
hugasHi. I just decided to update and quite strangely, it failed with a couple of errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24004098/00:01
Bashing-omron____: Are you connecting via a router ? and can you ping the router ?00:01
hugasCan someone look into it? I am baffled. Apparently, the flashplugin couldn't be installed amongst other things00:01
hugasim worried that something messy has happened00:01
ron____Bashing-om: Yes I am connecting through router. I have an ethernet going from my router to my PC. And no, It says Network is unreachable when I try to ping it00:02
OerHekshugas, known issue, i look for the bugreport00:02
pavlosron____, does 'dmesg | grep eth' show anything?00:02
ron____Bashing-om: It may help to know that this ethernet and router work with other computers00:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1651923 in apt (Ubuntu Yakkety) "duplicate for #1647969 apt https method decodes redirect locations and sends them to the destination undecoded." [High,Fix released]00:02
OerHekshugas, a manual fix is in the top story00:03
ron____pavlos: Yes. It shows quite a bit. Are you looking for anything in particular00:03
pavlosron____, link up (maybe your interface is no longer eth0 but enp2s0 so you can grep for that00:04
k1l_hugas: getent passwd _apt  (to test if you have that user on your system)00:04
Bashing-ompavlos: ron____ Working with a 14.04 install :) desktop .00:05
k1l_if there is output, then you have it00:05
hugasOerHeks: where is the manual fix? i can't see it00:05
hugask1l_, _apt:x:105:65534::/nonexistent:/bin/false is the output00:05
pavlosBashing-om, ok00:05
OerHekshugas, remove the ttf installer, wget http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/pool/contrib/m/msttcorefonts/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb and install it manually00:05
ron____pavlos: The most recent message (bottom) says link up. Yeah. Like Bashing-om  mentioned, I don't have the enp00:05
k1l_hugas: then sudo chown -R _apt:root /var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/00:05
k1l_hugas: sudo rm /var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/*.FA‌​ILED00:05
Bashing-ompavlos: Be aware I have not seen the ubuntu GUI in a Long time :(00:05
hugask1l_, rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/*.FA‌​ILED': No such file or directory00:06
k1l_hugas: ah ok. then reinstall the packages that made issues00:06
k1l_sudo apt install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer flashplugin-installer00:06
hugasOerHeks, k1l_: will installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer fix the flashplugin issue also?00:07
Joelthoughts on how to resolve this? https://gist.github.com/jjshoe/fb24ccc65f8894379d442b0c9d83bee700:07
hugask1l_: OerHeks is suggesting that it be installed manually, but should I go ahead and follow your advice?00:07
k1l_hugas: its both the same issue with symptoms on both packages since the both need to load stuff from somewhere else. reinstall them to see if that helped now00:08
WeiJunLiThere's a way to fix "Alert! /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to shell" busybox initramfs?00:09
hugask1l_: ok well i think it worked, at first i got an error with the ttf-mscorefonts-installer but as flashplugin was installed, it disappeared00:11
pavlosron____, so link is up, does ifconfig give you an ip?00:11
hugask1l_: is it OK? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24004152/00:13
k1l_ok, looks like the ttf package got 2 problems here. i suggest loading the debian package as mentioned on the bugreport.00:14
hugask1l_: will this error come up in the next upgrade?00:15
k1l_hugas: no00:15
k1l_hugas: wget http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/pool/contrib/m/msttcorefonts/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb00:15
k1l_then sudo dpkg -i ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb00:15
hugask1l_: OK it's working but i see that it's downloading a lot of .exe's, i uninstalled wine completely from my system some days ago. is this a concern?00:16
hugasi apologize for my silly questions, ive been using ubuntu since about a year only00:17
ron____pavlos: no ip off ifconfig for eth000:17
k1l_it needs to get the fonts from there00:17
hugask1l_: ok well everything was installed. is there something else to check now?00:17
k1l_hugas: no. should be good now00:17
hugasthank you very much, i appreciate it greatly00:18
WeiJunLiThere's a way to fix "Alert! /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to shell" busybox initramfs?00:18
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Bashing-omron____: ' cat /etc/network/interfaces ' same same as : http://termbin.com/fcwb ?00:20
ron____Bashing-om: Exact same00:20
pavlosron____, grep dhclient /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999900:22
Bashing-omron____: Good .. ok .. are you good inhouse ' ping -c3 ' ?00:22
ron____Bashing-om: That works fine. I get ping with no packet loss00:23
ron____pavlos: what does the second command do? I get nc: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known00:23
pavlosron____, like a pastebin00:24
bent_Have not used IRC in over ten years or more00:25
Bashing-omron____: pavlos In my thought process next up is ' cat /etc/resolv.conf ' see who is handeling DNS .00:25
ron____pavlos: Gotcha. Sorry I'm getting that error with nc, Bashing-om, the file is empty00:26
Bashing-ombent_: Welcome to ubuntu support . irc has not changed :)00:26
pavlosBashing-om, ron____ correct ... I wanted to see if there is communication from dhclient00:26
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excelsio1ahi! anyone using virtualbox to run VMs on Ubuntu 16.04?00:29
k1l_some do00:29
excelsio1aI can't get a VM to run.00:29
bent_depends on the base architecture00:30
k1l_excelsio1a: what is the error?00:30
bent_I have tried VMs and ran into issues also00:30
excelsio1akernal driver showing not installed, and when I try to sudo modprobe vboxdrv it's not signed, so it refuses to install00:30
k1l_excelsio1a: is the dkms virtualbox package installed?00:31
excelsio1aI think so00:31
bent_For me it was running a VM that asked for an architecture that was not supported00:31
Bashing-omron____: pavlos :; " Bashing-om, the file is empty ' // dnsmasq failing ? dare we give it a namesserver ?00:32
k1l_excelsio1a: "apt policy virtualbox virtualbox-dkms | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the link here00:32
pavlosron____, /etc/resolv.conf should have one line, nameserver
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om: For some reason it doesn't have that. Huh. I can add it in00:33
excelsio1apastebinit ok?00:33
k1l_excelsio1a: it shows an url, show that here00:33
bent_Trying out Ubuntu Mate on a RPI300:34
k1l_excelsio1a: "sudo modprobe vboxdrv" on a pastebin please00:34
bent_It is working better than expected...00:34
bent_Temp at 38.100:34
excelsio1amodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'vboxdrv': Required key not available00:35
WeiJunLiThere's a way to fix "Alert! /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to shell" busybox initramfs?00:35
WeiJunLianyone can tell me if this has solution?00:35
uxfihi WeiJunLi00:35
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om: I added "nameserver" to resolv.conf then restarted my network, but it still doesn't connect00:35
excelsio1awouldn't let me pipe from stderr...00:35
WeiJunLiuxfi: heello00:35
excelsio1a(maybe I could have but I forgot how)00:36
k1l_excelsio1a: looks like you have secureboot enabled and thats not a signed module00:36
WeiJunLiseems like my intrid doesnt  have the drives to see my drives00:36
Bashing-omron____: Well, not having a DNS will not effect us reaching the router . But something somehwere in dnsmasq is not completing . Lemme ponder a bit .00:37
pavlosron____, can you install pastebinit (sudo apt-get install pastebinit00:38
excelsio1ak1l_: surely I can run without disabling secureboot?00:38
excelsio1aIs ubuntu trying to make me install a rootkit?00:38
ron____pavlos: Unfortunately, no. I don't have internet on this machine to install it00:38
WeiJunLiuxfi can u  help with my issue00:38
k1l_excelsio1a: what is uname -a?00:38
pavlosron____, sorry, my mistake00:39
uxfiWeiJunLi; what is wrong?00:39
excelsio1aLinux excelsiora-ThinkPad-Yoga-460 4.4.0-62-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 14:10:15 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:39
WeiJunLiuxfi: I have a vm running a self compiled kernel and when i boot it otuput  "Alert! /dev/sda1 does not exist. Dropping to shell"  and goes straight to busybox initramfs00:39
pavlosron____, try, ps -ef | grep dns (should be one line, you can paste it here00:40
ron____pavlos: zach 3220 2388 0 18:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dns00:40
k1l_excelsio1a: no. thats not a rootkit.00:41
k1l_excelsio1a: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/760671/could-not-load-vboxdrv-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-16-04-and-i-want-to-keep-secur  for your options00:41
pavlosron____, so dnsmasq is not running00:41
excelsio1ak1l_: thank you so much!00:41
ron____pavlos: Which file is that in again?00:42
uxfiWeiJunLi;  so it means that it isnt mounting somethign correctly I assume00:42
WeiJunLiuxfi: correct00:42
uxfiAre you using a external HD with the Vm ?00:42
pavlosron____, NetworkManager should have started it00:42
WeiJunLiuxfi: no00:42
ron____pavlos:  I think I turned that off based on an internet suggestion to access a sign in page00:42
excelsio1ak1l_: I was working off of his bash script, and I lost the answer... and I figured ubuntu would be smart enough that I shouldn't have to do his thing, but oh well.00:42
uxfiWeiJunLi; hmm did it start doing this now or this is new behavior?00:42
pavlosron____, the line looks like nobody    1986   866  0 Feb06 ?        00:00:02 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-resolv --keep-in-foreground --no-hosts --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/run/sendsigs.omit.d/network-manager.dnsmasq.pid --listen-address= --conf-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.conf --cache-size=0 --proxy-dnssec --enable-dbus=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.dnsmasq --conf-dir=/etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d00:43
WeiJunLiuxfi: this is a self compiled kernel00:43
excelsio1agotta run, thanks again, cheers!00:43
uxfiWeiJunLi; perhaps thats the reason00:43
ron____pavlos: Maybe not. It says dns=dnsmasq in NetworkManager.conf00:43
k1l_excelsio1a: the issue is, that this is closed software and they dont ship a signed module, aiui00:43
ron____pavlos: What is that line for?00:43
waddupyoyowangerthis kernel blows!00:44
bazhangwaddupyoyowanger, stop that00:44
pavlosron____, it is a process (dnsmasq) that handles the connection based on NetworkManager00:44
excelsio1await, what's closed, virtualbox?00:44
ron____pavlos:  O. Hm.... any ideas on how to start that?00:45
pavlosron____, /etc/hosts has 2 lines localhost and <yourhostname?00:45
pavlosron____, /etc/hosts has 2 lines localhost and <yourhostname>00:45
pavlosron____, which should match your /etc/hostname00:46
k1l_excelsio1a: sorry yes, i was confused with vmware. vbox is opensource and only the additional extensionspack is closed00:46
ron____pavlos: It has one line. And there is no ip address on that line. It is only the host name00:46
excelsio1aok, well I'm on laptop, I'll check the log later iftheres an explanation...00:47
pavlosron____, /etc/hostname has one word, your hostname00:47
pavlosron____, so if you type nc, you get error?00:48
oggmanI have a question on how secure a program called "Cryptocat" is.  Is this the right channel for this or no.  If no, could I be directed to a more appropriate channel for this.00:48
ron____pavlos: yest, /etc/hostname only has my hostname. nc outputs "This is nc from the netcat-openbsd package. An alternative nc is available in the netcat-traditional package. Usage....00:50
pavlosron____, so you have nc hence if your type ls | nc termbin.com 9999 it should give you a url00:50
ron____pavlos:  I get "nc: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known". Should I add my localhost name to /etc/hostname?00:51
pavlosron____, your hostname should be on /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname00:52
wedgiesounds like he can't look up termbin.com. Which makes sense given that he's asking about DNS things00:53
ron____pavlos: O, I'm sorry. I misspoke then. /etc/hosts has those two lines localhost and hostname. Then it has # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts. Then a few lines. Sorry, long day00:54
pavloswedgie, you;re right00:54
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ron____wedgie: Yeah. Problem is that unless I put in my IPv4 settings, I can't connect to my router. And if I do put in those settings manually, I still get no response from pinging the router00:55
pavlosron____, try sudo dhclient -r then sudo dhclient eth000:55
akinodeHey, can anyone tell me what the difference between dbg and i386 packages are?00:55
akinodeAnd which one do I need? I'm running Ubuntu 16.400:56
naccakinode: um, dbg packges include debug symbols and i386 are for 32-bit?00:56
naccakinode: totally unrelated00:56
akinodenacc oh okay00:56
lost_ubuntudoes anyone no how to change the hostname in /etc/hosts if you Do NOT have sudo or superuser access/00:56
naccakinode: as to which you need, it completely depends00:57
akinodenacc what exactly do you mean by debug symbols?00:57
oggmannot the right channel.  thanks anyway.00:57
nacclost_ubuntu: you won't be able to, and I can't think of a good reason to allow it.00:57
akinodenacc like for python packages like yaml you can choose between i386 and dbg, so I wasnt entirely sure00:57
naccakinode: something like: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/gnu_debugger/gdb_debugging_symbols.htm00:57
lost_ubuntui am trying to get a webserver to work with out having to type the ip address00:57
ron____pavlos: should sudo dhclient eth0 still be running?00:58
nacclost_ubuntu: that's not anything to do with your server's hostname, necessarily, that's a DNS thing00:58
lost_ubuntui can't sudo, admin did not give me privelge00:58
pavlosron____, yes one line, root      1383   866  0 Feb06 ?        00:00:01 /sbin/dhclient -d -sf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action -pf /run/sendsigs.omit.d/network-manager.dhclient-eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient-db056cb6-f212-408c-8f53-3255a809ee15-eth0.lease -cf /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient-eth0.conf eth000:58
naccakinode: did you install 32-bit? what do you mean choose between? give a concrete example, ideally in a pastebin00:58
ron____pavlos: Nothing has returned yet00:59
akinodenacc I mean when I search yaml in aptitude, I only get these two options00:59
naccakinode: i'm not at your comptuer, please use a pastebin and provide command and output00:59
k1l_akinode: are you on a 32bit ubuntu?00:59
pavlosron____, running out of ideas ...01:00
naccakinode: if you are on 32-bit ubuntu, then it's normal to see i386 packages of course01:00
pavlosron____,  ps -ef | grep dhclient01:00
akinodenacc k1l_ no on 64 bit, that's why I wasn't sure which one to get01:00
akinodenacc k1l_ Ideally I'd just like to get the normal one but that doesnt seem to be there01:00
k1l_akinode: can you show the output of "apt policy python-yaml | nc termbin.com 9999"01:01
ron____pavlos: I've got 5 different lines on here. Any in particular I should look at?01:01
akinodek1l_ http://termbin.com/r0xe01:02
Bashing-omron____: pavlos A thought . ' ls -al /etc/resolv.conf ' ; A broke symlink ?01:02
pavlosron____,  5? you sohuld have 2, the /sbin/dhclient line and the grep command line01:02
k1l_akinode: that is the right one, i dont know where you see the 32bit ones01:02
akinodek1l_ What did you do there? I get 32 bit when i enter "aptitude search yaml", that's why I asked. I installed the one with the dbg suffix, was that ok?01:03
ron____pavlos: ps -ef |grep dhclient right? I have sudo dhclient eth0, dhclient eth0, /sbin/dhclient line, /sbin/dhclient-script, and the grep line01:03
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om: That looks like it's linked to ~/../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf01:04
k1l_akinode: i dont use aptitude. run "sudo apt install python-yaml" that will install the right one01:04
pavlosron____,  lets kill all of them01:04
Bashing-omron____: Good there too then .01:04
ron____pavlos: how do I kill them again?01:05
akinodek1l_ why not? Is there a big difference between using apt and aptitude? Also, how exactly are apt-get or pip related to that?01:05
pavlosron____,  you can use killall name01:05
ron____pavlos: where name is dhclient?01:05
pavlosron____,  yes ...01:06
k1l_akinode: aptitude uses some own libs to work with the repos. but it has massive issues with the multiarch ubuntu uses since some time. apt is the new command to group apt-get, apt-cache and others into one command.01:06
pavlosron____,  sp ps -ef | grep dhclient should be nothing (except the grep result)01:06
k1l_akinode: pip is another thing. it doesnt use ubuntu repos. its like you load stuff from websites or compile it yourself.01:07
naccakinode: and you almost certainly did not need the -dbg package01:07
akinodek1l_ Oh okay, thanks, I'll be using apt from now on then01:08
ron____pavlos: I don't have sp as a command,  but ps -ef |grep dhclient is now only those two lines01:08
akinodenacc yeah I was just confused because I couldnt find the regular one01:08
pavlosron____,  sp was my typo, it was so01:08
ron____pavlos: so?01:09
pavlosron____,  ps -ef | grep dhclient should have only the grp line else kill the others using kill PID01:09
k1l_akinode: apt search yaml python01:09
akinodenacc what's the exact use of debugging symbol tables anyways? Is that for people who want to work on the libraries themselves?01:09
akinodek1l_ ohh, that's very neat. Thanks!01:10
naccakinode: for debugging01:10
naccakinode: i mean, as the name implies01:10
naccakinode: the base packages have removed the debugging symbols01:10
ron____pavlos: Yeah it was only the grep line, but then the other one started back up. I killed it again01:10
akinodenacc but if it's only for the developers of this library why is it available in a package manager like aptitude?01:10
pavlosron____,  sudo dhclient -r then sudo dhclient eth001:11
k1l_akinode: it doesnt harm01:12
naccakinode: sorry, i'm not going to explain that, it feels like a nonsenical question01:12
pavlosron____,  check with ps, you should have one line /sbin/dhclient ... (and the grep result)01:12
ron____pavlos: Ok. I will. I'm running this now. Hey, in my interfaces file shouldn't I have eth0 in there?01:13
akinodenacc ohh like debugging for people who work with that library you mean? And not for the people who created it? That was a stupid misunderstanding, I apologize01:13
akinodenacc I'm still rather new to all of this so I don't really know much01:13
naccakinode: i'm not sure i understand the distinction -- debugging is debugging. That is, if you want valid backtraces from gdb, with symbols in them, you need the debug packages01:14
pavlosron____,  no, because the NetworkManager should take care of this. I have a 14.04 looking at and making sure we have the same setup01:15
akinodenacc Yeah ok I got it, thanks :)01:15
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pavlosron____,  your router is probably (or 1.1)01:16
Bashing-ompavlos: ron____ :: We to the point of seeing if we have a gateway route ?01:17
ron____pavlos: Gotcha. Well dhclient eth0 is still running atm, but yes. I have a 1.101:17
ron____Bashing-om: Worth a shot hahaha I've been at this for awhile01:17
pavlosron____, try route -n how many lines (2)?01:18
Bashing-omron____: waiting for all other to settle out .  No gate way .. no can see the router .01:18
ron____pavlos: on ps grepping for dhclient I have 3 now, one is dhclient eth0. When running route -n, I have nothing01:18
ron____Bashing-om: I'm not to sure what that means01:19
pavlosron____, Bashing-om I hope the router DOES offer dhcp ip's01:19
k1l_akinode: i dont know what you want to do with hdf5 so i dont know if you need the hdf5-tools or hdf5-helpers. but they are both offered from ubuntu01:19
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om, idk why it wouldn't I've run it no problems with many other devices01:19
Bashing-ompavlos: Have not seen any lately that does not hand out DGCP . ron____ what gateway listed ' ip route list ' ?01:20
akinodek1l_ the library I want to use has listed hdf5 as a dependency, but I can't find a package that's named just hdf501:20
pavlosron____, let restart network,  sudo service network-manager restart01:20
k1l_akinode: you can install the libhd5f-10 package if you only want the lib01:21
pavlosron____, route -n should give you 2 lines, the first would point to and has a HG, the 2nd line is just an IP with netmask and a U01:21
akinodek1l_ oh okay I will. Is it normal that libraries like that hve a lib before their names? also what does the f-10 mean?01:21
pavlosnot having pastebin sucks :(01:22
akinodek1l_ I meant the -1001:22
k1l_yes, the lib packages are named lib...01:22
ron____Bashing-om: pavlos, yeah those are two differences then. route -n and ip route list have nothing01:22
k1l_and the -10 is the the version in the naming, when there are several versions available and there schould be several versions in the repos01:23
pavlosron____, we agreed you dont have an IP hence you cannot ping the router01:23
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om, confirmed. No ip address01:24
Bashing-omron____: pavlos :; Well we got to get that gateway assigned . restart the router ? See if it then talks to the operating system and hands out a IP ?01:26
pavlosron____, dmesg | grep eth0 (no errors01:26
ash_workzso I was in here the other day asking about pgpool releases but I didn't remember the exact package name so I just searched for pgpool in the software center01:26
pavlosron____, sure if you can restart the router, do it01:26
ash_workzthe last time I was in here, I was complaining about how low the version was for ubuntu01:26
ash_workz!info pgpool201:26
ubottupgpool2 (source: pgpool2): connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.3-1 (yakkety), package size 976 kB, installed size 3912 kB01:26
allan_Hi. I got a problem, My Ubuntu 16.04LTS with Gnome desktop does not shut down when I use the GUI button to shut down01:26
pavlosron____, pull the power, 5 secs, plug in01:27
ash_workzoh wow, I guess it just got updated01:27
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om no errors on dmesg. I'll go restart the router. It's gonna disconnect me for a sec01:27
ash_workzI was gonna say, there are more recent versions in the software center01:27
allan_Just work if I execute "sudo shutdown" or "sudo reboot"01:27
ash_workzactually that still doesn't completely resolve my question; right now that says 3.5.3-1, but the software center lists 2 packages when I search for pgpool: postgresql95-pgpool2-35 and postgresql95-pgpool2-3601:28
ash_workzso... what's up with that?01:28
k1l_!info pgpool2 xenial | ash_workz01:28
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
ubottuash_workz: pgpool2 (source: pgpool2): connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-1 (xenial), package size 957 kB, installed size 3633 kB01:29
ash_workzoh xenial01:29
ash_workzanyway, my question remains01:29
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om, I'm back01:29
k1l_ash_workz: what is the question?01:29
Bashing-omron____: Back ! .. and we got a gateway assugned ?01:29
pavlosron____, and ...01:29
Bashing-omassigned *01:29
pavlosron____,   yeah01:29
ash_workzwhy does the software center populate postgresql95-pgpool2-35 and postgresql95-pgpool2-36 when I search for pgpool01:30
ash_workzit doesn't specify that those are for a particular ubuntu distro01:30
ash_workzand it doesn't even come up with the latest for xenial01:30
ash_workzk1l_: ^01:31
pavlosron____, no ip?01:31
ron____Bashing-om: pavlos nothing good unfortunately. whenb I grep mesg though link up appears many times in a row01:31
ron____no ip01:31
k1l_ash_workz: "sudo apt update ; apt search pgpool | nc termbin.com 9999" show the output please01:32
ron____pavlos: Bashing-om I have a link is not ready followed by link up followed by link becomes ready then link up, down, up, down, up, up...... When it says link becoms ready and link is not ready it's under IPv601:32
ash_workzI wish I could pipe it to a gist01:33
pavlosron____, this line,  eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx01:33
k1l_ash_workz: ?01:33
k1l_ash_workz: run my command, it will output an url, show that url in here01:33
ash_workzk1l_: nothing, complaining :P01:33
ash_workzI knwo01:33
pavlosron____, forget the IPV6 lines01:33
ash_workzI don't like termbin because you don't have as much control over it01:33
k1l_ash_workz: less complaining, more facts01:34
ron____pavlos: I do not get that line. I get "r8169 000:05:00.0 eth0: link up/down" only01:34
ash_workzk1l_: yeah: https://gist.github.com/ash-m/7fee86e91650ac7e23e0208aaf6bc11601:34
ash_workzk1l_: I mean, this *might* mean I am not using the 'software center' correctly01:34
ron____pavlos: I just got a crash with package network0manager-gnome
pavlosron____, look at the last lines of /var/log/syslog01:35
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k1l_ash_workz: so what is the issue with isntalling postgresql-9.5-pgpool2 now?01:37
pavlosron____, Bashing-om we agree, managed=false01:37
ash_workzk1l_: nothing, I am just confused about the software center01:37
ron____pavlos: A few interesting lines I see are " <info> (eth0): canceled DHCO transaction, DHCP client pid 4397"01:38
ron____pavlos:  Bashing-om and possibly more important I get "<info> (eth0): device state change: ip-config -> failed (reason 'ip-config-unavailable') [70 120 5]"01:38
k1l_ash_workz: you see the versions from the ubuntu repo on your gist01:41
ash_workzk1l_: yes, I see that... so what am I doing wrong with the software center, I don't understand the results01:42
Bashing-ompavlos: ron____ false if NM is to manage networking .01:42
ash_workzk1l_: http://imgur.com/a/v9ep201:43
Bashing-omron____: GUI : Right-click Options -> A checkbox saying Enable Networking or not. .. and it is enabled here ?01:43
pavlosron____, in the Network Manager GUI, make sure you do NOT have ipv6 checked01:44
ron____Bashing-om: It is enabled. pavlos: it was on automatic but NOT enabled. I can ignore it. Additionally I can add a gateway if needed. I don't want to do anything without running it past you guys first...01:45
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k1l_ash_workz: i dont know where those are coming from01:46
ash_workzso.. take home message is: don't trust the software center01:46
pavlosron____, you could create a new wired interface, static and give yourself an ip, gateway and see if that works01:47
pavlosron____, maks is
pavlosron____, mask01:47
OerHeksash_workz, install synaptic, it gives a descriptionabout pgpool, maybe that helps01:47
ron____pavlos: Any reason I'm not using as my gateway? That's my router01:47
pavlosron____, I thought your router was
excelsio2aI'm back!01:48
ash_workzsure; anything that improves the reliability of native tools :)01:48
ash_workzOerHeks: ^01:48
ron____pavlos: no.
effectnethello.  i'm using the new version of freeplane, and the cursor keys and the home/end block of keys have stopped working.  just wondering what kind of behaviour this is?01:48
pavlosron____, so give yourself a with gateway, mask and see it you can ping the gateway01:49
effectnetoh well doh, i restarted the program and the keys are working again01:49
effectnetstill vaguely curious, but oh well01:49
ash_workzOerHeks: that doesn't show those misc pkgs on the software center01:49
k1l_ash_workz: those pacakges are snap packages and not apt packages01:50
ash_workzk1l_: which ones are snap?01:51
OerHeksk1l_, that could explain it indeed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pgpool201:51
ron____pavlos: So this is where I got with manual connection. This connects me, BUT when I try to ping I get Destination Host Unreachable01:51
k1l_the ones you talk about all the time01:51
pavlosron____, output of route -n01:52
OerHeksash_workz, you are on zesty 17.04 ?01:52
ash_workzOerHeks: xenial01:52
ash_workzis the naming gonna restart from 'A' on 18.x release?01:53
ron____pavlos: 2 lines: Under destination and; Gateway,,; Genmask,,; Flags, UG,U; Metric,0,1; Ref, 0,0; Use, 0,0; Iface, eth0, eth001:53
ash_workzI wonder why they skipped some letters01:53
pavlosron____, that's correct01:54
ron____pavlos: woo! Now I just need to figure out why Destination Host is Unreachable. So was that a DHCP problem?01:54
pavlosron____, can you mod /etc/resolv.conf and add as nameserver the gateway,
ron____pavlos: should I still have
pavlosron____, either add a second line, nameserver or comment the first. Changes on /etc/resolv.conf are immediate01:56
ron____pavlos: I made the change but the destination host stil unreachable01:58
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eck1hi problem with mintlinux01:59
Bashing-ompavlos: ron____ LAN , such that your house router connects to the apartment router for intrface to the internet ?01:59
pavlosron____, lets try sudo ifdown -a && sudo ifup -a01:59
ash_workzis it bad to install a snap package?01:59
cfhowlett!mint | eck1,01:59
ubottueck1,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:59
ron____Bashing-om: yes. I believe so. It connects to a wall socket. pavlos is that the right ifdown command? I get ifdown: Use --help for help02:00
k1l_ash_workz: with you having that much trouble already. why dont you stick to apt and the ubuntu repo packages?02:00
eck1ubottu: thanks02:01
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:01
pavlosron____, you should have the ifdown command ... so there is another router that eventually gets you out to the net?02:01
ash_workzk1l_: yeah02:02
pavlosron____, ifdown -a implies all interfaces02:02
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ron____pavlos: OOops typo here. I ran it but still dest host unreachable. And I assume it's a modem that I'm connecting to, but I can't say for sure02:04
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pavlosron____, Bashing-om help me undestand ... there is an apartment router that provides IP's to each apt. Your router gets a, then serves IP's to all systems in your apt.02:05
pavlosron____, Bashing-om via DHCP, say
Bashing-ompavlos: Uh Huh . so I am beginning to think .. we have a LAN here .02:06
ron____pavlos: My router is hooked up through a wall outlet. It provides internet to my apartment. Everything else works fine on it. Like my mac is
fishcookeris there any iostat for cpu and memory usage?02:07
pavlosron____, Bashing-om since the mac got 103, that means other devides got 100,101,102  but yout 14,04 does not get an IP02:08
pavlosron____, devices02:08
pavlosron____, we're back to square 102:08
FuZi0NIs there any way to install Ubuntu using a windows installer without booting from usb or disc?02:09
cfhowlettFuZi0N, windows installer?  if you are referring to wubi, don't.  dead, unsupported, cursed and WILL break things02:09
OerHeksFuZi0N, there is wubi, depreciated.. and will not work for windows10. choose virtualbox then02:10
pavlosron____, if you were to boot off a live CD/USB, would Try ubuntu work and get an IP? if so, your existing configuration is messed up02:10
ron____pavlos: I just checked fing for devices on my network. does not show up. Additionally, this is a clean install :/02:11
ron____pavlos: I downloaded the amd64 version because I'm on amd02:12
pavlosron____, if you log on to your router ( you can see the range of IP's DHCP offers02:12
santoshWhere can I have social talks?02:12
pavlosron____, amd is 64bit, x86_6402:12
Bashing-om!alis | santosh02:13
ubottusantosh: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"02:13
FuZi0Nok thanks02:13
ron_____pavlos: sorry, what was that?02:13
santoshIsn't there a non technical channel for Ubuntu?02:13
FuZi0Ni have a dedicated server but don't have access to reload OS02:13
cfhowlett!ot | santosh,02:14
ubottusantosh,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:14
FuZi0Ni guess i'll need to open a ticket and have them do it manually02:14
pavlosron____, regarding amd, it says the system uses 64 bits where the i386 uses 32bits02:14
pavlosron____, uname -a02:14
pavlosron____, Linux linux 4.4.0-62-generic #83~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 18:10:30 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:15
mystictotwhere to find kernel public key and private key in distro kernel?02:17
pavlosBashing-om, running out of ideas ... we checked /etc/hosts,/etc/hostname,/etc/resolv.conf,managed=false02:18
r0gerth4tpavlos hey whats your issue? i just got here02:18
r0gerth4tpavlos but it sounds like it might be similar to why i came in02:19
pavlosr0gerth4t, ron_____ cannot set his wired interface on 14.0402:19
r0gerth4tokay never mind then02:19
jdmlets get cracked out on vyvanse 60mg02:19
cfhowlettjdm, this is ubuntu support.  stay on topic please.02:20
r0gerth4tof all things, i actually can no longer access chat.freenode.net from my ubuntu, it says it cant resolve it. but nslookup sees various IPs, there is nothing overriding it in /etc/hosts, etc. where else would i look? unless ive somehow been actually blocked or something02:20
jdmlets get cracked out on vyvanse and provide free ubuntu support for two days without blinking and only breathing through our mouths02:20
bazhangjdm stop that now02:20
jdmalright fine, ill venture "outside" (where ever that is, sounds dangerous) and socialize02:21
mystictoti can't find public and private keys in /usr/src/linux-headers-4.2.0-27-generic/02:21
OerHeksmystictot, the public key is stored in your keyring, type 'keys' in dash and tool shows up. private keys are in the hands of development.02:21
cfhowlettscriptso__, stop please.02:24
ron_____yup, no such luck with my internet02:24
cfhowletttopic is ubuntu support.02:24
Bashing-ompavlos: Look'n like to me a config issue . we not getting a IP from the router . That the router knows about . We have to set a gateway somehow -  with NM I expected it to be automagic .02:24
ron_____pavlos: Bashing-om, I should be running amd64 correct? I have a 64 bit processor02:26
pavlosron_____, correct02:26
Bashing-omron_____: You have the correct install . Presently we are stuck on why there is no default gateway to your house router .02:27
pavlosBashing-om, yes but the router does not offer a dhcp02:27
ron_____pavlos: good. That's what i have. Just making sure02:27
Bashing-ompavlos: Well, the router is giving out IP's as other boxes on the in-house network work . We just not looking in the right place .02:28
pavlosBashing-om, even with a static ip, we have no path to router02:28
Bashing-ompavlos: ron_____ Bad cable to the router ?02:29
pavlosBashing-om, that would be wild !!02:29
ron_____Bashing-om: Cable works fine for every other device.02:29
ron_____pavlos: Bashing-om: I'm going to boot up into a fresh install on a flash drive. I don't do UEFI right?02:30
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pavlosron_____, just boot of a live usb and try ubuntu (runs from memory), do not install02:31
pavlosron_____, off *02:32
ubuntu-matehello everyone, just trying Ubuntu Mate from a USB drive, wondering if i can install it on this USB drive permanently02:32
cfhowlettubuntu-mate, you can02:32
cfhowlettas with any ubuntu02:32
Bashing-omron_____: K; as to booting UEFI will not matter .. not related to networking how you boot up . in the liveUSB will be interested in seeing '  ip route list " ( 3 lines ) .02:33
ron_____pavlos: Bashing-om alright. I'm in a fresh copy02:33
ubuntu-mateThat's nice, but i dont know how :), could you help me pls?02:33
ron_____Bashing-om: pavlos ip route list has nothing02:33
pavlosron_____, so you are on Try Ubuntu and ifconfig does not give you an ip?02:34
cfhowlettubuntu-mate, one way: /msg ubottu persistence02:35
MarcoPanyone happen to know why graphical front ends to sudo like gksu don't see to work well with bleachbit02:35
ron_____pavlos: Bashing-om, Same issues. No ip address02:36
jasnahello, I am having issues with connecting to the wifi/internet after my laptop goes out of suspend mode02:36
MarcoPseems like something gets altered somewhere cause the bleachbit settings get changed..02:36
guest-efwso231337 h4x0r02:36
jasnaHow do I get the internet/wifi reconnected after it goes out of suspend mode?02:36
jasnaI think it may be a driver issue...02:36
cfhowlettguest-efwso2, topic here is ubuntu support.  ask your questions or provide meaningful answers.  jibberjabber in #ubuntu-offtopic02:37
Bashing-omron_____: You are presently booting a liveUSB in "try ubuntu" mode - and no networking available here also ?02:37
ron_____Bashing-om: yes. That is correct02:38
pavlosron_____, can you log on to your router and see the range the router offers (eg. is it possible the router offers 3 IP's and you maxed out?02:39
ubuntu-mateIm also booting now from a liveUSB in try ubuntu mode and everything works perfectly02:39
pavlosron_____, how many devices connect to your router?02:39
ron_____pavlos: mmmm under 10 I believe02:41
pavlosron_____, and I assume the range is from 100-110 where the mac got the 10302:41
turistahello every1, how can I make that the apt-get update only look for english stuff and no other languages?¿02:42
jasnahello, I am having issues with connecting to the wifi/internet after my laptop goes out of suspend mode. Here us my lspci http://pastebin.com/pQCvjWAB02:42
ron_____I don't know how to check that. By going to my router's ip address, I get a login page for my apartment complex02:42
OerHeksturista, basicly not.02:43
turistabut I saw it in a magazine, just they are not very good explainning02:44
Bashing-omron_____: pavlos Oh Mercy .. now I am really confused as to what we have to work with :(02:45
pavlosron_____, if the try ubuntu does not get an ip, something fishy with the router02:45
ron_____Bashing-om: pavlos, you guys can ignore the login page though, I can get that working. I'm just trying to get my instance to ping the router02:45
pavlosron_____, the try ubuntu uses NetworkManager and DHCP, it works out of the box02:47
pavlosron_____, you said, it did not so I dont know what else to suggest02:47
ron_____pavlos: I jut disconnected my router from internet and connected my pc directly to the wall socket02:49
pavlosron_____, reboot pc or restart network02:51
pavlosron_____, do you get an ip?02:51
Bashing-omGetting close to release ! " Builds: Ubuntu Server s390x [Xenial 16.04.2] (20170216.1) has been added ; server amd64, i386, ppc64el look good " .02:52
ron_____pavlos: Just tried. I've got nothing :/02:53
pavlosron_____, I have to leave at 8pm (in 7 min). I hope someone else can chime in02:54
ubuntu-mateanyone here Using a Chromebook Pixel 2013?02:55
ron_____pavlos: I greatly appreciate your help02:56
OerHeksubuntu-mate, if you open it, losing waranty, you should be able to run ubuntu on it  http://fossforce.com/2016/08/1596877/02:57
turistaI can not install apt-fast dunno why -__-02:58
OerHeks!info apt-fast02:58
ubottuPackage apt-fast does not exist in yakkety02:58
turistaafter using sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable did work fine02:58
turistathen I did use apt-get update then I did try to install but just fail02:59
OerHeksturista, look at the ppa page, does it have a package for your ubuntu version? https://launchpad.net/~apt-fast/+archive/ubuntu/stable03:00
* turista kickes the magazine03:02
explodesI just upgraded my RAM a couple weeks ago. Whenever I open up some IDEs, my chrome tabs *crash* and then keep crashing. I feel like I have some bad bits in my RAM or something.03:07
explodesWhat is a good tool for checking the RAM?03:07
wedgieexplodes: memtest. Should be one of the options in grub when you boot up03:07
explodesAh, grub doesn't show by default, what do I press?03:07
OerHekshold shift @ boot03:08
explodesok awesome. thanks03:08
explodesETA for 16GB?03:08
explodesall night?03:08
wedgieexplodes: once I had a situation where I upgraded ram and had problems like what you describe. Turns out i needed to update my bios03:08
explodesoh neat03:09
wedgie16GB will take quite a while, yes03:09
OerHeksdo 2 runs, that would give some result03:09
sdasdaHi guys .... fedora/mint/ubuntu for start ?03:09
silv3r_m00nhi there03:09
silv3r_m00ni have installed kubuntu 16.10 but when i start the system, it drops to a terminal asking for login, instead of showing the login welcome screen03:10
silv3r_m00nhow do i diagnose the problem03:10
OerHekssdasda, you were told to poll in ##linux, we say use ubuntu03:10
cfhowlettsdasda, we would have no way of knowing what is best for you, would we?  but ... since you asked the ubuntu support channel ... download ubuntu, make a bootable USB, boot the USB and perform your own testing so you can decide for yourelf?03:10
wedgiesdasda: going to ask that in every distros channel? YOu realize that each channel will recommend that distro, right?03:10
ron_____Anyone want to take a crack at this super weird connection issue?03:11
Bashing-omron_____: Still on this . We stil have to find out the why there is no DHCP . With the box connected to the house router, and that to the apt router, what returns ' arp -a ' ?03:11
ron_____Bashing-om: nothing returns from that. What should that do?03:12
sdasdawedgie: sorry my english is very bad, so ...03:12
sdasdaok guys so ubuntu but KDE UNIT or GNOME ? :D03:13
OerHekssdasda, try them all, and use the one you like03:13
Bashing-omron_____: "sysop@x1604:~$ arp -a >> dlinkrouter ( at 6c:19:8f:eb:ca:1b [ether] on enp1s903:13
PhotonRandom question, is there a license I can use that basically means my code cannot be used/redistributed in any way unless I give permission? USA03:13
cfhowlettsdasda, stop.  please.  install ubuntu. AFTER you install, come back and we'll tell you how to test the other desktop environments03:13
wedgiePhoton: that's the default. All rights reserved.03:13
Photon"it no longer has any legal effect in any jurisdiction."03:14
wedgiea license *is* that permission03:14
explodesHmmm "hardinfo" doesn't appear to show my motherboard type, where can I find that03:14
turistasudo nmap -sP
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ron_____Bashing-om: What is that that you want me to do?03:14
wedgiePhoton: of course, if this is for something important you may be better off talking to a lawyer, not strangers on the internet :)03:15
PhotonYeah =P03:15
OerHeksturista, correct would be: sudo nmap -sP
PhotonAnother issue. IntelliJ IDEA suddenly doesn't work from the menu03:17
turistabut in the magazine did show different, that ppl is bad at teaching p.q03:17
turistabtw do you have the linux bible?¿ I can't find it browsing these torrent files03:17
wedgieturista: both notations are acceptable03:18
explodesholding shift didn't work03:19
OerHeksturista, https://help.ubuntu.com/ in html or pdf03:19
OerHeksexplodes, should work, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:20
wedgieexplodes: worst case the usb or cd you installed from will have it as an option as well (and many other distros include it too)03:20
turistaI rather to have that help in pdf :-P03:21
ron_____Bashing-om: I just ran dhclient -v eth0 and it keeps showing DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval (n) (xid=0x7b268451)03:25
ron_____where n is a number03:25
Bashing-omron_____: I am continueing to beat my brains up to come up with the means to know what the router is broadcasting . So we come up with the correct OP to adrress your router . My last was in response to "nothing returns from that. What should that do?" showing on a good connection what it "should do" .03:30
ron_____Bashing-om: I'm sorry. I was confused on what you were appending to dlinkrouter03:32
jasnahello, I am having issues with connecting to the wifi/internet after my laptop goes out of suspend mode. Here us my lspci http://pastebin.com/pQCvjWAB03:32
Bashing-omron_____: Oh it can get confussing :) Still, I have to winder if you have set in your router to hand out IPs ? On my router ( el cheapo ) I have . But I am going from the router into a High speed modem for my ISP .03:34
ron_____Bashing-om: I've got an apple airport03:36
UHckhey do you now where I can go to volunteer as a developer for ubuntu]03:36
Bashing-omron_____: All we know presently is that there is no IP to link to the router ! ( and linking the house router to the apt router may be another challenge ) .03:36
silv3r_m00nhi there, when i start my ubuntu system, it drops to a login terminal instead of bringing up the gui screen, here is what the systemlog shows, http://pastebin.com/Cw0gvNVS03:36
silv3r_m00nany idea whats going wrong ?03:37
Bashing-om!contribute | UHck03:37
ubottuUHck: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu03:37
UHckOh I may not have been specific enough byt I meant like I want to know what are other developers working on right now so I can help out I want to be MOTU03:38
cfhowlettUHck, #ubuntu-devel       ask03:38
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sponixWhere does Unity store the Launcher information ?03:49
sirensariIs chmod technically a file operation?03:55
sirensariOr is "file operation" a special type of command03:55
coffeeguyhi how do you install themes in ubuntu?03:57
coffeeguy!ubtto themes03:57
coffeeguy!ubottu themes03:58
cfhowlettcoffeeguy, that would be /msg ubottu themes03:58
ron____update on my issue! I tried using an entirely new router and no such luck. Still broken internet. So that rules out router and etheernet cable issues04:03
ron____Also. Just so you know, I had this issue when using 1604, too.04:04
cfhowlettron____, 2 different machines?04:04
ron____cfhowlett: same machine. 2 different routers, cords, versions of Ubuntu. Maybe it has to do with my mobo?04:05
cfhowlettron____, doubtful, I'd say.  boot a live USB and test your access04:06
coffeeguyty cfhowlett04:06
ron____cfhowlett: I just did that with no such luck unfortunately04:06
cfhowlettron____, could it be an ISP issue?04:06
turistait seems like a networking trouble :-P04:06
turistaif u have internet directly from the modem04:07
ron____Nah. I'm running fine on the same network here and the same with my Windows boot on the same machine. It's only Ubuntu to from my router04:07
turistathen u didn't set the bridge between the two routers04:07
ron____turista: I don't have access to the modem.04:07
turistawich network parameters do u have from the subnet04:08
turistaor try a nslookup04:08
turistaif you think ubuntu is the trouble, u should check the tabs where the config of the network is04:10
turistau may have a static address there :-P04:10
adonarosanyone by any chance have the twitter sql dump and would be willing to share? thanks.04:12
ron____Bashing-om: Holy *insert explitive* it works.04:13
ron____Bashing-om: Gigabyte 990fxa ud3 mobo was screwing everything up. There is a setting IOMMU in bios to turn on that fixes everything04:13
ron____Thank you guys so much for all the help the past few days. I definitely learned a bit about linux04:14
lolindiasuckshow do you stop a nigger from drowning?04:38
bobafettissues with vpn connection and ip changing. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235250104:40
CrazyTuxhello, I have read online that Lubuntu is one of the lightweight, faster and least resource hungry distros available. My question is if I have a distro like Ubuntu or Xubuntu installed on my laptop and then install Lubuntu Desktop over it, can I get the same performance?04:41
slicktuxCrazyTux: that does not make sense? install Lubuntu over it? as it overwrite it? or Overlay over the current installs; that is essentially 'upgrading' to lubuntu?04:43
Bashing-omCrazyTux: To add to your delimma : If performance is the prime consideration . then learn what a core install is .04:43
slicktuxor go with Gentoo and run Openbox. . .04:44
CrazyTuxI am new to linux. I have Xubuntu 16.10 installed on my laptop. Over it I have installed Lubuntu Desktop, LXDE, Mate Desktop and Gnome also.04:45
CrazyTuxI will stick to Ubuntu and its derivatives.04:45
bobafettany idea why i can connect to my vpn through network manager but the IP isnt changing?04:46
CrazyTuxAt login I am presented with options like Lubuntu, Lxde, Gnome, Mate etc.04:46
CrazyTuxI can switch between those.04:46
CrazyTuxIf I chose Lubuntu Desktop, does it give the same performance as when Lubuntu OS is installed? that actually was my doubt.04:47
slicktuxCrazyTux: that I do not know: I am sure that all of Xubuntu's services and packages will be loaded during init; so with regards to performance; if Lubuntu uses a differing, lighter DE, then yes you should get slightly better perf, it all depends. should not be too noticible in newer systems.04:51
CrazyTuxslicktux, thanks a lot.04:52
slicktuxYer Welc;04:52
tatertotsbobafett: changing from what?...since it's usually a completely different adapter...are you sure you're not looking at the wlan/lan adapter and expecting to see something change...that's what it sounds like to me...you're looking at your 192.x.x.x and expecting it to change when you connect to vpn...04:52
explodesomg what is this red error symbol on my gparted entry for bios_grub: https://imgur.com/a/Pp4G104:52
slicktuxexplodes: IDK but it might explode!04:53
slicktuxexplodes: maybe something wrong with fstab04:53
slicktuxit is missing a filessystem that's fer sure.04:54
CrazyTuxI am using Linux as the only OS on my laptop. I want to create a bootable usb drive of Windows 10 for my friend. I don't have access to any Windows system now. Is there any tool or application available for Ubuntu to create it?04:54
slicktuxmight have to mkfs.* and reinstall kernel images.04:54
CrazyTuxslicktux, dd?04:55
slicktuxCrazyTux: liveuSB or just the ISO to install?.04:55
slicktuxexplodes: yes mkfs.*04:55
slicktuxor what ever .deb uses for automation.04:55
explodesDamn. Here is my /etc/fstab, it looks ok 2 me tho http://ix.io/6L704:56
slicktuxCrazyTux: if you have the .iso than you can dd if=path/to/.iso of=/dev/USB** bs=51204:56
explodesMy blkid: http://ix.io/6ZJ04:56
slicktuxCrazyTux: dd is a could be a dangerouse command so be carefull!04:57
slicktuxommit is a. . .lol04:57
CrazyTuxwhy dangerous?04:57
CrazyTuxand what is bs=512 in that command?04:58
slicktuxCrazyTux: because if you dd to say yer hdd or hdd partition than you will overwrite it with whatebever yer dd'ing and loose data04:58
slicktuxCrazyTux: dd --help04:58
slicktuxdd man page04:58
slicktuxRTFM my spoon broke04:58
CrazyTuxI'll use the live usb application.04:59
explodesI'm running gpart on /dev/sda04:59
CrazyTuxthanks for that info.05:00
explodesgpart didn't do squat05:00
slicktuxexplodes: lol05:00
slicktuxexplodes: are you trying to make a new partition when you already have it but it is only missing the filesystem?05:00
slicktuxexplodes: also, was yer system able to boot with that 'error' or was that snap from a live environment?05:01
explodesI have no idea what I'm doing .05:03
explodesIt boots, yes05:03
explodesThat was live - when I boot, i cannot open Grub with "shift" or by commenting out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=005:03
explodesI figure these are related05:04
explodes/dev/sda2 is flagged with bios_grub05:04
Bashing-omexplodes: sda1 fat32 implies this is a EFI machine . Then it is the escape key that grub looks for .05:05
explodesthank you05:05
Bashing-omexplodes: spam the escape key . only a 3 second window of opportunity.05:06
explodesnice that did it05:08
explodesthank you05:08
Bashing-omexplodes: :)05:08
explodeswhile this memtest is running for the next 500 years, every time I boot, i get a temporary black screen that says [/dev/sda4 clean: 234892798234/29384729878 something something05:08
explodeswhat does that even mean?05:09
silv3r_m00nhi there05:09
explodesohey sxy ldy05:09
Bashing-omexplodes: systemd just telling you all is fine .05:09
explodesok cool05:10
russkiTrying to figure out why only one speaker works in Ubun 16.10 on laptop, dual boot with windows 10 where all speakers fine in windows. Tried everything, any suggestions?05:43
tambuSorry guys, this seems like it should be simple but how do I change the unicorn port from 8080 it's in use. I tried changing gitlab.rb unicorn['port'] = 8081 and restart/reconfigure no luck.05:45
tamburofl it's commented isn't it sigh05:46
=== mxyzptlk is now known as mxyzplx
lord-ragnarockSo I'm installing 12.04 PowerPC via the Alternate ISO, and my 22 year old Macintosh is pooping out at some point after the base intsall and sometime before X and GNOME can be fully installed. I'm tempted to leave the installation be after the base install and install X myself.06:09
lord-ragnarockAlong with XFCE as well. Is that any difficult to do from a base install? :)06:10
lord-ragnarockI know it's 'apt-get install xfce ... ... ...', but I'm wondering how much I'll have to set up manually :P06:12
Bashing-omlord-ragnarock: Do not know Macs, but a minimal install: ' sudo apt install xorg ; sudo apt intstall xfce4/ pne boots to terminal and in terminal ' startxfce4 ' to start the GUI.06:21
Bashing-omlord-ragnarock: That be sudo apt install xfce4 . one boots to terminal ......06:22
lord-ragnarockThought so :)06:23
lord-ragnarockIt's been years since I've messed with Ubuntu (normal Arch user) Does installing something like lightdm or SLiM automatically set the program up to be run after booting?06:24
lord-ragnarockFrom my last old Mac I remember that's what it did. But at the same time my memory's crap hahaha06:25
Bashing-omlord-ragnarock: Honestly, on a single user system a login manager is useless overhead .06:25
CrazyTuxhello, I have installed Gnome Desktop on my existing Xubuntu 16.10. At login I get options Gnome, Gnome Classic and Gnome on wayland. What are these and what is the difference between these?06:44
drjamwhen i see wayland i think of the game Android Netrunner06:45
drjambut no help sorry06:45
hateballCrazyTux: Wayland is the new display server, instead of X.org06:45
hateballor Mir06:45
hateballand gnome classic is a bunch of extensions to make gnome3 look like gnome2 afaik06:46
CrazyTuxand I am trying to update the OS now. I am on Gnome now. But, not able to update.06:47
CrazyTuxNow I'm able to.06:48
CrazyTuxDoes Gnome 2 look like Mate?06:51
CrazyTuxor let me try it myself.06:52
GreySunshineCrazyTux: Pretty much yes.06:52
tatertotsgood idea06:52
lotuspsychjeCrazyTux: perhaps the #ubuntu-gnome channel might also be interseting for you?06:52
CrazyTuxI'll be back in a minute.06:53
CrazyTuxthanks a lot, guys.06:53
tatertotssomebody in #ubuntu-gnome must have made you upset06:54
isdesif i want to connect my note 5 to the linux im on an send it a adb file how to i do that ?>06:54
B105PH3REmaybe somebody can help me with my issue, samba only giving me like 6-9 MB/s while everything else is like 50-60mb/s any ideas?06:56
B105PH3REtweaks perhaps06:57
tatertotsclient or servre06:57
CrazyTuxyes. Gnome classic resembles somewhat to Mate.06:57
tatertotsserver is ubuntu?06:58
tatertotswhat os are clients?06:58
B105PH3RE12.04 i believe let me check again06:58
CrazyTuxI am curious, why so many DEs in Linux/Ubuntu?06:58
B105PH3REare clients, windows, mac, varios others06:58
CrazyTuxIs it just the appearance or something more that changes when a DE is changed.06:58
B105PH3REall connections on transfer are slow06:59
tatertotsare any of the clients linux ?06:59
tatertotsare those linux clients configured to mount the share at boot via fstab?07:00
tatertotscheck which version is being used07:01
tatertotssmb version07:01
B105PH3REone sec let me check07:02
tatertotssounds like 1.007:02
B105PH3REubuntu 12.04 server with smb 3.6.2507:03
B105PH3REall shares are affected07:03
B105PH3REregardless of drive location and such07:03
B105PH3REits the only service that is slow sftp http everything else is good xrdp also is good just not samba file transfers on gigabit netowkr07:03
tatertotsdo you have access to one of the linux clients right now?07:06
tatertotsnever heard of 3.6....3.0 is the highest....so we are talking about two different things most likely...you'll need to access one of the linux client now and let me show you how to find the smb version i'm talking about07:08
tatertotsthere is no 3.6 that i'm aware of07:08
tatertotsthere's 1.0 2.0 2.1 and 3.0 that's it07:08
B105PH3REsamba version it says i have based smbd --version is 3.6.2507:09
tatertotsyou might be talking about the version of the samba package07:09
tatertotsyeah you are talking about the version of the samba package......that's not what i'm talking about07:09
B105PH3REwhich version you want of the deb file that was used?07:10
tatertotsno....it's a little more complicated than that07:10
B105PH3REso spill the beans then where do I check for the version your talking about?07:10
gonzzorThe ubuntu cloud image recently changed so that the ubuntu user is no longer created. Where can I find any release notes related to this, or information about the construction of this image?07:11
tatertotsi'll ask you one again07:11
tatertotsdo you have access to one of the linux clients right now?07:11
B105PH3REi'm on my linux client yes07:11
B105PH3REi don't use wincrap07:11
B105PH3RE7 machines one is windows the wifes07:12
tatertotsdo you have the samba share mounted right now? yes or no07:12
B105PH3REits mounted07:12
tatertotstype mount07:12
tatertotsin terminal07:12
tatertotsfind the line of your smb share07:12
B105PH3REi know you want my current fstab07:12
B105PH3REone sec07:12
tatertotsdon't need the fstab...i just know it consistently reveals what i'm talking about to make a demonstration for you more easily07:13
B105PH3REsorry its not mounted07:13
tatertotsbut having it mounted should suffice also07:13
tatertotsdid you type mount and find the line for your smb/samba share?07:14
B105PH3REits not mounted07:14
anddamI'd like to check the health of a couple HDD, I installed smartmontools and played with smartctl  from the docs07:16
anddamproblem is I don't really know how to use the tools, I have a couple attributes from the short test that are pre-failure07:16
tatertotsit's frowned up on around here to tell people to google something or read up on something but .........research SMB Protocol versions.....then you will know what i'm talking about...and also  that 3.0 is the highest version07:17
anddamI don't know if it's critical or what  else, I looked for a tutorial and for "smartmontools for dummies" with no luck07:17
tatertotsso off to google you go07:17
hateballanddam: smartctl -a /dev/sdWhatever, pastebin results here07:17
B105PH3REso you want me to get the protocol versiont that samba is using?07:18
anddamhateball: https://gist.github.com/anddam/7c3c85385b6f7e2a4569ee7204cdbb4507:18
tatertotsif i had to bet money...i'd bet you're using 1.0 from the sound of your testimony07:18
B105PH3REok so how can I change it ugrade it on ubuntu 12.0407:19
tatertotsbut it's your computer...and you are the admin of it not me07:19
anddamhateball: as you can see attributes 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 are pre-fail, but I'm not really sure how to interpret that07:19
anddamhateball: I do understand the individual meaning of the attributes, namely 1, 5 and 7 are the most worrisome to me07:20
workgoogle chrome dont install on Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)?07:20
tatertotsyou can't even mount it...what on earth makes you think you're going to upgrade something07:21
ducasse!zesty | work07:21
ubottuwork: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) will be the 26th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in April 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+107:21
B105PH3REI can mount it but I don't usually mount it to access07:21
B105PH3REdon't be arrogant now07:21
B105PH3REif thats even problem07:21
tatertotsif you had done your home work on SMB protocol versions like i suggested you would know what i speak of is fact...word is bond07:22
B105PH3REyou never suggested you just started asking questions... if you thought it was the protocol would have been nice if you said so...07:23
B105PH3REbut thanx for the help anynow07:23
tatertotsyou would also know that i was completely and %100 accurate when i said there is only 1.0 2.0 2.1 and 3.007:23
tatertotsbut i gotta stop even talking to you before you get me in trouble...i already got enough haters around here07:24
B105PH3REi'm not a hater and I don't hate you I just thought you were asking for my samba version not the protocol version miscommunication in here is common07:25
B105PH3REi've been using linux for over 15+ years but not all aspects I have been in depth with07:26
anddamany advice on how to make sense of smartmontools' output?07:31
hateballanddam: to make things more fun, some manufacturers use their own values for stuff07:33
hateballanddam: so you'd kinda need to google the model of drive + Raw_Read_Error_Rate, for instance07:33
hateballanddam: like manufacturer X would use 1 as the value for 1 error/reallocation, but that's not certain for all...07:34
anddamhateball: that's just the best07:35
hateballanddam: I googled this http://sgros.blogspot.se/2013/01/seagate-disk-smart-values.html07:36
anddamhateball: assuming the meaning is the one reported by smartmontools, how should I read those 5 pre-fails?07:36
hateballanddam: Yes it's awesome and great fun, why would anyone use the same standards :D07:36
anddamis there a "better" manufacturer to look for in future?07:36
anddamsomeone who adopts an actual standard?07:36
anddambtw I updated the gist with the second drive I'm looking to check07:37
hateballanddam: I doubt there is. Everything sucks! Also I really only flashdrives these days. But ##hardware would perhaps know more07:37
B105PH3REtatertots: btw my version is 1.007:37
anddamhateball: thanks. incidentally the 4TB drive is a Seagate so that url will be useful07:38
lord-ragnarockIs there a way to change the installation source in the alternate install?07:39
tatertotsB105PH3RE: i figured it was07:39
hateballanddam: the WD drive is pretty obvious it is failing at least07:40
lord-ragnarockFor context: In my PPC version I have to boot from just a kernel and ramdisk via a Mac application called "BootX", from which it looks for a CD after I select my keyboard layout :P07:40
hateballanddam: personally I replace drives after even 1 error. Some say you can be lucky and it keeps working properly... but I rather not take chances07:40
anddamhateball: by "1 error" you mean one failing attribute?07:45
B105PH3REtatertots: so my version of samba supports 2.02 protocol version maximum so now I need to just upgrade it07:45
hateballanddam: at least for read/writes07:45
anddambtw I see Disks program in Unity has "SMART Data & self-tests" entry but for my USB device it's greyed out, while it's working for the SATA device07:46
anddamis Disks not relying on smartmontools?07:46
anddamI ask because smartmontools can read the external box SMART into since it supports its chipset07:47
anddamhateball: to make matter more confusing the "Error log" section of the WD says "No errors logged", but the "Self-test log" has two short tests completed "with read errors"07:51
anddamway to be confusing???07:51
B105PH3REtatertots: would it help if I used client min protocol coreplus or any other option07:52
B105PH3REtatertots: your mount trick doesn't work when I force smb2 protocol I can't mount it.. it will only mount with protocol 1 enabled using the mount07:55
=== puff` is now known as puff
cfoch-alwayswhere should I locate my websites in Ubuntu using apache?08:02
cfoch-always/var/www ?08:02
cfoch-alwaysor should I enable userdir on put it on public_html?08:02
tatertotsB105PH3RE: the server is ubuntu correct?08:03
Dynetrekkhi, apt upgrade hangs on downloading packages (16.04). hitting Ctrl-C and re-running makes it progress again, but this has to be repeated often. what's the issue? it's been like this since 16.04 was released AFAIK08:03
B105PH3REI was able to force the smb2 protocol but I can't mount the share but I am going to try a transfer right now with smb2 forces08:03
tatertotsB105PH3RE: then you are fully capable of something > 1.008:03
tatertotsB105PH3RE: you will need to make sure you smb.conf reflect that08:04
B105PH3REi believe whats happening is that the client is using he bottom of the barrel by default so I am trying to fix that right now08:04
B105PH3REworking on it now08:04
Ben66Dynetrekk: try a different mirror08:04
DynetrekkBen66: /etc/where?08:04
Ben66you can choose one from the software sources thingy08:05
Ben66Dynetrekk: check first answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/53084/how-do-i-change-which-mirror-i-get-updates-and-software-from08:06
DynetrekkBen66: great08:06
tatertotsB105PH3RE: there is a form of "negotiation" that occurs.....and sometimes you end up with 1.0 as a result, unless you architect things in a > 1.0 manner08:06
B105PH3REi can't access the share when I force smb2 should I use COREPLUS or LANMAN08:07
cfoch-alwaysI think you didn't read my message08:07
B105PH3REcan i force smb1.2 or something didn't see thay anywhere08:07
cfoch-alwaysshould I use a userdir $HOME/public_html or put my files in /var/www ?08:07
koen_i am not able to ssh from ubuntu to fedora08:07
tatertotsB105PH3RE: did you already try lanman08:08
B105PH3REcfoch-always: are you gonna have lots of users?08:08
lotuspsychjekoen_: perhaps try the #openssh channel?08:08
B105PH3REno only core coreplus and smb208:08
B105PH3REcan't use smb2 to access the share08:08
koen_could someone help me out .gettingssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host08:08
Dynetrekkkoen_: that IP address does not have a server on the other end08:09
B105PH3REkoen_: can you ping that ip and is the ssh server running on that port or a different port?08:09
tatertotsB105PH3RE: you'll need to fix your smb.conf......my ubuntu server auto negotiates 2.108:09
cfoch-alwaysB105PH3RE: yes08:10
B105PH3REtatertots: what exactly only thing it did was min and max protocol08:10
koen_Dynetrekk: why do we need sshd there.sshd is needed only in the machine where we try to ssh from right?08:10
B105PH3REkoen_: is this a new config or you just having this issue on one system or no systems can remote it?08:11
Dynetrekkkoen_: ping that IP first, see if the machine even exists08:11
koen_B105PH3RE: i tried for 2 systems.so i guess its nt allowing for multiple systems too08:11
Dynetrekkkoen_: then try ssh -v $myip08:11
B105PH3REkoen_: can you ssh localhost on the that system?08:11
koen_im nt able to ping getting host unreachable08:11
tatertotsB105PH3RE: how are you mounting your shares?08:12
B105PH3REkoen_: you cannot ping08:12
Dynetrekkkoen_: then you won't be able to SSH or anything else on that machine08:12
koen_B105PH3RE: i am able to ssh in localhost08:12
B105PH3REtatertots: it won't let me with smb208:12
cfoch-alwaysB105PH3RE: so should I use userdir?08:12
tatertotsB105PH3RE: or how HAD you been mounting them @ 1.008:12
B105PH3REkoen_: you are on that computer
B105PH3REtatertots: with mount command with -t cifs08:12
koen_B105PH3RE: no on
tatertotsB105PH3RE: don't use that08:13
B105PH3REtatertots: can't access the file share over file manager08:13
koen_B105PH3RE: trying to connect it to
B105PH3REkoen_: and you cannot ping then you have a communication problem08:13
tatertotsB105PH3RE: mount.cifs08:13
tatertotsB105PH3RE: mount.cifs    NOT mount -t cifs08:14
B105PH3REthe other way I usuall access it isn't mounting i'm using thunar file manager to access the share vis smb://
B105PH3REi never mount the share08:15
B105PH3REthunar file manager I guess mounts it for me08:15
tatertotsB105PH3RE: take control of things or you will be stuck with 1.008:16
B105PH3REwindows users can access share either with smb208:16
tatertotsB105PH3RE: can or can't.....the inclusion of the term "either" is kinda throwing me for a loop08:17
tatertotsB105PH3RE: you meant "can't" right?....because that doesn't sound anywhere near grammatically correct when you later include the term/phrase "either'08:18
B105PH3REI cannot access the shares when I use smb2 protocl08:19
lotuspsychjeisdes: just readed this article, can it help? https://www.maketecheasier.com/back-up-android-data-adb-ubuntu/08:19
B105PH3REkoen_: that machine ip address appears to wrong or that computer doesn't have a proper connection08:19
B105PH3REkoen_: your network settings might be wrong on that computer since you cannot ping
B105PH3REkoen_: you don't have a firewall do you? or either ip computers?08:20
koen_B105PH3RE: no i dont have firewall set08:20
cfoch-alwayswhat is the difference between $HOME/public_html and /var/www ?08:23
B105PH3REfigure out why you can't ping then you should be able to ssh08:23
Ben66cfoch-always: they're completely different directories08:24
B105PH3REcfoch-always: if you use $HOME/public it will be locationg under www-data/public I believe or null since the user running it will be www-data if I remember or maybe apache08:24
B105PH3REcfoch-always: it should be a static folder08:25
B105PH3REdon't use $HOME08:25
Ben66cfoch-always: would help if you explained what you're doing08:26
B105PH3REit should be static08:26
cfoch-alwaysFor example, I see that shared hostings create a public_html directory08:26
cfoch-alwayswhy do they do that?08:26
TomyWorkcertain applications have stopped rendering new text not long after resuming from standby. existing text is still there, but whenever i trigger any kind of refresh in an existing application, it stops displaying text. this happened before and restarting my computer fixed it, but i cannot do that right now as i have applications with important work still open. luckily browsers and the main text areas of kde konsole and xchat still work, but i cant even read08:27
TomyWorkwhat i'm typing right now :)08:27
lotuspsychje!xchat | TomyWork08:28
ubottuTomyWork: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.08:28
TomyWorkleast of my concerns right now08:28
B105PH3RETomyWork: did you try alt tabbing or moving the windows to a new desktop08:28
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: details plz? ubuntu version? updated system? etc?08:28
TomyWorknope, restarting the application doesnt work either. kubuntu 14.0408:28
TomyWorkupdated in the last 2 weeks or so08:29
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: when did it all start to go wrong?08:29
B105PH3REi prefer old style irc like weecaht08:29
Ben66cfoch-always: because if multiple people are having things hosted on the same computer, it makes sense to have it in the users' home directory08:30
TomyWorktoggling compositing on and off (alt-shift-f12) didnt help :/08:30
B105PH3RETomyWork: did you restart your x server but you have to close all applications08:31
TomyWorkB105PH3RE i cannot do that right now, cause that would mean i lose work08:31
B105PH3REwell then your doomed08:31
B105PH3REsave your work08:31
B105PH3REhotkeys should still work no?08:31
TomyWorkyes, but that work cannot be saved08:32
=== Ben66 is now known as Ben64
TomyWorkit's basically a ton of consoles and such ready to be used08:32
TomyWorki'll try and see what happens if i standby/resume again08:32
B105PH3REyou risk crashing08:32
TomyWorksince it started after standby/resume08:32
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: you might wanna consider some system cleaning after next reboot08:32
B105PH3REyou will crash if you can't refresh ram if you've got lots of stuff running08:33
TomyWorklotuspsychje what do you mean?08:33
B105PH3REyou should use tty's instead of x consoles they won't do that to you on resume08:33
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: thats not suppose to be happening like this every time right? try bleachbit and preload to optimize your system08:33
TomyWorkB105PH3RE dont worry, i'll not cut power :)08:33
=== CRogers_____ is now known as CRogers
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: find the bottleneck thats causing it08:34
B105PH3RElotuspsychje: is xchat a console irc client?08:34
TomyWorki dont have a performance issue08:34
TomyWorkperformance is fine08:34
TomyWorkit's just not rendering text08:34
TomyWorkit's all white (or whatever the background color is in that area)08:35
B105PH3REno but when you go from standby the ram gets filled with your data from session which sometimes doese always work good08:35
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
lotuspsychjeB105PH3RE: i use hexchat, gui08:35
B105PH3REoh hexchat I thought I saw xchat08:36
TomyWorkbleachbit, that seems to be some windows tool they adapted for linux, no?08:36
lotuspsychje!xchat | B105PH3RE08:36
ubottuB105PH3RE: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.08:36
TomyWorknot going to use one of those "cleanup" tools08:36
B105PH3REi'm on console08:36
B105PH3REno gui08:36
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: like you wish, its your system08:37
TomyWorknot without the ability to do snapshots anyway :)08:37
B105PH3REtatertots: i was able to get a little better speed with COREPLUS08:38
TomyWorkanyway, goigng to standby08:38
=== janelleb1 is now known as janelleb
B105PH3REtatertots: LANMAN2 works too but haven't tested speeds on it yet08:40
greencoi have a dell inspiron duo with ubuntu 16.04. havent been able to get a tablet system into it. touch emulator isnt working08:41
B105PH3REgreenco: its a touchscreen? did you get the device drivers and such08:41
zambahow do i know if i want a amd64 or a i386 package? 64-bitvs 32-bit?08:42
baymax_gimme some basic commands to start with xnome irc08:43
greencoyes its a touchscreen emulator drivers08:43
lotuspsychjezamba: your system downloads the right architecture packages08:43
zambalotuspsychje: i'm downloading a package manually08:43
=== CRogers_____ is now known as CRogers
lotuspsychjezamba: wich package?08:43
zambalotuspsychje: why does that matter?08:43
zambalotuspsychje: i have the choice of either amd64 or i38608:44
lotuspsychjezamba: what architecture is your ubuntu?08:44
zambaso i guess i need amd64?08:44
lotuspsychjezamba: yep08:44
B105PH3REbesides you want the 64-bit its multiarch08:44
lotuspsychjezamba: did you check the ubuntu repos for the package you need?08:44
zambalotuspsychje: kernel 4.908:45
B105PH3REstill only getting low transer rates over samba shares08:46
lotuspsychjeB105PH3RE: try the #samba channel perhaps?08:46
TomyWorksleep worked, resume didn't08:47
s9iper1anybody knows how can i change my ubuntu email ?08:48
TomyWorkB105PH3RE you mentioned something about ram getting filled upon resume... my ram usage was fine though. i have 16 gb and didnt even have my usual VM running, so i had plenty to spare08:49
B105PH3REya but your computer dumps your session to hard drive08:50
B105PH3REwhile in stanbdy08:50
B105PH3REthen loads it back up after you resume it08:50
ducasses9iper1: "ubuntu email"?08:50
s9iper1my email is s9iper1@ubuntu.com08:52
s9iper1i want to change it to bilal.shahid@ubuntu.com08:52
toothpickhm got a question regarding ubuntu 16.04 and mysql/openssl - i've created self signed certs. to create a tls connection between mysql server and web server. If i connect through the CLI using mysql -h blabal -p and specifices the path to the ssl certificates within the same line, the connection works and status shows SSL CIPHER in use. However, when i add the certificates to /etc/mysql/my.cnf under [client] i get the following error08:54
ducasses9iper1: nothing to do with us, talk to whoever admins email.08:54
toothpick... SSL connection error: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed*08:54
lotuspsychjes9iper1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail08:55
s9iper1ok thanks08:55
s9iper1lotuspsychje, ducasse08:55
s9iper1lotuspsychje, its not like changing the launchpad username08:56
s9iper1i have already done it08:56
s9iper1but my i can use s9iper1@ubuntu.com cannot bilal.shahid@ubuntu.com08:56
lotuspsychjes9iper1: perhaps this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership08:57
telecosthere's somebody?09:00
telecosam i alone?09:00
lotuspsychje!ask | telecos09:00
ubottutelecos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:00
telecoshi lotus09:00
telecoshow r u?09:01
tatertotsB105PH3RE: that's better than 1.009:12
B105PH3REwell I thought but not anymore its back to usual slow crap09:12
tatertotsB105PH3RE: 3.0 is nice09:13
TomyWork<B105PH3RE> ya but your computer dumps your session to hard drive09:13
TomyWorki thought it only does that in hibernate09:13
B105PH3REaren't you going into standby?09:13
tatertotsB105PH3RE: 3.0 is fast as heck09:13
tatertotsB105PH3RE: by comparison09:13
B105PH3REI can't use those09:13
roothorickI'm trying to install nvidia-367 on Ubuntu GNOME, and apt wants to install most of Unity09:13
TomyWorkB105PH3RE i did. it came up with a blank screen and flashing monitor power led.09:13
TomyWorki.e. no signal09:14
B105PH3REthats the same as hibernate09:14
TomyWorkB105PH3RE what09:14
TomyWorkyou're not making sense09:14
B105PH3REif it power down its hibernating sleeping09:14
TomyWorkhibernate is hibernate and sleep is sleep09:14
TomyWorkand hibernate is not sleep09:14
B105PH3REhibernate/sleep same thing09:15
TomyWorkand vice versa09:15
TomyWorkno they're not09:15
roothorickno they're not09:15
roothorickhibernate = suspend to disk09:15
roothoricksleep = suspend to RAM09:15
B105PH3REeven worse09:15
B105PH3REsuspending to whatever isn't good your storing your session for reuse and reloading after09:15
B105PH3REits rarely perfect09:16
B105PH3REin all my years09:16
TomyWorkworks for me, usually09:16
mutsyGoodmorning folks. So I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but I can't get my phone mounted via usb using MTP. My phone settings are correct, I have the packages but still can't connect ... Anyone can help me out here? It does detect it when I check the dmesg output, but it ain't showing when I open "gnome-disks"09:16
TomyWorkworks 99.9% of the time09:16
B105PH3REwhen it stats to get big its problamatic09:16
roothorickI suspect that isn't even related to TomyWork's question09:16
B105PH3REhow much ram you using for that session when its open and active?09:16
roothorickbut I didn't see it so09:17
TomyWorkit's just that it broke twice within a few days now, in the same vein. now that i think about it, it might have started after the last system update09:17
B105PH3REhe's got not text on various consoles I guess is what I understand correct TomyWork ?09:17
TomyWorkroothorick after resume from suspend, i got blank text boxes, labels and everything in most applications09:18
TomyWorkkde stuff was still ok (i assume all Qt stuff would be)09:18
TomyWorkand so was the main text area in xchat and chromium09:18
TomyWorkeverything else basically had no text anywhere09:19
TomyWorkthat included tcl/tk applications like gitk, xchat's input text box and channel switch buttons, oh and contrary to what i said before, some KDE text boxes were affected as well09:20
B105PH3REmutsy: my android I have to switch to storage mode for mine to work09:20
TomyWorkroothorick so basically text rendering was broken across the board and the only things that worked were, i suspect, using their own text rendering engines09:21
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: clean your system as i said before, bleachbit, install preload, check your graphics driver version,..09:21
TomyWorklotuspsychje "preload monitors applications that users run, and by analyzing this data, predicts what applications users might run, and fetches those binaries and their dependencies into memory for faster startup times."09:22
TomyWorkhow is that related to my problem at all?09:22
OerHeksmutsy, is your android unlocked before connecting ?09:22
nx9010hey all, is it normal with one tab opened in firefox with a flash animation opened to consume 420 MB?? with 234 mb to firefox, 124 mb to Web Content and 60 MB to plugin-player? I have 256 mb physical ram so I don't know what to do09:23
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: you dont know where this bad text rendering comes from, so why not just try it? what do you have to loose?09:23
TomyWorklotuspsychje 1. time 2. a working system09:23
OerHeksnx9010, pretty normal yes09:23
TomyWorklotuspsychje i dont see how this solves anything. i dont even have a problem that this could potentially solve09:24
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: as it is now, your system isnt very workable right09:24
nx9010OerHeks, weird question, thinking of the Windows alternate, but does Chrome or Chromium perform better on older laptops ?09:24
TomyWorki have a fast SSD with everything on it, i dont need preloading09:24
gbellinozTomyWork / lotuspsychje: I've not heard "cleaning" a system being necessary for linux.  That's a concept from the Windows world.  Your issues sound like graphics card driver issues, but it's a 'who knows'.  You might try a different live distro (no messing with your HD necessary) to see if it suffers the same problem.  If not, then you can start looking at the differences.09:24
lotuspsychjegbellinoz: in my opinion, bleachbit solved alot of issues here on #ubuntu09:25
nx9010OerHeks, running in Lubuntu btw, should have said that too I guess?09:25
TomyWorkgbellinoz well i'm not sure if i can reproduce it reliably09:25
B105PH3RETomyWork: if it was find before a recent update then there's probably something related to that update09:25
nx9010I would reallt09:25
TomyWorklotuspsychje let me put it another way: if these tools solve any part of my problem, ubuntu is fundamentally broken.09:25
nx9010Sorry, I would really like to minimize the ram usage, even if that means changing to another browser that supports java and flash09:26
MarcoPauhi, do you know any good app to edit time date (and maybe author) of documents/files in linux? I use touch from command line but you can't do everything with it and I would rather have a small app to manage these things.09:26
MarcoPauthanks for the hints!09:26
B105PH3REnx9010: what window manager are you using kde, gnome, xfce, i3, etc...09:26
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: a 'smooth' system depends on many stuff, ubuntu isnt broken, its the user itself responsible to tweak09:26
nx9010B105PH3RE, I think Xfce, how can I be sure from the terminal?09:27
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: im 100% sure if you clean install kubuntu 14.04.5 your text rendering will be solved09:27
B105PH3REnx9010: well its not terminal its your windows manager you use when you login to X server09:27
nx9010Or should I switch to a smaller linux distribution with a Pentium 4?09:27
B105PH3REnx9010: what distro you on now09:28
nx9010I understand, but I made it auto login, so I am clueless at the moment. Lubuntu09:28
B105PH3REnx9010: lubuntu oh ok09:28
B105PH3REthats lxde09:28
nx9010I am fairly new to Ubuntu, tried it several years ago until they applied the netbook interface.09:28
B105PH3REyou want lightweight on ram usage09:29
DrManhattanGood morning/evening. I'm having a heck of a time trying to call a very basic script into rc.local09:29
B105PH3RExubuntu is a little bit lightly but not much i3 is the lightest09:29
nx9010lxde is more light than xfce, correct?\09:29
lotuspsychjenx9010: i had some cases where an old laptop reacts better on xubuntu then lubuntu09:30
B105PH3REis think xfce is lighter based on my personal experiences09:30
DrManhattanI just want to enable write caching on a few of my hard drives in ubuntu 16.04, so I use hdparm, but if I script the sequence of drives instead of making 4 separate hdparm commands, it doesn't work09:30
nx9010I installed Lubuntu because Xubuntu had really bad performance.09:30
B105PH3REif it was worse then... whats the hardware specs?09:30
lotuspsychjenx9010: it all depends on the machine,09:30
B105PH3REi386 arch or 64-bit?09:30
nx9010Is there a way to see specs from the gui? or do I need to use the terminal to list them in Lubuntu?09:31
B105PH3REi've got xubuntu on my netbook works good but what video drivers are you using and are you enabling composition?09:31
B105PH3REterminals faster09:31
DrManhattanyou know a single line in - something like: for i in {a..d}; do hdparm -W 1 /dev/sd$i; done09:31
lotuspsychjeB105PH3RE: wich card?09:32
DrManhattanfor some reason this doesn't work in rc.local, even if I make it a script and call it09:32
DrManhattanright on the command line, no problemm09:32
DrManhattancan anyone tell me what I might be missing?09:32
nx9010what is the command again to show hardware?09:32
B105PH3RElotuspsychje: which card for what i'm not following sorry09:32
TomyWork<lotuspsychje> TomyWork: im 100% sure if you clean install kubuntu 14.04.5 your text rendering will be solved09:32
DrManhattannx9010, lshw or dmidecode usually09:33
TomyWorkcan you describe how this miracle will work?09:33
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: sure, a used system gets dirty after the user makes it that way, a clean install brushes all the mess09:33
TomyWorkoh wait, you mean a clean reinstall... yeah that *could* work, but those tools wont do the miracles you claim they do09:34
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: if you dont try, we will never know09:34
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: thats what i would do09:35
PhoenixMageHi guys, there are few iscsi packages floating around and I am wondering which one is the most stable for a home lab NAS, integration with the zfs commands would be a plus09:35
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: what shows on your lsb_release -a ?09:35
TomyWorkUbuntu 14.04.5 LTS09:36
lotuspsychjePhoenixMage: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know more of that09:36
DrManhattanOr maybe is there an appropriate channel for me to specifically ask questions about rc.local and/or scripting?09:36
nx9010okay B105PH3RE , these are the specs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24006335/09:36
gbellinozlotuspsychje: what exactly gets dirty in a system?09:36
B105PH3REnx9010: lshw -short please09:37
nx9010B105PH3RE, Oh did not know that existed, sure. :)09:37
lotuspsychjegbellinoz: for example, ive seen systems get rid of old kernel mess, full /boot , unwanted files, history in browsers...all got solved for just installing bleachbit09:37
PhoenixMageNo worries, thanks lotuspsychje09:37
nx9010B105PH3RE, got it now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24006353/09:40
TomyWorklotuspsychje i'm managing my old kernels myself, my /boot was never full for reasons other than having too many kernels09:40
B105PH3REnx9010: did you install the radeon drivers09:41
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: it was an example, not saying its your case..just trying to widen your options here09:41
nx9010B105PH3RE, I tried, but I failed with the installer, it told me I did not have a compatible card, I am unsure how to install it correctly.09:41
B105PH3REtry the additional drivers program09:42
B105PH3REsee if it comes up there for any options09:42
gbellinoznone of those things will cause application errors, or even slowness.09:42
gbellinozlotuspsychje: ^^09:42
nx9010Searching for drivers . . .09:43
B105PH3REnx9010: sorry what version of lubuntu you running 14.04 or 16.0409:43
lotuspsychjegbellinoz: if you have bad text rendering on several applications, something is wrong in your system09:43
Linux_FreedomYes the Drivers Manager might be an easy way to see if there are Radeon drivers available.09:43
B105PH3REif you fix your driver problem i'm sure it would speed things up for you alot09:44
B105PH3REthe xorg driver tends tow work but I found with ati you need their drivers to get better performance09:44
lotuspsychjegbellinoz: to find the bottleneck in a system needs a deeper hunt, by several things to try09:45
B105PH3REnot familar with that particular model though09:45
nx9010B105PH3RE, how do I see which version I got?09:45
gbellinozlotuspsychje: running out of disk space (or swap space) is about the only 'dirty system' thing that might cause that.  but not a big apt cache, lots of kernels, or even lots of things in /tmp.  As far as I know, that's just not how things work.09:45
B105PH3REadditional drivers should tell you if no options show your running xorg most likely09:45
B105PH3REcould you send your lspci for particular card09:46
B105PH3REvideo card09:46
Linux_Freedomnx9010, type in terminal less /etc/issue09:46
lotuspsychjegbellinoz: ive been suggesting bleachbit, preload and checking/switching graphics drivers doing these steps could do some magic for many systems09:47
nx9010Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l09:47
B105PH3REany news on additional drivers09:48
gbellinozThat's fine.  The only one of those that isn't an interesting option is bleachbit.  Searching for hardware problems is probably a good route.09:48
TomyWorklotuspsychje anyway, moving on, unwanted files - That's awfully vagues and if it means what I think it means, I'd rather be the judge of what I want or not. browser history - yeah if that's gone, I'll lose 50% of my productivity for a week or two. Chromium doesn't seem to have any performance issues either.09:48
TomyWorkand yes i am aware that your tools can be used for these 4 purposes, but do not hand them out as a panacea09:49
gasparnadie en español09:49
lotuspsychjeTomyWork, gbellinoz ill rest my case of this dicussion, you clean install kubuntu 14.04 and all your problems are gone, meaning your system is 'dirty'09:49
bazhanggaspar, #ubuntu-es for spanish please09:49
gbellinozlotuspsychje: Put it this way, I've run linux for 18 years, full time, and never 'cleaned' anything, and never needed bleachbit.  logrotate cleans up old logs, /tmp gets cleaned out regularly, automatically (unless you turn of modification times on your file system).  I think even apt cache gets cleaned out automatically.09:49
nx9010It only shows Unknown : Unknown, Processor microcode firmware for Intel-cpu's from intel-microcode (which is off by default now)09:50
B105PH3REi second gbellinoz on that09:50
gbellinozlotuspsychje: simply not true.  If a clean install solves it, it could have been corrupt files on disk, or an older version (reinstall will often pull new versions of things, depending on your installer).09:50
tatertotsi've had to help end users clean up a mess after using bleachbit also09:50
OerHeksnx9010, only ati cards newer than 4xxx are supported, use the driver you have now.09:50
lotuspsychjegbellinoz: even im an ubuntu fan, its an illusion linux doesnt get dirty09:51
nx9010It can't even playback a 240p file at the moment though :@09:51
TomyWorktatertots thanks, that's what i was suspecting as well09:51
nx9010It could do that with Windows XP09:51
B105PH3REhow is video performance if its ok then forget the video driver option you could try a difference browser09:51
TomyWorkit's my experience with a lot of those tools on windows09:51
tatertotsjust yesterday some guy use bleachbit trying to clear free space....and guess what?....end up with no free space...disk drive %99 full09:52
OerHeksnx9010, wait a year or 2, and 32 bit is useless too.09:52
B105PH3REwell it seems to be a video problem to me if you can't do that since your hardware specs seem good enough to do what you want09:52
B105PH3REmy netbook has similar specs and it runs well09:52
B105PH3REnx9010: do you have an xorg.conf file?09:52
nx9010what is an easy site that has test files so I can see if it runs well?09:52
nx9010B105PH3RE, I am not even sure what that is.09:53
gbellinozanother way to look at it (for everybody else interested who didn't leave the room in a huff) is that stock linux machines run for *years* without rebooting.  So suffice it to say that anything that any 'cleaning' is done by the OS.  if bleachbit were necessary, it would be built in :)09:54
B105PH3REnx9010: this is installed on the system your not running this live?09:54
nx9010It should be able to decode DVD's.. did Linux see it as a CD-RW btw?09:54
nx9010B105PH3RE, No it is installed to the harddisk.09:54
tatertotsnx9010: can you open terminal?09:54
nx9010Yeah I have one open tatertots09:55
tatertotsnx9010: in terminal>    sudo apt install inxi pastebinit09:55
tatertotsnx9010: press enter09:55
tatertotsnx9010: let me know when it's done09:55
B105PH3REwelcome aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa09:56
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagrumble told me not to troll #freenode any more, so I am looking to pimp bimbos here instead of there09:56
TomyWorki was wondering why they didnt just kline them :D09:56
B105PH3REk lined is what exactly?09:57
nx9010tatertots, it was already installed and did not have to be upgraded it told me.09:57
tatertotsnx9010: in terminal>       inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit09:57
tatertotsnx9010: press enter then share the url/link here09:58
nx9010http://paste.ubuntu.com/24006411/ here you go tatertots09:59
B105PH3REtatertots: he already shared his hardware specs09:59
MimTekFuck syrian refugees. I hope they fucking dye trying to cross the european border. Fuck them, but their kids, but their women. When that fucking kick died in the mediterranean sea, I almost had an orgasm10:00
tatertotsB105PH3RE: i wasn't around for that...i'm in and out of this place...i usually only hang around for a few mintues at a time10:00
nx9010I thought this display was 1280x1024 or something though :(10:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu10:01
tatertotsB105PH3RE: and you'll agree this is much "prettier"10:01
tatertotsand comprehensive10:01
tatertotsnx9010: in terminal>       xrandr|pastebinit10:02
nx9010is there a a command to see the display stats? at what resolutions it's supposed to work?10:02
tatertotsnx9010: press enter10:02
nx9010okay let me try10:02
tatertotsnx9010: press enter then share the url/link here10:02
B105PH3REtatertots: Ok, ok I have to agree.10:03
tatertotsB105PH3RE: yeah i know10:03
B105PH3REhe already shared it did you leave in the wake10:03
tatertotsB105PH3RE: everything of importance all concentrated nice neat and pretty in one place10:03
B105PH3REat 04-59-06 he posted the link10:03
name10can someone help me what im doing wrong. I have a remote server connected to my synology NAS over Sftp when i transfere files it only move my files with 13-14 mb sec. i tryed edit lots of setting but nothing helps. then i tryed to set up a webdav server and connected over Https and could now move files with 60 mb sec10:03
nx9010tatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24006423/10:03
tatertotsnx9010: in terminal>       cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|egrep "EE"|pastebinit10:04
nx9010Also, I'm not an he, but I don't mind :)10:04
tatertotsnx9010: no need to reveal gender...it can only lead to bad things an trouble...trust me ;)10:05
OerHekstatertots, he has got a single core, 256 mb and an ancient gpu .. no wonder that simple movies won't play10:05
tatertotsOerHeks: haven't seen a p4 in ages lol10:06
OerHekstatertots, in 2 years they are all useless.10:06
tatertotsnx9010: in terminal>       cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|egrep "EE"|pastebinit10:06
tatertotsnx9010: press enter then share the url/link here10:06
tatertotsnx9010: if you do not get a url/link speak up and say so10:07
B105PH3REya buts its a 2.8ghz and he's got a radeon card should have no problems watching movies or surfing the web10:07
nx9010Yeah it's not my main machine. I have a 3770k with an XSPC watercooler and a 970 GTX, but this is my old laptop..10:07
B105PH3REtatertots: go easy lad10:07
ducassetatertots: why grab all this info? the problem is pretty obvious.10:08
tatertotsit's still a free country isn't it?10:08
nx9010tatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24006434/10:08
ducassetatertots: depends where you are.10:08
tatertotsname10 needs some help...10:09
bazhanglets all be civil here please10:09
silv3r_m00nhi there10:09
silv3r_m00nhow do i install a previous version of the nvidia driver ?10:10
tatertotsnx9010: looks like 1024x768 is as good as it gets for your configuration10:10
B105PH3REnx9010: are you able todo glxgears in console10:11
B105PH3REyou may need to install it10:11
nx9010I don't understand how with windows it ran in a higher resolution.. afaik10:11
name10Tatertots: yes i will be very happy if someone can help :-)10:11
OerHeksnx9010, but xp is dead, get over it.10:11
B105PH3REi believe you have a video driver or something not setup right my netbook is similar works great for what you are trying to do10:12
OerHeksB105PH3RE, lets stop this useless determination of ancient hardware.10:13
nx9010OerHeks, very informative information.. Some people have it running with customised security for certain purposes. I am just trying to min/max here with old gear that used to be able to even play certain 720p files, but please, no one hurt Linux where you dont understand hm?10:13
B105PH3REOerHeks: hardware is never useless if it works10:14
nx9010Don't hurt the demi-god. lmao. When I say things ran with the right codecs in XP it did, are you saying Lubuntu is supposed to be heavier than XP?10:14
bazhangnx9010, whats the ram10:15
tatertotsbazhang: this is nx9010 http://paste.ubuntu.com/24006423/10:16
bazhangwas it below 512mb10:16
nx9010256 MB physical ram10:17
tatertotsbazhang: typo correction... this is nx9010  http://paste.ubuntu.com/24006411/10:17
bazhangnx9010, and the card is ancient R200M10:17
bazhangnx9010, other than a minimal server10:18
bazhangnx9010, you are never going to get full HD on that10:18
name10can someone help me what im doing wrong. I have a remote server connected to my synology NAS over Sftp when i transfere files it only move my files with 13-14 mb sec. i tryed edit lots of setting but nothing helps. then i tryed to set up a webdav server and connected over Https and could now move files with 60 mb sec10:19
TomyWorkname10 have you tried scp instead of sftp?10:21
TomyWorksftp isnt a terribly efficient protocol10:21
rt_ctxname10 or rsync ?10:21
Ben64TomyWork: whats the difference between scp and sftp10:21
TomyWorktry scp first, it's more basic10:22
rt_ctxscp id based on ssh10:22
TomyWorkBen64 they're different protocols, both tunnelled through an ssh connection10:22
TomyWorkrt_ctx  ^10:22
name10have not tryed scp. Will give it a try :-)10:22
vltHello. On Ubuntu 16.04 I installed ubuntu-mate-desktop, language-pack-de and libreoffice-l10n-de. What else do I need to get German versions of programs like inkscape? Is there a meta package I can install?10:22
OerHeksvlt, according to their page, german translations 0% > https://inkscape.org/en/doc/devel/translations-statistics-092.html10:25
valbrhi all :)10:26
valbrIs there a possibility to make a fan profile for a 3 pin fan10:26
valbrfancontrol does it for a PWM fan, but not a 3 pin fan. can it be done with a 3 pin fan too?10:26
name10TomyWork: You cant mount a drive in fstab with scp ?10:26
TomyWorkname10 yes, that's what sshfs does10:26
TomyWorkoh wait10:27
TomyWorknope, sshfs uses sftp, according to the manpage10:27
name10ahh then scp will not work for me :-(10:27
TomyWorkname10 doesnt that nas support nfs?10:28
zambatoday's lesson: 'last | reboot' is NOT the same as 'last | grep reboot'10:28
TomyWorkzamba not quite, no :)10:28
zambai learned that the hard way :)10:29
sveinseHow do I empty the trash on removable devices on gnome shell? (16.04) I've found the trash-can icon and selected "Empty", but it does not wipe the trash on the mounted removable device...10:31
sveinseOf course I can do this from shell and remove the .Trash-* directory, but that is beside the point10:31
k1l_the trash is a gui thing. not a cli thing10:32
name10Tomywork: No sorry :-(10:33
TomyWorkCIFS? :)10:33
TomyWork(i.e. windows shares)10:33
TomyWorkname10 are you sure? i have once heard someone describe their nas as a "synology nas" and they're using NFS to mount it10:34
sveinsek1l_: yes, and gnome files behaves that way when you press delete on a directory in folder view. A pity if you can't really delete them from the same interface...10:34
rt_ctxYes you can make NFS with synology. You need to set NFS right.10:35
nx9010bazhang, running  a server on a laptop would feel kinda weird haha10:36
=== ChampagneHouse is now known as NeverTired
bazhangnx9010, thats the best you will get with that ancient low ram machine10:36
name10Tomywork it does have it. but if folder is encrypted and for some reason synology does not supports NFS on encrypted folder10:36
nx9010bazhang, forcing firefox to use Flash now on Youtube because maybe its a cpu bottleneck..10:37
OerHeksflash is dead anyway, firefox and chrome use html5 and block flash by default.10:39
brunch875About damn time. Flash is to be despised10:40
OerHeksbrunch875, they still try, got an update recently10:41
brunch875but _why_10:41
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skitsNeed advice:  Thinking of spinning up a server primarily for dns(tired of isp redirects)  is it worthwhile to do this and effective using a ubuntu server?.10:46
name10TomyWork: you there ? :-)10:49
=== sunil_ is now known as PharaohSD
PharaohSDhi guys10:51
PharaohSDneed some help with docky10:51
snowwebguys whats up10:52
snowwebi have a problem, i forgot my firefox master password10:52
B105PH3RElots of frigin snow10:52
snowweband i cant access my saved credentials , can anybody help me?10:52
B105PH3REand you need to keep firefox data? bookmarks i'm assuming10:53
PharaohSDanyone able to help me with docky?10:53
snowwebB105PH3R3: yeah i do10:54
snowwebhow can i recover my credentials?10:55
PharaohSDanyone can help me, i have 2 docks, just insalled docky and want to remove the old one(original dock), any help10:55
PharaohSDanyone can help me, i have 2 docks, just insalled docky and want to remove the old one(original dock), any help10:56
PharaohSDanyone can help me, i have 2 docks, just insalled docky and want to remove the old one(original dock), any help10:59
B105PH3REsnowweb: Well if you forgot the password you need to remmeber or your done for10:59
ikevinPharaohSD, don't ask every minuts, just wait for a reply11:00
snowweb sad face (`-')11:00
TomyWorksnowweb any recovery mechanism would defeat the purpose of a password in the first place11:04
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koleygrsnowweb: if you have a multiboot system or other pcs with firefox you can take from there some files to set them in your new firefox11:04
TomyWorkhe'd still need to remember his password :)11:05
B105PH3REthats why you don't forget the master/root password11:05
B105PH3REplus you should change its every 3mths11:06
PharaohSDany help with docky??11:07
name10Tomywork: Will webdav have the save security ?. I cant find a way to use NFS because nfs dont work on encrypted folders on Synology. And my work has a policy about telling data has to be encrypted11:07
zambaanyone experimented with the BRR patch to the 4.9 kernel?11:08
name10save = same11:08
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danieldujoin #Devices-Sprint11:10
PharaohSDikevin: no help yet <<-<<11:11
ikevinPharaohSD, because nobody have a solution for you atm11:12
PharaohSDcan u help?11:12
ikevinnot sure, so, if i correctly understand, you would to remove unity defaut dock?11:13
k1l_PharaohSD: you mean the unity launcher bar?11:13
B105PH3REPharaohSD: all you need todo if find out the package name of the old one and uninstall it11:13
ikevinnot sure it's possible11:13
k1l_you cant remove it. you can make that to the bottom, or make it hide. but not remove it11:13
ikevinor use another DE11:13
PharaohSDbut then how is the new docky ones loaded without11:13
PharaohSDi have both and want only 111:14
k1l_then use another desktop11:14
ikevinlike use ratpoison and load docky11:14
Nio_Ohow i can find out how i`ve grafic manager (KDE, GNOME, unity] ?11:14
B105PH3RENio_O: you find out which graphic manager your using?11:15
k1l_Nio_O: by looking at it?11:15
Nio_OI dont know it11:16
ubottuAnimanera: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:16
elias_a_What is the problem with italians.... :D11:17
B105PH3REsorry I don't speak that language11:17
Animaneraio parlo italiano11:17
k1l_!it | Animanera11:17
Animaneracome si scarica xD11:17
ubottuAnimanera: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:17
Nio_Ociao ?11:17
TomyWorkin italian, unlike in every other language, ciao, means hello11:18
B105PH3REoh i thought he was saying goodbye?11:18
B105PH3REor she sorry...11:19
TomyWorkno, italian has it that meaning backwards :)11:19
Nio_Onice, i know 1 word of italian, .. ciao xD11:19
TomyWorkditto is italian too11:20
B105PH3REreally what does that mean?11:20
TomyWorkbleh, use the internet11:20
OerHeksNio_O, " echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " if it give ubuntu, you have unity. the others are clear ( kde/gnome)11:21
anddamTomyWork: it's more likely ditto is from Latin11:21
OerHeksNio_O, oh wait, this one is better > echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP11:22
PharaohSDB105PH3RE: & k1l_ ijust want the docky bar instead of the old gnome one11:22
PharaohSD(srry got busy_11:22
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OerHeksPharaohSD, go into systemsettings > appearance > set autohide11:22
TomyWorkanddam maybe more likely, but still wrong :) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ditto11:23
anddamTomyWork: but not an Italian word  by any mean11:23
Nio_Oi`ve unity, ty :)11:23
Nio_Ognome is better right ? :D11:23
k1l_PharaohSD: "old gnome one"? what ubuntu and desktop do you use?11:23
capslothI have a simple udev rules that is not working.. can someone help me with it? http://pastebin.com/4pzcPetZ11:23
PharaohSDub 16.1011:24
PharaohSDoriginal desktop11:24
k1l_PharaohSD: so its not the old gnome one.11:24
k1l_PharaohSD: its the unity launcher11:24
k1l_and i already told you your options11:24
PharaohSDyes, how to remove the unity lancher?11:24
itsgokulfailed to fetch libmysqlclient-dev_5.1.73-0ubuntu0.10.04.1_i386.deb11:25
k1l_you cant. i told you what you can do11:25
k1l_itsgokul: 10.04 is dead. dont use that anymore11:25
itsgokulubutnu 13.1011:25
PharaohSDfixed it myself11:25
k1l_itsgokul: ubuntu 13.10 is even worse.11:25
itsgokulwhen i do apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev11:25
PharaohSDthanks friends11:26
Nio_Ohow name is right for the system (gnome, unity, kde) ... ?11:26
PharaohSDk1l_:  fixed!11:26
Nio_Odesktop system or how ? :D11:28
k1l_itsgokul: only systems that do still have support are 12.04 (just few weeks), 14.04, 16.04 and 16.1011:29
B105PH3REPharaohSD: btw you can use unity-2d which does have the dock thingy11:30
k1l_itsgokul: if you run older ubuntus or other out of support releases you want to make a clean reinstall in most cases11:30
itsgokulubuntu 13 released in 2013 support closed?11:32
gauthamA question about Byobu - the docs claim it is fully compatible with GNU Screen. However, I'm not able to scroll up the buffer by doing C-a Esc and then using the arrow keys. Is this unsupported? If it is supported, how do I enable it?11:32
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy11:33
k1l_itsgokul: see the bots message11:33
OerHeksB105PH3RE, Ubuntu-2d has been discontinued starting from 12.1011:33
B105PH3REi tried11:33
B105PH3REi don't use unity so11:33
itsgokulbut why remove files from server11:34
k1l_itsgokul: because its dead since 3 years11:34
OerHeksserverspace = money11:35
k1l_itsgokul: dont blame others because you run outdated OS. you should try to upgrade to 14.0411:35
B105PH3REalways go with LTS11:35
k1l_!eolupgrade | itsgokul11:35
ubottuitsgokul: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:35
gauthamitsgokul, LTS releases arrive every 2nd year - 12.04, 14.04, 16.04 and sometime away, 18.04. Other releases get about as much time as a human zygote before it pops out as a baby (9 months).11:36
Xundresif you don't like unity try changing DE11:38
Xundresor just use classic gnome11:39
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=== Guest80064 is now known as CyberJacob
elias_a_How does one install the VirtualBox Extension Pack downloaded from Ubuntu repos in .iso format?11:51
ikevinelias_a_, the .iso file is the guest extension pack11:52
k1l_elias_a_: you install the package with apt from the repos11:52
ikevinyou need to load it as a cdrom device11:53
k1l_elias_a_: are you mixing guest additions with extension pack?11:53
elias_a_k1l_: I don't think so. I just don't remember how to load it.11:54
k1l_elias_a_: the extensions pack is for the host OS and you dont install it as iso11:54
elias_a_k1l_: Ok. Let's see...11:54
k1l_the guest additions are for the guest inside the vbox and that is installed form the vbox menu11:54
ideapadirssi bretty good11:55
elias_a_k1l_: Well, seems I mixed them up. :)11:55
elias_a_It is funny how youtube is full of videos where people manually download the ext-pack when there is a metapackage for that...11:57
k1l_yes, youtube is not a good resource for support.11:58
=== Anticime1 is now known as Anticimex
quem_damn system won't load the command i put in /etc/rc.local. driving me nuts.12:17
quem_everything that is set executable right, and has the right permissions.12:18
ducassequem_: what command(s) did you put there?12:19
OerHeksquem_, 16.04?12:20
quem_OerHeks: indeed12:20
OerHeksUbuntu is now using systemd, and rc.local is now considered a service which is turned "off" by default http://askubuntu.com/a/770033/395498 see here how to turn it back on .12:21
quem_ducasse: su -l frc -c "/home/frc/startirssi.sh"12:21
quem_yeah, i turned it on.12:21
ducassequem_: if that runs irssi in screen/tmux or something like that, a better way would be a systemd user service12:24
vltOerHeks: That's strange. I'm using inkscape right now on 12.04. In German.12:38
OerHeksvlt, oops i read that stats wrong12:41
vltOerHeks: :D  That's 0% _un_translated.12:42
Vamp898Hi there. I added the gnome3 and gnome3-next repository to check out the new GNOME3. Turns out that, for whatever reason, after doing that upgrade, GDM and GNOME only show on my secondary screen, primary screen gets ignored. Unity/Lightdm still work fine though. So i decided to use ppa-purge to remove them both in the order suggested which worked. The old Versions of GNOME are now installed, but still GDM and GNOME only show on my s12:45
secureOShi all12:48
liveisoany one here?12:59
BluesKajHiyas all12:59
liveiso@irc council13:00
cfhowlettthis is not the irdc council channel liveiso.  please read the topic13:01
quem_dustinm`: do you know a good quick guide to learn that? :P and why oh why do they have to change things? things were fine the way they were! :D13:01
AlexaGuys, I get returned back to login screen after I login (and even when I try to use guest account). This problem happened when I installed AMDGPU-PRO driver.13:02
secureOSquem_: Maybe u put upgrade:P13:02
liveisohi cfhowlett, I wanna know does Debian Live systems manual has an ubuntu version?13:02
livcdI have an issue with pam_mkhomedir it's not creating home directories + i do not see any info in the logs (syslog + auth etc)13:02
cfhowlettliveiso, for debian support, ask #debian.13:02
liveisoubuntu support13:02
AlexaThis is my Xorg.0.log -- paste.ubuntu.com/24007123/13:03
cfhowlett!manual | liveiso,13:03
ubottuliveiso,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:03
liveisolooking for the ubuntu version of the manual13:03
hitman1What is socket ?13:03
cfhowlettliveiso, and I just sent it to you13:03
hitman1If I am sending a request to a server what is the role of a socket there ?13:03
CrazyTuxhello, which is the most intuitive DE available for Ubuntu?13:03
cfhowlettliveiso, wait 113:03
vltHello. In Firefox on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS I get distorted menus and sometimes dropdown select elements: http://imgur.com/gQDNkhv  Any idea how to fix this?13:04
cfhowlettCrazyTux, please stop this. you are trolling with repeatedly asked questions13:04
liveiso@ubottu, hi, just want to learn advanced skill, I wanna create live iso from source code, like ubuntu daily build13:05
elias_a_If I install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso using apt-get where will it be downloaded? Do I have to enable it manually?13:05
cfhowlettelias_a_, download it then launch it.  it will trigger virtualbox for the installation13:06
OerHeksliveiso, that is beyond the scope of this channel13:06
eillaunch virtualbox additions  in the guest os.13:06
liveiso@OerHeks, Hi, I just need the manual , I will do it myself13:07
AlexaIs anyone willing to help me? I'm stuck on using irssi in terminal in tty :(13:07
elias_a_cfhowlett: I do not know what to launch as apt-get does something and I don't understand what it is exactly.13:07
elias_a_cfhowlett: Where should the executable be?13:07
cfhowlettelias_a_, apt-get will NOT get the additions.  download that from the oracle sitge13:07
hateballAlexa: so remove amdgpu-pro if isnt working properly. did you check that it even supports your chipset?13:08
elias_a_cfhowlett: Ok. Thanks.13:08
Alexahateball: it does support.13:08
elias_a_cfhowlett: I guess this is outdated then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/GuestAdditions13:08
Alexahateball: without it, everything is extremently slow in matter of graphics.13:09
AlexaIt's like as if I were using pentium 213:09
liveisoHow ubuntu official ISO are build? any documents for that?13:09
cfhowlettelias_a_, I've only ever dl'd directly.  let me experiment13:09
OerHeksliveiso, there is a manual, not recent ( with systemd) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch13:10
liveiso@OerHerks thanks13:10
eilsudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run in guest os.first mount it.13:10
liveisoCustomization is modify an existing iso13:10
OerHeksliveiso, you need experienced skills, if you had that you would have found this page i guess13:11
elias_a_cfhowlett: IMHO it should do the trick but I cannot find the ISO file anywhere....13:11
liveisoBut I want to know how official daily ISO are build13:11
cfhowlettelias_a_, outdated indeed.  launch vbox and then go to the menu for install guest additions13:12
liveisoDoes anyone know the process of creating official daily ISO?13:12
elias_a_cfhowlett: Will do. Thank you!13:12
cfhowlettelias_a_, that would be the vbox menu > devices > Install Guest Additions CD image13:13
OerHeksliveiso, maybe the guys in  #ubuntu-devel can help you out13:14
eil that would be the vbox menu > devices > Install Guest Additions CD image then install guest additions in guest os13:14
liveisogot it13:14
alexaI have temporarily removed amdgpu-pro driver just to get visual back13:14
alexanot only that everything is slo-mo, but it doesn't recognize 1440x900 resolution. Instead I get 1024x768.13:15
secureOSalexa: u can have steel updated version becose companies secure update too13:16
hateballalexa: are you on 16.04 or 16.10 ?13:16
alexasecureOS, sorry, I didn't understand you.13:16
OerHeksalexa, for what amd gpu?13:16
alexait's 16.0413:17
alexait's for Amd rx 48013:17
alexasuported :)13:17
hateballalexa: There's a PPA for AMD stuff that might work better but I am an nvidia guy myself so...13:17
hateballalexa: Is it supported on the kernel you're using tho, or does it require newer stuff? likewise xorg itself13:18
secureOSand if i say u somebody can update yours bios then producent updated old version too13:18
alexait wouldn't be problem for me to switch to 16.10, however, on official website, AMD stated that Ubuntu 16.04 is supported.13:18
akiksecureOS: you're not making too much sense. could you rephrase?13:18
hateballalexa: anyhow, this is a !PPA and as such not supported... but I think this is what is commonly used by AMD users https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/pkppa13:19
alexahateball, I don't know. During the installation it kind of implements some modules in it, and installs around 400 MB of new stuff, but I don't know.13:19
secureOSi must go, next time:)13:20
alexahateball, and what package am I looking for_13:20
akikhuh that was weird13:20
hateballalexa: mesa13:20
alexaBeside that? So, I should install mesa, and reinstall amdgpu-pro, right?13:21
hateballalexa: this only updates amdgpu, amdgpu-pro is different13:21
alexaanother dude had no luck http://askubuntu.com/questions/856560/ubuntu-16-04-rx-48013:21
OerHeksalexa https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/mesa but be carefull, ppa is not supported here, you are on your own13:21
alexaOerHeks, ok, thank you13:21
redmage123Hi, I have a question about using an ubuntu container with docker.13:22
redmage123I'm trying to create an ubuntu container that has full internet access.  I'm unable to do so, partly because the ubuntu container build lacks any of the network utilities.13:23
redmage123Has anyone done this?13:23
redmage123Create an ubuntu docker container with full net access?13:23
OerHeksredmage123, if you don't find an answer here, there is also #docker here on #freenode13:25
alexaOerHeks, I've successfully added the ppa you gave me, but even though, mesa package couldn't be found (I have run sudo apt-get update)13:26
secureOSredmage123: u have many libs for create docker on X11, add API and done:)13:27
alexaE: Unable to locate package mesa13:29
OerHeksalexa, it was worth the try, remove it with ppapurge13:30
redmage123Derheks:  I've already asked on docker.13:30
redmage123So far no luck.13:31
redmage123secureOS:  The platform is a digital ocean droplet i.e. a cloud server.  I have no X11 access.13:31
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secureOSredmage123: i don't know is work in new version, i also adapted:)13:33
secureOSbut i see worst system changed13:34
redmage123secureOS:  I'm not sure what you mean.13:34
secureOSsimple unofficial version with personal configured, update broke many libs13:35
=== hamza is now known as hammmzaaa
Druid05Hello, i created a user with sftp+chroot only, is possible to bind a external directory to this chroot? ( i know symlinks not working )13:49
knemonI made a bootable usb disk with rufus and when it boots from the usb disk I see the options to try or install ubuntu. no matter what I click, it does something for 1 - 2 seconds and then nothing, black screen13:50
knemonhow can I fix it?13:50
royal_screwup21How do I open up a virtual environment via the terminal?13:50
knemonI am trying to install it on HP laptop13:50
cfhowlettknemon, could be a bad .iso or a bad usb.  md5sum to verify13:51
OerHeksknemon, check the iso ( cfhowlett +1) if that is oke, then try nomodeset13:53
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:53
knemonI dont understand13:54
knemonwhere do I type these commands OerHeks13:54
cfhowlettknemon, read the link:  /msg ubottu nomodeset13:56
ioriaknemon, at bottom of the screen you have Options : press F6 and pick 'nomodeset'13:57
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=== Guest55639 is now known as IdleOne
mustmodify__I have a mystery. I have a windows machine sitting right next to an ubuntu machine. I use Putty to keep several terminal windows open to the Ubuntu machine, where I do all my dev work. Typically these windows stay open for days or weeks. Over the last week, most times I return to the desk, I see an error message from Putty. "Network error: Software caused connection abort." Any thoughts about what might have changed to cause this?14:12
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OerHeksmustmodify__, check windows log? not sure there are any ..14:14
mustmodify__or how I could diagnose this issue? The two machines connect to a router in my office, which then connects to our main home router.14:14
mustmodify__there are logs. They're decent. Not as simply-thought-out as Ubuntu's, though. Everything must be complicated. :)14:15
mustmodify__sorry, "enterprisey."14:15
bismarkhello, I have windows installed and my partitions are encrypted with bitlocker, could i delete all my partitions from ubuntu installer and to encrypt it again with luks?14:17
OerHeksbismark, sure, use 'use entire disc' as install option, then later you can choose encrypted lvm+luks14:23
secureOSautorization is suck now14:25
OerHekshow helpfull, secureOS14:25
secureOSwhen i whant power on my laptop and simple check e-mail i must write 5 time diffrent password:/14:26
secureOSall becose system is mingled system files and users private files and extended files and user config files14:27
secureOSthey can't correct work 10-20 years14:28
OerHeksdo you have an ubuntu support question?? or is it just a  monoloque?14:28
secureOSex. some libs codings 200-300 coders for 10 years14:29
secureOSOerHeks: Nobody else talk, u have limit to char?14:30
=== pax2you1 is now known as pax2you
OerHekssecureOS, this is ubuntu support, even there is no actual problem going round, your random sentences belong to #ubuntu-offtopic14:31
secureOSi have a problem!14:32
secureOSi have 5 server on ubuntu with 4.62 kernel14:33
secureOSand oracle dont whant cooparate to some old libs and i'm stuck14:33
OerHekskernel 4.62 comes out in 202014:35
secureOSor faster;)14:35
OerHeksso what can we do about that?14:35
secureOSi don't know i think this is Ubunut channel:P14:35
secureOSi was hoping for help14:36
ducasseoracle software is nothing to do with us14:36
secureOSgood attiude..14:37
ducasse_oracle_ supports oracle software14:37
OerHeksmaybe oracle is dead by 2020 .. please join #ubuntu-offtopic for this nonsence14:38
CrazyTuxhello, I am using Xubuntu 16.10. Can anyone here guide me in installing Ubuntu Mate Desktop over it?14:38
secureOSok, thx14:38
ikoniaCrazyTux: please stop this14:38
secureOSCrazyTux: true14:38
ikoniaCrazyTux: you are doing this every single day, install $ubuntu, and replace desktop with $different-ubuntu14:38
ikoniapick a desktop, use that distro,14:39
isthakurhello every one. I am new here I need help regarding configuring my web server (LAMP) to run some ERP softwares14:39
ikoniaand installing a desktop is the same as the 10 other times you've done it, you open the package manager and install the desktop meta package14:39
CrazyTuxmy laptop is used by three of my friends. They keep changing it according to their preferences.14:39
CrazyTuxikonia, ok. I got it.14:40
ikoniayou keep changing it14:40
ikonianot them14:40
ikoniait's the same question every single day14:40
ikonia"is desktop X better than Y" - "how do I install it"14:40
CrazyTuxI am a bit confused in using the terminal and commands.14:41
ikoniathen don't14:41
ikoniause the gui14:41
OerHeksisthakur, you might want to join #ubuntu-server for ERP/CRM help14:41
CrazyTuxcould you please confirm the instructions give on this site are correct? for 16.10.  http://www.tecmint.com/install-mate-desktop-in-ubuntu-fedora/14:43
ikoniaCrazyTux: no14:43
ikoniaCrazyTux: I've just told you what to do, open the package manager, install the desktop package you want14:43
ikoniaI'm not validating third party URL's for you14:44
CrazyTuxmate desktop environment (metapackage). Is that correct?14:46
ikonialook up that package and what it does14:47
mustmodifyok, I just got a clue.14:48
mustmodifyMy whole windows machine lost internet for like ... 15 seconds and all three windows went down.14:48
mustmodifyI mean, all three Putty SSH connections dropped with the error message I mentioned.14:48
CrazyTuxthanks a lot.14:49
mustmodifySo now the question is whether it was a hardware issue or whether it was upstream from me.14:49
mustmodifybut it seems like if it was my ISP or whatever, I would have kept a connection to a machine that's local.14:49
OerHeksmustmodify, maybe a small powerdip? router reboots, pc's stay up?14:51
mustmodifyOerHeks: I guess it's possible, but I think both routers and both machines are on UPSs.14:51
mustmodifyIf the UPS was going bad, that might explain it, I guess.14:52
mustmodifyLet me cycle the router and see if that does it.14:52
OerHeksjust a wild thought, hard to say what went wrong, without logs14:52
mustmodifyinteresting. Unplugged and replugged it and everything is ok.14:53
ducassemustmodify: at least with openssh you can increase the timeout, probably putty as well.14:53
mustmodifyI don't think it's a timeout.14:53
mustmodifybecause the original outage was very short.14:54
mustmodifyyeah, I guess I'll be digging through the logs.14:54
isthakurThank you OerHeks14:56
pavlosron__, did you fix the network issue from last night?15:05
ron__pavlos, it is not me :p15:06
pavlosron__, sorry, similar nick15:06
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ar_sahitohow do I set gnome as my default de?15:10
ar_sahitoI am currently using kubuntu?15:11
OerHeksar_sahito, logout, select de , login ??15:11
ar_sahitoOerHeks: I don't want myself to do it again and again that's why I was thinking of setting it as default.15:12
ducassear_sahito: it should keep last selected as default15:14
ducassear_sahito: maybe sddm is different, you could try switching to lightdm or gdm15:14
OerHeksI thought the default session is simply the last one you choose15:14
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OerHeksnot sure which one, but you can reorganize DE: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm / sdm / sddm15:17
jdeenI am interested in having a EPUB or MOBI printer. You know we have these "PDF Printers" we can print documents in to.. some thing like that but to print MOBI or EPUB.. any such that is available? After many google searches thoght of pinging the IRC...15:20
OerHeksjdeen, calibre can read them, maybe printing too?15:22
OerHeks!info calibre15:22
ubottucalibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.60.0+dfsg-1build1~1 (yakkety), package size 22966 kB, installed size 50057 kB15:22
OerHeksSupported input formats are: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF and LRS.15:23
viral_mutantI noticed that some service files in systemd have /bin/true for ExecStart/Stop15:25
viral_mutantwhat does that mean ?15:25
ikoniait does nothing15:27
viral_mutantikonia: Oh , I didn’t expect that :)15:27
viral_mutantI am particularly looking in postgresql.service and postgresql@.service files15:28
viral_mutantthe .service has /bin/true15:28
viral_mutantand @.service has the actual binary15:28
CrazySaneviral_mutant: /bin/true and /bin/false are used when you want a boolean value but something will only take a command as an arg15:28
CrazySaneviral_mutant:  /bin/true always returns 0 (e.gg no error) and /bin/false always returns non-zero (error)15:29
viral_mutantbut systemctl start postgresql.service works too ?15:29
qwr #bountysource15:29
viral_mutantand it still starts the postgresql server ?15:30
viral_mutantcrazysane: I am wondering how ExecStart=/bin/true is able to start the service15:33
ppfblind guess: WantedBy= dependencies15:37
stanstilla second computer I got: it cannot make a connection to a log in page at college, but I can access internet at home... ubuntu 16.1015:46
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Zewwyhow can I search for two different keywords using apt search?15:49
Zewwyor apt-cache search Keyword1 Keyword215:49
Zewwylol nm that worked15:50
amnixI'm having a problem in ubuntu 14.04 with my wireless connection. I'm not that experienced so I can't seem to fix the problem myself. Whenever I select kernel 4.4.0-31 on startup, the wifi works fine. But if I don't select anything, kernel 4.4.0-62 gets selected automatically and the wifi is extremely slow on that. How do I fix this? How do I find out what the problem is?15:59
_RarityHi! I have certain programs I wanted to start at login. What is the correct place/script to start them from?16:01
Xundrestry removing the 62 kernel and reinstalling it16:01
amnixXundres: This is a fresh install of ubuntu.16:01
Xundres_Rarity: startup application16:01
Xundresamnix:so why don't you install 16.1016:02
_RarityXundres: Hi. I was not clear in my question. I am using the i3 window manager, so I am looking at a scripted solution. I could start my programs from either i3 config script, or from .bashrc, but I do not feel these are right.16:03
amnixXundres: It might not work in that as well. I wanna figure out why it's not working here. And why it's working in 4.4.0-31.16:03
jdeenOerHeks: Thanks... so it seems like I will have to print it in PD nd then convert it to EPUB/MOBI16:03
amnixXundres: It's not that it doesn't work in 4.4.0-62 at all. It's just it's extremely slow. Unusable.16:04
sashimiSo Im sure this is something super simple, but Ive tried everything that I can think of: Cant resolve domain names but I can ping any external ip16:04
sashimiI can post my resolve.conf or interfaces file16:05
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Dreamanamnix  why not 16.04 lts16:05
sashimibut they both appear correct, as well as resolve.con has google dns server "nameserver" "nameserver"16:06
Zewwysashimi: can't resolve domain names?16:07
amnixDreaman: I think it would be wiser to see why it's not working here than just blindly trying newer versions with the hope that it might work.16:07
sashimiZewwy: I can't ping 'google.com' etc16:08
amnixDreaman: Also, I have already tried 16.04. Same problem in that version as well.16:08
Zewwyis avahi-daemon running?16:08
Dreamanamnix  my laptop is acer f15 and i use 16.10 ubuntu16:08
amnixZewwy: How do I check? As I said, I'm not that experienced.16:08
Zewwysudo service avahi-daemon status16:08
amnixZewwy: avahi-daemon start/running, process 53916:09
sashimiZewwy: avahi-daemon: unrecognized service, I guess not16:09
Zewwyit has more to do with domains that use .local that, that service might cause issues16:09
TBotNikAll: Trying to recover server. Says tempdisk full but nothing says that. See writeup at:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5671342#post567134216:10
ppfsashimi: nslookup google.com16:10
sashimippf: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached16:11
Xundres_Rarity: I would try with the config script16:11
Zewwyso you can't get a DNS response16:11
ppfsashimi: can you ping
ducasse_Rarity: i use i3 as well, and start most things either from i3 config or ~/.xsessionrc, depending on what they are16:11
amnixSo what should I do?16:11
sashimippf: Yes I can ping, or any external ip16:12
Zewwynslookup google.com
sashimippf: I also have those as my dns server in resolve.conf16:12
Zewwysashimi: Does that work?16:12
Lavinhogood morning16:13
Lavinhoideapad 100s lby freezes on ubuntu16:13
Lavinhowhat is ?16:13
sashimiZewwy: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached16:14
Zewwyare there any firewalls in play?16:14
Zewwyseems maybe port 53 is being blcoked16:14
Zewwyto me seems a layer 4 issue16:14
sashimiZewwy: Yes, theres a sonic wall16:15
Zewwywell get checking in there16:15
Zewwygo look see what happening to those packets16:15
ZewwyHow can I get a list of all the URL Ubuntu requires to get updates and install packages from it's default repos?16:17
PiciZewwy: they're in /etc/apt/sources.list16:18
ZewwyPici: Thsnkd!16:18
knemonI had a problem installing ubuntu, after grub it went to black screen. Then I used nomodeset in booting options and I managed to finally install it. NOw I have another problem, it says 'built in display' in settings and I can't change the resolution and I am with 800x60016:18
TBotNikAnyone understand my problem?16:19
compdocknemon, you might try giving the onbaord video enough ram16:19
ppfcan someone recommend a tool to add fillable forms to a pdf?16:19
knemonI dont understand16:19
CrazySaneknemon: can you do this:   sudo lshw -c display | pastebinit    and give us the link it provides.16:20
compdocknemon, in the bios, you can assign ram to video. you want more than 16 or 32 megs. give it a gig of ram16:20
knemonCrazySane, http://pastebin.ca/376851116:21
glitchdTBotNik, how can anyone understand your problem if you dont tell us what it is?16:22
knemoncompdoc, I didn't assign 16/32 mb. I don't remember doing that16:22
compdocknemon, thats often the default16:22
cristian_cI'd like to make avrcp profile working on my bluetooth headset, I mean: media buttons located on the headset16:24
cristian_c I've looked at bluetoothctl info output and avrcp is listed as available for the device16:25
cristian_cWhat methods could I try in order to find the issue?16:25
cristian_cany ideas?16:25
k_szeIs there any caveat in using `systemctl hibernate` to put my machine to hibernation?16:43
ppfas opposed to what?16:43
k_szeI don't know. I have just never tried putting a Linux machine to sleep or hibernation using the command line.16:44
ppfthen no, there's no caveat16:44
k_szeMy machine is dual-booting Yakkety and Windows 10, with Ubuntu's boot manager taking priority.16:44
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k_szeAnd it's all installed on NVMe.16:46
compdoc sounds fast16:46
ppfyes, why hibernate at all16:46
k_szeFailed to hibernate system via logind: Sleep verb not supported16:47
k_szebecause I have a running jupyter notebook session that I don't want to kill.16:47
k_szelooks like pm-hibernate works.16:50
k_sze(why is systemd always broken?)16:50
kostahello guys, I have an issue with the whole computer freezing and there is nothing that I can do but to force a shutdown, I cannot even switch to console with shift-ctrl+116:52
k_szenvm, pm-hibernate doesn't seem to be doing anything either. It just doesn't show any error message.16:52
BluesKajkosta:  you F1 right?16:52
geniikosta: Have you tried instead ctrl-alt-F1 ?16:52
kostayes F116:52
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ppfk_sze: can you paste /etc/systemd/sleep.conf?16:53
BluesKajctl+alt+F1 -F6 will give you VT/TTY shells, kosta16:53
kosta7there is nothing that I can do, the pc is completely frozen, it seems to be related with play full screen videos on chrome, but i disabled the hardware acceleration and the compiz settings like the workaround, but the issue for them was that the browser was crashing, for me it's the whole pc16:53
k_szeppf: no such file16:53
k_szeppf: this is a default Yakkety desktop installation.16:54
kosta7I know BluesKaj I have been using linux for many years, since the 90s, this is the first time that due to a software failure, i cannot even switch to console, and there is nothing in syslog16:54
BluesKajwhich ubuntu and graphics , kosta7?16:54
kosta7or dmesg16:55
kosta7BluesKaj, I am running 16.04 LTS16:55
stonemanheroHow can i update current .deb installation with newly downloaded .deb via terminal (GitKraken)16:55
ppfstonemanhero: just install it16:55
ppfsudo dpkg -i16:55
k_szebah. I'll try again tomorrow. Time for bed.16:55
stonemanherothank you sir16:56
kosta7and it's Intel video card, lenovo laptop16:56
knemonI have a problem with ubuntu, when I use the live cd I have to use the nomodeset parameter as well, otherwise I will get a black screen. After installing ubuntu I have a problem with my display, it doesnt detect and I am stuck with 800x600 resolution. Any solutions?16:58
kosta7knemon, did you install any video card drivers ?16:59
BluesKaji915 driver then ..I also have a lenovo with intel gpu\16:59
kosta7BluesKaj, let me confirm with you on the driver16:59
kosta7yes this is correct17:00
knemonI think the problem is nomodeset, because the it disables KMS the kernel is using the VESA driver17:00
knemonbut if I remove it I wont be able to boot.17:00
kosta7knemon, what version of ubuntu are you running ?17:00
knemonlatest one17:01
kosta7knemon, did you try apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and then check if boots ?17:03
knemonthis is not the issue kode5417:04
kosta7BluesKaj, are you running the latest chrome ? 56.0 ?17:04
MartinKGAm I the only one who find Chrome working better than Firefox in Linux? I recently switched back to linux after some years with windows, I have always sworn to firefox but chrome seems to be more compatible now?17:05
kosta7knemon, you are saying that it doesn't boot with normal drivers, did you look at the log to see what is the issue ?17:06
XardMartinKG: at the moment firefox seems to default to software layer compositing which makes it way slower than chrome17:07
MartinKGXard, Yeah, actually what i have the most problems with is streaming services and video players17:07
MartinKGWorks like a charm in Chrome17:07
Xardthere are also some limitations with html5 video playback by default in firefox17:08
ioriaknemon,   can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log    and lspci -k | grep VGA -A2 ?17:08
pbandarkhello guys..  i am plaining to upgrade memory on my laptop. currently its 8gb. From dmidecode output i can see there are total 4 slots available. and max mem capacity is 32 gb. but when i opened back pannel of my laptop, i dont see any extra memory slots..  am i making any mistake in reading dmidcode ? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/G6miTeuhi3CdiYSDzNxapl5M1UNdIGYhyRLivL9gydE=   can anyone have a look ?17:08
chullmy husband has a problem with his ubuntu 16.04. It seems to be restarting itself or crashing when he is trying to start LibreOffice.. he can't open a browser to pastebin error logs. there are 4 entries and all are different. the last one is: ERROR: apport (pid 3359) Thu Feb 16 11:37:13 2017: called for pid 1685, signal 11, core limit 017:09
XardMartinKG you can check if about:support -> Graphics -> Compositing is set to "basic" instead of "Opengl"17:09
knemonioria, the problem is probably the amd driver17:10
knemonalso, I have a dual boot17:10
ioriaknemon,   ok,  can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log    and lspci -k | grep VGA -A2 ?17:10
MartinKGXard, Just checked that it was already on basic. I guess I just need to get used to Chrome then, not to much difference but just prefer the layout of firefox more :/17:10
knemonioria, I am not on ubuntu right now. my eyes hurt after some time using it17:10
ioriaknemon,   well, my crystal ball is broken :þ17:11
XardMartinKG: as I suspected... if you want test it by forcing it on you can go to "about:config" -> "layers.acceleration.force-enabled" to "true"17:12
Xardand change*17:12
knemonI will reinstall it ioria and come back to post the results17:13
XardI haven't had any issues with it, but it might cause problems as the devs decided to disable the composition in the first place17:13
ioriaknemon,   wait.... install 16.0417:13
ioriaknemon,  so, maybe we can install  AMDGPU-Pro17:13
knemonhmm ok17:14
JoniiHow do you disable mouse acceleration in ubuntu?17:14
knemonAMDGPU-Pro through apt-get?17:14
ioriaknemon,  really don't know if AMDGPU-Pro works with 16.1017:14
ioriaknemon,  nope, from here http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx17:14
knemonI will download 16.04 now17:15
knemonioria, will that work even if I have nomodeset from grub?17:16
ioriaknemon,  if you set nomodeset temporary, yes17:17
ioriaknemon,  if you edit /etc/defaul/grub , no17:17
ioriaknemon,  you can set nomodeset in 2 different ways17:17
knemonso how do I set it temporary the first time I boot the live cd?17:18
ioriaknemon,  with the F6 option17:19
knemonok, so I hit F6 before I want chose Install Ubuntu17:20
knemonI add nomodeset to the booting parameters17:20
ioriaknemon,  one or the other17:20
ioriaknemon,  with F6 you can select nomodeset, so no need to edit the kernel boot line17:20
knemongoing for the 6th time to install ubuntu today17:21
knemonthen I will install AMDGPU-Pro drivers and see17:21
vlad1777dHello to all. About grub17:21
vlad1777dGRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true are deprecated, it would be better to use < http://pastebin.com/iRpyT1cp > instead of them. The result will be the same, but without deprecated properties.17:21
ioriaknemon,  ok17:21
vlad1777dAlso os-proper breaks logic, set by /etc/default/grub in case, when  GRUB_TIMEOUT=0, because he adds to /boot/grub/grub.cfg while generation (sudo update-grub) such lines: < http://pastebin.com/Py2VD3Qt >.17:21
Gabros93someone can tell me why automatic backup fails? it says that i have no space, but my home have 200gb of free space17:21
vlad1777dFull text of my /boot/grub/grub.cfg: < http://pastebin.com/QzcCfV2q >17:21
vlad1777dThis bug was reported to Vivid, but is present in 16.04 Xenial too: < https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1273764 >17:21
vlad1777dHere is more info about deprecated properties: < here is more info about deprecation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1258597 >17:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1273764 in grub2 (Ubuntu Vivid) "Grub ignores TIMEOUT options on /etc/default/grub" [Medium,Triaged]17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1258597 in grub2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported." [Medium,Triaged]17:22
cdiddubuntu provides vulnerable nvidia binary drivers in the standard repository. Am I correct? https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/439817:22
vlad1777dBoth issues (with non-possiblity to specify 0 to grub loading time and using deprecated properties) were already corrected in Debian Sid (I just checked).17:22
vlad1777dcdidd, yes17:22
vlad1777dCan we correct it in 16.04 LTS ?17:22
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ducassevlad1777d: file a bug, there's nothing we can do for you. we're volunteers who help with support only.17:24
vlad1777dducasse, I never did this, do I need "apt download" broken package and than correct it and send back ?17:25
ducassevlad1777d: not sure how you would do that, but i would imagine you would fix it in the source package17:26
efu_hey guys17:27
vlad1777dducasse, ok, thanks, are there some manuals for doing patches to ubuntu ?17:28
ducassevlad1777d: then file a bug report, and point the devs to your fixed package with a summary of changes.17:28
ducassevlad1777d: manual, not sure. see this link:17:28
ducasse!bug | vlad1777d17:28
ubottuvlad1777d: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:28
wedgieor to the fixed sid packages. might be as simple as pulling in their changes.17:28
vlad1777dducasse, ok, thanks17:29
z1hazehey all i am trying to use inotify to run a script when files are created/modified/deleted. and im very new to bash. i have this: http://dpaste.com/2HJMRWS but I need to still know how to i pass the event type into this file so I can perform some tasks with the file name and the type of event that triggered it17:35
roweI can't get a .sh to run as an executable. I downloaded bauldr_s_gate.sh, did chmod +x to it, and then did ./ it.17:36
roweI get "/bin/sh: 0: Can't open ./gog_baldur_s_gate_enhanced_edition_2.5.0.7.sh" in return.17:36
k1l_rowe: can you show a ls -al in that directory and the complete errormessage in a pastebin?17:37
marioxccI am using LXDE and Latinamerican keyboard for Spanish. How can I write cyrillic?.17:38
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rowek1l_: http://pastebin.com/eq54gphh17:39
k1l_rowe: try with "bash foo.sh" instead of ./17:42
k1l_rowe: bin/sh is dash and maybe that is missing some features that this script wants and that are included in bash17:42
johncena_Help me17:43
rowek1l_: is that a prefix or the whole command? I'm new and bad at Linux.17:43
k1l_rowe: bash gog_baldur_s_gate_enhanced_edition_2.5.0.7.sh17:43
rowek1l_: you're my knight in eggplant-colored armor. Thank you.17:45
k1l_rowe: np17:45
akinodeDoes anyone here know how to filter the join and timeout alerts?17:46
DJones!quietirc | akinode17:47
ubottuakinode: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages17:47
DJonesakinode: Which irc client are you using17:47
FlamekebabPossibly a silly question. I'm running Trusty on my VPS but for some reason the kernel seems stuck on 2.6.32-042stab111.1217:48
DJonesakinode: Have a look at http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages#HexChat That gives details of how tohide the joins/parts etc17:48
FlamekebabWhat's going on there and how do I upgrade it to something from the 3.x series or higher?17:48
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akinodeDJones ok, thanks17:49
ducasseFlamekebab: depending on your provider, you might not be able to.17:49
Flamekebabducasse - as far as I know I can install whatever I want. I have root access and so forth17:50
ducasseFlamekebab: some of them do not give you a 'full' vm where you control the kernel the vm boots.17:50
FlamekebabAh, interesting17:50
FlamekebabI'll look into it, ducasse. Thanks!17:51
ducasseFlamekebab: ask your provider :)17:51
FlamekebabTicket posted. Let's see if you're right, ducasse :)17:55
pbandarkhello guys..  i am plaining to upgrade memory on my laptop. currently its 8gb. From dmidecode output i can see there are total 4 slots available. and max mem capacity is 32 gb. but when i opened back pannel of my laptop, i dont see any extra memory slots..  am i making any mistake in reading dmidcode ? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/G6miTeuhi3CdiYSDzNxapl5M1UNdIGYhyRLivL9gydE=   can anyone have a look ?17:56
xanguapbandark: try ##hardware17:57
pbandarkxangua, ack17:58
ducassepbandark: dmidecode tells you what the cpu supports aiui, not what the laptop actually supports. but check with ##hardware.17:58
marioxccHello. Where can I find a Cyrilic keyboard distribution with non-letter keys similar to latinamerican (latam) keyboard distribution?.}18:00
pbandarkok ducasse18:00
thesebHow move MP3's to iPods with ubuntu?18:05
aroonihow long does system load take to drop?  cpu doesnt seem occupied at all; and plenty of memory; yet load is still 6.96 on my lenovo t420 laptop18:06
pbandarkducasse, do you know what is reliable way to confirm if laptop has any free slots for memory ?18:06
pbandark`lshw -class memory` shows the same output18:08
naccarooni: is the disk busy?18:08
ioriapbandark, already tried  sudo dmidecode --type 17 ?18:10
ducassepbandark: a very reliable way is to open it up and look ;)18:10
k1l_arooni: sounds like some bottleneck, like slow disk18:10
pbandarkyes ioria18:10
pbandarkducasse,  :)18:11
ioriapbandark, and what's the output ?18:11
pbandarkioria, https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/G6miTeuhi3CdiYSDzNxapl5M1UNdIGYhyRLivL9gydE=18:11
MrFixIthas Ubuntu announced the revised dates for the release of 16.04.2?18:11
ioriapbandark, you have 3 slots free18:12
marioxccWhere can I get a Russian keyboard layout for GNU/Linux based on the Latinamerica alphabet?.18:13
pbandarkthis is what i understood. but when i opened back pannel of my laptop,  i dont see extra space to fit more memory sticks18:13
pbandarkioria, ^18:13
k1l_MrFixIt: my last info is today18:13
pbandarkioria, so bit confused if we should rely on dmidecode or not18:13
MrFixItthanks k1l_18:13
pbandarkor i am mistaken to understand the output18:14
ioriapbandark,  it's said it's not reliable 100% to be honest18:14
ducassepbandark: but as we said, ask in ##hardware18:15
pbandarkducasse, yes i have already pinged there.18:15
ioriapbandark,  sudo lshw -C memory18:15
pbandarksame output18:16
ioriapbandark,  so you have 3 slots ... check you laptop model18:17
pbandarkioria, i am using lenvo ideapad u430 touch..18:18
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pbandarkioria, i googled to confirm if my model really supports or not. but i am unable to confirm..18:19
ducassepbandark: look at the docs at the lenovo site18:20
* pbandark checking18:20
ioriapbandark,  i7 4500U  ? and 500 hd ?18:21
pbandarki5 500gb18:21
Akuwi am using  sudo wget -O - https://nightly.odoo.com/odoo.key | apt-key add -18:24
Akuwbut got  ---->  No se puede escribir a “-” (Conseguido).18:24
geniiAkuw: put sudo before apk-key add18:24
geniiAkuw: Also remove the dash between -O and the URL18:25
Akuwready, thanks genii18:27
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bladernrCan someone help me out with pinning?  I'm looking at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:28
bladernrin the section called Recommended alternative to pinning, I'm trying to build from zesty source the package stress-ng on Xenial.18:29
ducassegenii: that dash is there to redirect to stdout, methinks18:29
bladernrbut when I do the build, I'm getting this weird error: ubuntu@cx1640-1:~$ sudo apt-get -b source -t zesty stress-ng18:30
bladernrReading package lists... Done18:30
bladernrE: The value 'zesty' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources18:30
bladernrE: Unable to find a source package for18:30
naccbladernr: did you do the first step?18:30
naccbladernr: adding zesty, in this case, to sources.list as a deb-src?18:30
bladernrnacc, yes18:30
bladernrand updated the apt cache18:30
geniiAkuw: Sorry, you want more like: wget https://nightly.odoo.com/odoo.key -O -  | sudo apt-key add -18:30
naccbladernr: please pastebin your sources.list18:31
bladernrthat was copied verbatim from the How-To, only swapping out zesty for intrepid18:32
BillyM_Hi, anyone able to help with an issue im having?18:33
naccbladernr: and output of `apt-get update`, to be sure?18:33
MonkeyDustBillyM_  let's hear it, in one line18:33
bladernrnacc, the update seems too have been successful too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24008676/18:34
bladernrnacc, I was just about to hit send when  you asked :)18:34
BillyM_Sometimes when i open windows on ubuntu the mouse focus gets stuck. This means the mouse stops responding to any other clicks. Any ideas on how to resolve it?18:34
naccbladernr: can you pastebin the other two commands and output?18:35
bladernrnacc I just figured it out.  using us.archive.ubuntu.com instead of archive.ubuntu.com worked.18:35
MonkeyDustBillyM_  wireless mouse, cable, or touchpad?18:35
naccbladernr: strange, but ok :)18:35
bladernrthat was bizarre18:36
BillyM_The mouse + KB also sometimes take a while to respond on boot (doesnt happen on windows) but that could be an entirely different issue18:36
naccbladernr: very strange, i'm not sure why that would be, but i guess i've always used us.archive as well18:37
MonkeyDustBillyM_  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue18:37
bladernrnacc, I spoke too soon :(18:38
bladernrhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24008701/ <- otehr two commands18:38
BillyM_Im on windows atm. If you give me 5 minutes i shall return on Ubuntu and hopefully have the issue happen again18:38
bladernrnacc, I suppose I could just change the main deb line to zesty, install it and then switch back...18:40
BillyM__Back again18:42
BillyM__It returns "Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l"18:42
naccbladernr: i think there is a typo on the wiki page18:45
naccbladernr: hrm, maybe not18:46
naccbladernr: i'm not sure -- you could also just do this in a PPA which would be significnatly easier18:46
bladernrnot my stuff, and yes, a PPA would be a LOT easier.  But in the end, just swapping the deb lines to Xenial, installing and swapping them back worked.18:46
bladernrI just  wanted to try the "suggested" way for once... see where that got me :/18:47
bladernrnacc, ^18:47
mynameisI'm just installed Ubuntu 16.10 and I'm stuck with 1024x768 please help!18:49
timypmynameis what you mean you are stuck with it, what happens when you try to change it?18:51
BIllyM_I have also noticed the KB + mouse not responding on boot drives me insane. tl:dr I have KB + mouse problems18:51
naccbladernr: hrm, i don't use apt-get to build .debs (and i build a lot of debs), so not sure, but glad you have it working now18:51
BIllyM_Its making Ubuntu unbearable18:51
mynameisI don't have any resolutions available except 1024x768 and 800x60018:51
mynameisI have tried installing amdgpu-pro driver but it didn't work18:52
timypwhat video card you using?18:52
mynameisAMD Radeon r7 250x18:52
timypanything helpful in /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:54
timyp16.04 has no proprietary AMD drivers that I'm aware of so that sucks18:55
mynameisI'm not sure what could be helpful18:55
timypI'd say proprietary AMD drivers would have been the way to go18:56
mynameisI hoped that the default driver would work but it doesn't and amdgpu-pro doesn't work after installing18:56
mynameiswhat drivers are those?18:57
derifmy instagram id arif_murthi18:57
mynameisamd fglx driver doesn't work with Ubuntu 16.04 and above18:58
timypyou know I don't see any r7's listed with supported hardware http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx18:58
mynameisthey have a newer one for Ubuntu 16.04 called amdgpu-pro and I installed that on my 16.10 and it didn't work18:58
ojatkohello everyone, I'd like to batch convert flv files to mp4. I've tried a number of commands in my online search, but couldn't make it work, apparently for not assigning the right parameters. can you please help?18:59
timypI mean I see AMD Radeon™ R7 260 Graphics but not 250x18:59
timypso I don't think your card is supported with the card drivers mynameis18:59
timypmaybe try AMDGPU-PRO Driver 16.6019:00
timypwhat version did you use mynameis?19:01
mynameisI see but what can I do now?19:01
mynameisthat's the one I tried19:01
timyptry that one if you have not already19:01
vltHello. I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and ubuntu-mate-desktop.  There are a few problems. Any idea what package might be missing to get such a strange language mix in dialoges? http://imgur.com/H00NsQP19:02
timypvlt what's listed under Language Support ?19:03
vlttimyp: Wher do i find that?19:03
timyptry this https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/how-to-change-the-language-settings-in-ubuntu/344819:03
timypsorry not in front of my mate box at the moment19:04
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mynameistimyp it's exactly the same one that I tried :(19:04
timypmynameis sorry not sure what else to try19:04
mynameisI read that it doesn't work with current kernel so I even followed this guide https://www.sabeltand.net/amdgpu-1610/19:05
vlttimyp: Thank you, I'll try that.19:05
vltThen: the missing Alt+Tab functionality drives me crazy. I can only change to the very last window using Alt+Tab. I can see all the other icons but pressing Tab repeatedly while holding down Alt doesn't activate them.19:05
geniitimyp: I see one language is German, other than "disabled" being in English, is there some other language there?19:05
mynameisI just switched from Windows, it seems that I will have to switch back :/19:06
timypgenii lets see screen shot19:06
timypGerman is the language that you are seeing19:07
BIllyM_So, my mouse focus just got stuck in xterm again making it impossible to use the mouse until i switch to terminal view(ctrl+alt+f6) and back to desktop (ctrl+alt+f7). Any logs i should look at?19:07
mynameishas anyone else had the problem with AMD drivers not working on Ubuntu 16.10?19:08
timypmynameis don't think I've ever used an amd video card with a linux install always used nvidea, it has its share of problems but works well after tweeks19:08
k1l_vlt: looks like its not all translated19:08
BIllyM_any help would be appreciated19:09
mynameisit used to work in earlier versions of Ubuntu but they discontinued working on that driver19:09
OerHeksmynameis, amd-gpu works fine, maybe amd-pro does not work on all cards, nothing we can do about that but wait19:10
mynameiswhat is amd-gpu? I couldn't find it anywhere, only amdgpu-pro19:10
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mynameisOerHeks I also installed olgaif's drivers but they don't work either19:11
OerHeksamdgpu is the open driver, amd-pro is closed source, to see what driver is in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'19:11
OerHeksthe driver for older cards is the openradeon driver.19:12
mynameisis says "Kernel driver in use: radeon" it's after I installed olgaif's drivers19:12
timypgenii did is this a fresh mate install? and did you install any other packages after the install?19:13
geniitimyp: I'm not the one with the problem19:13
vlttimyp, k1l_: I followed the instructions in the link and now the system installed a lot more -l10n packages. Works now. Thanks.19:13
mynameismy card is not that old so maybe that's why openradeon doesn't work for me19:14
timypah vlt next time you can also try #ubuntu-mate channel for help. I'm glade its working19:14
mynameiswhere can I get amdgpu? or is it Ubuntu's default?19:14
vlttimyp: Thank you, I'll head to that channel.19:14
OerHeksmynameis, oh, that might explain your issue, i think normally you would use amdgpu19:15
OerHeks(standard loaded)19:15
mynameisOerHeks I don't know what the driver was initially, this is what I have installed right now: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers19:16
OerHeksmynameis, use ppapurge to reverse to the standard driver then19:17
mynameisOerHeks will I need a reboot to check what driver is installed after purge?19:18
OerHeksmynameis, not sure about that19:18
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mynameisis it normal that my syslog is 6.5GB big after just on a fresh installed system?19:21
mynameismy /var partition is only 10GB big and I keep running out of space19:21
k1l_mynameis: how long is that running since reboot?19:21
mynameismaybe 2 hours19:22
k1l_mynameis: but i guess there is spamming some errors.19:22
OerHeksmynameis, no, maybe that ppa / driver is spamming the log19:22
OerHekstail -f /path/thefile.log19:22
OerHeks( and ctrl + C to stop)19:23
mynameisit says a lot of things but I don't see anything about graphics19:23
k1l_mynameis: "tail -n 200 |nc termbin.com 9999"  and show the url here19:25
abstradelicor not me?19:25
k1l_mynameis: stop19:25
k1l_mynameis: "tail -n 200 /var/log/syslog |nc termbin.com 9999"  and show the url here19:25
mynameisurl: http://termbin.com/hl6j19:26
nacclooks to be a buggy usb device19:27
OerHeksModules linked in: .... amdkfd amd_iommu_v2 radeon19:28
mynameisyeah there is a lot of that19:28
k1l_mynameis: "lsusb | nc termbin.com 9999"19:29
mynameislsusb | nc termbin.com 999919:29
ioriamynameis, wifi adapter plugged ?19:30
mynameisyes it is19:31
k1l_mynameis: looks like the usb wifi thing is crashing and spamming your system19:31
mynameiswow that's weird19:31
mynameisit's workig though19:31
mynameisI'm on wifi right now19:32
k1l_mynameis: see in "systemsettings -> software and update -> last tab if there are needed drivers to isntall. then run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" and see if updates are pending.19:32
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mynameiscan I somehow clear syslog to free some space without rebooting? I won't be able to install anything because my /var partiion is full19:33
ioriamynameis, did you compile yourself the module ?19:34
mynameisno, I downloaded the iso from the website19:34
ioriamynameis,  ok, see what k1l_ told you19:35
mynameisI would really like to but unfortunately I can't: "no space left on device"19:36
mynameisso I need to clear the syslog to free some space19:36
mynameisbut I don't know how to do that and if it's possible without rebooting19:36
k1l_mynameis: just delete the files in /var/log then19:38
boxrick1I want the 16.10 kernel from HWE on my 16.04 preseed19:38
boxrick1As simple as using this line: d-ibase-installer/kernel/altmetastring hwe-16.04  ?19:39
RonaldsMazitisanybody knows how to install qgiffer on ubuntu 16.0419:40
MonkeyDust!find giffer19:40
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 19 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=giffer&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all19:40
mynameisok apt full-upgrade done, nothing pending, nothing installed19:41
RonaldsMazitisI guess there is no qgifer for 16.0419:42
MonkeyDust!find qgiffer xenial19:42
ubottuPackage/file qgiffer does not exist in xenial19:42
ioriaRonaldsMazitis, maybe you can still grab the .deb  (at your risk)   http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/08/how-to-create-a-gif-from-video-on-ubuntu-with-qgifer19:47
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ALFAfederica 14 anni19:50
ALFAmora carnagione scura coda dsi cavalo occhi neri formosa19:50
phos1I am trying to install a lets encrypt SSl certificate, and I am getting he client lacks sufficient authorization :: Incorrect validation certificate for TLS-SNI-01 challenge, it’s pulling up the certiifcate from another site on the server.19:50
phos1Using Apache, my command was certbot-auto --apache -d19:51
tomreynphos1: so make it available where it is looking for it.19:52
phos1How, the issue is if I view the SSL verion of this site it pulls up that one.19:52
tomreynphos1: and be sure to use the test API, not the live one, during your tests, or you will likely get blacklisted.19:53
RonaldsMazitisCannot add PPA: 'ppa:~samrog131/ubuntu/ppa'.19:53
RonaldsMazitisThe user named '~samrog131' has no PPA named 'ubuntu/ppa'19:53
phos1tomreyn: Makes sense. So i need to make the site load the on SSL without the certificate so the test will pass, do I just have to create Vhost file for that (this site doesn’t have one the other does)19:54
k1l_RonaldsMazitis: the ppa doesnt exist. you use outdated howtos19:55
ducasseRonaldsMazitis: that syntax is incorrect19:55
ojatkohello everyone, I am trying to install a tar-19:55
ojatkotar.gx file19:55
ducasseRonaldsMazitis: try ppa:samrog131/ppa19:55
ojatkobut ./configure command gives no such file or directory19:56
ojatkoand I am in the package's folder19:56
k1l_ojatko: read the readme19:57
ojatkok1l_ I did, there's nothing related to this19:57
arooniis there a 'bartender' like app as in mac os x?  i have too many tray icons and they are stretching across my menu bar lol.19:57
tomreynphos1: https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#apache discusses how the --apache option works. if you are just trying to get a certificate for a single vhost then use the --webroot option instead.19:58
tomreynphos1: you will likely get better support in #letencrypt than here - i never used certbot myself19:58
ioriaRonaldsMazitis  i said '.deb' not the ppa19:59
ioriaRonaldsMazitis  "Update June 2016: The PPA mentioned above no longer exists. You can grab a .deb installer of Qgifer 0.2.3"20:00
tomreynojatko: tar.gx is not a common file extension. maybe you mean tar.xz, tar.gz or tar.bz?20:00
ojatkotomreyn, sorry, did I write tar.gz? you're right, it is tar.gx20:00
ojatkosorry, tar.xy20:01
ojatkooh god20:01
OerHeksRonaldsMazitis, build it yourself? there is no ppa anymore, https://github.com/Apkawa/QGifer20:01
tomreynojatko: so this hints at an archive file format, which would be unpackages using: tar xJf filename.tar.xz20:02
mynameishi again, I uninstalled this driver https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers and now lshw is showing that I'm running radeon driver which doesn't allow me to set a higher resolution that 1024x76820:02
tomreynojatko: once unpacked, you should find a README or INSTALL file there which contains further instructions.20:03
mynameisamdgpu-pro isn't working either what can I do now?20:03
ioriamynameis, if you ask me, install 16.04 and try again amdgpu-pro20:03
samadhi_Hi there, How Can I change a key of my keyboard that dont work20:03
samadhi_the key is the arrow to down20:04
ojatkotomreyn, thank you so much! I'd used 'tar xf' which is likely the reason for error20:04
samadhi_if is possible i need change some ctrl key maybe and change for the arrow to down20:04
mynameisioria yes that's not a bad solution especially that nothing that I tried worked20:04
ioriamynameis,  already tried 16.04 ?20:05
tomreynojatko: this would work for a non-compressed .tar file only20:05
mynameisioria no I haven't tried it yet20:05
ojatkotomreyn, but I get the same error20:05
ioriamynameis,  give it a chance20:06
tomreynojatko: what's the command you are running, what is the output it is giving, paste to a pastebin and provide the URL20:06
mynameisioria I'm worried that it might not change anything but it seems that I don't have any other option left20:06
tomreyn!pastebin | ojatko20:06
ubottuojatko: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:06
mynameisthanks for the suggestion20:06
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ioriamynameis,  ok, no prob20:06
ojatkotomreyn, sorry!! the package was a binary that was ready to be used, without need for installation!20:07
tomreynojatko: ok. in the future, you can use the (GNU) file command to examine which format a given file is in.20:08
RonaldsMazitisso I download or clone version Oerheks, unzip it what do I do next20:11
OerHeksRonaldsMazitis, there are instructions on that github page too..20:13
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:13
RonaldsMazitisit does not make or build20:14
OerHeksRonaldsMazitis, it is an old project, and indeed instructions are not clear.  there are other ways to make a movie from gifs from a movie https://www.ostechnix.com/create-animated-gif-ubuntu-16-04/20:23
maszloI have found today that my only user that i have on my notebook, and have used for years is not in the sudoers file.  what in the world could have changed that?20:25
maszlosince dont have sudo access cant see who is in the list, but i can see that it hasnt been modified for over half a year20:25
ioriamaszlo, type   id    and paste the output20:26
maszlocross different computers... I see uid=1000(reck7) gid=1000(reck7 groups=1000(reck7),20(dialout)20:28
ioriamaszlo,  it's not a default user id20:28
ojatkosolved, thank you!20:29
ioriamaszlo,  type :     groups20:29
mcoffinHello, I'm trying to run a containerized 16.04 on mesos from mcoffin/test-container (source: https://github.com/mcoffin/test-container). Locally (in the docker daemon, it works fine). In the mesos containerizer, "apt-get install" always says that none of the packages could be authenticated. How can I go about debugging WHY apt-get can't authenticate packages? (Already run apt-get update and apt-key update20:30
mcoffinand apt-key list to make sure that the ubuntu signing keys are present in the keyring, so it's not a problem with mesos overridding the gpg keyring)20:30
nomicit should authenticate20:30
nomicif it is in the package list20:30
nomicotherwise, no20:30
nomicthere is a package that has an index of all packages available to "apt"20:30
nomicthat is "synaptic"20:31
nomic"sudo apt-get install synaptic"20:31
nomic"sudo apt install synaptic"20:31
nomicif the package is not in that index, it can't be installed plainly20:31
maszlo1ioria: if you replied can you say it again?20:31
k1l_you dont need to install synaptic20:31
nomici don't know what 'mesos' is mcoffin20:31
mcoffinnomic: This happens with ALL packages, even ones that that authenticate just fine locally (when I run the same container locally via the docker daemon)20:32
ioriamaszlo,  type :     groups20:32
nomickeep asking here, don't just drift off - it is transient20:32
nomicwhat ubuntu do you have20:32
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k1l_you can already just search with "apt search" nomic mcoffin20:32
nomicsounds like his installation may be non standard?20:32
nomicwhat ubuntu are you running, version mcoffin20:32
nomicalso it is efficient to post a message on https://ubuntuforums.org/ .. register, post .. people will be answering your posts while you sleep20:33
maszlo1groups has reck7 and dialout20:34
nomicforums is very busy.20:34
mcoffinnomic: Mesos is a distributed scheduler... but that's not incredibly relevant. What's relevant is the mesos containerizer, which provides isolation to tasks run by mesos. (chrooting / filesystem isolation / network isolation / etc.). Something about the way that mesos is running my ubuntu container is preventing packages from being authenticated, and I'm trying to debug why, but as I don't have tons of20:34
mcoffindebian / ubuntu experience, I don't know where to start to get more useful information from "apt"20:34
nomicwhy do you need to use this 'mesos' .. can't you just install apt get .. is it only 'mesos', that is saying this is not authentic20:34
ioriamaszlo1,   and how do you update/upgrade your system without sudo rights ?20:35
nomicinstall using apt-get20:35
mcoffinnomic: Sorry I don't think you understand. I'm running ubuntu INSIDE a mesos container20:35
nomicvirtual machine?20:35
k1l_mcoffin: that sounds like a vpn/proxy is the issue20:36
nomictry without?20:36
OerHeksmcoffin, there is a #mesos channel too20:36
k1l_mcoffin: transparent proxies are known to break SSL20:36
nomicall kinds of issues above and beyond "os", are engendered when you run something in a virtual machine20:36
nomicyour situation is not uncomplicated.  your setup, that is20:36
k1l_mcoffin: so better ask them about their setup since this is not a ubuntu issue but a mesos issue20:36
nomicyou appear to be a more sophisticated user, in what you know20:36
mcoffinOerHeks: Yea, problem is there's definitely a mesos bug here, I just need help figuring out how to debug the problem so I can figure out what exactly the bug in the containerizer is.20:36
k_jif I boot my ubuntu 16.04 with an hdmi plugged-in , it is detected.  If I later unplug and plug it again, then is no longer detected. How can I turn the plug & play thing on, or at least wake up the HDMI display again?20:36
* nomic thinks that too20:37
mcoffink1l_: Correct, definitely a mesos issue, but what I"m saying here is how can I get more information from apt on why it can't authenticate the packages20:37
OerHeksk_j, my trick to activate is just open systemsettings, odd but it works20:37
mcoffink1l_: nomic: fwiw, I'm not using a transparent proxy at all20:37
k_jOerHeks, open it and ?20:38
nomiccheck if the packages install without/outside mesos20:38
k_jOerHeks, it's open...20:38
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mcoffinnomic: Already checked that. Yes. If I run the same docker container locally, it works fine. The bug is in the mesos container, not ubuntu. I just need to know how to debug exactly WHY apt can't authenticate the packages, so that I can fix the bug in the containerizer20:38
nomicyou're going to have to go to mesos support (irc/forum)20:39
nomicspecific obscure app issue20:39
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k_jany idea?20:39
nomicwhat is this FOR?  mesos/ your package20:39
k_jcome on guys , am i the only one with two monitors?20:39
mcoffinUgh. I AM the mesos support haha. I just need to figure out what's wrong with mesos, but in order to do that, I need debug information from apt on exactly why it thinks it can't authenticate the packages20:39
nacc!patience | k_j20:39
ubottuk_j: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:39
maszlo1ioria: I know on tuesday I had sudo rights for my user.  I am not sure how this would have been adjusted20:40
OerHeksk_j, then unplugging hdmi is not suitable for your hardware, live with it.20:40
k_jmy hardware? it's a damn standard display20:40
naccmcoffin: you may want to look at hte debug options from `man apt.conf`20:40
k_jwith an intel based laptop20:40
nomicthere are system messages, in repositories, all over the place .... you need to find out where apt reports to20:40
nomiceverything is logged20:40
OerHeksk_j, so?20:40
PubertySpiderI heard this place is friendly to Linux beginners. I'm not dumb, but I am completely new to Linux. Hell, just reading for now.20:40
mcoffinnomic: Thanks. I'll take a look at that20:41
nomicyeah - debug information .. find the logs20:41
nomicof apt20:41
geniimaszlo1: You probably did something like: sudo usermod -G newgroup username    ..without the -a switch for "append"20:41
nomicinvestigate apt first .. this is all open20:41
k_jso we live in 2017, I pretend ubuntu to work out-of-the-box20:41
OerHeksk_j,  did you try to switch with the FN key for internal/external/both displays?20:41
nomicif apt "stops", there will be a message20:41
CrazySanemaszlo1: genii: ugh. The worst.20:41
OerHeksk_j, seen many laptops that cannot handle unplugging hdmi, so you are not alone.20:42
nomicthere could even be a switch on apt (command line), to show debugging info / more messages20:42
ioriamaszlo1,   can you paste the output of :  cut -d: -f1,3 /etc/passwd | egrep ':[0-9]{4}$' | cut -d: -f120:42
k1l_mcoffin: man apt.conf about debug options20:42
nomicwhat is mesos please20:42
naccnomic: http://mesos.apache.org/20:43
nomicwill google it20:43
nomicthere ya go ... should have query posted in there, now, before you investigate .. even if you fix it -- correspond20:43
maszlo1I cant c/p i am on different computer.. not really concerned about fixing it, as much as what would have changed this?20:44
phos1My apache instance just went down when I tried to install SSL certificate, I am getting https://bpaste.net/show/01e7966eb14d20:44
maszlo1i have not installed anything outside of repos, malware do this?20:44
ioriamaszlo1,   my idea it's that it's not that your main user20:44
mcoffinnomic: I already posted in the #mesos channel, but they're not of much use since it's hard to say what exactly is wrong with the containerizer without knowing exactly what is causing apt to be unable to authenticate the packages20:44
maszlo1ioria: well have only had one user, that has been used for years20:45
nomicis it firewall?   I don't know about this20:45
k_jso it's the unpluggin part that does not work?20:45
ioriamaszlo1,  maybe if you boot that system, we can help20:45
platzis anyone seeing Alt+Arrow and Super+Arrow switch to next/prev TTY?20:46
maszlo1only thing i can think of is that minicom messed it up somehow20:46
platzwould like to prevent this behavior20:47
maszlo1i will loop back on that system.20:47
k_jit owrks now20:48
k_ji manually invoked a command20:48
k_jnow, how to use the hdmi speakers20:48
PubertySpiderjust don't use them plug in earbuds, lol20:49
OerHeksk_j, hdmi should be an options in your soundsettings20:50
k_jOerHeks, should that take effect immediately?20:52
OerHeksYes, here it works fine switching.20:52
k_jOerHeks, but even with firefox - youtube?20:53
OerHeksk_j, dunno with firefox, i removed that browser20:54
k_jok what are u using20:54
mcoffinnomic: it appears that /var/lib/apt/lists is corrupted when it gets mounted by overlayfs20:54
PubertySpiderYO, my software application doesn't load anything passed the home selection of categories or anythign past a simple search. Any suggestions?20:54
PubertySpiderThank you my friends.20:55
mcoffinI get a bunch of seemingly broken files when running `ls -al /var/lib/apt/lists`.20:55
ioriaOerHeks, you removed firefox ?  may i ask you why ?20:55
OerHeksk_j, clementine. but this is not intel.20:55
OerHeksioria, i don't want 2 browsers20:55
platzodd, a reboot and the problem went away20:56
ioriaOerHeks, oh, ok tx20:56
OerHeksor not 3, www is standard installed too.20:56
OerHekswww = touch related browser.20:56
OerHeksk_j, maybe logout/login is needed for your situation, not sure about that but you can try.20:57
a_.. guess I'll make do with a 1 second delay for now, that's not too bad20:59
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aasweHello there21:25
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gambl0reanyone here use spotify21:31
RedPengu1nhello all21:31
RedPengu1ngambl0re: I do21:31
=== RedPengu1n is now known as RedPenguin
RedPenguinanybody know why after installing bridge-utils the device in the bridge/non-LAN port would seem to not be communicating?21:32
ravenblackany one tell me how I see how much ram or HD space i have in my pc21:33
ravenblackhi franco21:33
ravenblackhey red21:33
k1lravenblack: "lshw"21:33
RedPenguinravenblack: you could do "sudo dmidecode" or even "cat /proc/cpuinfo" if you want the CPU21:33
RedPenguinoh what k11 says also21:33
tomreynravenblack: "df -h" for free space.21:33
gmhAnyone wanna guess (based on experience) how long rebuild a mdadm raid1 on 500GB 7200RPM will take? Running ubuntu 14.04 lts21:34
tomreyngmh: probably a few hours, less than 1021:35
gmhThats good news. Couple min of google got me worried. People talking about days on 320gb :P21:35
RedPenguinAccording to ifconfig both Ethernet cards are up and in the bridge21:37
ravenblackany reason i cannot download ttf mscorefonts-installer21:37
RedPenguinSo I don't understand why the bridged device is not getting an IP21:37
RedPenguinIt's a known good NIC card21:37
ravenblackhardware issue?21:37
* wlan2 is having a resolv.conf problem.21:37
elias_a_ravenblack: Nope. It is a known bug.21:37
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yobagme_ravenblack: I solved my issue with that by using this recommendation http://askubuntu.com/questions/766491/failure-to-download-extra-data-files-with-ttf-mscorefonts-installer-on-ubuntu21:38
Bashing-omravenblack: +1 on known issue : see: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2351957 for one resolution means .21:39
wlan2So I'm finding this machine constantly setting itself as resolver in /etc/resolv.conf, I don¡'t know why, if I set network-manager to set it to something else!21:39
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RedPenguinI didn't have "auto" lines in my config so that may be why, trying now21:40
WhiskeyAny one know if it possible to go left and right on telnet connection or if the protocol just not support it?`21:40
RedPenguinAll devices worked an hour ago and just now started not bridging21:40
wedgieWhiskey: you mean move the cursor back and forth?21:40
ravenblackthanks yoba21:41
Whiskeynot really i mean on my keyboard21:41
RedPenguinthink I am going to try another NIC because the device in question keeps claiming Link, No Link, Link, No Link21:41
Whiskeyno sorry21:41
Whiskeyyeh cursor :D21:41
wedgieWhiskey: the protocol certainly supports it... but the remote applicatoin may not. What are you telneting to?21:42
wlan2Hmn.. for some reason I seem to have dnsmasq installed ad having problems because of it's default configuration?21:42
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Whiskeyan eggdrop21:45
tomreynWhiskey: http://eggwiki.org/Telnet#telnet21:49
RedPenguinIt seems putting in another NIC may have been the answer, the device isn't saying the connection is going in and out now21:49
Whiskeywell it don´t really answer the question21:50
Whiskeybut if telnet allows it and software may not.21:50
tomreynWhiskey: it kind of does where it starts with "You may be interested in a better telnet client."21:50
tomreynor you could use ctcp / dcc instead21:51
tomreynor you could use ZNC instead.21:51
Whiskeytomreyn: so its not eggdrop it self that block it, its the software that connects to it that does?21:52
Whiskeywhat the hell has ZNC to do whit this :D21:52
tomreynWhiskey: i guess its the combination of the two. ZNC has nothing to do with it other than i find it mo0re usable than eggdrops.21:53
Whiskeyznc is awsome21:53
wedgienot so much block as "doesn't support", but I doubt a different telnet client would give you different results21:53
wedgiebut i've never used eggdrop so i don't really know21:53
Whiskeyso it need to be supported in the application its connect to, always to map keys?21:54
wlan2Whisket: what is all this using telnet about anyway?21:56
wlan2Stupid tab.21:56
wlan2Whatever, bye.21:56
Whiskeyits agood way to connect to it21:57
RedPenguinIt's gotta be something wrong I am doing with my config of bridging21:58
RedPenguinThe NIC acts completely normal in non-bridge mode21:58
RedPenguinThen starts blinking all strangely when put in bridge mode21:59
RedPenguinThe lights blink off an on on the nIC21:59
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dbristowAny news on the 16.04.2 release?22:20
k1ldbristow: #ubuntu-releases might know22:21
RedPenguinDon't know why but even though the NIC card functioned in another PC perfectly, bridging only works with a different NIC card now22:23
RedPenguinGuess some PCs doesn't like some cards22:23
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uebera||Hi. I'd like to invoke /sbin/partprobe using an udev rule whenever a device "/dev/mapper/*-crypt" becomes available--something along the lines of ``ACTION=="add",...,RUN+="/sbin/partprobe ..."'' (the second '...' can be omitted, though I'd like to use the device name here). Question: How to match the device name here?22:25
bloopI am trying to use my onboard mic22:30
bloopi know it sucks but it is all i have22:30
bloopand it is only spitting out static22:30
dirmic be the fan22:31
bloopno it isnt22:31
bloopthe static is way too unnatural22:31
dirgot fan in the the board22:32
dirmotor mite be making static22:32
dirgood bye22:33
blooptis no tit22:33
blooptis not it22:33
dirdon{t know22:34
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mcoffinnomic: Not that you care, but that mesos problem I was experiencing earlier was a kernel bug with overlayfs22:58
GuestieI go to these cyber security competitions, which I have a Ubuntu image that has been messed with. One of the things that I need to check are packages. I want to know if there's a list of packages that I can download, so I can compare what the image has installed, to what a fresh Ubuntu install would have.23:20
GuestieWhere can I get this list?23:20
wedgieGuestie: check out debsums23:21
ignaciohi everyone23:21
Guestiewedgie, thanks!23:21
Guestieignacio, hello23:21
wedgieGuestie: oh, you just want a list of default stuff.... hmm. not sure.23:22
Guestiewedgie, yeah.23:22
wedgieGuestie: wors case, install a fresh VM and run ''dpkg -l''23:22
Guestiewedgie, I would think they have that. I mean, say I burn a Ubuntu LTS 16.04 disk 2 months ago. When I install a new OS, it needs to make sure everything is up-to-date, and download all the packages. Well, there's got to be a package list to download to do that.23:23
k1lGuestie: it just gets the list from the ubuntu repos23:24
Guestiek1l, where can I get that list?23:24
k1lGuestie: and then apt will update the packages that have higher version numbers23:24
k1lGuestie: they are on the repo servers23:25
Guestiek1l, so there is a Ubuntu repo server that only contains the stuff for fresh installs?23:26
k1lGuestie: no23:26
k1li dont understand what your "fresh install" issue is, to be honest23:26
k1lor your issue at all.23:26
Guestiek1l, I'm trying to create a script that will be able to tell me what is an "unofficial" package.23:27
GuestieSorry that was not worded well. Have you read my initial message, k1l?23:28
Guestiek1l, not quite what I'm looking for.23:31
GuestieYou have a list of packages installed on your operating system after a clean install. Without making actually making a fresh install, is there a way to get a list of what would go onto a fresh install?23:33
GuestieMake sense?23:33
Apachezany of you who have encountered an error similar to "Error when document File1 was saved: /home/user/Documents/Fileshare/File1.docx does not exist"? In my case Im trying to save to a ftp mounted through curlftpfs, using gedit to save to the same mountpoint works without problems23:35
u8intuxIs Ubuntu 16.04.2 ISO available?23:36
k1lGuestie: then md5sum against the iso23:36
bazhangdpkg --get-selections > ~/InstalledPackages.list Guestie23:36
bazhangtry that23:36
k1l!16.04.2 | u8intux23:36
ubottuu8intux: 16.04.2 is rescheduled to February 16th due to several last minute issues with building and testing the ISOs. You can install the 16.04(.1) ISOs and run the updates if you are in a hurry.23:36
OerHeksGuestie, do you share the competition-reward with k1l ?23:37
bazhangGuestie, you do have a ubuntu install to check this against, right?23:37
XundresHi, how can I set up all buttons on my mouse?23:38
k1lGuestie: i dont know if you want us to give you a working solution now when you say you want to script that :)23:39
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k1lApachez: i recall there were some issues with libreoffice once. but i dont know the specifics anymore.23:42
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PhoenixMageCan anyone recommend a command line app for finding duplicate files?23:51
Error|404finddup -l23:54
k1lwas fdupes or fslint the cli one? i always mix them both23:54
wedgiefdupes is cli, don't know anything about fslint23:55
k1lyeah, fslint is with gui23:55
Gabros93there is an option to automatize clonezilla?23:58

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