I override ownership of mounted fs with a manual mount?10:28
anddamif possible10:29
hh2010yeah ill need to do some stuff to fix the interfaces file10:29
anddamRembo: take one image and do some test for the proper options, then do a shell for loop and repeat those for all images10:29
hh2010really weird. not sure why it would break if eth0 was generated with dhcp like it normally does10:30
hh2010perhaps something to do with the gateway i specified or the second interface, which i will not activate while trying this10:30
ppfcould be the default rout10:31
hh2010what about it10:32
=== DeadSheep is now known as SheepDog
=== SheepDog is now known as DSD
=== DSD is now known as DeadKaptain
ppfmaybe it goes out via the wrong address10:36
hh2010sometimes i see the gateway specified as
hh2010not sure where i first saw that10:36
hh2010but thats what i was using for gateway for a while10:36
ppfno you weren't10:37
ppfyou were using the gateway given to you by your dhcp10:37
anddamI've seen gateways using a /8 network10:37
anddamso assigning in by default10:37
anddamand by "gateways" I mean "I saw one, once"10:38
hh2010well by “using” i mean thats what i put in the interfaces10:38
hh2010clearly thats not what was being assigned10:38
ppfno it wasn't. the dhcp method doesn't take a gateway option; your interfaces file was malformed10:39
hh2010for the static addresses10:39
tcornelihi, i'm trying to wake my pc with a wol packet, but it doesn't work. the cause seems to be ubuntu powering the pc completely down, deactivating the nic. where can i modify in what state ubuntu goes to sleep?10:42
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
hh2010ok, so based on what im reading on amazon aws docs, it looks like they automatically route all IP addresses to a gateway through their system10:48
=== Christer_ is now known as Christer
SmicheHello, I have iptables rule: sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 808010:48
Explorer_hello, I am new to linux.10:48
Smicheany way to save this and have it persist after reboot? also iptables -L or -S don't show the rule10:49
Explorer_Is Ubuntu based on Debian testing?10:49
hh2010Smiche, use netfilter-persistent save10:50
k1lExplorer_: the packages are synced from there, then they get tested and freezed before release10:50
Jakey3when i type python foo.py on 16.04 does it run as python 2 or 3?10:50
Explorer_ok.  does anybody here know about Sparky Linux?10:50
hh2010ppf: i am back in10:51
ppfhh2010: good :)10:51
sly01Explorer_: Sorry bro10:51
k1lExplorer_: we focus on ubuntu in here. for other linux distributions ask in ##linux10:51
Explorer_k1l, what percentage of Ubuntu is Debian?10:51
brunch875_Jakey3, you can find out with python --version10:51
brunch875_it launches 2.710:52
Jakey3ok it's 2.7.12 how do i change it to 310:52
Jakey3or run programs as 310:52
brunch875_Jakey3, python launches python2 for compatibility reasons, most scripts expect python to be python2. So it is a very bad idea to change to 310:52
k1lExplorer_: hard to tell. its the base but there are a lot of changes to it.10:53
hh2010ppf: i took out the “gateway” line from the static ip for secondary in interfaces to let it auto assign through amazon10:53
brunch875_Jakey3, you can run python3 with python310:53
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k1lJakey3: there is python310:53
brunch875_that's the executable python310:53
hh2010ppf: now i am able to ssh into the secondary public IP10:53
ppfhh2010: static configurations aren't autoassigned10:53
hh2010ppf: which i was able to do before. but when i “curl ifconfig.co” it returns the public ip address of the primary IP, not secondary like it should10:53
hh2010ok… then i wonder how it is getting the gateway...10:54
hh2010maybe we should assign the second one with dhcp?10:54
Explorer_is Ubuntu safe from privacy point of view?10:54
hh2010so that amazon can provide the gateway?10:54
ppfhh2010: ??10:54
k1lExplorer_: yes10:54
Smichehh2010 ty, any way to check what it saved?10:54
Explorer_I mean, I have read that it could be containing some spyware.10:54
brunch875_Explorer_, that's probably related to sensationalist articles refering to the amazon lens10:55
hh2010Smiche: by looking at your iptables :) it saves what u currently have in there10:55
ppfhh2010: let's paddle back a bit: what is it that you _actually_ want to do10:55
brunch875_It is disabled by default10:55
Jakey3i've installed numpy with pip, so it works when using python210:55
k1lExplorer_: that was false information. you dont call your webbrowser spyware because it sends your search requests to the internet10:55
Explorer_are the results of my searches online as well as offline directed to Canonical?10:55
Jakey3however now i use python3 numpy doesnt work?10:55
ppfJakey3: install it with pip310:55
hh2010ppf: when i am logged into my second ip, when people do a whois on me i dont want my first ip to come up10:56
Smichehh2010: I didn't see my rule in iptables but it was working, that is iptables -L and iptables -S didn't show it, and iptables-save was saving an empty file10:56
brunch875_Jakey3, if you apt-get packages, they're normally called python-something10:56
brunch875_most have their python3-something counterpart10:56
hh2010Smiche: iptables-save doesnt work in ubuntu 16 i dont think10:56
k1lExplorer_: look at the system settings: you can set it there if you want recieve online reuslts or not. if you set that to off nothing is send10:56
Smicheperhaps nat rules have a different list?10:56
ppfhh2010: what does that even mean?10:56
hh2010Smiche: thats why i said netfilter-persistent save10:56
ppflogging into an ip10:56
Explorer_I saw that video on youtube yesterday, in which Richard Stallman expressed his concerns about privacy related issues in Ubuntu.10:57
Jakey3pip -V10:57
Jakey3pip 9.0.1 from /home/c1/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7)10:57
hh2010ppf: i mean when i ssh into that ip and go onto the internet10:57
brunch875_Jakey3, so you can apt-get install python-numpy for python2 and python3-numpy for python310:57
Jakey3pip seems to be directed at python210:57
hh2010ppf: or if i use it as a vpn10:57
hh2010ppf: or if i use it for znc10:57
k1lExplorer_: yes, richard stallman has a very different point of view: he tells you to steal instead of coding for money. we explained you the facts about the search right now10:57
ppfhh2010: those are entirely unrelated things10:57
brunch875_Jakey3, there's also pip310:58
roweHow can I get the ISight camera to work on my Macbook 2,1 running 16.04?10:58
Explorer_k1l, where exactly in system settings?10:58
k1lExplorer_: in the privacy tab10:58
Explorer_I am using Lubuntu now.10:58
ppfJakey3: pip is python 2. pip3 is python 310:58
ppfchoose the right one10:58
k1lExplorer_: lubuntu doesnt use the unity desktop at all.10:58
brunch875_Jakey3, if you're going to be using pip, let me recommend you using a virtualenv10:59
hh2010ppf: ok, i understand that connecting to a server through an ip address is different than the server connecting to other applications11:00
brunch875_if something breaks while using a virtualenv, you can just delete the folder. If pip breaks something using the system libs... it's a bit messier to fix11:00
ppfhh2010: an interface (or, for the sake of argument, let's say "IP address") is connected to a network. which ip address packets are sent out on is decided based on the routing table using the destination address's network11:00
Jakey3brunch875_, ok11:01
Explorer_k1l, does it mean in Lubuntu I don't need to change any settings to enhance my security?11:01
hh2010got it… so perhaps we should look at the routing table then?11:01
brunch875_For installing stuff system-wide stuff I recommend using apt-get.11:01
hh2010seems like the interface is working fine then11:01
ppfif your machine has two addresses on the same network, then it'll always use the first one as a source address. you can rewrite that using the ip filter (iptables).11:02
brunch875_apt-get install python3-numpy and the like11:02
hh2010ok that is very helpful11:02
hh2010how do you think we can do that?11:03
k1lExplorer_: so you have not looked at the details but just heard someone saying "spyware" and you dont know what its about at all? no, Lubuntu doesnt use the unity desktop which got the desktop search included11:03
Explorer_ok. that's good.11:04
Explorer_k1l, thanks a lot.11:04
hh2010also, why is “iptables” appropriate here but not “ip route”?11:04
ppfhh2010: get familiar with iptables, i guess, and add the rewrite filters11:04
ppfbecause it's not a matter of the route but a matter of the packets you're sending11:04
hh2010oh jeez11:05
hh2010so id have to do it by port perhaps11:05
Explorer_any Indian here who uses Ubuntu?11:05
ppfthe route just determines the outgoing ipaddress based solely on the destination11:05
ppfon the destination _network_11:05
ppfiptables can trigger rules by port, yes11:06
ppfand there's one route per destination network11:06
hh2010so would this route i am intending to create go on the “nat” table?11:07
ppfi guess11:09
ppfi'm not super familiar with iptables11:09
hh2010ive done a little with them11:09
hh2010what u are saying makes sense and has been very helpful11:09
hh2010thank you!11:10
=== hh2010 is now known as hh2010_
madm1keI have trouble using two monitors with Displayport 1.2 (daisy chained) with a nvidia K2000 gpu on ubuntu 16.04 (proprietary nvidia-367). The setup works fine with my laptop (intel gpu). But Ubuntu only lists one display although I can see a mirrored image on both of them. Anyone familiar with that kind of stuff?11:25
hateballmadm1ke: I've seen (old) release notes about similar stuff... Personally I'd use the PPA and install nvidia-378 and see if it is magically fixed11:29
hateballthe old release notes were for <367 drivers, but also for older chipsets, so11:29
madm1kehateball: hm, worth a shot11:30
hateballmadm1ke: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-37811:31
madm1kehateball: on it already :)11:31
hateballmadm1ke: and if that breaks things you can always apt install nvidia-36711:31
hateballmadm1ke: :)11:31
madm1kehateball: I read that nouveau has initial MST support in linux 4.10 - is there a ppa for that as well by any chance? :)11:32
hateballmadm1ke: nouveau is in the kernel, the closest you'd get is using a !mainline kernel I guess11:32
madm1keyeah, I meant a ppa for linux-4.10 (rc) :)11:33
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:33
Jakey3up and running with virtual env in python now with pip311:33
vmuresan_Hey! How can I use the zip command to create a zip that its name is the current date? eg: 02.15.2017.zip11:36
Psychonautmadm1ke, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.10-rc8/11:40
hateballvmuresan_: zip $(date +FORMAT).zip /dir/to/zip11:40
hateballvmuresan_: you'll need to read the manpage for date to get your desired format, I dont know the syntax offhand11:41
k1lmadm1ke: keep in mind that those mainline kernels are missing most ubuntu patches and cant be supported in here. and they dont update automatically11:42
hateballvmuresan_: in your case it'd be date +%m.%d.%Y11:44
vmuresan_I'll try it right now11:45
vmuresan_hateball, it works!11:45
max3this is a line from a bash script. args are store in opt. what does `$setup configure --user -f ${opt[p]+-}devel` do if p is passed in as an arg?11:45
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== smiche_ is now known as Smiche
yeeveI have an apache issue where if I setup a default vhost for _default_:443 it breaks the other already-configured SSL vhosts. seems like a bug, anyone had similar?12:07
=== Max is now known as Guest137
osc_khojHi, I met system crash, and gather the kdump..I think it's the bug, ..how can I do?12:10
Guest137hi, i´m new to linux. i need to know how to configure lirc to react on my rc6 remote. inside kodi everything works, but outside nothing happens. i like to map a programstart to a button and volume buttons.12:10
=== storm is now known as Guest35301
osc_khoj"Kernel panic - not syncing: NMI: Not continuing" --it's the first sentence to enter the crash...12:12
WolfGirlHi guys, looking to get minecraft working here but the launcher is throwing up crazy messages about a java ssl exceptions. i've googled the hell out of it for hours no to no avail. can anyone help? ; o )12:15
WolfGirlMessage me if you can, thanks12:15
WolfGirlwhy's nobody talking?12:16
BluesKajHey folks12:16
osc_khojMy system is crashed ,and how can I upload to ubuntu community.?12:18
WolfGirl_BSXHi guys, looking to get minecraft working here but the launcher is throwing up crazy messages about a java ssl exceptions. i've googled the hell out of it for hours no to no avail. can anyone help? ; o )12:19
WolfGirl_BSXI'm using OpenJRE 8 runtime if it helps, but I've also tried Oracle's12:20
WolfGirl_BSXIt's driving me crazy x12:20
k1lWolfGirl_BSX: if you wait for someone to ask for more details, that might not happen. so show the specific errormessages in pastebins and name the exact OS and issue in here with linking to those pastebins.12:21
WolfGirl_BSXOh okay, thanks, its the first time ive used this channel. didnt think people would want spammy messages12:21
WolfGirl_BSXokay two seconds.12:21
k1lWolfGirl_BSX: not spammy messages, but we dont want to waist the first hour to just gather the information to see if one could help or not :)12:23
WolfGirl_BSXyeah i see, thanks, i get you. im just trying to get past the captcha, isnt working12:25
Jiri_I am stuck to 800x600 video resolution in Ubuntu 14.04, I have tried many things from forums, but nothing helped. randr outputs maximum resolution as 800x60012:25
k1lWolfGirl_BSX: you can use paste.ubuntu.com12:25
WolfGirl_BSXoh its okay, ive done it now12:25
brunch875_Jiri_, was resolution any better in the live image?12:26
brunch875_I mean, through the installer12:26
Jiri_How can I change the default resolution to 1366x768?12:26
Jiri_In the instalation the resolution was the same.12:26
Jiri_What is "the live image"?12:27
k1lJiri_: that sounds like wrong video driver or some adapter involved. or the card is that old and not supported anymore (like SIS cards)12:27
WolfGirl_BSXHey guys, need help running minecraft. Currenctly running Lubuntu 16.10 x64 (latest) with OpenJRE 8. wondering if anyone would message for help? error in question here, thank you http://pastebin.com/Bg2Vu3gQ12:27
osc_khojI met the system panic  about Kernel panic - not syncing: NMI: Not continuing http://paste.ubuntu.com/24000622/12:27
mdznhey, i'm having problems with python3.6 in ubuntu yakkety12:27
mdznpython3.5 is okay, self-compiled 3.6 is okay as well12:28
BluesKajJiri_:  resolution during the install was the same as what?12:28
Jiri_I have installed exactly same Ubuntu version for 2 years ago and could use higher resolutions.12:28
mdznbut 3.6 in yakkety is beta version, when python 3.6 is stable already12:28
mdznmore specifically: i can't use mypy12:29
mdzncpython isn't able to determine MRO12:29
Jiri_The resolution during the install was 800x600.12:29
mdznshould i report it to ubuntu bug tracker?12:29
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k1lWolfGirl_BSX: you need the oracle java to run minecraft12:31
osc_khojWolfGirl_BSX: I think you have some trouble in internet line...I can download it...12:31
WolfGirl_BSXyes, i have tried the oracle jre also12:32
k1lWolfGirl_BSX: but wait12:32
WolfGirl_BSXthey both produce the same12:32
k1lWolfGirl_BSX: try a "sudo update-ca-certificates -f"12:32
Jiri_Is there any solution to get higher resolution than 800x600?12:32
BluesKajJiri_:  run, sudo ubuntu-drivers list , in the terminal and choose the correct driver, not sure about unity/gnome whether a recommended driver is listed there12:32
WolfGirl_BSXOMG K1L12:33
k1lJiri_: what video card is it? are adapters involved? what happend before it didnt work anymore? what ubuntu is it exactly? what kernel?12:33
osc_khojIs there anyone to help analyzing the kdump?12:33
WolfGirl_BSXi could kiss you. ive been at this for 2 and a half hours12:33
WolfGirl_BSXit works:D12:33
WolfGirl_BSXmy niece is gonna be so happy, thanks : )12:33
k1lWolfGirl_BSX: ok, have fun12:33
Jiri_Its a laptop, HP Pavilion12:33
WolfGirl_BSXthanks again xx12:33
osc_khojIf I want to ask the kdump analysis, how can I do that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24000622/12:36
Jiri_The command "sudo ubuntu-drivers list" gave this output: fglrx and fglrx-updates12:38
k1lk1l> Jiri_: what video card is it? are adapters involved? what happend before it didnt work anymore? what ubuntu is it exactly? what kernel?12:38
EriC^^Jiri_: what does "xrandr -q" show ?12:38
Jiri_The video card (AMD) is inside the laptop. I reinstalled the operating system Ubuntu 14.04 and after that I could not cooze any other resolution than 800x600. I do not know what kernel it is.12:40
k1lJiri_: uname -a tells you the kernel12:41
Jiri_here is output from uname -a: HP-Pavilion-17-Notebook-PC 3.13.0-108-generic #155-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 11 16:58:52 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:42
anddamJiri_: so 3.13.012:42
anddamJiri_: read EriC^^ 's question12:42
anddamJiri_: also use just -r in order to check kernel from uname12:43
anddamJiri_: I usually just do -rms12:43
DexterFif I wanted to create a live usb hdd that boots on efi and legacy systems alike, what are my options? there was a live-builder once but discontinued since 201412:44
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/12:44
EriC^^DexterF: ^12:44
DexterFEriC^^, thanks12:44
Jiri_-rms gave this output: could not find command12:44
EriC^^Jiri_: try "xrandr -q | nc termbin.com 9999" paste the link it gives you here12:45
EriC^^Jiri_: also "lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999"12:45
k1lJiri_: and what video card is it? please run "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the link here12:45
anddamJiri_: I obviously meant -rms as short options to uname12:46
k1lEriC^^: :)12:46
Jiri_Answer no 1 to EriC^^ is xrandr -q gave this output: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default Screen 0: minimum 800 x 600, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 600 default connected primary 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm    800x600        75.0* 712:47
hateballSounds like a matter of either missing fglrx or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Desktop-1 , no?12:47
prodeo12xrandr ??/12:47
k1lhateball: if he wants to use fglrx he cant change the hwe staack because 16.04 doesnt support fglrx anymre12:48
Jiri_xrandr -q | nc termbin.com 9999 gave this output: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default http://termbin.com/q7u67712:48
hateballk1l: yea, thats what I meant by "either", perhaps poor grammar confused that12:48
hateballI dont use AMD myself so I don't know which is preferable on 14.0412:48
anddamwhy 14.04?12:49
prodeo12xrandr -q12:49
anddamI mean considering 16.04 is LTS12:49
prodeo12xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default12:49
prodeo12Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1280 x 102412:49
prodeo12default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm12:49
prodeo12   1280x1024       0.012:49
prodeo12   1024x768        0.0*12:49
k1lfor 14.04 flgrx should be fine, if amd is still supporting that card12:49
anddamk1l: ah just read your answer about  14.0412:49
Jiri_lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 gave this output: http://termbin.com/wt2i712:50
EriC^^(link is without the 7 at the end)12:51
EriC^^Jiri_: try "dpkg -l | egrep "radeon|fglrx" | nc termbin.com 999912:51
Jiri_Yes, you are right EriC^^, sorry.12:51
EriC^^Jiri_: dpkg -l | egrep "radeon|fglrx" | nc termbin.com 999912:52
Jiri_here is the output: http://termbin.com/ouyd12:53
EriC^^Jiri_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999912:56
xc_hi, my ubuntu 16.04 machine does not recognise my iOS 10.2 iPhone anymore, what can I do to fix this?12:57
Jiri_EriC^^ the output is: http://termbin.com/9s4i12:57
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EriC^^Jiri_: how about trying a newer kernel from 16.04?13:03
Jiri_Yes! Which are the steps for this update?13:03
EriC^^Jiri_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Ubuntu_14.04_LTS_-_Trusty_Tahr13:04
Jiri_EriC^^ thanks for the link! The reason, why I did not install Ubuntu 16.04 is that my wireles modem did not work there. Are there good chances to get my wireles broadband to work after updating the kernel?13:08
soeeis it normal that ssh cnnections uses cpus whole 1 core ?13:09
EriC^^Jiri_: which modem is it?13:10
Jiri_USB modem with Mobile Partner software13:10
anddamwhile connecting this 2-bay SATA USB3 box with a 1TB drive in it I get a lot of https://gist.github.com/anddam/f28ad01221faa17a29a5e55ae748115e13:11
anddamis the disk faulty?13:11
ChrismeisterYesterday, all Windows frooze in my Ubuntu 16.10 installation. Not Unity menu and leftside icons - only ALL windows (they could not be moved or clicked in). Has anyone experienced this before and is this a known bug?13:11
ChrismeisterI just restarted my computer and everything has worked since13:12
z1haze_workwhat is the proper permissions stuff for web server folders? is the folder like mysite.com supposed to be owned by the root and the contents owned by the webserver, or is the folder itself supposed to be owned by the webserver?13:13
anddamZialus: I'd go with webserver13:14
anddamfor no particular reason13:14
EriC^^Jiri_: did you try the software from software-center?13:14
EriC^^Jiri_: modem-manager-gui13:15
Jiri_EriC^^ I have made all available updates. Any specific software you recommend me?13:15
akinodeHey, I can't seem to get shared clipboard working on virtualbox, I've been trying to resolve this issue for the last 30 minutes but nothing seems to be working. Can anyone help me?13:18
Jiri_EriC^^ I typed modem-manager-gui in Terminal and it seems not to be installed. I will try to find it and install.13:18
Jiri_EriC^^ I am sorry, as a beginner I do not know how to install modem-manager-gui Would you please help me?13:20
hateballJiri_: sudo apt install modem-manager-gui13:21
Southern_Gentlemakinode, do you have the vbox tools installed in the guest13:22
Southern_Gentlemand do you have the extended tools installed on the host13:22
akinodeisn't it enough to select bidirectional in the box where it says shared clipboard?13:23
GreySunshineHello! I want python to check for imports in site-packages by default. How do I do this? I saw this (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/122327/how-do-i-find-the-location-of-my-python-site-packages-directory). But this way I have to modify the sys.path, is there a better way to do it?13:23
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Jiri_Many thank hateboll for the command. Now M1odem Manager is installed and tells: huawei E3276 Version:21.436.03.00.56 Port:ttyUSB1 Type:GSM13:26
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Jiri_EriC^^ what do you think? Should I update the kernel with this modem version?13:29
Jiri_huawei E3276 Version:21.436.03.00.56 Port:ttyUSB1 Type:GSM13:29
EriC^^Jiri_: yeah give it a shot13:30
EriC^^Jiri_: you can always uninstall the packages and install the old ones back if it doesn't work out13:30
Jiri_EriC^^ is there any simple way to undo this update?13:30
EriC^^they're saved in /var/log/apt/term.log , it'll say exactly what it did to update there13:30
ployhey sorry if this is a bit off topic, but at least one of you guys is close to a gnu/linux machine. could someone give me the output of: awk '/^\//{lsblk = "lsblk -rno UUID "$1; lsblk | getline uuid; close(lsblk); print uuid, $0}' /proc/mounts13:31
himcesjfHow to digitally sign a PDF or a word document in Ubuntu?13:31
Jiri_EriC^^ should I now type in terminal this line?    sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial13:31
EriC^^Jiri_: yes13:31
EriC^^ploy: http://termbin.com/qd2g13:35
ployawesome thanks13:36
akinodeSouthern_Gentlem is there anything else I should try? I simply downloaded and installed virtualbox13:36
akinodeSouthern_Gentlem What else do I need to install on my main and guest machine?13:37
Jiri_EriC^^ the command generated some error messages, half swedish half english. The screen resolution is still stuck to 800x600.13:37
hateballJiri_: you'd need a reboot to use the new kernel anyhow13:38
seigen99I mistake13:38
Jiri_OK, thanks hateball!13:38
hateballJiri_: pastebin the command + error so we can see13:38
Jiri_Here is the complet image from terminal (sorry for swedish language in error messages): eva@eva-HP-Pavilion-17-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial Läser paketlistor... Färdig Bygger beroendeträd          Läser tillståndsinformation... 13:41
EriC^^Jiri_: try LANG=C13:42
Jiri_Translation: Some packages could not be installed.13:42
EriC^^then runt he command13:42
EriC^^Oh ok13:42
Jiri_I typed LANG=C but the output from updating did not change.13:44
PiciJiri_: you need to prefix your command with that, i.e.: LANG=C sudo apt-get ...13:46
Jiri_OK, thank you Pici13:46
Jiri_Should I type the command for updating kernel once again LANG1=C in front of it?13:47
=== arya is now known as Guest24352
Jiri_EriC^^ here is the english output from the kernel update: eva@eva-HP-Pavilion-17-Notebook-PC:~$ LANG=C sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial [sudo] password for eva:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information...13:51
EriC^^Jiri_: nothing else?13:51
Jiri_eva@eva-HP-Pavilion-17-Notebook-PC:~$ LANG=C sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial [sudo] password for eva:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean 13:52
Piciperhaps a pastebin would be best for this13:52
EriC^^Jiri_: add "| nc termbin.com 9999" to the command13:52
Jiri_EriC^^ OK, I will add it to the end of the command.13:53
Jiri_EriC^^ here is the result: LANG=C sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial | nc termbin.com 9999 E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. http://termbin.com/b99n13:56
Guest24352hi, i am using Ubuntu 14.04. My dell laptop with 4GB RAM freezes suddenly. all i wasusing was chromium with a bunch of tabs and terminal. need help, why does it keep freezing?13:58
EriC^^Jiri_: try "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | nc termbin.com 9999"13:59
johnhamelinkHey folks, I've recently upgraded our CI server from ubuntu trusty to xenial, but I'm struggling with some weird insserv errors when I attempt to run apt-get upgrade:14:00
=== DeadKaptain__ is now known as DeadkKaptain
Jiri_EriC^^ http://termbin.com/35er14:00
EriC^^Jiri_: "dpkg -l | grep xenial | nc termbin.com 9999"14:02
=== DeadkKaptain is now known as DeadKaptain
Jiri_EriC^^ output: Use netcat.14:03
EriC^^Jiri_: try again, it does that sometimes14:03
Jiri_EriC^^ I have now tired 4 times. Still the same output: Use netcat.14:05
EriC^^Jiri_: ok, try sudo apt-get install pastebinit14:05
k1luse netcat means "no output"14:05
EriC^^then dpkg -l | grep xenial | pastebinit14:05
Jiri_EriC^^ here is the output: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed:   pastebinit 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 629 not upgraded. Need to get 14.9 kB of archives. After this operation, 168 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main pastebinit all 1.4-3 [14.9 kB] Fetch14:06
=== wliu_ubuntu is now known as wliu
hateballJiri_: you'll probably want to run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"14:07
hateballJiri_: to make sure repos are up-to-date14:08
EriC^^i have 16.04 and libgles2-mesa is installed, and it mentions it as a conflict for Jiri_ ...14:08
Jiri_EriC^^ dpkg -l | grep xenial | pastebinit gave this error message: You try to send an empty document.14:09
EriC^^Jiri_: ok, try hateball 's command14:09
EriC^^this is odd, "apt-cache search <something>" is hanging for me, is it just me?14:10
Jiri_hateboll and EriC^^ should I run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" now?14:10
hateballEriC^^: Perhaps not, but it works fine for me at any rate14:10
hateballJiri_: yes14:10
EriC^^i'll try restarting14:11
riccardo_I'm having this problem14:11
hateballJiri_: and if there are updates pending, you will asked to sa Ja/Nej to apply them14:11
riccardo_sudo rm -R /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*14:11
riccardo_I'm having this problem14:11
riccardo_Hash Mismatch14:11
riccardo_What am I supposed to do?14:12
hateballriccardo_: try a different mirror14:12
k1lits the intel "driver" repo again?14:12
EriC^^riccardo_: did you run "sudo apt-get update" first?14:12
CrazySaneGood morning all.14:16
EriC^^Jiri_: i'll brb, restarting14:17
riccardo_hateball: I did it14:18
riccardo_@k1l Yes14:18
Jiri_EriC^^ the command is still going on, 9% finished.14:18
=== arya_ is now known as arya__
arya__hi, i am using Ubuntu 14.04. My dell laptop with 4GB RAM freezes suddenly. all i was using was chromium with a bunch of tabs and the terminal. need help, why does it keep freezing?14:22
ikevinarya__, does it fully freeze or you can ctrl+f1?14:23
CrazySaneikevin: did you mean CTRL+ALT+F1?14:24
ikevinCrazySane, yep, i've made a mistake :x14:24
CrazySaneikevin: teamwork!14:25
arya__ikevin: CrazySane: that works sometimes. how ever i prefer to restart the laptop by long pressing the power button14:26
ikevinif ctrl+alt+f1 is working, login and see in dmesg if you have some errors14:26
CrazySanearya__: ikevin asked because if it lets you get to tty1, then it's just xserver that's locking up. If you can't get to tty1 then you have larger problems.14:26
CrazySanearya__: if you can get to a console, login and type   dmesg | tail    and see if you have any errors printing out.14:28
CrazySanearya__: tail will give you only the last 10 lines, so if you don't see one, we may have to go back further.14:29
arya__CrazySane: okay14:29
DArqueBishopCrazySane: not if you use the -n parameter to specify how many lines are output initially.14:30
CrazySaneDArqueBishop: Truth. That's where I was going if the default 10 lines didn't cut it.14:30
ppfmaybe throw in a free -h first14:30
arya__CrazySane: http://pastebin.com/NjVmJAzs14:32
CrazySanearya__: It wouldn't tell us anything helpful unless you just had a lockup, and pasted that from a terminal (which wouldn't happen) so I assume you just did it on a functioning system.14:33
CrazySanearya__: To do it from a working system, I'll need someone with more internal knowledge to step in and help root out the right log.14:34
arya__CrazySane: the laptop froze, i restarted it and pasted the results of the command you told14:35
arya__CrazySane: would that not work?14:36
helois upgrading directly from 14.04 to 16.04 supported?14:36
CrazySanearya__: No. Because the dmesg is filled up again by the subsequent boot.14:36
arya__CrazySane: oh, okay!14:36
Picihelo: yes!14:36
CrazySanehelo: I beleive so. Yes.14:36
heloi don't see it listed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes?_ga=1.171388320.1842402172.148605495614:36
arya__CrazySane: can nothing be done now?14:36
ppfarya__: no14:37
CrazySanearya__: Likely their is, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know exactly which log to inspect to root out the issue.14:37
k1lhelo: , yes it is14:37
helothanks :)14:37
ppfyou can check old dmesg logs in /var/log/dmesg14:37
arya__CrazySane: ppf okay. thank you for the help14:37
k1lhelo: that page is a bit outdated14:38
ppfarya__: there's a small chance there's still something there14:38
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.14:39
CrazySaneUgh. ubottu knows everything.14:39
compdocmakes us look bad14:40
arya__ubottu: if the buffer is ring (circular), that could overwrite the error logs, right? if not, how to retrive those?14:42
MannyLNJ[Question] Why can I connect to mobile hotspot on my Android phone but not the mobile hotspot on my iPhone 7 from my ideapad with Ubuntu?14:48
LittleJohnNow i got a really big problem, I can't install or even test Ubuntu 16.04LTS on my pc (ERST: Can not request [mem 0x9d43f03f-0x9d44103e] for ERST.) Is the first problem, I really hope someone can help me,14:49
LittleJohnForgot to say that this message comes when i try to test ubuntu14:49
LittleJohn(Ive tried everything, Been trying to fix this for about 4-5 years now on my own...)14:51
CrazySaneLittleJohn: Does this help you: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/erst-can-not-request-iomem-region-dell-1950-20-gig-mem.10413/#post-6104014:52
niceguyso, any friendly people here?14:52
LittleJohnI shull tet it, thou i must search on how to bring the console foward first..14:52
CrazySaneLittleJohn: Looks like turning off erst is the only answer I can find.14:52
k1lniceguy: this is the ubuntu technical support. you know that, you have been here before :)14:53
LittleJohnhmm, ehm it says that it updates grub, I do not think my pc even has grub, it has windows so14:53
LittleJohni can post more errors from this14:53
LittleJohni got many14:54
CrazySaneLittleJohn: Are you booting a live CD?14:54
LittleJohnnext one is [sdc] No caching mode page found14:54
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LittleJohni am boting the 1,4 gb iso files ubuntu 16.04LTS (test mode)14:55
niceguyk1l: Yup buddy. thx. I didn't know that anyone would remember me. But you did. *wipes tears and feels special.14:55
LittleJohnthrue usb14:55
LittleJohnsory for my bad spelling :/14:55
CrazySaneWhen the grub loader comes up, press escape to cancel auto-boot, and then press 'e' to edit the boot options and add the aforementioned arguement.14:57
CrazySaneLittleJohn: Here's more info about how to change boot options in GRUB at boot:14:57
niceguySo here's the thing. I was thinking about doing that PHC kernel thing to my ubuntu. And I need an advice about that. k1l14:57
MannyLNJWhere else can I go for help with this issue --->[Question] Why can I connect to mobile hotspot on my Android phone but not the mobile hotspot on my iPhone 7 from my ideapad with Ubuntu?14:57
LittleJohni have teted turning of fast mod alreaddy14:58
k1lniceguy: i dont know what "that PHC kernel thing" is. but if you ask a specific question i guess someone in here might help you if its ubuntu relatec14:58
niceguyk1l: I was referring to this: http://www.linux-phc.org14:59
niceguyk1l: just wanted to make sure it was safe and compatible with Xenial.14:59
himcesjfHow to digitally sign a PDF or a word document in Ubuntu?15:00
k1lniceguy: i dont know if its compatible with ubuntu kernels. i think you have to ask the phc guys about how safe it is and if it works with standard ubuntu kernels15:00
OerHeksniceguy, CPUFreq could do that15:01
CrazySanehimcesjf: this looks useful: https://askubuntu.com/questions/147379/how-do-i-digitally-sign-a-pdf15:01
OerHeks!info cpufrequtils15:01
ubottucpufrequtils (source: cpufrequtils): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 008-1 (yakkety), package size 37 kB, installed size 227 kB15:01
k1lniceguy: that page looks very outdated to be honest15:02
OerHeksniceguy, and a tread on the forum > https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=233042715:02
LittleJohnCrazySane I only see In OS useage on that page (I do not even come in on the OS)15:02
niceguyOerHeks: thanks buddyx *thumbs up.15:03
mustmodifySo my ubuntu machine normally lives at I just restarted it because it said patches blah blah restart required. Now it's at ...3. Can I get it to request .25 from my router? Or do I have to go into the router and set up a static IP?15:03
CrazySaneLittleJohn: The top part of that second link I sent you tells you how to edit the boot options pre-boot.15:03
u0_a78Im typing on my note4 through termux15:05
LittleJohnCrazySane The top one says "Time to check out Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)" and the pictures shows a update is goin on15:05
u0_a78this is awesome15:06
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CrazySaneLittleJohn: Standby15:06
himcesjfCrazySane: It looks useful but it isn't. None of the options there worked which is why I am asking here after using Goolge15:07
CrazySaneLittleJohn: Try this: https://pastebin.com/5WU9ELVE15:08
tckfhas anyone here been able to install i3 gaps onto ubuntu15:10
ducassetckf: just install the i3 build dependencies and build it from source15:11
LittleJohnCrazySane I cant try that one, the first thing it said is to trigger E when the 3 sec count down comes, I do not even get a count down and it mentions a kernel, I do not have a kernel its DOS and no kernel15:13
KM4QKWu0_a78 i recognize the nick from Termux :)15:13
KM4QKWdid screen ever work on Termux?15:13
KM4QKWwell men I have a serious question this morning15:14
compdocdont us women get to answer?15:14
KM4QKWWill the Next Ubuntu be called Zebra? Asking for a friend15:14
mustmodifywow, ok. So I set up an address reservation for, released and renewed my IP, and now it's
k1lKM4QKW: no, it will be zesty15:15
LittleJohnCrazySane I did a picture of the error screen, is it alowed to upload the pic and then give you the link here ?15:15
k1l!17.04 | KM4QKW15:15
ubottuKM4QKW: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) will be the 26th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in April 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+115:15
mustmodifySo now I'm all confused.15:15
KM4QKWZesty Zebra wouldve been too cliche15:15
compdocmustmodify, you defined the mac address is the reservation? you sure .1.25 is not in use?15:16
compdoc*in the15:16
CrazySaneLittleJohn: you can drop it on imgur15:17
CrazySaneLittleJohn: I have to AFK for a few. Real job calls. :)15:18
LittleJohnCrazySane imgur.com/a/zknoc15:18
k1lLittleJohn: optical drive in that machine?15:21
BadCodSmellUbuntu keeps saying problem detected, how can I have it show me the problem rather than say report problem?15:22
k1lLittleJohn: looks like that is a known issue for some (crappy) mainboards when there is an optical drive (cd-dvd) on the sata ports. try to change the sata ports or remove the optical drive at all15:22
OerHeksBadCodSmell, there is a button 'details'15:23
BadCodSmellno there isnt15:23
BadCodSmellIt's "Cancel" | "Report Problem"15:23
OerHeksNormally there should be ...15:23
k1l<k1l> LittleJohn: looks like that is a known issue for some (crappy) mainboards when there is an optical drive (cd-dvd) on the sata ports. try to change the sata ports or remove the optical drive at all15:23
EriC^BadCodSmell: try report problem15:24
EriC^then see if you get any details or something15:24
BadCodSmellBut I don't want to report problem15:25
LittleJohn_Sorry CrazySane , my wifi died (i accedently pulled the wifi turn off thingy)15:25
BadCodSmellIt might release private information15:25
OerHeksBadCodSmell, no it does not. but hit cancel if you don't want to.15:25
BadCodSmellOerHeks: You can't know that.15:26
OerHeksBadCodSmell, then don't go on the internet. this is so FUD15:27
LittleJohn_CrazySane do you see anything in the picture that is the obvius problem ?15:27
k1lLittleJohn_: did you saw my message?15:27
k1lLittleJohn_: usually that erst error is not an issue15:27
LittleJohn_k1l no sorry i got dc'd15:27
BadCodSmellOerHeks there was an article recently about hostile users like you on slashdot.15:27
k1lscroll up15:27
salluHi everyOne15:28
MannyLNJHi Sallu15:28
LittleJohn_k1l Oh i wil try it, Optical dive is the DVD right ?15:28
salluThere was a command to reduce boot time window15:28
salluwhat is the command15:28
k1lLittleJohn_: yes15:29
sallui have now 4 seconds now, i want to make it 2 seconds . it was 10 seconds when i installed ubuntu first time, but i forgot the command15:29
salluhi MannyLNJ15:29
k1lsallu: its in the /etc/defaults/grub file15:30
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salluk1l, yeah but its easy if you simply execute the command without manually gedit the file15:30
koleygrsallu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/43020/decrease-grub-timeout15:31
sallukoleygr, checking15:31
LittleJohn_YEY ! k1l thanks alot i think that solved it :D thou il stay here a little bit more, feels like its gonna go crappy anyways15:31
k1lsallu: you need to edit that file since otherwise it will be overwritten by kernel updates again15:31
ducasseBadCodSmell: those logs are scrubbed, anything that might possibly be private is only visible to the developers15:32
salluk1l, yeah ok15:33
ducasseBadCodSmell: also - reading slashdot in 2017? seriously?15:33
LittleJohn_k1l Now where did you found that its a usual problem ? You must have known it urself, ive been searching for mouths for a solution15:34
CrazySanethanks for the assistance k1l15:37
CrazySaneI was afk15:38
CrazySaneHi oumlil, do you need help?15:42
uddanehello, I need to add HD storage to my 16.04 machine... I was thinking 2TB should be a decent upgrade. Any suggestions on the brand? Usually I get WD Red15:42
oumlilyes Crazysane, i want to install whatsapp on ubuntu15:43
k1lLittleJohn_: i was wondering about the erst error. but that was not relevant, its more a warning than an error. but the ata issues looked familiar to me from other users in here reporting that.15:44
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anddamis it possible to read SMART data from an USB SATA adapter?15:44
CrazySaneoumlil: I'm not qualified to help you there. Perhaps someone else will be able to.15:44
anddamoumlil: define "install whatsapp"15:45
LittleJohn_k1l okey, well so far so good, im at Country sellect now...15:45
k1landdam: if the controller on the other end of the usb cable supports that : yes15:46
CrazySaneanddam: it looks like it's dependent on the USB adapter hardware: https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/Supported_USB-Devices15:46
anddamso given I bought the cheapest I found I figure the answer is "no way"15:46
anddamI'll check it out as soon as I finish copying data, thanks15:46
anddamalso how to chek actual drive speed, hdparm -t?15:47
anddamor an actual dd and check the average speed15:47
CrazySaneanddam: looking through the man page, it looks like #hdparm -tT /dev/sdX   would do it?15:48
ducasseanddam: bonnie++ is a good tool to benchmark disk performance15:49
* CrazySane notes bonnie++15:49
anddamCrazySane: well, that's what I said :-)15:50
anddamI know hdparm, (also I'd skip the cached reading) but I was asking if that's the proper tool15:50
anddambonnie++, duly noted15:50
anddamI just want a rough idea of the speed15:50
ducasseanddam: bonnie++ is better if you know what kind of workload you'll have. for rough idea hdparm is ok.15:51
akinodeHey, does anyone here know how exactly config.guess works?15:54
LittleJohn_I knew it, still cant instal ubuntu15:54
akinodeHow can I execute it?15:54
LittleJohn_says now Reboot and select proper Boot device or insert boot media in selected Boot device and press key15:55
apodiohey there15:55
apodioI am trying to do something totally silly15:55
apodioI do this: cat log3.txt | padsp tee /dev/audio > /dev/null15:55
apodioworks fine15:56
apodioplay a file into the sound card15:56
apodiobut I am trying to do the same15:56
apodiowith the monitor/graphhical card15:56
apodioany ideas?15:56
apodioI've been to /dev/dri/*15:56
admin2_i need usb ac wifi compatible...?15:56
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.15:56
apodiook sorry15:57
Jiri_EriC^^ are you still here?15:57
LittleJohn_(It said it was completed the installation)15:57
k1lLittleJohn_: ? so reboot the machine?15:58
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LittleJohn_k1l I did thou it came back the message, now i am looking if its the boot order thats the problem16:01
anddamakinode: what file is that?16:02
Gabros93signori buonasera16:02
LittleJohn_Message stil comes, Damn ***** hate this now16:02
Gabros93sono riuscito a collegare il mio smartphone ad ubuntu 16.0416:03
Jiri_Is there anybody who could help me with getting higher resolution than 800x600 in Ubuntu 14.04 ?16:03
Gabros93solo che non riesco a vedere le anteprime delle immagini16:03
anddamGabros93: English, please16:03
k1l!it | Gabros9316:03
ubottuGabros93: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:03
anddamGabros93: there's an Italian channel someplace, if you really need it16:03
Gabros93i have to connect my smartphone to ubuntu 16.0416:04
Jiri_I have updated kernel to 16.04 but that did not help.16:04
LittleJohn_I triggerd F11 now to choice the SSD thou now it came a message in swedish saying Operation system can not start16:04
Gabros93i cant's see photos or video16:04
anddamGabros93: and what "connect" means, act as a modem to reach the Internet or browse the phone data?16:04
Gabros93anddam, no, "connect" to import my photos and video16:05
Gabros93trough usb16:05
anddamGabros93: what OS is running on the phone?16:05
Jiri_ioria, do you think you could help me, please?16:06
Gabros93anddam, Windows Phone 1016:06
anddamnever seen one but I figure it's going to use MTD16:06
Gabros93anddam, what i have to do?16:07
akinodeanddam http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/config.guess.1.html16:08
akinodeanddam I think it's supposed to give me general information over my system16:08
akinodeanddam like how many cores my processor has etc16:08
anddamakinode: good, so it's a command already, just run it16:09
anddamGabros93: I don't know, I never used a windows phone. I'd search the web for "windows phone ubuntu USB"16:10
ducasseakinode: it's just used to guess the architecture a package is built for and the host system, not for general system info16:10
ioriaJiri_, what's up ?16:11
LittleJohn_This is really weird, when i triggerd F11 this time i got two more options called Ubuntu then some weird charecter, I have booted up the OS now thou i think i must format drive A its none responsive and gives errors16:11
anddamin fact is something I've met in autotools "complex" packages16:11
anddamioria: it's "Siri", if you pronounce it "Jiri" the phone won't answer16:11
ioriaSiri ?16:12
anddamioria: it's a joke like if you were talking to an iphone16:12
anddamioria | Jiri_, what's up ?16:12
ioriaoh, ok :þ16:12
anddamneed moar coffee16:12
ioriaJiri_, what's your problem ?16:13
Jiri_anddam, video card in this laptop does not allow any other resolution except 800x60016:13
ioriaJiri_, amd ati card ?16:13
Jiri_It is HP Pavilion16:14
ioriaJiri_,  dpkg -l | fglrx*16:14
Jiri_I typed "dpkg -l | fglrx*" in terminal and got message "does not find command"16:15
ioriaJiri_,  sorry,   dpkg -l | grep fglrx*16:15
gimpy2938just tried to install updates on 16.04; ran out of space in /boot like always; ran `apt autoremove --purge`; now kernel packages are broken and apt cries about an impossible situation...what do?16:15
Jiri_thank you ioria, I typed that command in terminal, did not get any otput16:16
ioriaJiri_,   sudo lshw -C Video16:16
Jiri_ioria, here is the output:   *-display UNCLAIMED             description: VGA compatible controller        product: Mullins [Radeon R2 Graphics]        vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]        physical id: 1        bus info: pci@0000:00:01.0        version: 00        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm pciexpress msi vga_controller bus_master cap_list        configuration: latency=0        resources:16:18
ioriaJiri_,  can you paste it ? paste.ubuntu.com16:18
Jiri_ioria, sorry I do not understand, exactly what to paste and where16:19
ioriaJiri_,  you can't paste lines in here; you have to use pastebinit or paste directly on that website (paste.ubuntu.com)16:20
ioriaJiri_,   try this     sudo lshw -C Video | pastebinit16:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:21
Jiri_ioria, now I have pasted the output in the link you gave me16:21
ioriaJiri_,   ok, so give us the url16:22
ioriaJiri_,   very good16:23
ioriaJiri_,   yes, your video is broken16:23
ioriaJiri_,   what's your kernel ?   unamr -r    (you can paste here)16:24
Jiri_ioria, how i that possible? It worked just before the installation!16:24
CrazySaneioria: Jiri_: uname -r16:24
ioriaJiri_,   please,  uname -r16:24
ioriaJiri_,   cat /etc/issue16:26
Jiri_Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l16:26
ioriaJiri_,   can you run  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade without issues ?16:27
ioriaJiri_,   and let me scroll up what you did before16:27
Jiri_ioria, shold I type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get" in terminal?16:27
ioriaJiri_,    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:28
ioriaJiri_,   'I have updated kernel to 16.04 but that did not help'16:28
ioriaJiri_,   you haven't updated !!!16:29
OerHekstry sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get full-upgrade16:29
OerHeksnote the 'full'16:29
ioriaOerHeks, i thik shhe still on trusty16:29
Jiri_Oh, sorry! I made an update and rebooted this computer today. But I am a complete beginner.16:29
ioriaJiri_,   did you try to install the Hwe stack on trusty ?16:30
ioriaJiri_,   with these commands ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:31
Jiri_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24001621/16:31
ioriaJiri_,   your kernel ( 3.13.0-108-generic) is trusty not xenial16:31
OerHeksioria, oh you are right, is the latest for trusty16:31
OerHeks!info linux-image-generic trusty16:32
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB16:32
ioriaJiri_,  again      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:32
Jiri_ioria, I am not sure what I today earlier did, I just followed instructions from EriC^^16:32
ioriaJiri_,  again      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:32
ioriaJiri_,  btw, i'am not good in Swedish  :-)16:33
Jiri_ioria, I am sorry, I typed LANG=C in front of that command, but it did not help.16:34
ioriaJiri_,  i see16:34
Jiri_ioria, any words or phrases you need to translate to english?16:35
ioriaJiri_,  still waiting for this :      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:35
yyyyyhas anyone noticed `chromium`, `chrome`, `chrome-beta` and `chrome-unstable` hanging and freezing since updating from 16.04 LTS to 16.10?16:36
Jiri_ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24001621/16:36
=== kolbasz_ is now known as kolbasz
CrazySaneyyyyy: Nope. My Chrome is trucking along just fine.16:37
yyyyyCrazySane: do you have an intel onboard graphics card, or a dedicated one?16:37
OerHeksyyyyy, unlikely anyone got 3 versions `chrome`, `chrome-beta` and `chrome-unstable` ..16:37
ioriaJiri_,  can you install pastebinit ?   sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:37
CrazySaneyyyyy: dedicated.16:38
yyyyyOerHeks: i happen to have all since trying to isolate the issue :/16:38
OerHeksyyyyy, what version of chrome do you have probles with?16:38
Jiri_ioria here is the output from your last command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24001657/16:39
yyyyyOerHeks: all three versions have the same issue. sometimes a tab will spike CPU usage from nowhere, and switching between tabs hangs. on a few select websites even typing hangs, and I have to wait a little before seeing what's being typed.16:39
ioriaJiri_,  seems good .... can you trnslate the laste 3 lines ?16:39
yyyyyi have intel onboard graphics on an i3-2120, with 16 GB of RAM. since this happens regardless of webpage used, i don't think it's an underpowered CPU issue.16:40
NordetHello, i have libreoffice 5.3 on ubuntu 16.10 and i don't have menus today, one suggestion ?16:40
yyyyy(specially since that's not even such an old rig, just budget)16:40
OerHeksyyyyy, did you try to remove the .config/google-chrome folder?16:40
yyyyyOerHeks: let me try that!16:40
jbo_Hi there -- I'm on 16.10 & am experiencing this annoying behaviour where whenever a usb device on my machine changes (or the machine sleeps&wakes), it sends some kind of command to my printer, causing it to wake up, and move the heads around. Any idea where these kind of triggers live so I can change the behaviour. (printer is an epson using the escpr driver)16:40
OerHeksyyyyy, also do that with  .cache/google-chrome16:41
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Jiri_ioria 1. reading state information 2. calculating upgrading 3. 0 to upgrade 0 to new-install 0 to remove 0 to not to upgrade16:42
ioriaJiri_,  ok  sudo apt-get  install pastebinit16:43
yyyyydone both16:43
CrazySanejbo_: Offhand I'd say that it's not a 'bug' but something that just happens. The computer takes inventory of it's USB assets as needed, and when that happens, it'll likely wake the printer too.16:44
yyyyywill try to disable extensions as well and report back. thanks for the tip! :D16:44
CrazySanejbo_: it's more of a factor of the printer driver and the printer's firmware than anything else.16:45
Jiri_ioria here is the output: LANG=C sudo apt-get  install pastebinit Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done pastebinit is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:46
ioriaJiri_,  sudo apt-get  dist-upgrade | pastebinit16:47
Jiri_ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24001704/16:48
ioriaJiri_,  dpkg -l | grep xenial*  | pastebinit16:49
Jiri_ioria, this command tried to send an empty document16:50
OerHeksioria, i just read back, the issue is: how to get a higher resolution than 800x600 in Ubuntu 14.04 ? ?16:50
ioriaOerHeks, yes, but i read i tried to install the xenial hwe16:50
ioriaJiri_,    ls /boot | pastebinit16:51
Jiri_ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24001735/16:52
ioriaJiri_,   ok, no xenial traces ....  so we try to install fglrx ...16:52
=== anon is now known as Guest72029
ioriaJiri_,   can you open Additional Drvier form the Dash ?16:53
ioriaJiri_,   can you open Additional Driver from the Dash ?16:53
Jiri_ioria, sorry no, I did not find Additional Driver i Dash16:54
OerHekstype 'driver' and the tool should show up ( dash is the top icon on the left panel, not terminal )16:55
Jiri_ioria, I guess that Dash is the upper most left icon16:55
ioriaJiri_,   in Dash type  'Additional'   maybe in your language, or open SystemSettings-> Software and  Updates16:56
Jiri_ioria, the only thing I found in Dash was "additional: definition"16:57
ioriaJiri_,   ubuntu-drivers list  | pastebinit16:58
Jiri_ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24001782/17:00
ioriaJiri_,   you see that 'fglrx' thing17:00
Jiri_Yes ioria, I see it in the output.17:01
OerHekssudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall17:01
ioriaOerHeks, do you trust that command ?17:01
OerHeksioria, sure, sudo ubuntu-drivers list or sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall are ok17:02
ioriaJiri_,   paste in here    dmesg | grep Kernel17:02
ioriaOerHeks, ok, thanx17:02
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Jiri_ioria here is the output: [    0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-108-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=c2b4eefd-64e0-4c5f-a8c2-e135bf4da287 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=717:03
ioriaJiri_,   you're  booting the .signed kernel....17:03
bumblebeewow!nice IRC! never thought ubuntu mate would have this out of the box17:04
ioriaJiri_,   indulge me; you have 2 kernel  13.03.108  (signed and not signed) ; can you please reboot with the non-signed one ?17:05
=== bumblebee is now known as Bumblebee_Autobo
Jiri_ioria, which are the correct steps to reboot with the non-signed kernel?17:07
ioriaJiri_,  from Grub -> Advanced Options > and select    (probably the second in the list)  i ask you this because i don't understand why the radeon module it's not loading17:08
OerHeksWhy bother with this kernel info, just let Jiri_ install fglrx17:08
Jiri_ioria I am sorry, I do not know how to open Grub17:11
ioriaJiri_,  sudo nano /etc/default/grub    and comment with hash '#' the line GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=017:12
ioriaJiri_,  then save (ctrl+o)  and close (ctrl+x)17:13
Jiri_ioria now I have edited by commenting that line, saved and exited Grub17:17
ioriaJiri_,  good,  sudo update-grub17:17
Jiri_ioria LANG=C sudo update-grub Generating grub configuration file ... Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-108-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-108-generic Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-32-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-32-generic Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration done17:18
WeiJunLihelp on this error while compiling kernel please. https://bpaste.net/show/b2cc4ddee8b617:18
naccWeiJunLi: use a kernel channel, please17:19
ioriaJiri_,  no multi-lines in here, but ok :    sudo apt-get purge fglrx*17:19
naccWeiJunLi: your kernel tree isn't clean to build in.17:19
naccWeiJunLi: it tells you exactly what to do.17:19
Jiri_ioria yes, done17:19
ioriaJiri_,  no output right ?17:20
WeiJunLinacc: I have done fakeroot debian/rules clean - the command ran succesfully17:20
naccWeiJunLi: then you didn't read the output, it didn't say to run clean.17:20
ducasseWeiJunLi: read the errors17:20
WeiJunLimake mrproper just cleans everything including debian/rules17:20
WeiJunLiand debian/rules is needed for compilation17:21
Jiri_ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24001981/17:21
OerHeksfglrx was not even installed??17:21
ioriaJiri_,  so, now when you restart, you'll see the grub screen ; select Advanced Options and pick the 'second' item in the list17:21
ioriaOerHeks, nope17:22
* OerHeks facepalms17:22
WeiJunLinacc, ducasse17:22
ioriaJiri_,   not recovery, upstart or stuff17:23
Jiri_ioria thank you, soon back  :)17:23
ioriaJiri_,   not recovery, upstart or stuff17:23
Jiri_ioria yes17:23
ioriaJiri_,   ok17:23
Jiri_ioria by the way, should the grub screen appear by it self or should I pres Esc during the reboot?17:24
naccWeiJunLi: i think you are best off using a better channel, then -- i think there is an ubuntu kernel channel17:25
ioriaJiri_,   automatic now17:25
Jiri_ioria OK17:25
anddamhow can I assign a name to an external usb disk so that when it gets mounted it's under this name and not under its UUID in /media/myuser/ ?17:30
ducasseanddam: try setting a filesystem label17:32
Kruppte2label /dev/whatever whatever17:32
anddamducasse: how?17:33
ducasseanddam: read what Kruppt said if the fs is ext2/3/417:34
Jiri_ioria now I have rebooted the computer with the second line in Advanced Options (recovery mode)17:36
ioriaJiri_,   <ioria> Jiri_,   not recovery, upstart or stuff17:36
ioriaJiri_,   never mind, reboot normally17:37
giovannishi, I have a problem with GPS in PC after installing ubuntu17:37
Jiri_ioria I am sorry, the first line was and the second line was (recovery mode)17:37
giovannisIt gived me the wrong position17:37
ioriaJiri_,  ok, reboot normally17:38
Jiri_What should I do now? How can I repair thaT?17:38
anddamKruppt: oh didn't catch it was for me17:38
ioriaJiri_,  don't worry, reboot normally17:38
Jiri_It was not possible to reboot normally.17:38
ioriaJiri_,  sudo reboot17:38
Jiri_I have got the grub at the new reboot17:38
ioriaJiri_,  press enter17:38
Jiri_ioria OK17:39
ioriaJiri_,  or wait 10 seconds17:39
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran
Jiri__ioria now the computer is rebooted17:43
ioriaJiri_,  dmesg | grep Kernel17:43
Jiri__ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24002078/17:44
zsocDoes anyone happen to know an equivalent of systemd-networkd-wait-online.service that I can use? 16.10 server17:44
ioriaJiri_,  lspci -k | grep VGA -A2  | pastebinit17:45
Jiri__ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24002087/17:46
jbo_CrazySane: sure -- but I use the same driver in other distros and they don't have the same behaviour -- it's either how the driver is configured, or something in udev(?) which gets triggered17:46
ioriaJiri_,   ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ?17:46
zsocoh wait. Okay so I see I do have systemd-networkd-wait-online.service ... but i'm waiting on it as a dependency and it's never happening. Is that somehow based on the network manager i'm using or something?17:47
WeiJunLihelp on this error while compiling kernel, it says to do 'make mrproper' but that command cleans everything including delete the debian/rules which is needed for compilation, hints? https://bpaste.net/show/b2cc4ddee8b617:47
Jiri__ioria should I type "ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ?" in terminal?17:47
ioriaJiri_,   ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:47
Jiri__ioria ls: cannot access /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory17:48
ioria  why it's not loading radeon ?17:48
ioriaJiri_,   sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic17:49
ducasseWeiJunLi: we don't support manually building kernels here, you need to ask somewhere else or use the kernel that comes with the system.17:49
Jiri__ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24002116/17:50
naccioria: fwiw, there also can be /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d even without an /etc/X11/xorg.conf iirc17:50
naccioria: not sure if it's relevant here17:51
iorianacc, great .... Jiri__ ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d17:51
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
Jiri__ioria sorry: ls: cannot access /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d: No such file or directory17:52
ioriaJiri_,   mmm...   ok, let's try .... sudo apt-get install fglrx17:52
anddamI have an ext4 and an HFS+ who got its label straight away17:53
nacc!who | anddam: unless you're trying to ask a question, in which case, what is your question?17:55
ubottuanddam: unless you're trying to ask a question, in which case, what is your question?: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:55
anddamnacc: what?17:55
naccanddam: you just said a sentence rather randomly, without context ... were you trying to tell someone that?17:55
naccanddam: "I have an ext4 and an HFS+ who got its label straight away"17:55
anddamnacc: I was keeping on the discussion of like three minutes ago with ducasse and Kruppt17:55
naccanddam: right, so use their nicks!17:56
naccanddam: also 3 minutes is eternity in the support channel.17:56
ducasseanddam: not 3 minutes, more like 20 :) do those mount with label instead of uuid?17:57
Jiri__ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24002155/17:58
ioriaJiri_,   looks good,  sudo amdconfig --initial17:59
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Jiri__ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24002180/18:00
robert45hi guys, cant seem to install mdadm in Ubuntu 14.04, any idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24002187/18:01
ioriaJiri_,   can you paste  ls -a /etc/X1118:01
WeiJunLinobody on kernel channel18:02
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WeiJunLisomeone around that can help me with a kernel compilation issue18:02
Jiri__ioria http://paste.ubuntu.com/24002192/18:02
robert45hm not sure what happen, works now18:02
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OerHeksWeiJunLi, i just read back, why do you want to compile the original kernel without any changes?18:03
ioriaJiri_,   yes, you had a xorg.conf but was different named ....       ok reboot18:03
WeiJunLiOerHeks: it has changes on kernel config, enabling kasan and more..18:03
WeiJunLiOerHeks:  https://bpaste.net/show/1b11450f5e8e - 'make mrproper' cleans everything including delete debian/rules which is needed for compilation18:03
ducasseWeiJunLi: just wait there for someone to answer you18:03
YounderIs there a channel for rasperrian?18:04
ducasse!alis | Younder18:05
ubottuYounder: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"18:05
Jiri_ioria tousands of THANKS!!!!  :-))18:07
ioriaJiri_,   ok, you're lucky girl :þ18:08
sixsixsixhi does anyone else have troubles signing in to skype?18:09
Jiri_ioria now the resolution is perfect! Yes, both me and Eva (my X-friend) are extremely Happy!  You are an ANGEL!  :)18:09
ioriaJiri_,   no proble, you're welcome (both)18:10
Jiri_ioria just a last litle thing: How ca I get rid of the grub dialog at the start?18:10
ashwin31_I want help regarding fundraising section in djangoproject. I guess my contribution is missing or something.18:10
ioriaJiri_,   sudo nano /etc/default/grub and remove the '#' in from of  GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=018:11
Jiri_ioria perfect! Thanks a lot!  :)18:11
ioriaJiri_,   save, close and sudo update-grub18:11
OerHeksashwin31_, how is that related to ubuntu support?18:11
ioriaJiri_,   don't forget sudo update-grub18:12
OerHeksashwin31_, try #django ?18:12
anddamducasse: I'm waiting for a big transfer to complete in case I need to umount the device18:14
capslothCan someone explain why those udev rules are not working on ubuntu 16.04? http://pastebin.com/xcmeH7m818:18
Jiri__ioria I removed the "#" before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 in grub and saved it but the grub still appears at the restart18:22
Jiri__Excuse me, is there anybody who could help me to remove grub dialog at the start up sequence in Ubuntu 14.04? I removed the "#" before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 in grub and saved it but the grub still appears at the restart18:26
pavlosJiri__, ioria wrote to sudo update-grub after you made changes18:27
Jiri__Thank you pavlos, I was too fast to reboot the computer!  :)18:27
sauHi, my linux box cant ping chat.freenode.net whereas my win box can. Both are behind the same dns + dhcp router18:28
sauany ideas?18:28
WeiJunLiWalex: are you around18:29
pavlossau, I do not get a ping18:30
saupavlos: you dont on linux? I cant connect to freenode using irssi because of the name resolution problem18:30
saupavlos: I can ping on windows. So whats wrong?18:31
OerHekssau, got networking at all on that box?18:31
sauOerHeks: yes18:31
sauactually im on that box right now using a webclient to connect.18:32
fred1807how do I add this line to fstab?  mount -t overlay -olowerdir=/home/read1:/home/read2 overlay /home/sum18:32
akiksau: i can't ping chat.freenode.net either18:32
pavlossau, ping from win resolves to a diff ip than from linux ... strange18:32
saupavlos: please try nslookup freenode.net and nslookup chat.freenode.net18:33
akiksau: scratch that, it started replying18:33
OerHekssau ping chat.freenode.net works fine here, what webclient?18:33
pavlosfrom win, Pinging chat.freenode.net [] from ubuntu, PING chat.freenode.net (
OerHekssau, kiwiirc is old, use irssi or hexchat?18:34
sauOerHeks: irssi has problems with name resolution, kiwiirc does work18:34
pavlossau, now it pings from ubuntu with ip PING chat.freenode.net (
OerHekssau, you just proved otherwise..18:35
saupavlos: env LC_ALL=C ping chat.freenode.net -> ping: chat.freenode.net: Temporary failure in name resolution18:36
sauOerHeks: please read again18:36
Younderhexchat seems to work well18:36
awatthello ppl18:37
pavlossau, http://termbin.com/4k4218:37
awatti just bought dell inspiron 15 7000 serious and i installed linux mint18:37
Younderwhat about it?18:37
awattbut after while sound stop working18:37
awatthow can i install the driver for its sound card18:38
awattthat is the kernel18:38
OerHeksawatt, we don't support mint, and if it worked, installing a driver is unlogical.18:38
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:38
Younderawatt, have you tried the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting18:38
awattok so what is the room for mint18:39
pavlosawatt, #linuxmint-help18:39
Younderotherwise http://www.alsa-project.org/~valentyn/Alsa-sound-mini-HOWTO-7.html usually get's me up to speed18:39
k1lawatt: its on another irc network. just use the irc programs on mint, they have that set to autojoin that channels18:39
anddamducasse: yep, worked perfectly18:40
saupavlos: i see, good for you. You probably use network-manager via dnsmasq, so works for you. I even tried to turn it off but I dont get better results.18:40
awattthis is what i used18:40
awattit came directly here18:40
YounderI don't like to flood this channel with spesific questions as soud debugging is complex and it would be distracting.18:40
k1l!mint > awatt18:40
ubottuawatt, please see my private message18:40
pavlossau, I can use my DNS, dig @ chat.freenode.net (or nslookup -server chat.freenode.net)18:55
YounderWhy are you doing that. Let DNS's upsteam handle that.18:56
tewardYounder: some of us don't trust upstream DNS so we run our own resolvers :P18:58
tanayconnect #EliteBNC19:03
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=== Guest95293 is now known as Numline1
igoryonyahello, After upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04, menus on most of the programs disappeared. Changing 'show window menu' option in 'system parameters' doesn't fix anything. I have to start most of the programs from the command line with envirement variable setting before the command: UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 , in order to show the menu. It then appears  below the handler header of the window.19:17
igoryonyaHow can I fix it?19:17
RonaldsMazitisI'm trying to launch fl studio with wine on ubuntu 16.0419:19
RonaldsMazitisthis is how the error looks like19:19
ducasse!wine | RonaldsMazitis19:19
ubottuRonaldsMazitis: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:19
pavlosigoryonya, this may help, initctl restart unity-panel-service19:20
RonaldsMazitisducasse there is just nobody on #winehq so I came here19:20
koleygrigoryonya: you can try this to fix the problem in next boots: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17381/unity-doesnt-load-no-launcher-no-dash-appears19:21
ducasseRonaldsMazitis: there will be, sooner or later. you can also try the appdb19:21
ducasse!appdb | RonaldsMazitis19:21
ubottuRonaldsMazitis: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:21
akikRonaldsMazitis: did you change the windows version wine is using?19:21
RonaldsMazitisI can't open winecfg same error19:22
akikRonaldsMazitis: you have some other problem then, than wine(?)19:24
RonaldsMazitisyes, I have problem with unity, icons doesn't manage to stay on same positions since I upgraded os19:25
RonaldsMazitisbut thats secondary19:25
igoryonyapavlos, thanx, it helped for now19:27
akikRonaldsMazitis: sorry don19:27
akikRonaldsMazitis: sorry don't know what's wrong19:28
igoryonyakoleygr, thank You, I will read it to fix it permanently19:28
igoryonyaAfter upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04, when I open menu (lens) - it doesn't show many installed apps in there. When I type some program, that I know, that exists, it doesn't show up in found apps, below the search.19:30
igoryonyaHow can I fix it?19:31
OerHeksigoryonya, check out the top left option > filter results19:33
igoryonyaOerHeks, even, when in in filters is 'all'19:34
bobafettdamn vpn19:34
OerHeksigoryonya, then i have no clue19:35
SimoniousI've put ubuntu on the beaglebone and I can't seem to find an unzip utility, help19:35
SimoniousE: Unable to locate package unzip19:35
CodeMouse92__Simonious: did you install it?19:36
CodeMouse92__!info unzip | Simonious19:37
ubottuSimonious: unzip (source: unzip): De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0-20ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 152 kB, installed size 542 kB19:37
SimoniousI tried apt get, that's the E: mesg above19:37
pavlosigoryonya, this may help, remove the ~/.cache/unity/ dir, logout, login19:37
CodeMouse92__Simonious: Mm. What version of Ubuntu?19:37
OerHeksSimonious, that beagle is arm .. try #ubuntu-arm ?19:37
k1l!info unzip19:38
ubottuunzip (source: unzip): De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0-20ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 152 kB, installed size 542 kB19:38
PiciIt should still be available on  armel and armhf19:38
SimoniousI agree19:39
SimoniousI don't know how to get it19:39
k1lSimonious: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"?19:39
SimoniousUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS19:40
k1lPici: armel is not supported by ubuntu since years. but armhf and newer ones.19:40
Picik1l: oops, I mispasted the wrong line. you're right19:40
k1lbut i guess debian is not shipping it due to no beeing free enough? so if that is an ubuntu or debian matters19:41
k1lSimonious: is that a snappy core install?19:44
SimoniousIt's this install http://rcn-ee.com/rootfs/2017-01-23/elinux/ubuntu-16.04.1-console-armhf-2017-01-23.tar.xz19:45
k1lSimonious: can you run "sudo apt update ; apt policy unzip| nc termbin.com 9999" and show the output url here?19:45
Simoniousdoing update now19:47
k1lSimonious: so, sudo apt install unzip19:48
Simoniousthere we go, I just neglected the update eh?19:48
k1llooks like the local repo database was cleaned out.19:49
SimoniousI should have known better, that was a fresh install19:49
malwar3hun73ranyone know how to address: "mkdir failed on directory /var/run/samba/msg.lock: Permission denied"19:52
malwar3hun73rgoogle has not been any help19:53
elias_a_malwar3hun73r: Wrong user?19:53
tewardwrong user, or Samba is already locked by another process...19:53
cfoch-alwayswhat may be a reason why my public iip is not loading my site (Ubuntu 16.04 + apache) but it works from local ip19:53
k1lcfoch-always: router forward settings19:53
k1l*port forward19:54
elias_a_cfoch-always: Does it work from another computer in your home network?19:54
malwar3hun73relias_a_, maybe - can I add a user to samba group - is that the fix?19:55
cfoch-alwaysk1l: elias_a_ my router has firewall disabled19:57
cfoch-alwayselias_a_: yes it works from other computer19:57
cfoch-alwaysin the local netweork19:57
kiscroHey there, I boot ubuntu 16.10 from usb disk, some times it crash when open many tabs in Firefox, I didn't have this problem when I used windows.(I have two 2GB DDR3 RAM)19:58
OerHekscfoch-always, did you forward port 80 to your server ip?19:58
nacckiscro: what crashes? Ubuntu or firefox?19:58
k1lcfoch-always: its not about firewall. its about the router needs to know where  to give the webserver traffic to. he doenst know that machine is a webserver if you dont forward the ports19:58
OerHekscfoch-always, firewall or not, port forwarding is always needed with a router19:59
kiscroWhen software crash I think ubuntu crashes too. Cause I can't even move the crusor.19:59
OerHekskiscro, live usb?20:00
=== Gorian- is now known as Gorian
elias_a_cfoch-always: What is meant by port forwarding here: you have to tell your router that there is a web server in this port and that should be shown to the world.20:00
kiscro@OerHeks No bro, Live was faster. I've use installed version.20:01
kiscro(I have to say that I use Task manager GUI on my ubuntu)20:02
Younderelias_a_, sudo ufw allow http (or https)20:02
james1138Hello all. Question - would anyone know of a IRC chat/channel for Analog Video Capture and/or Editing using Ubuntu??20:02
YounderIt's more complicated using iptables20:02
nacc!alis | james113820:03
ubottujames1138: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:03
kiscro@nacc When software crash I think ubuntu crashes too. Cause I can't even move the crusor.20:03
elias_a_Younder: We are talking about port forwarding in the router, not server. :)20:03
nacckiscro: can you switch to a shell (ctrl + alt + f1)?20:03
kiscro@nacc On carash moments?20:04
malwar3hun73ri'm using the net command in samba-common-bin to make RPC requests - with every request i get an error "/var/run/samba/msg.lock: Permission denied" - any idea what's going on?20:06
nacckiscro: yes20:07
kiscro@nacc I don't use that cause I don't know how to swich back from that shell.20:07
pavloscfoch-always, did you fix the port fwd issue?20:08
koleygrkiscro: ctrl+alt+F720:08
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kiscro@koleygr It will be fix then?20:09
nacckiscro: we are trying to debug the issue, you don't need to get back20:10
koleygrkiscro: you will return to the first screen... but if you can go to a ctrl+alt+F1 you can give some commands to see if and what happens20:10
nacckiscro: as in, we are trying to determine what crashes20:10
naccmalwar3hun73r: what user are you running net as, and what are the permissions on that file/directory (ls -ahl /var/run/samba/)20:11
kiscro@nacc Firefox changed to grey screen.20:12
nacckiscro: that's not a crash of firefox, necessarily. A crash would be firefox disappearing.20:12
nacckiscro: grey screen, iirc, is typically a tab going unresponsive, right?20:13
kiscro@nacc thank you, but what is that?20:13
Numline1Hello everyone. Any thoughts on how to automatically deploy "ready" Ubuntu servers? I was using Laravel Forge, but it's kinda buggy for me and I can't find anything similar. Basically, what I need is a script that'll install a PHP production environment with a simple health check monitoring and GUI. Puppet seems overly complicated. Thanks20:14
malwar3hun73rnacc, i'm running net as a standard user and /var/run/samba is root:root20:15
kiscro@nacc "grey screen, iirc, is typically a tab going unresponsive, right?" Sorry but I don't understand20:15
=== Tiger is now known as Guest71996
koleygrkiscro: May be you are out of memory.... 2Gb is not good enough for ubuntu with unity20:15
KOLANICHHi all! Why do we have pip package broken?20:16
naccmalwar3hun73r: well, that's probably the issue :)20:16
Guest71996Hey I have configured my nvidia-settings and applies (144hz). After I restart my computer and go back to Ubuntu it does not save, then I'll have to change it back everytime I start up. Anyone can help me20:16
naccmalwar3hun73r: unless /var/run/samba is o+rw?20:16
kiscro@koleygr thanks, But it is 4 GB (2 * 2GB DDR3) as I said.20:16
k1lKOLANICH: what is broken?20:17
koleygrkiscro: Ok... I thought it was just 2GB....20:17
KOLANICH  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 2121, in _rebuild_mod_path20:18
KOLANICH    orig_path.sort(key=position_in_sys_path)20:18
KOLANICHAttributeError: '_NamespacePath' object has no attribute 'sort'20:18
KOLANICHfor 3.6 it works fine20:18
KOLANICHso why 3.5 is used20:19
naccKOLANICH: you are using a local build of python (*not* recommended)20:19
KOLANICHnacc: ?20:19
naccKOLANICH: and not the ubuntu package at all20:19
naccKOLANICH: '/usr/local/lib'20:19
k1lKOLANICH: what ubuntu is that?20:19
k1lKOLANICH: "apt policy python3-pip | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here20:20
kiscroFirefox using 722 Mib of memory by itself.20:20
Tiger_Hey I have configured my nvidia-settings and applies (144hz). After I restart my computer and go back to Ubuntu it does not save, then I'll have to change it back everytime I start up. Anyone can help me20:21
nacck1l: but even with taht info, the above backtrace is not from the system python3-pip20:22
malwar3hun73rnacc, should i just arbitrarily change the permissions?20:22
naccmalwar3hun73r: no, i doubt it20:22
naccmalwar3hun73r: is net meant to be run as your user?20:23
naccmalwar3hun73r: where does net live?20:23
naccmalwar3hun73r: does `man net` perhaps indicate how it is meant to b eused?20:23
malwar3hun73rnacc, have you heard of cuckoo sandbox?20:23
naccmalwar3hun73r: nope20:23
k1lnacc: alright, didnt read your message about that before20:23
nacck1l: np, just wanted to bring it to your attention so you don't spend too many cycles :)20:24
Picinacc: something could get installed there if they used sudo with pip.20:24
malwar3hun73rnacc, it's a malware analysis sandbox - the author is using net and when i asked him about the error he said he didn't know how to help... anyhow, the net command is being used to reboot the machine once the analysis is over20:24
malwar3hun73rnacc, i'm assuming it's meant to run as my user20:25
kiscro@nacc Is there any solution?20:25
naccPici: right, but then the bug/issue is not in python3-pip (and the 'something' in this case is pip itself)20:25
Picinacc: exactly.20:25
KOLANICHk1l: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24002897/20:25
naccPici: if i had to guess, locally built pip for some reason20:26
naccmalwar3hun73r: i don't have a samba setup handly, unfortunately, give me a sec20:26
Picinacc: or installed with the get-pip.py script.20:26
malwar3hun73rnacc, it's used as "net rpc shutdown -I [ip address] -U [creds on box] -r -f --timeout=5"20:26
nacckiscro: solution for what? you have't clearly stated the issue? or if firefox is actually crashing or if all of ubuntu is20:27
naccPici: ack, good point20:27
naccmalwar3hun73r: so in theory that auths to that remote and runs shutdown there?20:27
malwar3hun73rcorrect and the creds are for the user on that box (the windows box being rebooted) - i should mention it works, i just get that weird error20:28
malwar3hun73rnacc, and, i don't like seeing errors :)20:28
naccmalwar3hun73r: i wonder if net by default tries to use the local samba lock, fails (not fatally)20:28
kiscro@nacc Firefox and etc are runing when I saw that grey screen or sometimes not, I can't change mouse crusor20:29
naccmalwar3hun73r: you can file a bug against samba, i guess, but i doubt it's high prioriy if it works :)20:29
naccmalwar3hun73r: it doesn't seem like it should actually need the samba lock for an RPC call20:29
nacckiscro: you can't move the mouse only when the grey screen is visible?20:30
=== _Iriez is now known as Iriez
kiscro@nacc Sometimes it shows grey screen and I can do every thing and it will be fixed, but sometimes I just watch a screen of firefox and I can't do anything.20:31
OerHekskiscro, slow usb disc perhaps?20:33
smahan83hi is there any reason ubntu wants 8.6 gb of free soace to ibstakk?20:34
kiscro@OerHeks It is ADATA 16GB, Should I change that?20:34
OerHekskiscro, maybe waiting a bit longer helps? 16 gb is not that much, 4 gb = 4 gb swap, 12 left ..20:35
k1l_smahan83: on install? or upgrade?20:36
smahan83no frsh install20:36
nacckiscro: i would assume your IO bound at that point (slow disk as OerHeks mentioned)20:36
k1l_smahan83: and that is an issue?20:37
koleygrsmahan83: Ubuntu comes with some software... windows needs about 50GB just to install... ubuntu is much lighter but not so light20:37
ctjctjHello!  I just ran into an interesting problem with blkid.  I have to LV in the same VG mounted as /dev/virtualimages/disk1 and /dev/virtualimages/disk2 which reference /dev/dm-0 and /dev/dm-1.  BOTH devices give the same UUID.  blkid -p /dev/dm-0 gives exactly the same result as blkid -p /dev/dm-120:37
kiscro@nacc @OerHeks I use usb2, Should I upgrade my usb port (My ubuntu is fast but I have problem with Firefox and Torbrowser)? How about my USB flash(Such as I change that to a 32 or 64 GB)?20:39
OerHekskiscro, you don't need bigger, unless you got a disc full error.. i suspect slow usb transfer is your culprit20:49
zuiss1does ubuntu have an alternative to debian backports? more recent software that can be installed in the LTS release20:49
kiscro@OerHeks thanks.20:50
KOLANICHSo, how are we solving this problem?20:50
OerHekszuiss1, then don't run LTS, 16.10 is out for months now, and ubuntu got proposed, but i would not advise to use that without a reason.20:50
k1l_zuiss1: PPA20:51
k1l_proposed is for automated testings and not for user usage.20:51
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:51
OerHeksand 'latest' is not always the best, ubuntu does give security fixes20:51
zuiss1not running LTS just for one or two packages seems silly20:52
zuiss1i will look into PPA and see if there is one20:52
k1l_zuiss1: well yes, you can look if there is a package in the backports repos20:53
zuiss1k1l_: ubuntu has a backports repo?20:54
whathappenIn witch boot process stage is the root partition mounted?20:54
naccKOLANICH: you have a locally built pip that is throwing the error.20:54
KOLANICHnacc, I have removed it20:54
k1l_zuiss1: see the link from the bot20:54
naccKOLANICH: did you provide output indicating the system pip has an error?20:55
naccKOLANICH: in a pastebin20:55
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KOLANICH  File "/usr/share/python-wheels/pkg_resources-0.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 2078, in _rebuild_mod_path20:55
KOLANICHAttributeError: '_NamespacePath' object has no attribute 'sort'20:55
naccKOLANICH: please use a pastebin, provide the exact command and full backtrace20:56
nacc!paste | KOLANICH20:56
ubottuKOLANICH: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:56
ravenpiJuju question: I love deploying to containers, because it "boots" so darn fast.  But it seems I always need a "base" install on the physical system before I can install to a container.  Is there a dummy juju charm I could install to set up a physical system, then install charms to it?20:56
naccravenpi: may want to ask in #ubuntu-server or a juju channel (see !alis)20:56
ravenpiThanks!  I hadn't noticed that.20:57
connect01if you need Germany bank drops for huge wire i can cashout it professional i have BANK DROP IN USA for wire huge amount and Postnamk in Germany..i have wire bank drops in europe.like Spanish acct, Germany Company Acct Drops,Poland drop And USA Companies acct drops..I also work on Alibaba seller email and pass..all deals we share %40-40-20...20:59
connect01Skype: Keegites00620:59
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connect01ICQ: 68801340720:59
connect01Jabber: keegites006@jabber.hot-chilli.net20:59
KOLANICHnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24003069/20:59
naccKOLANICH: what was the command run?21:00
naccKOLANICH: which version of ubuntu as well?21:00
KOLANICHnacc: python3 -m pip21:00
k1l_KOLANICH: reinstall python3-pkg-resources21:02
naccKOLANICH: yeah, it works fine locally, so I'm not sure -- it seems like maybe your python3 installation was broken21:03
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smahan83after installation it takes less than 5 gb21:05
KOLANICHnacc: 1 Reinstalled, it hasn't helped.21:05
smahan83why does it ask for 8.6? i rememver it was 5 something21:05
nekyiananyone happens to know where I can get a SPSS install kit for LINUX?21:06
nekyianI tried a lot of kits but all are m$ only21:06
pac1try IBM21:08
naccpac1: they already left21:09
k1l_KOLANICH: you ran "sudo apt install --reinstall python3-pkg-resources"?21:11
k1l_KOLANICH: maybe needed for that python-pkg-resources package aswell21:11
KOLANICH k1l_: I have ran that for python3.21:12
ctjctjI have two LV block devices that are reporting the same UUID via blkid.  They are different, even different sizes.  How do I change one of the UUIDs?21:17
k1l_KOLANICH: there seems still to be an version mixup: /usr/lib/python3.5 and /usr/lib/python3 are named there21:17
ColomboHey, just general question. I have like 700GB of files that I need to store on external HDD. Files are anything from few KBs to 16 gigs of text files. Currently, I am tarring it with XZ for good compression, but it seems to be terribly slow. Any suggestion to what I should use?21:18
aleksandar_Guys, I need help. I can start ubuntu installer in UEFI mode only, however, I want it old way, non UEFI. So, when I choose that option, I get ubuntu logo in the middle, than a black screen and than nothing. Is it about the lack of "nomodeset" in boot config on iso?21:19
KOLANICHk1l_: I don't understand where is the mixup. I mean when I call python3 python3.5 is launched21:20
duryhi there channel21:20
naccKOLANICH: why is that surprising? python3.5 is the pacakged python3 in 16.1021:20
dury16.04 LTS21:21
nacck1l_: python3 is weird :) they are both present normally21:21
naccdury: do you have a support question?21:21
KOLANICHnacc: I know, so I don't understand where is the mixup he have meant21:21
duryautologin is it true that it's a bug in that realease?21:22
duryrelease sorry21:22
Bashing-omaleksandar_: What partitioning is on the drive presently ? and what option are you choosing for the install operation ?21:22
durynacc, u know what I mean21:23
k1l_KOLANICH: you are right, both folders are present on a 16.04 isntall21:23
naccdury: no, I don't -- is autologin a bug in 16.04?21:23
k1l_dury: what bug?21:23
duryk1l, autologin21:24
duryk1l_, autologin21:25
k1l_dury: what is with autologin?21:25
aleksandar_Bashing-om, it's MBR. Actually, I have no options to choose when I start installation in Non-UEFI. But when started in UEFI, I have normal options like choosing "Try Ubuntu" and so on...21:25
Bashing-omaleksandar_: secure boot disabled on the firmware ?21:26
duryk1l_, autologin with lxde or mate x-window-managers21:26
duryunder xenial 64bits21:26
aleksandar_I believe it is. I have installed Debian 8 previously, so I believe it is.21:26
k1l_dury: no, there is no general bug we all know about. so please be more specific what the issue is21:26
naccdury: you're *not* stating an actual bug, you're just saying 'autologin' over and over. What is your actual issue. That autologin isn't working? Or that it works and you don't like it?21:26
nickgis there anyway i can upgrade and stay in the 14.04 branch?  I'm afraid do-release-upgrade is going to take me all the way to 16.04, which we haven't fully tested yet21:27
naccnickg: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade ?21:27
naccnickg: with appropriate sudo21:27
k1l_nickg: do-release-upgrade will upgrade you to 16.04, yes.21:27
naccnickg: not sure what you mean by 'upgrade', though21:28
nickgI didn't think dist-upgrade would upgrade releases.  I need to go from 14.04.X to 14.04.521:28
k1l_nickg: if you only want to update your 14.04 to the latest state run "sudo apt update" and then "sudo apt full-upgrade"21:28
naccnickg: just upgrade with apt, then21:28
naccnickg: it won't upgrade releases, 14.04.5 isn't a release in that sense21:28
k1l_nickg: then just use apt. its not changing to a new ubuntu release.21:28
naccnickg: 14.04.5 is just the current 14.04 archive with respun ISOs (there is a new HWE stack, but that is sort of independent)21:29
k1l_nickg: think of 14.04.5 like a servicepack. its not a release as such21:29
jaltnickg: you can't really upgrade from 14.04 to 14.04.x, but normal apt-get update; apt-get upgrade will get almost the same result.21:29
duryk1l_, nacc: can't autologin automatically with mate or lxde though... that's my problem21:29
jaltthe point releases are weird in that way21:29
Bashing-omaleksandar_: Do not know then . see what results booting the installer with 'nomodeset' as a boot parameter - can not hurt to see what results .21:29
jalt16.04.2 is going to be even worse due to auto-enrollment in HWE by default for new installations, but not for upgrades21:30
k1l_jalt: its very similar to the servicepacks.21:30
jaltsimilar yes, but that's vague21:30
jaltthe HWE thing is great, but how they rolled it was... unsatisfactory.21:31
aleksandar_Bashing-om, the thing is that I cannot change any boot parameter. It's on USB iso21:31
duryk1l_, nacc: http://askubuntu.com/questions/426831/lxde-auto-login did follow this not success though21:31
k1l_jalt: the new way with the "rolling kernel" makes a lot more sense since there were a lot user on the dead end kernels and they didnt know about it21:32
jaltaleksandar_: you can edit boot parameters by pressing a key during boot to halt the timer. then i think it's either F6 or TAB to edit the boot params.21:32
jalti agree K1l_ but people will get confused because they will see 16.04.X and not be sure which kernel+X stack they have21:33
aleksandar_jalt, does it work during loading live ISO?21:33
jaltyes aleksandar_, at least for graphical based (ubiquity), probably also for server21:33
jalti think you have about 3 to 5 seconds to press any key when the little ubuntu logo+keyboard icon shows on the bottom of the screen21:33
ragerquery: does anybody have a way to get network-manager working with an ipsec/l2tp vpn?21:34
ragerI'm on 16.1021:34
aleksandar_jalt, thank you21:35
aleksandar_see you soon21:35
ragerI've got network-manager-strongswan, but it's apparently only going to do ike v2, not sure what the distinction exactly is21:35
k1l_dury: enabling autologin in the lubuntu or mate systemsettings doesnt work?21:36
Bashing-omallorder: Reboot the liveUSB, as soon as the firmware screen clears spam the escape key -> language screen; escape key -> boot options screen ??21:37
jakubhi. does anyone know when ubuntu 16.04.2 ISOs will be releases?21:38
Bashing-omallorder: Sorry .. tab complete/ OP gone got me .21:38
k1l_!16.04.2 | jakub21:39
ubottujakub: 16.04.2 is rescheduled to February 16th due to several last minute issues with building and testing the ISOs. You can install the 16.04(.1) ISOs and run the updates if you are in a hurry.21:39
Bashing-omjakub: Last I heard sometime tomorrow .21:39
duryk1l_,where is systemsettings?21:40
duryk1l_ I'm on mate desktop21:40
jakububottu: i'm not in hurry. i want to come back to ubuntu from another distro, and i dont want to download the old ISO and next download another tonnes of updates21:41
ubottujakub: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:41
duryhttps://ubuntu-mate.community/t/auto-login-to-the-desktop/60 reading this21:41
jakubBashing-om: about 9 p.m. UTC, as usual?21:42
duryhope to work under xenial, though21:44
jaltjakub: the daily isos have just been rebuilt on #ubuntu-release, so 16.04.2 ought to come out tomorrow bar further delays. might take some time for mirror sync though.21:45
jaltjakub: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/372/builds21:46
ragecrazehey guys, when i restart my pc while there is no wifi, the startup takes about 5 minutes longer than usual with a message (a start job is running for raise network interfaces (5min 1s)21:46
ragecrazehow do i fix this?21:46
jakubthanks jalt21:47
duryk1l_ after reading that link, success though :-)21:50
duryk1l_ are you there?21:50
k1l_dury: yes21:52
duryk1l_ I personally prefer lxde or openbox x-window-managers light ones for old pc though21:53
duryk1l_ to recycle old computer light desktops and powerful it's all we need I guess21:55
KOLANICHwhat is /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ ?21:56
ppfthe place were python3.5 packages are installed21:57
durythat's right ppf21:57
KOLANICHppf: what packages, the ones installed by apt or the ones installed by pip or both?21:57
ppfboth, in general21:58
duryneed to go guys... tired :-) all the best all, be back pretty soon cheeersss21:59
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ColomboI can tell tar to list files from archive.22:05
ColomboHowever, can I tell tar to list files from folder?22:05
ColomboSo I can get number of files that are being compressed, so I can create some sense of progress when using checkpoints?22:06
ColomboI would like something like --checkpoints=1 --checkpoint_message=X from N22:06
KOLANICHthank you for the answers22:07
sdfsguys is it possible to minimize all windows when three fingers on touchpad? like in macs?22:08
tomreynColombo: i'm not sure that i understand what exactly you are trying to achieve, but based on what i understand you want to list the (sub)directory tar is currently working on while it is working on it. you could probably use tar with -v and filter (grep) that output22:13
Colombotomreyn: I think that ls -R is what I want. But basically, I know that tar can list all files in archive or list files while archiving.22:14
Colombotomreyn: both are however useless when you want to show how many files are left to be compressed.22:14
Colombotomreyn: so first I do ls -R | wc -l to get number of files22:15
Colomboand than in tar, there is --checkpont=i (every i files) and then you another one which is --checkpoint-action="echo %u" which will print the number of checkpoint.22:16
OerHeks tar --list --verbose --file=<name>.tar <foldername>22:16
ColomboSo if i is set to one, it will print after every file.22:16
ColomboIf I know total number of files, this seems to me as nice feature that would inform you how many files are left to be compressed.22:17
ColomboOerHeks: nope, read again what I want.22:18
tomreynColombo: so you want to display live how many files are left to be compressed, ok.22:19
tomreynColombo: i guess your approach can work for that22:19
brandor5hello everyone: I'm trying to use a local mirror in a preseed and it's failing... looking at /var/log/syslog on the system that's trying to install it looks like it's still trying to use an external mirror... Here is the section in my preseed that I have set for using the mirror (http://pastebin.com/ZU5TBhrS). any ideas on why it's not working?22:20
tomreynColombo: ...although not using "ls -R | wc -l". instead, use find22:20
ppfColombo: you can run tar with --totals=signal22:21
ppfwhen you then send signal to the running tar, it'll dump statistics22:21
ppfkinda like with dd22:21
turistahello every1, did anyone here play mule in ubuntu?¿ cuz I "did install java" and the game just can't run22:22
turistait says something like "java" can't be find in the 'bin' folder or something alike22:22
k1l_turista: what did you install? and how?22:22
turistaI did install firstly the openjdk 8 and the game just didn't run22:23
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turistaI did use chmod and these stuff, later I download the java package from the website (but not the rpm), and did follow the procedures on it, the instructions!22:24
Colomboppf: true, thanks. Can I modify it? Totals is nice, but I would like to print the total number of gigs as well.22:24
OerHeksturista, try to set the correct java with 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java22:25
turista./mule.sh: 11: ./mule.sh: /bin/java: not found22:25
wedgiesounds like a crappy script problem, not a java problem22:25
naccjava is usually /usr/bin/java, sounds like a bad script22:26
wedgieturista: the installer is looking in the wrong place for the java executable22:26
wedgieor whatever that script is22:26
ppfColombo: divide the number of bytes by 1e9?22:26
turistashould I paste the script?¿ wich's the link for pasting stuff22:26
ppfi don't think tar offers formatting settings. you'll have to parse it if you want to automate this22:27
Colombothanks ppf and tomreyn22:27
OerHeksjava-6-sun is dead.22:28
turistahow am I suppose to play the game, gosh22:29
tomreynboth dead and rotten by now22:29
naccbut even so, seems like your JAVA_HOME is set to a bad (empty?) value?22:29
naccturista: --^22:29
turistaI guess these ppl should make an update22:29
NLPozenUbuntu - I scratched mine22:32
turistathese ppl is disgusting, I'll have to use that java 6; but still so, is it possible if I try to work this script by myself?¿ :-P22:33
turistaor will it be uncompatible anyway?¿22:34
OerHeksturista, set java as i posted, and edit that script with the exact java location? might work22:34
OerHeksjava 8 should be backwards compatible AFAIK22:34
wedgieturista: just delete everything but lines 1, 2, and 11, and replace $JP with the actual path to your java location (find with ''command -v java'')22:34
OerHeksoh, wedgie answer is better ;-)22:35
Jack3k3i was using remote desktop(on a windows machine) to remote into my virtualbox of ubuntu but its very slow, was going to install a rdp or vnc directly in the ubuntu virtualbox to try, was wondering what people normally use that is fast/nonlaggy?22:41
Jack3k3I heard some good things about tightvnc and freenx22:41
turistagosh I did launch the game but, it crashes later >_<22:41
turistais there a way to update the video driver?¿22:42
pavlosJack3k3, I use nomachine to access linux/win servers22:42
Jack3k3pavlos, nomachine is the proprietary freenx yea?22:43
Jack3k3any reason that differentiates it from say tightvnc?22:43
pavlosJack3k3, idk ... there are free clients for linux/win, it is quite responsive22:44
Jack3k3all i care about really is speed and usability so if thats good, il go for it22:44
hanshenrik__i have a ubuntu 16.04, and i can't ssh login to root, not sure why22:45
kaosineok stupid question, is there a iso that can fit on a 700mb cd? I'm trying to create one to test some old hardware and I've run into a snag on that end. I also don't have the money to try and find something larger....22:45
hanshenrik__i installed my public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys , in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, it says PermitRootLogin prohibit-password22:45
turistaan old version then update?¿22:45
wedgiehanshenrik__: by default the root account is disabled on ubuntu. Also, by default, the sshd config will not allow root login via ssh22:45
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wedgiehanshenrik__: in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys?22:46
k1l_hanshenrik__: you dont login to root on ubuntu. and never per ssh22:46
OerHeksset PermitRootLogin yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config22:46
wedgieOerHeks: no, what he has should work22:46
OerHeksoops, missed that22:46
wedgiehanshenrik__: check the permissions on the .ssh dir and authorized_keys file. They should be 700 and 600, respectively22:47
x-fakdo you know a tool to find only readable strings into a binary file?22:47
wedgiehanshenrik__: also, i trust that you restarted the ssh service after you changed the config22:47
hanshenrik__OerHeks, actually, i believe if its "PermitRootLogin prohibit-password", it wont allow root to login by password, but will allow root to login by an authorized ssh host key22:47
hanshenrik__OerHeks, if it's "PermitRootLogin no" though, yeah, it won't allow root login via ssh22:47
OerHekshanshenrik__, correct22:48
hanshenrik__wedgie, well, i did service ssh reload22:48
Colombowut, tars --checkpoint is total bullshit22:48
hanshenrik__what the heck22:48
hanshenrik__wedgie, doing "root@honningas:/temp# namei -l ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | pastebinit22:49
hanshenrik__" , i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/24003646/22:49
bazhangColombo, no cursing here22:49
hanshenrik__apparently, ~  does not translate to root's home folder22:49
hanshenrik__that explains it22:50
hanshenrik__i installed the public key using ~22:50
hanshenrik__but apparently, that does not translate to /root22:50
hanshenrik__... is that normal in ubuntu?22:51
hanshenrik__i come from debian, and i've never seen ~ doing that22:51
nacchanshenrik__: how did you become root?22:51
wedgiewell, the namei command is new to me, but usually ~ will be the current user's home directory. If you're doing some sudo funkyness sometimes it is not22:51
hanshenrik__it was either su or sudo -s22:51
OerHekshanshenrik__, ~/ would be /home/$USER/22:52
nacchanshenrik__: it matters which one22:52
Colombobazhang: sorry22:52
hanshenrik__ok, i just checked, i used `sudo -s`22:52
tomreynx-fak: strings :)22:52
nacchanshenrik__: you want -H i believe22:52
nacchanshenrik__: so just a misuse of sudo22:52
x-faktomreyn , which argument can filter only the readable strings?22:52
wedgiesudo -s gets me /root as ~ on my system *shrug*22:53
tomreynx-fak: define "readable"22:53
k1l_hanshenrik__: dont use su.22:53
hanshenrik__nacc, oh ok, i see. in debian, sudo -s  gets me /root22:53
hanshenrik__(in debian 8 and debian 9)22:53
k1l_hanshenrik__: ubuntu is build around sudo.22:53
x-faktomreyn , readable for me means, only alphabetic or alphanumeric, no special chars22:53
Colomboanyone knows what actually the tar's checkpoint does? It doesn't seem like it counts files.22:53
wedgie"display progress messages every NUMBERth record (default 10)"22:54
hanshenrik__wedgie, ps, `namei -l` is very useful for debugging permission issues ^^22:54
wedgieColombo: what is it that you're trying to accomplish22:54
Colombowedgie: seriously, I can read the damn documentation22:55
Colombowedgie: copying stuff from doc is not helpful.22:55
tomreynx-fak: is "strings" without extra arguments not doing what you expect then?22:55
bazhangColombo, we have asked you to not curse here22:55
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Colombowedgie: Interpreting, maybe, but this is not what have YOU done...22:55
Colombobazhang: ah, sorry, don't know what everything is considered "curse" here.22:55
Colombowedgie: this is answer I wanted: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/153242/in-which-units-does-tar-checkpoint-measure22:56
tomreynx-fak: you can filter its output more by piping into grep22:56
x-fak<tomreyn> x-fak: is "strings" without extra arguments not doing what you expect then? <-nop22:57
nplusAny recommendations for joining a ubuntu server to an active directory domain? I've used BeyondTrust (formerly LikewiseOpen) in the past with succes23:00
hanshenrik__active directory, is that the MS Windows "shared folders" thing?23:01
tomreynx-fak: strings /path/to/somebinaryfile | grep -E '^[[:alnum:]]+$'23:01
x-faktomreyn , thank23:01
nplushanshenrik__: kinda sorta - active directory is the authentication backend for windows, kinda like LDAP (I think)23:02
tomreynx-fak: this will only allow sequences of alphanumeric characerts, no blank space, no padding, nothing else.23:02
hanshenrik__after explicitly installing the public key in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys  instead of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys , login works as expected :)23:02
x-faktomreyn , yes that's what it should do23:03
MSDOS6can i upgrade this to ubuntu? https://i.imgur.com/COJLEgG23:03
hanshenrik__haha what is that?23:04
hanshenrik__Windows 3.1?23:04
MSDOS6windows for workgroups 3.1123:04
nplusultimately what I'm looking for is central user/group management. we have a bunch of windows & ubuntu servers, a single account is desirable23:04
tomreynMSDOS6: this is for ubuntu support, not for trolling. if you're looking for a social chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic.23:04
MSDOS6you guys are no fun23:05
hanshenrik__MSDOS6, i just googled it, that's a windows 3.1 edition indeed, awesome, how did you get it online? o.023:05
hanshenrik__you should probably take it to #anime or something tho, not #ubuntu23:05
nplushanshenrik__: he's gone23:06
OerHeksthere is a zx-81 webserver too, somewhere... lolz23:06
kunjinplus: I think at work the IT uses Active Directory across all our systems (Windows and Ubuntu mostly, some Macs), unfortunately I don't know how they set it up.23:07
kunjinplus: In the context of a domain controller.23:08
kunjinplus: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html  https://blog.netnerds.net/2016/04/joining-ubuntu-to-an-active-directory-domain/23:11
nplusI have a active directory / domain controller already. It just seems like getting an ubuntu server joined to the domain (for auth) is one of those things with a bunch of options.. winbind + samba, or SSSD, or BeyondTrust23:12
kunjinplus: Yes, that guide assumes you already have the domain controller setup23:12
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KOLANICHCan anyone install python3-zope.interface and check if pip would work?23:15
npluskunji: ok thanks23:15
nplusjust gotta pick my poison I guess lol23:15
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OerHeks!info python3-zope.interface23:16
ubottupython3-zope.interface (source: zope.interface): Interfaces for Python3. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2.0-2 (yakkety), package size 79 kB, installed size 649 kB23:16
OerHeksit is in our repos23:16
kunjinplus: The second link suggests that SSSD is the modern poison of choice, good luck, and I'll assume you have backups :P23:18
npluskunji: thanks! still reading away here :)23:19
ron____Hello. When someone get's a chance could I get a bit of help? I'm installing Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm having trouble connecting to the internet23:38
Bashing-omron____: Connected wired or WIFI ?23:39
masiteis wine installed by default in ubuntu 16.04?23:39
ron____Bashing-om: Wired. It's not connecting to the router23:40
masitecan someone please tell me23:40
OerHeksmasite, wine is NEVER installed standard23:41
masiteOerHeks: i just installed winetricks and playlinux, and i purged all of them. however i realized that by purging winetricks, wine got removed too23:41
masiteis this detrimental in any way23:41
OerHeksmasite, that is valid, as dependencie23:41
masitewill my system screw up in the next boot23:41
OerHeksinstll wine, then POL, if you remove POL, wine would stick AFAIK23:42
masiteOerHeks: will removing wine completely from the system be detrimental in anyway?23:42
Bashing-omron____: Ubuntu desktop install ? Is the hardware seen ' lspci | grep Ethernet ' .23:43
masiteany way*23:43
OerHeksmasite, i don't understand that question?23:43
ron____Bashing-om: Yes and yes.23:44
masiteOerHeks: i mean, if i remove wine completely from my system, will it screw up something?23:44
OerHeksmasite, no, ubuntu should work just fine.23:44
masiteok thanks23:44
Bashing-omron____: K; then next is to know if you get a IP ' ifconfig eth0 ' .23:44
ron____Bashing-om: Nope. Nothing there. I can set it manually, but that doesn't help me get internet23:46
ron____Bashing-om: Just an inet6 addr that's not working23:47
=== externalreality_ is now known as externalreality
Bashing-omron____: In the desktop it is network-manager that manages networking . what returns ' grep "managed=" /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf " ?23:49
ron____Bashing-om: managed=true23:50
Bashing-omron____: grep "managed=" /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf23:50
Colombouh, stupid question: Is there actually live CD for 16.04? I don't have DVD.23:51
Bashing-omron____: That says that "you" will manage networking rather than the system . is this what you want ? ( no mobile ) .23:51
ron____Bashing-om: no way hahahah. I'd much rather it be automatic23:51
k1l_Colombo: lubuntu i guess. the others are too big for cd these days23:51
pavlosColombo, you mean something to fit in a CD? not sure23:52
Bashing-om!minimal | Colombo23:52
ubottuColombo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:52
WeiJunLiThere's a way to fix "Alert! /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to shell" busybox initramfs?23:52
OerHeksColombo, do you have a 2gb/2gb+ usb device?23:52
OerHeksthat would work too23:52
pavlosColombo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:53
OerHeksminimal has no live option23:53
Bashing-omron____: Let;s return to network-manager then . change managed=true to false . and restart networking . see what the system says upon the restart .23:54
Colombothanks all23:55
ron____Bashing-om: Upon restart I still don't get an ip address :(23:55
Bashing-omron____: In the GUI , is "DHCP" set to auto ?23:57
ron____Bashing-om: Network Connections gui? Yes. Under IPv4 Settings I have Method set to Automatic (DHCP). I have a couple additional DNS servers that I added to try to help connect, too. Everything else is blank there23:59

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