
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== JanC is now known as Guest38106
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dufluSome numbers to end the week on...09:50
greybackduflu: thanks for taking on the subpixel bits for me09:57
greybackand nice chart09:58
duflugreyback: No problem. I needed some smaller tasks to end the week cleanly09:59
greybackduflu: adding the set-subpixel feature was a good idea too10:00
greybackI can see us exposing that in settings10:00
duflugreyback: For some reason I was imagining a GUI for it a long time and forgot the API didn't exist10:00
dufluNot sure if we've got output events wired up to that yet10:01
greybackduflu: I'm not sure of the value of surface output event, aside from saying "hey, you're not on this screen"10:01
greybackIMO the client can then read what it wants from the screen/display config10:01
duflugreyback: It lets you abstract things about the outputs (like the most appropriate refresh rate or scale, which might not match any one real output)10:02
greybackuhh, I meant, "hey, you're *now* on this screen"10:02
dufluAnyway, gotta run10:02
greybackduflu: if you say so. That sounds pretty special10:02
greybackduflu: have a nice weekend!10:02
duflugreyback: vsync now relies on it :)10:02
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
aquarius_alf_: are you the person I should talk to if I have repowerd questions? :)12:22
alf_aquarius_: sure, what's up?12:22
aquarius_alf_: basically, I'd like to temporarily prevent the screen on an ubuntu phone from being locked (either by timeout or by power-button press), but I'd also like to be notified somehow when the power button *is* pressed.12:24
aquarius_I could just stop repowerd, but then it stops monitoring the power button, and so I can't listen for its d-bus signals. But I don't know how to tell repowerd to ignore power button presses and not lock the screen12:25
alf_aquarius_: it's not possible to tell repowerd to ignore the power button. However, repowerd gets the original power button signals from the com.canonical.Unity.PowerButton service which is implemented by unity-system-compositor.12:28
alf_aquarius_: so you could stop repowerd and listen on the PowerButton interface12:29
aquarius_oh! repowerd doesn't actually monitor the button itself?12:29
aquarius_that would explain why I can't find the code that does it then :)12:29
aquarius_so I could, temporarily, stop repowerd and then listen for signals on com.canonical.unity.powerbutton12:30
aquarius_and then later restart repowerd12:30
alf_aquarius_: right, you will get Press and Release signals. Note, however, that you will not get a LongPress signal, since it's repowerd that emits that.12:31
aquarius_that's fine12:32
aquarius_excellent! thank you very much12:32
alf_aquarius_: you are welcome12:32
elopiogood moning AlbertA! are you ready for today?15:04
AlbertAelopio: sure what time again?15:06
AlbertAahh 11, ok15:06
elopioAlbertA: yes, in two hours, thanks. I'll set up the hangout and make the announcements. Let me know if I can help you with something.15:10
alan_gbschaefer: workspace-example is ready for breaking again15:15
bschaeferalan_g, excellent!15:15
bschaeferooo fancy shortcut intro15:17
bschaeferhuh ... i need to figure out how to reproduce this our get some debugging messages... as going from workspace 1 ---> 2 and the window that *should* be on 2 isnt there15:19
bschaeferbut going from 3 ---> 2 and it shows up15:19
bschaeferhuh ... this is just really strange when it gets in this state15:21
* bschaefer attempts to reproduce15:21
alan_g--window-management-trace is my favourite debugging tool15:22
* alan_g just needs to cut the excessive and unnecessary verbosity15:22
bschaefero yeah forgot about that15:23
* bschaefer adds that and sees if maybe some key is stuck down15:23
* alan_g should have found keys U7 doesn't eat15:24
bschaeferhuh miral doesnt seem to like it when i close it with ctrl+alt+del15:29
bschaefertwice in a row its caused just a black screen that I couldnt recover from15:29
bschaefero yeah backspace15:29
bschaefer[2017-02-17 07:26:26.824675] miral::Window Management: for_each_workspace_containing window=@æ^BÄX^?15:29
bschaeferthat looks strange?15:29
bschaefer[2017-02-17 07:26:27.062148] miral::Window Management: for_each_workspace_containing window=pÇ^BÄX^?15:29
alan_gIt does. Log it I'll fix the logging.15:30
bschaeferalan_g, at some point, one window gets stuck on all workspaces15:30
bschaeferbut i wasnt sure if ctrl was stuck down (doesnt seem like it)15:30
alan_gI've not seen that (yet)15:31
bschaeferyeah ... i need a way to reproduce it, it seems to be meta + alt f1/f2 with two windows then taking a window from f1 and meta + ctrl onto f215:31
* bschaefer will attempt to reproduce it a bit better15:31
attentedoes mir have vulkan support?15:36
alan_gbschaefer: you're commenting on a superseded version of the MP15:37
bschaeferthought i clicked on the new one15:39
bschaefero a second time15:39
bschaeferalan_g, found a way to reproduce15:39
bschaeferalan_g, hopefully *thats* a correct way to reproduce15:43
bschaeferhmm you dont need to hold the hot key down, but i seem to be able to reproduce it 100% of the time now15:46
bschaeferannd dont need to do any alt + meta stuff in the beginning15:49
* bschaefer re-writes reproduction15:49
greybackattente: not yet, camako was working on it but I think pulled onto other things15:55
bregmaattente, camako can correct me if I'm wrong, but Mir out of the box does not yet have WSL support for obtaining a Vulkan context when using Mir, it's currently EGL-only15:55
camakoattente, at some point it worked, but needed presentation chain API to be published... In the mean time, there has been a lot of Vulkan work in Mesa. Now that presentation chain support has been published in Mir, I need to refresh the Mesa patch for Vulkan.15:58
AlbertAelopio: do you have a hangout link so I can setup?16:38
elopioAlbertA: https://hangouts.google.com/call/hmcpgwejwff3znwobjy77snwzie16:39
elopioand anybody else from the team who wants to join ^16:39
AlbertAkgunn: ^ ?16:49
* alan_g wonders what it is16:50
* kgunn also wonders16:55
AlbertAalan_g: it's an ubuntu-on-air session16:55
kgunnAlbertA: i may hop on a ho with willcooke here in a second....but i'll at least join irc16:55
willcookekgunn, just getting near to wrapping here I think, won't be much longer16:56
elopiothanks a lot AlbertA :)17:44
AlbertAelopio: np17:59
alan_gbschaefer: another iteration of workspaces-example ready for breaking18:04
=== JanC is now known as Guest50386
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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