
floridagram<govatent> I'd be game. Just need to verify some details00:10
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> the flash drive finally came in today01:16
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> and it actually seems to have a 2 TB capacity01:17
floridagram<KMyers> No, it just appears to have 2TB01:17
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> how would i test it's real capacity?01:18
floridagram<KMyers> https://www.raymond.cc/blog/download/did/77/01:18
floridagram<KMyers> Edit : http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Miscellaneous/H2testw.shtml01:18
floridagram<AdamOutler> Yeah.  What he said01:22
floridagram<AdamOutler> Mine was like 10 gigs.  Which still isn't bad, but not as advertised01:22
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> looks cool, though01:22
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i like the metallic look01:23
floridagram<AdamOutler> Google+ post by Adam Outler … https://plus.google.com/+AdamOutler/posts/jcn6XhRBttw01:30
floridagram<AdamOutler> Related post01:30
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> can you get it to start being read as it's true size?01:34
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, You can format it slightly below the real size01:34
floridagram<ahoneybun> \o/01:36
floridagram<KMyers> @ahoneybun, @ahoneybun must die01:37
floridagram<ahoneybun> XD01:37
floridagram<ahoneybun> Why @KMyers ?01:39
floridagram<KMyers> Because I want Sushi01:39
floridagram<ahoneybun> Lol01:39
floridagram<ahoneybun> It was awesome @KMyers lol01:44
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> screw wish.com01:56
floridagram<AdamOutler> what happened?01:56
floridagram<KMyers> How bad was it?01:56
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> idk yet, but i guess i shouldn't have fell for it in the first place01:56
floridagram<AdamOutler> sorry, my bad.  It took me a very long time to test.01:57
floridagram<AdamOutler> I was a sucker.  I loaded ubuntu and a few files onto it and assumed it was fine.01:57
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i apparently won't know for 3 days01:59
floridagram<AdamOutler> probably 2 days.  you only need to wait until it start throwing errors, after that, don't wait.01:59
floridagram<AdamOutler> actually, if you want to wait until it hits 50Gigs, then you can unplug it and then do a "verify" operation.01:59
floridagram<AdamOutler> unplug or abort02:00
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> if it gets to 50 gigs, that's actually decent for the price paid, lol02:00
floridagram<AdamOutler> it's going to continue writing all the way to 2TB.02:01
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> oh'02:01
floridagram<AdamOutler> I'd just try unplugging it at 50G.02:01
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> well, i had hope02:01
floridagram<AdamOutler> that way it will stop the operation and you can start verifying.02:01
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> it's just getting to 1.502:01
floridagram<AdamOutler> btw.. that 70 hours is to write 2TB, not verify.  verify takes a whole new time period.02:02
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> lovely02:02
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> what's the max size you think these things have?02:04
floridagram<AdamOutler> dunno,  could be random. I've only got a sample size of 102:04
floridagram<KMyers> Likely 8-16 GB02:04
floridagram<AdamOutler> I'm working on the second one but it keep screwing up.02:05
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i think i'll stop it at 20 gigs then02:05
floridagram<AdamOutler> Keith, this could also be Kingston's 2TB failures in a cut-rate package.02:05
floridagram<KMyers> Sure... if Kingston ever made a 2 TB Drive to begin with02:06
floridagram<AdamOutler> They are debuting them now.02:06
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> does anybody have $950 so i can buy a new one?02:06
floridagram<AdamOutler> https://www.extremetech.com/electronics/242123-kingston-announces-worlds-largest-capacity-2tb-flash-drive02:06
floridagram<Abrerr> lol02:07
floridagram<KMyers> Not in the same form factor02:07
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> lmao02:07
floridagram<AdamOutler> if the chips came out badly, it could fit into this form factor.02:08
floridagram<AdamOutler> just one chip.02:08
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> at 7 gb02:13
floridagram<KMyers> @AdamOutler - when do you normally leave your office?02:35
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> almost at 20 gigs02:58
floridagram<AdamOutler> Usually 6-7 pm02:59
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Safe to stop and verify03:00
floridagram<KMyers> @AdamOutler, Damn, what time do you get in03:00
floridagram<ahoneybun> https://joshtronic.com/2017/02/14/five-dollar-showdown-linode-vs-digitalocean-vs-lightsaild-vs-vultr/03:03
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> 403:17
floridagram<AdamOutler> No, it only found 4G to test.03:49
floridagram<AdamOutler> That means your writing failed.03:50
floridagram<AdamOutler> Mine had 2Tb to test.  You only have 4G to test.03:50
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Oh03:54
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> so i have to do that whole thing again?16:44
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, No, not much use unless you want to know the exact size. Likely a 2 GB based on what is being displayed16:44
floridagram<AdamOutler> No.  What is being displayed is an incomplete write.16:45
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i'll bring it with me on saturday and we'll take a look there16:46
floridagram<AdamOutler> Start the test over and let it run for a day before aborting.16:46
floridagram<AdamOutler> You'll need to format first.16:47
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> the only issue with that is that the computer that is running the test is in my room...16:47
floridagram<AdamOutler> Why is that an issue?16:48
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> so i'd have to deal with the extra heat (even a little makes a difference for me) while i sleep16:48
floridagram<AdamOutler> Start it on Friday morning then16:48
floridagram<AdamOutler> Or now16:48
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i'm at work now16:49
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i WISH i could work from home16:49
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, It is not always as good as people make it out to be. You actually end up working A LOT more16:51
floridagram<AdamOutler> Also distractions16:52
floridagram<KMyers> @AdamOutler, If you do it right, that is not a huge issue. I suffer from less distraction at home then at the office.... then again, I dont have kids16:53
floridagram<AdamOutler> True, but I get different notifications on my desktop at home.16:54
floridagram<Abrerr> Taking your work home with you is next never awful sometimes.17:08
floridagram<Abrerr> Imo17:08
floridagram<Abrerr> If it's some crazy commute tho, I can empathize. Circumstantial I guess.17:09
floridagram<KMyers> I normally work from home 3-4 days a week17:09
floridagram<AdamOutler> I work from home about 3-hours a day17:10
floridagram<KMyers> @RazPi - http://venturebeat.com/2017/02/15/google-releases-tensorflow-1-0-with-new-machine-learning-tools/17:33
floridagram<AdamOutler> We did some appsec training. https://google-gruyere.appspot.com/184279948090/18:44
floridagram<AdamOutler> Roll over administrator18:45
floridagram<AdamOutler> Works best on desktop18:45
floridagram<KMyers> Haha18:49
floridagram<KMyers> And yes, Javascript is client side18:49
floridagram<KMyers> root@hvm2:/home/kmyers# uptime …  14:00:08 up 89 days, 16:04,  2 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.19, 0.2318:50
floridagram<AdamOutler> Congratulations!18:50
floridagram<KMyers> Ykes!18:51
floridagram<KMyers> [root@hvm1 ~]# uptime …  13:52:45 up 387 days,  5:44,  1 user,  load average: 0.31, 0.60, 0.68 … [root@hvm1 ~]#18:51
floridagram<AdamOutler> Wowsers!18:51
floridagram<KMyers> It is the hypervisor running my development box18:52
floridagram<ahoneybun> @KMyers21:11
floridagram<KMyers> It shocks me they did not have it before21:12
floridagram<ahoneybun> Well still21:12
floridagram<AdamOutler> I am leaving for home now21:29
floridagram<AdamOutler> Keith21:29
floridagram<KMyers> OK. Ping me when home. It I have not left the office by then21:30
floridagram<ahoneybun> I grabbed the new Hitman game since it's on Linux now21:31
floridagram<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze21:31
floridagram<ahoneybun> Only the intro and episode 1 though21:32
floridagram<ahoneybun> Thanks @KMyers and @Ivoriesablaze21:32
floridagram<ahoneybun> Yoooo21:41
floridagram<KMyers> ?21:44
floridagram<ahoneybun> This Twitter client is cool21:46
floridagram<KMyers> @AdamOutler - Home yet?22:27
floridagram<AdamOutler> Hi, yes.22:31
floridagram<AdamOutler> Come on over.22:31
floridagram<KMyers> Ok, just wrapping up something at the office22:32
floridagram<KMyers> @AdamOutler, ETA 20 minutes22:43
floridagram<KMyers> @AdamOutler - I am here23:03
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> I'm driving right now23:04
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i was really hoping someone would respond to that23:58
floridagram<AdamOutler> No23:58

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