
anirbaanhello every one !07:25
Kiloshi anirbaan 07:26
anirbaanoh Kilos , Its me pavlushka from my school's machine :)07:26
Kilosand morning bd from south africa07:26
Kilosthere some new nicks here i see07:27
anirbaanthe nick is the school's name07:27
anirbaanme too07:27
RemonShaihi guys.....  Kilos pavlushka07:47
RemonShaianybody here....?07:48
Kiloshi RemonShai 07:48
Kilospavel is here as anirbaan 07:48
anirbaanHello RemonShai :)07:49
RemonShaihow're you, guys?07:49
Kilosok ty and you?07:49
RemonShaiwhy 'anirbaan' not pavel...? any reason??07:51
Kilosschool machine07:51
anirbaanquitting time, see you later guys :)07:52
RemonShaiwhen i'm not using Wi-Fi, what's my local host...?07:54
Kilosyour internet connection i think08:34
Kilosrouter or mobile isp08:34
pavlushkau-la-la: tell Remonshai that his localhost is always
u-la-lapavlushka: Got it, I'll tell RemonShai on freenode09:29
Kilosmine too pavlushka ?09:30
pavlushkaKilos: yep09:30
Kilosok remember that for me09:30
pavlushkaKilos: but that the ipv4 version of localhost, it has another name for ipv6 but that is also universal09:32
pavlushkaKilos: or you can address both just as localhost09:33
pavlushkaKilos: So you can type just localhost in your browser and it will load the localhost09:33
Kiloscool ty09:34
zakihi pavlushka Kilos & NahidSultan 16:14
zakihow are you guys doing. !!16:14
pavlushkazaki: I am doing good, and you?16:22
pavlushkaHello NahidSultan 16:22
Kiloshi zaki16:23
Kilosand NahidSultan 16:23
NahidSultanHey Kilos :) 16:23
zakipavlushka: oky :)16:23
zakiKilos: where should i build that barrack?16:49
zakioky done !16:50
Kilosnear your headquarters zaki 16:51
Kilosnear command HQ16:51
Kiloshyou will use it daily so keep it near centre16:51
Kilosi got level 64 this morning but no gold to level up my commanders equipment16:52
zakihe he16:52
zakibtw how about production area? should i build fence arroud it?16:52
Kilosyou will later have to have all farms and houses outside the area where you started16:54
Kilosand you get still acadamies for training16:55
Kilosand gold mine and factories etc16:55
zakii have firmhouse , etc in the outside of HQ16:56
Kilosits a lot of work to sort everything out efficiently and then you get guys raid you to steal your trophies so you need a bunker16:56
Kiloshehe lots of work16:56
Kilosyou get 6 farm houses16:57
Kilos6 farms and 6 houses16:57
Kilosbut you can later move things around16:58
Kilosthere is a hammer icon on the left next to where the places show when they are building16:58
Kilosit has a thing with 4 dashes in a circle16:59
Kilostick that and it becomes a move function16:59
zakigot it. :D16:59
Kilosactually too much for me to remember so i worry ian lots for help17:00
Kilosand you have to make war lots to get experience and dog tags and other equipment as rewards17:04
Kilosand warring eats supplies17:04
Kiloslots to remember17:05

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