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FendarisI got a step ahead. Could somebody perhaps help me get through the path concept on ubuntu? I am only familiar with how to modify the path variable in windows.00:04
Fendarisi see 3 different completely unrelated approaches for that00:05
FendarisI guess: gksudo gedit /etc/environment and then just add it to the file?00:06
naccFendaris: whoa00:06
naccFendaris: a) use PATH when you are referring to the shell variable00:06
naccFendaris: because 'path' is just a noun00:06
naccFendaris: second, genearlly, you don't muck with /etc/environment00:06
naccFendaris: you probably can jsut update path in your user's .bashrc00:07
Fendarishow else do I add /usr/local/lib to my "search variable"?00:07
naccFendaris: again, I *really* feel like you should read the ubuntu manual or some other introductory materials00:07
nacc!manual | Fendaris00:07
ubottuFendaris: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:07
naccI think there is something for the terminal too00:07
Fendaristhat probably doesn'T teach my how to install older packages though ^00:07
nacc!terminal | Fendaris00:07
ubottuFendaris: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:08
naccFendaris: changing the PATH has nothing to do with installing older pacakges.00:08
FendarisI have the package installed. But cmake doesnt find it. And the error says "update your search variables"00:08
naccFendaris: or you're not telling cmake where to look00:08
Fendarisso in windows you would add it to the PATH00:08
FendarisYes, but why should I? It can find 1.58 on it's own00:09
Fendariswhy not set 1.55 up so that it can be found like 1.58 can00:09
naccFendaris: how did you install 1.55?00:09
Fendarisi built it from code00:09
naccthat's why, then!00:09
naccFendaris: this is really really basic stuff00:09
wedgieFendaris: I'm not sure what you're doing, but many configuration scripts for things like that have options to specify locations of various dependencies00:09
naccFendaris: you building something from source vs. installing an Ubuntu package may or may not have any similarities00:09
naccFendaris: and more than likely you installed into /usr/local00:10
naccFendaris: which is not in the default search path for libraries (which is LD_LIBRARY_PATH not PATH anyways)00:10
Fendarisdownloaded the file, unzipped it,  ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/usr/local -> ./b2 -> sudo ./b2 install00:10
Fendariswhich ended up putting all the files in /usr/local/lib00:10
naccFendaris: yes, beause you told it to.00:11
Fendarisi know00:11
naccFendaris: well, more likely, also in /usr/local/share and some other subdirectories00:11
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FendarisWhat I dont know is, how do you go about making a package that you installed from code like this findable by other applications like cmake00:11
Fendariswithout specifying the path manually every time you call cmake00:11
wedgieFendaris: you can add it in ~/.profile00:12
FendarisI found that recommendation via search. I didn't understand why some people prefer to use  gksudo gedit /etc/environment00:13
wedgieat the end, add a line like: PATH="$PATH:/usr/local"00:13
nacca) you are not making a package findable, you are making some specific library it looks for findable. b) you update whichever PATH-variable is relevant (PATH for executables, LD_LIBRARY_PATH for libraries), or you tell cmake that or the configure step that, it's highly dependent on the software you're building. c) you would only do this for your user, by adding an appropriate line (e.g.,00:13
wedgieFendaris: because /etc/environment will apply it system wide, .profile will do it only for your user00:13
FendarisSo if I am the only user I can use the one or the other and it doesnt matter?00:13
naccthe difference between wedgie and my options are whether you want your updated path to be searche first or last00:14
naccFendaris: because it's bad practice00:14
OerHeksif you do it right, 'findable' systemwide or user based00:14
RNevilleAnything I can do about Nvidia proprietary driver causing a blank screen, beside using nomodeset in grub menu?00:15
FendarisSo, I'll try this create a new file under /etc/profile.d/ sudo vi /etc/profile.d/SCRIPT_NAME.sh add export PATH="YOUR_PATH_WITHOUT_TRAILING_SLASH:$PATH" then sudo chmod a+x /etc/profile.d/SCRIPT_NAME.sh00:15
Fendaris@Rneville during installation? You could try run your onboard gpu if you have one00:16
naccthat again affects all users00:16
RNevilleThinking about reinstalling entire OS Ubuntu 16.04 in order to be able to boot my computer00:16
naccFendaris: and profile.d snippets do no need to be executable00:16
pavlosRNeville, you could revert to the nouveau driver if that works00:16
naccFendaris: they are not run, they are sourced00:17
anthraxso yeah...hi all00:18
instyScript is designed to be run only with bash00:18
RNevilleFendaris, if I reinstall - won't Nouveau driver be loaded by default - and not proprietary Nvidia driver?00:19
wedgieinsty: so.... what's the problem?00:19
naccinsty: you have not stated an actual issue.00:19
instywedgie, how do i run it00:19
naccinsty: you run it with ... bash00:19
wedgieinsty: bash yourscript00:19
instyi tried sudo bash and it disnt work00:19
RNevillePavlos, don't know how to revert to Nouveau - since I can't get further than grub screen on boot00:19
pavlosRNeville, a re-install would use the nouveau and then you choose in additional drivers the Nvidia one00:19
wedgiegoing to have to be a lot more specific than that.00:19
Fendaris@RNeville: Probably better ask somebody else. I just remember that my GPU causes Ubuntu to show a black screen during installation... nomodeset worked in the end .... though I believe I also added some other commands later to get it to work.... I also remember reading that you can let ubuntu run from your onboard gpu if you have one that you can enable in your bios, and then add the correct drivers once ubuntu is installed.00:20
TBotNikAll: Does anyone understand and know how to fix my problem at: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5671754#post567175400:20
geniiinsty: If bash is not your current shell, use chsh to change it.00:20
pavlosRNeville, I think you open a term, c-a-F1, stop lightdm and remove (purge the nvidia drivers ( I have to search online for the instructionbs00:20
FendarisThe best thing was... I wanted to install ubuntu, and people here told me "Sorry, your GPU is not supported. Please wait 6 months" xD00:20
RNevilleThanks Fendaris , I'll check my bios - I do have onboard gpu00:20
Fendarisfigured it out on my own after a day00:21
wedgiegenii: irrelevant if he invokes it with bash. Or if it is executable and has the proper shebang00:21
instyChanging the login shell for root00:21
instyEnter the new value, or press ENTER for the default00:21
instyLogin Shell [/bin/bash]:00:21
wedgieinsty: what is the error you're getting? "Doesn't work" give us nothing to help you with00:21
Fendaris@Rneville: If you google for onboard gpu black screen ubuntu, maybe you find some proper explanation00:21
RNevillePavlos, can I use control-F1 , I'm not able to boot Ubuntu 16.04 (also, I have full disk encrption enabled)00:22
instyI want to run Changing the login shell for root00:22
instyEnter the new value, or press ENTER for the default00:22
instyLogin Shell [/bin/bash]:00:22
geniiinsty: So then press Enter00:22
wedgiegenii: he doesn't need to be doing that in the first place00:22
geniiwedgie: There used to be an issue between dash/bash as defaults in Ubuntu previously00:23
wedgiegenii: which is related to running a bash script how?00:23
instygenii, ./create_install_iso.sh  Script is designed to be run only with bash00:23
wedgieinsty: what command are you running and what is the output? Pastebin this and give us the link please00:24
pavlosRNeville, I guess you could boot off a liveusb, then mount your existing system, chroot, and remove nvidia drivers (I better google this00:24
geniiwedgie: Some scripts have bashisms which choke if using dash00:24
instywedgie, I'm just calling the script name00:24
wedgieinsty: what command are you running and what is the output? Pastebin this and give us the link please00:24
pavlosRNeville, http://askubuntu.com/questions/206283/how-can-i-uninstall-a-nvidia-driver-completely00:25
RNevillethx, Pavlos - I did see a youtube video doing just what you outlined00:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:26
pavlosRNeville, even if your system boots with a blank screen, c-a-F1 should pop a text login00:26
instywedgie, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24016966/00:26
roothorickUbuntu-GNOME, have my monitor plugged into a GeForce card, proprietary drivers. Volume is supposedly muted. In actuality, volume is full blast. Volume control does nothing.00:26
roothorickusing speakers on the monitor00:26
wedgieinsty: bash create_install_iso.sh00:27
roothorickwait. I think it might be the game...00:27
RNevillePavlos, I don't understand how I can open control-f1 when I've enabled full disk encryption on my computer00:28
RNevilleI guess, I'm missing something obvious - sorry00:28
roothoricknow all of a sudden it works. wat00:29
pavlosRNeville, and I dont know since I dont have LUKS experience (let me google this question00:34
Fendarisxwith gsuko nautilus ... why cant i move files in /usr/local/lib/ to trash?00:36
Fendarisxit's greyed out00:36
Fendarisxnvm got it00:37
k1l_running nautilus as root and moving things to trash are not good ideas at all.00:37
Trioxinshould this work on Ubuntu? https://askubuntu.com/questions/880993/would-this-fedora-method-of-encrypting-boot-work-with-ubuntu-16-1000:37
FendarisxKil why do you guys keep saying that?00:37
FendarisxI have a useless file, in a stupid folder00:38
Fendarisxand you say "Leave it there forever"00:38
TrioxinI want to isolate all linux drives from a Windows install I'm about to do on a different drive00:38
k1l_Fendarisx: no, then just remove it.00:38
Trioxinlinux partitions rather00:38
Fendarisxthat s what i am trying to do =D00:38
bivoHow do I correct this error? http://pastebin.com/jaR7KGFZ00:38
k1l_Fendarisx: but running nautilus as root will lead to issues when you forget that its root nautilus. and moving to trash means "i am unsure if i will need it again". and those 2 things lead to mess. seen that enough times in here.00:39
naccbivo: fixe your sources.list to not list entries twice (lines 2 and 7)00:39
FendarisxYeah, but i just want to delete this boost 1.55 installation, which I placed there myself00:39
k1l_bivo: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999" and show that link in here please00:39
Fendarisxand did that now00:39
naccFendarisx: stop using GUIs to do things probably00:40
k1l_Fendarisx: "(sudo) rm /path/to/some/file" in terminal, all done.00:40
Jonathan_Hi, I'm trying to update to Ubuntu 16.04.2 from 16.04.1, but I don't seem to be able to get it using a sudo apt dist-upgrade.  Am I just too impatient or should it be out for everyone ?00:41
naccJonathan_: you won't really notice any difference00:41
naccJonathan_: 16.04.2 is just a respin of the ISOs if you are already running 16.0400:41
bivok1l_: http://termbin.com/cf9t00:41
Jonathan_@nacc uname -a still reveals the 4.4 kernel after a restart00:42
naccJonathan_: you may want to 'opt-in' to the HWE stacks, which a fresh install would get by default00:42
Jonathan_I thought it was suppsed to include 4.8 ?00:42
naccJonathan_: only if you opt-in00:42
naccJonathan_: I believe this might be in the release notes00:42
k1l_Jonathan_: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" will bring you to 16.04.2 on any 16.04 install.00:42
naccJonathan_: 16.04.2 != (definitionally) HWE kernel/X00:42
k1l_Jonathan_: the kernel is not changed on already installed 16.04s00:42
Jonathan_@kll Super, I'll try that.  Thank you!00:42
k1l_Jonathan_: that command will not upgrade the kernel base.00:43
k1l_!hwe | Jonathan_00:43
ubottuJonathan_: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:43
naccJonathan_: if you want 4.8, you need to install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 (there is a similar xserver-xorg package)00:43
k1l_bivo: what desktop do you run?00:43
bivok1l_ Mate00:44
Jonathan_kll and nacc: Thank you.  I didn't realize that it was only for fresh installs.00:44
Fendarisx@k1l_ how do I learn to read sudo apt-get scripts?00:44
Fendarisxor rather how do i open one?00:44
Fendarisxwithout executing it00:45
naccJonathan_: and note that it's rolling, so if you opt into it now, it will keep updating when the next hwe release comes out00:45
naccFendarisx: what is a 'apt-get script'?00:45
naccFendarisx: do you mean the post and pre scripts?00:45
Jonathan_nacc: That makes sense, thank you.00:45
Fendarisxi want to read the commands that sudo apt-get install libboost-dev executes00:45
k1l_bivo: somehow your sources got mixed and doubled. open the file with "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove line 2. then press ctrl+o for saving and then ctrl+x to exit00:45
Fendarisxout of curiosity00:45
naccFendarisx: if so, /var/lib/dpkg/info/<pkgname>.<relevant extension>. But you really don't want to muck with them00:46
naccFendarisx: well, it installs some files and runs some commands00:46
naccFendarisx: some commands happen before install, some happen after00:46
Fendarisxi believe it just extracts files into /usr/local/lib/ and /usr/local/include and adds them to the PATH, and am curious to read up what it actually does00:46
naccFendarisx: no, no .deb puts anything in /usr/local if published by Ubuntu.00:46
k1l_Fendarisx: its the install scriptes from the package.00:46
naccFendarisx: and those would be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH not PATH00:47
naccFendarisx: well, /usr/local/lib would be; /usr/local/include would be passed to the compiler00:47
naccFendarisx: but I doubt any package is changing either of those variables00:47
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Fendarisxis LD_LIBRARY_PATH automatically searched by programs like cmake?00:48
Fendarisxthen the install script wouldn't need to modify anything00:48
naccLD_LIBRARY_PATH is automatically searched by ld00:48
naccwhich cmake presumably invokes to link00:49
Fendarisxbut I could still read up which files I need to delete to completely remove 1.5500:49
naccFendarisx: you installed 1.55 from sourc,e right?00:49
Fendarisxyes and i believe it only modified /lib and /include00:49
naccFendarisx: then apt has *nothing* to do with it.00:49
Fendarisxdidn't find anything in this share folder00:49
FendarisxYes, but apt might have a similar file structure00:49
Fendarisxin different folders00:49
naccFendarisx: you seem to very confused by what you're doing to your system00:49
FendarisxYes, you keep telling me that00:50
Fendarisxabout 20 times xD00:50
FendarisxI am making progress though :)00:50
bivok1l_ literally the 2nd line down from the top?00:50
k1l_bivo: yes.00:51
wedgiewhy does viewing the plain-text version of a paste on paste.ubuntu.com require logging in?00:53
FendarisxThe info folder is really nice. I found the libboost packages. Now I am wondering why there is no libboost-dev in /var/lib/dpgk/info/ but only files like libboost-date-time1,58.0:amd64.list  Is the dev file somewhere else or is dev a placeholder like * ?00:55
XBT_Dudewedgie: I think you have to log in for either if not mistaken00:55
wedgieXBT_Dude: nope. I can see the "full" page just fine.00:55
XBT_Dudelog in to use the site.... kind of the norm these days00:55
XBT_Dudehum  I seem to remember having log in the last time I started it from a different box00:57
XBT_Dudelike this one I just installed Xubuntu 16.04 AMDx6400:58
XBT_Dudeon an old door stop Acer laptop00:58
XBT_Dudeafter updates I was quit impressed, only had to go get the dreaded Broadcom driver fore the wireless to work00:59
TBotNikAll: Repeating: Does anyone understand and know how to fix my problem at: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5671754#post567175401:01
davidj@RNeville — make sure you have uefi set to 'other operating systems' in your BIOS01:01
davidjI know that sounds whack, but, I spent at least an hour battling the proprietary drivers because of that01:02
XBT_Dudewedgie: looks like some html5 code your browser doesn't load up in text mode01:02
davidj(which, it turns out the proprietary drivers are *amaaaaaazing* :p You'll want them)01:02
wedgieXBT_Dude: wut?01:03
andyworkXBT_Dude: what is an old door stop acer laptop?01:05
XBT_Dudeam I understanding you?  you are viewing the page in simple html?01:05
naccFendarisx: libboost-dev is a virtual package01:06
naccFendarisx: err, an empty package for dependencies (not virtual, sorry)01:06
wedgieXBT_Dude: on any given paste you can see what they pasted with a bunch of other stuff. It provides a link "download as text" But to do that you mus be logged in. Seems very odd to me.01:07
wedgieXBT_Dude: most paste sites provide a plain text version, and this one appears to as well... you just have to be logged in.01:07
XBT_Dudewedgie:ah ok I thought maybe you were using your browser in simple mode or something.. never encountered that01:08
ranticHey everyone, I inherited an Ubuntu 10.04 server as a junior sys admin and I'm trying to bring it up to date ... however when I run sudo apt-get update01:08
ranticI'm getting a whole ton of 404 not found errors for the repositories01:08
wedgierantic: 10.04 went out of support a couple years ago.01:08
ranticwedgie: Is it not possible just to bring this as up to date as 10.04 went?01:09
ranticwedgie: it hasn't been updated in a very long time01:09
k1l_rantic: where is the sense in bringing it to the same outdated packages?01:09
rantick1l_: Less outdated packages01:09
k1l_rantic: no01:09
rantick1l_: Yes..01:10
k1l_rantic: less outdated is still a lot outdated01:10
wedgierantic: would still be 4 years out of date. Time to consider replacing that box01:10
rantick1l_: less outdated is less outdated01:10
rantick1l_: I don't have that option01:10
k1l_start planing and testing the upgrade or new install workflow01:10
wedgieis it possible for him to upgrade it to 12.04?01:10
rantick1l_: The box is used by developers who write very specific code with specific packages for gtk2/python/misc python libraries01:10
XBT_Dudelike putting a Model-T engine on a horse cart01:11
ranticupgrading it isn't an option right now or yet01:11
k1l_wedgie: yes it is01:11
naccrantic: it's not even getting security updates, which means it's likely to be vulnerable to various issues01:11
nacc!eol | rantic: you might be abel to find the old repos there01:11
ubotturantic: you might be abel to find the old repos there: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:11
naccrantic: but really, you must plan an upgrade ASAP01:11
ranticnacc: There are so many other priorities that it will realistically be at least 6-12 months out01:11
ranticthat's why i'm trying to do the best I can by at least getting 10.04 as up to date as I can01:12
k1l_the world deosnt need another spam box run by an junior admin01:12
wedgierantic: i feel your pain though... there is a Red Hat 9 box kicking around where I work that I'm not allowed to smash.01:12
ranticthey aren't virtualized01:12
ranticupgrading the wrong packages or going to later versions can literally break my offices workflow and leave people unable to work01:12
wedgierantic: note that you can update to 12.04... for now. It is about to meet the same EOL fate01:12
ranticI don't have the luxury of an upgrade right now01:12
ranticwedgie: If I upgrade to 12.04 and their code written in python stops working, what would the process to be revert on a physical box?01:13
ranticwedgie: I feel like I'd be screwed01:13
wedgierantic: take a disk image first01:13
naccsimplest choice seems to be setup a VM, test migrate a disk image to that VM, and then see what breaks in the VM01:13
k1l_rantic: setup a 12.04 box and test  the stuff there. better use a 14.04 and test if its running there01:14
wedgierantic: though if you're that worried about it and they really *need* an old box like that, then i'd just leave it alone01:14
ranticI don't have anything to setup and test another box lol.01:14
naccrantic: but honestly, for 10.04, we've given you all the advice we really can, it's not supported anymore, the repositories, if they exist are linked above01:14
ranticLiterally nothing01:14
ranticThe environment I came from was vsphere01:14
ranticthis would have been a painless test01:14
wedgierantic: don't have a workstation you can run a VM on?01:15
naccrantic: honestly, based upon what you've said, you have no reason to 'update' your system. Just leave it as vulnerable as-is, as they clearly don't care.01:16
ranticwedgie: I have an isolated 'secure PC' that only has 4gb of ram and my laptop which would be pretty damn limited ..01:16
naccrantic: I'm not sure why you feel like you need to update the existing installation?01:17
k1l_just updating doesnt help anything.01:17
ranticnacc: I setup a vulnerability scanning system called Nessus and this machine has the highest amount of red flags01:17
ranticI'm trying to reduce the vector for attack in my environment01:17
Ben64impossible to do that and have 10.04 still01:18
wedgierantic: and still will once you bring it up to the latest 10.04 has to offer. It has been 4 years01:18
k1l_go to the managment and show them all the big security breaches that lost user/company data in the last year and ask them if the want to see their name there too. then they have to decide what  to do with that 10.04 outdated box.01:18
naccrantic: right, so if they care about that, then they ahve to let you upgrade01:18
naccrantic: regardless of downtime, this is the choice they made01:18
Ben64being scared of upgrades because things might break is one of the silliest things01:18
wedgierantic: and note that the clock is ticking on upgrading... 12.04 goes EOL in April afaik01:19
rantici wouldn't be scared if the method to revert was clear01:19
ranticI've done plenty of upgrades and migrations in a virtualized environment01:19
Ben6410.04 is vulnerable01:19
Ben64theres no reason to ever go back ever01:19
naccrantic: ok, you have stated two things: 1) they don't want to update for fear of breaking things and 2) your server has security issues. Do you see how those conflict?01:19
naccrantic: at this point, it's not a support discussion, it's something your company has to figure out01:19
ranticnacc: No I said I don't want to upgrade for 6-12 months01:19
naccrantic: there is *nothing* to update to in 10.0401:20
Ben64it's urgent, needs to happen in 6-12 hours01:20
naccrantic: no security fixes have been done for years01:20
Ben64seems like you fail to grasp the severity of this01:20
naccrantic: I don't care when you want to update, I'm saying choosing not to update and being worried about security issues are conflicting, period.01:20
ranticnacc: I didn't say I wouldn't update. I came here asking to update.01:21
k1l_rantic: stop searching for excuses01:21
Ben64then upgrade to 12.04, then 14.04 then 16.0401:21
Ben64and you'll be set until 202101:21
ranticI'm not explaining it properly01:21
ranticthey build software in python 2.x01:21
Ben64you are, you are not understanding it properly01:21
ranticusing misc random libraries01:21
ranticGIS software specifically01:21
ranticbased off of OpenEV01:21
k1l_rantic: there is nothing to explain.01:21
rantic$20 says your environment is kvm or proxmox or vsphere or something01:22
ranticthis isnt upgrading a generic linux web server to a new version01:22
ranticit's potentially taking down my companies ability to work01:22
ranticsecurity isn't a black and white contrast01:22
ranticits a physical box setup by someone before me with packages from third party sources in the hundreds01:22
Ben64how would the ability to work be affected by someone getting root on the box01:22
k1l_rantic: than your company is rubbish and deserves to be publicly shamed for that poor security01:23
ranticthat i cant guarentee work or exist in 12.x or 14.x or 16.x01:23
rantici cant just randomly upgrade01:23
wedgierantic: then leave it be. Just make sure your management understands (preferably in writing) that it is a risk as is and that at some point they'll have to take the time to update01:23
Ben64you have exactly two choices. 1. Don't care about security 2. Upgrade now01:23
Ben64pick one and stick with it01:23
ranticI'm trying the best I can in the circumstances I have01:24
wedgierantic: that time includes the developers time to update their build process such that it works on modern systems01:24
ranticI've already setup segreated vlans for my servers and desktops01:24
ranticenabled 802.11x auth01:24
ranticwe're now firewalld, authentication with our servers is based on keys01:24
ranticbut i cant just randomly quit my job because I hate it01:24
rantici need to find some sort of middle ground01:24
Ben64how is that related to anything01:24
Ben64either stop caring about security or upgrade01:24
rantic[20:23] <Ben64> you have exactly two choices. 1. Don't care about security 2. Upgrade now01:25
ranticSo because I can't upgrade the server this exact moment I just let security go to shit? :/01:25
ranticthat sounds terrible01:25
bazhangrantic, are you on 10.o401:25
ranticbazhang: 10.04.401:25
Ben64that is correct, and please watch the language here01:25
ranticno it isn't correct01:25
ranticthat's absolutely terrible advice01:25
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support ended on April 30 2015. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.01:25
Ben64April 30th, 201501:25
ranticplease reiterate the same thing to the thousands of companies who still have to run zOS systems off COBOL or banks etc01:26
Ben64is when you last had a security update on that machine, it's very important, you obviously don't care01:26
wedgierantic: i think the ideal situation here would be to stand up a new server, get the processes moved over, then decomission the old one. That way they can continue getting work done until something is ready to replace it01:26
bazhangrantic, what ever you choose to do is your call, please don't ask for the end of life version here, thanks01:26
ranticbazhang: I didn't ask for it here?01:26
al2o3-cri just found out that a zapus is a little jumping mouse :)01:26
ranticbazhang: You randomly asked if the server ran 10.04.401:27
bazhangrantic, you can try askubuntu.com or some forum01:27
ranticbazhang: Do you even know what my question was01:27
bazhangrantic, then what is your support need here01:27
ranticbazhang: Or did you chime in for no real reason01:27
bazhangrantic, I just came online, time to draw this to a close01:27
wedgierantic: some of these guys are taking unreaonably rigid stances on this but getting hostile won't help01:27
ranticwedgie: I know what my options are now01:28
wedgierantic: the situation is that updating the server won't be possible or at least tricky, and probably won't help much even if you do. So it is time to start exploring alternatives01:28
wedgiesimple as that01:28
ranticI'm aware now thank you01:28
wedgierantic: just gotta let management know what the situation is, clearly, so that they can decide how they want you to proceed01:29
bazhanglet's move the chatter to the offtopic areas please01:29
XBT_DudeWoW I've walkin into a room of cackling hens that sounded like this01:30
bazhangXBT_Dude, thats not helpful01:30
XBT_Dudegeez I'll take my chill pill    CYA01:32
boxingdinnerwhat was that?01:34
Talchehi guys, anyone knows how to solve problem with webmin not going secure?01:36
k1l_Talche: best to ask the webmin guys about that.01:37
Talchek1l_: noone active :(01:37
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:37
Talchehmm... well.. majority of stuff works actually...01:38
yakizahello eveyone i just installed ubuntu 16.10 on my new ssd and since i instaled my graphics card drivers when i boot my pc i just get a purple.ascreen any help01:40
PipeItToDevNullyakiza: Try adding "nomodeset" as a kernel argument01:41
yakizahello eveyone i just installed ubuntu 16.10 on my new ssd and since i instaled my graphics card drivers when i boot my pc i just get a purple.ascreen any help01:42
PipeItToDevNullyakiza: Try adding "nomodeset" as a kernel argument01:43
yakizapipelttodevnull what do you mean i am rand new in linux just 2 months01:43
PipeItToDevNullyakiza: When booting do you get grub or just boot straight to Ubuntu?01:44
yakizai get a menu with 4 options ubuntu advance options dor ubuntybetc01:45
PipeItToDevNullyakiza: Instead of hitting `enter` hit `e` and add `nomodeset` to the end then hit `enter` I had to do that to boot manjaro01:46
PhotonTmux broke for me, and now when I try to source the config (from tmux show -g) it gives command not found errors.01:48
yakizapipelttodev null cant find command01:53
RNevilleif I enable my onboard graphics, shouldn't this default to the nouveau open source driver01:53
RNevilleI get blank screen with installed Nvidia proprietary drive, so I connect hdmi monitor to on board graphics, and enable onboard graphics in bios- still getting blackscreen01:54
yakizaPipeItToDevNull cant find the commant01:55
PipeItToDevNullI am unsure then yakiza01:56
yakizaPipeItToDevNull btw i have still my old hd could i search thre for ehat is missing?01:57
Photontmux is so broke01:59
PhotonNow even the bind command doesn't exist01:59
RNevillebash-om, were is are you?02:02
Ben64Photon: unlikely to be tmux's fault02:02
PhotonHow should I start to debug then?02:02
PhotonI reset my bashrc and I'm also getting another error02:02
Ben64explain what you're doing and what's happening02:02
PhotonI installed tmux and gave it a config in ~ called .tmux.conf. I put in a couple customizations, nothing major. It worked fin. Then all of a sudden tmux doesn't work at all.02:03
PhotonI did this at the same time as messing with python/django, so that could be it I guess. bash: /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper_lazy.sh: No such file or directory02:04
PhotonIs another errro02:04
PhotonAny ideas?02:06
PhotonMy current tmux config is actually the example, but it is still broken.02:06
Transtibotquestion: ive lost access to my usb stick i used to install ubuntu 14 somehow. i just want to clear the files off of it and use it as a normal storage now, any ideas?02:07
PhotonYou lost it?02:07
Ben64Photon: but everything works fine in a normal terminal window?02:08
yakizahello everyone i have install linux and i have installed my gpu drivers and since i install the drivers whrn i boot i get purple screen any help02:10
k1l_Transtibot: open gparted, delete the partition table /make a new one. create one fat or ntfs partition. or choose "format" on the nautilus right click menu02:11
PhotonBen64, sorry, seems so, yes.02:13
PhotonI tried reinstalling already.02:14
RNevilleCould someone check out this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/245410/how-to-install-uninstall-a-driver-on-a-frozen-system-using-a-livecd, I want to use a Ubuntu 16.04 live CD to purge an Nvidia proprietary drive from my system - inserting "nomodeset" in grub menu doesn't seem to help02:15
RNevilleforgot to mention, my primary drive has full disk encryption, so not sure I can use a command like chroot in a Live CD to mount my system files02:20
RNevilleprobably not, is my quess02:20
=== aaron is now known as Guest56872
RNevilleso many things I don't understand about Ubuntu/Linux02:32
bazhangRNeville, have you read the wiki and the free pdf manual yet02:32
RNevillei.e., if you activate you onboard graphics - why would Nvidia proprietary driver interfere with graphics02:33
RNevilleno bazhang, I haven't - every article about Linux is either for an absolut Newbie, or a Linux Zen Master - seems to be no intermediate material02:34
secureOSRNeville: Why u what activete you graphics onboard?02:34
secureOS*what u whant activete02:34
bazhangRNeville, would you like a link to such?02:34
RNevilleI don't want onboard graphics, but the reset proprietary Nvidia driver has hosed my video cards graphics under Ubuntu 16.0402:35
RNevilleyes, bazhang02:35
secureOSheh this or broken repository02:36
bazhangRNeville, where did you install the drivers from, from the ubuntu repos or nvidia's site02:36
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
bazhang!manual | RNeville02:36
ubottuRNeville: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:36
bazhang!rute | RNeville and this02:36
ubottuRNeville and this: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf02:36
RNevilleI think , Ubuntu repos since I used "Aditiona Drivers" under Ubuntu 16.0402:37
RNevilleSince, I'm running full disk encryption I'm thinking the easy way to get back to Nouveau driver is a complete reinstall02:39
sirvi installed the drivers from the SYSTEM - Software updates - addicional drivers menu02:40
RNevilleHowever, I must admit I don't understand why is my hdmi cable from my monitor is plug into my onbaord graphics, and I've enable onboard graphics in bios - why I'm I not , by default, running Nouveau driver for onboard graphics - and therefore able to use my computer?02:41
sirvbut also i have better experience with proprietary Nvidia driver - DOTA2 is working perfect with them, nouveau did not wotrk02:41
RNevilleYes, sirv, I believe that's the way I installed my Nvidia driver, as-well02:41
RNevilleJust didn't know proper terminology to write02:42
RNevillewhen/why is***02:42
RNevilleI would think Nvidia proprietary drive wouldn't interfere with activate onboard graphics02:43
raj__gud     mrng02:47
c_thunis there a way to combine two conditions for pandas.drop? for item in list: pandasdf = pandasdf.drop(pandasdf[(pandasdf.col1 > 0.5) & (pandasdf.col2 == item)])02:52
tobias_littleubuntu is cool02:53
yakizahello guys after installing ubuntu and my gpu drivers my pc wont boot its just getting stuck in a purple screen02:53
c_thunsorry, accidently posted to wrong channel02:54
tobias_little<yakiza> its so bad02:54
RNevilleI know the feeling yakiza - wish I could help, but have no idea how to repair02:54
RNevilleI guess I'm going to simply reinstall , and start fresh02:54
w9qbj /morow02:54
rosesareredI tried to proxify apt according to this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/175172/how-do-i-configure-proxies-without-gui and creating a '95proxies' file  in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ it didnt work. I deleted the file, rebooted, butI still cannot get apt...02:55
rosesareredI dont understand it, I got rid of the file02:55
tobias_littleyess i agree02:55
yakizai have doe 5 formta and dunno what to do... my graphics card doesnt work02:55
tobias_littlein ubuntu 16.04 if you use old grap card02:56
tobias_littleyou are dead fish02:56
RNevillemine is Nvidia GTX 76002:56
RNevilleand now is has hosed my computer, Nouveau actually worked, but need proprietary to get Lightworks to work properly - that's all02:57
causativeis it possible to set a screen unlock password that's different from my account password?  because I think I should have a strong account pw, but don't want to be constantly typing it just to unlock the screen02:57
twizzleBopI'm surveying opensourcers opinion of CMSs. I've been using02:59
k1l_causative: "i want a bullet proof door but next to it a light door because the other one is to heavy to open" :)02:59
causativewell k1l_ I'm not concerned about anybody walking by and unlocking the screen03:00
causativemy concern would be someone remote03:00
causativeif they have physical access to the computer all bets are off anyway03:00
twizzleBoppardon touch typo...I've been using drupal and every cms I use seems convoluted. in an age where we can send a frame buffer over the web.. arent cmss just .. nuts?03:00
causativeonly I don't want to disable screen lock, because of privacy03:01
k1l_twizzleBop: that better suits into #ubuntu-offtopic03:01
SemiNusis there any setting in the xorg.conf which disables copy & paste by clicking the middle mouse button?03:14
cuscohey folks03:16
cuscotrying new lts here, and ... usb drive is not recognized03:16
cuscoso dmesg shows usbcore03:17
cuscobut /dev/sdb is nto there03:17
Andyuser54Hello. Does anyone know anything about porting Ubuntu touch to a new device?03:18
SemiNusdid you look at the syslog?03:18
SemiNussudo tail -f /var/log/syslog03:18
SemiNus^ cusco03:18
SemiNuscusco, while this is open, plug in the device03:18
yakizai just dont understand how the same drivers would work a moment ago in my old hd and not work in my new ssd03:20
nohophey guys. Does anyone know how to set the hwaddr of a NIC that's part os a bridge in /etc/network/ifterfaces >?03:22
guyFromWebI am getting gnome-software error, could it be that my laptop is really old?03:26
davidj@yakiza — that's fascinating, re: drivers working on one & not the other.03:26
Guy1524what is the channel for discussing ubuntu 17.04 again?03:27
davidj@Guy1524 — there's #ubuntu-discuss which might fit the bill.03:27
davidjnon-support channel.03:27
=== awayfro is now known as afru
ubmtsirv hello03:46
secureOSwhat cloud u are recommended?03:51
happyfr0ggI need help with fixing apt. It is coming back with GPG No PUBKEY errors for several packages.04:00
ZeBigDuckHi all!04:04
=== coffeeguy-- is now known as coffeeguy
ZeBigDuckStrange thing today, I lost some files of my / partition04:04
sukhoirussians were behind this04:05
ZeBigDuckdocker containers and images, vivaldi web browser, some shortcut I put in /usr/local/bin04:05
happyfr0ggVia terminal  'apt'  is returning GPG No PUBKey for several packages. How do I fix?04:05
ZeBigDuckHow can I track what could have been done this ?04:05
ubmtwhy i can't list my bluetooth device by lsusb?04:13
ubmtyet no result from lspci,how can i find it?04:13
happyfr0ggHow do I fix apt returning GPG No PUBKEY errors?04:23
happyfr0ggY-PPA Manager does not work.04:23
happyfr0ggIt works but does not fix the issue.04:24
happyfr0ggTerminal also returns 'resource limit'.04:25
OerHeksthat ppa got a package "launchpad-getkeys".. mayb you need that first? https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/y-ppa-manager?field.series_filter=xenial04:26
=== gui7 is now known as Alley
=== keith_ is now known as XBT_Dude
XBT_Dudewhat does all the Ping timeout mean?04:37
RNevilleWill, just did complete reinstall of Ubuntu 16.04 - have Nouveau back!04:39
RNevilleMy advice, learn to use Clonezilla, and make a clone of primary HD before loading any new graphics drivers - sorry to have to write this!04:40
XBT_DudeRNeville: me as well  Xu 16.0404:40
XBT_DudeYeah well mine went pretty well for an old door stop04:41
RNevilleWow, XBT_Dude  - seems like a lot of these problems with graphic driver - had hard from LAS podcast that Ubuntu 16.04 had problems with Nvidia driver, but still tried anyway04:41
RNevillehad heard/had hard**04:42
XBT_DudeMine actually went flawless, except for Broadcam driver that NOOOOOO  distro has worked on yet without04:42
XBT_Dudea trip to wireless.kernel.org04:42
RNevilleNoah, also said on Linux Action Show (LAS) that his laptop's wireless card wouldn't stay up04:43
XBT_Dudedidn't even have to load video driver for this one witch is a first04:43
RNevilleUnder 16.04 - that is04:43
RNevilleYes, Nouveau seems to work well, however, Lightworks had some problems and recommend Nvidia proprietary drivers04:44
XBT_Dudenot sure which flavor the last was Lubuntu 15.10 I think04:45
RNevilleIf not for problems in Lightworks (which I'm not sure is Nouveau driver problems) I would be glad to stay with Nouveau driver04:45
XBT_Dudebut had to do video and wireless04:45
RNevilleI'm on a desktop machine, and not a laptop - so not using wireless04:46
RNevilleSystem Backup under Ubuntu 16.04 seemed to work well - in ways; however, still having to reload many programs04:47
RNevilleI don't have a lot of experience with backups, so my opinion is kinda worthless on the topic of backup, though04:47
RNevilleI wish I had separate partition for my home folder - which I think would make reinstalls much easier04:48
XBT_DudeI'm on it wired at the moment, out in garage so wireless is a little weak, but works ok, wired is rockin though even without doing the turn off Ivp6 thing I alway shad ot do04:48
RNevillebut still not sure even with a seperate home partition that I wouldn't have to reload certain programs04:48
secureOSRNeville: check for blkid04:49
XBT_Dudewife's callin be back04:49
secureOSi cant find any good work bios:(04:49
secureOSthat is my problem04:50
RNevilleis blkid - a backup program, please?04:50
secureOSlist of mapper04:50
RNevillesorry, a newbie linux user here, not following "mapper"? Sorry so slow of wit. :(04:51
RNevillesecureOS, guess I should be using your nick04:51
secureOSif u whant04:52
secureOSi try fix my computer04:52
secureOS4 months04:52
RNevilleok, secureOS - was it video driver problems04:53
secureOSi fill my video driver change every week:/04:54
secureOSi even buy new laptop04:54
secureOSand nothing change..04:54
secureOSbios is broken04:54
RNevilleinteresting, secureOS04:55
secureOSor company who run it04:55
RNevillebut secureOS if you used two different computers - how can it be bios (unless same bio vendors)04:55
secureOScome on when i indicate with problem i whant olny fix my computer and servers04:56
secureOSRNeville: I did not think that it is possible04:56
allen_sorry  Bios is broke?04:56
secureOSbut still it is04:57
allen_Does it boot?04:57
secureOSboot is does not mean correct work04:57
allen_secureOS   Does the computer boot?04:58
=== keith_ is now known as XuBun2_Dude
allen_Does it have a hard drive installed?04:58
secureOSbut i cant start with secure encrypted system with out of UEFI and GPT04:59
allen_The bios may not support that04:59
allen_but that dont mean its broke04:59
RNevillewhat is GPT,pls ?05:00
secureOSwhen i try start another system i always have a problem05:00
secureOSwhen i buy new laptop and delete all partition and online storage (wtf, what is this)?!05:01
secureOSi cant run any boot05:01
allen_your not making sense05:01
secureOSonly new Fedora run but not realese05:01
secureOSallen_: come one for so many years i thought that i know computers05:02
allen_ok..your right Bios is broke05:02
secureOSand now i feel like i'm just starting05:02
secureOSeven i can't find main arch linux OS in cloud server05:03
secureOSthis is terrible05:04
RNevilleI've owned computers for over 20 years now, and I'm amazed , almost every day, that I've feel like I'v just scratched the surface of an ocean over the  Mariana Trench05:04
secureOSwelcome to my world:/05:05
secureOSanyone recommends program to change online lvm partition when they run?05:06
iLikePussysecureOS: forget LVM05:07
iLikePussyjust eat cunt05:07
secureOSeat cunt?05:08
iLikePussyyes, pussy05:08
iLikePussyare you seriously not familiar with the word "cunt"?05:08
iLikePussy!ops | secureOS is five years old and does not know what a cunt is05:08
iLikePussyubottu: hello?05:08
ubottuiLikePussy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:09
iLikePussy!ops | secureOS is acting like a five year old, please ban05:09
ubottusecureOS is acting like a five year old, please ban: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu05:09
* davidj grins.05:09
davidjThanks sir/ma'am05:09
secureOSI have the impression that the market is not enevailbe any secure system05:11
davidjNothing is inherently secure.05:11
secureOSin which on one would have messed with and not listening05:11
allen_anybody know of a Zorin help room anywhere05:11
davidjIf you're after security, technology is the wrong market :)05:11
DalekSecallen_: You can try 'alis', /msg alis help list05:12
allen_that will run a list of rooms on this server right?05:13
secureOSbut i really think that technology is really try to fix security.. but no my laptop and server:/05:13
XuBun2_Dudewhat I miss05:14
XuBun2_DudeI'll ask again, what does all the ping time outs mean05:16
hamsterpowerI really messed up some CUDA packages. I keep getting "The following packages have unmet dependencies:" and "apt-get -f install" won't fix it. It returns "No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already". What should I do?05:16
secureOShamsterpower: maybe change max report on apt config?05:17
secureOSor use mesg or tail -f /var/log/syslog ?05:18
secureOSi have same problme but i dont start fix this yet05:18
secureOSgreat after update now i dont have sound05:23
davidjThe joys of technology :)05:23
davidj(It's why I've bought an xps 13. Less !@#%$ery)05:23
secureOSpcman have sink is auto_null and have abstract class in properties:/05:24
secureOSmy new kernel don't have any old module05:31
lee-kuneai glr ;-;05:38
lee-kuntem br ? kjjkjkkj05:38
guyFromWebhi, what can I do with gnome-software error?05:39
lee-kunwhat is the error ?05:40
guyFromWebthat's what it said05:40
guyFromWebthere was really no logs05:40
guyFromWebI think05:40
guyFromWebcould it be that it's an old laptop??05:41
lee-kunNo, I think it is your software error.05:42
guyFromWebI bet it's this https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234511305:42
guyFromWebI also had some problems during install, I had to go back then continue to click the continue button again05:43
lee-kunPs: I ' dont speak english , but i can try help you guyFromweb c:05:44
guyFromWeblol ok05:44
guyFromWebshould I reinstall?05:45
guyFromWebit's pretty new (the OS)05:45
hamsterpowersecureOS: thx for the tip I'll try it!05:46
guyFromWebor I'll just do it tomorrow05:46
lee-kunI think so, your installation may have been corrupted, causing you to install the incomplete system05:46
guyFromWebI'll try the same ISO again05:47
guyFromWebI got it on my hard drive05:47
guyFromWebif it happens again, it might be the ISO05:47
bumHow to add "wireless display" in Windows05:50
jamie_1hey odd question, when cononical changed the naming method for wifi from wlan0 to like wlp2s0 did they also change the method for naming the bluetooth interface?06:12
jamie_1right now im working on a program that was designed to run on 12.04 and no longer works and im working on fixing it and getting it working on current (16.10 and 17.04) and i just want to make sure that as im doing it i dont need to go through and correct that06:13
jamie_1it makes os calls to the bluetooth interface to gain access and connect to specfic devices06:14
secureOSany idea when i whant instlall old good ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 with old kernel?06:28
jamie_1secureOS: for the most part you would have to add the old kernel in06:29
jamie_1then on boot select advanced option and boot from the old kernal06:29
secureOSnot so easy06:29
jamie_1i belive somewhere in there you can set to auto use that kernal06:29
secureOSi haven't this option06:29
jamie_1secureOS: i've done it several times06:29
secureOS*i haven't06:30
* jamie_1 does it mostly when i screwed myself that bad customizing06:30
jamie_1one sec secureOS let me see if theres some documentation for it06:30
secureOSjamie_1: when i see my disk (lsblk) and before i use old kernel i cant start system and mount any hdd06:30
jamie_1ouch secureOS how did you manage to make that happen?06:31
jamie_1for the most part you might have to live boot and replace the stuff on the hdd from the live booty06:31
secureOSlong story06:31
EriC^^secureOS: which kernel do you want?06:32
jamie_1hey secureOS does this help you? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters it should allow you to replace or modify the kernal before boot06:33
EriC^^secureOS: install 14.04 then06:33
jamie_1well not a kernel but modify the boot parameters to possibly make it boot06:34
jamie_1go by EriC^^ first if that doesn't work ill throw in my crazy as hell solutions06:34
jamie_1im good at doing crap like that in ways you really shouldnt be able to... :D06:35
secureOSEriC^^: I try install 12.04 but steel i have same problem06:35
secureOSno secure06:35
EriC^^secureOS: you said 14.04 works though?06:35
secureOSjamie_1: i tried change flag on boot06:35
jamie_1wait secureOS are you trying to use secure efi boot?06:36
secureOSbut generally nothing happen06:36
jamie_1with gdp partitioning06:36
secureOSheh no06:36
jamie_1okay... thank god... that is a headache of its own...06:36
secureOSand i have disable fast boot06:36
jamie_1im actually using gdp... so i cant vouch for the fact of... dont do it06:37
secureOSbut for really secure system i must upload uefi06:37
EriC^^secureOS: does 14.04 work?06:37
jamie_1its useful yeah... extremely but its a pain the A**06:37
secureOSgood option when start system is msdos on fat1606:37
secureOSfor boot06:37
secureOSnext boot unix06:37
secureOSand linux06:37
secureOSex. ubuntu06:37
jamie_1what type of system are you using secureOS?06:37
jamie_1system... not os06:38
jamie_1like hardware06:38
secureOSwhat u mean? CPU?06:38
jamie_1does it support efi booting or any of the new setups?06:38
jamie_1more of is it a newer computer with the newer bios setups06:38
secureOSSamsung Series 506:38
jamie_1one sec06:39
jamie_1okay... so by a long shot you wanna try to give uefi booting a shot?06:39
happycod1rhi men06:39
secureOSjamie_1: u send me a link06:40
B105PH3REgood day ladies/gents06:40
secureOSwhy in gnu grub setup write --fs-uuid06:40
secureOSon kernel 2.6.x !!!!!!!06:40
jamie_1secureOS: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:40
jamie_1for the most part secureOS i try not to modify that much... i will modify the kernal... but the boot loader (not sure what the proper term is, im used to mobile os development) because if you screw that you are screwed rather well...06:41
secureOSthere is now booting i try install reasonably safe and private system06:41
jamie_1try using uefi booting, at that point its more of the bios handling the booting than the rest, its actually writing to the uefi for the boot setup instead of just relying on grub06:42
secureOSboot setup?06:43
secureOSbut u can run linux for uefi on ubuntu 10 or 12.0406:43
Ben64ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 are both EOL06:44
Ben64what is your goal here secureOS ?06:44
NemosCene21Are ubuntu applications backwards compatible?06:44
secureOSBen64: I try use secure Ubuntu06:45
secureOSmaybe u have link to good iso06:45
jamie_1Ben64: help him please, im used to doing rigged fixes that will solve the problem but dont want to make someone jurry rig up in my methods... they are not orthadox and i dont want to mess someone else up by trying to do my crazy stuff06:45
baizonsecureOS: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop06:45
WoLfNemosCene21: usually yes, some aren't, but that's often because of deprecated functions removed for security. At least that has been my experience this far.06:45
jamie_1... i know how to wipe my bios and start from scratch as a clean computer, i dont know if you can from what he's on06:46
Ben64secureOS: yeah, any recent version of ubuntu is already secure. i suggest 16.04 becuase of it's long life06:46
jamie_1Ben64: for some odd reason he cant do that... still not sure why... im running on little info06:46
secureOSjamie_1: how u wipe bios when u have example cloud server..06:46
Ben64jamie_1: nothing i've seen supports that theory06:46
jamie_1Ben64: huh? what theory?06:47
Ben64that he can't install 16.0406:47
jamie_1Ben64: he said earlier that it wont boot06:47
secureOSbut now i using 16.04.106:47
NemosCene21<Wolf>: ok thanks06:48
secureOSlast week i have 16.04.406:48
Ben6416.04.4 doesn't exist yet06:48
jamie_1secureOS: i would need to have exact info to do research to see how to completely wipe the device to nothing06:48
jamie_1lol i got on her originally to get info for the program im re-releasing for 16.04, 16.10, and 17.04 and totally got side tracked... XD06:49
secureOSheh 16.06 i have yesterday06:50
Ben6416.06 doesn't exist and never will06:50
jamie_116.06? lol06:50
secureOSyes o know06:50
Ben64you should start making sense06:50
secureOSx.04 and x.1006:50
secureOSBen64: but what?06:50
Ben64explain what you want to accomplish, you're making no sense currently06:50
secureOSjamie_1: what kernel u use?06:50
jamie_1secureOS: im not sure what kernal im on06:51
jamie_1im actually on gnome06:51
jamie_1not vanilla ubuntu06:51
happycoderwnat you want men!!????06:51
secureOSuname -v06:51
jamie_1im gonna throw my question back out there.... lol, before i forget. right now im working on a program that uses the blue tooth, but the last version the original maintainers release for was 12.04. When conanical changed the naming setup for the different intefaces like wlan0 to a setup like wlp2s0 did they also change the naming mechanism for the bluetooth?06:54
jamie_1i need to know to know06:54
jamie_1so that i know whether i need to fix that as i go along06:54
Ben64pretty sure it's just for network devices06:54
B105PH3REi guess that would depend on what bluetooth services your trying to use06:55
secureOSBen64: great would that be nice when nobody access for my system and nobody change my bios, reserve my mem on RAM, using CPU, etc.06:55
=== TheSilen- is now known as TheSilentLink
Ben64secureOS: what?06:55
jamie_1Ben64: okay, thanks06:55
secureOSjamie_1: no06:56
WoLfI'm trying to follow on that conversation but man it's confusing.. "I just the whole thing" level.06:56
secureOSjamie_1: try module for kernel btrtl or btintel06:56
secureOSBen64: what your problem? i write u answer06:57
Ben64secureOS: you're still not making any sense06:57
secureOSBen64: what version kernel u use?06:57
B105PH3REsecureOS: May I ask if your first language english?06:57
Ben64secureOS: how is that relevant06:58
secureOSB105PH3RE: no06:58
secureOSBen64: I thinking is only i have unversioning pc06:59
jamie_1not to piss anyone off but i have stuff i need to work on... need to get this program up and running06:59
B105PH3REok so get it done06:59
pfefferzI'm seeing install for 16.04.2-desktop appear to hang on adobe-flashplugin...07:00
pfefferzanyone else seeing this?07:00
B105PH3REpfefferz: its usually downloading hte plugin in the background when it does that so if you internet is slow it may take some time07:00
NemosCene21is it safe to download stuff from other repositories?07:00
B105PH3RENemosCene21: only if you trust the source07:00
jamie_1B105PH3RE: do you know anything about the program QtSixA?07:00
B105PH3REjamie_1: yes I do been messing with it on linux for a bit why?07:01
WoLfNemosCene21: it's the same as downloading something from internet. If it's a reputable source, might be safe.07:01
secureOStrust the source, hehehe07:01
B105PH3RERule #1: Trust No One07:01
secureOSWoLf: spootify is spootify or facebook?07:01
jamie_1B105PH3RE: the last version they released was 2 years ago for 12.04 and they declared it dead, right now im in the process of rebuilding/fixing it07:02
B105PH3REjamie_1: Fixing what I don't have any problems with my qtsixa setup07:02
B105PH3REps3 over bluetooth connection works great07:02
jamie_1B105PH3RE: what version are you on?07:02
B105PH3REyou have to tweak the config to disbale the accelerometers in the config file07:02
B105PH3REdon't have it installed on the system but what every their repo' has07:03
NemosCene21is there any possibility that something bad will happen to the system  if I have downloaded some software packages from malicious sources?07:03
Ben64NemosCene21: of course07:03
WoLfNemosCene21: yes07:03
B105PH3RENemosCene21: Yes07:03
jamie_1B105PH3RE: their repo's last release was 2 years ago, and there is no "candidate" for anything after 12.0407:03
B105PH3REjamie_1: I have it on 16.0407:04
NemosCene21what can be the worst thing that could happen?07:04
pfefferzB105PH3RE: its been about 25 min on a fast connection07:04
Ben64NemosCene21: someone could have access to everything on your computer07:04
B105PH3REpfefferz: hmmm. get you get details or maybe it can't update it or something... I usually don't upgrade while installing07:04
NemosCene21Oh, that's scary07:04
WoLfNemosCene21: depends on what you consider worst. it could wipe your machine, it could steal your details, it could take pictures of you with a webcam, anything =P07:05
jamie_1B105PH3RE: really? im on 16.10 and went to build it myself and had to add shit in just to compile... the gcc compiler was and old version for them and i had to add in a module for sleep, start and the regular stuff which was moved to a module after awhile... and the bluetooth wont work at all07:05
B105PH3RENemosCene21: if the program you install is from an UNTRUSTED SOURCE you may be subject to trojan, back doors, and others....07:05
pfefferzB105PH3RE: nm...went through...07:05
pfefferzB105PH3RE: but there may be something up with the adobe plugin07:05
NemosCene21then I thought linux distros are quite susceptible to malwares XD07:05
B105PH3REpfefferz: copy that... can you see the program or no?07:05
pfefferzB105PH3RE: which program?07:06
WoLfNemosCene21: it's literally the same as downloading a file from internet and executing it willingly.07:06
B105PH3REjamie_1: I had issues with 16.10 so I went back to 16.0407:06
davidjWhat sort of issues @B105PH3RE?07:06
davidjJust curious. I'm on 16.10 — wondering if it might make sense to downgrade.07:06
jamie_1B105PH3RE: I have way to much stuff on here to wipe and go to 16.10... all of my dev stuff is on here07:07
B105PH3REdavidj: I'm a gamer so a bunch of my games needed specific libs to run but the versions were too new for the dependencies to be met correctly for the graphics or game to run properly07:07
WoLfNemosCene21: there is less malware than windows platforms, but it does exist. The difference is that by adding a third party repository, you are allowing them unconditional access willingly.07:07
NemosCene21I thought in ubuntu it is hard to gain root access. Doesn't those malicious programs need root access?07:07
B105PH3REwell the possibility07:07
davidjNot to destroy your stuff @NemosCene21 :p07:07
jamie_1also the QtSixA issue that are on 16.10 B105PH3RE have a good chance of being on 17.04 so QtSixA will need to be fixed then anyways...07:08
B105PH3REdoesn't mean your will be a victim for sure but.... its way easier07:08
davidj@B105PH3RE Ah! That makes sense.07:08
davidjre: gaming that is.07:08
davidjWas just making sure everything else is alright. It's been stable for me, well, aside from like ~25 crash reports a day for compiz/unity.07:08
WoLfAlso it just takes you doing "sudo apt ..." to have root access.07:08
B105PH3REdavidj: other then that 16.10 ran good for me07:08
EriC^^NemosCene21: the problem is that those programs are being installed by root access, if you install them in your own home dir then they can still do whatever they want just not to the whole system07:09
jamie_1i might move to 17.04 now to work on QtSixA there to see if there are issues there also07:09
davidjBless your heart @jamie_1 :p07:09
jamie_1davidj: why do you say that?07:09
NemosCene21I see, thanks guys! You're the best :D07:10
B105PH3REjamie_1: one thing I wish they added was the ability to emulate a xbox 360 correctly for linux games to recognize it as a true xbox 360 controller07:10
davidjI guess it depends on the context of your usage, as a user I imagine 17x is rather unstable? Just an assumption of course.07:10
WoLfNemosCene21: Basically it boils down to a simple rule. If you are following a tutorial from a reputable site, for something like adding functionality to some not supported hardware, you are probably fine.. But a random site telling you to add repositories and running commands, must be taken with a grain of salt.07:11
jamie_1B105PH3RE: that is a little more challenging for wireless as xbox does not use standard bluetooth...07:11
jamie_1davidj: im am both a dev and a QA engineer so to me... unstable does not mean much07:11
B105PH3REjamie_1: ya I know but its the button config I need to work like a xbox 36007:11
WoLfEspecially if it's repos for "illegal" software. that's asking to get malware.07:11
secureOSif ubuntu not change a conception security is never system for normal users, if any what try to instlal game oraz software and add bad repo, down all system.. XXI age07:12
davidjI'd go as far as saying avoid adding 3rd party repos.07:12
jamie_1B105PH3RE: well i can see if when im working on it i might add wired connection for xbox 360 controllers07:12
B105PH3REjamie_1: no what I mean is to use the ps3 controller as a true xbox 360 controller emulation07:12
jamie_1B105PH3RE: my thing is with the last release of QtSixA being 2 years ago... its only a matter of time till it stops working, we both know that, so a maintainer is needed. also its a possibility as soon as i get a reg build to fully work... i want to have a fully working before i add stuff07:13
davidjlike @Antares' link for example, don't click :p07:13
B105PH3REdon't click rogue links you don't know about either07:14
uxfiHello all07:14
jamie_1B105PH3RE: i just would like to make sure i can keep using my ps3 controller even after the new versions... and honestly even if im just able to get a stable version of current up and running for 16.10 and 17.04 as my pet project that would make me happy because that means that much longer before my version stops working compared to the already 2 year old version07:15
jamie_1*After the new07:16
jamie_1ubuntu version07:16
jamie_1wow i can not type tonight07:16
B105PH3REjamie_1: I completely agree I started using xbox 360 controller instead it works better I find with linux07:16
jamie_1B105PH3RE: but you cant use wireless07:16
B105PH3REjamie_1: yes I can07:17
jamie_1thats my big thing07:17
jamie_1not without the dongle...07:17
Ben64this doesn't seem like it's on topic here, maybe take it to PM or #ubuntu-offtopic07:17
B105PH3REjamie_1: you need to purchase the usb reciever with a xbox controller and you can add up to 4 controllers on linux with this config... fully tested! :)07:17
jamie_1B105PH3RE: exactly my point i can use the ps3 with some work and no money spent...07:18
pfefferzB105PH3RE: Here's the blow-by-blow: https://www.zachpfeffer.com/single-post/2017/02/17/Installing-the-64-bit-PC-AMD64-desktop-image-of-Ubuntu-16042-LTS-Xenial-Xerus-in-Oracle-VM-VirtualBox-5114-running-in-Windows-7-Professional-Service-Pack-1-CurrentBuild-7601-on-a-ThinkPad-T460-model-20FNCTO1WW-with-an-IntelR-CoreTM-i7-6600U-CPU07:18
B105PH3REjamie_1: ya if you've got bluetooth built it even nicer... I was able to get a xbox one controller via bluetooth though07:18
jamie_1B105PH3RE: i dont know about that one, i dont know how microsoft did their new controller setup07:19
jamie_1not gonna claim i do07:19
pfefferzB105PH3RE: 8. in Step 407:19
jamie_1also i like the ps3 controller setup and the way it sits in my hands07:19
Ben64jamie_1: please take this elsewhere07:19
B105PH3REjamie_1: ya I do love the ps3 the best it works for me the best also since I'm an old school kinda gamer nintendo and older systems07:20
B105PH3REpfefferz: sorry that links not working for me I get a blank ZACH'S BLOG page07:21
pfefferzB105PH3RE: it may take a sec to load07:21
B105PH3REpfefferz: there nothing else to load according to my browser07:22
B105PH3REpfefferz: so your trying to install ubuntu 16.0407:22
pfefferzB105PH3RE: yes, but I'm mainly writing it up07:23
B105PH3REmuch better guide07:23
B105PH3REpfefferz: writing it up? you mean making a install guide also?07:24
pfefferzB105PH3RE: it is a good guide, the guide I'm writing focuses on using it in VirtualBox on Windows 707:24
B105PH3REpfefferz: oh my bad sorry man...07:24
pfefferzB105PH3RE: no worries07:25
B105PH3REpfefferz: so your installing ubuntu on vm and your doing a guide for?07:25
pfefferzB105PH3RE: mainly to help people get started working with Linux in a way they feel comfortable with07:26
pfefferzB105PH3RE: so I make everything super specific so that there is 0 ambiguity07:26
B105PH3REpfefferz: I think thats awesome dude good luck and I will spread the news also... always like to see a fellow penguin army member promoting the ranks!07:26
pfefferzB105PH3RE: :)07:26
pfefferzB105PH3RE: thanks07:26
pfefferzB105PH3RE: the blog builds up to through a few other posts07:27
pfefferzB105PH3RE: over the next few days, I'm going to do, how to write a kernel patch and submit to kernel.org, but for doc patches07:27
pfefferzB105PH3RE: thanks for spreading the word07:28
B105PH3REpfefferz: NO THANK YOU! your doing all the WORK! GO PENGUIN ARMY!07:28
pfefferzB105PH3RE: :)07:28
B105PH3REShoutCast Stream
Dreamanhow to conf ipv6 in ubuntu07:59
WulfDreaman: it just works08:00
Dreamanjust not i us 408:01
WulfDreaman: does your ISP offer IPv6? Does your router support it?08:01
B105PH3REDreaman: if you goto console and do "ifconfig" you should see a inet6 addr: blah:blah:blah08:02
WulfB105PH3RE: ifconfig is obsolete. And has been for 20 years or so.08:02
WulfDreaman: ip addr show08:02
B105PH3REWulf: welll it works doesn't it08:03
Dreamanfe80::3dbc:a2f9:df0e:9069/64  is my08:03
WulfB105PH3RE: nope08:03
B105PH3REwell i just did it on 16.0408:03
WulfDreaman: does your ISP offer IPv6? Does your router support it?08:04
B105PH3REwell i prefer ifconfig's display structure better then that ip addr show08:04
WulfB105PH3RE: takes time to get used to something else, sure08:04
B105PH3REif I feel the need or desire08:05
DreamanWulf call him08:05
SynfulAckany way to freely scroll through different tmux sessions besides ctrl+b arrow?08:10
PharaohSDsup fags08:18
B105PH3REThat an intelligent greeting08:21
PharaohSDsup B105PH3RE08:23
PharaohSDdling dota 208:23
PharaohSDshould be fun08:23
B105PH3REits pretty good08:24
PharaohSDu still on it?08:24
B105PH3REdota 208:24
B105PH3REya don't play much still a newb at it... more a warcraft 3 player but its been a few years08:24
PharaohSDsweet, seems fun from the vids, and its weekend08:26
B105PH3REgotta be carefull we don't wanna update Ben64 were off topic again... ;)08:27
PharaohSDlol yea,  but it's dead anyways >><<>><<08:32
WoLfhmm. I'm trying to slow down the polling from ntp, added minpoll and maxpoll in /etc/ntp.conf and restarted the service, but I still see ntp hits every few seconds.08:34
B105PH3REWoLf: its ntp part of samba?08:35
WoLfI don't believe so? I do use samba tho.. but ntp should just be default time sync for ubuntu if I'm not wrong.08:36
ducasseB105PH3RE: you might be thinking of nbd, ntp syncs network time08:36
B105PH3REsorry neverminds its time protocol08:36
alkisgnbd isn't related to samba, maybe he was thinking about smb :D08:38
ducassenmdb? nmbd? something like that.08:38
alkisgAh, yes that is samba too08:38
WoLfwe have too many shorthand acronyms =P08:39
B105PH3REtoo many damnn acronyms is right!08:39
B105PH3REtry remember other industries acronyms also08:39
ubottuJalina: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:40
WoLfUh.. that's weird. I rebooted the machine for another reason, and now I don't see ntp hits anymore. I'm sure the configuration had been reloaded, as it had took the other changes.08:41
B105PH3REi always reboot after a service change anyhow just to make sure on boot it works too08:42
WoLfI usually reboot for network changes, as most of the time I end up forgetting to ifdown interfaces in the right order and make a mess. lol08:44
somanIs [X]Ubuntu 16.04.2 available for download? xubuntu.org offers 16.04.1. Ubuntu shedule plan shows 09 February as a date of 16.04.2 release08:50
somanThanks, guys08:52
somanPoint releases usually goes to 5 or it depends?08:52
Ben64LTS go to .5 yeah08:54
somanBen64: Ok, thanks again08:54
YetAnotherStupidhey! do you offer support for Ubuntu flavors here (Xubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.)?08:58
Ben64official flavors yes08:58
YetAnotherStupidwhich are the official ones?08:58
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE08:58
YetAnotherStupidI'm on Xubuntu and I'm trying to configure it so it autoruns shell scripts (autorun.sh) when I insert USBs09:00
YetAnotherStupidi know it's a stupid question, but in Ubuntu you just go to Details in configuraton and set "Software" to "Run Software" or "Ask"09:01
YetAnotherStupidhowever in Xfce I can't find any configuration option to set that, and it'll just ignore any autorun script on any device09:01
YetAnotherStupidi have a USB with a autorun.inf and a autorun.sh file and I've tested it on several distros and it works. usually, the OS will prompt me asking if I want to run the script or not09:03
YetAnotherStupidin Xubuntu it will ignore the USB. could someone please tell me how to change the behavior to ask every time or run the software always, instead of ignoring autorun scripts?09:04
YetAnotherStupidthank you09:04
alkisgYetAnotherStupid: if noone answers here, you can also try in the dedicated channel, #xubuntu09:06
YetAnotherStupidthank you very much09:06
ducasseYetAnotherStupid: i think there is a setting under 'multimedia and removable devices' or something similar09:07
YetAnotherStupideverything is checked but it won't work09:08
YetAnotherStupidif i joined IRC is because I've spent some hours on Google, so I'm really stupid or something is broken09:08
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: as far as I know you can't do a autorun.sh file or any sorts on the usb drive when inserted09:08
YetAnotherStupidyes, i've tested it on several distros and it works...09:10
YetAnotherStupidi mean i use this script almost every day and it works09:10
YetAnotherStupidyou just create an autorun.inf file and an autorun.sh file. Ubuntu will ask me when the device is mounted, and some distros even run it automatically without asking09:12
ducassewhat a horrible idea09:12
YetAnotherStupidXubuntu wil keep ignoring it even if I change the configuration, or change the mount options09:13
YetAnotherStupidthe only way to make it work is opening a terminal and running the script manually09:13
YetAnotherStupidon Xubuntu only09:13
YetAnotherStupidand I need to run it *automatically*09:13
B105PH3REvery bad idea09:15
YetAnotherStupidwell i could make a local script that tries to launch the script every time it detects this specific USB, but I find this solution to be awful and unnecesary in a "supposedly friendly" OS like Xubuntu09:16
B105PH3REwhat file manager are you using09:17
YetAnotherStupidi mean on Ubuntu I can change it in the settings so it asks every time, it's easy, makes sense...09:17
B105PH3REwhat program was it09:17
YetAnotherStupidthe default one, Thunar09:17
B105PH3REdid you try custom actions09:18
B105PH3REno that won't do what you want nvm09:19
YetAnotherStupidi'm not a genius with computers but i think something like this should be easy09:19
ducasseYetAnotherStupid: you really need to ask in #xubuntu, but i suspect you might be quite alone in wanting this09:20
YetAnotherStupidcorrect me if I'm wrong. you're telling me that something that takes 5 seconds in Ubuntu (going into the settings) is impossible to do on this distro?09:20
YetAnotherStupidi asked in #Xubuntu and nobody replied...09:21
ducasseno idea, i've never heard of anyone wanting it09:21
ducassebecause it's a horrible idea09:21
MonkeyDustYetAnotherStupid  i guess xubuntu isnt meant to be modified much, 'launch and play', so to say09:22
YetAnotherStupidrunning scripts from removable devices automatically? really? it's not like it's a weird thing, it's like making a autorun.exe program for Windows, there's a lot of commercial software that does this09:22
wudo_honourwhy can not ping the  between two host09:22
B105PH3REand you tried preffered applications09:22
wudo_honourwhy can not ping the  between two host  in the straight09:22
B105PH3REno nvm09:23
YetAnotherStupidi have to use several public computers every day and this scripts sets my work environment in seconds, i just have to plug it and... magic! i can continue my work09:23
YetAnotherStupidand computers with Xubuntu ignoring the script makes me angry09:24
YetAnotherStupidi can change the configuration on that "public" computers but I have to carry my work with me on a USB drive as there isn't a centralized network to sync my work between them (yet)09:26
YetAnotherStupidso if you come with a better solution insted of saying that this is a "bad idea", please, tell me09:26
MonkeyDustYetAnotherStupid  later today, #ubuntu will be more crowded, more chance someone has an answer or solution09:29
popeyYetAnotherStupid: it's entirely possible that this doesn't work on xubuntu, and that may be a feature that is as-yet unimplemented, or just a bug09:30
YetAnotherStupidyes but please i want the people telling me that this is a bad idea to explain09:30
YetAnotherStupidrunning scripts from a removable drive is a feature, and it's not a security risk if a) i trust the script and b) i have physical control over the computer09:31
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: maybe partial solution you can right clikc the ghosted icon of the usb drive and click on apllications run program and pick autorun.sh09:31
YetAnotherStupidB105PH3RE: i can't, as Xubuntu won't even recognize that there's a script there, so it won't show any option for that09:32
B105PH3REeven when you try to open it with a program09:32
ducassethen you can set up a custom action, i guess09:32
B105PH3REits a bash script so launch it with bash09:32
YetAnotherStupidit's a ext4 partition and i've chmod the file, and nothing09:33
YetAnotherStupidfucking impossible, it's like something in the OS is actively trying to block the script, like a security feature or something09:33
B105PH3REdid you try opening the drive and open with the autorun.sh right with bash09:33
YetAnotherStupidand i don't have any kind of antivirus or such, so i don't know...09:34
YetAnotherStupidB105PH3RE: that is the only thing that will work09:34
B105PH3REyou made default action for the file type09:34
whizz_why does an "apt update && apt full-upgrade" (or dist-upgrade, or do-release-upgrade) not update my kernel to 4.8 on 16.04.1 server? I'd expected it to upgrade my kernel (and be equal to 16.04.2)09:34
popey!hwe | whizz_09:35
ubottuwhizz_: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack09:35
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: try this maybe http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/using-removable-media09:35
popeywhizz_: see the section on that page for 16.0409:36
YetAnotherStupidaccording to that webpage, it should ask me09:36
YetAnotherStupid"Auto-open files on new drives and media" section09:37
YetAnotherStupidbut it isn't doing that09:37
whizz_popey: I see, thanks, but it does not mention 16.04 server?09:37
whizz_would the command for 14.04 work?09:38
whizz_i.e. sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial09:38
popeyYetAnotherStupid: sounds like a bug09:38
popeywhizz_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack#hwe-16.0409:39
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-0.5.html09:39
popeywhizz_: linux-generic-hwe-16.04 is the package09:39
whizz_popey: ah yes, google pointed me there as well, thanks09:39
popeyits linked from the first page i mentioned too09:39
MonkeyDustYetAnotherStupid  think positive: if it's indeed a bug, it may be named after you09:39
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: whats the file called? autorun.sh try .autorun you might be able to do it with .desktop maybe not sure09:40
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anddamwhen listing block devices with lsblk is there a way to show the partitions' label, if any?09:40
cristian_cI'd like to make avrcp profile working on my bluetooth headset, I mean: media buttons located on the headset09:41
cristian_cI've looked at bluetoothctl info output and avrcp is listed as available for the device09:41
ducasseanddam: read the man page, -f option09:41
cristian_cWhat methods could I try in order to find the issue?09:41
cristian_cany ideas?09:41
=== markus is now known as Guest62328
tobleronhi Guys09:44
tobleronHow are you doing?09:44
tobleronI have a question related to Filesystems.09:44
tobleronAnyone here?09:44
B105PH3REwere are all waiting in anticipation09:45
tobleronI would like to have an updated overview about the latest and greatest in Filesystem type commparison.09:45
tobleronI have always loved using BTRFS but a lot of the reviews are outdated09:45
tobleronalso some linux distributions install BTRFS for root / and XFS for /home I would like to know if that is the best or not.09:46
Ben64pretty much just use ext4, use something else if you prefer09:46
tobleronWhat about stability and performance?09:46
tobleronWhat do you use for let's say a  mail server, and what do you use for your desktop?09:46
B105PH3REwell a 12 year old server been using ext3 and ext4 for that period09:47
Ben64ext4 and ext409:47
B105PH3REext4 hands down09:47
tobleronSo BTRFS is just B$ ?09:47
tobleron :)09:47
tobleronwhat about XFS?09:47
ducassetobleron: i use btrfs for / on my file server, but everything else is zfs09:48
MonkeyDusttobleron  btrfs lets you make snapshots of your machin's stare09:48
YetAnotherStupidi lost cpnnection for a moment09:48
MonkeyDustme too, i use btrfs09:48
YetAnotherStupidso any idea on how to fix this?09:48
Ben64YetAnotherStupid: be patient09:48
ducasseYetAnotherStupid: and as we've said, you really need to ask the #xubuntu people about why it doesn't work, or search for a bug report09:48
YetAnotherStupidducasse: nobody on #xubuntu replied09:49
tobleronSo EXT4 for stability and BTRFS if I want to take snapshots? What if I will already use a Xenserver for my work... which can take snapshots on EXT4?09:49
ducasseYetAnotherStupid: then be patient09:49
tobleronZFS filesystem is not supported by linux kernel right?09:50
YetAnotherStupidin my opinion it's not a bug, and i think the option is disabled somewhere09:50
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: did you check those links i sent you09:50
YetAnotherStupidyes, and it only references the thunar multimedia settings09:51
ducassetobleron: the ubuntu kernel in 16.04+ supports zfs09:51
YetAnotherStupidwhere autorun scripts are enabled09:51
anddamducasse: jeez, it occurred to me I could RTFM after asking09:51
B105PH3REso you went to removeable media09:51
tobleronLet's start Flame war. ZFS > BTRFS? :P09:51
anddamsorry for the noise09:51
YetAnotherStupidcould it be possible that the option is disabled somewhere else?09:51
ducasseanddam: np09:52
YetAnotherStupidif you're on xfce launch 'thunar-volman-settings'09:53
MonkeyDusttobleron  polls and opinions are more for #ubuntu-offtopic09:53
YetAnotherStupidALL options under the "removeable media" are checked09:53
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B105PH3REright you did that and you changed the file name to .autorun on the root drive09:54
B105PH3REas per page https://specifications.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-0.5.html09:55
YetAnotherStupidin that page says that the file name can be ".autorun", "autorun" or "autorun.sh"09:55
YetAnotherStupidany of that names will work09:55
YetAnotherStupidno one*09:56
YetAnotherStupidsorry i'm not good with English09:56
YetAnotherStupidi tried all that names and it didn't work09:56
B105PH3REtry creating .desktop file for autorun and see if that works09:56
B105PH3REas per the same page higher up09:57
YetAnotherStupidi already have a "autorun.inf" with a line that says "open=autorun.sh"09:57
YetAnotherStupidbut i'll try that09:57
B105PH3REthis .desktop file as to structured for xfce09:57
MonkeyDustYetAnotherStupid  post your issue on a forum, this or similar https://askubuntu.com/09:57
B105PH3REvery sepcific params09:57
B105PH3REhidden and execute bits are very specific too so check the description as per the same page09:58
B105PH3REi believe it would work but thats all i know about it09:58
YetAnotherStupidi'm not sure about what i should write inside the .desktop file09:59
YetAnotherStupidthis specification contians a lot of information, and I'm struggling to understand some things...09:59
B105PH3REfile structure must be as per page https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html09:59
B105PH3REcontents i mean10:00
B105PH3REbasically make a desktop file to execute the autorun.sh and if the bits are right it will autorun.sh for you i believe10:00
YetAnotherStupidso name=autorun and exec=autorun.sh with the enconding?10:01
danziziwhy i can't join ubuntu-offtopic???10:02
Ben64danzizi: you need to be registered10:02
ducasse!register | danzizi10:02
ubottudanzizi: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.10:02
danzizioh ,thanks10:02
YetAnotherStupidB105PH3RE: what type should i choose?10:02
B105PH3RErun in terminal yes10:03
YetAnotherStupidi guess strings here don't require quotes, like in the example10:04
WoLfRandom question.. using NetworkManager, or manual /etc/network/interfaces? and for people who removed NM, why?10:04
Ben64WoLf: this isn't the place for polls10:04
B105PH3REor do you mean which is better10:05
YetAnotherStupidnot working10:05
B105PH3REwhat you put for exec10:05
WoLfthat's what I'm trying to get at, B105PH3RE. Have an idea which way to go.10:05
YetAnotherStupidwait i'll upload it10:06
ducasseWoLf: use whichever you are comfortable with10:06
B105PH3REdepends on your needs and desires of your network config manual personally I prefer because it just listens... automation is more difficult but network manager is nice for gui setup and notifications so....10:06
B105PH3REyou need a location10:07
B105PH3REworking director10:07
YetAnotherStupidummm how?10:07
B105PH3REand I think you need to use bash10:07
FendarisI want to source .bashrc. My terminal is in /home$ but if I type source .bashrc it says command not found. What am I doing wrong?10:08
YetAnotherStupiddo you mean the Path option?10:08
B105PH3REwhat do you mean source show the contents of the file you mean then you need to use more10:08
ducasseFendaris: try 'source ~/.bashrc'10:09
FendarisI added /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include to my $PATH. But the manual says I now need to "You will need to source your .bashrc or logout/login (or restart the terminal) for the changes to take effect."10:09
WoLfMore or less I wanted to know if it was worth to spend time learning NM, if it has any actual benefits over the manual editing.10:09
Fendaris"To source your .bashrc, simply type when in your home directory" "source .bashrc"10:09
Fendarisand that doesn't work. why?10:09
ducasseFendaris: look at the difference in what i wrote10:10
Fendarisah thanks didnt see the line yet :)10:10
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: for exec put10:10
alkisgFendaris: /home is not your home directory, but /home/username is10:10
B105PH3REsorry put "Exec=/bin/bash $HOME/medianame"10:11
Fendarisah alkisg, that explains it =)10:11
YetAnotherStupidwhere medianame is the name of the device, right?10:11
B105PH3REthe mountname thats shows usually10:11
YetAnotherStupidstill not working10:12
B105PH3REthe file name is test.desktop10:13
FendarisDo files in linux not have an ending like in windows? .bashrc etc. don't have anything like .txt10:13
B105PH3REnot usually unless they are specific program files10:13
Fendarisand how do you know what kind of file it is?10:14
B105PH3REyou just do or do don't10:14
Fendarisor how does a program know what kind of file it is?10:14
ducasseFendaris: they can have them, but it's not mandatory. use 'file' to determine file type10:14
FendarisI mean... I am just unknowing, but that seems less useful than in windows?10:14
cfhowlettFendaris, easy.  open a terminal in directory and run file filename10:14
WoLfyou poke it and watch how it reacts. =P as in.. try to open in a file editor is usually the best bet.10:14
Fendarisah, cool.10:15
cfhowlettand you will find you linux life easier if you can stop yourself from using the phrase "like windows'.10:15
Fendaris".bashrc: ASCII text"10:15
B105PH3REits the filename thats important not its type... the relevent programs know who to use10:15
YetAnotherStupidB105PH3RE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24019095/10:15
YetAnotherStupidcurrently not working10:15
YetAnotherStupidhowever i see a problem here10:16
Fendaris@cfhowlett: I am just always confused why linux is so complicated for new users. Probably historical reasons. It took hours to explain android to my grandmother. Linux is several levels above that.10:16
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: ok put the absolute directory path for the autorun.sh including autorun.sh so /media/user/medname/autorun.sh10:16
cfhowlettFendaris, pretty sure you weren't born knowing windows, thus you can learn linux the same way you learned windows10:17
Ben64Fendaris: because people are used to other things, linux isn't any more complicated than windows10:17
YetAnotherStupid$HOME is "/home/$USER/" and Ubuntu and its flavors mount USBs in "/media/$USER/"10:17
Fendarismy example is changing the mouse speed.10:17
YetAnotherStupidyes that's what i was trying to say10:17
Ben64Fendaris: menu -> settings -> mouse -> pointer speed10:17
Fendariswhy there is no slider for mouse speed in "mouse & touchpad" is beyond me.10:17
B105PH3REalso put the in a Path=/media/user/medianame/10:17
Fendaris@Ben64: I don't seem to have "pointer speed". Why not?10:18
Ben64Fendaris: whats this? http://imgur.com/a/Mbiq910:18
YetAnotherStupidstill not working10:18
Fendaris@Ben64 That slider does not exist in my ubuntu10:18
B105PH3REwell then were messed10:19
Ben64Fendaris: what do you have10:19
YetAnotherStupidwhen i mount the USB no prompt will appear, and no autorun script options will appear10:19
FendarisGeneral: Primary button left/right, and Double-click Slow/Fast10:19
B105PH3REYetAnotherStupid: maybe further reading https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#recognized-keys10:19
MonkeyDustFendaris  type   file ~/.bashrc10:19
YetAnotherStupidyes i was reading that too10:20
FendarisI have to say ubuntu is totally fascinating, while confusing =)10:20
B105PH3REthere a startupnotify option10:20
B105PH3RETryExec also maybe10:20
YetAnotherStupidyes i'm changing my distro10:21
YetAnotherStupidfuck Xubuntu10:22
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Ben64YetAnotherStupid: watch the language here10:22
YetAnotherStupidthank you so much for the help B105PH3RE10:22
FendarisBen64: When I used xinput to find my mouse, I also didn't find an acceleration option, so I wasn't able to follow the xinput -set-prop way. I managed to change my mouse speed with xset mouse10:22
FendarisBen64: Maybe my mouse is just "too new" for ubuntu, like my GPU etc.10:22
Ben64Fendaris: what ubuntu do you have, what gpu do you have, what mouse do you have10:22
B105PH3REwell i don't know if it works but i'm trying10:22
B105PH3REbecause its says here if the tryexec https://specifications.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-0.5.html#mounting10:23
Fendaris16.04. And a GTX1080. When I installed ubuntu the first time a few months ago (didn't get around to using it much yet), it of course gave a black screen during installation and caused all kinds of problems. People told me to "wait 6 months", but I figured out how to get it working after a day or so. The mouse is a roccat tyon black with an integrated sidestick10:23
Ben64Fendaris: you just need nvidia 367.27+ for that gpu, which comes with 16.0410:25
FendarisVirtual core keyboard -> Roccat Roccat Tyon Black slave keyboard (3). and Virtual Core pointer --> Roccat Roccat Tyon Black slave pointer (2)10:25
Ben64ah, i guess because it doesn't come up as a mouse10:25
Fendariswhen I got the GPU the main packages did not include the right drivers, so people here said the GPU isn't supported by #ubuntu and I was to wait 6 months.10:26
Fendarisbecause #ubuntu only supports standard packages or something like that10:26
Fendarisbut it works now ^10:26
Ben64that's true but the driver is in there, and there's always the ubuntu graphics driver ppa10:26
FendarisI had to install tensorflow, as a complete linux newbie, and ultimately needed drivers from none standard packages and compile from code. That was a fun experience. :-)10:27
FendarisI will google for the mouse and ubuntu now10:27
ducasseFendaris: i think there exists additional linux drivers for roccat mice, i remember reading about them.10:27
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B105PH3REFendaris: did you try using the additional drivers see if options appear10:28
Fendarisyou mean this https://launchpad.net/~berfenger/+archive/ubuntu/roccat10:28
Fendarisah, no. that doesnt have the tyon.10:29
Fendarissudo apt-add-repository ppa:berfenger/roccat --> sudo  apt-get update --> sudo apt-get install roccat tools10:31
FendarisBut when I open the roocat tool it says "Could not open file /dev/hidraw3 for device key hidraw0:Permission denied10:32
FendarisCould not save unsaved data. Could not create directory: Permission denied. Maybe I need to run this as root?10:33
Fendaris*head on table* how do I even do that. :D The search window says "Roccat mouse configuration", but there is no right click run as root. And sudo Roccat mouse configuration says sudo: Roccat: command not found10:35
Ben64did you read the ppa page10:36
Fendarisfind ./ -name "Roccat" -ls or find ~/ -name "Roccat" -ls10:36
Fendaris is also wrong10:36
FendarisBen64: I feel like I need to be able to figure out how to find something that is shown in the search window and run it as root - independent from the mouse10:36
Ben64stop, read page first10:37
Fendarisi seem to have done everything on the page10:37
Ben64including adding your user to the group specified?10:37
Fendarisah thx10:38
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FendarisI added the user now, the error persist10:39
Ben64what error10:39
Fendarismy user name is taryn@taryn and I did sudo adduser taryn roccat10:39
ducasseFendaris: log out/in10:39
Fendaris"Could not read actual profile  could not open file /dev/hidraw3 for device key hidraw0: Permission denied10:40
Fendarisducasse: ok10:40
Fendarislogout -> login did not change anything10:40
Ben64what is the output of "groups"10:41
Fendarisdo i get that with echo $GROUPS?10:41
Fendariswhy is that small and PATH big?10:42
Ben64because it's a command10:42
Fendaris"echo $groups" gives no result10:42
Ben64omg just type groups10:42
Fendarisah just groups10:42
Ben64like i said10:42
Fendaristaryn adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare roccat10:42
Ben64and what are you doing to get that error10:43
dconroyfriday night linux support10:43
Fendarisgroups roccat --> groups: 'roccat': no such user10:43
FendarisI am pressing the "Search your computer" button of ubuntu. Then I click on "Roccat mouse configuration"10:43
Fendarisand I wonder if it needs to be started as root10:43
Ben64try running roccattyonconfig10:44
med911Hi everybody. I have a question. I've heard that support for 32bit ubuntu is deprecated. Is this true?10:44
Ben64med911: no10:44
med911alright thanks.10:44
cfhowlettmed911, not quite yet but soon.  plan ahead10:44
dconroyi scrolled up an hour and still not sure what we are debugging for Fendaris10:45
cfhowlettdcmorton, mouse driver10:45
Fendarisdconroy: Ubuntu does not give me a gui to change my mouse speed. I said that's so complicated. Ben64 showed me that's due to my fancy mouse. So I am trying to install drivers for the roccat tyon black10:46
Fendariscurrently I am wondering how Ben64 knew that a file named roccattyonconfig exists, because the search you computer gui didnt offer that10:46
FendarisI ran roccatyonconfig without sudo => same error10:46
FendarisI ran it with sudo now10:46
Fendaristhen the error doesnt come up10:46
med911another question. what are the future for snap packaging in ubuntu. is it something to watch for.10:46
Fendarisit gave a lot of hopefully irrelevant warnings (roccattyonconfig:32283): Tyon-WARNING **: Hardware data and rmp for profile 5 differ10:47
dconroyat what point it is worth just recommending switching mice10:48
Fendarisdconroy: The funny thing is. At some point my gpu, my wifi, and my mouse arent really compatible with ubuntu without hacks xD10:48
FendarisI dont even want to know what else doesnt work properly that i am not aware of in my current setup10:48
Fendarisi tried to fix my wifi for 2 hours yesterday before deciding to buy a new wifi modem10:49
Fendaristhe driver just crashes every 5 minutes, as i discovered with dmsg (?)10:49
Fendarisi also got a camera that doesnt work with the current kernels10:50
Fendarisand a cpu that needs the current kernels10:50
FendarisMaybe I just dont run the right computer for a complete linux newbie10:50
dconroywe appreciate you giving it a go10:50
Fendarishaha, I am trying. I would love for everybody to use linux and just get rid of windows. That would surely also have a massive impact on the available ressources for improvements to useability for beginners...10:51
FendarisI am probably just going to get rid of windows to force myself to get used to linux10:51
Fendarisubuntu is also not compatible with my beamer10:51
FendarisThere is supposed to be some way to install and android simulator and run the android beamer connector through that, but i will try that later10:52
dconroyfigure out your mouse before you mess with any automotive OS10:52
dconroydont tinker with your car10:53
dconroyif your mouse isnt working10:53
Fendarisyou mean mobile os? ^10:53
Fendaristhe mouse works fine now10:53
clissold345med911, I'm not an expert on this, but the plan may be that all applications are packaged as snaps.10:53
Fendaris:-) running the config through sudo fixed the error10:53
dconroyelevating privelages may solve problems but not always the right thing to do10:53
MarkYisriAnyone here having (X)ubuntu 16.04 randomly suspending about every 20 seconds?10:54
ikoniaas in going into suspend mode10:54
ikoniaor just freezing10:54
Fendarislet's go with the simple way that works for the moment, as a complete beginner, and I can return to it after I figured out the other 1 million things xD10:54
med911clissold345, where can I get a definite answer?10:54
MarkYisri@ikonia actual suspend (flashing light and all)10:54
Fendarisi broke my ubuntu a couple of times that way, but I just reinstalled, and didnt repeat the specific mistake.10:54
ikoniaMarkYisri: I'd look in the log to see what's triggering the suspend10:55
ducassemed911: there is no definite answer, it will go where the community takes it10:55
dconroymark what are you installed on10:55
MarkYisriA Toshiba Satellite A70. Please see http://askubuntu.com/q/884532/595510 for the log and temporary workaround (posted below)10:55
FendarisI am delaying what I am actually doing though... let's get back to getting cmake to run with an outdated boost version... maybe it works already10:56
clissold345med911, snaps are still in early stages of development, I'm not sure that Canonical know exactly what they're doing yet.10:56
ikoniathat seems like a terrible idea Fendaris10:56
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ikoniait seems like you should use the ubuntu package for boost10:56
p00l3Is it possible install xfce with ubuntu mini iso? not xubuntu desktop. Di i have this choice in list there or i have do it manually after install?10:56
dconroyhave you tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/884532/xubuntu-16-04-suspending-randomly10:56
Fendarisikonia: The alternative would be to fork gtsam (a big compplicated software) and update that to boost10:57
ikoniap00l3: yes10:57
MarkYisridconroy: I'm an avid member on that site and that was my question!10:57
p00l3ok thanks10:57
Fendarisikonia: It's a bit hillarious btw. Gtsam is compatible up to boost 1.57... of course 16.04 has 1.58 xD10:57
MarkYisriikonia: I didn't know that you could install XFCE from the Ubuntu Mini ISO10:57
ikoniaFendaris: have you actually tried it against 1.5810:57
dconroylol mark - my bad , I saw that and thought wow looks like the exact same problem10:58
ikoniaMarkYisri: you can install anything from the mini-iso, it still points at the same repos as the full iso10:58
Fendarisikonia: Yes. boost changed some important pointer things that are incompatible and throw errors during make install10:58
ikoniaFendaris: no, thats not true10:58
ikoniaFendaris: make install actually doesn't "build" anything,10:58
ikoniaFendaris: so make install should through no compile errors10:58
Fendarisikonia: I already got rid of 1.58 successfully, and installed boost 1.55 into /usr/lib and /usr/include and updated $PATH to include those two folders10:58
Ben64that sounds horrible10:59
ikonia$PATH is nothing to do with the libraries10:59
MarkYisridconroy: No problem.10:59
ikoniaFendaris: it sounds like you don't really understand what you are doing10:59
ikoniaI suggest you stop10:59
MarkYisriFendaris: I have to agree with ikonia here10:59
Fendarisikonia: I am 99% certain that cmake .. worked. And then make install went to 70% and threw an error called something like error BOOST:: .... shared pointer not foudn10:59
MarkYisrican you show us the error Fendaris?11:00
ikoniaFendaris: I'm sorry, I don't trust what you are saying as fact,11:00
FendarisMarkYisri: Unfortunately, I would have to reinstall 1.58 to reproduce that. I pasted the error here last night, and people agreed.11:00
ikoniaFendaris: the fact that you are using $PATH to set a library path removes any confidence in what you are doing11:00
MarkYisriikonia: he may be confusing PATH with LD_LIBRARY_PATH11:00
ikoniaMarkYisri: he may, he may not11:01
Fendarisikonia: Sometimes, I don't get why you always try to stop people here? I can kill my ubuntu completely with no risk. Then I have to reinstall it for a few hours (hours due to incompatibilities and remembering how to work around them)11:01
Ben64because if you're going to do something, you should do it the right way11:01
ikoniaFendaris: I'm trying to stop you from making a mistake and wasting your time11:01
Fendarisikonia: Experimenting with the different options is giving me some strongly needed exposure11:01
ikoniaFendaris: when actually you could probably achieve what you want with guidence11:02
Fendarisikonia: So what's the right way to install boost <1.58? I googled lots of variations.11:02
Ben64see that's already wrong11:02
ikoniaFendaris: you're not experimenting, from what you've said you are typing random things in, and miss-understanding the output and setting random env variables11:02
FendarisI can't use 1.5811:02
MarkYisriFendaris: why can't you? It's best to use the latest version unless you can't11:02
ikoniaFendaris: you're welcome to carry on with that approach, however I don't believe it will get you anywhere11:02
ikoniayou certainly don't have to follow my advice/suggestion11:03
ikoniaI shall leave you to it11:03
Fendariscmake was finding boost 1.58 on its own, after I installed it through apt-get. I can't install boost <1.58 with apt-get, because it's not in the ubuntu 16.04 package.11:03
Fendarisso I can specify cmake to find it, I believe... but I was curious why cmake can find 1.58 on its own, but not my manually installed 1.5511:03
FendarisSo I thought.. hey cmake is saying "update your search variables" .. maybe that means integrate it into a path variable11:03
ikoniabecause you are setting $PATH for example11:04
Fendarisso I figured out where the manual installation puts all the paths11:04
ikoniawhich is nothing to do with anything11:04
MarkYisriikonia: let him finish11:04
ikoniaI thought he had11:04
Fendarishow do I make cmake find boost 1.55, or how do I install boost 1.55 that makes cmake find boost 1.55 similar to how apt-get does that with 1.58?11:04
ikoniawhy 1.5511:04
ikoniawhy not 1.5711:04
ikonia(according to what you said)11:04
ikoniawhich is supported11:04
FendarisI should probably have used 1.57, but I already finished installing 1.55 yesterday.11:05
mutsyHi there folks. I'm using ubuntu 16.04 LTS but I can get any usb mounted immediately, it shows it in gnome-disks, but when I connect my Nexus 6P, it ain't showing... dmesg shows it is succesfully recognized, I did the input in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and have mtpfs etc but nothing works still ...11:05
mutsyanyone can help me out?11:05
Fendaris1.57 isnt installable with apt-get either, is it? :(11:05
ikoniaso if you're building 1.55 - why not build 1.5711:05
Fendarisno reason. 1.57 would have been better.11:05
ikoniaso is all too slapdash/random for me11:05
ikoniait's not thought through, planned or even understood11:05
Fendarisif 1.57 is easier to install, I can delete 1.55 and replace it with 1.5711:05
Ben64if you want old libboost, the best way would be to install ubuntu 14.0411:06
MarkYisrimutsy: Can you tell me what steps you followed?11:06
FendarisBen64: 14.04 is TERRIBLY incompatible with my pc11:06
MarkYisriFendaris: why?11:06
FendarisAll kinds of different problems11:06
Fendaris15.04 makes my internet EXTREMELY slow for example11:06
Ben6415 != 1411:06
FendarisI went through 14 15 and 16 on my path to install tensorflow11:06
MarkYisriFendaris: The fact that you just switched from 15 to 14 does not inspire confidence. Don't change the subject in the middle of the sentence11:07
FendarisI started with 16... nothing worked. So I went back to 14... then 15.... then ultimately I got everything to run on 1611:07
Ben64this whole thing seems to be heading badly11:07
Ben64running random things without concern11:07
ducasseFendaris: run 14.04 in a container or vm11:07
FendarisGuys. I asked what's the proper way to install an older boost version. And nobody except Ben has offered any suggestion. Ben said maybe it's easiest to install an older ubuntu.11:08
Ben64the proper way is to not install old stuff11:08
FendarisI followed the official ubuntu installation guide on the boost homepage11:08
ikoniaFendaris: I'm not %100 sure you do need an older version11:08
FendarisBen64: How do you even work with open source if you refuse to install old stuff?11:08
MarkYisriFendaris: It's better to fix the new version than install the old version11:08
ikoniaFendaris: and if you do need an older version, approaching it how you have being doing won't end well11:08
Ben64i install current stuff11:08
FendarisI need a factor graph framework and gtsam is the best one. And that's not availble for 1.5811:09
FendarisI could install it in windows in 5 minutes11:09
royal_screwup21I have some images stored in the form of .jpg links inside a text file. What would be the quickest way to view the images via the terminal?11:09
Ben64Prerequisites: Boost >= 1.43 (Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev)11:09
mutsyMarkYisri: okay so I have mtpfs and all the other dependencies installed, I have my phone set to MTP in the settings when connected, I have USB debugging enabled, it shows the nexus in "lsusb" and I put the following in 51-android.rules: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4ee2", MODE="0666" and when I try to do mtpfs -o allow_other /mnt or something, it tells the "endpoint is not11:09
Ben64note that doesn't say Boost <= 1.57 >= 1.4311:09
FendarisBen64: At the bottom it specifically mentions that 1.58 doesnt work. So i suspect versions below work11:10
FendarisBen64: But I can probably try 1.55 in a few minutes and test it :)11:10
MarkYisrimutsy: can you tell me what you installed? I'm going to try the same thing on my PC, as I would like to do the same thing as you11:10
Ben64it doesn't say that at all on this page11:10
ikoniait says it's supported11:10
Fendarishttps://research.cc.gatech.edu/borg/gtsam?destination=node%2F299  --> Boost 1.58: This came out after GTSAM 3.2.1, and is not supported. The latest development code does support Boost 1.58 on Linux/Mac. Windows support is coming soon.11:10
ikoniayou have to use the dev version of gtsam11:11
FendarisI cant find the dev version. I was looking for it, too11:11
Fendarisprobably just blind11:11
ikoniawhich makes more sense as when that is marked as stable....you won't have to change dependencies again11:11
mutsyMarkYisri: uhh, let me check11:11
Ben64literally one line changed to get it working properly11:11
Fendarisi am blind. lol :D pardon11:12
ikoniaso you could even patch it and package it11:12
Fendaristhen i ll go ahead and delete 1.55 boost again, and reinstall 1.5811:12
Ben64much easier than going backwards11:12
mutsyMarkYisri: You probably need mtpfs only ...11:12
ikoniahence "stop what you are doing"11:12
ikoniabecause that was far easier than breaking your packages11:12
mutsyMarkYisri: just to mount it ... but even gnome-disks doesn't show it .. it should right?11:12
MarkYisriBoomerBile: I'm using Pidgin so that should still work for you11:13
MarkYisrimutsy: hang on while I try it11:13
mutsyMarkYisri: thanks!11:13
royal_screwup21I've got some images stored in the form of links like so: https://thepasteb.in/p/WnhzRnxWBnAhV What's the quickest way to view these images?11:14
Ben64royal_screwup21: you're missing http:11:15
MarkYisrimutsy: after typing your command it just hangs at the prompt. Let me Google it.11:15
Ben64royal_screwup21: but uh.... wget -i <file with the full urls>11:15
mutsyMarkYisri: uhh... the mount you mean?11:16
mutsyMarkYisri: it should go away tho11:16
MarkYisrimutsy: open the /etc/fuse.conf file and uncomment the user_allow_other line11:17
royal_screwup21Ben64 Cool, thanks! Is that command going to download my files?11:17
Ben64royal_screwup21: yes11:17
mutsyMarkYisri: yeah, already did that [;11:17
mutsyMarkYisri: Does that work for you? Since it ain't fixing anything for me11:17
MarkYisrimutsy: no, I'm following some steps. hang on11:18
MarkYisrimutsy: have the udev rules been configured?11:18
mutsyMarkYisri: well yeah, I got SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4ee2", MODE="0666"11:19
mutsywhich is output gained from lsusb11:19
MarkYisrimutsy: in what file?11:19
mutsywell .. the ID11:19
Fendarisbuilding. :-) hopefully should work now11:20
mutsyMarkYisri: the permissions are correct, according to some guides on stack overflow: "sudo chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules"11:21
MarkYisrimutsy: open /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules and duplicate the final line, changing the vendor/product ids for your 6P11:22
mutsyMarkYisri: mhm shouldn't I just copy the whole file to /etc/udev/rules.d? It says it at the top :o11:24
MarkYisrimutsy: I think it belongs where it is, but hang on11:24
mutsyMarkYisri: well ... it's just a copy, and it says it at the top.11:25
MarkYisrimutsy: on my system it doesn't exist in /etc/udev/rules.d11:26
mutsyMarkYisri: it doesn't exist on default. You have to create it. That's correct.11:26
MarkYisriI am rebooting now, I will be back in about 2-5 minutes. mutsy: I'm not leaving you hanging. :D11:27
mutsyMarkYisri: cool, same. I'll reboot too11:28
MarkYisriCome back with a similar username11:28
mutsyyeah ofc, I use sasl11:28
MarkYisrimutsy: are you back?11:32
mutsyyeah, check pm11:32
moglieis it safe to install an older libssl?11:34
MarkYisrimoglie: Do you need the older libssl?11:43
rami_hello guys11:47
rami_how may i create a system state on ubuntu like the windows system restore to test something, and if goes bad i restore the os to the saved state11:48
cfhowlettrami_, virtualbox11:48
rami_my ubuntu is installed on physical laptop11:49
rami_and i want to test on it11:49
ikoniarami_: you don't realy11:50
moglieMarkYisri, yes for a program that's only supported on 12.0411:51
ikoniayou should use the ssl version that ships with your distro11:52
ikoniaand is patched and maintained by your distro/version11:52
BluesKajHowdy folks11:52
ikonianothing else11:52
Castor_Troyi downloaded a software called turtl. it is a tar.bz2 file. i extracted it, went to terminal and ran the ./install.sh command. it installed the software in /opt/turtl. when i go there i could only run using sudo turtl.12:07
Castor_Troyi couldn't even run the app from the linux gui search, though i see turtl come up in the list12:08
Castor_Troywhat could be wrong? why cant i run it normally without sudo ?12:08
ikonialook at the permissions on it12:08
k1l_/opt is owned by root as standard, so you ran the install script with sudo. chown the software folder to the owner it needs to be.12:10
Castor_Troyso i should have installed it using sudo ./install.sh ?12:10
k1l_you did that already. else it could not have put its own stuff there12:11
ikoniaCastor_Troy: no12:11
Castor_Troylol i just deleted the folder. i will try to install again12:12
dconroythe Face Off method12:12
Castor_Troyhastiness :)12:12
ikoniaI just told you what to do12:12
ikoniajust look at the permissions12:12
ikoniaa re-install will just do the same install again12:13
dconroywhy do that when you can nuke everything12:13
Castor_Troyok. will do that. extracting the bz2 file now12:13
ikoniawhat is the point of people asking for help to then do their own thing anyway12:13
Castor_Troyshall i install usindg sudo ./install.sh12:13
ikoniaCastor_Troy: do what you want12:14
ikoniayou'll ignore the info anyway12:14
ikoniabut re-read what k1l_ just told you12:14
dconroythe whole castor troy handle and the  use of sudo align pretty perfectly12:14
Castor_Troyhow to look for permissions ?12:15
Castor_Troyi ran ls -l => -rwxr-xr-x12:15
Castor_Troyroot and root12:15
dconroycastor, try to install it without elevated permissions first12:15
dconroyif it doesnt work, refer to the documentation of the package12:16
Castor_Troyit asks me to install with sudo, or intall to a local dir12:16
dconroydo the latter if possible12:16
ikoniare-read what k1l_ told you12:16
Castor_TroyHi! Looks like you're trying to install Turtl without root privs. Try this:  sudo ./install.sh -OR- you can install into a local dir like so:   ./install.sh ~/apps/turtl12:16
dconroyikonia: i respect your patience12:17
Castor_Troyok, should i chown the folder or install it into a seperate folder.12:17
Castor_Troysince i already installed, may be chown is easier now ?12:17
ikoniadconroy: than you12:17
dconroyyou dont seem ready to be messing with chown12:17
dconroyjust create a folder in your home directory you have access to12:18
dconroyand install it there12:18
Castor_Troywhere does software normally go? in linux ?12:18
Castor_Troyits program files in windows. is there a suggested path in linux ?12:18
Castor_Troyi was watching a tutorial earlier and he said some software go to /usr/local12:20
ikoniait can12:20
ikoniait also may not12:21
Castor_Troyok i will create the folder in /home and will install it there12:21
FendarisCastor_Troy: I believe /home/yourusername/yourfavouritefoldername/ is a good place, abbreviated as ~/yourfavouritefoldername/12:21
Castor_Troysounds good12:22
dconroy as a side note, very little comparisions to windows will help12:22
FendarisI just started fixing my linux knowledge gaps, too. Mostly familiar with windows.12:22
FendarisI am currently installing a local git, after I setup sublime. Ubuntu is fun. :-)12:23
dconroyrule of thumb is never restart, and it is always dns12:23
dconroyubuntu is almost too user friendly at this point12:24
Fendaristhat is definitely not the case if this os is ever supposed to replace windows at any point in the future ^12:24
dconroyits not intended to replace windows12:24
Fendaristhen linux users should stop crying about not getting supported.12:24
dconroywe dont12:25
Fendarisby that i mean demanding that software gets ported to linux12:25
Fendaristhey do12:25
FendarisSteam is full of it for example.12:25
ikoniasteam is comedy12:25
dconroypeople complaining about steam are gamers before linux users12:25
gobertgedfordcan i upgrade to .2 using apt full-upgrade?12:26
Castor_Troyok i installed it to ~/apps/turtl12:26
Castor_Troythere is a turtl.sh file there,12:26
FendarisIf you that was truly your opinion at the core, you wouldn't be providing free help to new ubuntu explorers12:26
Ben64gobertgedford: you're going to need to be more specific12:26
ryetheven if they were gamers before linux users, WINE could be implemented to run their games12:26
Castor_Troyhow do i run ~/apps/turtl/turtl.sh from gui ?12:27
dconroyFendaris:  i learn more than  i provide12:27
ikoniait's a shell script12:27
ikoniayou don't12:27
gobertgedford16.04.1 to 16.04.2 via full-upgrade12:27
Ben64gobertgedford: yeah12:27
dconroykinda bs there was no 14 to 16 upgrade12:27
Ben64dconroy: 14.04 upgrades to 16.04, not sure what you're talking about12:28
Castor_Troybut running that sh from terminal is loading up a gui interface12:28
dconroyon a system76?12:28
Castor_Troyso something must be there to load via gui, right ?12:28
Ben64dconroy: why are you switching gears to hardware12:28
gobertgedfordwell, canonical just released the .2 release of of 16.0412:28
koleygr<gobertgedford> use apt update first12:28
gobertgedfordmy gf thinks my nick name ain't funny... how bout you guys?12:29
ikoniadon't care12:29
pauljwand yes, dconroy, on a sys76 just like any other system.12:29
dconroyi work in a lab with a few talented engineers running 14.04 and they said no proper install for 1612:29
dconroysounded weird to me but i just trusted them12:29
Ben6414.04 can upgrade directly to 16.04, so... either they're wrong or you heard wrong12:29
dconroyits really supported?12:29
dconroynah i didnt hear wrong cause i helped them backup everything12:30
dconroyssh keys, bash profiles12:30
dconroythey got annual performance reviews this week12:30
dconroythose noobs are gonna get scorched12:31
Fendaristhey probably meant something else12:31
dconroy14.01-3 in the same boat?12:32
Ben64there is no 14.01-312:32
dconroyso if its 14 then its 14.0412:32
Ben64there is 14.1012:32
dconroyin hindsight, i kind of respect the move12:33
ryethwhat's funny about gobertgedford?  Because it should say robertredford?12:37
Fendariswhat is the difference between playonlinux and wine? I am looking at installing kindle.12:38
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Ben64playonlinux is like a friendly front to wine12:38
Fendarisso just makes it easier. oki.12:38
FendarisBen64: Gtsam compiled and installed well with the dev build etc. :-)12:38
Fendaristhx again12:39
ryethBen64 handy to know!  Thank you for sharing12:42
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unrecoveredhi! can i ask mint questions here or is there a separate channel for that?12:47
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:48
=== Birosso is now known as Bigotto
cfhowlettace__, the topic here is ubuntu support.  ask your questions here or jibberjabber in #ubuntu-offtopic13:00
koleygr<cfhowlett> He gone13:00
jancoowHi. When I do chown www-data webserver, and my user, janco, is in the www-data group I still doesn't have premissions to write in this directory13:01
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server13:02
cfhowlettjancoow, ask the server channel?13:03
ducassejancoow: exactly what did you type when you ran chown?13:03
koleygrtry in #ubuntu-server13:03
jancoowit's just regular permission question13:03
jancoowducasse: sudo chown www-data webserver13:04
jancoowwhere webserver is the directory13:04
ducassejancoow: that sets owner, not group13:04
ducassejancoow: use chgrp instead to just set the group13:05
FendarisWell, of course. Now kindle is running, but the displayed books dont work. half of the text is missing13:05
k1l_jancoow: chown user:group13:05
ducasseor that13:05
jancoowducasse: Okay I did that but still permissons denied. Doesn't the chgrp or chown change the permissons ?13:06
k1l_if you still have www-data:root that user still cant write even if he is in the www-data group13:06
k1l_did you relogin after putting that user into the group?13:06
k1l_new groups are only done on new login13:06
jancoowI did relogin now, but still permissions denied when I want to enter the directory. drw-rw-r--  7 www-data www-data 4096 Feb 12 01:39 webserver13:07
ducassejancoow: chmod +x13:07
jancoowWhen I run groups janco I see the ww-data group13:07
k1l_its a folder? then it needs +x to be able to be entered13:07
jancoowthanks, that works13:08
jancoowCould you explain to my why that works?13:08
jancoowI was thinking I need the 660 permissions (both read/write for group and owner)13:08
ducassejancoow: you need +x to enter directories13:09
k1l_opening a directory is executing the directory13:09
jancoowah, so I need execute :_)13:10
jancoowthat explains a lot! thanks!13:10
FendarisPlayonlinux,Kindle not showing half the text fix: --> View show popular notes, click one of the notes, text appears, go back to the start of the book and read it13:10
ducasse!wine | Fendaris13:10
ubottuFendaris: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:10
puchaczhi, if I had RAM problem (I discovered md5sum was sometimes computed differently on the same file, so I checked memtest and indeed one RAM had to be ditched) - should I reinstall ubuntu now?13:10
ioriajancoow, http://superuser.com/questions/168578/why-a-folder-must-be-executable13:11
FendarisI have wine behind playonlinux @  ducasse13:11
ducasseFendaris: oops, missed the word 'fix' - sorry :)13:11
cfhowlettpuchacz, ram and md5sum are unrelated issues13:11
k1l_puchacz: you should buy new ram or take off that faulty one13:11
cfhowlettpuchacz, but a reinstall should not be necessary13:11
FendarisI am happy. I got my principles and practice of using c++ book open on ubuntu now. Maybe I can go for some hours without having to install anything now =)13:12
puchaczcfhowlett, k1l_: I ditched the faulty RAM, sure. but I wonder if some linux files are not corrupted13:12
puchaczI am also surprised I did not get "parity error" style messages13:12
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cfhowlettpuchacz, unlikely but possible.  reinstall won't hurt you so ... up to you13:13
john__recently installed 16.10 and unable to get an external usb hdd drive detected13:14
john__can anyone assist?13:14
john__fdisk and lsusb do not show the disk and nothing in dmesg when plugged in to free usb port13:14
k1l_john__: plug that drive in and run "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here13:14
BluesKajjohn__, sudo blkid13:15
k1l_john__: uh, is that drive working at all? on other pc?13:15
john__i have also noticed that when i try lshw with the drive plugged in it freezes...13:15
k1l_john__: does it have external power supply?  or does i need usb power? can you use different usb ports?13:15
BluesKajjohn__, or lsblk13:15
john__that is it displays usb in terminal and then nothing...13:16
john__unplug it again and the lshw command completes13:16
john__any suggestions? thanks13:16
ioriajohn__, unplug, replug  and paste dmesg | tail13:16
john__dmesg |tail13:18
john__[ 5477.095261] systemd[1]: snapd.refresh.timer: Adding 1h 9min 55.047954s random time.13:18
john__[ 5477.194568] systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 11h 5min 42.101001s random time.13:18
john__[ 5477.194620] systemd[1]: snapd.refresh.timer: Adding 1h 2min 55.484818s random time.13:18
john__[ 5529.117171] usb 3-6: new low-speed USB device number 105 using xhci_hcd13:18
john__[ 5529.260848] usb 3-6: New USB device found, idVendor=093a, idProduct=251013:18
bsdwhen i create a new user, after switching to the user i created it shows No directory,logging in with HOME=/13:18
bsdhow to finx this13:18
BluesKajlets hope the drive isn't writing while he unplugs13:19
ioriajohn__,  not here paste.ubuntu.com  or use pastebinit13:19
k1l_bsd how did you create it?13:19
ducassebsd: you probably created the user without creating a homedir13:19
ioriabsd  useradd or adduser command ?13:20
bsdk1l_: ducasse do we need to manually create a home dir?13:20
john__ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24019912/13:20
bsdioria: useradd command13:20
k1l_bsd: the ubuntu/debian command is adduser.13:20
ioriabsd  adduser is better :)13:20
k1l_bsd: if you use commands that dont create such things: yes you need to do that manually :)13:20
ioriajohn__,  that's a mouse ....13:21
john__ioria: that is the tail of dmesg - i have a mouse plugged in. the tail of dmesg doesnt change when i plug/unplug the drive in question13:22
ioriajohn__,  well, no disk then13:22
ioriajohn__,  do you see the leds on the case flashing ?13:23
ioriajohn__,  what is that ? 2.5'', 3.5'' sata, ide  what's in the case ?13:24
john__ioria: its an external hdd is an usb enclosure - the disk has its own power and is spins up. worked prior to installation of yaketty13:24
k1l_john__: does the hdd work on other pc? did you try different usb ports? des it need external power or does it use usb power?13:24
john__ioria: its an external hdd is an usb enclosure - the disk has its own power and is spins up. worked prior to installation of yaketty13:25
john__all ports tried13:25
bsdguys,why i nt able to login using sudo su -.i have to type su - to come to root13:25
ioriajohn__,  k1l_ ^^13:25
bsdguys,why i nt able to login using  su -.i have to type sudo su - to come to root *********13:25
koleygr<bsd> su is a debian command not recomented on ubuntu13:26
ducasse!root | bsd13:26
ubottubsd: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:26
ioriajohn__,  the 'other pc' part ...13:26
koleygryou use sudo to run commands as root13:26
k1l_bsd: use sudo, not su13:26
bsdhow can i come to root using su13:27
SchrodingersScatbsd: sudo -i13:27
john__ioria: not yet - hoping to avoid having to borrow windows machine :(13:27
k1l_bsd: you are aware this is ubuntu and not bsd? some things are different :)13:27
bsdk1l_: ah ok13:27
k1l_bsd: see the bots message which explains how sudo is integrated in ubuntu instead of su13:28
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cfhowlettbsd, in fact, you SHOULD be using the bsd support channels and NOT ubuntu.  we don't support bsd here.  sorry.13:28
k1l_bsd: and if you are not using ubuntu at all, then there is no sense in asking in here since these differences :)13:29
bsdk1l_: one more help i need i m trying to ping ubuntu which is under another virtual box13:30
bsdbut ping is not happening,could you tell me how to fix this13:30
ioriajohn__,  sudo parted -l13:30
k1l_bsd: ask the host OS support for that.13:30
bsdk1l_: where?13:30
k1l_bsd: what is the host os?13:31
bsdk1l_: ubuntu13:31
SchrodingersScatprobably has to do with your virtualbox network settings13:31
k1l_bsd: which ubuntu is it running as host?13:31
bsdhost os is also inside a virtual box,the os which i want to connect is also in another physical machine's vmware13:31
bsdk1l_: 16.1013:32
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k1l_that sounds like a strange setup13:32
john__ioria: tried that too - only the OS disk listed...13:32
john__Guess i will just have to try another machine first - disk could have died i guess13:32
john__thanks for the assistance13:33
bsdk1l_: yeah13:33
ioriajohn__,  let's try it13:33
john__ioria: will do later, unable to right now13:34
ioriajohn__,  lsusb should at least show you the case device13:35
ioriajohn__,  do you see it ?13:36
fajarlaksonogive me money13:49
=== mate is now known as Guest4431
bumWhat's miracast14:03
timehopcan somebody link me to where I can buy laptops with Ubuntu already installed14:06
timehopI found it once but can't find it again14:06
k1l_system76 for example14:06
cfhowletttimehop, dell xps 1314:07
koleygr<timehop> it depends on your country... try search for N0 OS or Free DOS or Linux etc preinstalled14:07
NpcoHas anyone ever found a use for Clamav?14:07
puchaczwill tar -xf show CRC errors if it is corrupted?14:08
tomreyntimehop: https://linuxpreloaded.com/14:08
koleygr<timehop> It is very easy to install linux... So No OS has to support linux and you can install it14:09
k1l_Npco: the main purpose is to scan windows partitions.14:09
ub_ubuntuIs cannonical live patch service supported in 16.10 also??14:09
k1l_ubuntufan: no. only LTS14:10
Lavinhogood morning14:10
ub_ubuntuk1l_: Thanks..:-)14:10
Lavinhohow to solved isssues lenovo ideapad 100s '14:10
npowertry describing it more clearly @lavinho14:12
Lavinhowhat ?14:14
tomreynLavinho: please describe the Ubuntu issue you're experiencing - in detail.14:15
Lavinhocrash computer14:15
cfhowlettLavinho, please read:  https://inkscape.org/media/cms_page_media/56/ask-smart-questions.pdf14:16
SatoshiRole1Hey folks! I'm trying to a fresh install of 16.04 on a machine with one SSD, and two identical HDD. I'd like to configure the two HDD to be a software RAID0, and mounted at /home.14:16
FendarisI am trying to make sublime accessible from console. I ran the following command. But I believe my folder is wrong. How can I find the sublime executable folder? ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /usr/local/bin/sublime14:16
tomreyn!pt | Lavinho14:17
ubottuLavinho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:17
Lavinhofreezes on laptop14:17
tomreynSatoshiRole1: good plan, good luck!14:18
Andyuser54Can someone pm me please14:19
Fendarishow do I find this location via terminal? "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl"14:19
cfhowlettAndyuser54, ask your question in this channel14:19
Andyuser54Does anyone know anything about porting Ubuntu touch to a new device?14:20
Andyuser54I've searched around14:20
cfhowlett!touch | Andyuser5414:20
ubottuAndyuser54: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:20
k1l_Andyuser54: and for porting as in #ubports14:20
SatoshiRole1tomreyn, From the live CD, I installed mdadm, and created the RAID. Everything seems find during the install, but the system won't boot. It drops into single user mode.14:21
FendarisCorrect way to do it: sudo ln -s /opt/sublime/sublime_text /usr/local/bin/subl14:23
LavinhoPc blocks with ubuntu to watch videos and downloads at the same time14:25
cfhowlettLavinho, your first language please?14:25
cfhowlett!pt | Lavinho14:26
ubottuLavinho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:26
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SatoshiRole1Hi guys. I'm hoping someone can help me with creating a RAID0, and mounting it as /home.14:29
tomreynSatoshiRole1: i'll be afk for ~ an hour, i'll ping you when i return just to see whether you still look for assistence.14:31
tomreynprepare some more info in the meantime, such as your partition shcemes, drives, etc.14:31
k1l_SatoshiRole1: where do you struggle? create that raid and choose it as target on the manual partitioning task on the install?14:32
SatoshiRole1tomreyn: Thank you sir. Yes, have an overwhelming, bunch of info I've collected over the last week. I've been getting my ass kicked for over a week, and I've tried it 12 different ways. :)14:33
KamiRathare there any light weight browsers specifically for browsing videos? html5 and the like?14:33
cfhowlettyou could try one of the terminal based ones possibly14:33
ubottuSome of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.14:33
SatoshiRole1k1l_: Thanks, yes this is a fresh install of 16.04, so I'm willing to do it however works. I was using mdadm to create the RAID from the live CD, and then install Ubuntu after. Now, I'm trying to install Ubuntu first, and then create the RAID, and move the /home mount point after.14:35
k1l_SatoshiRole1: so create that raid and change the mountpoint in the fstab for the home partition to that raid?14:36
SatoshiRole1k1l_: will that work with encrypted home folders?14:37
k1l_hmm, i dont know about encrypted home on raid0.14:37
rigo_hi. do i need to be aware of anything if i want to use ubuntu on a probook with lid closed only through DP via receiver on a tv? because i only see the picture as if it'd be windowed so it does not fill the whole tv14:38
SatoshiRole1k1l_: well, let me try it. We'll see what happens. I have zero risk of data loss.14:39
SatoshiRole1rigo_: I think you'll need to change /etc/systemd/logind.conf to not put the laptop to sleep when the lid is down.14:43
SatoshiRole1rigo_: Feel free to say so, if my statement doesn't mean anything to you. I don't know your linux experience level.14:45
Vuurdraak_hi all, im having a problem using usb sticks without an activity led, because ubuntu does 2 weird things when copying, first it has the progressbar going to 99% very quickly even if it still takes an hour to copy the file, and then in the end the progress window disapears as if the copying is ready, but i can still see data being writen to the stick for some time, is there a way to get the actual copy progress ?14:46
Npcowhat do i use to create a bootable usb?14:47
rigo_i know what you're saying it's just not about not going to sleep but about the "windowed" look on the tv14:47
SatoshiRole1Vuurdraak_: +1 on this question. This drives me absolutely crazy!14:47
k1l_Npco: what OS are you using now?14:47
Vuurdraak_no just a normal usb stick that i use in my dvd player14:47
rigo_i'll upload a pic right away14:47
Vuurdraak_i just went to a store and did not buy an usb stick that was cheap because it has no led14:47
lynonymousNpco are u on a linux distro?14:48
Vuurdraak_its also very enoying that u basicly have no clue how long the copy prosses will go on14:48
NpcoI am using 2017-w07-amd6414:49
SatoshiRole1Vuurdraak_: even with the blinking led, having no status of how long it will be is unacceptable.14:49
k1l_Npco: use rufus when you are on windows to create a ubuntu usb14:49
Vuurdraak_i was assuming that it is because the file is being cached in memory or what ever, maybe it can be turned of to write data to memory when copying to an usb stick ?14:49
SatoshiRole1Vuurdraak_: right, it's like the progress bar shows the transfer into the buffer, not actually the drive.14:51
Vuurdraak_yeh thats what it looks like14:51
NpcoI found the apparmor file in my pc var/cache/apparmor, what it do?14:52
SatoshiRole1Vuurdraak_: I'm not in a position where I can test any of this, but take a look.14:54
Vuurdraak_I'm going to try out killing the write cache for the usb stick, once my video is rendered and needs to be copied over with: sudo hdparm -W 0 /dev/devicename14:54
Vuurdraak_SatoshiRole1, yeh it says basicly the same thing14:55
Vuurdraak_gona test it now the hobbit3 is done rendering :)14:56
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Vuurdraak_SatoshiRole1, not sure how i can find the propper device name14:58
Vuurdraak_ow wait sudo fdisk -l15:01
feelsbadmancool ubuntu has a handbook didnt know :|15:01
feelsbadmanoh thats a personal blog, my bad15:02
Vuurdraak_i guess the flash drive is simply the 4th drive iaw /dev/sdd15:02
cfhowlett!fcm | feelsbadman,15:02
ubottufeelsbadman,: fcm is THE Ubuntu Community Magazine - find it at www.fullcirclemagazine.org, or #fullcirclemagazine15:02
kierqueenhow do I install all the plugins necessary to play different types of audio , and video ?15:03
feelsbadmanthanks cfhowlett15:03
cfhowlettkierqueen, sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:03
cfhowletthappy2help! feelsbadman15:03
Vuurdraak_lol it says drive caching is not supported, i go test anyway what i see now while copying the video15:04
kierqueenand what is ubuntu restricted addons package for ?15:05
rigo_SatoshiRole1: http://i64.tinypic.com/2numyyo.jpg15:05
kierqueenWhat does it do ?15:05
Vuurdraak_noop same old same old, progress bar is pretending it has written more data to the usb stick then it could have done15:05
k1l_!codecs | kierqueen15:06
ubottukierqueen: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:06
MonkeyDustkierqueen  it installs non-free codecs, mp3 et al15:06
cfhowlettkierqueen, it does precisely what you asked for ...15:06
kierqueenyou mean the addons package ? But you recommende me the extras package15:06
SatoshiRole1k1l_: so, I'm about to create the raid now. Any reasons to create partitions, rather than to just make the raid out of the entire drives?15:06
MonkeyDustkierqueen  you asked how to play media, you're told how, then you ask 'what does it do'15:06
kierqueenwhy are the codecs not inlcuded by default ? Like windows does play all the videos properly15:07
cfhowlettkierqueen, legal reasons  and ubuntu ain't windows15:07
Vuurdraak_kierqueen, because its copyrighted stuff owned by compagnies , so not free open source etc15:08
kierqueenMonkeyDust: but should I go for restricted or addons ? What's the difference15:08
kierqueenThey both contain codecs ?15:08
MonkeyDustkierqueen  because the codecs are not free and open source (more or less)15:08
cfhowlettkierqueen, you are not reading clearly. the package you want is ubuntu-restricted-addons.  ONE package.15:08
bsdapt-add-repository what does this contain?15:09
kierqueenOK, then what's the extras package for ?15:09
k1l_bsd: it adds repos15:09
SatoshiRole1kierqueen: This package was an option during the install you missed.15:09
bsdk1l_: where does it add? in sources.list?15:09
cfhowlettkierqueen, my bad.  apologies. ubuntu-restricted-extras15:09
k1l_kierqueen: did you read the message and link from the bot?15:09
rigo_and it's full screen while the installation15:09
k1l_bsd: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder on ubuntu15:10
k1l_bsd: 3rd party repos dont belong into the sources.list15:10
kierqueenSatoshiRole1: no it was not, I clicked to include third party packages for mmpeg,etc that option that came during the offline install I carried out15:10
k1l_kierqueen: offline install cant add 3rd party packages for media etc.15:11
bsdk1l_: so why do we do apt-get-update after that15:11
bsdk1l_: since sources.list is in my local machine15:11
k1l_bsd: to re-read the whole sources list and sources.list.d folder to included all repos from there and grab the packages lists from the servers15:12
MonkeyDustkierqueen  in a terminal type   vrms15:12
SatoshiRole1kierqueen: Oh, my bad. I didn't realize you were doing an off-line install. I haven't done one of those in years.15:12
SatoshiRole1k1l_: okay, So I created the RAID0 using mdadm.15:20
Vuurdraak_chero, test worked you win a free downloadable version of Ubuntu15:21
SatoshiRole1k1l_: do you think i should just copy the contents of /home to it?15:21
Vuurdraak_normaly the /home dir should not have anything in it that depends on its physical location on the disk, one would asume15:23
k1l_SatoshiRole1: i am not familiar with such setups15:23
Vuurdraak_i can only imagine that the /boot dir is critical in that sencse, but i never used raid15:24
SatoshiRole1k1l_: Vuurdraak_: cool, I'm just going to do it, and see what happens.15:24
adacHaving some issues on upgrading with sudo do-release-upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade."15:24
adacI did a grep on the packages and I get the follwoing:15:25
cfhowlettadac, "resolvable" is the key adjective. do a clean install of 16.04.15:25
adacWhich packages actually is it that conflicts? The list is quite long15:25
MonkeyDustadac  for one, i see some ppas in the list, they may work for 14.04, but not for 16.0415:26
k1l_adac: PPAs included in that 14.04 install?15:26
adac MonkeyDust k1l_ yes they were15:27
adacbut I thought they would be disabled in upgrade?15:27
MonkeyDustadac  plus, many broken packages sit in the Universe repo15:27
adaccfhowlett, hmm I cannot do that right now15:28
adacMonkeyDust, yeah I saw that may of them are from the universe repo15:28
adacno clue why?15:28
adacDo you have an idea?15:28
k1l_adac: can you show "grep -i error /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | nc termbin.com 9999"15:29
estanhi folks. i installed ubuntu-make with sudo apt install ubuntu-make, but umake ide -h isn't showing pycharm, only visual-studio-code and lighttable. must i install ubuntu-make from PPA in order for pycharm to be available?15:29
estan(this is on 16.04)15:29
kierqueenhow do I buttons for the rhythmbox music player, forward, and backward play ,etc /15:30
kierqueenthe arrow keys don't work15:30
adack1l_, http://termbin.com/ox3215:30
adacthats all of the output15:31
Vuurdraak_kierqueen, open Rhythmbox by clicking on it in the top bar15:31
adacmaybe I need to re run it, since in the meanwhile i uninstalled some packages15:31
k1l_adac: hmmm, please run "cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | nc termbin.com 9999"15:31
kierqueenI like to use keys15:31
kierqueensame problem I get with the totem player15:31
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adack1l_, http://termbin.com/x9zw15:33
Vuurdraak_kierqueen, amarok doesnt seem to listen to arrow keys either, but maybe its possible to set them as short cut keys not sure15:33
kierqueenI just use the default player which are installed15:34
kierqueenyeah totem movie player does move it back , and forth15:34
kierqueenbut it does so 1:00 min which is too big15:34
kierqueenI need 5 seconds shift15:34
k1l_adac: DEBUG The package 'postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist15:34
k1l_adac: its your postgresql 3rd party install15:34
adack1l_, kk thanks15:34
Vuurdraak_kierqueen, rhythmbox does listen to key combos though, ctrl space is play, & alt+left is previous, alst+right is next song15:34
k1l_adac: manually remove that15:35
adack1l_, I think postgres was a ppa15:35
kierqueenbut I need 5 secons seek for the totem player, doesn't work I guess15:35
MonkeyDustkierqueen  audacious is a nice player too15:36
MonkeyDust(for music)15:36
adack1l_, Ok I removed it and re- started the upgrade process15:36
kierqueenmpv is a single solution both for videos, nad audio15:37
kierqueenit's cli based keys15:37
Fendarisi need to force quit an application.. but i cant find xkill, and pressing x brings up no result15:41
Fendarisright click quit doesnt either15:41
MonkeyDustFendaris  alt-f415:42
Fendarisdoesnt do anything15:42
adack1l_, need to restart. Somethinng is blocking the upgrade process. brb15:42
Vuurdraak_force it to quit in the system monitor ?15:42
MonkeyDustFendaris  ctrl-alt-f1 ... ps x [program] ... kill the pid15:42
Fendariswtf did I open with ctrl alt f215:45
MonkeyDustFendaris  enter your credentials and work from the prompt15:46
Vuurdraak_Fendaris, thats a terminal window x is normaly under ctrl+alt+f715:46
MonkeyDustFendaris  if you're a windows user, you would call it a DOS prompt15:47
SatoshiRole1Fendaris: you like titties right?15:47
Vuurdraak_he has quit atm15:47
Fendarishow do you get out of ctrl alt f1 again?15:48
Vuurdraak_at least that is where x is running with me15:48
Vuurdraak_Fendaris, but can you not simply force kill the aplication from the system monitor or was it started by root ?15:49
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Fendarishow do i open the system monitor? that s what i was looking for15:50
Vuurdraak_i got it in my side bar15:50
Vuurdraak_else search for system in the dash15:50
Fendarisah it comes up in applications15:50
Vuurdraak_Fendaris, try a kill procces15:51
adack1l_, lol now the software update freezes forquite some time when I start it sudo update-manager -d15:52
adac"Checking for updates"15:52
adacload goes up15:52
adac*system load15:52
Vuurdraak_brb afk15:52
tomreynSatoshiRole1: any luck, yet?15:53
kovui am having problems opening a terminal within a folder to run a command to install a program it comes up with a lot of text i do not understand15:53
kovusomething about system.core15:53
kovuam i allowed to paste the error messege here15:55
k1l_adac: dont run with -d15:55
k1l_adac: unless you want to end on a development release. which you dont15:55
adac k1l_ oh no that I really don't wont!15:55
kovuUnhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. File name: 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'   at StardewModdingApi.Installer.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x4019cd50 + 0x0003f> in <filename unknown>:0  [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Sy15:56
adacI re-started it without d15:56
k1l_so dont follow bad howtos from youtube videos with -d15:56
\9there should be a prompt for '-d' asking whether the user really wants a dev release15:56
\9but of course those dumb youtube videos will just say "yeah yeah just use that"15:56
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k1l_\9: sadly the internet is full of bad users telling everyone to just use -d for some workaournds instead of fixing the real issue  but not expaining what it doesn in reality15:57
adack1l_, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-to-ubuntu-16-04-lts15:57
kovuits a games called stardew valley i am trying t install the modding api file15:57
\9"If you’re following this guide before release day the upgrade (which, of course, is not recommended) then your upgrade shouldn’t take too long over a decent connection." wow this is gold15:58
k1l_this really is a bad article from omgubuntu.15:59
\9i think that takes the cake as far as bad advice goes15:59
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SatoshiRole1k1l_: I think the youtube videos are great. Of course there are some useless, but you can usually find a good one for just about anything, and they often provide much better explanation than some command you found in a forum somewhere.16:03
k1l_SatoshiRole1: no. there is too much rubbish out there. the good ones get drowned in all the bad ones. and you dont have a peer review lie you do have in here.16:05
Vuurdraak_kovu , problems with 3th party applications that wont install need to be asked with the game forum or similar16:07
user4231501Hello! I have a problem with Ubuntu 16.04 HWE kernel, which is precisely "4.8.0-36-generic". The problem is that system refuses to boot and I immediately get a black screen. The recovery shows "msi quirk detected subordinate msi disabled" as last message. Disabling USB Legacy changes nothnig, but disabling HPET in BIOS allows to boot it normally. This is not present in 4.4 "LTS" kernels. The only change with HPET in 4.8 that I f16:07
SatoshiRole1k1l_: I agree that you have to be careful, but I don't know what I would do without Youtube videos. Personally, I have derived great benefit from them.16:08
adack1l_, it seems to take a while to calculate changes and downloading. But now it is finished. I still get: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/80774334c7dad6bf6c41fab2ccf8c99416:08
adacafter removing this postgres package16:08
k1l_adac: please show a "cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | nc termbin.com 9999"16:10
adack1l_, http://termbin.com/uxkk16:12
adacUnable to locate package postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.116:12
adacI already removed it16:13
k1l_and the 3rd party repo?16:13
k1l_adac: is there an newer log in /var/log/dist-upgrade/?16:14
Vuurdraak_user4231501, disabling HPET should not be a problem, the OS will simply use different timer methods16:15
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adack1l_, actually the apt.log is much newer16:16
adack1l_, http://termbin.com/b38i16:17
k1l_adac: please pastebin the main.log in the latest date folder on /var/log/dist-upgrade/16:17
user4231501Vuurdraak_: thanks... Still 4.4 works fine, 4.8 hwe or hwe-edge do not. And there are no similar reports on internet. I hope this will be resolved soon, until then I guess I will stick to disabled HPET. I dont encounter this issue on Xeon X5600 though.16:18
Vuurdraak_user4231501, maybe it's some conflict with how hpet is programmed used by the msi board/bios idk16:19
user4231501Vuurdraak_: over ##linux, I was told that HPET is being phased out on MS: http://www.overclock.net/t/1567745/windows-10-disable-hpet-before-install-and-enjoy-low-latencies16:20
adack1l_, the one main.log I send you before is actually the newest one. http://termbin.com/uxkk16:21
k1l_adac: then run "sudo do-release-upgrade" in terminal again16:22
Vuurdraak_user4231501, yeh i read different things about HPET, according to some disabling it speeds up specific programs, but other websites say the oposite, so i dont know what to make of it, i guess over all it simply doesnt matter either way if its enabled or not16:22
adack1l_, kk16:23
adack1l_, http://termbin.com/g5na16:25
adacits a newer one now16:25
adacstill mentions this package16:26
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k1l_adac: di you remove that crappy 3rd party repo?16:26
adack1l_, hmm I thought that this would be done by this upgrader?16:28
k1l_adac: please show "apt policy postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.2"16:28
adacCan I just delete the list repo or?16:28
adack1l_, E: Invalid operation policy16:28
adacsudo apt policy postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.216:29
k1l_then use "apt-cache policy"16:29
adack1l_, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ea1aede155a69bbc18ef16f600da0cac16:29
k1l_as you see its still insatelld16:30
rafaelcenteioHi, although I already tried various solutions available on the Internet, I can't run notify-send on my crontab. I already set the variables DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY. Thanks16:30
adachmm ok... I remove it. I thought i did that16:30
adaci think there are more versions of this postgis stuff now it complains about postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.116:31
adacI can just remove all this postgres stuff16:32
adacI don't need it anymore16:32
k1l_then do it16:32
k1l_adac: you can edit /usr/share/ubuntu-release-upgrader/removal_blacklist.cfg and make # in front of the postgr lines so it doesnt block these packages from beeing removed16:32
adack1l_, kk thanks16:32
adack1l_, ok now it is working16:34
adacthank you very much!16:34
SatoshiRole1I could use some help. I trying to move /home to a software RAID0. I used mdadm to create the RAID, and I used rsync to move the home folder. As soon as I add the mount point to fstab, the system won't boot.16:37
KOLANICHroot@my_comp:/home/adm# echo core/processors/devices > /sys/power/pm_test16:38
KOLANICHbash: echo: write error: Invalid argument16:38
radish_Hello.. aren't there any ubuntu 32-bit versions anymore ??16:38
user4231501KOLANICH: put quotes around it16:38
user4231501KOLANICH: echo "blablabla" > where16:39
SatoshiRole1radish_: all versions of ubuntu are still available in 32bit, but I don't think there is a non-PAE kernel for ububntu.16:39
KOLANICHuser4231501: the same result16:39
radish_KOLANICH:  arouns "sys.../pm_test"16:39
KOLANICHradish_: the same result16:39
radish_SatoshiRole1: so if i download the ubuntu 64-bit.. it should detect my cpu architecture and install 32-bit right ?16:40
radish_KOLANICH: try "~/sys.../pm_test"16:40
SatoshiRole1no, it will provide an error message, saying it can't16:40
KOLANICHradish_: lol16:40
radish_hmm.. oh well guess i will have to go use elementary OS for this old netbook16:41
tomreynKOLANICH: you are supposed to write one of those keywords, not all of them separated by spaces, to /sys/power/pm_test16:42
SatoshiRole1radish_: if it boots into the live environment, you'r processor is 64bit.16:42
tomreynKOLANICH: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/power/basic-pm-debugging.txt16:42
radish_SatoshiRole1: my cpu is 32-bit.. its an old netbook i have back since 200816:42
tomreynsorry, separated by slashes, not spaces. either would be wrong16:42
arooni2 questions on ubuntu 16.04: 1 ) sometimes when i resume my laptop the wireless doesnt work.  i tried logging out/back in and sudo service networking restart; neither worked.. only restarting worked.  any other way to reinitate wireless?  2) upon startup i always see that ttf-mscorefonts-installer needs to be installed; i have it installed; but dont know how to finish setup of these fonts.  thx!16:43
SatoshiRole1radish_: you should be fine on PAE, just download the 32 bit version.16:43
Vuurdraak_radish_, yeh there are 32bit versions like: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-i386.iso.torrent16:44
tomreynKOLANICH: also myke sure this iy 'y': grep CONFIG_PM_DEBUG /boot/config-`uname -r`16:45
tomreyniy -> is16:45
KOLANICHtomreyn: it is16:45
tomreynwell then it's be the incorrect usage only16:46
=== Vuurdraak_ is now known as Vuurdraak
SatoshiRole1radish_: most computers in 2008 had 64 bit processors though.16:49
radish_SatoshiRole1: Yes, but not very much for netbooks16:50
radish_I have tried installing windows 7 64bit and it said my cpu doesn't support16:50
radish_but works fine with 32-bit16:51
SatoshiRole1radish_: yep, there were a few.16:52
b80905How can I block a specific image in Firefox? or at least forbid any images on a particular website?16:56
SatoshiRole1b80905: maybe an adblock rule?16:57
SaintAlex93Hey guys!16:57
SaintAlex93There Brazilians here?16:58
SaintAlex93For what exactly exist this chat?16:59
cfhowlett!topic | SaintAlex9316:59
ubottuSaintAlex93: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:59
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:01
cfhowletti-fukt-my-pillow, this is a family friendly channel.  change your nick17:01
i-fukt-my-pillowcfhowlett: sorry i dont know how to change my nick for a specific channel and my client only supports 1 connection17:01
akikyou're welcome to be removed, then17:02
i-fukt-my-pillowakik: you're welcome to fuck your pillow17:03
cfhowlett!ops | i-fukt-my-pillow17:03
ubottui-fukt-my-pillow: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu17:03
Apachezany hints on a good resource to read up more on themes in ubuntu? Like are there no "steam" (as in valve steam) like theme that can be used in Ubuntu instead of lets say the default ambiance one?17:03
VuurdraakApachez, try looking in what you can set in compiz17:06
ApachezI was more like hoping if somebody already did a themefile :)17:06
ApachezIn my case regarding colors17:06
i-fukt-my-pillow!ops | where you hide my pillow? i need fuck it!17:07
i-fukt-my-pillowlol fuck17:07
Vuurdraakthere u go :)17:09
VuurdraakApachez, the first result on themes gave me this: http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/ maybe there is something u like in there17:10
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Vuurdraaktime to watch the hobbit 3, may all your problems melt away like snow in the sun, i wish you all a happy day o/17:20
ablest1980how do i install programs in linux without software center?17:23
OerHeksablest1980, with apt-get17:23
ablest1980oer you have example?17:25
OerHeksablest1980,  tons of examples to find on the internet, what do you want to install?17:25
ablest1980sudo apt-get install drive:/program?17:25
ablest1980i order ubuntu studio just incase it doesnt have software center17:26
OerHeksubuntu studio does have a softwarecenter, AFAIK17:27
ablest1980ill google it thanks17:27
ablest1980good thank17:27
OerHeksbut for any ubuntu version, i would install synaptic too, it is a more detailed softwarecenter.17:28
OerHekssoftwarecenter gives metapackages only, there are more packages available17:28
ablest1980where do i get that17:29
plasticuprojectI don't even use SoftwareCenter at all. Exclusivly use synaptic and aptitude.17:29
plasticuprojectAblest1980: Where do you get synaptic?17:31
ablest1980says software center or aptget17:32
ablest1980im downloading for software center17:33
plasticuprojectyes, 'type sudo apt-get install synaptic' from terminal. That should do it.17:33
OerHeksmany ways to install software, it all uses the same source17:33
ablest1980its installed17:33
ablest1980i see ubuntu studio i can install it from ubuntu17:35
pavlosablest1980, re: hexchat, you could 'sudo apt install hexchat' ... to remove, 'sudo apt remove hexchat'17:35
XundresI have a question for gnome users (gnome 3.22)17:36
plasticuprojectSorry, I just kind of jumped in the convo from nowhere trying to help.17:36
ablest1980how do i install ubuntu studio?17:37
plasticuprojectdownload the ios from the official website17:38
plasticuprojectI put it on a live USB and did the graphical install. its was very simple and easy.17:38
OerHeksXundres, yakkety 16.10 ships with gnome 3.20, next release will have 3.2217:38
ablest1980do i need flash drive or dvd/\17:38
ablest1980i can install it from ubuntu?17:39
plasticuprojectNot sure, I've never done it that way, I've always used a flash drive.17:39
plasticuprojectanything that is in Ubuntu Studio you can download and install in Ubuntu though.17:40
plasticuprojectYou don't 'need' that acutal Ubunstu Studio distro to get all of the programs, it just has them all configured for you out of the box.17:41
plasticuprojectI have Ubuntu Studio on a drive but also have some of the tools included in it on my regular Ubuntu drive.17:41
ablest1980what a good flash drive?17:42
ablest1980usb hd17:42
npoweris anyone expert in usb stick (hardware)17:43
plasticuprojectDoesn't matter really. Just as long as it is at least 8 Gigs. I have a Samsung 64 Gig 3.0 that I just. Have it partitioned with a Kali image and the rest for storage.17:43
plasticuprojectnpower: What are you trying to do?17:44
npoweri have this usb stick 128 really great,from intenso17:45
npowerits not a fake one i tested it with a couple of utility17:45
Andyuser54Where do I go for Ubuntu touch related questions?17:46
hggdhAndyuser54: #ubuntu-touch17:46
ablest1980i think ill get 64 one17:47
Andyuser54Thank you.17:47
plasticuprojectnpower: ?17:49
ablest1980i got 64 hp one17:49
ablest1980$18 $3 one day shipping17:50
Al3xG0Is there any more agile command than sort -u to clean files with repeated lines?17:54
Random832Al3xG0, there's uniq - it doesn't sort and will only clean if the repeated lines are next to each other and not other place in the file17:56
c_kornhi, just updated ubuntu on my cubieboard from 14.04 to 16.04. now eth0 does not get a global ipv6 address any longer. what could be the reasons?17:56
Al3xG0Random832 yes17:57
OerHeksc_korn, what does 'ifconfig' say? with 16.04 eth0/wlan0 get new names, https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/17:57
Al3xG0have other command fast?17:57
Al3xG0Faster than him?17:58
c_kornOerHeks: this is the output. already checked that the name did not change https://paste.ubuntuusers.de/raw/423608/17:59
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OerHeksc_korn, not sure how to read this, you have multiple adapters/virtual adapters ..18:01
c_kornOerHeks: eth0 is the interface which should have a global ipv6 address18:03
bumAnyone used upnp?18:03
guyFromWebhey, can anyone help me run QB64 on Ubuntu please? http://www.qb64.net/18:04
c_kornhum, dmesg says eth0: no IPv6 routers present. maybe this is the source of the problem18:04
guyFromWebhey, can anyone help me run QB64 on Ubuntu please? http://www.qb64.net/18:07
compdocquick basic?18:08
guyFromWebwell it's for BASIC18:10
XundresHow can examine what the computer does when i use it? move mouse, press button etc18:11
Seven_Six_TwoXundres, xin18:12
Xundrescommand not found18:13
Xundresit was something like it xD18:13
Xundresxev maybe?18:13
Seven_Six_Twoyeah, that's it18:13
guyFromWebcan anyone help me with just launching QB64? that's all i need18:14
blackwind_123qq, i thought zsh is builtin into the ubuntu.. ? but when i type zsh it wont take me to zsh instead it wants me to install zsh usnig "sudo apt install zsh",18:15
ioriaguyFromWeb, what's the problem ?18:15
guyFromWebioria: when i follow their instructions, i get this output18:16
Seven_Six_Twoblackwind_123, bash is built in. you can install zsh.18:16
guyFromWebbash: ./setup_lnx.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory18:16
guyFromWebin terminal18:16
ioriaguyFromWeb, ah, spurious file18:17
guyFromWebioria: if you have ubuntu, you can download and test it, it is like 20 MB i think18:17
guyFromWebsee if it works for you18:17
ioriaguyFromWeb, make a copy of thet file and run   sed -i -e 's/\r$//' setup_lnx.sh18:17
guyFromWebwhat does that do?18:17
ioriaguyFromWeb, remove MS garbage18:18
guyFromWebit didn't do anything18:18
guyFromWeb(i didn't make a copy)18:18
guyFromWebi'll just extract again if it won't work18:18
blackwind_123guyFromWeb : it wont make a copy18:19
blackwind_123it jsut overwrite the current file, try to the re-run the .sh file and let us know guyFromWeb :18:19
ioriaguyFromWeb, i said ' make a copy of that file and run sed -i -e 's/\r$//' setup_lnx.sh '18:19
guyFromWeboh i ran the file again and it's doing something18:20
guyFromWebdownloading many packages18:20
ioriaguyFromWeb, ^M is a carriage return character.18:20
guyFromWebyou gotta be kidding me18:21
guyFromWebanother error18:21
Seven_Six_Twosomeone wrote their script in notepad.  :/18:22
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, install dos2unix18:22
guyFromWebis it apt-get dos2unix?18:23
Seven_Six_Twosudo apt-get install dos2unix18:23
guyFromWebsame result18:24
Seven_Six_Tworun it passing the .sh file as an argument18:24
Seven_Six_Twodos2unix setup_lnx.sh18:25
guyFromWebok :D18:25
guyFromWebdos2unix: converting file setup_lnx.sh to Unix format ...18:26
guyFromWebthat's all it did18:26
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, it's because windows (notepad) has a different way of marking linefeed.18:26
guyFromWebshould i do./script.sh again?18:26
guyFromWebsame error18:26
guyFromWebthis is so annoying18:26
Seven_Six_Tworeally? I just did it, and it worked fine18:27
guyFromWeblet's try again18:27
guyFromWebi think there is some new script18:27
guyFromWebshould i run that one?18:27
Seven_Six_Twoooh, yes18:27
arooni2 questions on ubuntu 16.04: 1 ) sometimes when i resume my laptop the wireless doesnt work.  i tried logging out/back in and sudo service networking restart; neither worked.. only restarting worked.  any other way to reinitate wireless?  2) upon startup i always see that ttf-mscorefonts-installer needs to be installed; i have it installed; but dont know how to finish setup of these fonts.  thx!18:28
nerdsvilleHey guys, is there a way to undo changes made by a package install? I noticed that for example installing libvirt adds a user and group to the system and I wanted to monitor such changes and be able to revert them... is there any software which allows this?18:28
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, I got same error on a different script. read output and you'll see which18:28
guyFromWebi can't run the new script18:28
blackwind_123guyFromWeb : install the relavent dev-libraries..! search web for libraries needs to be installed for qb6418:29
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, what error? I got another script with ^M error. requires same dos2unix treatment18:30
OerHeksarooni, answer 1. i dont know, answer 2. see this bugreport with solution in the header https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/160753518:30
guyFromWebok let's do this again18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1607535 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2 fails to install core fonts" [Medium,Fix released]18:30
blackwind_123guyFromWeb : mostly i guess you are trying to build the QB64 without releavent libraries...18:30
OerHeksugly bug indeed, for an LTS18:31
ioriaguyFromWeb, maybe there are other bad-formatted files, not only setup_lnx.sh18:31
ioriaguyFromWeb, this can help :   find . -name '*.sh' -exec sed -i "s/\r//g" {} \;18:32
guyFromWebthis is what i got: http://prnt.sc/eaejh618:33
guyFromWebwhat to do from here?18:33
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, what's the output from terminal? folder screen doesn't help18:34
guyFromWebwhat command?18:34
guyFromWebtell me what to do from here xD18:34
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, setup_lnx.sh18:34
guyFromWebwhatever command can help18:34
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, are you just clicking the .sh script?18:34
guyFromWebwith ./?18:34
guyFromWebsorry im new to ubuntu18:35
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, yeah, do it with ./ in a terminal. paste that output in pastebin18:35
guyFromWebshould i do ./setup_lnx.sh?18:35
nerdsville./ runs using the interpreter set by the #!18:35
nerdsvilleso if you have #!/bin/bash set it will use bash for example18:35
nerdsvilleor you can specifically choose an interpreter18:36
nerdsvillefor example /bin/sh setup_lnx.sh18:36
guyFromWeboh found something18:36
guyFromWebit says it's debian based18:36
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, look at line 418:36
guyFromWebif that helps :D18:36
guyFromWebbad interpreter18:36
guyFromWebsorry it doesn't mean anything to me18:37
nerdsvilleIt seems you don't have that interpreter installed at that path18:37
guyFromWebthe ^M?18:37
ioriaguyFromWeb, maybe there are other bad-formatted files, not only setup_lnx.sh (2)18:37
guyFromWebyeah idk18:37
nerdsvilletype which sh18:37
Seven_Six_Twoit's saying there's a windows character in setup_build.sh18:37
ioriaguyFromWeb, this can help :   find . -name '*.sh' -exec sed -i "s/\r//g" {} \;18:37
guyFromWebnerdsville: /bin/sh18:37
nerdsvilleguyFromWeb run ioria's command18:38
guyFromWebioria: i did that18:38
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, setup_build.sh requires you run dos2unix on it18:38
guyFromWebi did18:38
guyFromWebno output in terminal for me18:38
guyFromWebwhat should i do after the command18:38
guyFromWebtry to run it again?\18:38
ioriaguyFromWeb,  maybe you need sudo18:38
blackwind_123guyFromWeb : output wont be there , run your install comman again18:38
nerdsvillecan you change his command to be s/\r\n//g for the sed part?18:38
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, dos2unix worked, but there's more than one script.18:39
guyFromWebthere might be a chance for it :D18:39
ioriaguyFromWeb,   sudo  ./setup_lnx.sh18:39
guyFromWebi alreaady did without sudo18:39
Seven_Six_Twodos2unix. not sudo. not sed.18:39
guyFromWebIT WORKS18:39
guyFromWebwow :D18:40
guyFromWebbut wait18:40
guyFromWebwhat made it work then?18:40
guyFromWebi might have done some things that were not necessary18:40
ioriawho knows,  no sudo no sed maybe18:40
guyFromWebso do i need the dos2unix?18:40
guyFromWebis it necessary?18:40
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2920416/configure-bin-shm-bad-interpreter18:41
guyFromWebhow to uninstall?18:41
nerdsvilledos2unix is the standard way I think, but remember they are just characters18:41
ioriabut it's useful18:41
guyFromWebso it was bad interpreter18:41
Seven_Six_Twono, it was bad invisible windows character18:41
guyFromWebok im just gonna keep the dos2unix18:41
iorianope, again18:41
Seven_Six_Twoyou can uninstall if you like.18:42
ioriait was a bad-formetted files18:42
guyFromWebso what command actually fixed it?18:42
guyFromWebi wanna save all the commands i need for next time18:42
ioriathat guy wrote the installer with MS tool18:42
nerdsvilleguyFromWeb, download the original again and try again18:43
guyFromWebnerdsville: ok18:43
nerdsvillesee if you can find what fixed it :)18:43
guyFromWebim gonna remove this one18:43
nerdsvilleawesome, let us know :)18:44
Seven_Six_TwoguyFromWeb, when you find the error, feel free to send the dev an email suggesting he use a better editor.18:45
guyFromWeb2my ubuntu lagged, don't know why, i was dragging file to desktop, then some app opened (i only see splash icon)18:46
guyFromWeb2i can't do anything with the Ubuntu (i don't know any keyboard shortcuts)18:46
koleygr<guyFromWeb2> does ctrl++alt+T works?18:47
koleygrYou have a terminal now18:48
guyFromWeb2i do18:49
guyFromWeb2there we go18:49
guyFromWeb2I did alt+TAB to get to the icon18:50
guyFromWeb2"Sorry, Ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error"18:50
guyFromWeb2i JUST installed the ubuntu18:51
ioriaguyFromWeb,   paste   ls /var/crash18:51
guyFromWeb2i can't even run command from there18:52
guyFromWeb2it's all messed up18:52
guyFromWeb2it won't allow me18:52
guyFromWeb2could it be bad ISO?18:52
Seven_Six_Twois it in a vm\18:52
guyFromWeb2i had some problems with it before18:52
guyFromWeb2i just reinstalled from same ISO18:52
guyFromWeb2see if it was the iso18:53
guyFromWeb2now getting another errors is not fun18:53
Seven_Six_Twoit could be bad. you can do md5 of iso18:53
guyFromWeb2it's from official website18:53
guyFromWeb2so, reinstall?18:53
guyFromWeb2i already shut down my ubuntu18:54
Seven_Six_Twocheck iso first, see if it matches website md518:54
ioriaguyFromWeb,   terminal not working ?18:54
guyFromWeb2ioria: not really18:54
OerHeksguyFromWeb2, installing software from somewhere outside softwarecenter, without proper instructions, and blaming ubuntu?18:54
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ioriaguyFromWeb,   ^ OerHeks  , try to logout / login18:55
ubottumoto01: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:56
guyFromWeb2i just realized i have .1, not .218:56
OerHeksmoto01, torrents are here http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/18:56
guyFromWeb2i'm reinstalling, putting on the new version, starting again18:57
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koleygr<guyFromWeb2> had you done an apt update and apt full-upgrade before?18:58
koleygr<guyFromWeb2> these commands would give you the .218:58
guyFromWeb2i'll reinstall18:59
guyFromWeb2i'll wipe it18:59
guyFromWeb2as you can see, my patience is gone xD18:59
guyFromWeb2hey thanks guys very much18:59
ioriaguyFromWeb,   wait... may we ask you your HW specs  ?18:59
guyFromWeb2you really helped me18:59
koleygr<guyFromWeb2> Just don't try to give commands before asking someone18:59
guyFromWeb2ioria: old laptop19:00
guyFromWeb2core i319:00
guyFromWeb2thinkpad edge19:00
ioriaguyFromWeb,   ram ?19:00
guyFromWeb2not sure19:00
ioriaguyFromWeb,   it's important ..19:00
guyFromWeb2where can i find out? :D19:00
ioriaguyFromWeb,   cat /proc/meminfo19:00
koleygr<ioria> I don't think he is on ubuntu now19:01
MonkeyDustguyFromWeb2  are you now on ubuntu?19:02
ioriaguyFromWeb,   or   grep  MemTotal:  /proc/meminfo    ; if you're on MS then look in System Information19:02
guyFromWeb2i got it running19:02
guyFromWeb2guyFromWeb2: is on mac :)19:02
ioriaguyFromWeb,   with 2G or less,  don't install Ubuntu, but Xubuntu or Lubuntu19:02
guyFromWeb23954880 kb19:03
rlkd82trying to make a script that will uncheck all sources in sources.list. anyone can help me with googling for an answer to my problem, or have an idea of how to do so?19:03
guyFromWeb2so 4 gb i guess19:03
ioriaguyFromWeb,   ok, then19:03
ioriaguyFromWeb,   last thing, your video card ?19:04
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AndroUserWhat is the ubuntu contrib channel19:07
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MonkeyDustrlkd82  simply make a script that puts a # before every line19:14
rlkd82im trying to remove the #19:14
plasticuprojectrlkd82: Should be able to make a really simple python script for that.19:15
MonkeyDustrlkd82  if you don't get an answer here, try #bash19:15
rlkd82anyway you can point me towards how to do that on google, unclear the search words i should be using19:15
MonkeyDustrlkd82  this is ubuntu support, not google support19:16
plasticuprojectI'm too buys to write a script, ask someone on #python maybe?19:17
rlkd82no worries thxs guys ;)19:18
tckfmy os kernel panics when i try to run linux 4.4.0_6219:18
tckfidk what to do19:19
MonkeyDusttckf  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue19:19
tckfUbuntu 16.04.2 LTS \n \l19:20
plasticuprojectrevert to an older kernel?19:21
tckfi do that but i cant seem to fix grub19:21
tckfso by default i always try first to load the bad kernel19:21
plasticuprojecthow many kernels show up on your grub menu?19:22
tckf2 diff kernels but there are 4 entries in the list19:22
tckfone recovery mode for each19:23
OerHeksrlkd82, to enable all sources> sudo add-apt-repository universe multiverse restricted # and enable all src > http://askubuntu.com/a/76942919:23
rlkd82OerHeks, thanks so much19:24
shizdizzleI'm trying to use gpg to fetch keys from an https address and I get this error: no handler for keyserver scheme `https'19:28
shizdizzleit says https is not supported19:29
shizdizzlehow do I fix this?19:29
linuxlovehi guys19:31
linuxlovei cant connect to any host with ssh19:31
MonkeyDustshizdizzle  be patient, hit the up arrow every 15 minutes or so, to repeat your question, until someone can help19:31
linuxlovei tested on pc and and on laptop19:32
linuxlovesame result in both19:32
Fendarisa general linux question: if I have a file a.out, why do I have to write ./a.out to execute it, and not just a.out?19:32
plasticuprojectlinuxlove: is your port number correct?19:33
linuxlovei just use ssh user@myip19:33
linuxloveit was okay yesterday19:33
linuxlovei tested for other ips19:33
linuxloveit is same19:34
h1n1verify the firewall19:34
ioriaFendaris, path issue :  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/85490/difference-between-a-out-and-a-out19:34
linuxloveh1n1, there was same result in pc and laptop19:34
MonkeyDustFendaris  because a.out would have to be located in /usr/bin/ or /usr/sbin/19:34
linuxloveshould be a blocking in router?19:35
linuxloveor in ISP?19:35
MonkeyDustFendaris  the . means 'in the current folder'19:35
linuxlovethere is problem in same network for all devices19:36
Fendarisioria: Is this theory or real world? In the example an attacker has already placed malicious software on my pc. Now my OS tries to protect me from executing that malicious file by accident... but how did it get there and why am I executing it? This problem has not happened to me in 25 years of using windows.19:37
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Fendarise.g. not criticizing it, just asking if attacks like this actually happen.19:38
ioriaFendaris, no, wait ....  if you put that a.out (bad name btw)  in /usr/local/bin, you don't need ./ ... if it's what you're asking19:38
Fendarisno, I was asking about the philosophy of making ./ necessary vs the simpler way windows works with its relative paths. Your link provided some nice explanations.19:39
Ben64stop expecting linux to work like windows19:39
linuxloveh1n1, i couldnt get sshd_conf19:39
FendarisBen64: You didn't get the question unfortunately.19:39
Ben64i did19:39
linuxlovecan you upload it somewhere?19:40
FendarisThe question was, why does linux do this. Ioria's link provided some explanation with a very far fetched example, which was interesting.19:40
OerHeks" In the example an attacker has already placed malicious software on my pc" he would make a.out executable too :-D19:41
rx-badiam a newbie19:43
Fendarisenjoy the experience rx-bad19:43
rx-badare you guys19:43
ioriaFendaris, well, i use MS but not very good at it...  i think linux (with its permission set) aims to security, and running an executable could be a threat19:43
rx-badboth win and linux are good19:44
OerHeksrx-bad, that would give 1819 answers, do you have an Ubuntu support question?19:44
rx-baddepend on the techie on the keyboard19:44
rx-badiam here to chat19:44
rx-badubuntu is very nice19:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:44
OerHeksfor chat join #ubuntu-offtopic, this is support only, thanks.19:45
elias_arx-bad: Don't get offended but this really is a worldwide support channel. :)19:45
rx-baddoes anyone know if squirrel runs on ubuntu19:49
rx-badits a email service19:49
mcphailrx-bad: yes, if you set it up properly it will run19:49
mcphail!info squirrelmail | rx-bad19:50
ubotturx-bad: squirrelmail (source: squirrelmail): Webmail for nuts. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.4.23~svn20120406-2ubuntu1.16.10.1 (yakkety), package size 438 kB, installed size 2751 kB19:50
rx-badsee you19:57
azizLIGHThow do i tell which gpu drivers im using? from ubuntu repos? from ppa? and which version? how to trace this information20:22
azizLIGHTwhen i do dpkg -l | grep nvidia, i just see all these packages installed about nvidia but i dont know which one is selected20:23
azizLIGHTand is being used currently20:23
k1l_the ones with ii are installed20:23
k1l_lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'20:24
k1l_this tells you which driver module is in use.20:24
ioriaazizLIGHT,  also   modinfo nvidia|grep version:20:25
k1l_azizLIGHT: when you pastebin the dpkgl -l output we can have a look20:26
azizLIGHToh i see, i missed the ii on the left20:27
azizLIGHTi am on nvidia-35820:27
k1l_that is not a ubuntu repo package20:27
azizLIGHTand to check the source of this package? whether or not if it is from a ppa?20:27
k1l_azizLIGHT: "apt policy packagename"20:28
OerHeksazizLIGHT, 'source' of nvidia drivers? we don't have them20:29
pfefferzwhere is apt discussed?20:29
azizLIGHTOerHeks: i mean where i obtained them from20:29
azizLIGHTnot the actual source code20:29
k1l_pfefferz: depends what the issue is20:29
azizLIGHTit says in the version table:  *** 358.16-0ubuntu0~gpu14.04.2 0 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status20:30
pfefferzk1l_: I would like to discuss virtual packages20:30
azizLIGHTthat is not a ubuntu repo package?20:30
ioriaazizLIGHT,  you used the nvidia installer ?20:30
k1l_azizLIGHT: can you pastein the whole output?20:30
OerHeksapt policy packagename would tell ..20:31
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azizLIGHTk1l_: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24022347/20:32
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azizLIGHTioria: im not sure20:32
k1l_azizLIGHT: i guess you used a ppa for that, and that is removed now20:33
pfefferzk1l_: I'd like to understand what exactly a virtual package is and if virtual packages are only a apt concept or a dpkg concept20:33
k1l_azizLIGHT: "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999"20:33
azizLIGHTthere was a ppa i used to use before called xorg-edgers, and then i found another ppa that was more "official"20:33
azizLIGHTk1l_: http://termbin.com/itj520:34
OerHeksazizLIGHT, the only official ppa for drivers is https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa20:34
ioriayaeh, old removed ppa20:34
azizLIGHTOerHeks: yes thats the one20:34
k1l_k, that is a lot ppas20:35
OerHeksazizLIGHT, no, if i google on that driver it comes from https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+ppa-package20:35
azizLIGHTthis drivers got to be from ~graphics-drivers ppa20:36
azizLIGHTthe ones from xorg-edgers have that in the version name20:36
azizLIGHTas xedgers20:36
azizLIGHTOerHeks: i dont think ive ever used that appa20:37
OerHeksazizLIGHT, i don't think it comes from https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa20:37
ioriaazizLIGHT,  are you on trusty ?20:37
azizLIGHTim on 14.0420:37
azizLIGHTOerHeks: yes i think it doesnt. it must come from https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa20:37
OerHeksnor https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ( it has no 358)20:38
ioriaazizLIGHT,  yes, but has been removed20:38
OerHeksazizLIGHT, yes, time to tell what you have done :-D20:38
azizLIGHTi really think its from the official ppa, but the version is not there in the ppa anymore20:39
azizLIGHTi remember having some issues with newer versions from the official ppa, so i downgraded back to this version20:39
ikonia"official" ppa20:40
k1l_ubuntu even ships nvidia-367 in 14.0420:40
ikoniathats an oxymoron in it's self20:40
k1l_so i dont know why there is a ppa in use for that. or was in use20:40
OerHeksseems like https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+ppa-package has been cleaned out20:41
skinuxI'm having an issue with Dashboard taking 3+ seconds to come up after I click on the icon. Any ideas how to speed this up?20:42
azizLIGHT99% sure i never used that mamarley ppa20:43
MonkeyDustskinux  start with     sudo apt install preload20:44
ioriaazizLIGHT,  that is from  xorg edgers ppa, i guess20:45
PrafullI am new here20:46
azizLIGHTi dont believe so. all the versions from xorg edgers ppa have 'xedgers' in their version name20:46
Prafulland searching for some help20:46
OerHeksioria, if i search for  358.16-0ubuntu0~gpu14.04.2, only mamley ppa comes up20:46
skinuxI installed that and now Dash is like instant.20:46
ioriaOerHeks, i see20:46
Prafullcan you help me20:46
ioriaazizLIGHT,  in any case, better replace it :þ20:47
OerHeksPrafull, ask, wait and see20:47
popeyhello Prafull20:47
k1l_!details | Prafull20:47
ubottuPrafull: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:47
Prafulli am having issue with installation of any software20:48
Prafullit says unment dependencies issue20:48
skinuxMonkeyDust it seems that worked, was there anything else you were going to tell me to do?20:48
Prafulli have tried all available options20:48
OerHeksPrafull, on what ubuntu version ?20:48
OerHeksand what are you trying to install ?20:48
k1l_Prafull: run "sudo apt upate" and then "sudo apt full-upgrade". copy all the output to paste.ubuntu.com and show the link in here20:48
PrafullThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  libsdl1.2-dev : Depends: libglu1-mesa-dev but it is not going to be installed or                           libglu-dev                  Depends: libpulse-dev but it is not going to be installed20:49
PrafullSDL 1.220:49
Prafulli need to install graphics.h20:49
popeyPrafull: what version of Ubuntu?20:49
Prafullsame problem with installing wine20:49
MonkeyDustskinux  a few tips http://paste.ubuntu.com/24022438/20:50
popeyodd, that installs fine here. do you have PPAs enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list ?20:50
k1l_Prafull: did you see my request?20:50
OerHeksfirst update, then install20:50
Prafullsed: can't read /etc/default/prelink: No such file or directory sudo: /etc/cron.daily/prelink: command not found20:52
Prafull<popey> hello20:52
k1l_<k1l_> Prafull: run "sudo apt upate" and then "sudo apt full-upgrade". copy all the output to paste.ubuntu.com and show the link in here20:52
IceN9neIs using ccsm the only way to get quarter-screen snapping to work?  Last I recall, ccsm was to be avoided at all costs...20:52
MonkeyDustPrafull  sudo apt install prelink20:52
k1l_IceN9ne: look at unity-tweak-tool20:53
Prafulli have unity-tweak tool20:53
k1l_Prafull: that was not directed at you. please show the output on paste.ubuntu.com from the 2 commands i showed you20:54
rafaelcenteioHi, although I already tried various solutions available on the Internet, I can't run notify-send on my crontab. I already set the variables DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY. Thanks.20:54
k1l_Prafull: ok, that is a mess of ppas20:55
rafaelcenteioAny help would e appreciated.20:55
Prafullwhat should i do20:55
k1l_Prafull: that miro ppa only has packages for very old ubuntus.20:56
Prafullshould i remove it>20:56
k1l_Prafull: yes20:56
IceN9nek1l_: thanks20:56
Prafullok.. i am doing it20:56
dumle29Hey guys. I have a question about bluetooth speakers. I can't get them to work. A while ago I could get them to work after pairing them, but they'd never work without an unpair / pair process again.20:56
dumle29however for a few months now, I can't get it to work period.20:57
MonkeyDustdumle29  install and run blueman20:57
dumle29I go into bluetooth, pair the speaker, and then it says connected for 2 seconds, then disconnects20:57
dumle29MonkeyDust: Thanks will try that20:57
Prafullbut same problem yet20:59
k1l_Prafull: then show the other problem on paste.ubuntu.com21:00
popeyyou dont even have the archive enabled21:00
popeyyou _only_ have PPAs21:00
k1l_Prafull: grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 999921:01
popeyi suspect /etc/apt/sources.list is non existent or empty or all commented out21:01
dumle29MonkeyDust: Blueman says "device added but failed to connect"21:01
dumle29MonkeyDust: Should I try a reboot?21:02
popeythat sources.list looks lean21:02
MonkeyDustdumle29  sure, sound harmless21:02
OnkelTemHi all21:03
OnkelTemHow to enable VSync on official nvidia drivers?\21:03
OnkelTemI don't get it. All questions and answers I find seem to be outdated21:04
OnkelTemthey recommend editing xorg.conf while we don't use it for YEARS21:04
popeyPrafull: you run standard Ubuntu with Unity?21:04
popeyOnkelTem: nothing wrong with maintaining xorg.conf21:04
OnkelTempopey: except it's not used21:05
k1l_Prafull: apt-cache policy libsdl1.2-dev libpulse-devlibglu1-mesa-dev | nc termbin.com21:05
popeyOnkelTem: sure it is, if it exists21:05
k1l_Prafull: apt-cache policy libsdl1.2-dev libpulse-devlibglu1-mesa-dev | nc termbin.com 999921:05
popeyk1l_: he's missing xenial-updates and others, has only one line in sources.list21:05
k1l_popey: yeah, but imho that should work without updates iirc.21:06
popeytrue k1l_21:06
k1l_Prafull: go to the system settings  and enable the -updates and the -security repo. then run "sudo apt update" again21:06
OnkelTempopey: anyway I wonder why should we bother into editing xorg.conf just to enable vsync21:07
popeysure, if you need it OnkelTem21:07
OnkelTemneed what? who doesn't need vsync?21:07
popeyi dont have it enabled here21:07
OnkelTemare you still playing CS 1.6?21:07
popeyI am not playing anything on my work laptop, no21:08
druxyEy yo yo yo check out my mixtape21:08
OnkelTempopey: don't you watch movies? :)21:08
k1l_druxy: please keep this channel for technical ubuntu support only21:08
popeyOnkelTem: sure, on my tv -> over there21:08
OnkelTemok, how to enable vsync?21:09
OnkelTem(back to technical questions)21:09
popeyOnkelTem: edit xorg.conf :D21:09
OnkelTempopey: that's not the proper way I'm sure21:09
popeyseriously, for years, it's _the_ way21:09
k1l_OnkelTem: looks like the nvidia drivers force users to handle it that way. other video drivers like intel dont need that anymore21:09
popeyxorg uses xorg.conf if it exists, if it doesn't exist, xorg uses internal defaults21:10
OerHeksOnkelTem,  which nvidia version ? the 361 got problems with vsync21:10
popeyjust because xorg.conf doesn't exist by default doesn't mean it never needs to exist21:10
OnkelTemOerHeks: 375, just updated with that proggy... cool things, cli based21:10
k1l_Prafull: "sudo apt full-upgrade" will install you many updates you were missing out21:10
popeyPrafull: maybe also a "sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^" to add missing items :)21:11
OnkelTemOerHeks: sgfxi!21:11
OerHeksOnkelTem, vsync should be available in nvidia settings though21:11
Prafulli am running that21:11
popeyOnkelTem: guess what nvidia-settings does? - writes out an xorg.conf! *shock*! :D21:11
Prafullokk thanku so much bro.. i am just running and will tell you result21:11
popeyPrafull: good luck! :D21:11
OnkelTemOerHeks: how is it called? I've only found "Sync to VBlank" which is under OpenGL group, which looks too specific21:11
OerHeksOnkelTem, that is the one21:12
NpcoCan someone tell me how I can change or spoof my mac address?21:12
OnkelTemHm, then why do I see tearing in VLC videos? I selected X11 XCB output21:12
popeyNpco: there's a nice askubuntu post about this:- http://askubuntu.com/questions/81648/how-do-i-change-spoof-my-mac-address-and-easily-switch-between-multiple-ones21:13
popeyNpco: covers it in detail21:13
Npcopopey: Thanks! K21:14
Npcopopey: I tried macchanger and I cannot connect to any urls untill it reverts to the regular address.21:14
=== justtheoldblood is now known as kylebarbour
kylebarbourhello friends - have a question about where best to report a bug.21:17
k1l_!bug | kylebarbour21:18
ubottukylebarbour: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:18
kylebarbourI'm having issues with the virtual consoles (e.g. alt+ctrl+F2) not working after resuming from suspend21:18
kylebarbourno, no I know that, thanks :)21:18
kylebarbourI'm not sure if this is an ubuntu bug or something else, thought I could ask and see if someone thought I should post it somewhere else instead.21:18
popeykylebarbour: nvidia graphics card?21:19
kylebarbournope, sadly that's not me.21:19
kylebarbourtried those solutions, nomodeset, console true text mode21:19
kylebarbourdo you think I should post it on the ubuntu launchpad or are there better steps to find a more appropriate place to report it?21:20
Conderhello, please how to install ubuntu in bios/gpt mode? i know i have to create bios grub partition and then where install bootloader?21:21
ikoniaConder: the installer should do it for you21:21
ikoniaand if you know how to do the bios grub partition that will allow you to use efi mode21:22
ikoniaif you don't want to use efi - then legacy mode requires no special config21:22
Conderits a PC with bios only (no uefi support) but HDD is 4 TB21:23
ikoniaok, so no special config is needed21:23
skinuxWhat does NetworkManager-wait-online.service do?21:23
ikoniai "think" it waits for a config to be verified as connected and access to online before moving to the next stage21:24
ikoniabasically checks if your network is up21:24
ikoniabut thats a reference from memory not for sure21:24
Paprikachui have a directory that i can't delete.21:25
Paprikachuit has all the rwx permissions, no file attributes (lsattr) and i still can't delete it as root.21:25
dumle29MonkeyDust: Sadly same result :(21:25
ikoniaPaprikachu: what file system is the directory on, what is the name of the directory21:25
dumle29MonkeyDust: Is there a log somewhere for bluetooth that I can find?21:25
OerHeks"nm-wait-online is required to make remote mounts work or services in general which depend on network-online.target "21:26
Paprikachubtrfs, it's a leftover from an installed lxc21:26
w00tburgerIs there somthing out there than can put a quick UI to a backend database using query?21:26
Paprikachuthe directory is /var/cache/lxc/rootfs-amd6421:26
w00tburgerI have been out of the web business for a while21:26
ikoniaPaprikachu: are you trying to delete a diretory within a container ?21:27
ikoniaor from the host of the container21:27
dumle29I'll repeat my problem here, just in case someone else knows about it :)21:27
Paprikachui uninstalled lxc, it's on the host.21:27
ikoniaPaprikachu: how are you trying to delete it21:27
Paprikachui tried rm -rf and rmdir, neither works21:27
ikoniaI suspect there is still a container running against it, locking it21:27
ikoniaPaprikachu: what happens when you run it21:27
Paprikachu"operation not permitted"21:28
dumle29So initially, I could connect and use my bluetooth speaker the first time after I paired it, however if I disconnected I'd have to remove the thing, and repair, however for several months now I have not been able to get bluetooth speakers working at all21:28
ikoniaPaprikachu: that seems unlikley21:28
dumle29I pair it, it says connected for a second, then not connected, and I can't connect to it21:28
dumle29anyone know where there's a log to check for error codes?21:29
dumle29I tried installing blueman, and using that, but it just says "Device added successfully, but failed to connect"21:29
Paprikachuikonia: well that's what i'm getting21:30
Zezikhi ubuntu community!21:31
w00tburgerAnyone have any insight on a prebuilt front end that can query a backend database?21:35
w00tburgerThat I can just drop into place and let people have read only to a backend database?21:35
w00tburgerI have been out of the web decveolopment game for too long :/21:35
k1l_w00tburger: maybe the webdeveloper channels are better suited for such a request.21:36
w00tburgerBut you all are so smart :)21:37
ikoniathe smart thing to do is talk to web development resources21:38
skinuxWhat exactly does this line do? sudo -e /lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service21:39
ikoniaskinux: where are you getting this info from ?21:39
ikoniaskinux: what's your actual problem21:39
skinuxikonia: It's from a Ubuntu paste21:48
skinuxLine 6 http://paste.ubuntu.com/24022438/21:48
OerHekssudo -e = edit21:50
skinuxI don't want to run that line depending on what it does. 90% of my activities rely on the internet.21:52
OerHeksskinux, thn let that nm service do its thing ?21:53
OerHeksdon't mess up21:53
skinuxI'm asking what that is telling it to do21:54
OerHeks"nm-wait-online is required to make remote mounts work or services in general which depend on network-online.target "21:54
ikoniaskinux: who is telling you to do this21:54
OerHeksbut if you are watching other channels, and don't read this ..21:54
ikoniathats not an ubuntu paste - thats just someone putting pastebin content into the ubuntu pastebin21:55
ikoniaskinux: who made that paste and told you to use it - for what purpose21:55
ikoniait looks very very generic21:55
skinuxMonkeyDust did21:55
ikoniawhy though ?21:55
skinuxSaid it was a few tips21:55
ikoniafor what21:56
skinuxAfter he helped me get Dashboard to come up faster.21:56
ikoniano, I'm sorry, that link should not be blindly executed21:56
ikoniado not blindly follow that link21:56
skinuxI guess he was trying to screw me up21:57
ikoniaI don't think he was21:57
ikoniahowever that is way too generic21:57
ikoniathats not his personality21:57
Prafull<k1l_> It worked. thankyou21:59
PrafullCan any1 help me with graphics in ubuntu22:00
Prafull[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue [xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called [xcb] Aborting, sorry about that. a.out: ../../src/xcb_io.c:274: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.22:00
PrafullI am getting this error22:00
ikoniadoing what ?22:00
PrafullNew in linux...22:00
PrafullI am just drawing some graphics and implimenting some algo22:00
Prafullbut graphics just quits22:01
ikonia"drawing some graphcis" - how22:01
ikoniawhat EXACTLY are you doing to cause that error22:01
phos1I am getting an error when building my server with docker while tryint to install composer. https://github.com/adam3145/docker-drupal/edit/master/Dockerfile and https://hub.docker.com/r/act360/docker-drupal-local/builds/blzr34lhgqgb8qzvzjlr7hr/22:01
popeygiven he was having issues installing libsd1.2 I'd guess following an sdl tutorial, right Prafull ?22:01
PrafullYaa i installed all security updates22:02
Prafulland now graphics.h is installed22:02
popeyPrafull: you learning SDL?22:02
ikoniapopey: where did you get the sdl info from ?22:02
popeyikonia: earlier in here22:02
Prafullask ubuntu forum22:02
ikoniaI just get "doing graphics" in the scroll back22:02
popeyikonia: ~20:4922:03
PrafullDo i need to setup something else in order to run graphics code22:03
popeyPrafull: are you following an online tutorial of some kind?22:04
PrafullNot yet22:04
Prafulli used to do it in turbo C++22:04
popeyhah, retro! :D22:04
Prafullbut i have no idea what is going wrong here22:04
SpeirosOk, see you later people.  Enjoy your day.22:06
lernerhi, yesterday I created a file named 95proxies in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ to direct all traffic through privoxy. I failed and I got rid of the file. But even with the file gone, if I try to run apt update, I get: Err:1  Unsupported proxy configured: Why do I still receive this error?22:10
OerHekslerner, restarted networking ?22:11
OerHeksconfig is still in memory, i guess22:11
lernerOerHeks, if I turn the computer offand then on again, networking is restarted, right?22:11
OerHekslerner, was just checking, yes it should.22:12
k1l_lerner: you did setup apt to use a proxy?22:12
OerHeksenv | grep proxy22:13
lernerk1l_, I followed this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/175172/how-do-i-configure-proxies-without-gui ,the part starting with 'apt-get, aptitude, etc. will not obey the environment variables when used normally with '22:14
lernerOerHeks, https://paste.ubuntu.com/24022912/ which is how my /etc/environment is configured, but apt worked with /etc/environment configured this way before I created and deleted /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/95proxies...22:17
OerHekslerner, so it looks like /etc/environment is still holding proxy sttings ?22:18
OerHeksmine contains just: PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"22:21
lernerOerHeks, yes, this is how my /etc/environment looks like https://paste.ubuntu.com/24022933/ but if I delete it (exception: first line) and apt starts working, why did apt work before? again, this problem arised when I created and deleted /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/95proxies22:21
OerHekslerner,  so you fixed it, good.22:21
lernerim confused22:22
OerHeksOh, you mean that just adding to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/95proxies also changes etc/environment?22:23
lujoriloi have a problem with my laptop22:25
pfefferzk1l: filed https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/46621622:26
ostekakeHello! I am trying to install ubuntu, but after I press "Install ubuntu" in the boot screen everything just turns blank and stops. I tried pressing C for extra options and adding "nomodeset" before quiet splash. got a gtx970 graphics card22:26
lernerOerHeks, I dont know. Unless I am missing something, my /etc/environment, with all the proxy lines you read, worked just fine before I added the file named '95proxies'...22:27
lujoriloi have it with two OS, Win7 and ubuntu, i was trying to format win7 and during the process it gave an error, when the laptop restarted it said Missing operating system. I started the laptop with a live cd and clic on try ubuntu but i cant see the files i had on ubuntu, on gparted the partition appears as unknown22:27
lujoriloIs there a way to recover my files?22:27
doc|workhey, using xubuntu, on resume I get a dialog for "Authenticate" which reads "To update the software catalog, you need to authenticate". Details are Action: org.debian.apt.update-cache. Anyone know how to make it so I don't need to auth?22:29
Herbalistyou forgot your password ?22:39
doc|workHerbalist, no, it's just annoying each time.23:09
kevin-oculuscan i ask off topic23:13
uxfihi kevin-oculus sir23:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:14
kevin-oculushi uxfi23:16
HoNgOuRuhow can I let only users in a group to execute certain programs ? example gedit...23:19
nomicHoNgOuRu use chmod to change the permissions of gedit23:22
nomic /usr/bin/gedit23:22
nomicsets exec permissions for group23:22
Quality_Beefsmells like popcorn23:24
HoNgOuRunomic, ok thanks!23:24
Quality_Beefhello everyone23:25
=== asdfasdf is now known as Barones
lucas-argwe dont have obs studio in repos??23:32
BaronesHi, how can I place a windows application launcher on docky?23:32
k1l!info obs-studio23:33
ubottuPackage obs-studio does not exist in yakkety23:33
k1llucas-arg: well, it is in universe since 16.1023:34
k1llucas-arg: for 16.04 you need ppa:obsproject/obs-studio23:34
F1nnyAnyone have any experience with bcache?23:40
koleygr<Barones> I am not sure... but do you mean you have problems after created the .desktop file?23:41
mcphailF1nny: I use it on 2 machines23:42
koleygr<Barones> or you haven't created one .desktop?23:42
Baroneskoleygr, I still have not created a .desktop file, I'm going to create a symlink poiting to the .exe file and see if it works and docky accept it23:43
F1nnymcphail: Ahh you may be my hero for some input haha, just looking for some suggestion/feedback, I have my system lvm on luks on software raid10. I'm looking to do an in place conversion/just add an SSD and bcache. So trying to make sure I got this right :P Already have backups and that jazz, just a sec here23:43
koleygr<Barones> you need wine... Do you know that?23:43
mcphailF1nny: I haven't any experience of setting it up in place. Only on a fresh filesystem23:44
Baroneskoleygr, yeah, the problem is that docky doesn't accept wine launchers23:44
koleygryes... So you need a .desktop file23:44
F1nnymcphail: Ahhh gotcha no worries, ever use it with luks? I'm pretty sure have the in-place part down, just run blocks to-bcache /dev/md1 (raid/LUKS partition) [with lvm on top] then continue as normal, but for getting the SSD encrypted as well Im wondering if I create the partition on the empty SSD and luks-it then make-bcache OR if I run make-bcache first and luks the bcache device?23:45
conmanworknorsounds like you need to reconfigure. rm -rf /etc/*; espeak "your macbook has a virus";23:46
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:46
Baroneskoleygr, what do u mean by ".desktop file"23:46
Capum321https://dzone.com/articles/docker-daemon-for-32-bit-architecture  this tutorial demands installation of docker on step 3. But there is no package from ppa repository under 32 bit. Although synaptic has a docker from ubuntu repo "System tray for KDE/GNOME docklet app = is a docking appli (windowmaker) which acts as a system tray for any DE..." is it the same docker?23:46
Baroneskoleygr, launcher?23:46
koleygr<Barones> You have to create a .desktop file in the directory /usr/share/applications or in /home/user/.local/share/applications.23:47
Baroneskoleygr, thanks, got it23:47
mcphailF1nny: you don't make things easy, do you? :) Not sure how luks fits in here in a secure manner. I've kept my setup extremely simple23:48
F1nnymcphail: Hahaha I know right! Ahh gotcha well no worries:) I'll just keep diggin/waitin for someone to stop being afk on the bcache channel over on oftc haha:)23:49
mcphailF1nny: good luck with that one!23:50
ablest1980startup encrpytion mcphail ?23:50
koleygr<Barones> I am glad you got it... If you need more help I will be here for about an hour23:50
mcphailablest1980: F1nny is converting to bcache and wants to know how to convert his lvm + luks setup in place. Beyond simple bcache setup, this is waaay beyond me23:51
Baroneskoleygr, I thought in make a symbolic link pointing to .exe file, that wouldn't work?23:51
ablest1980me too sorry23:52
koleygr<Barones> No... It will not23:52
koleygr<Barones> Wait a minute23:52
ablest1980exe windows?23:52
Baronesrunning on wine23:53
ablest1980oh ;)23:53
ablest1980anyone know if steamos is still available for ubuntu?23:53
k1lsteam is still available for ubuntu, yes23:54
ablest1980how to do install23:55
ablest1980not working with software center23:55
k1l!steam | ablest198023:55
ubottuablest1980: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.23:55
k1lin short: just install the steam package from ubuntu23:56
ablest1980doesnt work with software center23:56
koleygr<Barones> http://askubuntu.com/questions/6765/how-to-associate-a-file-with-a-program-installed-in-wine23:56
k1lablest1980: sudo apt update. then run sudo apt install steam23:57
koleygr^ check the answer with one vote23:57
k1lablest1980: if you get any errors then show the whole output on paste.ubuntu.com and link it here23:57
ablest1980so far good23:58
ablest1980thanks it worked23:59

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