
bazhangDr_Coke> Since when did this come into effect00:31
bazhangprobably since the beginning of #ubuntu00:31
bazhangat least since the compiz cube, I can recall some old time op warning me about ot00:34
ubottupimp called the ops in #ubuntu (Heil Hitler und Das Dritte Reich!  Allle heil der allmächtige Deutsch rasse!  |  Hail Hitler and The Third Reich!  All hail the almighty German race!)07:47
k1l2017-02-07:15:58:30<      RxMcDonald > my computer system got broked when ubuntu got inside of it and now it does not compute, it can not compute I repeat, it can not compute after ubuntu got in the system.10:13
k1lthat was him the last time trolling10:13
Tm_Tbazhang: no fullhd or anything modern fancy stuff10:38
=== Menzador is now known as Guest2473
ubottunacc called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:56

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