
cmaloneyrick_h: Nice00:16
rick_hWell they have loud amps.00:19
rick_hMust be kiddy dinner time. They're done now.00:19
gamerchick02least they didn't play at 10 pm!01:37
cmaloneyTIL: Linux Central is still around18:17
cmaloneyTIAL: Linux Central is selling Ubuntu 9.04 CDs.18:18
jrwrenrick_h: wednesday isyour birthday?18:18
jrwrencmaloney: in that case, TIL: Linux Central is still around. That is the one started by that guy in Sterline Heights?18:19
cmaloneyI think so18:19
cmaloneyjrwren: Wed is rick_h's B-Day18:19
jrwrenI can't remember how old rick_h is. Is he turning 40? or is that still a year or two off?18:20
cmaloneyI don't have the year recorded. I recorded it with the current year when i put it in my birthday-reminder daemon18:20
cmaloneyso he's turning 918:20
cmaloneywhich may not be too far off18:20
jrwrencmaloney: look at linuxcentral.com, scroll down see recent additions and most recent is 2012 :(18:21
cmaloneyOnly reason I ran into them was because someone was looking for screen-printed CDs / DVDs for Penguicon18:21
cmaloneyor USB keys for distros18:21
cmaloneyand Knoppix lists them as somewhere that still sells Knoppix CDs18:21
cmaloneywhich is true, but they're older than dirt18:21
jrwrenha! wow.18:22
jrwreni remember meeting the owner/founder at mdlug. He was a nice guy.18:22
jrwrenthis was back when SGI hosted mdlug.18:22
cmaloneyI wish I was part of MDLug back when I first heard about them18:23
cmaloneybut I was afraid that one of the managers at Ford (who was a bit of a dick) was goind there.18:23
cmaloneyCan't eeven remember his name. That's about as much stock that I should have put into it18:24
rick_hThe year was 7818:25
rick_hAnd just parked up a curb at the zoo...Wtf today?18:25
cmaloneyFirst decent weather in a long while18:27
cmaloneyso of course the zoo is parked up18:27
cmaloneyrick_h: Oh, just remembered: Famous Daves in Rochester is no more. :(18:28
cmaloneywe had a sad when we drove up to see that it no longer existed.18:28
cmaloneysince we have good memories of that place around Michael's birthday.18:28
jrwrenthat is the one and only location of Famous Daves I was ever at... for my bro-in-laws birthday many years ago. I was impressed, for a chain.18:29
cmaloneyYeah, it was pretty decent for chain BBQ18:30
cmaloneyIt's still out there in MI, but not in this area. MOstly on the west-side.18:31
rick_hBad Brad's is the fav now18:31
rick_hAnd it's a lot closer to the house.18:32
cmaloneyWe'll have to try that sometime18:50
rick_hcmaloney: welcome to come up for an early b-day dinner wed21:24
rick_hcmaloney: going to head there before bowling league for some viddles21:24

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