genii-netbook | BTW if anyone needs testers for something, I'm on a 3 day weekend at home with Zesty on my netbook. Just ping me if needed | 00:22 |
DarinMiller | Clive and Rik: phab task updated with qt4/kde deps. Let me know if you think I missed something and I will search them again. | 03:41 |
DarinMiller | Side note: kdegraphics-strigi-analyze is on the Zesty seed list but is missing. Not sure if kdegraphics-mobipocket or kdegraphics-thumbnailers replace it. | 03:44 |
* DarinMiller sighs.... still can't create his own *buntu website...waiting for wiki edit approval... | 03:46 | |
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Zesty Beta 1] has been updated (20170219) | 05:52 | |
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Zesty Beta 1] has been updated (20170219) | 05:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project merger_kstars build #767: FIXED in 12 sec: | 09:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kstars build #112: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 6 min: | 10:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kstars build #381: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 7 min: | 10:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kstars build #247: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 7 min: | 10:30 | |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:37 |
santa_ | morning | 11:52 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning santa_ | 11:52 |
acheronuk | morning | 12:06 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning acheronuk | 12:07 |
* acheronuk smells Sunday lunch cooking | 12:08 | |
acheronuk | ** stomach rumbles ** | 12:08 |
BluesKaj | daylight here ...sunrise | 12:09 |
acheronuk | clivejo: applets/kicker/package/contents/config/main.xml | 12:12 |
acheronuk | 37: <default>preferred://browser,kontact.desktop,systemsettings.desktop,org.kde.dolphin.desktop,ktp-contactlist.desktop,org.kde.kate.desktop,</default> | 12:13 |
acheronuk | clivejo: so either patch that to change the defaults, or works out an override file if such exists | 12:14 |
acheronuk | santa_: 'afternoon' now ;) | 12:23 |
acheronuk | I may be about later, but not for most of the afternoon I expect. | 12:23 |
santa_ | ok | 12:27 |
lordievader | Good afternoon | 13:43 |
santa_ | hi | 13:47 |
lordievader | Hey santa_, how are you? | 14:06 |
santa_ | lordievader: fine thank you, working on a packagekit/plasma discover issue... | 14:24 |
clivejo | nice to see stuff moving again! | 14:40 |
clivejo | next issue seems to be kf5-kdepim-apps-libs due to the gpgme issue? | 14:41 |
clivejo | any progress on getting fixed gpgme uploaded? | 14:42 |
santa_ | clivejo: indeed that's the main blocker right now. I have sent a proposed fix to the bug report, let me find the link | 14:48 |
santa_ | clivejo: | 14:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1647204 in gpgme1.0 (Ubuntu) "1.8.0-2 FTBFS in zesty 17.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:49 |
santa_ | clivejo: going to #ubuntu-release since we need an upload/feedback for this fix | 14:51 |
clivejo | did anyone re-sub the sponsor team on the LP bug? | 14:51 |
clivejo | great work on fixing it BTW | 14:52 |
santa_ | dunno | 14:52 |
santa_ | thanks | 14:52 |
lordievader | santa_: Good luck ;) | 15:07 |
santa_ | thanks | 15:07 |
ahoneybun | acheronuk: boot repair fixed my grub issue | 15:34 |
clivejo | santa_ acheronuk you there? | 16:48 |
santa_ | yes | 16:48 |
clivejo | what are your thoughts on that convo in -release? | 16:49 |
santa_ | we can discuss it there directly I think | 16:54 |
santa_ | but I think id we can get all applications to the same version that would be terrific | 16:54 |
clivejo | agreed, but is it doable? | 16:55 |
santa_ | on our side it is | 16:56 |
clivejo | I know PIM 16.12 is working great | 16:57 |
santa_ | I mean we can build all the packages in the ppa's and we have both the web status page + the new experimental graphs | 16:57 |
clivejo | I've been using it for months now | 16:57 |
santa_ | and we also have my tritemio invention to deal with the autopkgtests | 16:57 |
* clivejo nods | 16:58 | |
clivejo | seems like first step is file a FFE | 16:59 |
clivejo | tsimonq2: ping | 17:10 |
clivejo | santa_: do you have applications archive reports for proposed_migration? | 17:23 |
santa_ | clivejo: nope but I can enable them, give me a few minutes to tweak some things in the iron hand | 17:24 |
santa_ | clivejo: ok, I have been diggin a but into it: I need to do #5 from TODO and #4 from graphs whishlist to make the graph in question useful | 17:36 |
santa_ | and probably I should deal with #3 from wishlist soon too | 17:37 |
clivejo | santa_: no hurry on it, just for handiness sake on my part! | 17:37 |
santa_ | clivejo: well I'm kind of hurry to get it, btw I'm retrying some builds individually to make a good assesment on what needs to be done for apps | 17:40 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @clivejo, HAIYA | 19:11 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @clivejo, Pong a long long | 19:11 |
santa_ | clivejo: | 20:16 |
santa_ | I have also updated the wiki page explaining a bit how to use the tool in case you want to make your own | 20:17 |
santa_ | still need to work on the wrong version reporting + binary NEW packages | 20:17 |
clivejo | santa_: would that chart be correct? | 20:29 |
santa_ | clivejo: which one? | 20:30 |
clivejo | apps | 20:30 |
santa_ | ah, the proposed migration nvm | 20:30 |
clivejo | I kinda expected kontact to be at the top | 20:30 |
santa_ | for apps yes, the one I linked | 20:30 |
santa_ | let me check | 20:30 |
santa_ | clivejo: kontact doesn't even appear? | 20:31 |
clivejo | tsimonq2: sorry was AFK, was wondering if you would take on doing the paperwork for a FFe for KDE PIM | 20:32 |
clivejo | it seems to be in the 2nd last layer | 20:32 |
clivejo | 3rd from bottom | 20:32 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: Catch me up and certainly | 20:32 |
santa_ | tsimonq2, clivejo: please hold that FFE, they are issues to fix first | 20:32 |
tsimonq2 | What's where and what do you want where? | 20:32 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: Ok | 20:32 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: Catch me up either way so I can at least get a draft for the paperwork | 20:33 |
clivejo | we had a chat with release team | 20:33 |
santa_ | sure, if you want to work on a draft, go ahead please | 20:33 |
clivejo | we have been holding off on release KDE PIM 16.12 due to issues with gpgme | 20:34 |
santa_ | but note that we are having some build failures which we need to investigate to have a clear judgement of the feasibility of this | 20:34 |
santa_ | clivejo: going back to the apps graphs let me recheck... | 20:34 |
clivejo | and commitment on getting the 20+ new packages which have been split out | 20:35 |
santa_ | but they are other issues with qtwebengine | 20:35 |
clivejo | santa_: what sort of issues? | 20:37 |
clivejo | arch? | 20:38 |
santa_ | yes | 20:38 |
santa_ | ok, about the graph I have just found kontact and doesn't seem i an odd place to me | 20:39 |
santa_ | note that an edge a -> b means you need the package a to build b | 20:39 |
santa_ | so it's about build depends, not runtime depends if that's what's tricking you | 20:40 |
clivejo | I guess kontact doesnt have to have the sub components to work | 20:40 |
clivejo | I noticed when I install kjots it just added more functionality to kontact | 20:41 |
santa_ | clivejo: I'm digging into the apps state. can we please have a mini meeting before the ffe? | 21:03 |
santa_ | they are also symbols files with missing symbols so those need to be either updated or the soname bumped | 21:03 |
clivejo | something concerning you? | 21:03 |
santa_ | yes, so far | 21:04 |
clivejo | they do need work done as the symbols are basically only for amd64 at the moment | 21:04 |
clivejo | need to be staged properly and worked on | 21:05 |
santa_ | 1. like I have just said some symbols issues which need to be worked on | 21:05 |
santa_ | indeed | 21:05 |
santa_ | 2. the qwebengine is only building on some archs due to the v8 javascript engine not being available on those archs | 21:05 |
santa_ | 3. we need to get sorted completely the gpgme issue because some stuff seems to be exporting less symbols because of that | 21:06 |
santa_ | 4. we have to check the autopkgtests | 21:07 |
santa_ | last check: | 21:09 |
santa_ | oops, sorry :( | 21:09 |
santa_ | | 21:09 |
santa_ | clivejo: opinion on 2. ? (since the other issues seem feasible to do) | 21:12 |
clivejo | well upstream only seem to care about amd64 and i386 | 21:14 |
clivejo | as long as it works on those, how many people will want PIM on an IBM Mainframe? | 21:15 |
santa_ | if that's not going to block us, that's great | 21:16 |
clivejo | but Im not sure how the AA will view it :/ | 21:16 |
santa_ | the AA? | 21:16 |
clivejo | Archive Admin | 21:17 |
santa_ | ah, ok | 21:17 |
santa_ | clivejo: k, all of that being said... what about a mini-meeting, let's say, tomorrow night about the ffe? just to make sure we are all on the same page and aware of the remaining issues to solve. is that ok with you? | 21:20 |
santa_ | I'm of course all for upgrading and willing to work to get our house in order to be able to make the upload :) | 21:21 |
valorie | nice to come back to so much great work being done! \o/ | 21:26 |
clivejo | Id like acheronuk to be there too | 21:33 |
santa_ | sure, me too. that's one of the reasons to ask for the mini-meeting, to get his input | 21:33 |
santa_ | valorie: ;) | 21:34 |
clivejo | what worries me most is getting the NEW packages uploaded and accepted | 21:34 |
santa_ | yep | 21:34 |
santa_ | because it's an all or nothing thing | 21:35 |
clivejo | but chatting to apw in -release channel sounds like he would help us on that | 21:35 |
santa_ | anc since we are going to need other team's help, better if we have our house in order | 21:35 |
santa_ | I have the impression we will have their cooperation too | 21:36 |
clivejo | I know PIM 16.12 is working on amd64, as I been using it all along, but if the release team arent on board with us dropping other arch, then we might have a problem | 21:37 |
santa_ | that concerns me yes | 21:37 |
santa_ | if it's for me, well like you said I don't want to run kmail in an ibm mainfraime XD | 21:38 |
santa_ | btw hacking the iron hand to be able to discard some archs in the graphs | 21:38 |
santa_ | otherwise we won't be able to see the actual status of the thing | 21:38 |
clivejo | can the arch be limited via the control file? | 21:38 |
clivejo | ie only try to build this on amd64 and i386, ignore the rest? | 21:39 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Yes | 21:39 |
clivejo | | 21:40 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> We could even have a subst variable in pkg-kde-tools | 21:40 |
clivejo | seems to only be on amd64, armhf and i386 | 21:40 |
clivejo | why does it need libxnvctrl-dev, that's a NVidia thing isnt it? | 21:43 |
santa_ | dunno | 21:45 |
santa_ | I'm very new to this qtwebengine thing | 21:45 |
clivejo | ovidiuflorin: Ovi One, are you there? | 22:48 |
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