
jrwrenermuhgurd... UKUI might be the linux desktop i've always wanted.02:37
gamerchick02really? nice.02:47
jrwrenprobably not, but I think it is cool02:54
cmaloneyJust got back from the WIngs / Blues game03:52
cmaloneyGood morning13:58
shakes808good morning! :)14:01
shakes808cmaloney: rick_h: are you still active with CHC?  there is someone in CHC IRC asking14:28
rick_hcmaloney: no, on a bowling league CHC night these days14:28
cmaloneyI'm still active, but I was out last night14:30
cmaloneyapparently rick_h is doing everything but CHC. ;)14:30
rick_hah, gotcha14:30
shakes808rick_h == living life ? ! haha14:30
rick_hheh, trying to14:30
jrwrenlive life, because you are going to die.14:39
rick_hrumor has it14:39
cmaloneyThat's good to know14:39
rick_hthough I'm not so sure14:39
cmaloneyrick_h: Do you have permission to add people to https://github.com/coffeehousecoders ?14:40
* rick_h looks14:41
rick_hcmaloney: yes14:41
cmaloneyplease add me. :)14:41
cmaloneyThanks. :)14:41
rick_hdoh you're not cmaloney14:41
rick_hwhat's your GH username?14:41
rick_hnp, thanks for being a CHC super hero14:45
cmaloneyWell, I have to have somewhere for rick_h to come back to. :)14:46
cmaloneyHonestly, I think I'll be at the coffee shop tonight if anyone wants to meet up. JoDee's got class tonight.15:10
cmaloneyOr I should say "JoDee is going to class tonight". Both of her classes this semester are terrible15:19
cmaloneyYeah, remarkably so15:27
cmaloneythey're both classes that are essentially "online"15:27
jrwrenwhat school? what courses?15:28
cmaloneyThe database course at the Royal Oak Campus is remarkably terrible15:28
cmaloneyThey're using Visio and Access15:28
cmaloneyand she's having to teach herself15:28
jrwrenoh, she is taking the courses, not teaching them?15:29
cmaloneyIt's using some CEngage book / site that isn't _too_ bad, but trying to figure out what they want becomes a game of mastermind, not learning15:29
cmaloneyShe's taking them15:29
cmaloneyThe other one is a networking class, but she's actually learning things in that class15:29
jrwrenWhy did I think she was a professor or instructor?15:29
cmaloneythe instructor wants to help, but it seems he got this "course" dumped on him.15:30
cmaloneyshe is, but she also takes classes15:30
cmaloneystuff that interests her15:30
cmaloneywhich is a pisser because the Database class was the one she was looking forward to taking15:30
cmaloneybecause astronomy == databases.15:30
cmaloneybut she's having to teach herself the material because the instructor (no joke) reads the textbook to them15:31
cmaloneybut in a "skimming the textbook" sort of way15:32
jrwrenHOLY SHIT!?!?  at OCC?!?  amazeballs.15:32
cmaloneyThat's the full-time faculty too15:32
jrwrenthen again, i know what CC instructors get paid. I can't blame them much.15:32
jrwrenits not a research school. wtf else does a full-time faculty do at a CC?15:32
cmaloneyshe's pissed off15:32
cmaloneyApparently play story-time with databases15:32
jrwrenshe should be.15:32
cmaloneyWell, there's things full-time faculty do15:33
cmaloneycurriculum work, class-load, mentoring of adjuncts15:33
jrwreni wonder who teaches the DB course at OU these days. When I took it, it was very good15:33
cmaloneyWell, I didn't get the position with Open Source Robotics. :(19:39
rick_hcmaloney: :(19:40
shakes808that sucks,  sorry to hear19:44
cmaloneyNo worries. I had a feeling they were going to pass19:48
shakes808my buddy said he doesn't have that much work to add another person.  but he said that he will keep your information in case something comes up that fits your bill19:49
cmaloneyNo worriesl19:50
cmaloneyUNfortunately I'm in a strange position in my career19:51
cmaloneycost too much for junior work, competent in a lot of older stuff, and cloud-illiterate19:51
shakes808haha, well, i would hope you wouldn't be considering the "junior" work.  You could try automotive, they work with "older" technologies ;)  JK :)19:52
shakes808I can reach out to my last employer to see if they are looking.  they are working with VB and C#19:53
shakes808I know you are looking for something else, but it is a job19:53
cmaloneyNah, that's quite alright19:53
cmaloneyI'm also a little more picky than I probably should be19:53
cmaloneyI don't want to do sales / marketing / automotive / healthcare19:54
cmaloneyand that's pretty much what everyone in this area does19:54
cmaloneywhich is partly why that position at OSR was so appealing19:54
shakes808if you are able to be picky, then do it.  but just don't put yourself in a bad place ( financially )19:54
cmaloneybut they're also a younger company. I'm old.19:54
cmaloneyI'm 45. I don't go skiing because I'll break things.19:55
shakes808have you thought about teaching?   Could go the the local comm college and see if you could pick up a class or two19:55
shakes808But that is all the fun19:55
shakes808Try snowboarding.  less likely to break something :)19:55
cmaloneyYeah, that's quite alright19:56

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