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Vej | Could someone please triage https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deja-dup/+bug/1472598 and set the importance as "Low" (Bug that affect a non-essential aspect and limited scope of the application)? I want to forward this to upstream afterwards. | 12:42 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1472598 in deja-dup (Ubuntu) "Deja-dup should not propose ssh as storage location when python-paramiko is not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:42 |
rbasak | Vej: done. Thank you for taking care of sending this upstream. | 14:14 |
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Vej | rbasak: Thanks. Could you also set this to triaged please? | 15:49 |
rbasak | Vej: done. Sorry, I didn't interpret your request as asking for that, but I see what you meant now. | 16:04 |
Vej | rbasak: No Problem and thanks again. | 16:05 |
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