
UbuntuUserhello guys, I was wondering how to force all traffic on ubuntu touch through a vpn using the openvpn cli instead of the gui. I got it to connect and enabled ipv4 forwarding, yet its still not forwarding properly. Any advice?06:57
UbuntuUserI want to set it up so I can vpn to my network at home that has a mythbuntu box and try to stream through the vpn to my university07:02
UbuntuUseranyone here know much about VPN configuration? (Yes, I know its late and/or early)08:15
UbuntuUseranyone here know much about VPN configuration on ubuntutouch?11:25
UbuntuUserlike why MPPE support isn't part of the kernel11:26
UbuntuUserand/or how to add it11:26
dobeyUbuntuUser: i think the vpn configuration only supports OpenVPN currently14:34
* javier4 Is there any patched wpa_supplicant to work with mediatek devices?17:30
Andyuser54Does anyone know how to port to a new device?17:47
Andyuser54Alcatel idol 4 6055U17:47
Andyuser54I want to develop for this device on Ubuntu touch17:47
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
UbuntuUserdobey: It does say it only supports openvpn but, the configuration won't allow me to connect to my VPN because of the encryption and other options. I tried the CLI and it will connect but, will not properly forward all traffic through it.21:13
UbuntuUserI kinda don't want to expose my mythtv box to the internet to stream stuff to my tablet, I'd just like to connect it to the VPN21:14
UbuntuUserany advice?21:16
jm__hi :) cqn anyone help, i have a remote desktop ubuntu server, and jd like to install the Touch desktop so its easier to use on my phone and tablet etc, but i cant find any straight forward answer about which packages to install? is it possible? (running 16.04LTS, with guacamole, would pref to stay with 16.04, for guacd, but its not essential...)21:39
silentjackwrong window lol22:19
silentjacknot used irc for years, no idea if my prev question is visible?22:19
silentjack(asking anyone reading..)22:20
k1land on irc you dont ask to ask :)22:21
silentjackis there another install page i can read? been searching for months for install instructions22:37
k1lthere are some devices that are officially supported. for other devices you need to make a port first. some devices already have a port made from the community.22:38
silentjacki found instructions for arm devices, but i am hoping to install on a remote desktop x86/6422:39
silentjackare there only preinstl/live images atm? non that i could add to my sources to install just the desktop onto current system?22:55
k1lwhat device are you talking about? or do you mean a ubuntu desktop with a touch screen?22:56
silentjacka server that i use as a remote desktop via rdp and guacamole. touch would make it easier to use on mobile devices22:58
silentjack(vps node)23:00
k1lubuntu-touch is the ubuntu for smartphones and tablets. if you look for servers or such better take a look at ubuntu snappy core23:01
silentjackits only a server in the sense that it serves my remote desktop23:04
silentjackxfce is fine for using on desktop, but i also like to acess via smartphone and tablet, which is why id like to install the touch deaktop23:05

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