
mupBug #1665184 opened: Assertion list returned by GET /v2/assertions/type can't be reliably split <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665184>01:22
kyrofabarry, the fact that ubuntu-image uses the beta channel by default surprises me and is unclear from the manpages. Shouldn't it be stable?01:57
=== markusfluer1 is now known as markusfluer
barrykyrofa: it can't be because it requires devmode.  i think we definitely want to try to convert it to a classic snap at some point, but for now we treat beta as our release channel (and edge as our "proposed")03:33
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mupPR snapd#2868 closed: Don't return null result for async responses <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2868>06:50
kalikianabarry: even though you can have a snap that uses devmode without declaring it in snapcraft.yaml ;-)06:57
kalikianaI don't know that it's the right thing to do, but some snaps do it, and it's not being blocked06:58
kalyan_how to mount a ubuntu-core-16-dragonboard-410c.img07:03
kalyan_and write a file in to the mount partition07:04
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mupPR snapd#2869 opened: Add Online Accounts interface <Created by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2869>07:27
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ernstpwhat's the difference between meta/snap.yaml and snapcraft.yaml?09:16
ogra_one is used to build a snap, the other is meta information inside a snap package09:17
ogra_snap.yaml is all the "non-build" meta info from the snapcraft.yaml usually09:18
ernstpsometimes you create a snap.yaml manually though?09:19
ogra_not really ... you *can* do that but it means the build takes two steps and you cant use the auto-builder on launchpad09:20
ernstplooking at https://github.com/kubiko/roseapple-pi-ubuntuCore-build/tree/master/builder and https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/board-enablement09:22
ogra_(like you can create a deb from scratch by putting the right files in the right places and using ar and gzip to finally create the package, you can do the same with a snap, but nobody would seriously do that)09:22
ogra_ernstp, thats rather outdated09:23
ernstpwow, rly?09:23
ogra_from a time where snapcraft did not understand "type: gadget"09:23
ernstpthis page looks nice and official: https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/board-enablement09:24
ernstpbut it's already outdated?09:24
ogra_yet it is outdated :)09:24
ogra_have a look there09:24
ogra_ondra, ^^^ perhaps you shoudl update that ;)09:24
ernstpI started at these wonderful pages that haven't been updated since 2011 :-) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootStock https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch09:25
ogra_yeah, thats all obsolete but some of it might still work09:25
ernstpyeah I mean debootstrap will always work I guess09:26
ogra_its not like the underlying technology changes much there09:26
ernstpand there's multistrap09:26
ogra_rootstock went out of maintenance some time ago though ... but its just a script, easy to asdjust if needed09:27
ernstpogra_: but thanks for pointing to the pi3 thing, I'll dig through it...09:28
ogra_if you have questions, just ask :)09:28
ernstpogra_: is this up to date... ? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/wiki/Gadget-snap09:30
ernstpit mentions meta/snap.yaml again..09:30
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ogra_no, that needs updating too it seems09:31
ernstpI like https://github.com/kubiko/roseapple-pi-ubuntuCore-build/tree/master/builder because it includes building  u-boot etc09:34
ogra_ernstp, yeah, you could just call that from the snapcraft.yaml09:36
ernstpthere's no kernel snap in the rpi3 repo?09:38
ogra_the kernel is from the official builds in the ubuntu archive09:38
ogra_the source for it is on kernel.ubuntu.com09:39
ernstpI guess I'm comparing this to yocto...09:41
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ogra_you cast really :)09:43
ernstpwhere you build a kernel, u-boot, pick up some userland, and then bake it all into an image09:43
ogra_all the bits are separately upgradeable and you can also roll back each of them individually09:44
ernstpof course the point of using Ubuntu Core would be to _not_ compile all of userland from scratch09:44
ogra_in case of kernel that happens even automatically if a new kernel doesnt finish booting09:44
ogra_also the resulting image is readonly with only the few bits made writable the system needs to run, you cant really tinker with it09:45
ogra_(snaps are signed readonly squashfs files)09:45
ernstpwell comparing to yocto I still need to take a bunch of source, compile it and then combine it to an image I can flash to a device09:48
ogra_well, the kernel and bootloader, yeah09:48
ogra_(if your board is supported by the generic kernel only the bootloader ... )09:49
ernstpno I've got a custom board09:50
ernstpthe arm world is moving forward but it's going slow...09:51
ernstphow could that setup look then...09:52
ogra_well, enabling the beaglebone black which has mainline support was a 30min job for me ... simply because i didnt need to care for the kernel09:52
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ernstpgadget/gadget.yaml gadget/snapcraft.yaml kernel/snapcraft.yaml09:52
ernstpI'm using an imx6 processor plus a custom board09:54
ogra_https://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/plugins/kernel has the docs for that09:55
ernstpogra_: right, that's just like https://github.com/kubiko/roseapple-pi-ubuntuCore-build/blob/master/builder/kernel/snapcraft.yaml makes perfect sense to me09:55
ernstpthat's exactly what I need for the kernel, pointing out config, dtb, some options and whatnot09:56
ernstpthen I want to build a gadget around that09:57
ogra_right, and then an image09:57
ogra_(docs for that are at https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/image-building )09:58
ernstpwhich leads to the https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/board-enablement page that was outdated you said09:59
ernstpCan I reference snaps locally?10:01
ernstpright, I can, gadget and kernel refer to snaps already existing in the store or in the current directory10:01
ogra_ernstp, yes, with the --extra-snaps option10:04
ogra_ernstp, note that even if the page is outdated, the resulting snap will work and you can later port to plain snapcraft.yaml if you want10:12
ogra_so just follow it for now :)10:13
mupPR snapd#2870 opened: tests: failover test for rc.local crash <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2870>10:37
mupPR snapd#2871 opened: utils: helper function for creating a deep copy of interface attributes <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2871>11:04
hangunI registered a new account and the profile is at https://launchpad.net/~ucrobotics12311:18
hangunbut when I executing " snapcraft register-key" commmand and inputing account and password11:19
hangunI got an error like this:   you need to set a usename. it will appear in the developer filed alongside the other detials or your snap.11:20
ernstphangun: I think it's confusingly called "Developer namespace" in the account details online11:43
hangunhi ernstip11:44
hangunhow I set up the "namespace"11:45
hangunI dont see where to set up in my account https://launchpad.net/~ucrobotics12311:46
ogra_hangun, did you set it up on login.ubuntu.com ?11:48
ernstphangun: if you read the full error message there's an url11:49
hangunI set up the "Username" filed at https://login.ubuntu.com/11:52
hangunany role for that?11:53
hangunmy username is "ucrobotics123"11:53
ogra_and you can log in with that on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com ?11:53
ogra_there is a ""developer namespace" option in the account settings11:54
hangunthanks ogra_12:03
hangunit works now12:03
hangunI have another question:  after snappy system booting up,  executing commands " snap install hello-world" , "hello-world"12:09
hangunbut got error like this: cannot bind-mount the mount namespace file /proc/11268/ns/mnt -> hello-world.mnd12:10
hangunsupport process for mount namespace capture exited abnormally12:10
cachioniemeyer, hi, I am trygin to push to spread a branch with the change that I did to export xunit format but I am getting12:14
cachioremote: Permission to snapcore/spread.git denied to sergiocazzolato12:14
niemeyercachio: Hi12:14
niemeyercachio: Got your email as well12:14
niemeyercachio: Typical workflow in github is you fork the project into your own space, push the changes you want, and then send a pull request (PR) to the original project12:14
niemeyercachio: You don't need write access to the master branch for that12:15
cachioniemeyer, I did that12:15
niemeyercachio: Not really.. you see the message above?12:16
niemeyercachio: You're trying to write into snapcore/spread.git.. that's not your fork12:16
cachioniemeyer, in that case I' try again12:16
niemeyercachio: You're not supposed to be able to push there (yet, at least)12:16
cachioniemeyer, ok12:17
hangunhello all12:22
hangunI have the similar issue like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/164545712:22
mupBug #1645457: cannot bind-mount the mount namespace file on Kernel 3.10 <Snappy Launcher:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1645457>12:22
zygahello, sorry from being absent from IRC12:35
zygaanyone had a question about namespaces in snaps?12:36
ogra_zyga, that was hangun12:47
ogra_more abour namespaces in kernel i suspect though12:47
mupPR snapd#2864 closed: interfaces: API additions for interface hooks <Created by stolowski> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2864>12:48
zygahangun: hey12:48
zygahangun: how can I help you, can you please repeat your question?12:48
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mupPR snapd#2524 closed: interfaces/builtin,cmd/snap-confine: add the overmount interface <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2524>12:51
niemeyer<hangun> hello all12:52
niemeyer10:22:33 I have the similar issue like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/164545712:52
mupBug #1645457: cannot bind-mount the mount namespace file on Kernel 3.10 <Snappy Launcher:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1645457>12:52
ogra_heh, and he left12:54
mupPR snapd#2866 closed: cmd/libsnap: add helper for dropping permissions <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2866>12:59
jdstrandzyga: hey, why make the libcap stuff conditional? it will work everywhere13:11
zygajdstrand: because we cannot add dependencies to snapd easily now13:12
zygajdstrand: I want to just enable it on compile time if it is available13:12
zygajdstrand: and as we work on resolving the other bug (that affects apt) we can just hard-depend on it13:13
jdstrandzyga: but the code is correct... why can't you add a dependency?13:13
zygajdstrand: right now because of how apt works it means people will not update13:13
zygajdstrand: mvo has the gory details13:13
zygajdstrand: but that's the bottom line13:13
jdstrandwe add new stuff all the time13:13
jdstrandlook at bind9 updates13:13
jdstrandthis isn't a reason to not do stuff13:14
zygajdstrand: and stats show us that people are stuck on ancient snapd13:14
jdstrandI know that thread13:14
zygajdstrand: we researched this, apt behaves this way if you use a particular command13:14
jdstrandso fix apt13:14
jdstrandthat was the takeaway from the conversation as I understood it13:14
zygajdstrand: I'm not aware of that, I need to ask mvo13:15
zygajdstrand: I asked him today and he recommended against adding deps to snapd13:15
zygajdstrand: in any case, on ubuntu the build will not use libcap and will just do that unconditionally13:15
zygajdstrand: on fedora we can use libcap13:16
zygajdstrand: I think this is fine13:16
zygajdstrand: until we can address the issue in apt13:16
jdstrandI don't think it is fine because it adds code complexity in the setgroups check13:16
zygajdstrand: wh?13:16
jdstrandwe are using libcap to see if we can use setgroup13:17
zygathe only complexity will be an #ifdef in the sc_has_capabaility13:17
zygawithout libcap it will just say yes13:17
jdstrandand that will be wrong13:17
jdstrandif you call drop privs as non-root, setgroups will fail13:17
jdstrandthat is the whole reason the check is there13:18
zygaoh we ca easily check for that13:18
zygawe have the cap if running as root13:18
jdstrandyes, but the code is correct. we need to fix the underlying problem, not contort our code13:18
zygathat's one line in the #else part of the has_capability13:18
jdstrandthe underlying problem is a distro problem that affects more than just snapd. not fixing it and people aren't getting other updates. snapd shows the symptom, but that is only because it is the only thing we are looking at13:19
jdstrandalso, the xfslibs change also introduced a dependency. are we going to yank that out? cause that will affect security policy13:21
jdstrandkernels, bind9, and other things all do this regularly in the distro13:21
zygajdstrand: I noticed that too13:21
zygajdstrand: one secodn13:21
zygajdstrand: (mvo says it is hard socially)13:21
zygajdstrand: for that I think we just need the macro definitions13:22
zygajdstrand: not any real dependency at runtime, right?13:22
zygajdstrand: or we can link libacap statically13:24
zygajdstrand: that's easy too13:24
zygajdstrand: would you +1 that?13:24
jdstrandfor quota patch, it shouldn't pull in a runtime dep, only the build afaics (according to ldd)13:26
zygajdstrand: I think we pulled in libhandle, not sure why13:27
zygaI saw it in ldd13:27
zygaSon_Goku: hey13:27
jdstrandoh, I don't have the right branch, hold on13:27
Son_Gokuzyga: hi13:27
zygajdstrand: I mean libhandle from xfs is in master13:27
jdstrandno, I have the right branch13:29
jdstrandldd ./snap-confine/snap-confine13:29
jdstrandI see no libhandle13:29
jdstrandthat is with quota patches but not up to date master13:30
jdstrandand with up to date master, no libhandle13:31
jdstrandmvo: hey, can you comment on the no new deps thing? ^13:32
zygajdstrand: I agree, I wonder why I saw it on centos, I'll check later13:32
zygaSon_Goku: question, so the centos package13:34
zygaSon_Goku: can we build a small centos package separately from the fedora package?13:35
zygaSon_Goku: just something that could live in copr for now13:35
zygaSon_Goku: I was looking at rhel and man, no build deps for anything13:35
mvojdstrand: in a meeting right now13:35
zygaSon_Goku: so I think the package should build on centos first13:35
Son_Gokuwell, if it can build in EPEL, that's enough13:35
zygaSon_Goku: and then can move over as a binary package13:35
zygaSon_Goku: exactly13:35
Son_Gokuno, I mean, that's enough for everyone (CentOS, RHEL, etc.)13:35
zygaSon_Goku: did you see my blog post about centos?13:36
zygaSon_Goku: ah, I see13:36
Son_GokuEPEL is RHEL + EPEL packages13:36
mvojdstrand: what dependency was that again?13:36
Son_Gokuand because CentOS is binary compatible, it works there13:36
zygamvo: libcap213:36
zygamvo: (and libcap-dev as build-dep)13:36
jdstrandmvo: this time, libcap13:36
jdstrandlibcap2, yes13:36
mvojdstrand: isn't that part of a the default install anyway?13:36
mvoif so, we are fine13:37
zygahmmm, good question13:37
jdstrandlet me double check13:37
zygait is in main13:37
ogra_we definitiely ship it in core13:37
jdstrandI checked the apt-cache rdepends, but didn't finish looking at it before I got fired up :)13:37
mvoit is installed in my pbuilder chroot13:37
jdstrandogra_: we have libcap-ng in core13:37
zygaI think it's in bydefault13:37
zygajdstrand: in that case let's re-open and land as-is13:38
mupPR snapd#2866 opened: cmd/libsnap: add helper for dropping permissions <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2866>13:38
jdstrandavahi-daemon needs it, so it is in the desktop13:38
zygajdstrand: can you review it now13:38
jdstrandiputils-ping needs it, and that is in minimal13:39
ogra_jdstrand, i see libcap2 here and libcap2-bin13:39
jdstrand(on trusty)13:39
hangunhi zyga13:39
jdstrandsame for xenial13:39
hangunjust left for a while13:39
ogra_on trusty we still use the same core13:39
ogra_https://launchpadlibrarian.net/306642126/core_16.04.1_amd64.manifest is the manifest file for the core snap13:40
jdstrandand yakkety and zesty13:40
jdstrandwell, the core snap isn't an issue cause it'll just be slurped in, but I did check there. let me check again13:40
Son_Gokuzyga: EPEL in Koji uses RHEL 7 base, EPEL in COPR uses CentOS 7 base13:41
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-builds/ has links to all the manifests13:41
jdstrandogra_: you are right. libcap2 is in /lib but libcap-ng is in /usr/lib. I only checked /usr/lib13:41
jdstrandit's in minimal, so crisis averted for this13:41
Son_Gokujdstrand: bah, UsrMerge :)13:42
Son_Gokudo iiiit :D13:42
jdstrandhowever, I thought a fix for apt-get was the way to go to make it work the same as apt13:42
zygaSon_Goku: I suspect 18 will do it13:42
zygaSon_Goku: nobody cares though :)13:43
zygait's a change that changes nothing relevant for anyone13:43
zygainternal refactor13:43
Son_Gokuy'all suck :)13:43
zygahangun: hi13:43
zygahangun: I want to help you with the issue you mentioned13:43
zygahangun: I merged a small fix into snapd master that affects 3.1013:43
jdstrandzyga: all this said. it is actually interesting to think about (not for this PR) to make snap-confine statically linked, or at least, partially so13:43
zygajdstrand: yes, I agree, though we will use core libs for re-exec linking it statically is not a bad idea13:44
zygahangun: can you try master and tell me exactly what error are you getting13:44
jdstrandzyga: well, re-exec is only for classic13:44
zygajdstrand: yes13:45
zygajdstrand: do you see advantages to static linking on core?13:45
jdstrandbut it does help the re-exec case. it also would allow us to reduce the apparmor profile. potentially avoids problems where the libs it would dynamically link out to change incompatibly such that snap-confine fails. that *should* never happen and tests would reveal that type of thing13:47
jdstrandit does mean that we need to rebuild for security updates13:47
jdstrandit is something to think about. I'm not recommending it atm, just thinking out loud13:47
zygajdstrand: I think we should add that to the list of things to investigate once core splits into core + base13:48
zygajdstrand: could be used to keep core totally tiny13:48
jdstrandwell, it would actually be a little bigger13:48
mupPR snapd#2872 opened: tests: only check core refresh if there's no update available <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2872>13:48
jdstrandsince it doesn't use many libraries and most of those are fundamental-- I doubt any would drop of, so there would be duplication. but I'm not saying this is a concern, just that it wouldn't be smaller13:49
zygajdstrand: only if something else also depends on libcap in core13:49
hangunzyga:  My env like this snapd version (2.21), snapcraft version (2.26) ubuntu-snappy version (2.21).13:49
jdstrandlibcap is the only thing13:49
jdstrandthat it would save13:49
zygahangun: you need to build snapd from master13:49
jdstrandif it is totally staically compiled, then libc is there and in core13:49
zygahangun: there's a lot of improvements that landed since 2.2113:50
zygahangun: and the fix to 3.10 that I did is not released yet13:50
zygahangun: I don't know it fixes the issue you are seeing but I did use it run on a 3.10 kernel13:50
zygahangun: (though without apparmor)13:50
zygahangun: but you need that fix to get it to work anyway13:50
morphislool: lool: https://github.com/morphis/tvheadend/tree/snap-support13:51
jdstrandof course, you could just statically link libcap13:51
jdstrandanyway, something to think about13:51
mupPR snapd#2835 closed: strutil: support version compare with empty strings <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2835>13:51
hangunzyga:  thanks, i try it now.13:52
zygaSon_Goku: what are those notificationabout snap-confine for f23 being deleted?13:54
zygaSon_Goku: is that because of EOL?13:54
Son_GokuI think it's because you never submitted them as updates13:54
zygaso what is exactly being deleted?13:55
Son_Gokuif they're not tagged, koji aggressively gc's them13:55
Son_Gokuthe build artifacts13:55
zygathat's fine13:55
zygaSon_Goku: we should try to get those packages out13:55
zygaSon_Goku: 2.23 has all the fixes for fedora now13:55
Son_Gokuis it released?13:55
Son_GokuI didn't see mvo announce 2.23 yet13:56
Son_Gokudid we also get any new systemd units that I need to refresh my systemd unit patch for?13:56
zygaSon_Goku: mvo will release it today I think13:58
zygamvo: when is the release? today?13:58
zygaSon_Goku: no, we can drop units now13:58
zygaSon_Goku: more less13:58
Son_Gokuwell, our systemd units work slightly differently from ubuntu's remember13:58
zygaSon_Goku: we have a packaging/ directory13:58
zygaSon_Goku: yes, I mean we should put them there13:58
zygaSon_Goku: if you commit them we don't need to carry the patch13:58
Son_Gokuwell, I can certainly submit a PR with them, if you'd like13:58
zygaSon_Goku: please, I really want those13:58
zygaSon_Goku: you didn't answer my question about the centos blog post13:59
Son_GokuI didn't read it yet13:59
zygaSon_Goku: did you see the stuff I added there?13:59
zygaSon_Goku: ah, OK13:59
Son_Gokureading it now13:59
Son_Gokulooks like zbyszek left comments on your blog?14:00
zygaSon_Goku: yes14:00
zygaSon_Goku: nice to see feedback from systemd developers :)14:00
Son_Gokutalking to them often helps, too :)14:00
Son_GokuLukas and Zbyszek are nice people14:01
zygaI'm sure, I'd love to meet them in person one day14:01
Son_GokuLukas is the RHEL systemd maintainer, and Zbyszek is the Fedora one14:01
zygaI could use more sleep ;)14:01
Son_Gokuor more coffee :)14:01
zygaI think I need to survive too ;)14:01
hangunzyga:  is this the snapd link https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/ ?   How I compile it or any easy way to get a latest nightly deb package?14:02
zygahangun: yes that is it14:02
loolmorphis: awesome!14:02
zygahangun: not sure where are the nighly packages, I think they are built somewhere but I cannot say14:03
zygahangun: I wrote a blog post about how to build it from source on centos lately, the instructions are almost enitirely valid for other distributions (you just need the right build dependencies)14:03
zygahangun: https://new.zygoon.pl/post/case-study-snapd-on-centos/14:04
hangunzyga:  awesome14:04
zygahangun: feel free to ping me with question14:04
zygahangun: you can try to build just the snap-confine parts14:05
zygahangun: and you can make install DESTDIR=/tmp/foo if you just need a particular file to test14:05
zygahangun: I'm not sure what the process is on your device14:05
hangunzyga:  my board is bubblegum 96board http://www.96boards.org/product/bubblegum-96/14:06
zygahangun: I see14:09
zygaI don't have that board at home14:09
ogra_hopefully all needed config options are set in that kernel14:10
hangunzyga:  i will re-build snapd following your blog14:10
mupPR snapd#2841 closed: interfaces: allow recv* and send* by default, accept4 with accept and other cleanups <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2841>14:12
mupPR snapd#2842 closed: interfaces: misc updates for network-control, firewall-control, unity7 and default policy <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2842>14:14
Son_Gokuzyga, what should I label the folder inside of packaging/ ?14:15
Son_GokuI originally was using the catch-all top level directory dist/, but I guess that doesn't fit here14:15
zygaSon_Goku: just put packaging/fedora-25 there14:18
zygaSon_Goku: we can use symlinks for others14:18
zygaSon_Goku: and then we can use that in downstream packages14:18
zygaSon_Goku: we can also keep a copy of the spec for CI14:19
Son_Gokueven if the units are useful for more than fedora? they're basically the ones anyone that isn't using Debian uses14:19
zygaSon_Goku: yes14:19
zygaSon_Goku: symlinks :)14:19
zygaSon_Goku: we can sim;lify over time14:19
Son_Gokuas for spec for CI, that would mean that snapcore-selinux needs to somehow be available for spread to pull in14:20
Son_Gokuor is it always going to retrieve that from fedora dist-git?14:20
zygaSon_Goku: yes, I think we can come up with something14:20
zygaSon_Goku: not sure yet14:20
zygajdstrand: what about 2863?14:21
zygajdstrand: I'd like that in candidate that's going out now14:21
mupPR snapd#2866 closed: cmd/libsnap: add helper for dropping permissions <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2866>14:21
jdstrandzyI already commented on that yesterday. I didn't think it needed more work from me, but I'll approve it14:25
mupPR snapd#2873 opened: tests: several improvements to the nested suite <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2873>14:25
jdstrandzyga: I already commented on that yesterday. I didn't think it needed more work from me, but I'll approve it14:28
zygajdstrand: just the approval :)14:28
jdstrandzyga: note, you merged https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2866 without a second +1, just mine14:29
mupPR snapd#2866: cmd/libsnap: add helper for dropping permissions <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2866>14:29
zygajdstrand: I cannot merge it without it14:29
jdstrandwell, you'll need a second +1 too14:29
jdstrandunles the commit policy changed14:29
zygajdstrand: that counts as one14:29
* jdstrand is just operating under what he's been told14:29
jdstrandzyga: what counts as one? my +1? yes, and you need two +1s other than yourself as I've been told14:30
hangunzyga:  I git clone snapd from source and then  ./mkversion.sh14:33
hangunzyga: *** Setting version to '2.22.2+git475.g7900000.dirty' from git.14:34
Son_Gokuzyga, does snap-confine get the same versioning as snapd now?14:34
Son_Gokuor does it still maintain its own version somewhere?14:35
zygaSon_Goku: yes14:35
zygaSon_Goku: it's the same version, easier :)14:35
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Son_Gokuzyga: working on the snapd.spec rebase to v2.23... https://github.com/Conan-Kudo/snapd/commit/f73baebb3d0d9f049568b1134365c2b47368c98115:05
Son_Gokulet me know if there's something I'm missing that should be added15:06
Son_Gokuhaven't built it yet, either, as I need to go to work15:06
Son_GokuI'll test and fix up the inevitably broken file lists...15:06
zygaSon_Goku: looking15:06
zygaSon_Goku: BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcap)15:08
Son_Gokuon snap-confine?15:08
Son_Gokudoes that mean we can use file caps?15:08
zygaSon_Goku: also requires xfsprogs-devel15:09
zygaSon_Goku: no but we start to use libcap15:09
zygaSon_Goku: maybe we can switch over time, but the dependency is in place now15:09
zygaSon_Goku: you also want glibc-static15:09
Son_Gokuuh why glibc-static?15:09
zygaSon_Goku: though we don't need to ship the resulting file (system-shutdown)15:10
zygaSon_Goku: there's a special helper that systemd runs on core systems to unmount the filesystem correctly15:10
zygaSon_Goku: it's only used on core15:10
zygaSon_Goku: and it runs back in intrd land15:10
zygaSon_Goku: so it has to be static15:10
zygaSon_Goku: just add the build-dep for now, we can make that conditional on something like --non-core-build or something later15:10
zygaSon_Goku: check the list in the blog post, I listed all the packages for centos and that's pretty much the same list for Fedora15:11
zygaSon_Goku: reading the rest now15:11
zygaSon_Goku: make sure the configure call matches autogen (not sure if it doenst)15:12
zygaSon_Goku: we have a new go executable (snapctl) that should be built and installed to %{_bindir}15:13
zygaSon_Goku: we should include the /var/lib/snapd/void directory that is root.root 000015:13
zygaSon_Goku: snap-confine creates it but it should be owned by the package15:13
Son_Gokuit is15:13
zygaoh, must have missed it15:13
Son_Gokusnapctl goes in snap-confine?15:13
zygaSon_Goku: no, more like snapd15:14
zygaSon_Goku: I'd merge them TBH15:14
zygaSon_Goku: one binary package15:14
zygaSon_Goku: but digress,15:14
zygaSon_Goku: we need a new info file15:14
zygaSon_Goku: it is in libexecdir for now15:14
zygaSon_Goku: it is in data/info after build AFAIR15:14
zygaSon_Goku: it's just a version dump15:14
zygaSon_Goku: oh and we should run ./mkversion.sh15:14
zygaSon_Goku: right now we skipped that but it is mandatory for snap-confine and everything else now15:15
zygaSon_Goku: we _probably_ have to fix mkversion15:15
zygaSon_Goku: or have it just echo the fedora version15:15
zygaSon_Goku: it looks at git15:15
zygaSon_Goku: but then falls back to debian/changelog15:15
zygaSon_Goku: it's a bit hard to say where the reference version should be15:15
zygaSon_Goku: we can fix that but not sure where to put the version15:15
Son_Gokuif we could just write a file out somewhere, I can inject the version that way15:15
Son_Gokuwith like echo "%{version}" > VERSION15:16
zygaSon_Goku: the script generates a go version file, a static file for snap-confine (configure.ac reads it) and the info file (snapd reads it at runtiime)15:16
zygaSon_Goku: kind of yes,15:16
zygaSon_Goku: but if you do that in mkversion.sh as a patch we can upstream it and it will not drift over time15:16
Son_Gokuyeah, alright, I'll take a look at it15:16
zygaSon_Goku: that script was a quick and dirty way to progress and this is a good chance to just make it nicer15:16
Son_GokuI gotta go to work15:17
zygaSon_Goku: thank you, let's sync later15:17
zygaSon_Goku: you can drop SNAPD_REEXEC, reexec is disabled on fedora and similar now15:17
zygaSon_Goku: you can keep it just in case you want to for now but it's not useful anymore15:18
Son_GokuI'm going to leave it as reference15:18
zygaSon_Goku: oh and we have a few more manual pages Is uspect15:18
zygaSon_Goku: still not enough but more than before :-)15:18
zygaI plan to write the missing few when I have a chance to look at this15:18
zyga(fighting other dragons now)15:18
zygaSon_Goku: we may have more directories in /var/lib/snapd/ we should cross-check with debian packaging15:19
zyga(and document them in snapd man page)15:19
zygaSon_Goku: that's all I could see on a quick read, again *thanks* for picking this up :)15:20
brunch875does snappy have any system for bug reporting?15:33
brunch875not snappy itself, but for specific snaps15:33
zygabrunch875: no not at present15:33
brunch875zyga, is it planned?15:33
zygabrunch875: there's work for landing a way to display contact information, it should be ready in the next release15:34
zygabrunch875: I think that can be extended to include other URLs (e.g. a support URL)15:34
zygabrunch875: you want to ask mvo about this, he was working on the feature15:34
zygabrunch875: but I think he's very busy today, working on the release15:34
zygabrunch875: so perhaps tomorrow15:34
zygabrunch875: or just send an email to the snapcraft mailing list15:35
mvosnap info snapname in master will give you contact information15:35
mvo(in a meeting)15:35
* zyga hugs mvo15:35
zygathanks! :)15:35
brunch875thank you!15:35
stokachuim seeign this on 14.04 : 2017-02-16T15:34:49Z INFO snap "core" has bad plugs or slots: core-support (unknown interface)15:36
ogra_stokachu, well, just an INFO message ... does it behave correctly ?15:36
stokachuogra_, not sure yet still trying to load my snap15:36
ogra_(core just got upgraded to  new version, you most likely just got that one)15:37
zygastokachu: this is a known issue, not sure where the bug for tracking that is15:38
stokachuzyga, ok thanks15:38
ogra_it shouldnt cause any harm though15:39
popeymvo: just saw your mail about new core and tried to update...15:40
popey$ snap refresh15:40
popey2017-02-16T15:40:17Z INFO snap "core" has bad plugs or slots: core-support (unknown interface)15:40
popeycore 16.04.1 from 'canonical' refreshed15:40
popeyis that expected?15:41
mvopopey: yes, its just a warning (still not nice)15:41
ogra_so it refreshed fine and informed you that the old core didnt have that interface15:41
popeyoh, it's moaning about the old core, I see.15:41
ogra_well, about the one in use at the time of the upgrade15:41
ogra_(also, core-support is moot on classic systems)15:42
ogra_(at least it should be :P)15:43
jdstrandkyrofa: fyi, responded to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/283716:03
mupPR snapd#2837: interfaces/apparmor: allow reading from ecryptfs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2837>16:03
mupBug #1648615 changed: Apps hit apparmor denial trying to connect to unity8's mir_socket <Canonical System Image:Confirmed for alecu> <Snappy:Invalid by mterry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1648615>16:43
mupPR snapd#2874 opened: kmod: added Specification for kmod security backend <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2874>16:56
mupPR snapd#2829 closed: tests: add libvirt interface spread test <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2829>17:11
=== plars_ is now known as plars
sdrobertwFound this forum post on 96Boards: http://bit.ly/2kWV5l517:27
kyrofasdrobertw, not sure what's going on there-- I suggest an email to the snapcraft list, or have them hop in here so we can troubleshoot17:36
kyrofabarry, ah, no, I was using the deb anyway. I meant when I run ubuntu image without `-c`, it defaults to using beta17:38
ogra_sdrobertw, i guess thats the same guy we have on the mailing list, he has assembled a non-working image (kernel snap not fully working etc)17:38
ogra_sdrobertw, his image is/was built in a way that the firstboot initialization did not properly work, which results in snapd not working17:38
barrykyrofa: that must be a behavior of snap prepare-image.  if no -c is given to u-i, we don't pass --channel to `snap prepare-image`17:40
sdrobertwkyrofa: I will tell them to join the channel17:40
kyrofabarry, ah, interesting. Perhaps you should, haha!17:40
kyrofabarry, that way you can document it. No one knows you're actually using snapd behind the scenes17:41
barrykyrofa: we should definitely document that, but understand that u-i will also eventually create classic images, so it's not supposed to be so tied to snaps.  i guess snap prepare-image needs better documentation and/or defaults17:42
kyrofabarry, understood. Although keep in mind that documentation for snap prepare-image won't help anyone if it's always wrapped by ubuntu-image17:42
kyrofabarry, if we eventually need to call prepare-image ourselves (is that what you mean?), that's fine17:43
barrykyrofa: well, what i'd like to do is document u-i "backends" (of which there is only one right now) and that's where we can document how prepare-image is called under the hood17:43
barrykyrofa: no, you should never have to call it yourself17:43
kyrofabarry, I see, okay17:44
loolkyrofa: hey, is cleanbuild working for you with a snap/snapcraft.yaml?17:51
loolI've got this error when trying a build:17:52
loolProcessing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu5) ...17:52
loolCould not find snap/snapcraft.yaml. Are you sure you're in the right directory?17:52
loolTo start a new project, use 'snapcraft init'17:52
kyrofalool, I haven't tried. To be completely honest I don't use cleanbuild-- I just create a clean container myself so I can utilize caching17:52
loolkyrofa: would you know if the tarball is supposed to contain snapcraft.yaml?17:52
kyrofalool, ohhh17:52
kyrofalool, I know what you hit17:52
loolI looked as the tarignore logic, and it seems correct yet the tarball doesn't contain snapcraft.yaml17:52
kyrofalool, indeed, way back when 'prime' used to be called 'snap' so cleanbuild had logic to ignore it when creating the tarball17:53
kyrofalool, that's since been fixed, let me see if it's been released yet17:53
looloh ok, just me looking at fixed source code which is not the one I'm running, blah17:53
kyrofalool, ah, 2.2717:53
kyrofalool, it's in proposed17:53
kyrofalool, haha, that'll always get ya17:54
kyrofalool, sorry about that, we caught that issue too late17:55
loolno that's great news, it's already fixed17:55
loolkyrofa: it's funny cause I actually thought of this snap/ ignore explanation and thought "oh that will be easy to fix"17:55
kyrofalool, yeah it was like four characters17:56
kyrofaPlus tests, of couse17:56
kyrofawith an r in there somewhere17:56
loolBTW I've noticed two pieces of potentially interesting behavior17:56
loolone is with dependent libs17:56
loolI have these binaries that require libsctp117:57
loolthey are prebuilt17:57
loolif I build the snap on a system that has the package, the lib gets copied automagically17:57
loolhowever if it's missing, no error but the snap is incomplete17:57
loolthis would be caught by cleanbuild17:57
loolin the sense that if I always used cleanbuild and tested the snap I would notice17:57
loolbut someone doing changes / buidling the snap wont notice17:58
loolI wonder if you should warn/fail the build when trying to copy libs and failing, don't know17:58
kyrofalool, indeed. There are a few things here17:58
kyrofalool, first, check out https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/syntax and read about the `build-attributes`17:58
loolit's kind of hard to both be tolerant in case it's in a later part and to be rigorous to make sure all libs are there17:58
kyrofalool, long story short, this is really unclear behavior as you noticed17:59
loolah didn't know about build-attributes: no-system-libraries17:59
kyrofalool, we're moving to, instead of magically copying things we know we need, erroring on them17:59
kyrofalool, we're hemming and hawing on it because it will break a lot of things, though17:59
kyrofalool, not sure when that will happen or what it'll look like17:59
kyrofalool, however, if you want that behavior now, you can use that build-attribute17:59
loolcan I set build-attributes globally? seems per part18:00
kyrofalool, indeed, per-part18:00
kyrofalool, it's really there for content sharing when "yes I know that lib isn't here, I don't _want_ it to be"18:00
loolkyrofa: is it build-attributes: [no-system-libraries]?18:00
kyrofaYou got it18:00
kyrofalool, what that means is that you'll need to specify all the libs you need as stage-packages18:01
loolok, the other thing I wanted to mention, probably bottom of the priority pile thing, is about 32-bits in amd6418:01
loolI'm building an amd64 snap on amd64 but it contains a 32-bits runtime because "meh"18:01
loolwhen I do this, I get tons or warnings18:01
pmcgowankyrofa, is there a way to "pin" a version of a snap so it doesnt update18:02
loolkyrofa: actually I get one per binary18:02
loole.g. Unable to determine library dependencies for b'prime/xyz'18:03
loolseems fair in terms of number of warnings, just thinking this could the same as for 64 bits, but again I dont expect any priority on this, just thought I'd mention I came across this18:04
kyrofalool, got pulled into a call, give me a few and I'll get back to you18:05
loolkyrofa: no worries, this was just FYI18:06
mupPR snapd#2865 closed: image,cmd/snap: refactoring and initial envvar support to use stores needing auth <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2865>18:18
kyrofaAlright, done with the call18:30
ogra_who won ?18:30
kyrofaMe, duh18:30
kyrofalool, ah, indeed that's interesting. We use the host's ldd to check that18:31
kyrofalool, but it's not a native elf file, so it skips it18:31
kyrofapmcgowan, sorry for the delay: not that I know of. I think you can disable refresh systemwide by stopping the right systemd unit, but that doesn't sound like what you asked for18:32
kyrofapmcgowan, however, that's a pretty popular request. manik is tracking it18:32
pmcgowankyrofa, not exactly, so if I revert a snap, does that effectively do it?18:32
pmcgowanI assume the snap wont update after a revert?18:33
kyrofapmcgowan, it won't update to the revision from which you reverted, but I do believe it'll update when a new update comes out18:33
pmcgowanmakes sense18:33
DedSecdoes anyone know if its possible to have an snap get the current version of an app using an github tag?18:36
kyrofaDedSec, you mean when building?18:36
kyrofaDedSec, oh certainly18:36
kyrofaDedSec, use source-tag18:37
kyrofaDedSec, so you have `source: <github repo>` followed by `source-tag: <tag>`18:37
kyrofaDedSec, `snapcraft help sources` may prove helpful as well18:37
DedSecgotcha, so i could easily create an tag for Dev buils and one for stable and then have different snapcraf.yaml files for each version18:38
DedSecsounds easy :)18:38
brunch875does anyone know why there are two telegram snaps? I'm using sergiusens one because it has never given me any trouble18:41
* ogra_ uses it becaause he is a sergiusens fanboy18:41
kyrofabrunch875, the store only cares about the names being unique. Anyone can release anything18:43
brunch875So I could upload my own telegram? neat18:44
brunch875thanks kyrofa, that cleared my doubts18:44
kyrofabrunch875, so if you run `snap find telegram` you'll see that sergiusens has one, and pain7 has one. Pick your poison, or upload your own!18:44
kyrofabrunch875, the one thing you can be certain of is that telegram has not officially released their own18:45
kyrofabrunch875, because that would probably be called "telegram" and come from the "telegram" developer18:45
kyrofa(or something)18:45
brunch875what if I registered as telegram?18:45
kyrofabrunch875, I suspect the name is reserved18:46
brunch875I take it telegram would be able to reclaim its name18:46
kyrofabrunch875, you'll have to justify it18:46
Pharaoh_Atemsergiusens: hey, any luck on the PR?18:47
mupPR snapd#2875 opened: mkversion.sh: Add support for taking the version as a parameter <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2875>19:11
CynervaIs there a way for a snap configure hook to get all the config keys?19:16
kyrofaCynerva, what do you mean?19:22
Cynervakyrofa: I'd like to get a list of every config that's been set for the snap. Partially for validation - so if someone says `snap set mysnap potato` but we don't have a potato config, I'd like to have the hook fail with feedback for the user19:25
kyrofaCynerva, ah okay. While I know you can retrieve multiple values at once with `snap get key1 key2 key3 ...` I don't think there's a way to retrieve _everything_19:26
kyrofaCynerva, but I think the plan is at some point to allow the snap to specify some sort of schema19:27
kyrofa(don't take my word for it though, not quite sure on the plan)19:27
jdstrandogra_: hey, I was excited to see a new core in stable hoping for logging and ntp options (though they aren't there yet). That's fine, but I wanted to play with 'snap get', so I tried 'sudo snap get core ssh' and various other things, but it didn't work19:41
jdstrand$ sudo snap get core ssh19:42
jdstranderror: snap "core" has no "ssh" configuration option19:42
jdstrandogra_: I feel like I am missing something obvious19:42
jdstrandhttps://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/build-device/config-hooks only shows 'set'19:43
kyrofajdstrand, assuming things haven't changed too much, you can only get things once it's been set. If the hook in the core snap doesn't `snapctl set` them when installing, you can get them19:43
jdstrandit seems /snap/core/1083/meta/hooks/configure doesn't implement 'get', but I've not used the configure hook19:43
kyrofajdstrand, `get` is a snapd function19:43
kyrofajdstrand, it just returns the config value corresponding to that key for the snap19:44
jdstrandlet me try with rsyslog rather than ssh19:44
Cynervakyrofa: ahh okay, we'll make do without the validation for now, thanks :)19:44
kyrofajdstrand, which you can set via `snap set` (in which case the `configure` hook is run and can validate it) or from within the hook via `snapctl set`19:44
ogra_jdstrand, snap get service.ssh.disabled19:45
jdstrandsure enough19:45
ogra_jdstrand, snap get service.rsyslog.disabled19:45
jdstrand$ sudo snap set core service.rsyslog.disable=false19:45
jdstrand$ sudo snap get core service.rsyslog.disable19:45
ogra_so setting it true disables ssh19:45
ogra_same for rsyslog19:46
jdstrand$ sudo snap get core service.ssh.disable19:46
jdstranderror: snap "core" has no "service.ssh" configuration option19:46
jdstrandso you have to 'set' it first19:46
jdstrandok, I'll file that away while I wait for ntp and remote logging :)19:46
jdstrandkyrofa, ogra_: thanks!19:46
ogra_well, service.systemd-timesyncd.disable19:47
ogra_that one wroks already19:47
ogra_(so you could install an ntp snap)19:47
ogra_timeserver is next on my list19:47
mupBug #1665438 opened: Running command can end up with wrong security profile if refreshed <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665438>19:54
=== mup_ is now known as mup
stokachuim trying to make a network interface persists through reboots using the daemon configuration, the interface is listed in ip addr but no ip address or iptables rules applied, https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L20-L2420:34
stokachuthis is a classic snap, am i missing anything here?20:34
stokachuhere i sthe output from systemctl status https://gist.github.com/battlemidget/e7ea01bfb37a3feb38f2c0fc5e138ada20:35
stokachui dont see any errors here20:35
stokachuhttps://gist.github.com/battlemidget/e7ea01bfb37a3feb38f2c0fc5e138ada#file-gistfile2-txt that shows running the command directly also works20:37
mwhudsonwhat's the eta on snap info showing tracks?20:47
mupBug #1665184 changed: Assertion list returned by GET /v2/assertions/type can't be reliably split <Snappy:Invalid> <snapd (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1665184>20:51
kyrofabarry, python3 -m flake8 is finding the one bundled in ubuntu-image before it finds python3-flake821:09
kyrofabarry, is that a problem on my machine?21:09
kyrofabarry, running from the ubuntu-image deb, by the way21:10
barrykyrofa: i'm not sure what that means.  flake8 isn't bundled with u-i21:10
kyrofabarry, /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ubuntu_image/testing/flake8.py21:10
barrykyrofa: how is that even on sys.path?21:11
barrykyrofa: show me all the commands you're doing21:11
kyrofabarry, within the snapcraft tree: python3 -m flake8 --max-complexity=10 snapcraft21:12
kyrofabarry, and boy I'll tell you... it's not happy with snapcraft :P21:12
barrykyrofa: you mean, you're inside a snapcraft git clone?21:14
* barry tries to repoduce21:14
kyrofabarry, which contains another snapcraft directory21:14
kyrofabarry, my sys.path doesn't look outrageous: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24009515/21:15
barrykyrofa: wtf?!21:18
kyrofabarry, do you see it as well?21:18
barrykyrofa: i do see it in a traceback21:19
barrykyrofa: i know what the problem is :(21:20
kyrofabarry, I'm curious21:22
barrykyrofa: i need to find one more piece of the puzzel21:22
looloh I have a funny one21:22
loolI have a symlink under stage/blah that is pointing to an absolute directory location on my system21:23
loolsnapcraft tries to go in there and change stuff  :-)21:23
kyrofalool, how are you getting an absolute symlink into stage?21:23
loolI wasn't getting this issue until I had something installed in the system location21:23
lool    install: |21:24
lool      # ship static symlink pointing to writable dir21:24
lool      mkdir -p $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/config21:24
lool      ln -sf /var/snap/lteenb-lool/current/rf_driver \21:24
lool          $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/config/rf_driver21:24
loolin one of my parts21:24
kyrofaAh, you're just asking for trouble21:24
loolI need the symlink though  :-/21:24
kyrofalool, snapcraft works really hard in its plugins to prevent that, because you'll end up with a broken link in the final snap21:24
loolkyrofa: it actually works well in the final snap!  :-)21:24
kyrofalool, it won't make it through review, I expect21:25
kyrofaOh wait...21:25
kyrofalool, you cheater!21:25
kyrofaI didn't read the entire path21:25
kyrofaBut yeah, I'd still be surprised if the review tools let that through. Have you tried?21:25
kyrofalool, I'm assuming the snap is called "lteenb-lool"?21:26
barrykyrofa: LP: #163115621:26
mupBug #1631156: flake8.extension entry point has global ramifications <Ubuntu Image:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1631156>21:26
barrywhich doesn't help you much unfortunately :(21:26
kyrofabarry, ouch. Yeah, I guess I'll remove it then21:27
barrykyrofa: are you on zesty?21:27
kyrofabarry, xenial21:27
barryi could fix it for zesty, but i'd have to put flufl.testing in backports for y and x21:27
barrywhich maybe i should do21:27
barryfwiw, it has nothing to do with snapcraft; any invocation of flake8 will break :(21:28
ogra_lool, and cp instead of linking doesnt work ?21:28
loologra_: would like to keep the up-to-date master configs in the snap21:28
kyrofabarry, alright, thank you for the investigation!21:29
barrykyrofa: let me think more on it21:29
bdmurrayhttps://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/metadata makes reference to using wrappers, how I can add things to the wrapper?21:30
kyrofalool, what exactly are you trying to accomplish there?21:30
loolkyrofa: the config has an include system with include <rf_driver/foo>; rf_driver is a symlink to the actual backend21:30
ogra_bdmurray, easiest is to just add another wrapper (yay onions)21:31
kyrofabdmurray, those are small scripts you'd write yourself21:31
loolinstead of having the whole config copied into SNAP_DATA, I have SNAP/rf_driver -> SNAP_DATA/rf_driver and I manage the SNAP_DATA/rf_driver symlink with the snap's config21:31
kyrofalool, why not generate it at install time?21:31
mupPR snapcraft#1143 opened: Switch Track and Arch in channel maps <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1143>21:31
loolkyrofa: well the configs are under SNAP, so cant write there21:32
bdmurrayogra_: Could you elaborate?21:32
ogra_bdmurray, command-<command>.wrapper is generated, you cant really change it ... but you can make "command" another wrapper that then calls the actual command21:32
kyrofalool, ah yes of course21:32
ogra_bdmurray, an onion of shell wrappers ...21:33
kyrofalool, so when you say snapcraft messes with it, what do you see happening?21:33
mupPR snapd#2824 closed: overlord: make seeding work also on classic, optionally <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2824>21:33
loolgenerally, it doesn't build anymore right now, I think it used to with previous version; but more interestingly, when I build it with the snap installed, because the absolute symlink ends up in stage/, snapcraft dives into it and tries to move files underneath21:34
loolI suspect I have changed other things in the build that trigger this issue though21:35
kyrofalool, yeah probably because it notices it's absolute, so it's trying to follow the symlink and copy the dir21:35
bdmurrayogra_: there's nothing that can be put in the yaml file to just set env variables in the wrapper?21:35
ogra_bdmurray, i think something was recently added ... not sure it is in a released snapcraft yet ?21:36
kyrofabdmurray, you'll be able to do that in snapcraft v2.27, in proposed21:36
ogra_kyrofa, was the environment handling in snapcraft.yaml released already ? (and are there docs for bdmurray )21:36
kyrofaogra_, too slow!21:36
ogra_ah, yeah :)21:36
ogra_<- old fart :P21:37
loolkyrofa: I'll play a bit more with it, I think I can reduce the number of weird things21:37
pmcgowanogra_, kyrofa which services do I need to disable to stop auto updates? is snap.refresh.service enough?21:45
kyrofapmcgowan, I _think_ so21:45
* kyrofa wonders about snapd.refresh.timer21:47
pmcgowankyrofa, that was my thought21:47
kyrofapmcgowan, I haven't done this if you can't tell :21:48
bdmurrayHow can I only rebuild the necessary parts of the snap after I added environment information to the yaml file?21:48
kyrofabdmurray, just run `snapcraft` again, that meta-data is always copied over21:51
kyrofabdmurray, are you running out of snapcraft master, then?21:52
bdmurraykyrofa: no 2.27 is in -proposed and I installed it21:55
kyrofabdmurray, ah, okay21:55
kyrofaThen you should be good, yeah21:55
loolkyrofa: so I was wrong, everything is fine now; I think the new snapcraft was actually stricted and made me fix a bug (trying to install this symlink twice) which probably snapcraft shouldn't bother detecting21:56
loolwhat was really happening was that another part was shipping a default version of this symlink (the upstream one) and when snapcraft tried installing it, it installed in the system dir due to my hacked symlink21:56
loolnot something you should worry about really21:57
kyrofaAhh, yeah that would be tough21:57
loolonce I stopped priming that copy of the symlink, things worked again just fine21:57
kyrofaGood catch though21:57
loolwell snapcraft was good actually21:57
loolit's actually been a pleasure to do this build from source that upstream requested (instead of the from debs I had)21:57
kyrofaYeah in my experience anything complex from debs just require all sorts of hackery to make work21:58
kyrofaFrom source is so much easier in a lot of cases21:58
pmcgowankyrofa, after some search I decided to disable the timer just fyi21:59
loolkyrofa: it was from a PPA in this case, but otherwise trivial to use the debs21:59
kyrofapmcgowan, I guess you'll see in a few hours if that's what was required :P21:59
kyrofaAh, okay21:59
mupPR snapcraft#1118 closed: Trigger beta tests on travis every day <Created by elopio> <Closed by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1118>22:01
mupPR snapcraft#1144 opened: Trigger beta tests on travis every day <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1144>22:01
bdmurraykyrofa: So that didn't work out too well for me. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24009810/22:20
kyrofabdmurray, that doesn't mean anything to me. But I assume you're saying the environment variable wasn't defined? Can I see your snapcraft.yaml?22:20
bdmurraykyrofa: I'm saying I think the "\n" is an issue22:21
kyrofabdmurray, wait.... you're essentially calling `open('$SNAP')`?22:21
bdmurraykyrofa: no $SNAP/lib/python3.5/site-packages/etc/apport/crashdb.conf22:22
kyrofabdmurray, point is, python isn't going to resolve that for you22:22
kyrofabdmurray, I'm not sure where that's coming from in this case, but that's definitely wrong22:22
bdmurray      APPORT_CRASHDB_CONF: $SNAP/lib/python3.5/site-packages/etc/apport/crashdb.conf22:23
bdmurrayThat's what I put under environment:22:23
kyrofabdmurray, looks like the environment is working then22:23
kyrofabdmurray, but your python code needs to support that string containing an environment variables22:23
kyrofaWhich it seems it does not22:23
kyrofabdmurray, to be clear, $SNAP is defined at runtime, not at build time23:05

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