
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
nimbiussup cloud-init.14:43
nimbiuscloud-init it not fetching ip addresses for my node.  as far as i can tell, it not even mounting the config drive14:44
nimbiusdo i need to have the config drive mounted and ready?14:55
nimbiustried mounting it, this isnt read.16:08
nimbiusthe ssh keys in my openstack config on the config drive arent imported into anything meaningful, and network config isnt being read from the configdrive.16:08
nimbiusdoes cloud-init support gentoo??16:08
magicalChickennimbius: cloud-init does have some support for gentoo17:34
magicalChickenmost people who might be able to help you are not in right now because its a long weekend17:34
magicalChickenso it may be easier to get support on tuesday17:34
* nimbius sighs18:35
nimbiusi have to open an ubuntu account to report a bug.18:35

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