
DarinMillerR13ose: In Kubuntu 17.04, the desktop will have the ability to configure Picture of the Day, with the ability to point to Astronomy, Earth Science, Flickr, Nationion Geo, NOAA, and Wikimedia.  Backport to the 16.10 and 16.04 MIGHT recieve these updates, but it may be a while if ever.00:21
R13oseDarinMiller: in April?00:23
DarinMillerYes.  17 = 2017,  04 = month,00:24
R13oseDarinMiller: would what I want be a lot of bandwidth?00:25
DarinMillerAs far as I can tell, it just loads 1 picture per day. So IMO, bandwith should be minimal.00:26
R13oseDarinMiller: I found one photo that is amazing so that is food enough thanks00:37
DarinMillerR13ose: very good. :)00:37
R13oseWhat else can I do to make everything better?00:39
DarinMillerR13ose: what version of Kubuntu?00:43
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DarinMillerI recommend installing backports to minimize dual monitor issues and enable newer version of plasma.00:45
R13oseHow do I do both of these?00:45
DarinMillerR13ose: Backport PPA info is found here: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports00:46
DarinMillerLet me know if you it makes sense.00:46
DarinMillerBascially, run 3 commands in the terminal:00:47
DarinMillersudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports00:47
DarinMillersudo apt-get update00:47
DarinMillersudo apt full-upgrade00:47
DarinMillerapt and apt-get serve the same function...00:47
R13oseWhat about plasma?00:50
DarinMillerPlasma updates are included in the ppa.00:50
DarinMillercheck your currrent version of plasma, launch kinfo via krunnner (alt-spacebar)00:51
DarinMillerWhat is your current plasma version?00:53
R13oseI will look waiting for updates to finish00:53
DarinMillerWhen updates are complete, your plasma version should be 5.8.5 (but I don't recall the default version that shipped with 16.10).00:54
R13oseDarinMiller: yep it is 5.8.5 but I might have updated that earlier00:55
R13oseHow do I get rid of all the ppa's that I don't use or fail when I update them?  I thought there was a command00:56
DarinMillerinstall ppa-purge00:56
DarinMillerThe people who package the Kubuntu PPA are very careful, so you should not have any issues.  If issues are discovered, please report them here!00:58
R13oseDarinMiller: no auto way to do this.  I already installed that00:58
DarinMillerYou want to purge a ppa?01:00
DarinMillersudo apt-get install ppa-purge01:00
DarinMillersudo ppa-purge <ppa_name>01:00
R13oseAutomatically yes if they are failing or not being used01:00
R13oseThat is manual, I want auto01:00
DarinMilleryou can disable the ppa via: sudo software-properties-kde01:02
DarinMillerbut that will not purge/remove any installed packages.  You use Discover to remove packages individually if you discover issues. Once the PPA is disabled, re-installing the package will install the original version.01:04
DarinMillerDiscover also provides a link to launch software-properties-kde if you prefer to avoid the terminal.01:05
DarinMillerMost solutions provided in this channel will reference command the command line options as they are much easier to communicate than attempting to navigate a user through a gui menu.01:06
Adynathosis this the right place for questions related to KDE development?01:09
R13oseDarinMiller: yes but seems no auto way to do this.01:11
R13oseDarinMiller: moving on, anything else I should do?01:11
DarinMillerAdynathos: For desktop development, check the #plasma channel.  For individual apploications, each app may have it's own channel.01:11
DarinMillerR13ose:   This is a list of stuff I install and configure on a new install: https://sites.google.com/site/bcelinux/classroom-news/kde1510configuration01:12
DarinMillerIf you cannot see that link, I can pastebin the text.01:12
Adynathosthanks, i would actually want to make my own program using KDE KParts, and I am looking for some example application01:13
Adynathosthe existing tutorial is for KDE401:13
Adynathosand i see that for KF5, many include files changed names, and different classes are used01:13
DarinMillerAdynathos: I recommend finding an app with a interface similar to what you want and download that source package.01:14
DarinMillerAdynathos: kubuntu packages can be found here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git01:15
Adynathosi looked at dolphin source and could probably find something there, but just wanted to ask if theres a nice tutorial somewhere so i don't miss it :)01:16
R13oseDarinMiller: which dpi do I choose?01:16
DarinMillerR13ose: DPI is a personal preference.  If you have hi dpi displays, you may need to use a dpi of 144 or 168 for comfortable viewing size of fonts and icons.01:18
R13oseDarinMiller: 96 is fine?01:19
DarinMillerIf you display in not high dpi, you may want to force it to 96 or so.01:19
DarinMillerR13ose: 96 should  fine for full HD (1920x180) and lower.01:20
DarinMillerSet the dpi, hit apply then open file manger (Dolphin).01:21
R13oseSeems the same01:21
DarinMillerAdjust dpi until the menu fonts and text sizes are to your liking.01:21
DarinMillerYou will need to relaunch Dolphin after each dpi adjustment.01:22
R13ose96 is best01:23
DarinMillerDpi also affects the kicker menus and will now be apparent until plasma is restarted.  (killall plasmashell &&  plasmashell &)  or just log out and in.01:23
DarinMillernot be apparent ^01:26
R13oseDarinMiller: how do I choose GTK3 by default?01:28
R13oseI get it sorry was reading wrong01:31
DarinMillerBreeze for GTK theme is fine now (before 16.10, the defaut GTK theme was incomplete and required updating.  I will update my notes...)01:34
R13oseDarinMiller: how do I get cascading menu on panel?01:44
R13oseWhat is meta?01:45
DarinMillerRight click on the "K" laucher (kicker laucher) icon and select alternatives.01:49
DarinMillerMeta = windows key (or racing flag as my aunt call it).  aka super key.01:50
R13oseDarinMiller:  I like dashboard01:53
DarinMillerVery good.  I like choices and KDE has lots of them.01:54
R13oseDarinMiller: where is task manager in kde menu editor?01:59
DarinMillerR13ose:  task manager is called ksysguard in the Systems menu.02:05
DarinMillerKDE naming can be quite confusing (as least is was for me for the 1st few months).02:06
koffeinfriedhofHit Ctrl-ESC :)02:08
R13oseDarinMiller: the only other thing bugging me is sometimes the apps crash like a browser but if I go to a new tab or scroll down and go to a another app window and come it will be fine until I have to move again.  This has happened on the panel before.02:10
DarinMillerR13ose: Also, I am using the Windows name equivelant for the Systems monitor (ksysgaurd).  In KDE the panel has a taskmanager02:10
DarinMillerR13ose:  I don't understand.  You not able to move a window due to something crashing?02:13
R13oseDarinMiller: I believe so02:14
jack I had to use nomodeset when booting to the live version of linux mint. I then installed it to my hard drive and rebooting. I am unable to log in becuase it freezes when I try. I think I need grahics drivers or to boot in nomodeset again, but I am not sure how to do this now that is installed, only how to boot into nomodeset from the live usb.  Does anyone know how to do this02:15
DarinMillerR13ose: That's sounds like a kwin crash.  You should not see those issues with backports installed (at least kwin has not crashed on me since I installed backports).02:17
R13oseDarinMiller: okay02:17
DarinMillerKwin controls the "window decorations" or the frames around the application gui contents02:17
R13osethanks that is all02:18
DarinMillerif that happens again, try running "kwin" from krunner or the terminal.  Although is should restart automatically when if it crashes.02:19
DarinMillerOK, R13ose have good day/evening/night :)02:19
R13oseDarinMiller: with backport?02:19
DarinMillerjack: yes, boot with nomodeset again and install graphics drivers.   Dual video card (NVidia and Intel) on a skylake laptop by chance?02:20
DarinMillerAnother option to try is you want to avoid proprietary drivers in use modprobe.blacklist=nouvea in the boot line (assuming you have an NVidia and Intel card).02:22
DarinMillerR13ose: with or without backports:  as test  you can stop kwin (killall kwin or use ksysguard to kill it).  Then run "kwin &" from a terminal to restart it.02:24
R13oseI am not using a superuser02:25
DarinMillerjack:  Do you need more precise instructions?02:26
jackit worked great thanks man everything works perfectly now02:27
DarinMillerjack:  wow, that was fast!02:27
jacknow hopefully installing windows on the virtual machine works02:28
DarinMillerYes, it works very well.  vbox or kvm?02:28
DarinMiller(or something else...)02:29
jacki'm not sure which to use do you have a recommendation02:29
DarinMillerVirtualbox is slightly more polished for a casual user.  KVM is more industrial and seems to be geared more toward sysadmins.  But both work very well.02:31
jackis there an app to get virtual box02:32
jacknvm i got it thank you!!!02:33
DarinMillerYou can install the one from the repos but its a little old or you can dowload the latest here: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads02:33
jackawesome thanks02:34
CamaquiDoes graphics amd radeon r5 m240 supported by kubuntu?02:49
CamaquiCorrection radeon r5 m43002:52
jackmy mouse only has one button how do I make it so cntrl + click is the right click (in linuxmint) <darinmiller>02:56
troffaskyouch, i would just buy a new mouse :-)10:43
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BluesKajHiyas all11:37
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viewer|83480hi, there!12:55
viewer|83480is anyone alive? :-)12:57
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> we are, but it is Sunday lunchtime. beef and roast potato calls ;)13:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:04
user|43178not working resolvconf on kubuntu 16.0413:04
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at https://ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at https://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums13:05
acheronukand askubuntu. sorry. Sunday is quiet13:06
BluesKajuhm I was about to ask him if he's using static IP, but too late13:07
lordievaderGood afternoon13:43
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physios_I need some help with my headset mic which is not working15:54
physios_anyone here? :P16:14
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Be patient, ask and you shall receive ;)16:14
physios_Alrighty sorry :P16:16
physios_I have a problem with my headset's microphone and I've tried to unmute everything on pavucontrol and google it and I am lost and need help, so far no one has been able to help me16:17
physios_Not because they didn't try though :P16:17
physios_I need help with my headset's mic which isn't working16:24
physios_Hey guys, I have problems with my headset's mic and linux17:02
BluesKajphysios_, check alsamixer in the terminal and make sure the headphone ctl is not muted withMM and the volume is turned up, for starters,17:04
physios_BluesKaj: I did that already it still doesn't work17:04
BluesKajalso make sure the automute is disabled17:05
BluesKajin alsamixer17:05
BluesKajplus the mic ctls are all turned up of course ,17:06
BluesKajuse F6 to see the all the ctls , depends which mic input your using, some are hidden on the far right17:07
BluesKajphysios_, correct F5 for all the ctls17:09
physios_BluesKaj: Sorry just saw your message now17:10
physios_BluesKaj: It still isn't working17:11
physios_BluesKaj: It didn't work17:12
BluesKajphysios_, which audio chip?17:13
BluesKajaplay -l will tell you17:13
physios_BluesKaj: On alsamixer it says HDA Intel PCH but on the motherboard specs it says RealTek ALC89217:14
physios_BluesKaj: aplay -l says... just a moment17:14
physios_BluesKaj: aplay -l says17:15
physios_BluesKaj: aplay -l says http://termbin.com/1h9017:15
BluesKajph ok, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , then logout and  back in17:15
physios_BluesKaj: Be right back17:16
BluesKajthere won't be any output if the driver loads properly17:16
physiosI am back17:22
physiosI don't remember your name :/17:22
BluesKajyou're in too many chats :-)17:23
ghretighotiNot just rusty; never been here before.17:23
BluesKajghretighoti, not you...17:24
physiosBluesKaj: Yea17:25
physiosBluesKaj: No one seems to be able to help me17:25
BluesKajphysios, sometimes a reboot is required if the logout/in doesn't do it17:25
physiosBluesKaj: Your fix didn't work too, I will try to reboot though just a moment17:26
BluesKajthe thing is mics can be iffy on windows and linux17:26
physiosBluesKaj: Yea I know17:26
physiosBluesKaj: Its a mic conspiracy17:27
BluesKajand if you're using pulseaudio then check that as well in system settings multimedis audio hardware tab17:27
physiosBluesKaj: ?17:28
BluesKajare you runbning kubuntu, or an OS with KDE ?17:28
physiosBluesKaj: I am currently running linux mint kde edition17:29
physiosBluesKaj: Be right back going to reboot17:30
BluesKajthen I'm not sure I can help, mint might use different settings than what I'm familiar with17:30
physiosBluesKaj: Just restarted17:34
physiosBluesKaj: no audio17:34
BluesKajphysios, then I'm not sure I can help, mint might use different settings than kubuntu17:34
physiosBluesKaj: Trust me it doesn't differ much, I've used both17:35
BluesKajand if you're using pulseaudio then check that as well in system settings>multimedis>audio>hardware tab17:35
physiosBluesKaj: I have no sound btw17:35
BluesKajyes I know17:35
physiosBluesKaj: by hardware do you mean the "Device preference" tab17:36
physiosBluesKaj: on Audio And Video -- System Settings17:36
BluesKajbut check you hardware output settings as above...pulseaudio is beside the preferences tab17:37
physiosBluesKaj: I think you want me to go to this window, sec17:38
BluesKajyou may want to install pavucontrol17:38
physiosBluesKaj: I have pavucontrol17:38
BluesKajcheck the mic settingsa theretoo17:39
physiosBluesKaj: PavuControl Says "Connection to PulseAudio Failed"17:39
physiosBluesKaj: Do you want this window? http://imgur.com/a/TTvw117:40
BluesKajcheck input devices for mics17:41
physiosBluesKaj: "No input devices available"17:41
physiosBluesKaj: http://imgur.com/MsiukSG that's pavucontrol17:42
physiosBluesKaj: Any ideas?17:44
BluesKajthe pulseaudio isn't much good , I'm not supposed to advise users to remove default apps , but I purge pulseaudio on all my linux machines that have intel audio. The intel drivers are complete enough to use alsa alone..17:45
physiosBluesKaj: is there a pulseaudio substitute17:46
physiosBluesKaj: *Opens youtube tab to listen to music, no music plays*17:47
BluesKajpulseaudio is a sound server that rides on top of alsa, it's mainly needed for incomplete drivers of audio chips other than intel , and it's just another layer of unnessary processing IMO17:48
BluesKajphysios, paste a screenshot of your alsamixer17:49
physiosBluesKaj: Just a moment17:49
physiosBluesKaj: http://imgur.com/a/AgZAh17:50
physiosBluesKaj: My system seems unstable, again the image is http://imgur.com/a/AgZAh17:51
physiosBluesKaj: any ideas?17:54
BluesKajphysios, try enabling loopback17:57
physiosBluesKaj: Ok17:57
physiosBluesKaj: I hear static17:57
physiosI hear what I play on the computer17:59
physiosbasically a "stereo mix"17:59
physiosI thought I had no sound17:59
BluesKajyes I see that on alsamixer ...do you have the pc connected to an audio receiver or amplifier with digital inputs/dacs ?18:00
physiosBluesKaj: ?18:01
physiosBluesKaj: This is a desktop PC and it doesn't have other connections than that18:02
physiosbut it has a hdmi monitor though18:02
BluesKajI use my pc as a HTPC , connected to a home theater audio system thru the spdif coax digital out and hdmi for video on the connected tv/monitor18:05
physiosnice, but I just use my pc for gaming18:06
physiosthe movies are on my phone sometimes on my laptop18:06
physiosbut I must say nice rig :P18:06
BluesKajI'm an old audio guy from waaay back ;-)18:07
physiosBluesKaj: How do I renable the pulseaudio thingy?18:14
BluesKajin system settings> multimedia> hardware device tab18:26
physiosBluesKaj: I mean how do I revert sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel18:29
BluesKajyou need snd-hda-intel, it's the audio driver and you've already loaded it and you need that driver for your audio to work18:31
physiosBluesKaj: Yes but that disabled my pulseaudio18:32
physiosBluesKaj: That command you gave me18:32
BluesKajno it didn't, it loaded the intel driver, it doesn't diable pulseaudio18:33
BluesKajrecommend you chat with the mint users about this , they may have a different setup for pulse and alsa18:36
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:36
Corship_Hello everyone20:49
Corship_Does anyone has expierence with grub and efi, in dualboot?20:51
ayt89I havent dual booted in a very long time20:54
ayt89Whats the issue?20:54
Corship_the issue is that my efi doesn't let me choose grub, but instead always uses the windows bootloader20:55
Corship_I've mounted the efi partition, and have the following entries:20:56
Corship_Boot/  gummiboot/  Microsoft/  pclinuxos/20:56
Corship_update-grub2 gives me20:57
Corship_Generating grub configuration file ... Found theme: /boot/grub2/themes/pclinuxos/theme.txt Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.8-pclos1 Found initrd image: /boot/initrd-4.9.8-pclos1.img Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sda2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi efibootmgr: Skipping unreadable variable "Boot0002": Input/output error grep: Windows: No such file or directory grep: Boot: No such file or directory grep: Manager: No such20:57
Corship_And I think this is the issue20:57
Corship_but I don't have a clue how to fix it20:57
brutahi'm looking ti get some help installing kubuntu on a macbook pro20:59
brutahi want to retain dual boot21:00
Corship_then I can't help you, sorry :D21:00
ayt89Corship: microsoft doesn't use money when we use Free Software21:00
ayt89Corship: this is their evil plot21:00
brutahthere's alot of info going around but it seems to be a bit dated. i dont want to mess up the mac os install...21:01
Corship_Welp, I would love to delete windows. Half of my beloved steam libary would be worthless21:03
ayt89Corship some if it will still work with steam on wine21:04
ayt89Corship I know gaming on Linux can be a real bum21:04
Corship_yeah I know, and I am very thankful that steam is pushing it so developers are more interested21:04
Corship_but yeah, at the moment I have to fix the dualboot thing21:05
ayt89Hello Cor21:11
ayt89but have you taken a good look at BIOS options?21:11
ayt89you MIGHT have something there21:14
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