
=== viper is now known as Guest90029
=== Guest90029 is now known as gregf21
=== gregf21 is now known as Viper21
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:09
diddledanpopey: does this kind of thing pee you off as much as it does me? (the repeated unsubstantiated claims that "our phones are abandoned") https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg23540.html12:09
diddledangood read: http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2017/02/16/how-weird-al-eclipsed-almost-every-star-he-ever-parodied/12:36
zmoylan-pihow much of that is down to just outlasting them all?12:39
popeydiddledan: they have a point12:50
ali1234i was thinking the other day15:32
ali1234what if ubuntu edge got funded, and 2.5 years after delivery the OS was in the state it is now15:32
ali1234how much do you think people would be complaining then?15:33
ali1234at least the ubuntu phones that did get released were relatively inexpensive15:34
SuperMattan interesting thought16:04
SuperMattI think that maybe the boost of income from the edge may have pushed the development a little harder16:05
popeyMaybe that would have spurred us to hire more people16:15
popeyMaybe not. No way to tell.16:15
foobarryi read that 99.6%of phones are androidios16:20
SuperMattthey're android or ios, indeed16:20
SuperMattgonna be quite difficult breaking in to that market now16:20
directhexif microsoft can't crack the smartphone market, i don't see canonical doing it17:07
ali1234to be fair microsoft are notoriously bad at entering new markets17:31
ali1234they'll try and fail for years, then apple does it first try17:31
ali1234or sometimes the second try17:31
zmoylan-piyou have to hand it to microsoft though, if you don't they'll send someone around to sue you for it... :-P18:58
SuperEngineer https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=hm4wk76Nv5bc62sN  [Steam link for gifted The Stanley Parable if wanted].  If used, please donate to Humble Bundle recipipients.20:58

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