
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:27
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om06:27
Bashing-omThat be me ! .. Good morn lotuspsychje :)06:28
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: was the night okay?06:28
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Ueah .. jad it momenys and spots .. fought a interent connectivity for some spell . only to find that the issue was IOMMU in bios . Still has me scratching my head on finding the DHCP release of a router .06:31
Bashing-omHad it moments and spots06:31
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: routers admin page perhaps?
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Not so simple when the IP is not known :( can not directly access the router .06:33
Bashing-omhad me cracking the books :)06:34
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: some roters will allow remote access also, perhaps also an idea to see whats going on06:35
Bashing-omI save it for another day , Sure to get more experience later .06:36
Bashing-omOne of thes days I may be as smart as lotuspsychje is, and lotuspsychje then as smart as he thinks he is .., and we be a formiddable team then !06:40
lotuspsychjea fantastic team we surely are06:40
Bashing-omAnyway, ya keeping up appearances ? Business looks good ?06:41
lotuspsychjeworking alot this week at the bakery06:44
lotuspsychjeno time to continue business06:44
Bashing-omWell the goal here is to turn that around , no ?06:46
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yes, buts its gonna be hard as the summer is comming to us, and more work in the kitchen06:47
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: and they refuse to spend more money for other employees06:48
lotuspsychjegonna be challenging06:48
lotuspsychjeand i also dont wanna do my ubuntu business at fulltime as the prices to pay taxes are too high for starters06:49
Bashing-omA worker is worthy of his hire and has more work :)06:49
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: ill try to find a balance between both06:49
Bashing-omI found it more work - in private practice - doing the paper work for taxes than the actual work that generated the taxes .06:51
lotuspsychjethose guys earn good $$ by doing nothing06:52
ducassemorning all07:06
Bashing-omducasse: Morn'n ! Just in time to see my back side as I back out .07:07
lotuspsychjehey ducasse07:13
ducasse\o lotuspsychje - how's life?07:14
lotuspsychjegreat here mate and you07:15
lotuspsychjeworking day again07:15
ducassedrinking tea, trying hard to wake up :)07:15
ducassewhen are you starting work today?07:19
lotuspsychjetill 1707:28
ducassei got some unexpected money in yesterday, so i'm going to order a trackball and a few other things - got wrist pain from mouse usage.07:32
lotuspsychjeducasse: cool!07:42
lotuspsychjeducasse: ive got a kensington gelly mousepad under mouse07:43
lotuspsychjeprotects my wrist07:43
lotuspsychjemorning de-facto07:44
ducassei use this support-thingy that's strapped around the wrist, otherwise i can hardly sit at the computer at all. it's the mouse that causes it, though, and many recommends trackballs so i thought i'd try one. haven't used one since my amiga :)07:46
lotuspsychjelol amiga 500 those were the days07:46
lotuspsychjethose games were so original07:47
ducassei had several models, i think the 2000 or 3000 was the one i used a trackball with. and yes, that is why i don't game anymore.07:48
lotuspsychjeducasse: https://www.artencraft.be/images/photolib/2044527_543x408.jpg07:48
lotuspsychjethis the one i got07:48
lotuspsychjenice n soft07:48
ducassethis is the one i'm looking at - https://www.kensington.com/us/us/4493/k64325/expert-mouse-wired-trackball07:50
ducasseneed to check a few things first, i'm picky ;)07:51
lotuspsychjelets c07:52
ducassethis comes up every year or so07:52
lotuspsychjeducasse: looking goos, but wont your wrist end up the table a bit also, with hand little in the air?07:53
lotuspsychjenot sure wich pose the wrist is best ergonomic07:54
lotuspsychjeducasse: http://kneelingchairhq.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ergonomics-mouse-hand.jpg07:56
lotuspsychjeducasse: perhaps some electro shop nearby to go test some?07:57
ducasselook further down, it comes with a detachable support thingy07:58
lotuspsychjeducasse: oh right, didnt see that one, looks comfy08:01
ducassethere are shops here that has trackballs, but only logitech - which i don't want.08:01
ducassesince logitech started making mice that requires windows i no longer buy their products.08:01
lotuspsychjedidnt know that08:03
lotuspsychjetnx for the hint08:03
lotuspsychjeducasse: https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-trackball-mice08:04
ducassethe one i bought without knowing this actually sends keyboard events for a couple of buttons08:04
ducassethe kensingtons often do well in reviews i've seen, i only wish they had a couple more buttons08:09
lotuspsychjeducasse: how does that thing scroll?08:10
ducassethere's a wheel around the ball08:10
lotuspsychjeah, so turn in circles to scroll?08:11
lotuspsychjeweird lol08:11
ducasseif that wheel could send middle button when 'clicked' that thing would be perfect08:11
lotuspsychjei always like fast mouse sensitvity, i bet with highest value an trackball would be pretty handy08:12
ducassei also crank that to 11 :)08:13
=== Ben66 is now known as Ben64
lordievaderGood morning.08:49
lotuspsychjehey lordievader08:53
lordievaderHey ducasse, lotuspsychje. How are you guys?08:57
lotuspsychjegreat here08:58
ducasseall quiet so far08:58
ubot5Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember08:58
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Going for the membership?08:59
lotuspsychjelordievader: no, testing the trigger for #ubuntu as someone was asking09:00
lordievaderToo bad :P09:00
lotuspsychjei already feel member without the title :p09:03
lordievaderHahaha, good :)09:06
lotuspsychjeand JanC already doing a great job for belgium so :p09:06
JanCI'm not an Ubuntu member09:09
lotuspsychjeJanC: oh, your name showed up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:13
JanCthat doesn't make me an "Ubuntu Member"?  :)09:19
lotuspsychjelaterz guys working time09:52
ducassegtg into town, brb10:14
OerHekshe is back :-D12:22
OerHeksi wonder why someone wants to start irssi befor the user logged in12:23
ducassethe reason i asked what he was running is that a lot of people try to autostart stuff for their x session that way...12:25
BluesKajHiyas all12:59
lordievaderHow are you doing?13:12
BluesKajfine here, lordievader, and you?13:18
ducasseo/ BluesKaj - everything well?13:18
BluesKajhey ducasse13:18
BluesKajstill mucking about with debian jessie13:19
ducassei'm still mucking about with arch :) seriously considering scrapping it and going with debian (sid) instead.13:21
OerHeksi'm still mucking around with ubuntu :-D13:22
BluesKajI find jessie a bit retro, like kubuntu 14.04, but i love the stability13:22
BluesKajplasma 413:22
OerHeksI read your comment on debian + plasma4, seems to be nicer than ubuntu?13:23
BluesKajOerHeks: I'm not a gnome/unity fan, never have been since I discovered linux, when i found kde that's when i went with linux full time. It's a matter of personal taste and choice13:26
OerHeksI like KDE too, my 1st try was opensuse with kde default.13:27
BluesKajyou might find gnome/unity more to your taste ...to me it's personal rather that telling users that kde/plasma is better ..it may not be for you and others13:28
BluesKajflavour is the operative word here ;-)13:29
OerHekspure gnome3 is also cool13:30
BluesKajI'm an old windows guy and got used to windows from 3.1 to W98 on the job so when first encountered KDE the familiar look made more comfortable with kde than gnome13:32
ducasseOerHeks: do you use gnome3?13:37
BluesKajbefore that it was mostly applications programs on the instruments I worked with which were msdos based or unix  on integrators and older type measurement output interfaced devices13:37
OerHeksducasse, i have tried it in vbox, it seems not that bad at all.13:38
ducasseOerHeks: been thinking of giving it a proper chance. do you use a lot of extensions?13:38
OerHeksducasse, no, just plain gnome3 to see how it behaves. you need to put some time in in though, as for any desktop to get around13:39
ducasseOerHeks: the main problem i've always had with the major de's is multi-monitor support, don't know if gnome3 is any better than the others.13:40
OerHeksoh, that i cannot answer13:41
ducasseif you switch workspaces on one screen they all switch, and that drives me insane :-/13:42
OerHeksaia, yes, unity too, i have to lock hexchat 'available on all workspaces ' for that13:42
OerHeksnot sure there is a DE that switches independantly13:43
ducassethanks to the ewmh or whatever it's called, i don't think so. freedesktop.org says they can't do that. why it can't be a user-configurable option is beyond me.13:44
OerHeksI'd like to see that option in unity, might win users with that13:45
OerHekssay you have 3 screens ... horrible13:46
ducasseexactly! i do have three screens, and only rarely want to switch more than one. aiui, the reasoning is that it would be confusing, so it's just not allowed if you are going to claim ewmh-compliance.13:47
OerHeksyou have a real point there, make a bug/wish report, i support ya13:48
ducassethere are several posts/discussions on askubuntu, maybe i'll file a wish report and point to that. i wonder if the proper place would better be freedesktop.org, though.13:50
lordievaderBluesKaj: Doing good too, just got a hair cut :)13:52
lordievaderBluesKaj: Strech is almost stable, upgrading to that gets Debian more up to date ;)13:53
BluesKajlordievader:  yes, but it's got plasma 5 which eliminates some of my fav features13:56
lordievaderAh, well I suppose Jessie is supported for quite some time.13:57
BluesKajanother yr I think13:58
=== Guest55639 is now known as IdleOne
OerHeksWhen ikonia appears in #ubuntu, it makes me happy :-D14:42
OerHekshi IdleOne14:42

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