
=== jamespag` is now known as jamespage
* slangasek waves16:00
barryit's lonely on mumb16:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Feb 16 16:01:41 2017 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:01
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox tdaitx xnox chiluk mwhudson)16:02
slangasekmwhudson barry cyphermox tdaitx infinity sil2100 robru slangasek xnox caribou bdmurray chiluk doko16:02
barryi guess it's early for mwhudson, so...16:02
barrydebuntu: LP: #1662701 and LP: #1649726 - lazr.config for Python 3.6; lazr.config 2.2 released; DPMT from git-dpm testing;16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1662701 in lazr.config "tox fails and doesn't support Python 3.6" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166270116:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1649726 in lazr.config "The nose package is not an install dependency" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164972616:02
barryubuntu-image: LP: #1621151; LP: #1655669; LP: #1663424; u-i/prepare-image discussions; review GH#115; LP: #1664296; GH#117 (quiet the test suite); release 0.15; today: SRU verification16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1621151 in Ubuntu Image "no way to create images with a GPT alignment of 1 " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162115116:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1655669 in Ubuntu Image "Write a release script" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165566916:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1663424 in Ubuntu Image "More /tmp problems with u-i as snap" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166342416:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1664296 in Ubuntu Image "Change the snap version tag" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166429616:02
barryother: https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/453; candidate interviews; bpo-22807 (safe UUID generation)16:02
cyphermox- discuss SRU uploaders16:03
cyphermox- defining shim-review processes16:03
cyphermox- investigating IPv6 spam from dhcp in initramfs16:03
cyphermox- netplan cloned MAC support16:03
cyphermox±other stuff:16:04
cyphermox- documenting bond/bridge features in netplan16:04
cyphermox- mentoring robru for core-dev16:04
cyphermox- subiquity design review discussion16:04
cyphermox- subiquity screenshots and documentation for design16:04
cyphermoxalong with more netplan bug fixes and planning16:04
tdaitx* Note: two week worth report16:04
tdaitx= OpenJDK Update16:04
tdaitx  * OpenJDK 716:04
tdaitx  - Finished security patches backport with some help from Andrew Hughes from IcedTea16:04
tdaitx  - Provided OpenJDK 7 packages for Trusty and Precise to the security team for testing; published last week16:04
tdaitx  - Working on new IcedTea 2.6.9 release (OpenJDK 7u131); improve test data collection, various changes to the packaging (most of it off-time)16:04
tdaitx  * OpenJDK 616:04
tdaitx  - Updated to 6b41-1.13.1316:04
tdaitx  - Provided OpenJDK 6 packages for Trusty and Precise to the security team16:05
tdaitx= TCK16:05
tdaitx  * Running local tests with the new exclusion lists16:05
tdaitx  * Preparing packages for the new exclusion lists16:05
tdaitx  * Fixing the package for Oracle's RI16:05
tdaitx= Other16:05
tdaitx  * Working on tools to automate test status verification for openjdk builds16:05
tdaitx    - Fetch buildlogs, compare current with past results, identify intermitent tests16:05
tdaitx  * Taking Friday afternoon and Monday morning off16:05
tdaitx  * Router bricked after update, having to rely on the ISP's modem/router for wifi (ie. think Athens sprint)16:05
infinity * All point release, all the time.16:05
sil2100- Some damages lowering my productivity around the beginning of the week16:06
sil2100- Landing team work, silo coordination16:06
sil2100- DMB meeting (attending partially)16:06
sil2100- Multiple SRU reviews16:06
sil2100- Examining ubuntu-touch xenial-i386 build failure: broken qtlocation -gles dependencies16:06
sil2100- walinuxagent:16:06
sil2100  * Preparing the 2.2.4 new upstream version16:06
sil2100  * Proposing upstream changes for splitting configuration files syntax16:06
sil2100  * Preparing the required postinst hooks for config installation on upgrade16:06
sil2100  * Some basic testing16:06
sil2100- Finishing ubuntu-image warning-on-alignment branch16:06
tdaitxinfinity, you could use an acronym to make it even shorter: APRATT16:06
robru* britney email policy iterations, but now blocked by snakefruit being precise16:06
robru* did some archive maintenance, being mentored by cyphermox16:06
infinitytdaitx: But then I'd have to explain the acronym, which would make it longer.16:06
tdaitxinfinity, true16:08
tdaitxor make it the first hit on google16:08
slangasek * last week: was out of town Wed/Thu for partner meeting16:09
slangasek * this week: short week, was off Monday, will be off Friday16:09
slangasek * continued focus on cloud-image builds this week, for a new partner image16:09
slangasek * candidate interviews for Foundations opening16:09
slangasek * minimal kernel SRU processing on the fringes of the point release16:09
slangasek * minimal proposed-migration shepherding16:09
xnoxsystemd sru for failed logins with deputy systemd16:09
xnoxlibmlx5, libnl3 updates for RoCE s390x support16:09
xnoxresolve libodb c++11 abi mismatch (all releases)16:09
xnoxresolve ftbfs flannel on s390x16:09
xnoxbtrfs-progs update16:09
xnoxzlib new upstream update (with s390x accel)16:09
xnoxhttps://mentors.debian.net/package/genwqe-user reviews and sponsorship16:09
xnox16.04.2 cdimage updates & testing16:09
xnoxout thursday - sunday next week; SPI sprint.16:10
bdmurraycaribou: ?16:10
caribouShort week due to two days off16:10
caribou LP #1654600 : Still investigating the correct systemd unit setup16:10
caribou LP #1638695 : pinged Doko about potential area of research16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1654600 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Yakkety) "unattended-upgrade-shutdown hangs when /var is a separate filesystem" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165460016:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638695 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "Python 2.7.12 performance regression" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163869516:10
caribou Clamav sync16:10
caribou Makedumpfile bugfix16:10
caribou sosreport-3.3+git50-g3c0349b-3 upload to debian16:10
caribounut merge16:11
caribou Sosreport 3.3 trusty/yakkety/xenial SRU16:11
caribou☑ Done16:11
bdmurrayout sick for a while16:11
bdmurraymodified daisy retracer to gracefully exit when receiving a SIGTERM16:11
bdmurrayinvestigation into issue with retracers and cache restarting16:11
bdmurraytested daisy changes in canonistack16:11
bdmurraysubmitted RT to have daisy updated on the staging retracers16:11
bdmurrayinvestigation into quantity of items to retrace we are receiving16:11
bdmurrayirc discussion with wgrant regarding gdb on armhf on arm6416:11
bdmurrayworked on snapping apport16:11
bdmurrayuploaded apport to zesty to enable LP crash reporting16:11
bdmurrayuploaded xenial nano SRU bug16:11
bdmurrayinterview work (prep, actually interview, review)16:11
bdmurray✔ done16:11
bdmurraychiluk: your turn16:12
chilukLP#1647389 - Working through a bisection, but my clouds stability with constantly changing qemu is slowing progress substantially.16:12
chilukLP#1655225 - Under heavy load qemu hits bdrv_error_action: Assertion `error >= 0' failed - SRU Verification.16:12
chilukLP#1650067 - SRU Verification.16:12
chiluk- done -16:12
chilukthanks bdmurray.16:12
tdaitxI think doko was going to be afk today and tomorrow16:13
slangasekany questions re: status?16:14
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekok! anything else today?16:15
barrymonday is a usa holiday16:16
slangasekI'll be working Monday16:16
barryi haven't decided yet ;)16:17
infinityMonday is an Alberta holiday, and I'm undecided.16:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Feb 16 16:18:53 2017 UTC.16:18
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-02-16-16.01.moin.txt16:18
bdmurrayI haven't decided either16:19

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