
knomebluesabre, well said00:04
flocculantwe appear to have b1 on tracker already - not sure if iso is frozen though10:47
flocculantknome or pleia2 - lts torrents 404 as pointed to 16.04.1 - would change that but can't find where to change it now 17:49
flocculantall looks different than it used to17:49
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
* knome goes update19:39
flocculantknome: cheers - couldn't work out what needed doing - seems the page links elsewhere19:41
flocculantand nothing documented about that anywhere19:41
knomeflocculant, it's actually a bit hidden/untentional under posts -> releases, then go edit the release and you have the torrent links19:41
knomethis is still WIP19:41
knomei've been meaning to create a "Releases" subsection on the admin so you could access all these things easily from one place19:41
flocculantI saw that - made no sense so I left it be and pinged :)19:42
knomethis is just how wordpress wants to organize things by dedault...19:42
knomebut it's updated now19:42
flocculantwhen I say I saw that - I saw 16.04.1 release 19:42
flocculantcheers :)19:42
knomeand the good thing - it's updated everywhere with one change, so hurrah19:42
knomeso UI freee on march 9th... can't leave the wallpaper for the last day then19:44
knomethat week is going to be busy19:44
flocculantha ha 19:44
knomeno, this is for realz this time :P19:45
flocculantknome: point me at the page you edited for the torrents please :)19:46
knomeso the path is:19:46
knomeposts -> releases -> click on a release name19:46
knomefor 16.04, that leads to https://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=release&tag_ID=64&post_type=post&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Drelease19:47
flocculantaah - got it 19:48
knomethis is also the page where you can edit anything visible on the public release pages19:48
knomewell except the articles, media etc. but those are handled via the appropriate post type pages19:48
knomemaybe i'll include a list of links to those on these pages19:48
knomeor maybe i'll create a new page for managing the releases19:49
knomehttps://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=release <- that19:49
flocculantknome: not sure if doable - but would it not be better to sort that release page the other way - so things likely to be used are top?19:50
knomeagain this is the way wordpress wants to show things19:50
flocculantok :)19:50
knomewell it makes sense - alphabetical19:50
knomeso i'm not complaining19:50
knomebut you can see the more meaningful order when you write articles etc.19:51
knomeeg. non-EOL releases first, everything ordered newest to oldest19:51
flocculantyea - I remember that now19:51
knomethere's another problem with that on the articles main page; since the releases taxonomy is non-hierarchical, wordpress doesn't want to show any releases on the quick edit bar - instead it expects you to know which releases are available19:52
flocculantalso - I'd had that odd login issue I get from time to time - took 3 or 4 logins before I could - then I couldn't find where to change it :D19:52
knomebut that's a very minor thing - afaik we don't attach releases to articles much after first edits19:53
knomebut yes, this is all in flux19:53
knomerelease links and download mirrors definitely should go under the releases menu as well19:54
knomewell maybe not the mirrors, but yeah19:54
flocculantyea - I kind of was aware things were changing - didn't expect to not find it is all - didn't think of clikcing on release :p19:55
knomeyeah, too obvious ;)19:56
knomefortunately this is only an internal problem19:56
flocculantyea ofc19:56
knomethat said, i'd like to make the releases more visible on the site as well19:56
knomewonder if i pushed that code to production...19:57
* knome checks19:57
knomeoh yeah19:57
knomewhy isn't that in the menu19:57
knomeoh wait it is!19:57
knome--> https://xubuntu.org/releases/19:57
knomegood good19:57
* knome pats himself in the back19:58
knometime to do something else for a while - bbl19:58
flocculantyea same - cya19:58
Unit193xfdesktop4, xfce4-weather-plugin, and xfce4-notifyd uploaded to Debian.20:35
Unit193Document C/index.xml does not validate20:48
Unit193Makefile:73: recipe for target 'test' failed20:48
Unit193qa-tester.xml:52: element itemizedlist: validity error  -  qa-bugs.xml:14: element chapter: validity error20:48
pleia2knome: I can replicated that www.xubuntu.org bug22:53
pleia2Chrome gives me: This server could not prove that it is www.xubuntu.org; its security certificate expired 88 days ago. 22:53
pleia2xubuntu.org works fine, just not the www.22:53
* pleia2 does the thing in the bug22:54
knomeotoh, i've been bugging IS to make sure the redirects all go to one place but still not happening22:54
pleia2yeah, every time they move something it gets messed up again22:54

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