
geigerCounterWell, I uhm... there's options. There's scp, ftps, https. If you're accessing the webserver via a browser, then https is probably the way you want to go.00:00
Henster1. Cost of data on cloud serverexpensive 2. i dont have fast uncapt internet here .3 not all the files will be active00:00
geigerCounterWhat cloud service are you using Henster and what's your monthly budget?00:01
Hensterok cool , i learned how use puttygey gen ,, can i iuse putty keys in the terminal without using a putty like terminal00:01
HensterIm at digegal ocean00:01
Henstergod my spelling tonight00:02
Hensteralso its 2am here lol00:02
Hensterdude dont hack me lol00:02
geigerCounterDon't worry, I don't want to.00:03
geigerCounterI'd hate it if that happened to me, so I'm not gonna do it to anyone else.00:03
Hensterha ha cool man00:03
geigerCountersarnold: Do you have any suggestions on what I might do to fix this issue?00:15
sarnoldgeigerCounter: you're still stuck at the unexp3ected packet?00:16
sarnoldgeigerCounter: you could try connecting to it with openssl s_client's -starttls smtp support and see what output you get..00:17
geigerCounterHow does that work exactly? I'm not too familiar with how s_client works...00:18
sarnoldI have to look it upevery time I use it; something like openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ -verify 2 -connect servername:port -starttls smtp   ... but it might require more00:19
geigerCounterWell.. that seems right?00:22
geigerCounterWell the connection holds up, but when I try to login it says "Invalid base64 data"00:24
naccjgrimm: fyi, i think puppet should migrate now and i'm SRUing the longstanding bug with 16.04 + systemd00:31
sarnoldgeigerCounter: ugh when another fellow has trouble logging in via base64 decode errors it looks a bit hard to decipher -why- https://lists.gt.net/exim/users/5702000:41
sarnoldgeigerCounter: but 11 years ago philip said he'd make the authenticators log alongside the smtp dialog in whatever debug mode is used.. maybe he did? :)00:42
geigerCounterWell let's give this a read.00:44
* geigerCounter facepalms00:53
geigerCounterI just ran tcpdump without any qualifiers and without piping it to less00:53
geigerCounterAnd now to wait fifteen years.00:54
geigerCounterI'm jk of course, I just interrupted it00:54
fishcookeri have log about 28G how to reduce the file size to be latest 7G ?01:09
fishcookeri have issue when i try to gzip it because the cpu usage would be increase01:09
sarnoldfishcooker: do you need to keep the logs?01:10
tarpmanfishcooker: rotate more often so the individual files don't get that big ?01:10
patdk-lapset logrotate to daily, or maybe to a file size (1day or longer then)01:12
patdk-lapwonder what it would take to modify logrotate to nice gzip01:13
ubottuDebian bug 652600 in logrotate "logrotate: use nice and ionice to avoid slowing down system" [Wishlist,Open]01:14
sarnoldhah I didn't expect it to be that easy01:15
sarnolda one-liner but I didn't think of just fiddling with the crontab :)01:15
patdk-lapI wouldn't want to myself01:15
patdk-lapsince logrotate can restart services01:15
sarnoldI'd rather switch to lz4 or something quicker anyway01:15
patdk-lapdo those restarts also get the new nice? I believe so, maybe01:16
sarnoldI bet you're right01:16
patdk-lapprobably have to play with compresscmd and compressopt to get it01:16
fishcookerlooks like the logrotate with this conf http://vpaste.net/cBJwO cause the log big01:17
patdk-lapthat doesn't *cause* a big log01:17
fishcookeri think delay compress sarnold01:17
patdk-lapthe fact your programming is LOGGING a lot causes a big log :)01:17
sarnoldwhy is gluster logging so much?01:18
sarnoldshould it? do you need the logs?01:18
fishcookerthe question is why the compress doesn't work01:18
patdk-laphow do you mean, doesn't work?01:18
fishcookerbecause i noticed the log is raw log not the gz one01:18
patdk-lapyou have delaycompress and compress in there01:18
fishcookeri think it should be compress only patdk-lap01:19
patdk-lapif you don't want delaycompress, why have it?01:19
sarnoldthe manpage notes that delaycompress is needed if the program can't be told to close the log file01:19
fishcookerhow about the postrotate ... does it force the service close the log file and create a new one, sarnold?01:21
sarnoldfishcooker: I think you're right, this looks like it should log rotate when it gets SIGHUP https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/blob/master/glusterfsd/src/glusterfsd.c#L138701:24
fishcookernice reference sarnold... i will do without delaycompress01:24
* patdk-lap has never thought of this, I just never use delaycompress :)01:29
fishcookerthe history of the big is we did set debug mode so the file become so big01:29
fishcookerit become bigger when we cant access the mount point from glusterfs server01:30
patdk-lapnow to just fix systemd journal filling up /run01:39
geigerCounterHey sarnold, what do you think I should do about not being able to remotely connect to exim over port 2502:41
sarnoldgeigerCounter: perhaps your ISP is blocking it? I think most ISPs do block it to knock back spam, and you've got to ask them to allow it..02:42
geigerCountersarnold: Oh huh02:44
geigerCounterCould you try connecting to my server then?02:44
sarnoldgeigerCounter: sure02:49
geigerCountersarnold: Did it work?03:53
patdk-lapgeigerCounter, connecting to your server on port 25 is normally not blocked04:07
patdk-lapyou connecting to other peoples port 25 is normally ALWAYS blocked04:07
geigerCounterpatdk-lap: Well I can't connect to my server on port 25, I get no response until the connection times out04:22
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lordievaderGood morning08:36
El_Presidentewhat is the correct installation command to get the new hwe kernel installed in a proper way? i only found the "desktop" version : apt-get install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0412:26
El_Presidenteis it something like apt-get install --install-recommends linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 ?12:26
El_Presidenteor linux-generic-hwe-16.0412:26
rc-is-meCan someone please assist? I have a problem with server 16.04 on VPS. It's using venet0:0 and when I try to ping I get no reply and 100% packet loss. I have tried this on a different OS CentOs6 and get the same problem. Could someone please point me in the right direction?15:43
rc-is-meI can't connect to or from it15:43
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samba35how do i fix this error Feb  libvirtd[6040]: unsupported configuration: Security driver apparmor not enabled17:28
rbasakAre you using libvirt and kernel packges from Ubuntu?17:33
tomreynenable apparmor, i would guess18:21
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
nerfeddoes anyone know of a good place to get help with performance issues, I've exhausted everything that I can think of and I cannot track down the source of random intermittent performance spikes that are destroying my real time processes19:02
nerfedI have intermittent performance spikes where some or all processes stop receiving CPU time for anywhere from a few hundred milliseconds to over 8 seconds randomly anywhere from every few minutes to every few hours. my processes are scheduled are real-time round robin, CPU hyperthreading and frequncy scaling is disabled, the hard disks are barely ever touched at all as most writes and reads are from a ram disk, CPU load is barely19:05
nerfedI'm not sure if it's the linux kernel, something in Ubuntu server 16.04 or perhaps caused by something hardware related19:06
nerfedthe only hints that I can see when the spikes happen and certain processes freeze for x amount of time, is if netdata's collections don't freeze up during that period, they show a large drop in interrupts and softirqs, which is probably just a result of the processes not being scheduled by the CPU during that period19:06
zzz_are croned shell commands logged anywhere?23:54

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