
superflyMaaz: tell nsnzero You can "compile" Python using PyInstaller04:11
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell nsnzero on freenode04:11
inetprogoeie more05:59
LangjanHi inetpro hoe gaan dit?05:59
inetprouitgeput... van die oggendverkeer vir geen rede 06:00
inetproLangjan: en daar?06:01
LangjanAi! Jammer om te hoor.  06:01
LangjanHier allles wel dankie06:01
LangjanWat dink jy veroorsaak die uitputting? 06:01
Langjaninetpro, probeer die dag so begin: http://verslank.net/waterterapie-uit-japan/06:06
inetproLangjan: eks darem nie liggamlik uitgeput nie, net vies06:08
LangjanTaxis ens?06:08
inetproop so 'n mooi sonskyn Donderdag oggend behoort die verkeer mooi te loop06:09
LangjanSo kan jy vrede in die verkeer ook ervaar: http://verslank.net/176-2/toe-val-die-lig/bomenslike-vrede-oorkom-kompulsiewe-gedrag/06:11
LangjanEk moet gaan, geniet die res van die dag en ek hoop die verkeer loop vanmiddag mooi06:12
inetproMaaz: tell Langjan ERROR 503 at 08:15 with message, "Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute."...  and 5 minutes later still down06:20
Maazinetpro: Sure, I'll tell Langjan on freenode06:20
chesedomorning inetpro and all others06:21
inetprohi chesedo06:21
nsnzeromorning guys06:36
Maaznsnzero: By the way, superfly on freenode told me "tell nsnzero You can "compile" Python using PyInstaller" 2 hours and 25 minutes ago06:36
chesedomorning nsnzero06:51
nsnzerohi chesedo 06:56
Kilosmorning everyone and inetpro 07:21
nsnzerohi Kilos how you doing ?07:27
Kilosim ok ty msand you?07:28
Kilosnsnzero 07:28
nsnzeroi just found out that i am allergic to work .... it makes me so tired ...07:30
nsnzerofound out that by using file:///home/nsnzero/backup07:33
nsnzeroby using file:///home/nsnzero/backup07:33
nsnzerowhat the ... why isn't this thing pasting properly ??? 07:34
nsnzeroexport PATH=$PATH:/home/username/./local/bin:.  in your bashrc / zshrc lets you run file run ./local/bin07:37
nsnzerofound some nice tutorials on www.codecoffee.com for linux noobs07:46
andrewlsdmorning nsnzero Kilos inetpro chesedo theblazehen08:04
andrewlsdMaaz: tell Langjan Hello from andrewlsd08:04
Maazandrewlsd: Got it, I'll tell Langjan on freenode08:04
Kiloshi andrewlsd 08:04
andrewlsdAnyone here using KDE Neon?08:05
andrewlsd(Ubuntu + _latest_ KDE )08:05
chesedohi Kilos and andrewlsd08:09
Kiloshi  chesedo 08:11
Kilosoh andrewlsd is that what comes after plasma stuffs08:12
chesedonsnzero: for emergencies you can also use '/bin/sleep 30m'08:12
Kilosim on 16.04 kde08:12
andrewlsdKilos: KDE neon is Ubuntu 16.04 + Latest KDE. as opposed to Kubuntu, which is LTS plus an older KDE.08:12
Kilosworking ok here apart from few niggles08:13
nsnzeroandrewlsd: the neon build doesnt support kde pim - tried it - needed kmail and kontacts08:13
andrewlsdnothing wrong with Kubuntu. I'm just thinking of installing Neon...08:13
andrewlsdThanks nsnzero08:13
andrewlsdexactly the feedback I need.08:14
Kiloswhen i boot up i have to manuall go to settings and tell the touchpad i have a mouse plugged in every time08:14
nsnzeroyou will get plasma 5.9 -> i am jealous 08:14
* andrewlsd does not use a mouse :-P08:14
andrewlsdOT: yesterday I tried out Oculus Rift at my neighbour.08:14
andrewlsdPretty impressive.08:14
Kilosdoing settings used  to remember before but 16.04 doesnt make it work auto08:15
nsnzerokilos you can set the touchpad to diasble automaticaaly when mouse is plugged in08:15
Kilostouchpad gets in the way and i end up typing a sentence with the end at the beginning 08:16
Kilosfingers not accurate enoughj08:16
Kilosit doesnt want to nsnzero 08:16
Kilosdrives me nuts08:16
Kilosi go look again08:16
nsnzeroKilos: check the touchpad advanced settings -> enable/disable08:17
Kiloslemme see08:18
nsnzerohp laptops have a small dimple near the touchpad - pressing it twice also disables the touchpad08:19
Kilosno advanced in touchpad08:19
nsnzerook on the top tabs in the touchpad settings menu - do you see enable/disable tab ?08:22
Squirm_Oh oh08:27
Squirm_Look who has arrived!08:27
Kiloshi Squirm_ 08:28
Squirm_Hi Kilos08:30
Kilosyes advanced is there in the keyboard tab08:31
andrewlsdHi Squirm_08:32
andrewlsdand Squirm08:32
* andrewlsd thinks there must be a command that can be run at login to disable the touchpad.08:33
Kilosit should detect it automatically08:33
Kilos14.04 had no hassle08:33
Kilosbut thats the only thing bugging me otherwise all good08:34
andrewlsdThis askubuntu page might help. http://askubuntu.com/questions/65951/how-to-disable-the-touchpad08:34
andrewlsdTIL the usage of `-o` with grep.08:36
Kilosi go see08:48
Kilosai! scripts 08:54
Kilosnot today08:54
inetprowb Squirm_08:58
theblazehenmorning andrewlsd, all09:37
theblazehennsnzero learn linux the hard way seems nice too09:37
theblazehenandrewlsd /me is running 17.04 with kde09:38
nsnzerotheblazehen: i am learning linux the hardest way - trial and error 09:42
theblazehenandrewlsd currently on plasma 5.9.0, but upgrading now09:42
theblazehennsnzero the best :) Was referring to https://web.archive.org/web/20130926213426/http://nixsrv.com/llthw though09:43
theblazehenalso man [1-8] intro09:44
nsnzerotheblazehen: : good link - wating for my browser to boot into bash ...09:45
theblazehennsnzero it's just www.bellard.org/jslinux/09:46
theblazehenhtt://copy.sh/v86 is more impressive09:46
theblazehenhttp* ffs09:47
nsnzerothere is windows 95 on there !!!09:49
theblazehennsnzero /me once booted nyancat in dosbox in arch in browser (chrome) on lubuntu in browser (firefox) on arch on just plain kvm on physical hardware09:52
theblazehenThe trick is to build from the top down, and just include the image in the one lower down. Eg, get dosbox in arch in browser working, then get that working with lubuntu on kvm, then in browser etc09:54
theblazehenPITA copying data09:54
theblazehenI can base64 decode stuff, and use xdotool type, but when the terminal would wrap lines then it would drop some key presses as it calculated the line wrap etc09:55
theblazehenEventually got it booting in just 10 hours or so09:55
theblazehenall the way09:55
nsnzeroyou got too much time theblazehen 09:57
* theblazehen wonders if I should just run my desktop on physical hardware though. Get segfaults in firefox along with errors in kvm logs09:57
theblazehennsnzero Eh, most of it was just waiting09:57
nsnzeromy system boots in 42 seconds and i feel thats long 09:57
theblazehenHeh. pc at work is a container, can reboot in around 1.7 seconds according to systemd-analyze09:58
theblazehenand thats many layers of nested qemu and in browser, no surprise it's slow09:58
theblazehenAnd can't just run desktop at home in a container :( Brother needs his pc running windows which means I need to use kvm10:00
nsnzerodual boot not an option ?10:01
nsnzero1.5 seconds is how long i have to hold the power button before my pc switches on !10:01
theblazehenHe's using it as a thin client basically10:01
theblazehenSteam in home streaming10:02
theblazehenJust my pc that physically has display connected10:02
theblazehenFaster for him to use steam in home streaming with my faster cpu than it is to run games locally on his pc with his gpu10:03
theblazehenI tried having multihead on his pc the other day... 2 steam instances, both for streaming with me trying to connect to one instance of steam on his10:03
theblazehenSo much easier on linux10:03
theblazehenYou can even just use virtualgl on linux, no need for a physical monitor10:04
theblazehenSome people describe my pc setup as complicated...10:05
theblazehenI used to say that its really cool that I can reboot my hardware without my pc shutting down (live migrated my pc)10:05
theblazehenIt was really cool10:07
theblazehenBut now I can't. Now I'm in a vm I'm limited to the physical hardware :(10:07
nsnzeroi cant even get my vm to go full screen 10:08
theblazehennsnzero I'm not using vm console10:08
theblazehenPassing through my gpu10:08
theblazehenTried spice before, can't do my 4 monitors right10:08
theblazehenAnd I didn't have a pc spare that could use my gpu with vnc10:09
theblazehenUsed to use vnc when I was in a container before. Worked surprisingly well10:09
theblazehenActually, I could try that again, now that I have 10 gig ethernet. Should be faster than 1 gig like I used to use10:09
theblazehennsnzero http://imgur.com/y0LxTK0 physical hardware at home. There's a pc in those plastic racks that runs my pc and brothers pc10:11
andrewlsdtheblazehen: TIL I have half a GB of icon files in /usr/share: `du -xhsc /usr/share/* | grep -E [0-9]{3}M`10:13
theblazehenandrewlsd ouch10:17
nsnzeroclever idea - using vegetable racks - i seen bit coin miners using coke crates as cases 10:18
theblazehennsnzero yeah, was mining cryptocurrency with them around 2013 / 2014 or so10:18
nsnzeroi have a intel based g3258 server lying here doing nothing - going to try what you did10:20
theblazehennsnzero you need VT-d for gpu / PCI-e passthrough though10:20
theblazehennsnzero http://imgur.com/a/HyGFt <- at work10:22
nsnzerocpu supports VT-x 10:23
theblazehenYeah, so just normal virtualization10:24
theblazehenNot IO virtualization10:24
theblazehenDo you have a dedicated gpu you use?10:24
theblazehenOr are you thinking about going the vnc method?10:24
theblazehenActually, if you use containers it'll work well without VT-d10:24
theblazehenI'd recommend containers. Are you going to go thin client or physically attached?10:25
nsnzeroi have a gigabyte n96tzl card - ndvidia but what i cant remember10:25
theblazehenI previously went thin client because I didn't have long enough cabled, but directly attached is what I do at work, works really well10:25
theblazehenWhat kind of specs does the server have?10:26
theblazehenhttps://linx.li/uqrf6nii.txt my specs10:27
nsnzerodual core pentium G3258 @ 3.2GHz 16G Ram - 4T HDD - i will have to open it to see the pci-e slots its got dual ethernet ports 10:28
theblazehenCool. But yeah, if you go with containers you don't need anything special regarding VT-d, should "just work"10:29
theblazehenPass through the X socket / use X over tcp, and virtualgl for the rendering10:30
theblazehenLet me know when you want the configs for that, since it took a little while to get them running10:30
nsnzerowill do it as soon as i get some free time to mess around 10:31
nsnzerogoing to but 25 new computers for the school - 97k - guess by next week i will have a couple extra spares to play around with 10:41
nsnzeroi need to NAS for my media player - 4 externals making my dvd stand look untidy 10:42
theblazehenNice. Yeah, /me is using old thin client for storage. 9x 1 TB HDD in raid 6 and 1x 256 GB SSD for cache10:45
* theblazehen needs to consider ceph though10:46
theblazehenBut then, storage will be limited by network10:46
theblazehenUnless I get a 10 gig switch10:46
theblazehenRight now it's just with a crossover cable10:46
theblazehenAlthough I can still only get around 3.5 gbit sequential read with it10:48
theblazehennsnzero are those windows PCs?10:50
nsnzeroyes - windows and office are required by the school syllabus 11:36
theblazehenCool. What do you use for config management and stuff there?11:37
nsnzeroi dont administer those pc's - they arent connected to the admin network 11:39
nsnzeroonly 3 linux machines in the school my computers and the ubuntu server11:42
=== smile|away is now known as smile
Kilosanyone know what this is http://pasteboard.co/z4zSocn72.jpg15:30
Kilosinetpro hyou look as well15:30
Kilosand paddatrapper 15:31
KilosMaaz tell langjan http://pasteboard.co/z4zSocn72.jpg15:31
MaazKilos: Righto, I'll tell Langjan on freenode15:31
Kiloshave you ever seen one like this you youngsters15:35
Kilosthat one is older than me15:36
chesedodit is 'n bobejaan spenner oom Kilos16:00
chesedo... ken nie die engelse term nie16:00
Kilosja maar sien jy die groote daarvan16:00
Kilosmonkey wrench16:00
chesedoooh nou sien ek...16:01
Kiloskom uit my pa se gereedskap trommel16:01
chesedoen die onderste 'gryp' is ook beweegbaar16:02
chesedo... of so lyk dit16:02
Kilosja mooi klein ding maar my seun het die ding nou gebreek deaur te groot goed te probeer los maak16:02
chesedoi was looking into new razors a while ago, then wanted to get a safety razor or a razor knife...16:06
chesedothe pictures of safety razors looked familiar... and my dad could confirm that we have one that he got from his dad16:06
chesedoturns out that it was thrown away in the last year... left me quite disappointed as the thought of a inheritance item seemed really exciting16:06
Kilosi have one somewhere, those the barbers used to use, you gotta be an expert with it or you can cut your own throat off16:11
Kilosits that blade that folds into a handle and you sharpen on a leather strop i think it was called16:12
chesedoyip that's the one...16:12
Kilosbut i have a kershaw biltong knife sharpened enough to shave with as well16:13
chesedoone also practise before hand on a baloon or so... and use slow and smooth strokes16:13
Kiloshaha i wont bring that near my face , its like a doctos scalpel, cuts flesh like a knife through warm butter16:14
Kilosand my boet used to shave with one without even using a mirror16:15
Kilosi actually gave him three16:15
Kilosyou gotta get the angle 100%16:15
Kilosor wipe up lotsa blood16:16
Kilosso chesedo what has happened at last meetings ive missed16:16
chesedooh boy, i cannot remember16:17
Kilossorry for missing them but the 9 hour time diffs from aus was too much for a ballie16:17
chesedoMaaz: last meeting16:17
Maazchesedo: *blink*16:17
Kilosas long as nothing major was missed then np16:17
chesedoKilos: we understood16:18
chesedobesides you are more fun here during the day, having to sleep just to make a meeting 16:19
chesedoin short there are a lot of events coming up...16:19
chesedolike GLUG may have a party for its 10th birthday16:20
chesedotwo new guys also learned to chair (andrewlsd and paddatrapper)16:20
chesedokelulu88 is also interested in chairing but missed the last one16:21
Kilosoh are they still alive16:21
chesedothat reminds... tareq88 was looking for ubuntu membership (which we track in the meeting)... do you have any updates on it?16:22
Kilosty for carrying us till new chairs showed up16:22
* chesedo also still happy to chair anytime16:22
Kilosill ask the membership board16:22
chesedoKilos: don't you have contact with tareq16:23
Kilosi dont know16:23
Kilosmemory getting worse16:23
Kilosname doesnt wring a bell at all16:24
Kilosai! even spelling got worse16:24
chesedofrom bangladish or india or somewhere there16:24
Kilosif he comes here tell him to ping me please16:25
Kilosi dont see him in those channels atm16:25
chesedono, we have not heard of him since. so thought that you had contact with him...16:25
Kilosill ask pavlushka16:25
chesedoMaaz: last minutes16:26
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-01-24-18-30-31.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-01-24-18-30-31.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-01-24-18-30-31.html16:26
chesedofound them ^^^16:26
Kiloscool ty16:26
Kiloswhy didnt the pro attend16:26
chesedooh, what happened to our reverification ?16:27
Kilosdont ever let him get away with anything16:27
chesedoKilos: give me a minute (possible more) to think of a good excuse16:27
Kilosno further news on that , i think that team is having hassles16:27
Kilosyou gotta remember if you give a van der merwe your pinkie he will take your whole arm soon so you gotta keep a tight reign on them16:28
* Kilos hides16:28
Kilosactually i think my pro is struggling to keep up with everything, he is old you know16:33
Kilosyou youngsters should start taking over more16:33
Kilosand crash kid left the usa and gone to the uk now16:34
chesedosounds like he is counted amongst the youngsters16:34
Kiloshe is a stalward fellow16:35
chesedoat least frogboots is another youngster that is active16:35
Kilosyes im happy bout you guys hanging in there , ty16:35
* chesedo now just have to get blaze too16:36
Kilostheblazehen we talking bout you16:37
chesedohappy and starry is also young as i understand, but from europe as it seems16:37
chesedoand there is jerit too16:37
Kilosblaze was in pts wasnt he?16:38
chesedoyes we met at SFD 201516:38
Kilosso what you mean from europe then?16:39
chesedothey are both in europe right?16:39
chesedosmile and night16:40
Kilossmile is in belgium16:40
Kiloswho is night16:40
Kilosi cant remember him saying much16:40
Kilosnight ping16:40
Kilosmaybe its daytime there so hell be on later16:41
chesedonight time16:41
Kilosyeah maybe he becones day when the sun is shining16:42
Kilosor vice versa16:42
chesedooh lol16:43
chesedoclever  that one16:44
KilosMaaz tell langjan i got those vit c tabs16:45
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell Langjan on freenode16:45
KilosR150 for rich peeps16:45
* paddatrapper feels his ears tingling16:49
Kiloshee hee16:49
Kiloshi there frogboots16:49
Kilosty for chairing16:50
Kilosi see pro di attend16:50
paddatrapperHey Kilos. Anytime 16:50
Kilosnee man yanks say hey16:51
Kiloshi much more sophisticated16:51
Kilosyou watch too many movies16:51
paddatrapperMôre oom is the most sophisticated of them all16:52
Kilosamazing the power of brainwashing movies have16:56
Kilosthe whole world says hey16:57
Kilossickening'hey bro16:57
smileKilos: indeed :)17:20
smileI'm in Belgium17:20
Kilosbut you from netherlands smile ?17:21
smileKilos: no *angry face*17:21
Kilosoh are you belgium through and throough17:21
Kiloscool i wont forget again'17:22
smilebut maybe I'm Flemish, Kilos ;)17:22
Kilosmaybe its because you do thatwiki stuff17:22
Kiloswhat you mean maybe17:22
smileyeah, nl.wikipedia.org is the "language version", not the Wikipedia for the Netherlands17:22
Kilosyou dunno what you are?17:22
smileKilos: nationality is Belgium, identity is Flemish? :p 17:23
smileI hardly ever visit the other side of the country17:23
Kilosno nice girls there?17:23
smilesure, but they speak French :o 17:23
Kiloshaha thats the language of love17:24
Kilosso they say17:24
Kilosi actually had some dealings with ubuntu france once17:24
Kilosforget why, to fix some loco or something17:25
Kilosand melodie is from france17:25
chesedosmile: do you also speak flemish?17:43
smilechesedo: sure, it's Belgian-Dutch :p17:55
smilejust like you speak South African-English :P 17:55
nsnzeroevening all17:59
chesedofrom my understanding it is the closest thing to afrikaans... even closer than netherlands18:12
chesedoevening nsnzero18:13
* chesedo actually speaks american english since he was homeschooled on a american system (for the most parts)18:14
nsnzerohi chesedo 18:14
Kilosthats where the hey comes from18:14
nsnzerohi Kilos 18:14
Kilospoor kid18:14
Kiloshi nsnzero 18:14
chesedoit kind of bit me in the butt with my matric as i most propably used the wrong spelling for a lot of words18:15
chesedohey that aint nice Kilos :P18:15
Kilosthats the correct place to use hey18:16
Kilosnot hey as hello18:16
chesedoit is like people using loads for a lot18:17
Kiloswhen you in a crowded place shout hey and watch everyone spin around and look guilty18:17
Kilosthen you sing you got to hide your love away and they all look sheepish18:17
chesedoi would always try to dare them to say, "that is a lot of load for..."18:17
smilechesedo: yeah :) indeed18:20
smile(late reaction :P )18:20
smileek hêt stiekem met jou gedans, Kilos :P18:20
smilegeheim. :p 18:22
smileKilos: do you know that? :p18:25
* chesedo thinks that sounds familiar18:26
smilegeniep, indeed :p18:28
paddatrapperchesedo: written Flemish is like Afrikaans. I am still unable to understand it spoken, even though I can speak both Afrikaans and Dutch 18:30
smilekorrek :) 18:30
nsnzerogoeie nag almal18:32
paddatrapperLanguages are interesting things. Wish I had the time and the brain to learn more... 18:32
smilenag? :p het is 19:34 XD18:34
smileyou need only a handful of languages :) 18:34
smilemy French isn't as good as it used to be18:35
smileA friend from Sweden has learned Dutch :)18:35
smilehe's pretty good at it18:35
smilewe can really have conversations :)18:36
paddatrapperNice. I guess I just feel I should be able to communicate in all three of the major languages in CT (English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa) 18:37
paddatrapperEn je bent een uur agter we :p18:39
chesedopaddatrapper: i've used DuoLingo to learn new languages in the past18:42
paddatrapperchesedo: I've tried (was initially how I learnt Dutch), but I find I get distracted, busy, etc and don't go on regularly. I probably should set a reminder or something 18:44
paddatrapperMy list of things I'd like to do is always way bigger than the list of things I can ever get done 18:44
chesedopaddatrapper: same here... i started on hebrews and a while ago netherlands with my brother, but also got distracted18:45
chesedowell actually studies keeping me busy more than i like18:46
paddatrapperchesedo: yeah. Dutch I only learned because I was I was living there, so it was constantly in my face. Studies will definitely be crazy when they finally start again! 18:47
* chesedo is almost half way with the semester18:47
chesedowill be done mostly by the end of march18:48
paddatrapperWe start end of March! 18:48
paddatrapperWell mid-March 18:48
chesedofly used to say that you are laid back over there :P18:50
* chesedo has first assignments due next week18:50
LangjanHi guys, Kilos how are you doing?18:54
LangjanHi inetpro 18:54
Kiloshi Langjan 18:55
paddatrapperWe're very laid back, when you write all your exams in December and don't differ anything to Jan/Feb. Don't envy those who have just finished their exams 18:55
paddatrapperHi Langjan18:55
LangjanHi paddatrapper 18:55
Kilosim quite good ty18:55
paddatrapperKilos: ^ see I can use hi correctly :) 18:55
Kiloshad a tough morning but now lekker18:56
Kiloswell done18:56
Kiloshow are you and mommy Langjan 18:57
Kilosand what did you break?18:57
Kiloshee hee hee18:57
LangjanKilos,  we are fine thks 18:57
LangjanStill looking for something to break...lmga!18:58
Kiloswbb just gonna eat something and ake meds18:58
LangjanOK eet lekker.  I have scroll back to previous sessions ticked on hexchat but do not see the sessions? 18:59
chesedogoedenacht or good night all18:59
LangjanG'night chesedo 18:59
chesedoKilos: why you eating so late:P19:00
Langjaninetpro, sorry about that site, it should be open now, I checked in a few minutes ago 19:00
Langjanchesedo,  he has to eat with meds otherwise they eat his stomache19:01
LangjanMeds are a delicate knife-edge, I hate the stuff19:02
Kilosforgot chesedo ate home grown watermelo earlier so wasnt hungry19:03
Kilosyeah but19:04
LangjanWatermelon does not stop my hunger, only makes me P19:04
Kilosatm till the vitc starts working they keeping me alive'19:04
Kilospills to lower bp and slow pulse down19:05
Kilosand open arteries19:05
LangjanYou can take 1 000 mg/day vit C19:05
Kilosmake it so attacks arent fatal etc etc19:05
LangjanOr Foodstate 100 mg gives better result19:05
Kiloslemme see what i got19:05
Kilos250mg for R150 cant afford more than that19:07
Kilosi hear there is a stuffup coming with next months pension as well19:07
Kilosthe company that organises the payouts is leaving or something and they havent got a replacement in place yet19:08
Kilosmore is nog n dag attitude19:08
LangjanFoodstate is R166 for 30x200 mg, one 200 mg gives you utilised equivalent to 3 000 mg synthetic19:09
KilosLangjan i forwarded the mail about it to you19:10
Kilosoh ian said R15019:10
Langjanwhen did you send mail?19:10
LangjanI saw your bobbejaan via Maaz 19:11
Kilosya this is foodstate and shows only 250 mg vit c and 80 mg bioflavonoids19:12
Kiloslekker small one hey19:12
LangjanOK thats not the Sportron brand but same technology, excellent! Take 2 per day (double dose) for a week or so19:13
LangjanYou not receiving your pension?19:14
LangjanKilos, how do I activate scroll back to previous sessions on hexchat? Its ticked but does not show 19:15
* pavlushka ahoy ZA19:16
LangjanAhoy pavlushka 19:16
Kilosi never had a prob i just turn the roller in the mouse and it works19:16
Kiloshi pavlushka 19:16
Kilosuse a proper mouse Langjan 19:17
Kilosone with a wheel between the buttons19:17
LangjanMine is a male mouse, no buttons19:19
LangjanXchat used to work fine, cant remember if I have seen Hexchat do it 19:20
Kilosian asks for a decent multivit 19:22
Kilosyou must know which one is best19:22
LangjanBest by far is Ultragard19:22
Kilosty ill tell him19:22
LangjanHe wont find it in Rustenburg though19:23
LangjanDoes he go to Pretoria?19:23
LangjanOtherwise we can do overnight speed services19:23
Kilosnot often , where in pta must he go19:24
pavlushkaHi and Hello Kilos , Langjan  :)19:24
Kiloshe will go when a client there has scanner probs19:24
Kiloswho is it from Langjan 19:24
Kilosyou making me walk lots to front of house to tell him19:24
Kiloshe got the vitc from dischem19:25
LangjanSorry there are depots in Rustenburg: http://www.ascendisdirect.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Depots-and-Centres-4.pdf19:26
Kilosdaai plek19:26
LangjanHe must use my number, its 3112719:26
LangjanDepots are 10% mark-up over Pretoria prices19:26
LangjanPretoria centre also indicated on pdf in link I sent19:27
LangjanHe can either just buy on my number or register himself as a member under my number, its free but members get many extra benefits. 19:29
Kiloscool ty for that my friend19:29
LangjanYes Dischem will sell the Foodstate brand but probably not Ultragard19:30
Kiloscool ty19:32
LangjanLet him check, prices will be R291,50 for 30 and R546 for 60 at the depot. Pretoria R265 and 496. 19:33
Kilosholy smoke19:33
Kiloswe might do without them19:33
LangjanIts the best investment in your health that you can do. Will mail some info for you. If you compare with non-foodstate multivits you must multiply quantities by 1019:35
Kiloscool ty19:40
Kiloscan you cc the mail to ian as well Langjan please19:43
Kilosshoulda done that in pm i spose19:43
LangjanDone Kilos 19:45
Kilosth my friend19:46
Kilosty as well also too19:46
Kilosi dont need multivits just clean arteries19:46
LangjanMy pleasure, now bedtime19:46
Kilossleep tight and say hi to Juannita for me19:47
LangjanVit C is excellent but we all need the multis19:47
LangjanWill do thks and regards to Ian and the girls when you chat19:47
Kilosjust now you will be trying to sell me viagra19:47
LangjanOuch! 19:47
Kilosty will do19:47
Kilosjoking man19:47
Kilosgaan slaap toppie19:48
Langjan You will let me join you in the heart ATTACK scenario19:48
LangjanSlaap lekker Kilos dankie vir die chat 19:48
Kilosdankie vir die kuier19:49
Langjanmy plesier19:49
Kilosvisit and the info19:49
Langjanhope it helps19:49
Kilosyip me too19:49
Langjandont be scared to overdose on vit C19:49
Langjanyou cannot19:50
Kilosmight still need to see a doc approved by OZ before going back19:50
Kiloscosts will limit me19:50
LangjanIn bowls we say take some grass and add it to weight19:50
Langjanjy weet wat ek meen seuntjie19:51
Langjanlekker slaap19:51
=== smile is now known as smile|away
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:35

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