
cmaloneyTwo of my presentations were accepted for Penguicon01:14
cmaloneyWoo woo!01:14
cmaloneyAnd the release party is also on for Penguicon01:15
gamerchick02congrats on the presentations01:24
cmaloneyTHank you. :)01:24
ZimdaleWhat presentations are you doing?01:25
cmaloneyINtroduction to debugging in Python01:26
cmaloneyand The Rise and Sudden Fall of the Jupiter ACE Computer01:26
Zimdaleah cool01:28
cmaloneyYeah, wanted to do something a little more technical this year.01:29
cmaloneyPlus the Intro to Debugging in Python could also be presented at PyOhio01:29
rick_hnice cmaloney!03:01
cmaloneyrick_h: Thank you03:04
jrwrenwtf is teh jupiter ace?03:19
rick_hheh, more a shooting star I guess03:20
cmaloneyjrwren: It's a micro computer that ran Forth natively03:25
cmaloneydone by two ex Sinclair employees03:25
jrwrenah! i wiki'd it. i was going to say, looks like a sinclair03:27
cmaloneyIt's exceptionally rare. They made 8,000 units of the ACE and around 500 of the follow-up 400003:27
cmaloneysorry, 800 units of the 400003:28
cmaloneyI remember seeng adverts for it in magazines and it fascinated me03:29
cmaloneybut of course I never picked one up03:29
jrwrenmy old man came home with a sinclair from a garage sale... must have been '86, so I played with it a bit, but it was weak compared to the 800XL with which I was accustomed and with no docs... i was pretty stuck.03:39
jrwrensometime in '87 got the Amiga 1000 used, and that ended my time with 8bit ;)03:40
cmaloneyYeah, the Sinclair was definitely underpowered03:43
cmaloneyespecially the ZX 80 / 8103:43
cmaloneythe Spectrum is a little better, but still quirky03:43
cmaloneyAnd yeah, the Amiga was the true successor to the Atari 80003:44
cmaloneyJay Miner / Joe Decuir are two of my heroes for what they eeked out of silicon03:45
cmaloneyBut sadly Chris Crawford's prediction that the Macintosh would do to Amiga what the Apple II did to the Atari 8-bit came true03:48
cmaloneyIt didn't help that Commodore couldn't find a CEO quite like Jack Tramiel. It also didn't help that they hired a charlatan in Mehdi Ali03:50
jrwrenyeah, commodore really messed it up.04:18
cmaloneyGood day15:27
gamerchick02it's not bad. :)19:31
gamerchick02some jerk's left their crap in the washing machine so i can't get my stuff started. >_<19:32
jrwrentake it out and throw it on teh floor. :)19:47
gamerchick02i'm about ready to20:03
gamerchick02the people in this building are a bunch of jerks20:03
gamerchick02at least Chelsea won and the wings are ahead 1-0.20:04
rick_hoh crap23:07
rick_hband has moved into the garage across the street23:07
rick_hlol, drums, guitar, and some poorly played green day23:07
jrwrennow you gotta join, with your guitar.23:16

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