
mpontillohm, I guess myra left. I was going to suggest running: curl http://<maas-ip-address>:5240/MAAS/api/1.0/describe/ | jq01:10
mpontilloI wonder if the describe command is able to finish describing the API.01:10
mupBug #1650587 changed: [FUJ]  It is not clear for users that they need to click on 'Save Selection' to start importing new images <MAAS:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1650587>04:17
ybaumyhi. anybody knows maybe how to add vmware chassis with self signed cert? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24018648/07:50
ybaumyi already imported it to my local maas installation and ran dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates07:51
ybaumybut im still getting the error. when trying to add the vmware chassis on the cli the maas command changed and doesnt know profile option anymore07:51
ybaumycould you guys implement an option for importing with unverified ssl cert?07:53
ybaumynobody here?07:57
ybaumyi must say that this is really poorly implemented and this for varios versions10:42
ybaumyas i read in several threads it was working in old ubuntu versions10:42
ybaumybut python changed10:42
ybaumyso your documentation should at least point to a workaround.10:43
ybaumywhy add vmware in the first place if its not working10:43
ybaumyjust tell if i waste my time here10:46
ybaumyat least10:46
ybaumyok i had to login to the cli. which is new. and then maas baum machine ... to add the server with unverified https option11:32
ybaumynow it worked11:32
myradoes the "boot-resources" command in maas cli needs a package or something? because whenever I type it this error pops out "argument COMMAND: invalid choice: u'boot-resources' (choose from 'files', 'node-groups', 'nodes', 'version')"17:52
pmatulismyra, what exact command did you use?18:17
myrapmatulis, boot-resources command18:48
Sarah__"argument COMMAND: invalid choice: u'boot-resources' (choose from 'files', 'node-groups', 'nodes', 'version')" when trying the command "boot-resources"19:03
Sarah__any ideas ?19:03
mpontilloSarah__: what version of MAAS is this?19:49
pmatulispmatulis, i meant the exact invocation19:51
Sarah__sorry for replying late20:21
mpontilloSarah__: can you do: apt-get install -yu jq ; curl http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/1.0/describe/ | jq21:08
mpontillo^ on the MAAS server21:08
mpontilloI want to see if the describe endpoint is providing complete information21:08
Sarah__sure hold on21:09
sarah__here's the results http://paste.ubuntu.com/24022548/21:12
mpontillosarah__: can you include the complete command? I think there might have been a mistake21:14
mpontillocurl http://localhost:5240/MAAS/api/1.0/describe/ | jq21:14
mpontillosarah__: there should be lots of output... here's what it looks like for me on MAAS 2.x http://paste.ubuntu.com/24022567/21:15
mpontillosarah__: hm, ok, try without jq then. jq will nicely format JSON output for you. but if you aren't getting JSON output it won't work21:17
mpontillosarah__: oh, I guess you missed the /1.0/ in that command. that is required21:17
sarah__and with the jq it just says "failed writing body"21:21
mpontillosarah__: can you post the contents of your /var/log/maas/regiond.log and /var/log/maas/maas.log?21:42
mpontillosarah__: also I would like to see the output of "env" on your system if you don't mind21:42
mpontillosarah__: the fact that jq failed tells us something: it seems that on your system, for some reason, we don't seem to be getting valid JSON. that could interfere with the CLI's ability to read the description of the API and present you with the commands21:47

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