
jbichayay, mozjs38 is fixed01:57
jamie_1hey odd question, when cononical changed the naming method for wifi from wlan0 to like wlp2s0 did they also change the method for naming the bluetooth interface?06:15
jamie_1right now im working on getting a program back up and running that the last working release was for 12.04, i want to make sure that when i'm fixing it up and getting it working on current (16.04, 16.10 and 17.04) that i dont need to go through and correct that06:16
jbicharicotz: instead of using the published spidermonkey 38.2, Fedora's mozjs38 is using the final Firefox 38.8.0 ESR source11:52
jbichait seems to work, but it takes a very long time for my packaging tools to work with the Firefox (and LibreOffice) sources11:54
ricotzjbicha, absolutely reasonable to do so, although the tarball is quite huge and for sure contains unused code and even binary-code12:07
ricotzyeah, those source package are something12:07
ricotzworking on them in a tmpfs is bearable though12:08
jbichaok, I'll push it to zesty, a few hours from now when debuild finishes :(12:08
ricotzjbicha, is the currently mozjs38 library package properly stripped?12:08
jbichawhat do you mean?12:08
ricotzthey are quite huge12:09
ricotzlibmozjs-38-0 like 90M installed12:09
ricotz-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 88469816 Feb 17 23:59 libmozjs-38.so.0.0.012:11
ricotz-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7430848 Feb 18 13:11 libmozjs-38.so.0.0.012:11
ricotz^ after stripping it12:11
jbichaoh, I dropped the dh_strip lines https://launchpadlibrarian.net/306906191/mozjs38_38.2.1~rc0-0ubuntu1_38.2.1~rc0-0ubuntu3.diff.gz12:11
jbichabecause I thought that was supposed to work automatically now https://wiki.debian.org/AutomaticDebugPackages12:13
jbichaor maybe it could be one of those crazy options I borrowed from Fedora without knowing what they do12:15
=== john is now known as Guest98475
jbichaok, it looks like I just need to add the dh_strip lines back with --dbgsym-migration to get the file size back down12:51
jbicharicotz: can you send me instructions for now you use tmpfs to work with these sources?12:51
ricotzjbicha, I simply create a folder and mount it as tmpfs and doing everything inside it12:55
ricotzno magic here12:55
jbichaI wonder if I can create the .dsc and .source_changes manually12:56
ricotzdpkg-buildpackages -S -sa is also faster than debuild -S -sa12:56
ricotzI guess you want to skip the whole source comparing and repack-checking?12:57
jbichaI was using debuild -S yes12:58
jbichaooh, new idea, I could use Files-Excluded in d/copyright to have a smaller orig tarball when uscan runs15:25
ricotzjbicha, jfyi https://launchpad.net/zeitgeist/0.9/1.015:52
jbichadid you want to do the packaging for that update too?16:09
jbichait's not designed to remove this many files!16:17
jbichaCan't exec "tar": Argument list too long at /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/IPC.pm line 308. mk-origtargz: error: unable to execute tar --delete16:17
ricotzjbicha, sorry, no16:19
ricotzif possible I need to spend time on other things16:19
jbichamk-origtargz told me "sorry, no" too! ;)16:24
ricotzjbicha, was there any action about moving gjs to mozjs45?16:33
jbichayes: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/distributor-list/2017-February/msg00004.html16:34
ricotzwhich will be superseded by 52 in 2 weeks already too16:34
jbichafor 3.24 gns was ported from mozjs24 (through 31) to mozjs3816:34
jbichafor 3.26 the goal is at least mozjs45 but trying for mozjs52 too16:35

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