koleygr | <Barones> the link here is simpler: http://askubuntu.com/questions/542074/how-to-create-a-launcher-for-wine-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts | 00:05 |
koleygr | Are you still there? | 00:05 |
Barones | koleygr, yes, sorry, I got a friend over just now, had to give attention to him | 00:06 |
koleygr | ok | 00:06 |
koleygr | at least see the command in Exec | 00:07 |
lerner | orage question: my clock shows AM/PM and id rather have it showing 24 hours format (22:35 for example). do you know what stfrtime letter I need? I didnt find it here https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/xfce-clock-custom-formatting-codes-753433/ | 00:07 |
koleygr | this is how it starts | 00:07 |
k1l | lerner: i bet xfce got a menu setting in system settings for that | 00:09 |
k1l | lerner: or right click on the clock | 00:09 |
k1l | lerner: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/clock | 00:10 |
ablest1980 | is xfce a visual theme? | 00:11 |
k1l | xfce is a desktop environment | 00:11 |
Barones | koleygr, I'm new to bash also, what does ; in path file means? | 00:12 |
ablest1980 | like unity and gnome? | 00:12 |
k1l | ablest1980: yes, or kde | 00:12 |
koleygr | <Barones> with the last link the solution choosed as correct you need almost nothing about bash | 00:13 |
koleygr | <Barones> You just need to create the .desktop file and save it | 00:13 |
koleygr | <Barones> The command in Exec= is important to have the correct path | 00:14 |
=== wliu_ubuntu is now known as wliu | ||
Barones | I read it, but in exec the path file example has ; wine msoffice.exe | 00:14 |
koleygr | <Barones> Do you want detailed support? I can give you step by step info | 00:14 |
ablest1980 | im googling screenshot | 00:14 |
ablest1980 | file location barones | 00:14 |
koleygr | <Barones> Yes... this is for msoffice | 00:15 |
Barones | my exec is this one - Exec=~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ '(x86)'\Dude\; wine Dude.exe | 00:15 |
koleygr | nice | 00:15 |
nomic | ugh | 00:16 |
Barones | and didn't work, I got the erros - There was a error launching the application | 00:16 |
ablest1980 | c:/program files | 00:17 |
koleygr | <Barones>http://askubuntu.com/questions/137151/how-does-one-create-a-custom-application-launcher-for-wine-installed-apps | 00:19 |
koleygr | sorry... I thought I sent you that before | 00:19 |
koleygr | sc -c "cd /home" etc | 00:19 |
Zeturo___ | Barones, I don't think you can use ~ in a desktop launcher (you have to full the full path), and your last two \ should be /. | 00:20 |
ablest1980 | sh -c "wine /home/USER/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/FOOBAR_FOLDER/foobar.exe" | 00:21 |
koleygr | and I am not sure about that " ' " in the (x86) | 00:21 |
koleygr | <ablest1980> he has the ap in x86 | 00:21 |
ablest1980 | 32? | 00:22 |
ablest1980 | or windows? | 00:22 |
Barones | koleygr, great, it worked | 00:22 |
ablest1980 | cool | 00:22 |
Barones | Exec=sh -c "cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ '(x86)'/Dude; wine Dude.exe" | 00:22 |
Barones | ablest1980, thanks too | 00:22 |
ablest1980 | np | 00:23 |
koleygr | <Barones> Ok... nice... | 00:23 |
Barones | I don't know why I have to use ' also ; | 00:23 |
koleygr | where did you find these ' | 00:24 |
Barones | I had to place it to get the correct path to the () | 00:25 |
koleygr | <Barones> i think if you remove them it will still working | 00:25 |
ablest1980 | im x86 | 00:25 |
ablest1980 | too | 00:25 |
ablest1980 | 64 bit right/ | 00:25 |
ablest1980 | ? | 00:25 |
Barones | I'm x64 | 00:25 |
koleygr | the problem is what kind of app is installed in wine | 00:25 |
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
koleygr | You can install 32 or 64 bit apps | 00:26 |
ablest1980 | im 64 bit | 00:26 |
koleygr | and saves in different path in wine folder | 00:26 |
ablest1980 | 32 on 64? | 00:26 |
ablest1980 | k nvm | 00:26 |
koleygr | yes... wine can do that I think | 00:26 |
OerHeks | 64 bit wine apps? | 00:26 |
OerHeks | :-D | 00:26 |
Barones | it can, that's why the path folder is Program Files (86) | 00:27 |
Barones | koleygr, but it didnt work withou the ' | 00:27 |
Barones | thoses special characters can only be represented within '' ? | 00:28 |
koleygr | <Barones> yes... may be the ( and ) | 00:28 |
koleygr | probably that | 00:28 |
koleygr | Thanks | 00:28 |
koleygr | I will know in the future | 00:29 |
koleygr | I will make a program to make these desktop files automatc | 00:29 |
koleygr | automatic | 00:29 |
ablest1980_ | hi | 00:29 |
ablest1980_ | k1l | 00:29 |
Barones | nice, it would be great | 00:30 |
ablest1980_ | steam crashed said fatal error when updaton | 00:30 |
ablest1980_ | updating | 00:30 |
TandyUK | is it safe to just delete old kernel images from /boot? /boot is full, apt-get wont finish an update or let me remove anything because of unmet dependencies, | 00:30 |
koleygr | <Barones> I will not do it | 00:31 |
koleygr | Somebody else did it before me | 00:31 |
stupid-cuda-guy | Hello! Currently on my 6th hour of trying to install CUDA, does anyone have any idea why I would be getting an error saying it is unable to locate kernal source? I have updated them | 00:32 |
koleygr | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/wl-creator-creates-linux-desktop-launchers-for-windows-programs.html | 00:32 |
timy | TandyUK start by freeing up as much disk space as you can | 00:32 |
ablest1980_ | do they got cs no steam for ubuntu? | 00:32 |
TandyUK | timy: /boot is full, theres at least 6 old kernels in there, i just dont want apt bitching any more lol | 00:33 |
timy | koleygr but it uses wine so its only going to work as good as wine does | 00:33 |
lerner | correct me if Im wrong: /etc/environment allows me to establish a proxy for the whole OS, meaning if orage looks for the time, it follows the proxy rules established in this file. If I establish redirection rules in a /etc/privoxy/config file, it only redirects traffic that I generate when I use a browser, is this right? | 00:33 |
OerHeks | TandyUK, autoremove would do that for you > sudo apt-get autoremove | 00:33 |
TandyUK | OerHeks: that failed due to an unfinished transaction | 00:34 |
TandyUK | i just deleted the oldest few, and its runnign now | 00:34 |
TandyUK | i'll do an autoremove after to clean up the db | 00:34 |
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koleygr | <timy> thank you for noticing... I will try with Qt/C++ | 00:34 |
koleygr | tiny: https://github.com/konarev/wine-launcher-creator | 00:40 |
koleygr | ^this doesn't use wine | 00:40 |
koleygr | i think it is just python | 00:40 |
stupid-cuda-guy | http://askubuntu.com/questions/854268/installing-cuda-7-5-fails-on-ubuntu-14-0-4-5-with-error-driver-installation-is-u?rq=1 | 00:41 |
stupid-cuda-guy | seems like this is same problem I am having | 00:41 |
stupid-cuda-guy | but I cannot install the other drivers | 00:41 |
ryanbird | hello | 00:43 |
pavlos | stupid-cuda-guy, I just installed cuda8 on 16.04 and it went fine. What's the issue? | 00:44 |
uxfi | singing songs ... | 00:44 |
glemsom | How do I disable the automatic loading of cpu-freq in he kernel? | 00:45 |
pavlos | glemsom, http://askubuntu.com/questions/523640/how-i-can-disable-cpu-frequency-scaling-and-set-the-system-to-performance | 00:47 |
glemsom | pavlos: This does actually not disable cpufreq, it just sets the "performance" profile... | 00:49 |
len__ | my head going to sleep | 00:51 |
len__ | hi all | 00:52 |
koleygr | hi | 00:53 |
OerHeks | glemsom, if you run intel, add intel_pstate=disable to your kernel line | 00:54 |
OerHeks | glemsom, what do you gain with this? | 00:55 |
glemsom | OerHeks: Yes, that disabled the pstate driver... but, cpufreq seems to fall back to using the ACPI interface :/ | 00:55 |
glemsom | hmm "processor.ignore_ppc=1" might work.... | 01:05 |
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dont-use-x86 | I just installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 and whenever I try to use a keybind for a program(alt + arrow key) the tty switches when Ubuntu 16.04.1 never did that before. Can someone help me please? | 01:07 |
dont-use-x86 | The program I am talking about that has that keybind is Weechat. | 01:08 |
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oleg | 0 | 01:34 |
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cyphase | has anyone experienced media files that worked in Totem previously suddenly popping up the codec dialog, wanting to install gstreamer1.0-plugins-good (i386)? i'm a 64-bit system, and as i said, this file played fine previously; it's not the only one. i already have the 64-bit version of gstreamer1.0-plugins-good installed | 01:35 |
Guest19322 | Ахренеть | 01:49 |
XHeart | good evening everyone. | 01:52 |
koleygr | Hi | 01:52 |
koffeinfriedhof | hi | 01:52 |
koleygr | It is night here... but ok | 01:52 |
XHeart | i am using ubuntu 16.04, i do not want the PC to go into hybernate if their is no activity, i do not want to keep entering my password to resume my activities | 01:53 |
XHeart | where do i go to change that option? | 01:53 |
koleygr | <XHeart> try from the "power button" on the top | 01:54 |
cyphase | aand now it's working again, without installing the package.. that's weird | 01:54 |
koleygr | find system settings | 01:55 |
koleygr | <XHeart> I think it is power or something in there | 01:57 |
jack | I had to use nomodeset when booting to the live version of ubuntu. I then installed it to my hard drive and rebooting. I am unable to log in becuase it freezes when I try. I think I need grahics drivers or to boot in nomodeset again, but I am not sure how to do this now that is installed, only how to boot into nomodeset from the live usb. Does anyone know how to do this | 01:57 |
XHeart | koleygr is is system settings then power | 01:58 |
XHeart | thanks for the help but i mean if i am downloading a file that takes time and the pc sees no activity of my part the pc will go to promt my password for me to get back to the desktop | 01:59 |
asedfcasd | hey, what's the default file manager in ubuntu? | 01:59 |
XHeart | i do not want that to happen | 01:59 |
Conflict | i think i'm having problems with the package manager, i tried upgrading transmission and it seems to be borking it: | 02:00 |
Conflict | 1 not fully installed or removed. | 02:00 |
Conflict | After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used. | 02:00 |
Conflict | Do you want to continue? [Y/n] | 02:00 |
Conflict | Setting up transmission-daemon (2.92-1ubuntu1~16.10.1) ... | 02:00 |
Conflict | Job for transmission-daemon.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status transmission-daemon.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. | 02:00 |
koleygr | <XHeart> system settings... then "displays" or something | 02:00 |
sirv | this world is full of psychopaths | 02:01 |
koleygr | there if you choose never for turn off the screen | 02:01 |
Conflict | oops my bad, i only meant to paste 2 lines | 02:01 |
Conflict | can anyone help? | 02:04 |
ablest1980 | how do i instal etlagacy on ubuntu? | 02:05 |
koleygr | <XHeart> are you there? | 02:06 |
XHeart | yes | 02:06 |
XHeart | strange because in hybernate it is off | 02:06 |
koleygr | <Conflict> check the commands it says | 02:06 |
koleygr | ^may be it is some simple that is output of these commands | 02:07 |
koleygr | <XHeart> lock screen? | 02:08 |
Conflict | koleygr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24024098/ | 02:08 |
XHeart | koleygr! yes | 02:09 |
XHeart | brightness & Lock | 02:09 |
XHeart | you set the minutes and or no lock! | 02:09 |
XHeart | finally! | 02:09 |
XHeart | Thank you very much. | 02:09 |
koleygr | welcome | 02:11 |
koleygr | <Conflict> do you have a dash (-) in your username? | 02:11 |
Conflict | koleygr: no i do not | 02:12 |
Ven0m | When I was younger, multiple people were molded into my brain | 02:16 |
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Ven0m | I am the one who hurt them, but they deleted my memory | 02:17 |
Ven0m | I am the attacker | 02:17 |
lebeev | hot same Ven0m | 02:18 |
lebeev | we should hook up | 02:18 |
flaco | hola | 02:18 |
se | halo | 02:19 |
maggie | shit | 02:19 |
se | i have problem in elementary os | 02:19 |
se | Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/id.archive.ubuntu.com ubuntu dists xenial-backports main_binary-amd64_Packages | 02:19 |
se | why ? | 02:19 |
flaco | como están todos? | 02:19 |
se | help me | 02:20 |
maggie | 简体中文吧各位 | 02:20 |
maggie | 歪果仁朋友? | 02:21 |
flaco | si, maggie tiene razón | 02:21 |
flaco | la verdad no se que dijo | 02:21 |
maggie | 你看懂了? | 02:22 |
flaco | O.O | 02:22 |
maggie | 0-0- | 02:22 |
flaco | OoO | 02:23 |
flaco | :D | 02:23 |
flaco | :/ | 02:23 |
flaco | que chat tan interesante | 02:24 |
Conflict | anyone know why transmission-daemon won't start in ubuntu? --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24024098/ | 02:24 |
maggie | Do not you understand Chinese? | 02:24 |
flaco | claro que si... todos somos políglotas | 02:25 |
flaco | jajajaja | 02:25 |
maggie | How about your Chinese? | 02:27 |
flaco | que tal tu español? | 02:27 |
Conflict | koleygr: however, the transmission username is debian-transmission... hmm. i'm reading the bugzilla report about systems not working with dashes as well. | 02:27 |
arooni | i put autokey-gtk on ubutnu 16.04; set a keyboard shortcut; but when i do it it doesnt seem to work... ideas? | 02:29 |
maggie | Le français qui ne le serait pas? | 02:29 |
koleygr | <Conflict> Yes... but I didn't found that problem in ubuntu | 02:29 |
koleygr | just in Arch | 02:29 |
bazhang | #ubuntu-fr maggie | 02:29 |
bazhang | here is english maggie | 02:30 |
flaco | jajajaja... maggie, eres genial con google translate | 02:30 |
maggie | deepin os | 02:30 |
flaco | felicidades | 02:30 |
Conflict | koleygr: right. this is really strange. any other ideas what it could be? | 02:30 |
koleygr | <Conflict> it could be the same problem with the user you said | 02:31 |
koleygr | try to change name | 02:31 |
koleygr | can you? | 02:31 |
flaco | que aburrimiento | 02:31 |
maggie | qu'est - ce que? | 02:32 |
flaco | chao a todos | 02:32 |
IggyGee | In the "Software & Updates" > "Other Software" tab, should I delete the unchecked packages? Also, why are there sometimes two version of a package? (e.g. "main" and "main (Source Code)") | 02:32 |
maggie | haha | 02:32 |
Conflict | koleygr: well, i'm assuming transmission needs to use "debian-transmission" as the username, how can i tell it to use a different username? | 02:33 |
Bashing-om | ig | 02:33 |
Ben64 | Conflict: a certain username is not required | 02:35 |
Ben64 | con | 02:35 |
Ben64 | eww | 02:35 |
koleygr | Conflict just check file /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon | 02:35 |
koleygr | is there one? | 02:35 |
Bashing-om | IggyGee: Software & Updates is the sources that you desire to fetch what you want . I would not uncheck anything I have not researched . as to source code, That is there in the event that you want to obtain the sources code of any packaging. If ya do not want source code, then yes uncheck it . will update much faster . | 02:37 |
Conflict | koleygr: yes there is. and i changed the line "username=debian-transmission" to my user name (which doesn't have a dash in it) and tried running transmission through systemd and it still gives the same error | 02:38 |
IggyGee | ooh, thank you Bashing-om, that was good information. Where can I learn more about the whole package ecosystem? | 02:39 |
koleygr | https://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?t=14836 | 02:39 |
koleygr | <Conflict> ^ I think you have to change some more things | 02:40 |
koleygr | check the link | 02:40 |
Conflict | reading it now, thanks | 02:40 |
Bashing-om | IggyGee: My goto for dpkg : https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html / as ubuntu is debian based these docs do apply . | 02:42 |
IggyGee | awesome, thanks Bashing-om :) | 02:42 |
Bashing-om | IggyGee: Glad to help ; dpkg can get real deep real quick :) | 02:43 |
mr_yogurt | what's up with ubuntu dumping vram contents onto the screen when I log in? (or, what I assume is VRAM contents. I just rebooted from windows and the windows 'restarting' thing showed up, sorta messed up) | 02:46 |
koleygr | <Conflict> I don't know where settings.json file is | 02:46 |
koleygr | ^but i think you have just to change it's ownership | 02:46 |
Conflict | koleygr: i think it's in /etc/transmission-daemon but the weird thing is that it looks like the ubuntu package manager already changed the name/ownership of everything to 'debian-transmission' already? | 02:47 |
koleygr | Why did you used package manager? | 02:49 |
Conflict | all i did was upgrade ubuntu | 02:50 |
Conflict | and transmission was included in the upgrade apparently | 02:50 |
koleygr | did you installed something? | 02:50 |
koleygr | ok | 02:50 |
koleygr | try again | 02:50 |
koleygr | it is just two changes | 02:50 |
koleygr | look at the last answer only | 02:50 |
koleygr | <Conflict> I am sorry but I have to go for sleep... It is 5:00 in the morning here... If it doesn't work keep the pastebin file you show me with the bug we found and the last post with the changes we done so that somebody can help you to revert them... | 03:00 |
scott_tams | how do you set a custom background image in lightdm (when using it as a standalone lock-screen/greeter/login screen) | 03:00 |
Conflict | koleygr: yeah i tried what the post said and it is still not working :( | 03:00 |
scott_tams | ? | 03:00 |
Conflict | koleygr: thanks for your help, if i see you tomorrow or something i'll let you know if i made any progress | 03:01 |
koleygr | ok | 03:01 |
koleygr | If it is easy for you try to revert the changes | 03:01 |
koleygr | it is easy... and show the pastebin file with the error to the next who will try to help | 03:02 |
koleygr | bye | 03:02 |
lerner | i installed whonix and the whole thing ate 30 GiB of RAM. Is there any program or command I can use to list what programs consume how much space? | 03:14 |
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basil1x | lerner, htop should report that. | 03:14 |
basil1x | Also cpu usage and lots of other bumf. | 03:15 |
lerner | wrong question | 03:15 |
basil1x | ? | 03:15 |
lerner | in fact I dont know how to ask what I need | 03:15 |
lerner | whonix reserver 30 GiB of space, not ram | 03:16 |
lerner | reserved* | 03:16 |
basil1x | Let's puzzle it out. What's going on you want to investigate? | 03:16 |
basil1x | OK... reserved how? on your SSD? | 03:16 |
lerner | I wonder if I can use a command to know if other programs also reserve such a big bunch of space | 03:16 |
lerner | yes, on my SSD | 03:16 |
basil1x | Right. You can turn on fole size reporting in your file manager (nautilus, thunar, whatever) | 03:17 |
basil1x | file* | 03:17 |
lerner | ok, good | 03:18 |
basil1x | And then look at the individual files. | 03:18 |
basil1x | There's also that disk report GUI thing I can't recall the name of just now. One moment. | 03:18 |
lerner | so, whonix includes 2 files, a gateway and a workstation: each of them is, according to thunar, 105 GiB, but I remember that my SSD had 200 GiB of free space and now it has 170, meaning 30 GiB were 'reserved'... | 03:19 |
lerner | each of them, the 2 of them: 210 GiB, but I still have free space and working without problems | 03:20 |
lerner | 200 GiB just minutes ago, before installing | 03:20 |
basil1x | Disk Usage Analyser. It's installed by default, so just click the whorly icon atop the sidebar, and type 'Disk' and it should show up. | 03:20 |
basil1x | AH, so you're wondering why it went and reserved more space than it actually wantede? | 03:21 |
basil1x | -e | 03:21 |
lerner | ill try to figure the answer reading the documentation | 03:22 |
basil1x | Likely bcos it needed the extra space for something during installation. | 03:22 |
scott_tams | how do you set a custom background image in lightdm (when using it as a standalone lock-screen/greeter/login screen)? | 03:22 |
haitian | The subject of circumcision is dark and deep. Some aspects are *so* dark and *so* deep -- so remote from the average person's experience and awareness -- that there is almost no way for the average person to become aware of them | 03:27 |
Bashing-om | haitian: I have a circumcised 'buntu. does that count ? - this channel is ubuntu support :) | 03:29 |
haitian | http://sexuallymutilatedchild.org/post1.htm | 03:29 |
Menzie607 | !Ops | haitian | 03:29 |
ubottu | haitian: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 03:29 |
DalekSec | haitian: That's in no way, shape or form fitting for this channel, please don't post that here. | 03:29 |
stryakr_ | Is there some issue that I should be aware of when using mpd as my regular user on ubuntu? It works fine when running as the mpd user, but when I move the config into my user directory and changing the respective locations of different parts (db, state, pid, etc) it will find and add files to the database, but both mpc and ncmpcpp both have issues and state "no such file or directory" | 03:30 |
lerner | how do I start a program (say firefox, or marble) from the cli with no proxies, if my /etc/environment is 'proxied'? | 03:33 |
haitian | Fukishima Today: Nightmare of History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKesy2yv5UM | 03:34 |
effectnet | helllo | 03:41 |
effectnet | how do i mount my 1t drive? i dont see it | 03:42 |
scott_tams | sudo fdisk -l find the drive then sudo mount /dev/drive /mount/point | 03:43 |
stryakr_ | 03:43 | |
effectnet | k | 03:43 |
effectnet | k found it | 03:44 |
lihka | Client: HexChat 2.12.0 • OS: Ubuntu "yakkety" 16.10 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz (487MHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (6.0 GiB Free) Swap: 7.7 GiB Total (7.7 GiB Free) • Storage: 186.5 GB / 966.7 GB (780.2 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520 @ Intel Corporation Skylake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers • Uptime: 39m 47s | 03:47 |
lihka | clear | 03:51 |
Guest86617 | hello to the chat | 03:51 |
lihka | hi | 03:51 |
lihka | i have a lenovo tp yoga 460 and cant get the accelometer to work | 03:51 |
Guest86617 | having a ubuntu issue every time I plug in an external monitor. Is this the correct place to ask for sugggestions? | 03:52 |
lihka | i am on kernel 4.8 and using iio-sensor-proxy 1.3 | 03:52 |
lihka | pls help | 03:52 |
scott_tams | Guest86617, yes, probably, what is the exact issue. | 03:54 |
Guest86617 | thanks for the reply scott | 03:54 |
Guest86617 | As soon as I plug in any external monitor the display goes crazy, | 03:54 |
Guest86617 | randomly changing which display is used | 03:55 |
Guest86617 | what resolution,what display mode all changing | 03:55 |
Guest86617 | this is a new install on an older dell laptop. | 03:58 |
Guest86617 | if I close my eye you cant see mee, so do I need to be a squeaky wheel here? | 04:03 |
Guest86617 | so thats how I lost my other eye... | 04:04 |
Guest86617 | can I get the icon in cornsilk blue color? | 04:05 |
Ben64 | Guest86617: stop that | 04:06 |
Guest86617 | Have I been spending more and more time being tyler durdin? | 04:06 |
effectnet | my user cant write to /mnt/otherdrive | 04:08 |
effectnet | i mean /media/otherdrive | 04:08 |
Ben64 | effectnet: what filesystem, how is it mounted? --- "mount" in terminal to find out | 04:08 |
effectnet | i typed in mount ... earlier | 04:09 |
effectnet | how do i want my user to be able to write? change the permission on the dir? | 04:10 |
Ben64 | effectnet: what filesystem, how is it mounted? --- "mount" in terminal to find out | 04:10 |
stryakr_ | I am trying to run mpd as my user, but when I start the program up, it is not visable to netcat, but if I start it up using systemctl and as the user mpd, it shows up. Is there a setting I need to be aware of? | 04:10 |
effectnet | type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered) | 04:11 |
Ben64 | effectnet: what's the output of "ls -ld /media/otherdrive" | 04:11 |
Guest86617 | anyone know why ubuntu 16.04 goes cuts when I plug in a vga monitor,resolutions keep changing about once a second screen flips back and forthe detween laptop screen and external monitor , video mode goes from mirror to expanded? | 04:11 |
Guest86617 | +1 | 04:12 |
effectnet | oh i chown it? | 04:12 |
Ben64 | effectnet: possibly, i didn't see the output from the command | 04:13 |
effectnet | ah got it, thank you | 04:15 |
amosbird | Hello, how can I add a route to override current default route? | 04:16 |
Guest86617 | Is there a better place to ask this type of question? | 04:16 |
amosbird | since dhcp router repeatedly broadcast default route | 04:16 |
Ben64 | amosbird: don't use dhcp, just set static networking info | 04:19 |
amosbird | Ben64: well, can I use something like | 04:25 |
Guest86617 | Help? | 04:27 |
neildugan | hi I am trying to get the ltsp to work (I have lxc installed too). the problem I am having is that the dnsmasq isn't starting. I keep getting the error "failed to create scoket for Addres already in use" .... but netstat says there in nothing on the port 5353 ... I have bind-interfaces set ... I have noticed that the dnsmasq for the lxc bridge is binding to udp:*.bootps port, even with the bind-interface option in its | 04:28 |
neildugan | configuration file | 04:28 |
Ben64 | amosbird: what is your goal | 04:28 |
Guest86617 | join irssi | 04:30 |
stryakr | Is there something aside from setting up a rule in host.allow in order for mpd to be able to be accessible? | 04:33 |
amosbird | Ben64: wifi is more useable with DHCP | 04:34 |
Ben64 | amosbird: and it's significantly less usable without a real route | 04:36 |
neildugan | lxc is starting up a dnsmasq with this command "dnsmasq --conf-file=/etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf -u lxc-dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/run/lxc/dnsmasq.pid --listen-address --dhcp-range, --dhcp-lease-max=253 --dhcp-no-override --except-interface=lo --interface=lxcbr0 --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.lxcbr0.leases --dhcp-authoritative" but netstat is reporting that udp:*.bootps has bee | 04:52 |
neildugan | n obtained by this process ... this appears to be wrong to me ... what could be the problem? | 04:52 |
sukhoi | русские есть? | 04:57 |
m52 | So, I just started using this machine, and the software installer is refusing to install chrome. I click install, it goes to installing... then reverts to show me the install button again after a few seconds. | 05:03 |
harry_ | hi | 05:05 |
harry_ | the first time i use ubuntu hexchat | 05:06 |
harry_ | some body talk to me? | 05:06 |
neildugan | harry_ hi | 05:06 |
Bad_Dream | no harry_ | 05:06 |
harry_ | hi | 05:06 |
Bad_Dream | no talking allowed here | 05:07 |
harry_ | why/ | 05:07 |
Ben64 | it's a support channel | 05:07 |
harry_ | oh, i see | 05:07 |
m52 | Didn't really want to plop down multiple questions at once, but I'd also like lubuntu to actually respond to scroll lock. I'm using a kvm switch that operates on scroll lock which is much easier than reaching down on the buttons. | 05:08 |
m52 | I think I found a thing on that one, though | 05:09 |
=== anon is now known as Guest10175 | ||
Mr_Cyclops | harry_, Do you know how to use the terminal in Ubuntu? | 05:09 |
m52 | Okay yeah, that's confirmed to work. | 05:10 |
m52 | Still can't install chrome though, which is a fairly large problem. Unless anyone wants to recommend another browser, but even so programs shouldn't be failing to install like that. | 05:11 |
Ben64 | m52: where did you get chrome | 05:11 |
m52 | I downloaded the .deb package from google.com/chrome | 05:12 |
Mr_Cyclops | m52, this is how I use the chrome downloaded from the internet | 05:13 |
Ben64 | m52: dpkg -i /path/to/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb | 05:13 |
Mr_Cyclops | sudo apt-get install gdebi | 05:13 |
Mr_Cyclops | sudo gdebi <google_chrome.deb package> | 05:13 |
Mr_Cyclops | try that | 05:13 |
Mr_Cyclops | ? | 05:13 |
Mr_Cyclops | Ben64, right on! :) | 05:13 |
Ben64 | m52: whoops, "sudo dpkg" | 05:13 |
m52 | hmmm | 05:13 |
Mr_Cyclops | m52, either sudo dpkg -i <pakcage name> or sudo gdebi <package name> | 05:13 |
m52 | that would require me actually having a decent browser, like, idk, chrome, that would tell me stuff like where it put it... | 05:14 |
Ben64 | m52: wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb | 05:14 |
Mr_Cyclops | Do you have it downloaded already? | 05:14 |
m52 | this isn't a 64-bit machine lol | 05:14 |
m52 | yes I do | 05:14 |
Mr_Cyclops | any browser puts the downloads to your /home/<userid>/Downloads folder by default | 05:15 |
Mr_Cyclops | see if you have the .deb file there | 05:15 |
m52 | ...wait, is that the problem? Did the download go to a 64-bit version? | 05:15 |
m52 | that folder is blank, Mr_Cyclops | 05:15 |
Ben64 | m52: there is no 32 bit chrome | 05:15 |
m52 | ... | 05:15 |
* m52 facedesks | 05:15 | |
amosbird | Ben64: hmm, can I make a default route have higher priority? | 05:15 |
Mr_Cyclops | m52, do you know where the downloaded file is? | 05:16 |
Ben64 | amosbird: what is your goal | 05:16 |
beast | can install google chrome | 05:16 |
m52 | Mr_Cyclops, nope. Software installer claims it can see it but like I said, the install button doesn't really do what it should. | 05:16 |
Mr_Cyclops | m52, you said you downloaded the file from google | 05:17 |
Ben64 | m52: because you're not on 64bit, case closed | 05:17 |
amosbird | Ben64: well I have a vpn | 05:17 |
Mr_Cyclops | m52, open a terminal and type the following | 05:17 |
koen_ | I created a user using adduser command now if i press sudo <cmd> it tells that the user is not in the sudoers file | 05:17 |
Mr_Cyclops | sudo apt-get install chromium-browser | 05:17 |
m52 | yay for apt-get, that seems to be doing something usefukl | 05:18 |
m52 | -l | 05:18 |
m52 | -k ** | 05:18 |
Ben64 | koen_: correct, by default new users do not have access to sudo | 05:18 |
Mr_Cyclops | koen_, you need to use the command visudo, that opens the file /etc/sudoers in vi or nano text editor and then you can add the user | 05:18 |
Ben64 | Mr_Cyclops: nope | 05:18 |
koen_ | oh sure | 05:18 |
Ben64 | koen_: sudo adduser <username> sudo | 05:18 |
Mr_Cyclops | Ben64, if the user is not a part of sudoers, how can you use the sudo command to add the user to sudoers? | 05:19 |
m52 | ...huh, I thought I'd gotten the scroll lock working o.o now it's not again | 05:19 |
m52 | bah | 05:19 |
Ben64 | Mr_Cyclops: by using a user that has sudo | 05:19 |
koen_ | Ben64: is that a correct command or its a typo? i have never seen sudo after the adduesr | 05:19 |
Ben64 | koen_: it adds the username to the sudo group | 05:19 |
neildugan | I have this file http://pastebin.com/cSRe3kR8 in "/etc/network/interfaces.d/br1" but br1 never comes up after a reboot :-( and "ifup br1" returns the error ... Cannot find device "br1" ... how can I get the to be created | 05:19 |
koen_ | Ben64: i.e. which is in /etc/sudoers? | 05:19 |
Ben64 | koen_: yeah but you never have to mess with that file | 05:20 |
m52 | Mr_Cyclops: Yay it's working ty | 05:20 |
m52 | of course, scroll lock has stopped working, -.- | 05:21 |
m52 | oh, because as soon as I closed terminal my xmodmap changes were wiped | 05:21 |
koen_ | Ben64 Mr_Cyclops: so if i have to skip the password everytime i switch to an user.is there any way? | 05:23 |
Ben64 | koen_: what? | 05:24 |
koen_ | evrytime i do a su - test2 from a test1 user.it prompts for a password.how to skip this | 05:24 |
Ben64 | you don't | 05:24 |
koen_ | Ben64: we cant? | 05:24 |
Ben64 | you're asking how to log into a user without the user's password, of course you can't | 05:25 |
neildugan | koen_, if you do "sudo -i" to become root ... then I don't think "su test2" will ask for a password | 05:25 |
koen_ | neildugan: i dont want to come to root very often | 05:25 |
koen_ | Ben64: sure | 05:25 |
* m52 sighs. Nope, this isn't working. | 05:25 | |
neildugan | koen_, yes you don't | 05:26 |
m52 | So, I followed this https://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/04/07/getting-scroll-lock-to-work-in-ubuntu/ | 05:26 |
m52 | and scroll lock will work while that terminal session is open | 05:26 |
m52 | but I need it to work without having a terminal open | 05:26 |
m52 | or it defeats the point | 05:26 |
neildugan | m52 does putting the command in "/etc/rc.local" help | 05:26 |
Ben64 | m52: didn't you say you use it on a kvm | 05:27 |
m52 | Ben64: That's why I need ubuntu to respond to it, yes. | 05:27 |
Ben64 | why does the os need to do anything to it? | 05:27 |
Ben64 | the kvm is before the computer | 05:27 |
neildugan | m52 my KVM works fine without enabling it in the OS | 05:28 |
m52 | Don't ask me. I just know scroll lock doesn't work if I don't enable it on ubuntu. I mean, the other computer is windows and it works fine to go windows -> ubuntu. But to go the other way unless I enable it it doesn't :/ | 05:28 |
Ben64 | that's the whole point of a kvm | 05:28 |
m52 | You would think. | 05:28 |
m52 | All I know is what I'm actually getting though. | 05:28 |
neildugan | m52 I need to use "scroll lock" twice for it to be recognised by the KVM | 05:28 |
m52 | correct | 05:28 |
Ben64 | sounds like a bad kvm then | 05:29 |
m52 | the problem is that ubuntu isn't recognizing the first key press at all | 05:29 |
m52 | because it's ignoring that key's existence | 05:29 |
Ben64 | more likely is the kvm is capturing it | 05:29 |
m52 | unless I activate it in terminal with xmodmap | 05:29 |
m52 | no, because, again, with xmodmap it works fine, and on the windows side it works fine | 05:30 |
neildugan | m52 but the switching has nothing to do with the OS ... it all hardware done by the KVM | 05:30 |
m52 | :/ | 05:31 |
m52 | You keep telling me what should be the case. | 05:31 |
m52 | That's great, but it's simply not true in mine. | 05:31 |
koen_ | Ben64: sudo adduser <user> sudo this command doesnt work | 05:32 |
Ben64 | koen_: yes it does | 05:32 |
m52 | Like, in windows, if I press scroll lock once, it lights. The second press deactivates the light and switches over to ubuntu. | 05:32 |
koen_ | Ben64:this tells that the user doesnt exists | 05:32 |
m52 | In ubuntu, if I haven't activated scroll lock, it never lights up, and press again still does nothing | 05:32 |
Ben64 | koen_: then put in the right username | 05:32 |
m52 | koen_, don't actually use <> | 05:32 |
koen_ | Ben64: so we have to create a user first is it? | 05:33 |
Ben64 | koen_: yes you have to create a user before giving it sudo access | 05:33 |
koen_ | m52: yep just to keep it readable i did here | 05:33 |
* m52 nods. Okay just making sure. | 05:33 | |
neildugan | I have this file http://pastebin.com/cSRe3kR8 in "/etc/network/interfaces.d/br1" but br1 never comes up after a reboot :-( and "ifup br1" returns the error ... Cannot find device "br1" ... how can I get the to be created | 05:33 |
Ben64 | m52: try this `xset led named "Scroll Lock"; sleep 0.5; xset -led named "Scroll Lock"` | 05:33 |
m52 | I was just thinking that lol, trying it | 05:34 |
m52 | Ben64: Indeed, that triggers the kvm correctly. | 05:35 |
m52 | As it should have. | 05:35 |
Ben64 | dumb kvm | 05:35 |
Ben64 | uses led instead of key | 05:35 |
m52 | so, yes, I need scroll lock to respond correctly :P | 05:36 |
Ben64 | just make a keyboard shortcut that runs a script to toggle the led | 05:36 |
m52 | ...Wouldn't such a key be something like... uh, scroll lock? :P | 05:37 |
Ben64 | easier my way | 05:37 |
m52 | But that means I'm clearing another key combination for that | 05:38 |
Ben64 | uh, use scroll lock | 05:38 |
m52 | okay, uh, how do I do this? | 05:38 |
Ben64 | keyboard shortcuts | 05:38 |
* m52 hasn't worked with creating keyboard shortcuts much | 05:38 | |
* m52 googles | 05:39 | |
Ben64 | settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts | 05:39 |
* m52 is feeling like a big moron right now. :/ | 05:41 | |
* m52 can't find settings. | 05:41 | |
m52 | I see a few different types of settings in the menus, but not a generic settings or anything that would indicate keyboard... | 05:42 |
=== debian is now known as Guest4697 | ||
m52 | everything I can find says to go to system settings... which doesn't seem to exist, or I'm just blind today :/ | 05:47 |
domo | if I want to install ubuntu, but use gnome, should I do it myself or use Ubuntu GNOME distro? | 05:47 |
domo | is it actually "official"? | 05:47 |
Bashing-om | !flavors | domo | 05:51 |
ubottu | domo: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE | 05:51 |
domo | great | 05:52 |
domo | so my next question is - if you were looking to use gnome, would you use ubuntu-gnome, or install gnome over ubuntu? | 05:52 |
domo | what does ubuntu-gnome offer besides out of box gnome? | 05:52 |
EriC^^ | domo: the apps that come with gnome | 05:53 |
mentolo | Hellow | 05:54 |
mentolo | hi webturtle0 | 05:57 |
nitish | can I upgrade ubuntu 14.04 lts to 16.04.2? | 05:58 |
Ben64 | nitish: yep | 06:01 |
NemosCene21 | How did ubuntu got its name? | 06:01 |
Ben64 | NemosCene21: https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu | 06:02 |
nitish | how can I exit to #ubuntu without quitting irc? | 06:04 |
EriC^^ | nitish: /part | 06:04 |
nitish | or is there any way to switch channel? | 06:04 |
EriC^^ | or /close | 06:04 |
Imperador-DG- | Hello brothers | 06:05 |
EriC^^ | nitish: which irc client? | 06:05 |
nitish | EriC^^: irssi | 06:05 |
EriC^^ | alt+1-2-3.. | 06:05 |
EriC^^ | or /1 /2 | 06:05 |
Imperador-DG- | ;) | 06:05 |
=== Imperador-DG- is now known as Black-OPS | ||
neildugan | I am trying to get the ltsp to work (I have lxc installed too). the problem I am having is that the dnsmasq isn't starting. I keep getting the error "failed to create scoket for Addres already in use" .... but netstat says there in nothing ... I have bind-interfaces set in the configuration | 06:11 |
hybris_ | hi | 06:15 |
hybris_ | sup all | 06:15 |
ryzokuken | hey all! | 06:22 |
ryzokuken | needed a little advice | 06:22 |
ryzokuken | anyone up? | 06:22 |
gulzar | hi. Any good font-manager? The one with kde5 systemsetting is best, but tooo many dependencies. ANd the 'font-manager' provided by gnome is useless,and font-matrix is weird to use | 06:22 |
ryzokuken | which DE should I use? | 06:23 |
ryzokuken | Just installed Ubuntu-GNOME, and have some pretty significant issues. | 06:23 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: your requirements? | 06:23 |
ryzokuken | it should be fairly fast | 06:23 |
gulzar | and.... | 06:24 |
ryzokuken | and stuff should work on it. For instance, snaps don't work properly on Ubuntu_GNOME | 06:24 |
ryzokuken | atleast for me | 06:24 |
ryzokuken | It could also be good-looking, but that doesn't matter much. | 06:24 |
ryzokuken | KDE is too heavy for me. Unity is pretty heavy too. | 06:25 |
gulzar | xfce4 | 06:25 |
ryzokuken | GNOME is what I've been using for sometime, but it misbehaves | 06:25 |
gulzar | pantheon | 06:25 |
gulzar | these two can help you | 06:25 |
ryzokuken | Elementary seemed to be almost unusable | 06:25 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: then xfce | 06:26 |
ryzokuken | probably because they make their own set of software | 06:26 |
B105PH3RE | xfce | 06:26 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: its more like ubuntu do its own patches | 06:26 |
ryzokuken | I used XFCE once with Mint, it was okay, but had some minor issues | 06:26 |
ryzokuken | for instance, most devs give more support to the GNOME family of DEs | 06:26 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: like? | 06:26 |
ryzokuken | ** and attention. | 06:27 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: what issues? My xfce works like a charm | 06:27 |
ryzokuken | Also, I have no idea if Xubuntu works well. | 06:27 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: no need to change OS, install any one and intall DE as needed | 06:28 |
ryzokuken | I have had issues doing that | 06:28 |
ryzokuken | cross compatibility usually hits me hard | 06:28 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: Please tell the issues, don't talk like 'this' 'that' speak the probleme | 06:29 |
ryzokuken | a fresh install always seems simpler | 06:29 |
ryzokuken | for instance, DEs sometimes use certain modded versions of packages and installing other DE might create too many conflicts | 06:29 |
ryzokuken | XFCE will come with it's own complete set of software which it'll work best with. | 06:30 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: can't find any such example | 06:30 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: only problem is with unity on other distros, but on ubuntu there is no issue with any DE | 06:30 |
ryzokuken | gulzar: Okay | 06:31 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: you can install xubutnu-desktop to expeience xubutnu or jsut install xfce4 and configure to enjot default | 06:31 |
ryzokuken | I have limited time, and not many overheads. Should I install Xubuntu/Mint XFCE or go with XFCE on my current distro? | 06:31 |
kk4ewt | ryzokuken, what is your current distro | 06:32 |
ryzokuken | Ubuntu-GNOME | 06:32 |
kk4ewt | so yes you can instal xfce on it and try it out | 06:32 |
gulzar | just intall xfce, configure and enjoy | 06:32 |
Countess_Bathory | ^ | 06:32 |
gulzar | hi. Any good font-manager? The one with kde5 systemsetting is best, but tooo many dependencies. ANd the 'font-manager' provided by gnome is useless,and font-matrix is weird to use | 06:32 |
ryzokuken | not xubuntu-desktop? | 06:32 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: you can , but its preconfigured , you can try that for complete xbuntu feleing | 06:33 |
ryzokuken | like... xubuntu-desktop must come with XFCE terminal and what not | 06:33 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: since when are you ushing linux? | 06:33 |
ryzokuken | not long enough | 06:33 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: your answers are not exact, *ignoring you | 06:34 |
cage_raphel | /msg NickServ identify krishna143 | 06:34 |
ryzokuken | gulzar: I'm sorry for that. | 06:34 |
ryzokuken | so, installing xfce4 and rebooting should do the trick? | 06:35 |
kk4ewt | ryzokuken, at the login you need to select xfce after you select your user | 06:37 |
ryzokuken | kk4ewt: okay, thanks | 06:37 |
ryzokuken | XFCE must use an alternate login manager? | 06:37 |
ryzokuken | gnome uses gdm, i suppose. | 06:37 |
gulzar | ryzokuken: no need, gdm can work | 06:38 |
ryzokuken | gulzar: okay, thanks :D | 06:38 |
ryzokuken | for instance, there's this problem (I dunno if it's GNOME specific) | 06:38 |
ryzokuken | when I use Alt+F4 (for closing window) or Alt+any function key | 06:39 |
ryzokuken | it opens a tty (as if i pressed ctrl+alt+function) | 06:39 |
cage_raphel | Hey guys.. i am running ubu 16.04 and for some reason it hangs and freezes abruptly. Whats intresting is that it does not give me any error message and i am not able to find any specific application which is making the system to freeze. i did try doing some online search but couldnt find much help. Any suggestiions to help me resolve this freeze issue on my system would be highly apprciated!! | 06:41 |
neildugan | I am trying to get the ltsp to work (I have lxc installed too). the problem I am having is that the dnsmasq isn't starting. I keep getting the error "failed to create scoket for Addres already in use" .... but netstat says there in nothing ... I have bind-interfaces set in the configuration | 06:42 |
neildugan | cage_raphel, can you use the terminals on <ctrl><f1> etc ? | 06:53 |
jamie_1 | hey odd question, i'm running on ubuntu gnome 16.10 and im wondering how to run unity 8 on it? i know ubuntu 16.10 comes with the technical preview like gnome with gnome on wayland, but is there a way to run unity8 on gnome? | 06:59 |
jamie_1 | i get the feeling its not a simple as swapping to using lightdm instead of gdm | 07:00 |
jamie_1 | i feel like for the gnome flavor they probably removed the unity8 since its not accessible without lightdm to not have extra stuff laying aorund | 07:02 |
ruby32 | are there alternatives to lubuntu/lxde that are good for VMs running on my desktop? something that is lightweight | 07:06 |
cage_raphel | neildugan, i just attempted doing a cntrl f1 and the terminal doesnt seem to open.. so no.. its not working | 07:07 |
journeymangeek | ruby32: don't run a DE? ;p | 07:07 |
journeymangeek | twm is roughly as minimal as you can get. And for a good many things command line is good enough | 07:08 |
jamie_1 | ruby32: xfce? | 07:08 |
alkisg | ruby32: ubuntu-mate is very good, and you can select to run it without compositing too | 07:09 |
ducasse | jamie_1: you should just be able to install unity8-desktop-session, don't know if you need to switch to lightdm. unity8 is nowhere near a usable state, though. | 07:18 |
backbox | ello | 07:22 |
backbox | im now use backbox as usb live but i want to install in my c drive | 07:23 |
ducasse | !backbox | backbox | 07:23 |
ubottu | backbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. | 07:23 |
sergey_ | hi all! | 07:25 |
ALAD33N | hello i want to install backbx | 07:37 |
cage_raphel | ALAD33N, pls folow http://linuxpitstop.com/install-backbox-linux-4-3/ | 07:38 |
cage_raphel | !blackbox | 07:39 |
cage_raphel | !backbox | 07:40 |
ubottu | Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. | 07:40 |
jamie_1 | ducasse: i just want to see where its at | 07:41 |
jamie_1 | ducasse: last time i looked at it was months ago... and it was barely anything at that point... was basically the phone ui on a computer | 07:42 |
viktor | ehlo | 08:06 |
viktor | can I do lvresize to a smaller value? like lvresize --size 50G | 08:08 |
jinxi2 | hi, what is the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt-get full-upgrade? | 08:08 |
viktor | -50G I mean | 08:08 |
Ben64 | !dist-upgrade | jinxi2 | 08:10 |
ubottu | jinxi2: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 08:10 |
viktor | do I need to do lvresize on a live system? | 08:10 |
=== eeee is now known as EriC^^ | ||
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner | ||
alkisg | !upgrade | 08:15 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 08:15 |
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon | ||
Kartagis | hi | 08:19 |
Sepher | hey man | 08:21 |
Castor_Troy | hey | 08:21 |
Castor_Troy | does xubuntu has any positive effect on battery / | 08:21 |
alkisg | Nah | 08:22 |
Kartagis | many tuts say not to reduce lvm size. how hard is it to recover if things go south? | 08:23 |
Kartagis | should I reinstall? | 08:23 |
MonkeyDust | Kartagis first: backup personal/important files | 08:24 |
Kartagis | MonkeyDust: there is nothing I should want to backup | 08:25 |
ducasse | Kartagis: remember to resize the fs first | 08:25 |
Kartagis | MonkeyDust: then go live and invoke lvresize from there? | 08:25 |
Kartagis | ducasse: gparted doesn't let me | 08:26 |
ducasse | Kartagis: it probably does that by itself, but i would still do it from cli | 08:27 |
raynold | ahh it's a wonderful day | 08:28 |
Kartagis | ducasse: fs resizing? | 08:28 |
ducasse | Kartagis: the whole thing, i don't trust gparted. that's just me, though. | 08:29 |
Kartagis | ducasse: but gparted doesn't even let me to fs resizing | 08:29 |
ducasse | Kartagis: i told you, maybe it does it automatically. | 08:30 |
Kartagis | I can't even drag | 08:30 |
Kartagis | I tried before | 08:31 |
Kartagis | I should go live first, right? | 08:31 |
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j4ckcom | hello i can use ubuntu with 1G ram? it is impossiblem? | 08:36 |
j4ckcom | impossible? | 08:36 |
wedgie | should be fine. may want to consider one of the lighter weight desktop varients if the hardware is that old, though | 08:37 |
OerHeks | j4ckcom, sure it is possible, don't expect a racemonster | 08:38 |
ducasse | Kartagis: you shouldn't _need: to, but if it is your root fs it's not a bad idea | 08:38 |
j4ckcom | thanks OerHeks | 08:38 |
j4ckcom | :) | 08:38 |
Xundres | hi | 08:41 |
Xundres | is there a way to hide a tray icon? | 08:41 |
Xundres | (chat tray icon of thunderbird in specific) | 08:41 |
j4ckcom | i have 4G memory on windows 7, and i use vmware for ubuntu, how can i distribute ram size? i use it 2G for windows and 2G for ubuntu. it is ok? | 08:43 |
stickyrice1 | hi | 08:45 |
[jasper] | hej guys, I keep getting these reports in mail: ron <root@e7be6f510312> root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly --------> /bin/sh: 1: root: not found | 08:46 |
[jasper] | now this prolly has something to do with root being in crontab where it shouldn't be as a user....however when I check the system tab this all looks fine.. | 08:46 |
[jasper] | are there any places I can check for further settins? | 08:46 |
Ben64 | have you checked /etc/cron.hourly | 08:48 |
[jasper] | cron.hourly is an empty directory | 08:50 |
CrazyTux | hello, what are snap packages? | 08:50 |
Ben64 | [jasper]: check syslog for more info | 08:50 |
[jasper] | i'm running ubuntu in a docker...so have no syslog :( | 08:52 |
MonkeyDust | !snappy | CrazyTux | 08:55 |
ubottu | CrazyTux: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/ | 08:55 |
moz_ | Hi, I just installed ubuntu 16.10 on my laptop inspiron 15 3551. When I close the lid, the system freezes. Any help? | 08:56 |
tanay | can i install qt 5.6 on ubuntu 16.04? having issues with vlc | 08:56 |
k1l | tanay: issues with vlc? the original ubuntu package? | 08:57 |
tanay | yeah....when it is minimize state and i go to full screen it works ok. but from maximize state if i go to fullscreen scaling seems to be problem | 08:58 |
tanay | it zooms in. | 08:58 |
Xundres | is there a way to hide a tray icon? | 08:58 |
OerHeks | Xundres, uninstall it? | 08:59 |
ducasse | Xundres: turn it off in the application that creates it, if there is a setting for it | 08:59 |
tanay | i found few website where it says it is problem with qt5 and upgrading to qt5.6 will solve it.but dont know if that will lead os to mess. | 09:00 |
k1l | tanay: what desktop is in use? | 09:00 |
tanay | pantheon | 09:00 |
Xundres | OerHeks: no | 09:00 |
Xundres | ducasse: no | 09:00 |
Xundres | I don't wanna uninstall thunderbird.. and there is no option to disable it | 09:01 |
ducasse | Xundres: then no | 09:01 |
OerHeks | not uninstall thunderbird, just the icon thingy ? | 09:01 |
k1l | tanay: i would ask the elementary guys if this is aknown issue for their desktop. i dont think changing the qt version will help there but make a mess with other programs then | 09:01 |
moz_ | Hi, I just installed ubuntu 16.10 on my laptop inspiron 15 3551. When I close the lid, the system freezes. Any help? | 09:02 |
Xundres | just hide the chat tray icon | 09:02 |
tanay | yeah.....but their irc channel is like dead. no one is there to help | 09:02 |
k1l | tanay: look if they have a forum or such on their website. | 09:03 |
tanay | i have also found this problem on their forum posted by someone...but none replied. and thus i have install cinnamon desktop as of now. | 09:04 |
MonkeyDust | Xundres open the apps in a different workspace (ctrl-alt arrow) | 09:05 |
j4ckcom | i have 4G memory on windows 7, and i use vmware for ubuntu, how can i distribute ram size? i use it 2G for windows and 2G for ubuntu. it is ok? | 09:05 |
Xundres | MonkeyDust: then? | 09:05 |
MonkeyDust | Xundres then go back to the first workspace, so you don't see the icon | 09:07 |
Xundres | I solved | 09:07 |
moz_ | Hi, I just installed ubuntu 16.10 on my laptop inspiron 15 3551. When I close the lid, the system freezes. Any help? | 09:08 |
aladeen | i installed today linux backbox i dont know strat from where ? | 09:08 |
MonkeyDust | !backbox | aladeen | 09:08 |
ubottu | aladeen: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. | 09:08 |
anddam | can gnome Dictionary use opendict or anyway non-online content? | 09:09 |
anddam | or do I need to grab an openDict client? | 09:09 |
CrazyTux | how can I install snaps on Xubuntu/Lubuntu? | 09:12 |
bazhang | CrazyTux, tried asking in #snappy yet | 09:13 |
k1l | CrazyTux: sudo snap install snapname | 09:13 |
CrazyTux | yes. Didn't get any response there. | 09:13 |
MonkeyDust | CrazyTux start here https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/snappy | 09:13 |
CrazyTux | ok. Thanks | 09:14 |
anddam | can a deactivated launchpad account be reactivated? the help doesn't mention it | 09:22 |
OerHeks | anddam, maybe they guys @ #launchpad can answer that | 09:23 |
anddam | oh jeez, "Recovering your account" https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Closing | 09:23 |
anddam | nvm | 09:23 |
anddam | OerHeks: oh I thought Ubuntu and Launchpad were closely tied | 09:23 |
anddam | i.e. I didn't know there's a dedicated channel | 09:23 |
OerHeks | They are, but not all of us know all details about launchpad. | 09:24 |
rahmonali | hi | 09:37 |
rahmonali | i have problem | 09:37 |
rahmonali | i cant install fluxion on my ubuntu | 09:37 |
MonkeyDust | !find fluxion | 09:38 |
ubottu | Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 19 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fluxion&searchon=names&suite=yakkety§ion=all | 09:38 |
MonkeyDust | what's fluxion? | 09:38 |
rahmonali | wifi cracker | 09:38 |
ikonia | there we go | 09:38 |
rahmonali | do know this | 09:38 |
bazhang | rahmonali, thats not supported here | 09:38 |
rahmonali | why? | 09:39 |
ducasse | rahmonali: we're not helping you with that, at least not me | 09:39 |
bazhang | rahmonali, the 'cracker ' | 09:39 |
k1l | rahmonali: since you want to test your own wifi for research and not the neighbours wifi, you want to know how it works and what it does. so you need to read the documentation anyways. so go and read it. | 09:39 |
rahmonali | are there programs which crack wifi password? | 09:40 |
rahmonali | for ubuntu? | 09:40 |
Countess_Bathory | not in here. try google & make sure you log into google 1st | 09:42 |
rahmonali | i looked for but couldnt find | 09:42 |
OerHeks | https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/search/?q=wifi&op= | 09:44 |
rahmonali | and i cant update my ubuntu repositories | 09:45 |
ikonia | rahmonali: what is the problem you have | 09:45 |
rahmonali | can anybody help me? | 09:45 |
ikonia | rahmonali: you need to give info | 09:45 |
OerHeks | rahmonali, but you are on the intrnet now :-D | 09:45 |
rahmonali | ikonia, do you know solution? | 09:46 |
ikonia | solution to what | 09:46 |
ikonia | rahmonali: you need to be specific | 09:46 |
rahmonali | update repositories on ubuntu | 09:46 |
k1l | rahmonali: run "sudo apt update" and show the output on paste.ubuntu.com and link it here | 09:46 |
ikonia | rahmonali: what is the problem updating them | 09:46 |
rahmonali | "coulnt resolve your hostname '' on the teminal | 09:47 |
ikonia | rahmonali: ok, so thats a problem with sudo | 09:47 |
k1l | rahmonali: what ubuntu is that exactly? | 09:48 |
ikonia | I suspect you've tried to change your hostname | 09:48 |
rahmonali | 14.04 lts | 09:48 |
rahmonali | i m using katoolin in order to add kali linux repositories on my ubuntu | 09:49 |
ikonia | there we go | 09:49 |
rahmonali | but it doesnt work | 09:49 |
k1l | rahmonali: then ask the kali support. we cant support the changes they make to ubuntu to make it kali | 09:49 |
ikonia | rahmonali: I'm afraid I won't support that setup, and I suspect you've done more than that for your wifi cracking, such as changing your hostname (which is most likley why you have sudo problems) | 09:50 |
k1l | !kali | 09:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 09:50 |
k1l | and yes, that katoolin scripts are known to break ubuntu. | 09:50 |
rahmonali | k1l, really? | 09:51 |
blackflow | Hello. EVERY morning after I resume my computer from sleep (Ubuntu 16.10), I get that crash applet pop up with "Sorry, blah blah, internal error". I check the "Send an error report" box and click Continue, but nothing else happens. It doesn't launch Firefox to have me log into launchpad, like it does when I use "ubuntu-bug" from command line. | 09:59 |
blackflow | Does it send anything or do I have to report this somehow? It's been happening for months. | 09:59 |
sudobash | anyone up? | 10:08 |
sudobash | where is the ubuntu dev channel? I want to cuss them out | 10:09 |
sudobash | Unity is a PoS and should have never been adopted | 10:09 |
MonkeyDust | sudobash opinions and discussion in#ubuntu-offtopic | 10:09 |
sudobash | Whoever made that decision is a completely idiot | 10:09 |
k1l | sudobash: that is not how it works | 10:09 |
OerHeks | sudobash, you are not forced to use it. | 10:10 |
sudobash | who broke ubuntu? | 10:10 |
k1l | if you dont like unity install another desktop, there are plenty in the repos | 10:10 |
sudobash | oh yea I know | 10:10 |
sudobash | I just want to know who broke Ubuntu | 10:10 |
bazhang | sudobash, thats not topical here at all | 10:10 |
OerHeks | sudobash, if you are lonely, go rant somewhere else | 10:10 |
MonkeyDust | sudobash it was me | 10:10 |
MonkeyDust | sudobash sorry for that | 10:10 |
sudobash | who has virtualbox and wants to get really annoyed at ubuntu? | 10:11 |
MonkeyDust | sudobash stop | 10:11 |
bazhang | sudobash, time to stop | 10:11 |
sudobash | install codelite and take the program fullscreen in virtualbox, fucking idiots | 10:11 |
thinky | hello | 10:11 |
thinky | i installed ubuntu bash on windows 10 | 10:12 |
thinky | is it possible to run ubuntu with gui on win 10 ? | 10:12 |
ducasse | !ubuwin | thinky | 10:12 |
ubottu | thinky: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows. | 10:12 |
OerHeks | thinky, yes, in virtualbox/vmware | 10:12 |
thinky | OerHeks: how ? | 10:13 |
cfhowlett | sudobash, doesnt work that way. if you don't like it, don't use it. you have at least 6 other desktop environments in ubuntu to choose from. | 10:13 |
OerHeks | thinky, there are tons of windows howtos to install virtualbox | 10:14 |
thinky | OerHeks: u suggesting me to install ubuntu on VM not bash | 10:14 |
thinky | i thought i could be able to run ubuntu gui natively | 10:14 |
OerHeks | That bash part does not give an option to install the desktop, indeed. | 10:14 |
OerHeks | which is great, imho | 10:15 |
ducasse | thinky: read what ubottu said | 10:15 |
thinky | as a root i did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 10:15 |
thinky | ok ducasse i am in there already | 10:15 |
sudobash | there are things they've forgotten to do behind the scenes after the ubuntu-desktop install but they can't comprehend that here thinky | 10:16 |
thinky | sudobash: can u join #ubuntu-on-windows and explain me plz? | 10:17 |
sudobash | I've run into issues installing ubuntu-desktop very recently as well... they can't help but keep changing things and break shit every 6 months | 10:17 |
sudobash | or better yet with every upgrade | 10:17 |
sudobash | for the past 10 years | 10:17 |
k1l | thinky: dont listen to that troll | 10:17 |
cfhowlett | +1 | 10:17 |
thinky | oh ok | 10:18 |
blackflow | So, every morning I resume my 16.10, the crash applet appears with an error in "gnome-software". I check the "Report" checkbox and click Continue, but nothing happens. Does it send any report? This has been going on for months. | 10:18 |
thinky | k1l: are u able to help me in that matter maybe? | 10:18 |
k1l | i am not aware that you can run the ubuntu desktop on the ubuntu bash for windows. but i guess the guys in the ubuntu for windows channel can give you a specific answer | 10:19 |
thinky | k1l: that guys are sleeping :p | 10:19 |
thinky | and only few there | 10:19 |
OerHeks | It is just bash, no desktop, use virtualbox or something else? | 10:20 |
thinky | i was just trying something | 10:20 |
thinky | i already have dual boot | 10:21 |
thinky | if bash installs ubuntu-desktop, there must be a way to access that.. | 10:22 |
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ducasse | thinky: wait for a response in #ubuntu-on-windows, we don't support it | 10:23 |
thinky | ok | 10:23 |
cfhowlett | thinky, sounds like an interesting experiment. The experts on this matter are in #ubuntu-on-windows. We here are content with our dualboots | 10:23 |
koleygr | <Conflict> Hi... Are you there? | 10:23 |
KOLANICH | Hi all | 10:25 |
KOLANICH | I have troubles with wakeup | 10:25 |
KOLANICH | It seems that there are some troubles with JMicron chip | 10:26 |
KOLANICH | I have found an issue in kernel.org bugzilla | 10:27 |
KOLANICH | that issue have the patch, which have been already merged for long time, so I wonder what should I do next | 10:28 |
xixunier | hello | 10:34 |
xixunier | how do I install skype ? | 10:34 |
cfhowlett | !skype | xixunier | 10:34 |
ubottu | xixunier: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 10:34 |
xixunier | !ekiga | 10:35 |
ubottu | ekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga | 10:35 |
MonkeyDust | xixunier "skype for linux, alpha, is available, too", just not in the repos | 10:37 |
xixunier | If it's not in the repos are you talking of source code installation, or without the package manager | 10:37 |
OerHeks | https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA34656/more-information-about-skype-for-linux-alpha | 10:38 |
bazhang | xixunier, there is a skype from the partner repos | 10:38 |
xixunier | I did all of that add-apt-repository .... then E: Unable to locate package skype | 10:41 |
Tachyon_ | hello. I am searching for ubuntu alternatives for recording (ex shadow play) and editing video (ex camtasia). | 10:42 |
OerHeks | xixunier, run updates first. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade | 10:42 |
cfhowlett | Tachyon_, you mean desktop screen recording? | 10:42 |
Tachyon_ | cfhowlett: yes, full screen and window mode | 10:42 |
cfhowlett | Tachyon_, many options. "recordmydesktop" is probably most intuitive. as for editing video: openshot | 10:43 |
MonkeyDust | Tachyon_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/24026000/ | 10:43 |
k1l | xixunier: run" sudo apt update" | 10:44 |
Tachyon_ | thanks | 10:45 |
OerHeks | !info kobodeluxe | 10:46 |
ubottu | kobodeluxe (source: kobodeluxe): game of space battle. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-8 (yakkety), package size 199 kB, installed size 571 kB | 10:46 |
titophe | Bonjour à tous nouveau ici, comment cela fonctionne svp | 11:19 |
MonkeyDust | !fr | 11:19 |
ubottu | Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 11:19 |
cfhowlett | !fr | titophe | 11:20 |
ubottu | titophe: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 11:20 |
Xundres | hi | 11:28 |
Xundres | ubuntu-software see duplicate or "ghosts" package | 11:29 |
Xundres | hwo can I remove them? | 11:29 |
Xundres | They result installed | 11:29 |
Xundres | one of the ghost app I removed was amule | 11:29 |
Xundres | the duplicate or triplicate app is telegram | 11:30 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:37 |
a8b4s | hey every body i want to change my mac addr , and i used macchanger but it dont change it ! why ? | 11:48 |
hypermist | is there a way i can make a bootable image of my currently working OS for others to use | 11:49 |
hypermist | ? | 11:49 |
kierqueen | hi when I press washington or any other place on google earth, it doesn't work ? | 11:50 |
hypermist | because there is just certain things that are a bit to complicated to setup multiple times and i'd rather have an iso file that they can just download and install | 11:50 |
kierqueen | Why , what's wrong with google earth on linux? | 11:50 |
hypermist | :D | 11:50 |
cfhowlett | hypermist, remastersys used to do that, but it's abandonware. not sure what's current now | 11:51 |
cfhowlett | kierqueen, perhaps ask the google earth team as it's their product not an ubuntu product. | 11:51 |
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MonkeyDust | kierqueen i guess that question is for a google channel | 11:52 |
Guest11895 | when I close the lid, the system crashes. ANy hint? | 11:52 |
kierqueen | no it's a private firm, they won't reply, and I am also interested how come other users don't experience that ? | 11:52 |
MonkeyDust | a private firm? | 11:52 |
kierqueen | What do other users do, something, that they dont get the error, so yeah it is ubuntu specific question | 11:53 |
a8b4s_ | how can i spoof my mac ? i used macchanger but it didnt work . and also i edit it in editConnections but it wont work too. | 11:53 |
kierqueen | yes, google is a private firm !! | 11:53 |
ducasse | kierqueen: but we don't support google products | 11:53 |
a8b4s_ | . | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | kierqueen, and that firm created google-earth. ubuntu did not. use the google-earth support resources. | 11:53 |
MonkeyDust | kierqueen i'm sure the google people know how their products work | 11:53 |
kierqueen | but,no i have not resources | 11:54 |
kierqueen | other people do manage to use it fine | 11:54 |
kierqueen | they will ask money i think | 11:55 |
cfhowlett | "I think ..."? you mean - you haven't even tried? lazy. | 11:55 |
starrify | hello I'm installing Ubuntu on virtualbox and the resolution is too high. I can barely read the tiny letters | 11:56 |
ducasse | kierqueen: try asking in #google | 11:56 |
BluesKaj | kierqueen, did you install lsb-core | 11:56 |
cfhowlett | kierqueen, https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!forum/maps https://support.google.com/earth/?hl=en#topic=4363013 | 11:57 |
kierqueen | yes i did BluesKaj | 11:57 |
ttfn_42 | Hey - I have some installation tips for samsung Chronos series 7. Where is best to put them? | 11:59 |
cfhowlett | ttfn_42, reddit/r/linux | 12:00 |
ttfn_42 | Excellent. thanks | 12:00 |
ACC | hello | 12:01 |
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ththth | p | 12:13 |
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Bliepo | Anyone have any expierence with the Asus PCE-AC68? It is a PCIE card with the BCM4360 chipset and I'm planning to use it to add router functionality to my Linux box. I need to know whether it 1) works reliably and 2) the driver can reach speeds at or near the level of the WIndows driver. I found info it should be supported but hope someone can confirm. | 12:21 |
alaiksander | hello. anyone knows how I can detect what make my system crash? Im using bodhilinux. It is based on 16.04 | 12:22 |
ducasse | alaiksander: we only support ubuntu and official flavors, not derivatives. try their support channels. | 12:24 |
alaiksander | oh, sorry @ducasse | 12:24 |
LittleJohn | I got a problem with using VirtualBox 5.1 in my Ubuntu 16.04LTS, I have tried to use Kali Linux (A pree done file) I thought this question would go in here cuz this can be a Ubuntu bugg IDK | 12:24 |
cfhowlett | LittleJohn, what OS is your host?? | 12:25 |
ducasse | alaiksander: np. try #bodhilinux | 12:25 |
koleygr | cfhowlett^ in my Ubuntu 16.04LTS, | 12:25 |
LittleJohn | (I am using MSI Big Bang 2 with an 64bit Intel cpu and around 12-14 gb ram with an Geforce HD 7900 series graphic card) | 12:26 |
cfhowlett | koleygr, ask #vbox for vbox support issues | 12:26 |
koleygr | <LittleJohn> ^ | 12:26 |
LittleJohn | So even if VirtualBox do not have any problem and its the Ubuntu that is not working, its anyways virtualbox problem ? | 12:27 |
cfhowlett | LittleJohn, you've have provided few clues, but among the cookie crumbs you mentioned a problem with virtualbox. start there | 12:27 |
LittleJohn | Cuz im quite sure this is a pc/Ubuntu problem cuz in windows it was the same thou with ubuntu | 12:27 |
LittleJohn | (OS problem) | 12:27 |
cfhowlett | LittleJohn, are you saying you had a vbox problem in windows? | 12:28 |
LittleJohn | Yes and in Ubuntu now | 12:28 |
cfhowlett | then it is obviously NOT an ubuntu issue. ask virtualbox | 12:28 |
koleygr | <LittleJohn> ^ or Kali Linux support because that fails to install | 12:29 |
LittleJohn | Na Kali its not, cuz ubuntu wasent able either to start so youre "Ubuntu" does not work with VB 5.1 | 12:30 |
LittleJohn | (100%) | 12:30 |
cfhowlett | LittleJohn, kali doesn't work. ubuntu doesn't work. see a pattern here? | 12:31 |
LittleJohn | I really hope VB has an support chat like this -_- cant find any solution at all on google... well thanks, have it good | 12:31 |
cfhowlett | LittleJohn, #vbox is your channel | 12:31 |
LittleJohn | I see that no Os works with VB... | 12:32 |
LittleJohn | oh so it exist here ? :O | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | LittleJohn, have you considered qemu-kvm? | 12:32 |
LittleJohn | i dont know what it is | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | !qemu | 12:33 |
ubottu | qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo | 12:33 |
ducasse | !kvm | 12:33 |
ubottu | kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM | 12:33 |
LittleJohn | Ah, no i cant consider that becuz im doing a Course and the course is using VB | 12:34 |
LittleJohn | thou that will be my last option | 12:34 |
LittleJohn | Well thanks for the respons, have an nice Saturday :) | 12:35 |
akik | LittleJohn: not sure about your problem because you didn't tell it, but virtualbox works fine on ubuntu | 12:35 |
LittleJohn | ehm, well the problem is that my computer dontr work with Ubuntu | 12:35 |
cfhowlett | or with windows. please take this to #vbox | 12:36 |
akik | LittleJohn: oh.. that is not a #vbox problem | 12:36 |
LittleJohn | first problem was that my mother board was too old or somehting so i had to remove the CD/DVD to be able to run Ubuntu | 12:36 |
LittleJohn | And now VB does not work with my computer so either its a OS problem Or its a VB problem | 12:36 |
Guest86617 | especially 16.04 external monitor connection issues? | 12:37 |
LittleJohn | either way so does the OS always hold hands with VB | 12:37 |
ducasse | !doesntwork | 12:37 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 12:37 |
LittleJohn | Well im gonna check if VB have any sollution and if they say it cant be them then im stuck between OS and VB | 12:38 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: try to boot ubuntu guest from ubuntu host, in virtualbox. If you cannot, then you might ask here. | 12:39 |
akik | alkisg: 14:35 < LittleJohn> ehm, well the problem is that my computer dontr work with Ubuntu | 12:39 |
alkisg | (02:24:59 μμ) LittleJohn: I got a problem with using VirtualBox 5.1 in my Ubuntu 16.04LTS, | 12:40 |
alkisg | That suggests he's already installed Ubuntu 16.04... | 12:40 |
akik | well maybe he's confused | 12:40 |
alkisg | I think he meant that he was not able to boot ubuntu guest from windows host, in vbox | 12:40 |
LittleJohn | I cant see any "guest mode" option | 12:40 |
Guest86617 | I have a dell inspiron n5100 i5 with 8gb(this has an ait /intel hybrid video card) running a new 16.04 install , as soon as I plug in an external monitor , both screens go haywire, automatically changing screen resolution, switching back ond forth where the screen is active, switching video display modes, all without anyone touching it... How do I fix this so I can hook up an external video screen? | 12:41 |
Guest86617 | ATI/Intl hybrid | 12:41 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: host is the operating system that you have in your computer. Guest is the operating system that you're trying to run in virtualbox. What is your host operating system? | 12:42 |
LittleJohn | Ubuntu 16.04LTS | 12:42 |
LittleJohn | 64bit | 12:42 |
gleison | ngfjn | 12:43 |
LittleJohn | Yes gleison it can be fustraiting sometimes... | 12:43 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: how much RAM did you give to your virtual machine have? | 12:43 |
MonkeyDust | LittleJohn just to be sure... what's the outpût of cat /etc/issue | 12:43 |
LittleJohn | It had 2k when loaded, its a pree done os | 12:43 |
gleison | im using ubuntu on pc | 12:43 |
alkisg | What do you mean 2k, is that windows 2000? | 12:44 |
LittleJohn | (ova file) | 12:44 |
LittleJohn | k= thousend | 12:44 |
gleison | windows is trash.....use linux for all work | 12:44 |
alkisg | I don't know anything called 2k. If you mean windows 2000, say so | 12:44 |
LittleJohn | Na he asked me how much ram i have... | 12:45 |
alkisg | Ah ok sorry | 12:45 |
LittleJohn | you ask --- damn thies chat text is small | 12:45 |
alkisg | 2k, do you mean 2 gb? | 12:45 |
LittleJohn | im a little bit tired, sry, i mean 2gb | 12:46 |
alkisg | Can you boot ubuntu.iso in virtualbox? | 12:46 |
LittleJohn | ~2000mb | 12:46 |
BluesKaj | what's your guest OS? | 12:46 |
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LittleJohn | I havent tried that becuz it sounds cinda wierd to boot ubuntu in ubuntu | 12:46 |
alkisg | Try it, so that we see if it's a problem in your vbox setup, or in your guest operating system that you're trying to boot | 12:47 |
majorgeek | its Russian doll ubuntu | 12:50 |
LittleJohn | just becuz of that i do not have any ubuntu iso on the pc -_- zzz | 12:50 |
majorgeek | you dont have cdrom? | 12:51 |
majorgeek | i already have a bookcase filled with ubuntu cds | 12:52 |
LittleJohn | I dont have iso, im downloading it now and no i dont have any cdrom becuz that my computer wont boot ubuntu with the cd plugged in | 12:52 |
Guest86617 | I have asked the same question 8 hours ago and no response, am I doing something wrong here or does noone understand how ubuntu 16.04 video works? | 12:53 |
ducasse | Guest86617: this is the weekend, it's usually slow here then. | 12:53 |
majorgeek | Guest86617 i understand but im not telling you | 12:53 |
MonkeyDust | Guest86617 hit the up arrow to repeat the question | 12:54 |
majorgeek | because you wouldn't understand | 12:54 |
Guest86617 | I have a dell inspiron n5100 i5 with 8gb(this has an ait /intel hybrid video card) running a new 16.04 install , as soon as I plug in an external monitor , both screens go haywire, automatically changing screen resolution, switching back ond forth where the screen is active, switching video display modes, all without anyone touching it... How do I fix this so I can hook up an external video screen? | 12:54 |
Guest86617 | ATI/Intl hybrid | 12:55 |
majorgeek | you should had bought the one with the nvidea grafics | 12:55 |
LittleJohn | Graphic cards is way too powerfull to be used only with linux xD | 12:56 |
majorgeek | LittleJohn: you is right you need to install steamOS | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | LittleJohn, that's BS | 12:57 |
LittleJohn | Ok now the iso is downloaded... | 12:57 |
LittleJohn | No no no, you only need max 2gb video memory in linux i think, cux linux has barly any games ?.. | 12:58 |
majorgeek | linux has tuxcart | 12:59 |
LittleJohn | Tuxcart seems like a 1990 game in windows | 12:59 |
LittleJohn | i searched now and it seems the game does not even have any requirements in ram and video | 13:01 |
majorgeek | https://supertuxkart.net/FAQ | 13:03 |
majorgeek | At least 2 GB VRAM (video memory). | 13:03 |
CrazyTux | how can I install snaps on Xubuntu? | 13:03 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: we told you earlier today | 13:03 |
Guest86617 | I have a dell inspiron n5100 i5 with 8gb(this has an ait /intel hybrid video card) running a new 16.04 install , as soon as I plug in an external monitor , both screens go haywire, automatically changing screen resolution, switching back ond forth where the screen is active, switching video display modes, all without anyone touching it... How do I fix this so I can hook up an external video screen? | 13:04 |
CrazyTux | I installed snapd | 13:04 |
Guest86617 | ATI/Intl hybrid | 13:04 |
CrazyTux | is there any GUI tool to search snap apps | 13:04 |
k1l | CrazyTux: ist still the same answer | 13:04 |
CrazyTux | ? | 13:04 |
Guest86617 | so the only advice is i should buy a different computer? | 13:04 |
k1l | CrazyTux: the gnome-software store can handle snaps | 13:04 |
k1l | Guest86617: what driver is in use? | 13:05 |
LittleJohn | Daaamn, games have evolved really fast... last time i checked linux games it was like 80% less requirements | 13:05 |
akik | Guest86617: try booting a kubuntu live session and see if that works the same strange way | 13:05 |
Guest86617 | I think it is the default one, | 13:06 |
Guest86617 | how to check? | 13:06 |
LittleJohn | thou still thats 2gb video ram needed and i said max 2gb, Video cards today has 8-12 gb | 13:06 |
CrazyTux | where can I find gnome-software store? | 13:06 |
gugahoa | Hello, I'm having a really strange problem | 13:07 |
k1l | Guest86617: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 13:07 |
gugahoa | Anything that I run on my ubuntu user is created with 000 permissions | 13:07 |
k1l | CrazyTux: install it? or just use the terminal as i told you already today | 13:07 |
gugahoa | For example, if I run git init, .git is initialized with d--------- | 13:07 |
gugahoa | Has anyone ever encoutered something like this? | 13:08 |
LittleJohn | Now the ubuntu said in VB "Kernel requires an x86-64 CPU (Witch i have) but only detected an i686 CPU. Unable to boot | 13:08 |
k1l | LittleJohn: you are running ubuntu in virtualbox? | 13:08 |
CrazyTux | k1l, I am not too comfortable with terminal. | 13:08 |
LittleJohn | I am running VB in Ubuntu and im running another Ubuntu now in VB | 13:09 |
LittleJohn | so Ubuntu in ubuntu | 13:09 |
LittleJohn | So it seems even ubuntu cant boot with VB on my computer | 13:10 |
Guest86617 | d@din:~$ sudo lshw -c video | 13:10 |
Guest86617 | [sudo] password for d: | 13:10 |
Guest86617 | *-display | 13:10 |
Guest86617 | description: VGA compatible controller | 13:10 |
Guest86617 | product: 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller | 13:10 |
Guest86617 | vendor: Intel Corporation | 13:10 |
k1l | so make sure the vbox is giving proper system to the guest | 13:10 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: looks like you're not emulating a supported cpu model in virtualbox | 13:10 |
BluesKaj | hmm, wonder if virtualization is turned off in the BIOS | 13:11 |
majorgeek | so ubuntu has finally droped 32bits support? | 13:12 |
LittleJohn | I gave the virtual driver a 8gb storage and 1gb ram, My cpu u is and intel 64bit cpu and in bios the VT-*** something is turned on | 13:12 |
k1l | majorgeek: no | 13:12 |
Guest86617 | lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 13:12 |
Guest86617 | Kernel driver in use: i915 | 13:12 |
Guest86617 | Kernel driver in use: radeon | 13:12 |
Guest86617 | d@din:~$ | 13:12 |
SchrodingersScat | majorgeek: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads still has 32-bit images | 13:12 |
k1l | Guest86617: ok, go to systemsettings > software & updates and look at last tab if you can install a prop. driver. | 13:13 |
The_Myth | hi guys. any video/mp3 downloader with ability to download youtube playlists for Xubuntu? thanks | 13:13 |
clissold345 | CrazyTux, Ubuntu Software lists snaps. Is that also known as the gnome software store? | 13:13 |
SchrodingersScat | The_Myth: youtube-dl is your friend here | 13:13 |
plasticfish | there are still lots of 32bit processors out there | 13:13 |
k1l | clissold345: yes it is. ubuntu switched away from the ubuntu-software-store to the gnome-software (branded as ubuntu-software) since 16.04 | 13:13 |
The_Myth | SchrodingersScat: i mean something with a GUI | 13:13 |
alkisg | gugahoa: what's the output of this command? umask | 13:14 |
SchrodingersScat | there's some 3rd party guis I think, but yeah nvm then. | 13:14 |
k1l | plasticfish: not lots. its old hardware and that machines will not run a proper desktop anyway | 13:14 |
akik | k1l: that's just wrong | 13:14 |
LittleJohn | (PAE in cpu settings is turned on) | 13:15 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: did you create a 64bit virtual machine, or a 32bit one? | 13:15 |
LittleJohn | 64 | 13:15 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: does it have the 64bit icon? | 13:15 |
plasticfish | kil, think about Africa | 13:15 |
CrazyTux | clissold345, you mean Ubuntu Software Centre? | 13:15 |
BluesKaj | The_Myth, dunno about playlists , but youtube-dl is installable | 13:15 |
LittleJohn | wierd, it does not even have a 64 or a 32 | 13:15 |
k1l | CrazyTux: the center is the old one. "ubuntu-software" is the new one with snap support. | 13:16 |
alkisg | plasticfish: we have about 10.000 p4's here, which work fine, and we'll keep them until at least ubuntu 18.04 | 13:16 |
alkisg | (greek schools) | 13:16 |
majorgeek | this channel does support trolls | 13:16 |
clissold345 | CrazyTux, type "software" (no quotes) in the Dash and you'll see Ubuntu Software. | 13:16 |
k1l | clissold345: he is using xubuntu | 13:17 |
Guest86617 | k1l no other driver listed.... | 13:17 |
CrazyTux | I am using Xubuntu 16.10 now. | 13:17 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: click to create a new machine, then select linux, and ubuntu 64 bit. you'll see the 64bit icon then. | 13:17 |
k1l | Guest86617: please put the output of "lspci" to paste.ubuntu.com and link it here | 13:17 |
majorgeek | how do you redirect a command output to paste.ubuntu.com? | 13:18 |
gugahoa | alkisg, 077 | 13:18 |
npco | How do I change which file opens my text, It is now Gedit, how do I permamently change it to Medit? | 13:18 |
gugahoa | s/077/0777 | 13:18 |
clissold345 | k1l, sorry I assumed he's using Ubuntu. | 13:18 |
majorgeek | shouldnt it be paste.ubuntu.ORG ? | 13:18 |
k1l | majorgeek: no | 13:19 |
alkisg | gugahoa: type `umask 002` to fix it, and check where you set it in order to stop setting it on logins | 13:19 |
CrazyTux | I just installed Ubuntu Software Centre on Xubuntu. | 13:19 |
majorgeek | .com is what TM corpsorations use | 13:19 |
LittleJohn | It does not have a 64 in the list no os has that it seems | 13:19 |
gugahoa | alkisg, it was that, thanks! | 13:20 |
k1l | CrazyTux: again: the "ubuntu-software" supports snap. not the "center". the "center" is the old one. | 13:20 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: what's the output of this command? apt policy virtualbox | nc termbin.com 9999 | 13:20 |
CrazyTux | ok | 13:20 |
LittleJohn | :S (WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts. http://termbin.com/fmu8) | 13:21 |
silentjack | anyone know if there exists an x86 installation iso for ubuntu touch? (not live or preinstall) | 13:21 |
Guest86617 | k1l Here is the requested paste link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24026772/ | 13:21 |
MonkeyDust | !touch | silentjack | 13:21 |
ubottu | silentjack: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 13:21 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: so, you don't have virtualbox installed and you're using something else. Maybe a local version that you didn't install from the software center. | 13:21 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: start with: sudo apt-get install virtualbox | 13:21 |
LittleJohn | I i downloaded the VB from the main siter :S | 13:22 |
silentjack | thanks i did check there, but only found preinstalls | 13:22 |
k1l | silentjack: there are no isos for ubuntu-touch since the tablets and smartphones use arm chips and dont use isos to isntall | 13:22 |
LittleJohn | "https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads" | 13:22 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: well, don't. Remove it and install it properly. | 13:22 |
LittleJohn | So apt-get install virtualbox ? | 13:22 |
alkisg | Yes | 13:22 |
CrazyTux | ok. It was already there on Xubuntu, installed. | 13:22 |
alkisg | Remove the other one first | 13:22 |
LittleJohn | ok | 13:22 |
npco | LittleJohn: I learned that if you can apt-get anything, do so. For many important reasons. | 13:23 |
silentjack | there is an x86 version of touch, but i cant find anything but live iso | 13:23 |
MarkB2 | I'm trying to install ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit into an existing grub2 system. The install goes to a connected drive and I've failed at getting grub2 to look at where to boot the freshly installed system from. | 13:23 |
k1l | Guest86617: ok, for that "old" cards amd dropped support. so your only chance is the open source driver "radeon" which you do already use. | 13:23 |
CrazyTux | how can I get a snap for pdf reader? | 13:23 |
LittleJohn | Thou how do i remove it ? xD | 13:23 |
Guest86617 | k1l so I am screwed? | 13:24 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: 'snap find pdf' | 13:24 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: go to the site where you downloaded it and check for documentation, it's not the proper ubuntu way so we don't know what you did. It certainly was not vbox.deb, so you did something awful there. :) | 13:24 |
LittleJohn | ok | 13:24 |
CrazyTux | ducasse, in the terminal? | 13:25 |
Guest86617 | k1l what is the last version of ubuntu that might support external video cards | 13:25 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: yes | 13:25 |
Guest86617 | k1l what is the last version of ubuntu that might support external video monitors on this configuration? | 13:25 |
* alkisg wonders if LittleJohn managed to download virtualbox-setup.exe and run it via wine... :D | 13:25 | |
CrazyTux | ok. thanks | 13:25 |
k1l | Guest86617: the radeon should support this. try if yoyu can set it properly in the system settings > monitors | 13:26 |
LittleJohn | xD | 13:26 |
CrazyTux | ducasse, how to install a snap? | 13:26 |
akik | Guest86617: ubuntu 14.04 is still supported and still has that proprietary driver support | 13:26 |
ducasse | CrazyTux: you were told earlier | 13:27 |
LittleJohn | alkisg now i searched the user manual for uninstall and for windows,Mac and Solaris hosts uninstall existed thou not for linux :S | 13:27 |
ttfn_42 | Hey all. My 16.04 is running beautifully on my chronos 7 after faffing with grub to get brightness and backlit keyboard working | 13:27 |
ttfn_42 | Bummer is; this thing has an 8870 on it | 13:28 |
ttfn_42 | (HD 8870M) | 13:28 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: do you remember which virtualbox installation package you downloaded? | 13:28 |
ttfn_42 | I did attempt to try the amdgpu_pro but login won't hapen | 13:28 |
MarkB2 | ttrn_42: You're familar with Grub? I'm trying to get grub to multi-boot and not having any luck getting it to recognize a second bootable system. | 13:28 |
ttfn_42 | only way I got to log in was to CTRL-ALT-F1 and remove the amd driver | 13:29 |
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ttfn_42 | anyone had much experience with it thus far? | 13:29 |
alkisg | MarkB2: do you mean that you want grub to show a menu to boot windows too? | 13:29 |
koleygr | <MarkB2> try boot-repair-disk | 13:29 |
LittleJohn | alkisg yes "Ubuntu 16.04 ("Xenial") i386 | >>>>>AMD64<<<<< | 13:30 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: what's the output of this? dpkg -l '*irtualbox*'|grep ^ii | 13:30 |
Guest86617 | ok thank you akik | 13:31 |
koleygr | <alkisg> He tried to install VB 5.1 | 13:31 |
LittleJohn | -_- i think im starting to realize the problem, isent i386 for intel and amd for amd ? or is it 64/32 bit ? | 13:31 |
MarkB2 | alkisg: No. Windows is not installed on that platform. The target drive will have ubuntu developer, ostro, and ubuntu core installed on it. I would like grub to let me select from one of those. Each system will be on its own partition and swap (hopefully) common. | 13:31 |
BluesKaj | MarkB2, run sudo os-prober then sudo update-grub | 13:31 |
LittleJohn | ii unity-scope-virtualbox 0.1+13.10.20130723-0ubuntu1 all VirtualBox scope for Unity ii virtualbox-5.1 5.1.14-112924~Ubuntu~xenial amd64 Oracle VM VirtualBox | 13:31 |
MarkB2 | BluesKai: That's it??? | 13:31 |
MarkB2 | I've been fighting with this ALL night! | 13:32 |
alkisg | MarkB2: and grub sees the 2 ubuntu systems but not ostro? if os-prober doesn't know ostro, then you need to write a custom entry in /etc/grub.d | 13:32 |
k1l | LittleJohn: "lscpu | nc termbin.com 9999" | 13:32 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: ok, sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-5.1; sudo apt-get install virtualbox | 13:32 |
MarkB2 | alkisg: I had not tried what BluesKaj had suggested. I can do that in a minute (this is on a system behind where I'm sitting). | 13:33 |
LittleJohn | k1l "http://termbin.com/4jts" | 13:33 |
MarkB2 | Back in a minute or two... | 13:33 |
LittleJohn | y | 13:34 |
LittleJohn | hate when i wright in the wrong window xD | 13:34 |
k1l | LittleJohn: vmx is enabled so there is something wrong with your vbox install or vbox settings | 13:35 |
LittleJohn | alkisg does this one come with extension paqage ? | 13:35 |
alkisg | LittleJohn: you download it separately | 13:36 |
LittleJohn | package* | 13:36 |
LittleJohn | ok | 13:36 |
LittleJohn | thou its not needed now thou i guess | 13:36 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: it's called virtualbox-ext-pack | 13:36 |
alkisg | It's needed for usb 2/3 devices and some other things | 13:37 |
k1l | you can install the extensions pack from the ubuntu repos too | 13:37 |
LittleJohn | ok | 13:37 |
ttfn_42 | what do the virtualbox extensions pack do? | 13:37 |
alkisg | k1l: where? | 13:37 |
alkisg | I thought there were licensing issues prohibiting that | 13:37 |
k1l | !info virtualbox-ext-pack | 13:37 |
ubottu | virtualbox-ext-pack (source: virtualbox-ext-pack): extra capabilities for VirtualBox, downloader.. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.1.6-2ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 11 kB, installed size 126 kB | 13:37 |
alkisg | This package downloads the extension pack from internet during install. ==> cool, ty | 13:38 |
LittleJohn | ducasse "E: Unable to locate package MS-7737:~$ E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'MS-7737:~$'" | 13:38 |
k1l | MS-7737:~$ is not a package name | 13:39 |
ttfn_42 | sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ext-pack | 13:39 |
LittleJohn | thou i think io got that message from virtualbox-ext-pack | 13:40 |
k1l | LittleJohn: no, you copied the wrong command | 13:40 |
LittleJohn | ok no it was me who wroght wrong i guess | 13:40 |
LittleJohn | Ok now it seems i got 64 os options | 13:42 |
SchrodingersScat | yay | 13:42 |
LittleJohn | now i got "VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes" instead -_- | 13:43 |
SchrodingersScat | are you able to change that in bios? | 13:43 |
k1l | enable it in the vbox settings | 13:44 |
LittleJohn | i dont think so | 13:44 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: did you get any errors when installing virtualbox? | 13:44 |
LittleJohn | i dont know, i never checked :/ thou it said succesfully | 13:45 |
k1l | LittleJohn: did you check the vbox settings now for that guest? | 13:45 |
ttfn_42 | anyone have experience with amdgpu_pro driver? | 13:45 |
ttfn_42 | :( | 13:46 |
LittleJohn | yes i changed the OS from 32 bit too 64 bit ubuntu | 13:46 |
k1l | ttfn_42: maybe ask a specific question, not generic ones | 13:46 |
k1l | LittleJohn: no, there are cpu settings for vt-x etc. did you check them? | 13:47 |
ttfn_42 | I've installed the current version of amdgpu_pro driver available direct from AMD. Installs fine, detects GPU | 13:47 |
ttfn_42 | on reboot, after password, unity doesn't fire up properly and bails back to login screen | 13:47 |
k1l | ttfn_42: does it work on guest account? | 13:48 |
SAm__ | I am trying to use do some graphics programming in c, but i am gettin error | 13:48 |
ttfn_42 | it doesn't, no. | 13:48 |
SAm__ | [xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue [xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called [xcb] Aborting, sorry about that. a.out: ../../src/xcb_io.c:274: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed. | 13:48 |
LittleJohn | If you mean PAE then yes that is checked settings>system>Processor and enable PAE/NX | 13:48 |
SAm__ | do any1 have any idea how to resolve that | 13:48 |
k1l | ttfn_42: then look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log what is going wrong | 13:48 |
ducasse | SAm__: try ##linux | 13:48 |
ttfn_42 | checking now .. | 13:49 |
SAm__ | <ducases> Can you explain? | 13:49 |
LittleJohn | wierd, it shows an extention error now too in settings.. maby i should redo the VD ? | 13:49 |
SAm__ | Any help will be most appreciated | 13:49 |
ducasse | SAm__: we don't do programming support, so ##linux is a better place to ask | 13:49 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: is secure boot enabled on this machine? | 13:50 |
SAm__ | ok thankyou. | 13:50 |
LittleJohn | do you mean the real pc or the guest ? | 13:52 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: the real one | 13:52 |
SAm__ | it says== Cannot send to channel: ##linux | 13:52 |
ducasse | !register | SAm__ | 13:52 |
ubottu | SAm__: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 13:52 |
LittleJohn | I have checked bios and i haven't found any fast boot i think | 13:52 |
LittleJohn | its Click Bios 2 | 13:52 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: not fast boot, secure boot | 13:52 |
LittleJohn | i can check it, if now i do not come back with same nick then il be called LittleJohn1 or 2 | 13:53 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: do 'sudo apt install mokutil' | 13:53 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: then run 'sudo mokutil --sb-state' | 13:53 |
LittleJohn | ok | 13:54 |
LittleJohn | This system does't support Secure Boot | 13:54 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: ok, nvm then, it was just a thought. :) | 13:55 |
LittleJohn | I guess that means i do not have a secure option in bios | 13:55 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: i'm not familiar enough with vbox to help you much, i only use kvm. have you doublechecked that vt-* is enabled in bios? | 14:00 |
ttfn_42 | I cannot find anything obvious in the x.org.log | 14:00 |
ttfn_42 | Any tips with a particular error I'd be looking for | 14:00 |
ttfn_42 | reminder: amdgpu_pro won't allow me to login | 14:01 |
LittleJohn | yes it says Acceleration: VT-x/AMD-V | 14:01 |
LittleJohn | this is the whole error message VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED). Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: ConsoleWrap Interface: IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed} | 14:01 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: look for the string (EE) | 14:01 |
ttfn_42 | EE - got it | 14:02 |
ttfn_42 | checking ... | 14:02 |
LittleJohn | its like it ignores that its alreaddy on VT-x | 14:02 |
ducasse | LittleJohn: try asking in #vbox if anyone there has seen it before, i'm out of suggestions | 14:03 |
ttfn_42 | got it | 14:03 |
ttfn_42 | RADEON(G0): [XvMC] Failed to initialize extension | 14:03 |
LittleJohn | ok ok, well thanks for trying to help anyways | 14:03 |
LittleJohn | On google btw it was a simular problem and that got fixed by uppdating the VB thou i got the latest and he on there updated to VB 4.3 | 14:05 |
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peto | Hi | 14:06 |
peto | who know how I connect LCD35 to raspberry pi 2 | 14:07 |
MonkeyDust | peto pi has its own channel, #raspberrypi | 14:08 |
trompstomp | Hi all. I am having an issue writing the new Gubuntu 16.04.2 release to usb. I am able to write the image to the usb drive and boot from it, but when I run the integrity test it always says it failed a single file. How can I determine what file is failing? | 14:08 |
ttfn_42 | I cannot find anything obvious for the amdgpu driver | 14:10 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: that looks like it's still trying to use the radeon driver | 14:11 |
ttfn_42 | that error, thanks for helpng me find it, seems very broad | 14:11 |
ttfn_42 | oh? | 14:11 |
ttfn_42 | Well, it is at the moment | 14:11 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: the RADEON bit | 14:11 |
ttfn_42 | I ave removed the dri ... oh wait | 14:11 |
ttfn_42 | I guess I'll need to reinstall it and examine the xorg.log real-time | 14:12 |
ttfn_42 | I can CTRL-ALT-F1 and chek the log I guess | 14:12 |
ttfn_42 | ok - I shall reinstall it now | 14:12 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: when you boot up with the amdgpu driver, the radeon module should not be loaded. check with lsmod. | 14:12 |
ttfn_42 | lsmod | 14:12 |
ttfn_42 | got it | 14:12 |
ttfn_42 | any switches? | 14:12 |
ttfn_42 | or just simply "lsmod" | 14:13 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: 'lsmod | grep radeon' | 14:13 |
ttfn_42 | gotcha. | 14:13 |
ttfn_42 | ok - installing. | 14:13 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: that should come back empty | 14:13 |
ttfn_42 | brb :D | 14:13 |
ttfn_42 | whilst that installs (480mb), how often is the x.org log truncated? | 14:15 |
ttfn_42 | on each boot? | 14:15 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: each start of the x server | 14:15 |
ttfn_42 | ok understood. and the .log.old is the previous start of the xserver? | 14:15 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: should be. | 14:16 |
ttfn_42 | fabulous. Its just finalising modules. I'm on the stock 4.4.0-62 kernel | 14:16 |
ttfn_42 | ok its done - rebooting | 14:17 |
trompstomp | Are there any differences between the restricted extra packages installed during installation and ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 14:22 |
k1l | trompstomp: no | 14:24 |
ttfn_42 | ok - so that was different | 14:25 |
ttfn_42 | :) | 14:25 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: in what way? :) | 14:25 |
trompstomp | k1l, Thanks. I am assume if you install restricted extras after installation you are still required to disable secure boot. is that correct? | 14:25 |
ttfn_42 | AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so failed undefined symbol: is64bitelf | 14:27 |
ttfn_42 | same again with swrast_dri.so | 14:27 |
ttfn_42 | GLX: Could not load software renderer | 14:27 |
ttfn_42 | GLX: no useable GL provider screen 0 | 14:28 |
ttfn_42 | ... hence unity not being able to fire | 14:28 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: i965 is intel, iirc. is this the x log? | 14:28 |
ttfn_42 | double-checking now .. | 14:29 |
anddam | new window in Files show hidden files by default, I see this is a setting in Preference but is there a program whose install would change this? | 14:30 |
anddam | I didn't made the change myself | 14:30 |
anddam | make* | 14:30 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: is this a desktop system with a discrete amd gpu and an integrated intel? | 14:30 |
ttfn_42 | Yes it is | 14:30 |
ttfn_42 | ... just confirmed - this is the correct log | 14:30 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: is the amd card set to primary in the bios? | 14:31 |
ttfn_42 | BIOs does not offer this as an option | 14:31 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: can you pastebin the latest x log? | 14:31 |
ttfn_42 | pastebin? | 14:32 |
ducasse | !pastebin | 14:32 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 14:32 |
ttfn_42 | OMg thats genius XD | 14:32 |
ttfn_42 | yes of course | 14:32 |
ttfn_42 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24027152/ | 14:33 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: what does 'lsmod | grep radeon' say? | 14:35 |
ttfn_42 | I have a hit | 14:36 |
ttfn_42 | but only because I have removed the driver | 14:36 |
ttfn_42 | I'll need to reinstall | 14:37 |
ttfn_42 | doesn't take a sec | 14:37 |
ttfn_42 | brb | 14:37 |
ttfn_42 | within the pastebin, I notived it showed a list of supported cards | 14:38 |
ttfn_42 | quite exhastive | 14:38 |
ttfn_42 | I realised my card isn't in that list | 14:38 |
ttfn_42 | HD 8870M | 14:39 |
ttfn_42 | HD 8800M is there, so I would consider it might work | 14:39 |
ttfn_42 | just wondering if I have filaed at the first hurdle - driver doesn't support my card XD | 14:40 |
ttfn_42 | ok driver installed - rebooting | 14:41 |
weniamin | привет | 14:43 |
rifter | !russian | 14:43 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 14:43 |
elv23 | Hi. I'm in a bit of a predicament. I have an unmet dependencies situation. "libelementary2 : Depends: libethumb-client-bin" I try install libethumb-client-bin, but it tries to overwrite a file and fails. So, I wanted to remove libelementary2. When I do this, it spits out another unmet dependency error: "libelementary-bin : Depends: libelementary2". Now, attempting to install this spits back the original error. | 14:46 |
elv23 | So effectively I'm stuck in this loop of being unable to remove or install. And this issue is blocking dist-upgrade as well | 14:46 |
ttfn_42 | Hello | 14:47 |
physios_ | Hi | 14:47 |
ttfn_42 | Signed in on mobile | 14:47 |
physios_ | I need some help with my microphone, which is not working | 14:48 |
ttfn_42 | lsmod | grep radeon returns nothing | 14:48 |
elv23 | physios_: what kind of microphone | 14:49 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: i've been searching a bit, and i'm not convinced amdgpu-pro supports your chipset. i can't find a clear yes/no answer. | 14:49 |
ttfn_42 | I feared that might be the case | 14:50 |
ttfn_42 | Clearly im a tad premature | 14:50 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: from what i can tell, you need to use radeon or go back to ubuntu 14.04 with the fglrx driver (not recommended) | 14:51 |
ttfn_42 | "amdgpu-pro-uninstall" for the last time :) | 14:51 |
ttfn_42 | Ill hand it to them, though. Their installer is very clean | 14:51 |
ttfn_42 | Just a brief autoremive afterwards and its all back to normal | 14:52 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: did you have problems with radeon in the first place, is that why you started this? | 14:53 |
ttfn_42 | Radeon doesnt completely load | 14:53 |
akinode | Hey, can anyone recommend a learning source for understanding how web programming works? I'm still having some difficulties getting into it because I'm probably missing quite a few underlying concepts | 14:53 |
ttfn_42 | loadbut unity works | 14:53 |
MonkeyDust | akinode you mean creating websites? if try, start with echoecho.com | 14:54 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse i started this in an effort to run steam games | 14:54 |
ttfn_42 | DRI_PRIME=1 for some doesnt work | 14:55 |
ttfn_42 | Any good titles need the proper drivers | 14:55 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: right. you might need fglrx, then, and that won't work with 16.04. | 14:57 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse I think most of the main titles require a proper driver set | 14:57 |
akinode | MonkeyDust Yeah I have a project coming up where I will have to be working with python libraries like tornado or pycharm, but there are a lot of things I don't really understand about them | 14:57 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse They report "unsupported Driver" otherwise | 14:57 |
akinode | MonkeyDust like I wrote a script and put app.listen(8888) at the end, and now I odn't even know how to disable it again | 14:58 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: you have removed amdgpu-pro now? | 14:59 |
ttfn_42 | Yes i have | 14:59 |
ttfn_42 | Im back in again | 14:59 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: open 'software and updates', is anything listed under 'additional drivers'? | 15:00 |
ttfn_42 | no. | 15:00 |
ttfn_42 | Only the very odd presentation of the intel driver | 15:00 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: ok, then you are stuck between fglrx and radeon. | 15:00 |
ttfn_42 | sorry - I don't know how to highlight your name with my replies | 15:00 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: that's not an intel driver, but cpu microcode. | 15:01 |
auronandace | !tab | ttfn_42 | 15:01 |
ubottu | ttfn_42: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 15:01 |
ttfn_42 | aaaaah, yes - CPU microcode | 15:01 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: TAB - got it | 15:02 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: so the CPU microcode is not the onboard GPU chipset driver? | 15:03 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: no | 15:03 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: you can try to get a second opinion on this in #ubuntu-steam, but i don't think they will tell you anything different | 15:05 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: (the amd graphics driver, that is) | 15:05 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: No, I think this is as far as I will get with it for now. | 15:05 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: the supported chipset list seems pretty exhaustive | 15:05 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: and my chipset isn't in it | 15:05 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: thanks for you time on this - I appreciat eit | 15:06 |
ducasse | ttfn_42: no problem, sorry i couldn't help. | 15:07 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: Right - time to get some food. I shall update this channel as and when I get more news on hybrid GPU behaviour fr AMD-based chipsets | 15:10 |
ttfn_42 | ducasse: by for now | 15:10 |
Lavinho | how to install ubuntu 16.10 lenovo idepad 100s 11" lby | 15:14 |
Lavinho | ??? | 15:14 |
Lavinho | bootia32.efi fault | 15:14 |
Lavinho | version i386 | 15:15 |
ducasse | Lavinho: http://askubuntu.com/questions/684041/ubuntu-debian-on-a-lenovo-ideapad-100s-linux-has-issues-with-this-laptop#685728 | 15:16 |
Lavinho | im runing windows | 15:17 |
ducasse | Lavinho: from that thread: "I will probably return the unit because without sound, wireless, battery information, and sleep ability it's just not worth keeping when there are other alternatives out there." | 15:20 |
Lavinho | yes | 15:23 |
Lavinho | i do | 15:23 |
akik | Lavinho: did you check the lenovo forums about that? | 15:23 |
Lavinho | no | 15:25 |
akik | Lavinho: the site is https://forums.lenovo.com/ | 15:26 |
tarball | hello ubuntu users, I cannot change a disk's folder permissions via gksudo, it only changes the disk permission, but not enclosed folders. what do I need to do? | 15:28 |
ducasse | !permissions | tarball | 15:29 |
ubottu | tarball: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 15:29 |
tarball | ducasse, thank you, so I guess it must be this: 'sudo chmod 777 -R /path/to/someDirectory' | 15:32 |
tarball | as an example format | 15:32 |
ducasse | tarball: that will do it, but it will also set 777 on every file and directory. if that's not what you want, you can for instance use find to only set on directories | 15:33 |
tarball | ducasse, 777 is fine, but even this command didnt work. permission denied | 15:35 |
ducasse | tarball: what kind of filesystem are you trying to set it on? | 15:36 |
tarball | ducasse ext4 | 15:36 |
ducasse | tarball: maybe it's mounted read only | 15:37 |
alkisg | tarball: can you touch a file inside that dir? e.g. `touch /path/to/someDirectory/test` ? | 15:39 |
tarball | alkisg, the folder is empty. I just created it | 15:41 |
tarball | so there is no file in it | 15:41 |
tarball | but I'd like to save a file there and it rejects | 15:42 |
alkisg | tarball: er, then why are you trying to chmod -R? | 15:42 |
alkisg | tarball: try the touch command and tell us the output | 15:42 |
alkisg | touch /path/to/someDirectory/test; sudo touch /path/to/someDirectory/test | 15:42 |
alkisg | Does any of those 2 work? | 15:42 |
tarball | alkisg, I thought it would be right for the folder contents that I will create | 15:42 |
alkisg | If you have no subdirs, chmod -R will only work on the one dir you have | 15:43 |
tarball | I am trying now | 15:43 |
tarball | alkisg, the first command says permission denied, second one doesnt give any output, and redirects to command prompt | 15:45 |
alkisg | tarball: ok, then it's not mounted read only. What's the output of this? ls -la /path/to/someDirectory | 15:45 |
=== Birosso is now known as Bigotto | ||
pavlos | tarball, can you give us the output of, mount | 15:45 |
baldbob | g'day folks... with 16.04.2 being out, is there a still a reason to install 16.10? have to reinstall | 15:46 |
alkisg | And, the output of: id -u | 15:46 |
alkisg | baldbob: 16.04 has only the kernel and xorg of 16.10, not the rest of the programs. If you want stability, stay with LTS; otherwise you can keep 16.10 | 15:46 |
baldbob | compared to .10 is .04.2's software outdated then? | 15:47 |
alkisg | Yes | 15:47 |
alkisg | But of course it'll be maintained for more time | 15:47 |
ducasse | 'outdated' is a little strong | 15:47 |
alkisg | Because LTS releases are maintained for 5 years, while non-LTS for I don't know, 9 months? | 15:47 |
tarball | alkisg, the ouput is '-rw------- 1 root root..' | 15:47 |
alkisg | tarball: what about . and touch? That's only partial output | 15:48 |
alkisg | *and test | 15:48 |
baldbob | right... so .10 will be dead in april when 17.04 comes along | 15:48 |
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu | ||
tarball | alkisg, touch gave no output | 15:49 |
ducasse | baldbob: it will be supported for three more months after release of 17.04 | 15:49 |
alkisg | tarball: the ls command had 3 lines output, you showed only 1 line here | 15:49 |
pavlos | tarball, try mount | grep /dev/sd ... that should be one line | 15:49 |
baldbob | ok, thanks for the input | 15:49 |
tarball | alkisg, it is really 1 line only | 15:49 |
alkisg | tarball: all `ls -la` commands show the current dir, ., the previous dir, .., and it should also show the test file you did. In total, 3 lines. | 15:50 |
alkisg | tarball: run this to paste it all: ls -la /path/to/someDirectory | nc termbin.com 9999 | 15:51 |
tarball | alkisg, sure..the output of 'id -u' is '1000', by the way | 15:51 |
tarball | pavlos, grep output is '/dev/sdb on /media/user/disk type ext4 (rw, nosuid, nodev, relatime, data=ordered, uhelper=udisk2) | 15:52 |
maxthewin | ciao | 15:53 |
alkisg | tarball: just a quick advice, I think it would be better for you to do this: sudo mkdir /media/user/disk/tarball; sudo chown 1000:1000 /media/user/disk/tarball; sudo chmod 755 /media/user/disk/tarball | 15:55 |
tarball | alkisg, all of them? | 15:55 |
alkisg | tarball: that way you'll have a directory there that is directly accessible by you, without sudo | 15:55 |
alkisg | Yes | 15:55 |
alkisg | You'll be able to copy/paste files inside the "tarball" directory without gksudo, by just openning nautilus | 15:55 |
xiaofeng | what this? | 15:57 |
xiaofeng | fuck | 15:57 |
tarball | alkisg, it says 'mkdir: cannot create directory '/media/user/disk/tarball': not a directory (of course I inserted my own dir names) | 15:57 |
alkisg | tarball, ok, I'm still waiting for the output of the previous command then: ls -la /path/to/someDirectory | nc termbin.com 9999 | 15:58 |
xiaofeng | 这软件界面好j8抽象 | 15:58 |
alkisg | tarball: you're giving us wrong output in some cases, so you need to start copy/pasting things more accurately | 15:58 |
xiaofeng | english? | 15:59 |
alkisg | Yes | 15:59 |
ducasse | !cn | xiaofeng | 15:59 |
ubottu | xiaofeng: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 15:59 |
xiaofeng | haha | 15:59 |
tarball | alkisg, I am giving what I see here | 15:59 |
alkisg | tarball: ok, I'm waiting for that last command output | 15:59 |
alkisg | ls -la /path/to/someDirectory | nc termbin.com 9999 | 16:00 |
tarball | and ls -la has the same output as before | 16:00 |
xiaofeng | my english good | 16:00 |
alkisg | I never saw it though | 16:00 |
alkisg | If you don't want to share the output, I can't help you, bye | 16:00 |
xiaofeng | gan | 16:00 |
pavlos | tarball, ls -l / | grep media (this is one line | 16:00 |
tarball | sorry I am restarting the machine, will take a little while | 16:01 |
xiaofeng | no | 16:01 |
xiaofeng | no restarting | 16:01 |
xiaofeng | this system fuck egg | 16:02 |
ducasse | xiaofeng: watch your language | 16:03 |
xiaofeng | 汉语 | 16:03 |
xiaofeng | 老子要去洗澡睡了,垃圾系统,垃圾聊天软件 | 16:04 |
akik | xiaofeng: you joined this channel voluntarily. please behave | 16:06 |
RonWhoCares | How do I find where Kdenlive is installed | 16:06 |
Al3xG0 | amd or nvidia have continued support card video driver oficial? | 16:06 |
TandyUK | RonWhoCares: which kdenlive ? | 16:07 |
TandyUK | well with a K | 16:07 |
ducasse | RonWhoCares: dpkg -l kdenlive | 16:08 |
RonWhoCares | which kdenlive gives the result /usr/bin/kdenlive | 16:09 |
RonWhoCares | But then I can't "cd" into that directory | 16:09 |
RonWhoCares | ('not a directory' is displayed) | 16:10 |
ducasse | RonWhoCares: /usr/bin is the directory, kdenlive the binary | 16:10 |
rorro | Can i make it so my mousekeys make the pointer jump instead of move only one pixel? | 16:10 |
akik | RonWhoCares: the application is not installed into a single directory. you can list the files with "dpkg -L kdenlive" | 16:11 |
rorro | So when i click 2 och my number pad the pointer jumps 20 pixels down instead of 1 pixel | 16:11 |
tarball | alkisg, pavlos, the disk is writable now, solved..thank you very much! | 16:11 |
pavlos | tarball, ok | 16:11 |
alkisg | np | 16:11 |
RonWhoCares | ahh | 16:13 |
RonWhoCares | ok | 16:13 |
RonWhoCares | Rebooting | 16:13 |
nuxmuncher | Hi! I get "Failure to download extra data files" pop-up window regarding "flashplugin-installer". After hitting the "run this action now" button.. im delivered to an authentication window... which I authenticate... but nothing happens... any clues anybody? | 16:13 |
nuxmuncher | this has persisited for a few days now.. I'd like to avoid rebooting if possible | 16:14 |
pavlos | nuxmuncher, sudo apt update | 16:15 |
nuxmuncher | do that daily but I'll do now again ... please hold | 16:15 |
nuxmuncher | pavlos hang on ... "sudo apt-get update" or what you wrote above? | 16:16 |
pavlos | nuxmuncher, sure, either apt or apt-get | 16:17 |
nuxmuncher | ok... didn't know they were same | 16:18 |
pavlos | nuxmuncher, sure, apt is newer ... are you on 16.04 ? | 16:19 |
yellabs-r2 | hi there | 16:19 |
nuxmuncher | hi pavlos... done but window still there after i hit "run this action now"..... yes Im on 16.04 | 16:20 |
alkisg | nuxmuncher: dpkg -l '*flash*' | grep ^ii ==> what's the output of that? | 16:20 |
yellabs-r2 | is there a bash ( commandline ) program that works , for translating from one to an other language ? | 16:20 |
yellabs-r2 | script... | 16:21 |
yellabs-r2 | ;) | 16:21 |
nuxmuncher | the exact command to run is: dpkg -l '*flash*' | grep ^ii .... right? | 16:21 |
alkisg | Yes | 16:22 |
akik | yellabs-r2: https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell (try google next time) | 16:22 |
=== miczac_ is now known as miczac | ||
xiaofeng | what time is it\ | 16:22 |
yellabs-r2 | did i not understand correct and that one is not working any more.. | 16:22 |
xiaofeng | ?\ | 16:22 |
nuxmuncher | the output is: ii flashplugin-installer amd64 Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 16:23 |
akik | yellabs-r2: what doesn't work? | 16:23 |
alkisg | !flash | 16:24 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 16:24 |
physios_ | I need help with my headset's mic which isn't working | 16:24 |
yellabs-r2 | giving it a try right now, thanks .. we will see | 16:24 |
alkisg | What's the recommended flash package nowadays, flashplugin-installer or adobe-flashplugin from the partner repository? | 16:24 |
nuxmuncher | .. is that a pass or fail? | 16:25 |
Guest66967 | hey. i need libopenjp2.a, but installing libopenjp2-7-dev does not create .a file in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, just shared library .so files | 16:25 |
yellabs-r2 | works perfect , many thanks | 16:25 |
nuxmuncher | oh.. i guess im asking alkisg now | 16:26 |
xiaofeng | i'm going to bed | 16:26 |
alkisg | nuxmuncher: the flashplugin-installer package does the same thing with the adobe-flashplugin package. The difference is that the first one tries to download flash from the internet, while the second one has them embedded in the .deb file | 16:26 |
alkisg | nuxmuncher: for that reason, I prefer the second package, but I'm not sure which one of those 2 is the "recommented" way... | 16:27 |
nuxmuncher | ... ok...? i think you're confusing me with someone else.. I just want to know if the pop up will go away now | 16:28 |
alkisg | nuxmuncher: no, because that package has bugs, it'll keep popping up until you run `/usr/share/package-data-downloads/flashplugin-installer` again, or install the adobe-flashplugin package instead | 16:28 |
nuxmuncher | ok.. please advise most common "path of least resistance" for this please? | 16:30 |
alkisg | nuxmuncher: I do it this way: sudo sed 's/.*\(deb .*partner\)/\1/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin | 16:31 |
alkisg | Then I never see that window again | 16:31 |
nuxmuncher | in one chunk.. just like that?... or separated at semi-colons? | 16:32 |
alkisg | nuxmuncher: just like that is fine | 16:33 |
m52 | !lubuntu | 16:33 |
ubottu | lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 16:33 |
nuxmuncher | alkisg.. done. so should I "run this action.." to finally get rid of pop-up... or reboot (id really rather not reboot" | 16:35 |
alkisg | nuxmuncher: just close that window. If it really insists you could also `xkill` it. In any case it won't reappear after logoff/logon | 16:36 |
nuxmuncher | alkisg you're awesome. Sincere thanks for your help. Be well friend. | 16:37 |
alkisg | You're welcome | 16:37 |
rodrigo__ | hello | 16:40 |
rodrigo__ | there some from tijuana | 16:41 |
rahmonali | hi | 16:51 |
okwaho | hey | 16:52 |
Kurvivor | hello! | 16:59 |
Kurvivor | i have updated system recently, and it seems my nvidia drivers are toast | 17:00 |
Kurvivor | please help me with command sequence to restore them | 17:00 |
Kurvivor | i am in console mode, with system behaving erratically (term switching to another every monite or so) | 17:01 |
Kurvivor | i need halp ASAP | 17:01 |
koleygr | Did the update finished? | 17:02 |
Wixy | Hey, hello all | 17:04 |
Wixy | I'm using 800MB of swap memory. is there a way to know what is using that memory? | 17:04 |
Wixy | Should I be looking at the virtual memory column in top/htop? | 17:05 |
Kurvivor | koleygr: yes, it did. Then on the next reload - black screen instead of graphical login screen | 17:05 |
koleygr | <Kurvivor> is it 16.04? | 17:06 |
Kurvivor | koleygr: lsb_release gives Description:Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS | 17:07 |
koleygr | <Kurvivor> The update was from terminal or from update manager? | 17:08 |
Kurvivor | update manager | 17:08 |
koleygr | try from console to see if it gives errors | 17:08 |
Kurvivor | i agreed to the visual prompt | 17:08 |
k1l | Kurvivor: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 17:08 |
Kurvivor | sudo dist upgrade | 17:09 |
Kurvivor | ? | 17:09 |
k1l | Kurvivor: and run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" to make sure you have all the latest packages | 17:09 |
Kurvivor | i am reasonably sure number of package sources, including source for nvidia drivers, were disabled during upgrade | 17:12 |
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne | ||
RGamma | Kurvivor: What if you try to boot an older kernel? | 17:14 |
koleygr | <Kurvivor> give the commands that k1l said to you... And if there is any error or something sent it here | 17:14 |
plgos | jello | 17:14 |
k1l | Kurvivor: what kernel are you on? how did you install the nvidia driver? and what about the info i asked for? | 17:14 |
Kurvivor | here: N: Файл «50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist» в каталоге «/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/» игнорируется, так как он не имеет неправильное расширение | 17:14 |
k1l | Kurvivor: that is just a warning. you can delete that file | 17:15 |
Kurvivor | it seems encodings here are somewhat broken | 17:15 |
trekai | I'm getting a Stale File handle when trying to mount a SDCard on Ubuntu 16.04.2 Any way to fix it? | 17:16 |
Kurvivor | k1l: stil runnign your commands; random terminal switches make it unnecessary hard | 17:17 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Is it trying to switch to tty7 because X tries to restart itself? | 17:18 |
pavlos | Kurvivor, I thought you were in console mode using c-a-f1 | 17:19 |
pavlos | trekai, how do you mount the sd card | 17:20 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: But as said, I'd suggest you reboot and select an older kernel and see whether that brings back a usable system | 17:21 |
Kurvivor | RGamma: probably; how can is top that if that is the case? | 17:21 |
=== Menzie607 is now known as Menzador | ||
trekai | pavlos, I use the following command: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdcard/ | 17:22 |
trekai | pavlos, the exact error I get is: mount /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/sdcard failed: Stale file handle | 17:22 |
Kurvivor | pavlos: yes, but with f4 | 17:23 |
pavlos | trekai, can you paste, fdisk -l /dev/sdb (use sudo) | 17:23 |
trekai | pavlos, sure just a sec | 17:23 |
Kurvivor | where is the file with list of package sources? | 17:23 |
koleygr | <Kurvivor> /etc/apt/sources.list... but follow what k1l says... | 17:25 |
koleygr | <Kurvivor> has the update finished? | 17:26 |
trekai | pavlos, here you are (yes, it *is* a 128MB model ;-) ) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24028190/ | 17:26 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Well, if you don't want to reboot and it is indeed X causing this I need to ask myself why it'd continually try to restart. Try "sudo systemctl isolate multi-user.target". This might stop all programs you have running and might disable your network, so you'd need to start this yourself and reconnect here | 17:26 |
trekai | pavlos, I have already fsck'ed it and it contained a lot of errors, the main inode was not a directory for instance | 17:27 |
RGamma | And "might" because I don't know how you actually have set up your network and what exactly is in your target | 17:27 |
pavlos | trekai, maybe you umount and then mount again ... does dmesg show any errors? | 17:28 |
trekai | pavlos, umount won't work, since it would not mount to begin with | 17:29 |
pavlos | trekai, well, you are trying to mount an ext4 which should work ... I keep reading about state file handles | 17:30 |
trekai | pavlos, it is much too old to be ext4, I think it is a ext2 volume | 17:30 |
pavlos | trekai, you should be able to mount ext2 as well | 17:32 |
trekai | pavlos, No. Still the same error message. Is there anyway to ignore the error and mount it anyway? | 17:33 |
trekai | pavlos, what is really strange though, I get no dmesg changes upon trying to mount it. | 17:34 |
pavlos | trekai, dmesg should report when the sdcard is plugged in, and give you the device /dev/sdb | 17:35 |
ioria | trekai, have you tried changing mountpoint ? | 17:35 |
trekai | pavlos, yes, when removing and re-inserting, I *do* get errors in dmesg. I'll pastebinit it for you. On the different mount point: I have just created it | 17:37 |
manga | ram | 17:37 |
barnito | I love Ubuntu! | 17:38 |
Kurvivor | sorry, had to reboot | 17:39 |
trekai | pavlos, here is the pastebin I got on dmesg after re-inserting the SD-card: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24028262/ | 17:39 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Selected older kernel in grub menu? | 17:39 |
Kurvivor | what process must i kill to stop automatic switching from terminal to non-working x login screen? | 17:39 |
magnum_orkus | i uninstalled restricted extras, but still getting prompt for 'seurity update flash player' how can i get rid of this? | 17:40 |
Kurvivor | RGamma: no; i am not clear on what would i be able to do from there | 17:40 |
k1l | Kurvivor: just press ctrl+alt+f1 | 17:40 |
Kurvivor | k1l: that's what i do every 40 seconds! | 17:40 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Get a working system again that doesn't try to switch tty :) | 17:40 |
k1l | Kurvivor: so far we have no informations about what you did wrong to your system and can only guess | 17:41 |
Kurvivor | after 50th time it is somewhat tiresome | 17:41 |
Kurvivor | k1l: that part is simple. I have allowed it to upgrade distribution | 17:41 |
pavlos | trekai, you have data on the card, right? | 17:41 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, I need help enabling DRI3, after adding Option "DRI" "3" to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-radeon.conf, lightdm would not start up, and the boot would remain stuck at tty, and after taking out the line, it worked again | 17:41 |
Guy1524 | how can I correctly enable DRI3 | 17:41 |
k1l | Kurvivor: does the login screen work? | 17:41 |
Kurvivor | k1l: no | 17:42 |
Guy1524 | I have the oibaf graphics drivers installed btw, and I am running on a 2010 IMac | 17:42 |
k1l | Kurvivor: what is the issue there? | 17:42 |
trekai | pavlos, probably, I'm not sure. I got this card from a friend and I'm curious to look at it's content. | 17:42 |
trekai | pavlos, it is Marked "TomTom ONE XL" | 17:42 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Does journalctl show anything of interest? Like errors about inserting nvidia? | 17:42 |
pavlos | trekai, isnt tomtom one of the gps, maybe it has map data | 17:43 |
RGamma | Guy1524: Supposedly /var/log/Xorg.0.log should have something? | 17:43 |
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Guy1524 | ok, will that contain information from the last boot? | 17:43 |
Kurvivor | k1l: two of them: 1) automatic switching from terminal (c-a-f1) to whati presume is login screen | 17:43 |
RGamma | Guy1524: From last Xorg start to be specific | 17:43 |
trekai | pavlos, yes, that's why I'm curious about it | 17:44 |
Guy1524 | is there a way to get a log from the one before that | 17:44 |
Kurvivor | k1l: 2) said 'login screen' is just a black screen (well, very dark dark grey) without anything | 17:44 |
RGamma | Guy1524: Xorg.1.log | 17:44 |
Guy1524 | ok, thx | 17:44 |
RGamma | Guy1524: No wait, Xorg.0.log.old | 17:44 |
Guy1524 | thx | 17:45 |
Kurvivor | RGamma: how do i check journalctl? | 17:45 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Type journalctl | 17:45 |
Guy1524 | found the problem | 17:45 |
Guy1524 | "Option" is not a valid keyword in this section. | 17:45 |
pavlos | trekai, you fsck and it came up with errors | 17:45 |
k1l | Kurvivor: try an older kernel in grub first | 17:45 |
trekai | pavlos, true, I fixed them all, though | 17:46 |
pavlushka | what's wrong in it, =SUM(january!B2)-SUM(february!B2,-C2,-D2)? here January and February are the sheet names | 17:46 |
pavlos | trekai, dont know what else to suggest | 17:46 |
RGamma | Guy1524: Yeah, it needs to be in right section. Presumably something like Section "Device"\n Driver "radeon" or whatever. I don't know AMD stuff well | 17:47 |
Guy1524 | I did put it in there though | 17:47 |
Random832 | pavlos, what's the sum of a single cell? | 17:47 |
Guy1524 | I put it in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-radeon.conf | 17:47 |
pavlos | Random832, ?? sum(b1) | 17:47 |
Guy1524 | right before EndSection | 17:47 |
Kurvivor | k1l, RGamma: ok, will try and reboot into older kernel then | 17:48 |
Random832 | er i meant pavlushka | 17:48 |
Guy1524 | most guides suggest /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d, but that folder doesn't exist for me | 17:48 |
Guy1524 | should I try creating it | 17:48 |
Random832 | but my point is what's the point of using sum | 17:48 |
Guy1524 | and putting that there | 17:48 |
Random832 | if you're not doing a range | 17:48 |
RGamma | Guy1524: What does the Xorg log say exactly. Paste it somewher | 17:48 |
Guy1524 | ok | 17:48 |
trekai | pavlos, thank you for looking at the errors. The card is probably broken somehow, or uses an incompatible file system *masquerading* as a normal Linux partition. | 17:49 |
Guy1524 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24028338/ | 17:49 |
pavlushka | Random832: ok, kinda bad habit | 17:49 |
pavlos | trekai, I suggest you bring up gparted and wipe the card, refomat it, recheck it, and howfully will mount | 17:49 |
pavlushka | Random832: that's the point | 17:49 |
RGamma | Guy1524: Well, it says you didn't put it into the Device section | 17:50 |
trekai | pavlos, that is just what I'll do. | 17:50 |
RGamma | Guy1524: What does that radeon config look like? | 17:50 |
RGamma | Guy1524: Also, please nickping. Makes it easier for me | 17:50 |
Guy1524 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24028343/ | 17:51 |
Guy1524 | RGamma: ^ | 17:51 |
RGamma | trekai: If there's anything important on that card I'd try cat /dev/yourcard >backup first | 17:51 |
pavlushka | Random832: and if you can help me correct the issue | 17:52 |
trekai | RGamma, since it has been given to me and I haven't used it since I know that it does not contain any useful data. | 17:53 |
Random832 | sorry i don't know the wider context | 17:53 |
trekai | RGamma, thank you for the suggestion though. | 17:53 |
Guy1524 | I've put a new .conf in, I'll try rebooting now | 17:55 |
Guy1524 | brb | 17:55 |
RGamma | Guy1524: Try adding this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24028378/ | 17:55 |
Guy1524 | thx, Ill try that afterwards if this doesn't work | 17:56 |
pavlos | trekai, according to some tomtom page, the fs is linux but encrypted | 17:57 |
[jasper] | hej guys, is there someone here who can help me figure out what's going wrong with my crontab? | 17:58 |
Kurvivor | hello again | 17:58 |
ppf | is there a way to tell grub which entry to boot on the _next_ reboot? | 17:58 |
[jasper] | I've tried analysing the problem. the hourly cron job runs every 17th minute and always fails | 17:59 |
[jasper] | with this message: /bin/sh: 1: root: not found | 17:59 |
Kurvivor | rebooting with 2 previous kernels did not help, sadly | 17:59 |
OerHeks | There should be a way to set a default in the grub manual, ppf | 17:59 |
OerHeks | !grub | 17:59 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 17:59 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Mh, that's bad | 17:59 |
pavlos | [jasper], do you use absolute paths? | 17:59 |
Kurvivor | so it is | 17:59 |
k1l | [jasper]: what is the command? | 17:59 |
magnum_orkus | i uninstalled restricted extras, but still getting prompt for 'seurity update flash player' how can i get rid of this? | 18:00 |
k1l | Kurvivor: how did you install the nvidia driver? | 18:00 |
trekai | pavlos, I got an I/O error trying to write a new partition table to it, so it is quite knackered and I'll toss it out. | 18:00 |
k1l | what video card is it? | 18:00 |
[jasper] | pavlos, the issue is: all the hourly crons fail. then I have a cron with should execute every 4 hours. so I get an email on the hour of a failure...but then 5 minutes later this cron for some reason runs again. | 18:00 |
k1l | magnum_orkus: purge the flashplugin-installer | 18:00 |
[jasper] | so I'm wondering if this is set in multiple crons...but then I searched all the files....and didn't find the command anywher else... | 18:01 |
magnum_orkus | thx ill try | 18:01 |
Kurvivor | k1l: it is the funnies thing: i booted into terminal, went on IRC and got an advice on what commands to run | 18:01 |
OerHeks | ppf, item #4 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Timed_Display | 18:01 |
Guy1524_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24028425/ | 18:01 |
Kurvivor | as the result i do not remember proper steps myself | 18:01 |
Guy1524_ | I tried my solution and got this | 18:01 |
pavlos | [jasper], normally, you put your script in /etc/cron.hourly | 18:01 |
Guy1524_ | but I don't know if it worked | 18:01 |
Guy1524_ | can anyone tell me if I am using DRI 2 or 3? | 18:01 |
k1l | [jasper]: can you show the crontab? | 18:02 |
[jasper] | crontab -e shows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24028432/ | 18:02 |
ppf | OerHeks: how does that help me? | 18:03 |
OerHeks | ppf, i don't know a way to set boot next time besides this. | 18:04 |
k1l | [jasper]: what ubuntu is that exactly? | 18:04 |
ppf | OerHeks: okay | 18:04 |
OerHeks | *if* you do, let us know | 18:04 |
pavlos | [jasper], and learnspam.sh contents? | 18:04 |
ppf | anyone else got an idea? | 18:04 |
RGamma | Guy1524_: Well, if it says it's enabled it should be available. Presumably it's up to the applications to use it | 18:04 |
Guy1524_ | ok then, thx | 18:05 |
[jasper] | oh shit...my bad....I'm runnning on a ubuntu system...but this is inside the docker which is debian...so I'll head on over there | 18:05 |
[jasper] | sorry about that | 18:05 |
ioria | ppf, if you set GRUB_DEFAULT=0 instead of 0 with "1>3", grub will load your 3th entry. it's used to set as default an older kernel | 18:05 |
pavlushka | Random832: ok, it works like this and without the sums :p, =(January.B2)-(February.B2-February.C2-February.D2) | 18:08 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Next step would be to check journalctl. If you want you can paste it here with journalctl | nc termbin.com 9999 | 18:08 |
ppf | ioria: i don't want to change the default globally | 18:08 |
ppf | i just want to boot another default _once_ | 18:08 |
Kurvivor | RGamma: http://termbin.com/4yph | 18:09 |
ioria | ppf, without edit the kernel line at boot ? | 18:09 |
ppf | ioria, OerHeks apparently there's a tool called grub-reboot | 18:09 |
ppf | that looks promising | 18:09 |
k1l | Kurvivor: "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:10 |
alkisg | ppf, http://askubuntu.com/questions/574295/how-can-i-get-grub2-to-boot-a-different-option-only-on-the-next-boot | 18:10 |
k1l | Kurvivor: so this is a gnome-shell ubuntu | 18:10 |
Kurvivor | k1l: yes; i find gnome-shell much more usable - that i when it works | 18:12 |
OerHeks | ppf, awesome :-) | 18:12 |
Kurvivor | k1l, RGamma : http://termbin.com/zsw9 | 18:13 |
k1l | Kurvivor: this is a 32bit install? | 18:13 |
ioria | ppf, never tried that | 18:14 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Wow, that log is a mess. All this fancy gnome crap | 18:14 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Somehow the X server just closes: "Server terminated successfully (0)" | 18:14 |
ioria | ppf, i thought it was for OS not for the kernel | 18:15 |
k1l | looks like that is a gdm issue. the nvidia driver seems to work | 18:15 |
Kurvivor | k1l: it is; is there something wrong with 32-bit now? | 18:16 |
ppf | ioria: what's the difference? | 18:16 |
k1l | Kurvivor: if you have a 64bit cpu dont run 32bit OS. | 18:16 |
k1l | Kurvivor: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 9999 | 18:17 |
ioria | ppf, the difference between an OS and a kernel ? | 18:17 |
Kurvivor | k1l: well, it worked fine for several last years. I thought about going to 64-bit, but it seems there is no painless way | 18:18 |
k1l | only way is reinstall. | 18:18 |
ioria | ppf, yeah, it should work | 18:18 |
Kurvivor | k1l, RGamma: http://termbin.com/ggqi | 18:19 |
k1l | Kurvivor: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-340 | 18:20 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: What does "Нет такого файла или каталога" mean? | 18:22 |
Kurvivor | RGamma: i do not really know | 18:22 |
OerHeks | "No such file or directory" | 18:23 |
Kurvivor | it is russian with some characters not displaying for me, which renders them unreadable. Maybe it is a terminal issue on my side | 18:23 |
pavlos | Kurvivor, or LANG environment variable | 18:24 |
Kurvivor | well, nvidia driver reinstall has finished | 18:25 |
Kurvivor | off to another reboot | 18:25 |
RGamma | Kurvivor's system is so broken lol | 18:26 |
RGamma | Look at all the services failing | 18:26 |
koleygr | <RGamma> it is loading nvidia and open drivers... is it normal? | 18:28 |
RGamma | koleygr: The failures start way before the Xorg logs | 18:30 |
RGamma | Feb 19 20:54:02 ark19 systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of gdm. | 18:30 |
RGamma | Feb 19 20:54:02 ark19 gdm-launch-environment][1894]: pam_unix(gdm-launch-environment:session): session opened for user gdm by (uid=0) | 18:30 |
RGamma | Feb 19 20:54:02 ark19 systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of gdm. | 18:30 |
RGamma | That's after Mir failing to start | 18:30 |
koleygr | ok... | 18:31 |
k1l | gdm has nothing to do with mir. | 18:31 |
chemis | hi | 18:31 |
koleygr | hi | 18:32 |
caesar__ | hi everybody | 18:33 |
caesar__ | I want to run vsphere client on ubuntu | 18:34 |
caesar__ | can anybody help | 18:34 |
Kurvivor | hello again | 18:35 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: I won't pretend I know what's going on, sorry. There's so many things failing in that log | 18:35 |
Kurvivor | RGamma: thanks for looking at it anyway | 18:36 |
koleygr | <RGamma> Next command for <Kurvivor> sudo apt install --reinstal_from_scrach ubuntu-gnome:x64 ... JUST TROLLING | 18:36 |
koleygr | <Kurvivor> At least can you take back up? | 18:37 |
Kurvivor | is there such a thing?.. | 18:37 |
koleygr | No | 18:37 |
koleygr | Sorry | 18:37 |
koleygr | Trolling | 18:37 |
koleygr | I mean you will reinstall | 18:37 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: To me it seems gdm-launch-environment is trying to get gdm running, but something on the way there goes wrong and then it tries restarting again and again, with the X server starting and immediately closing again, which is why your tty switches | 18:37 |
Kurvivor | as long as my /home folder is backed up, i am not against killing everything and reinstalling | 18:38 |
eagle_` | #leave | 18:38 |
Kurvivor | RGamma: interesting! i will try to kill it | 18:38 |
k1l | Kurvivor: you could look if the gdm log has something more to tell | 18:38 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Yeah, it's shitty advice, but I'm not expert at all that gnome stuff. You'd need to get an expert to look at this log | 18:39 |
ioria | ppf, yeah, sudo grub-reboot "1>3" will boot the second kernel | 18:40 |
koleygr | ioria i thing is 1>1 | 18:41 |
ioria | koleygr, no, that is Recovery | 18:41 |
k1l | Kurvivor: sudo systemctl status gdm | nc termbin.com 9999 | 18:41 |
majorgeek | 0>1 | 18:41 |
RGamma | k1l: That'll just tell us it failed. Probably something wonky with IPC or whatever | 18:42 |
ioria | koleygr, 0 kern 1 Recovery 2 upstart 3 2° kern 4 | 18:42 |
koleygr | thanks ioria | 18:42 |
majorgeek | are this init levels? | 18:42 |
k1l | maybe the guys in #ubuntu-gnome know more about gdm issues | 18:42 |
ioria | majorgeek, no, grub menu order | 18:42 |
Kurvivor | k1l: http://termbin.com/fj9c | 18:43 |
Kurvivor | k1l: noted, i will ask there as well | 18:43 |
RGamma | Kurvivor: Good luck | 18:45 |
sanjeet | need command to install google chrome | 18:47 |
k1l | sanjeet: go to the google website and load the .deb packcage, then install that | 18:49 |
k1l | sanjeet: ubuntu only got chromium in the repos. that is chrome without the google stuff in it | 18:49 |
Kurvivor | how can i list all my block devices? | 18:50 |
sanjeet | @kil thanks!! | 18:50 |
pavlos | Kurvivor, lsblk | 18:53 |
sophos123 | Hi there, I've got a question about Ubuntu 16.04: Why does Python3 interpreter inside the shell supports readline features like tab completion and history, but Python 2.7 does not support it? | 18:54 |
ppf | so, grub-reboot works excellent | 18:55 |
xixunier | Does libreoffice read the extensions from the file, so if I shift the file to some other location, the extension stops working? | 18:55 |
ioria | ppf, yeah | 18:55 |
ppf | and then it took me thirty minutes to get out of the windows updates loop ....... | 18:56 |
ioria | ppf, i needed to quote the entries .. didn't know that | 18:57 |
socialevil | hi, my ubuntu 16.04 is booting veeerrrryyy slow. this is my dmesg last couple of lines but i dont know what that mean http://pastebin.ca/3769679 any idea? | 18:57 |
ppf | yes, it'll complain if you don't (in case of the menuentry strings), or weird things happen with > :) | 18:58 |
ioria | ppf, right, good spot btw | 18:58 |
k1l | socialevil: end trace means there is something going very wrong | 18:58 |
socialevil | k1l any idea how to find out what? | 18:59 |
xixunier | When I delete the extension why does it still work ? | 18:59 |
xixunier | It shouldn't work | 18:59 |
xixunier | ? | 18:59 |
k1l | socialevil: show the full dmesg output: "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" | 18:59 |
xixunier | k1l do you know? | 18:59 |
socialevil | k1l http://termbin.com/wm74 | 19:00 |
k1l | xixunier: maybe ask the libreoffice guys directly? | 19:00 |
adalbert | xixunier, you could encrypt with gpg, then i won't open with libreoffice until you decrypt. | 19:01 |
xixunier | I asked but their channel is dead | 19:01 |
xixunier | adalbert: what do you mean ? | 19:01 |
adalbert | if you change the extension on a libreoffice file, the libreoffice app will open it regardless the extension | 19:02 |
k1l | socialevil: did you install bumblebee? | 19:02 |
socialevil | k1l, i dont even know what that is :D | 19:03 |
xixunier | i don't understand why is bumblebee needed at all, as nouvea works fine for NviDIA | 19:04 |
xixunier | and ubuntu does work out of the box , I don't know if it uses nouveau or what | 19:05 |
dmgedgoods | bueno | 19:05 |
k1l | socialevil: "dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 9999" | 19:05 |
socialevil | http://termbin.com/8ku5 | 19:05 |
ioria | socialevil, for a slow boot, you can use systemd-analyze blame | 19:06 |
roothorick | I should try that, my desktop takes too long for such a new high-end SSD | 19:06 |
socialevil | ioria, what must i do with it ? | 19:06 |
ioria | socialevil, run it | 19:07 |
socialevil | i did | 19:07 |
socialevil | k1l, sorry i didnt mention your name. so i pasted the link | 19:07 |
k1l | socialevil: "lspci | nc termbin.com 9999" | 19:08 |
socialevil | ioria, the proces taking most time is 700ms dev-sda1.device | 19:08 |
ioria | socialevil, ok | 19:08 |
socialevil | k1l http://termbin.com/bvax | 19:08 |
ioria | socialevil, and what is on sda1 ? root , efi... what exactly ? | 19:12 |
socialevil | ioria, root | 19:12 |
ioria | socialevil, journalctl -b|grep sda1 | 19:13 |
socialevil | ioria, http://pastebin.ca/3769685 | 19:14 |
ioria | socialevil, i expected to see a fsck ... but nope | 19:15 |
socialevil | ioria, meaning what? | 19:16 |
ioria | socialevil, fsck checks your fs, so it takes some time ... | 19:16 |
ioria | socialevil, are you updated ? | 19:19 |
socialevil | ioria, no. fresh install | 19:19 |
ioria | socialevil, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | 19:19 |
OerHeks | socialevil, did you tweak your mobo, overclocking or such option? | 19:20 |
socialevil | OerHeks, i have no idea what mobo is, and i dont know how to overclock :) so i gues i didnt do any of this things, at least not intentionaly :D | 19:21 |
ioria | socialevil, after we can check the partition's uuids | 19:21 |
OerHeks | socialevil, oke. | 19:21 |
socialevil | ioria, they are the same with the uuids in the "blame" if thats what you mean | 19:22 |
ioria | socialevil, sudo blkid and check the entries in /etc/fstab , but first run the upgrade | 19:22 |
socialevil | ioria, i did that :) they are the same | 19:23 |
ioria | socialevil, ok | 19:23 |
ioria | socialevil, can you paste sudo parted -l | 19:23 |
socialevil | http://termbin.com/cdtu ioria | 19:24 |
OerHeks | socialevil, is this the Asus ROG GL552V? | 19:24 |
socialevil | OerHeks, GL752V | 19:25 |
ioria | socialevil, ubuntu on sda , right ? | 19:26 |
socialevil | ioria, / ot sda ; /home on sdb | 19:26 |
ioria | socialevil, 30G of swap is big | 19:26 |
socialevil | ioria, well looooong time ago someone said x2 your ram.. old habit i guess | 19:27 |
ioria | ok | 19:27 |
ioria | socialevil, lsblk | 19:28 |
OerHeks | HD graphics 530 skylake ... maybe these tips work for you too, > nouveau.modeset=0 tpm_tis.interrupts=0 acpi_osi=Linux i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 idle=nomwait >>> https://jeremymdyson.wordpress.com/2016/04/27/ubuntugnome-16-04-on-asus-rog-gl552v/ | 19:29 |
OerHeks | for slow boot | 19:29 |
socialevil | ioria, http://termbin.com/il9v | 19:29 |
socialevil | OerHeks, ill read it | 19:30 |
BluesKaj | oh no, another 'evil' in our midst | 19:33 |
kyledev | Hey two questions..One how can I exit the "journalctl" | 19:37 |
kyledev | and two, my apache2 service is giving errors when I try to restart or reload. It says: Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. | 19:38 |
Johnson1977 | I am using a machine that has everything running from root user | 19:39 |
Johnson1977 | How can I go about to make everything safer? | 19:40 |
Johnson1977 | Whats the best approach to changing the users for each appliation? | 19:40 |
RGamma | Johnson1977: What do you mean "everything"? Supposedly you set it up that way, becausse that's not default in Ubuntu | 19:42 |
Johnson1977 | There are some web applications running on the server | 19:43 |
Johnson1977 | and same database stuff | 19:43 |
RGamma | Johnson1977: Usually the applications have options in their configs to configure what user they run as | 19:45 |
RGamma | The Linux user system isn't terribly manageable to isolate applications though | 19:46 |
RGamma | I'm looking for _usable_ solutions myself | 19:46 |
Johnson1977 | O really.. | 19:46 |
Johnson1977 | mmm i thought its standard that each application runs as its own users with specific rights etc | 19:47 |
Johnson1977 | but i know that running as root is big no-no | 19:47 |
RGamma | Johnson1977: Apparently there's also https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=162297 | 19:48 |
RGamma | I've never done that, so I can't tell you if that does what you want | 19:48 |
havenot | hi, i want to install fglrx on ubuntu 14.04.1 but if select it and click on install, after some seconds it jumps back on radeon and nothing happens... | 19:55 |
Ntemis | hey guys | 19:57 |
Ntemis | is there a way to create an .img from a folder? | 19:58 |
jc | Hi. Are ubuntu core questions OK in here? | 19:58 |
Ntemis | i want what are included in the folder not he folder it self | 19:58 |
Ntemis | i want what are included in the folder not the folder it self | 19:58 |
velzy | hello...looking for some help solving my impossible struggle to install samba on ubuntu | 19:59 |
akik | Ntemis: do you mean an iso file? mkisofs can do it | 19:59 |
barnito | I did that on a headless | 20:00 |
Ntemis | i want an .img file so i can dd it into a parttion | 20:00 |
Ntemis | i want an .img file so i can dd it into a partition | 20:00 |
Ntemis | img=iso i think | 20:00 |
Ntemis | is iso format add any headers? | 20:01 |
Ntemis | i want a clean package to .img | 20:01 |
akik | Ntemis: sorry i don't know what you're trying to do. why dd? | 20:02 |
Ntemis | because i am left with half a working system(arm) and i have kernel(boot.img) but i dont have system.img to flash | 20:02 |
Ntemis | i have the system as a folder | 20:03 |
akik | Ntemis: is that an ubuntu system? | 20:03 |
Ntemis | i want to add those files in it into an img so i can have y box back | 20:03 |
Ntemis | i want to add those files in it into an img so i can have my box back | 20:03 |
ioria | Ntemis, have you tried genisoimage -o output.iso directory_name | 20:03 |
Ntemis | no | 20:03 |
Ntemis | ty ioria | 20:03 |
Ntemis | will do now | 20:03 |
ioria | ok | 20:03 |
Ntemis | directory name is the system folder right? | 20:04 |
Ntemis | and it wont inlcude the system folder it self right? | 20:04 |
alkisg | Ntemis: if you want to dd to a partition, then you're not looking for an iso, but for to create a sparse file and run mkfs to it | 20:04 |
alkisg | Ntemis: but, what are you trying to do, because I think you're going the wrong way about it... | 20:05 |
ioria | Ntemis, also mkisofs -o output.iso directory | 20:05 |
alkisg | Ntemis: do you have a broken system and you want to add users to it? | 20:05 |
Ntemis | am trying to resurrect my amlogic box that now runs ubuntu | 20:06 |
Ntemis | i want to start clean | 20:06 |
Ntemis | but i cant boot into recovery | 20:06 |
Ntemis | but i can login vs ssh | 20:06 |
Ntemis | i have the rom i want to flash but am missing the system.img | 20:06 |
alkisg | Ntemis: is the system.img android? | 20:07 |
Ntemis | all others already dd them in the correct partitions | 20:07 |
Ntemis | yes alkisg | 20:07 |
alkisg | Then the iso you're looking to make is completely wrong | 20:07 |
Ntemis | oh | 20:07 |
akik | Ntemis: this is for ubuntu support, not android | 20:07 |
alkisg | Try asking in #android, they'll know more about android system partitions and their format, it's either ext4 or f2fs or something | 20:07 |
Ntemis | ext4 | 20:08 |
Ntemis | ok thanks guys and sorry | 20:08 |
ioria | socialevil, still there ? have you solved ? | 20:09 |
OerHeks | ioria, waiting too | 20:10 |
ioria | lol | 20:10 |
ioria | missing in action | 20:10 |
OerHeks | nouveau.modeset=0 tpm_tis.interrupts=0 acpi_osi=Linux i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 idle=nomwait | 20:10 |
OerHeks | etc | 20:10 |
ioria | i see | 20:10 |
ioria | OerHeks, why did you suggest that ? | 20:11 |
Ntemis | what does this line do? nouveau.modeset=0 tpm_tis.interrupts=0 acpi_osi=Linux i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 idle=nomwait | 20:11 |
OerHeks | as it is asus, with skylake intel 530 .. | 20:11 |
ioria | oh | 20:11 |
Ntemis | anyone knows how to boot nouveau on Nvidia GTX? | 20:12 |
OerHeks | Ntemis, basicly it prevents nouveau taking over, and some settings for that hardware | 20:12 |
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Ntemis | can you tell me the correct line to boot nouveau on GTX? | 20:13 |
Ntemis | pascal | 20:13 |
ioria | Ntemis, what kernel ? | 20:13 |
Ntemis | 4.9 | 20:13 |
ioria | 4.9 | 20:14 |
OerHeks | Ntemis, from mainline? | 20:14 |
Ntemis | yes | 20:14 |
anddam | what would be a proper place to mount an external drive that has to be served with samba? | 20:14 |
anddam | I mean in hier | 20:14 |
OerHeks | oh boy, then you are on your own. | 20:14 |
Ntemis | :( | 20:15 |
Ntemis | is there any nouveau channel? | 20:16 |
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jgcampbell300 | what do you guys use to pastebin pictures | 20:19 |
pavlos | imgur.com | 20:19 |
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RandomUbuntuU77 | hi, I'm running ubuntu 16.04 , I've just updated to 16.04.2 and read about HWE , however running 'sudo apt install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04' returns an 'unable t locate package' , | 20:24 |
RandomUbuntuU77 | when looking at ubuntuupdated.org, it seemed as the hwe packages would be in the regular update channel | 20:25 |
alkisg | RandomUbuntuU77: sudo apt-get update; apt policy xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 ==> output of that? | 20:25 |
OerHeks | RandomUbuntuU77, did you run updates first? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | 20:25 |
RandomUbuntuU77 | @DerHeks, yes | 20:26 |
jgcampbell300 | so im getting duplicate menus again https://ibin.co/3Cy1bFybeezI.png any ideas | 20:27 |
RandomUbuntuU77 | @alkisg, here the output https://paste.ofcode.org/FEshn5M4PAJxiVraHnuqwW | 20:27 |
OerHeks | RandomUbuntuU77, i see it is available here, xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 1:7.7+13ubuntu4~16.04.2 | 20:27 |
RandomUbuntuU77 | from investigating the sources.list I thought it's active, but maybe I am just out of touch these days :) | 20:28 |
alkisg | RandomUbuntuU77: it sounds like your mirror is not updated yet; if you're in a hurry, run `software-properties-gtk` and select the main mirror | 20:28 |
alkisg | Otherwise just wait a few days | 20:29 |
OerHeks | alkisg, could well be it, good find | 20:29 |
OerHeks | change to main? | 20:29 |
* alkisg has heard other people with the same issue | 20:29 | |
alkisg | Yes, the main one instead of the .nl one | 20:29 |
alkisg | There's an option for that in software-properties-gtk | 20:29 |
alkisg | A drop down box | 20:29 |
RandomUbuntuU77 | sweet, doing that, yeah works provides nice dell 4k laptops, but the 4.4 kernel is a pita with it :) | 20:30 |
pavlos | anddam, you can create a mount point in /media or /srv | 20:30 |
RandomUbuntuU77 | yes, that did the trick, alkisg, should've thought of that, thx 4 your help :) | 20:31 |
alkisg | np | 20:31 |
OerHeks | jgcampbell300, looks like linux mint? | 20:32 |
sobersabre | hi. I have reinstalled a machine after fedora. And I can see there was a thin pool in the lvm, and a volume in the pool. | 20:33 |
anddam | pavlos: thanks, I had picked /srv already from hier(7) | 20:33 |
sobersabre | Is there a way to re-build this pool and volume, i.e. to actually see the volume, and data, without destroying it? | 20:33 |
anddam | I just need to figure this last samba bit and I'm all set | 20:33 |
pavlos | anddam, this may help (replace /media with /srv) http://linuxforcynics.com/how-to/how-to-share-an-external-harddrive-in-ubuntu | 20:34 |
jgcampbell300 | OerHeks, Debian Mate | 20:34 |
OerHeks | jgcampbell300, you are funny; ask where to post pic, and use an other site, and ask debian issues in ubuntu .. | 20:35 |
OerHeks | !debian | 20:35 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 20:35 |
jgcampbell300 | OerHeks, asked it in a bunch of channels . no one seems to know how to fix it | 20:35 |
Ben64 | jgcampbell300: don't ask in a bunch of channels, ask in the appropriate channel | 20:36 |
anddam | pavlos: well it won't, I'm not using Nautilus or mounting the device from an user session | 20:36 |
pavlos | anddam, just an example what to add in smb.conf | 20:36 |
sobersabre | hm. lvm/libvirt junkies around? | 20:37 |
anddam | pavlos: what do you mean? that page suggests forceuser, while I'm going to use system's user | 20:37 |
sobersabre | need to recreate storage pool.... | 20:37 |
anddam | pavlos: btw https://gist.github.com/anddam/510deb5674d9005df35aaef3a47a48a8 | 20:38 |
pavlos | anddam, looks ok | 20:39 |
anddam | pavlos: I wasn't sure if add a system user to mount and own the filesystem | 20:39 |
anddam | or set it 777 and have the users connect with their credentials | 20:40 |
anddam | this share will serve home lan for backup, linux and mac clients | 20:40 |
sobersabre | anddam: I have a strange question. | 20:40 |
sobersabre | you have mac and linux and mac clients only ? | 20:41 |
pavlos | anddam, if the users connect with their credentials, you know who/when did the backup | 20:41 |
anddam | sobersabre: yes | 20:41 |
anddam | sobersabre: doesn't seem that strange of a question | 20:41 |
sobersabre | anddam: then, why in hell would you want to use samba ? | 20:41 |
anddam | also, fairly easy to answer | 20:41 |
sobersabre | samba is useful when you have no choice: when you have OLD windows clients, and you can't get rid of them. | 20:42 |
anddam | sobersabre: what would you suggest? | 20:42 |
sobersabre | the easiest would be nfs | 20:42 |
anddam | sobersabre: timeMachine won't work with nfs | 20:42 |
sobersabre | how quick is your network ? | 20:42 |
anddam | it's a home WiFi-something, say 3-5 MB/s usually | 20:43 |
sobersabre | ok. | 20:43 |
Si0n | sobresabre: or SSH - sftp is very easy to work with. | 20:43 |
anddam | I'm going to backup the linux laptop with rsync/rsnapshot | 20:44 |
anddam | I wanted the samba share for the macbook | 20:44 |
anddam | I've been advised against using avahi | 20:44 |
sobersabre | anddam: why ? | 20:45 |
sobersabre | anyways, there's something macs love called appletalk AFP | 20:45 |
anddam | backups aren't reliable, that was confirmed by my previous home setup, two macbooks with the avahi server | 20:45 |
sobersabre | and linux can be that server. | 20:45 |
anddam | with avahi, AFAIK | 20:45 |
sobersabre | avahi service is just freaking resolving of services (service discovery), how can it affect your reliability ? | 20:46 |
anddam | sorry | 20:46 |
anddam | netatalk | 20:46 |
anddam | I'm tired | 20:46 |
anddam | do a big %s/avahi/netatalk/g | 20:46 |
sobersabre | I got it. | 20:47 |
sobersabre | what except samba does time machine support? http ? SFTP? | 20:47 |
Si0n | anddam: if you're doing backups with rsync, consider SSH. | 20:48 |
anddam | and in fact every once in a while, say every one or two months, Time Machine on the macbooks would complain that a backup verification was due, when proceding with it macos would say that there was an unrecoverable error and I had to start a new backup from scratch | 20:48 |
sobersabre | I mean rsync is good with ssh | 20:48 |
anddam | my rsync-fu isn't great but when I'm doing rsync -a foo mymachine.local: am I not using ssh already? | 20:48 |
sobersabre | anddam: not necessarily. | 20:49 |
sobersabre | depends. | 20:49 |
anddam | anyway my issue is that a backup that goes bad every month or so isn't that good of a backup | 20:49 |
leo__ | Yo | 20:49 |
anddam | also a backup from scratch over a 3-5 MB/s network is a pain | 20:49 |
anddam | sobersabre: actually the strategy to use TimeMachine over samba is creating diskimage with hfs+, so I figure NFS is as good as samba there | 20:50 |
anddam | IIRC NFS exports the device at "low level", i.e. the client has to support the remote fs, is that correct? | 20:51 |
anddam | because it sees the share as a local thing | 20:51 |
k1l | anddam: wrong | 20:51 |
sobersabre | anddam: you can also setup iscsi target on your linux, and connect to it over the network with your macbook. | 20:51 |
anddam | k1l: good, because then ext4 would have been a problem | 20:51 |
sobersabre | it would work, but given your sh*tty latency and throughput you'd suffer. | 20:52 |
anddam | honestly the samba route was easier, I'd like something that work good enough | 20:52 |
k1l | anddam: that is what samba or nfs is for. the client needs to speak samba or nfs then, not ext4 | 20:52 |
sobersabre | ok. | 20:52 |
sobersabre | go gogo | 20:52 |
anddam | k1l: I somehow remembered NFS was different, but maybe I'm just mixing random concepts | 20:52 |
anddam | sobersabre: meaning? | 20:53 |
sobersabre | go for samba. | 20:53 |
k1l | nfs is different from samba. (samba is the windows standard, nfs is more the unix way) | 20:53 |
anddam | k1l: it's not that, it was more aboute the use of RPC | 20:54 |
anddam | sobersabre: I understand it may be sub-optimal but I'd really like not having to bash my head against this other thing as well | 20:54 |
anddam | sobersabre: I never used nfs | 20:54 |
sobersabre | I just think it's inherently weird: to run on unix clients and servers a reverse-engineered implementation of microsoft's implementation of an obsolete protocol. what can go wrong ?.... | 20:54 |
anddam | <world implodes> | 20:55 |
sobersabre | :) | 20:55 |
sobersabre | anddam: another stupid question, if you're into reliability: why not push it to s3 ? | 20:55 |
sobersabre | (After some encryption, of course) | 20:56 |
anddam | amazon? | 20:56 |
sobersabre | aye. it's cheap. | 20:56 |
anddam | mm because I don't have the knowledge right now | 20:56 |
anddam | I mean I'd like to have an off-site backup but I have no proper idea of how that should be set up, and I don't have much time to devote to that right now | 20:57 |
sobersabre | anddam: assuming you have google, you probably can find a solution for a couple of $ to wrap it for you transparently. | 20:57 |
anddam | it was definitely on my radar | 20:57 |
anddam | along with tarsnap | 20:57 |
anddam | like do periodic local snapshots, push nightly the diff to a remote site | 20:57 |
anddam | sobersabre: what's this "google" | 20:58 |
anddam | anyway thanks for the info | 20:58 |
sobersabre | google is a web site you can search for pages on the internet with. | 20:58 |
sobersabre | it's at http://google.com | 20:59 |
* anddam astonishes | 20:59 | |
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sobersabre | apropos google, they also have their own cloud storage. and it's compatible with aws, so you can sync stuff with the same code you do for aws. | 21:00 |
sobersabre | just change endpoints. | 21:00 |
sobersabre | anddam: did you sleep since 1995, BTW ? | 21:00 |
sobersabre | still on lycos and bbs ? | 21:00 |
anddam | no, I was just making heavy usage of the <sarcasm> tag | 21:01 |
anddam | you didn't see because you have to "show page source" for that | 21:01 |
anddam | now I need to actually sleep | 21:01 |
anddam | see you, thanks again | 21:01 |
Doow | anddam: I didn't follow all the conversation, but duplicity has been great for backups for me | 21:01 |
sobersabre | anddam: ah, that. yes. go for it. sleep is nice. | 21:02 |
anddam | Doow: jotting a note for that | 21:02 |
anddam | thx | 21:02 |
Doow | it speaks a myriad of protocols, does incremental backups and can encrypt your backup for you | 21:02 |
Doow | anddam: np, sleep well :) | 21:02 |
sobersabre | Doow: yep, incl. gcp, aws, and others. | 21:03 |
admindemon1 | ? | 21:03 |
milleniumfalcons | hello. | 21:04 |
admindemon1 | ? | 21:05 |
milleniumfalcons | i need help | 21:06 |
Bashing-om | !ask | milleniumfalcons | 21:06 |
ubottu | milleniumfalcons: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 21:06 |
milleniumfalcons | ok... I'm unable to make my workspaces work | 21:07 |
akik | milleniumfalcons: you need to provide more detailed info than that | 21:08 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: what does that mean? | 21:08 |
Bashing-om | milleniumfalcons: K. tell the channel what release and what Desktop you are running . | 21:09 |
milleniumfalcons | Xubuntu | 21:09 |
milleniumfalcons | I don't see seperate windows | 21:11 |
milleniumfalcons | I don't see seperate work spaces | 21:12 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: did you look at: systemsettings > workspaces? | 21:12 |
Bashing-om | milleniumfalcons: What do you see: settings -> workspaces ? | 21:13 |
milleniumfalcons | yes | 21:13 |
k1l | what is there? | 21:13 |
milleniumfalcons | yes | 21:13 |
milleniumfalcons | on the desktop after selecting no | 21:13 |
milleniumfalcons | I googled but no resolution | 21:14 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: we cant know what you did and dont see what you see. so if you dont tell us we have to guess or lose motivation to help. | 21:14 |
k1l | so what did you set it to in the system settings= | 21:15 |
milleniumfalcons | I selected workspace | 21:15 |
socialevil | hey k1l any idea with my problem from before ? | 21:15 |
milleniumfalcons | I see the options | 21:15 |
milleniumfalcons | I don't see workspaces on my desktop to place various projects | 21:16 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: so do the ctrl+alt+arrow work? | 21:16 |
webly | hi | 21:16 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: did you add the desktop switcher to the panel? | 21:17 |
webly | What do you think about ksplice? It is free for Ubuntu - and I find it awesome, no reboots anymore :O | 21:17 |
webly | but are there caveats? | 21:17 |
milleniumfalcons | I set general layout' chose 4 | 21:17 |
webly | Would you use this on a production server? | 21:17 |
milleniumfalcons | no not desktop swither | 21:17 |
milleniumfalcons | where is that option | 21:17 |
koleygr | <milleniumfalcons> http://askubuntu.com/questions/431687/xubuntu-no-workspaces | 21:18 |
k1l | webly: ubuntu offers an livepatch service for free | 21:18 |
k1l | webly: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/10/canonical-livepatch.html | 21:18 |
milleniumfalcons | thanks @ koleygr | 21:18 |
Bashing-om | milleniumfalcons: " number of workspaces :" How many workspaces have you set here ? | 21:18 |
webly | k1l: so the stock ubuntu server installation in LTS? | 21:18 |
milleniumfalcons | 4 @ Bashing | 21:19 |
k1l | webly: yes, look at the link | 21:19 |
milleniumfalcons | ok thanks | 21:19 |
webly | and it is free I guess? for commercial? | 21:19 |
asynec | Hello all! I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good app for extracting hundreds of zip files in a single folder | 21:19 |
k1l | webly: look at the link, its free for 3 machines. | 21:20 |
akik | asynec: if your only requirement is extracting them, unzip | 21:20 |
asynec | is that accessible via GUI? | 21:21 |
akik | asynec: no | 21:21 |
Bashing-om | milleniumfalcons: Humm ,, got me , as that was all I had to do to enable workspaces . | 21:21 |
asynec | i guess the only other equirement is gui | 21:21 |
skyl | when I install these drivers http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx I get kicked back to the logon screen when I try to logon. My goal is to use the builtin graphics but install the drivers for the amd-gpu | 21:21 |
milleniumfalcons | @bash.. do you have Ubuntu or Xubuntu | 21:22 |
skyl | I'm on 16.04 and have a couple of rx480s. I was able to install the drivers and run my monitor off of one of the gpus but I don't want to run my monitor off of the amd card | 21:22 |
ikonia | why do you want to install the amd drivers if you want to use the built in graphics ? | 21:22 |
akik | asynec: are you planning on selecting hundreds of zip files in a gui? | 21:22 |
skyl | ikonia, mining cryptocurrency | 21:23 |
asynec | I want to be able to highlight everything from Nautilus and just extract it from there | 21:23 |
webly | k1l: I would never do anything unmoralic :) But how can Ubuntu know that I only use it for three and not, let's say, 10 servers? | 21:23 |
ikonia | skyl: so can you not do that via the built in generic or open xorg drivers ? | 21:23 |
akik | asynec: my suggestion is to learn the shell and use unzip. it does the job | 21:23 |
skyl | ikonia, not that I know of | 21:24 |
skyl | ikonia, do you know if I can switch the default to the builtin with xorg? | 21:25 |
k1l | webly: read the page please. it uses tokens | 21:25 |
Bashing-om | milleniumfalcons: I am presently on 16.04 xubuntu . | 21:26 |
ikonia | skyl: you mean switch on the fly ? | 21:26 |
ikonia | or switch in general | 21:26 |
skyl | ikonia, switch in general - just trying to use the builtin graphics for my monitor and the gpus for mining | 21:26 |
ikonia | skyl: so from where I sit, you'll have to build an xorg config for this that explicitly only starts the x server against the intel on board chip | 21:27 |
ikonia | otherwise dynamically x will try to start against the second card | 21:27 |
skyl | ikonia, where does the xorg conf live? | 21:28 |
milleniumfalcons | strange.. I am too. It was just shared that xubuntu has no workspaces look above | 21:28 |
ikonia | you have to create it in /etc/X11 | 21:28 |
user_ | hello world | 21:29 |
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milleniumfalcons | koleygr shares the link | 21:29 |
jack__X | mmmmmm | 21:29 |
user_ | Why are there so many distributions of Ubuntu?? | 21:29 |
Bashing-om | milleniumfalcons: I presently have 4 workspaces .. and 3 of them occupied at this time . on one desktop ( you can activate additional desktops ) . | 21:30 |
milleniumfalcons | please share how I can if possible | 21:31 |
Gavin16 | can you guys help me with this problem https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2353181 | 21:31 |
skyl | ikonia, okay, thanks I'm going to restart wish me luck | 21:31 |
ikonia | the forums can answer forum posts | 21:31 |
milleniumfalcons | I can launch the workspace and add spaces but I don't see the results of this | 21:32 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: does the shortcut work? | 21:32 |
Gavin16 | Can you guys help me with the problem if I ask it here directly? | 21:32 |
Bashing-om | milleniumfalcons: As above . in settings -> workspaces . set the number of workspaces you desire - I think is all I did , Maybe have to log out for the change to take effect . | 21:33 |
milleniumfalcons | I was reading about the short cut as bash proudly shares that he/she is successful | 21:33 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: you nearly answer half the questions for more informations. it would be a lot easier to help you if you would actually provide the feedback | 21:33 |
milleniumfalcons | I will try the log on/off thanks :) | 21:33 |
milleniumfalcons | kil I get interrupted while I attempt to resolve and have not been able to give feed back | 21:34 |
robot1 | test | 21:34 |
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milleniumfalcons | thanks:) | 21:35 |
k1l | milleniumfalcons: then ask again when you can actually work on the issue. because its annoying to ask for more informations over and over again and the user wanting help doesnt answer but asks the same basic question over and over agin | 21:35 |
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milleniumfalcons | I have been trying to... | 21:36 |
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Robot1 | Hi there, would there be a reason that a bash script would forget an alias I wrote at the head of the file? | 21:37 |
ikonia | yes you spawn a new shell | 21:37 |
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milleniumfalcons | people here are far to rude | 21:37 |
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Robot1 | oh, are alias's defined per shell instance? | 21:37 |
badtasteU2 | it's just like ... eternal growing requirements in a project | 21:38 |
user_ | Hello world. This is my first time here. What is this channel mostly for? Help or general discussion of Ubuntu? thanks | 21:41 |
badtasteU2 | hellp wirld! | 21:41 |
compdoc | help | 21:42 |
Peyam | what | 21:42 |
Peyam | what do you need help with | 21:42 |
koleygr | <user_> support only... for chat there is ubuntu-offtopic | 21:42 |
Bashing-om | user_: Hello; read the topic ( /topic ) : this is ubuntu support channel :) | 21:43 |
badtasteU2 | Bashing-om, ! | 21:44 |
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user_ | Thanks guys. I appreciate the clarification. | 21:46 |
Peyam | what is ubuntu netbook good for? | 21:47 |
Peyam | is it for laptops or real netbooks that took 1 hour to boot? | 21:47 |
paradiso23 | I want to commit suicide | 21:48 |
tonyt | paradiso23 whats stopping you? | 21:48 |
Dubintu | Hi, would anyone know why when I run sudo apt-get update, it just stays at 0%? | 21:50 |
Peyam | paradiso23, no stop! don't even talk about it. that's just stupid and you are not stupid! | 21:50 |
Peyam | Dubintu, could be no internet | 21:51 |
Dubintu | I can ping security.ubuntu.com | 21:51 |
Dubintu | im connected to the internet right now though | 21:51 |
Peyam | Dubintu, can be it that something else using apt-get? | 21:51 |
k1l | Dubintu: how long did you wait? | 21:52 |
Dubintu | i did ps -A | grep apt and there's nothing there | 21:52 |
Peyam | Dubintu, try apt-get clean and try again | 21:52 |
Dubintu | like 5 minutes or more. it just stays at 0% | 21:52 |
Dubintu | ok | 21:52 |
k1l | if it would have been locked by another program then there would be a message | 21:52 |
Dubintu | Command not found | 21:52 |
Dubintu | I'm brand new to ubuntu, btw | 21:53 |
Dubintu | I had to get it so I could work on rails projects | 21:53 |
Peyam | sudo apt-get clean | 21:53 |
Peyam | try this | 21:53 |
k1l | Dubintu: try with forcing ipv4: "sudo apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update" | 21:53 |
Dubintu | didn't do anything | 21:53 |
Peyam | didnt do anything? | 21:54 |
Peyam | no password required nothing? | 21:54 |
Dubintu | i tried forcing IPv4 in gai.conf but couldnt figure out how to save the changes | 21:54 |
Dubintu | no | 21:54 |
Dubintu | it just went to a new line | 21:54 |
badtasteU2 | lol... gai.conf | 21:54 |
Peyam | yes then try your command again! apt-get update | 21:55 |
Dubintu | without sudo? | 21:55 |
k1l | Dubintu: did you try my command or not? | 21:55 |
Peyam | with sudo | 21:55 |
k1l | apt-get clean will not help | 21:55 |
Dubintu | same thing | 21:55 |
Dubintu | just stays at Hit:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/sublime-text-3/ubuntu xenial InRelease 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::19)] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1560:8001::14)] | 21:56 |
k1l | so you didnt use my command | 21:56 |
Dubintu | i did sudo apt-get update | 21:56 |
Peyam | k1l, most time it does remoce retrived package files. | 21:56 |
Dubintu | what was your command? | 21:56 |
Dubintu | oh, one sec | 21:56 |
Peyam | you could try for broken packages like sudo apt-get check | 21:57 |
k1l | Peyam: he has a connection related issue. thats not related to the packages list he got on his client | 21:57 |
KOLANICH | Hi all | 21:57 |
KOLANICH | I have troubles with wakeup | 21:57 |
Peyam | k1l, his interet works | 21:57 |
KOLANICH | I have found an issue in kernel.org bugzilla | 21:57 |
k1l | Peyam: no | 21:57 |
KOLANICH | that issue have the patch, which have been already merged for long time, so I wonder what should I do next | 21:57 |
k1l | Peyam: you know about ipv6? | 21:57 |
Peyam | k1l, he said that | 21:57 |
Peyam | yes | 21:57 |
Dubintu | K1l, i ran your command and same ting, stuck at 0% | 21:57 |
Dubintu | thing* | 21:57 |
havenot | hi, i need help to install fglrx on 14.04, can someone give me a hint? because the additional driver menu doesnt work | 21:58 |
k1l | Dubintu: please show the output on paste.ubuntu.com and link it here | 21:58 |
k1l | Dubintu: and are you using any vpn or proxies? | 21:58 |
Dubintu | output of sudo apt-get update? | 21:58 |
Dubintu | i am not | 21:58 |
k1l | Dubintu: output of my command | 21:58 |
Peyam | k1l, paste the result of k1l said | 21:59 |
Peyam | sorry Dubintu | 21:59 |
havenot | when i select install fglrx-update it jumps back to radeon and nothing happens | 21:59 |
Dubintu | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24030062/ | 21:59 |
k1l | Dubintu: so my command worked | 22:00 |
Dubintu | yes | 22:00 |
Dubintu | but apt-get update still does not | 22:00 |
Peyam | Dubintu, during time k1l reading you output can you ty sudo apt-get check | 22:00 |
k1l | Dubintu: please look carefully at my command. its apt-get update with forcing ipv4 | 22:01 |
havenot | if i try apt-get install fglrx-update, libcheese7 is missing | 22:01 |
k1l | Dubintu: your vbox setup has issues with ipv6 | 22:01 |
Dubintu | sudo apt-get check Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done | 22:01 |
k1l | havenot: what ubuntu are you on? | 22:01 |
Dubintu | i dont think my vbox setup had issues with IPv6, but to be honest i couldnt know for sure | 22:01 |
k1l | havenot: ah, do you have the security and updates repos enabled? | 22:02 |
havenot | k1l: uname says 14.04.1 its a fresh install without updates | 22:02 |
Dubintu | i had some major wireless issues, but i got around them by bridging to my host OS network | 22:02 |
k1l | Dubintu: we just proved that your setp has ipv6 issues. | 22:02 |
havenot | i tryed also with updates but 14.04.5 didnt work | 22:02 |
k1l | Dubintu: my command makes apt use ipv4 only and it worked. when you uses it with ipv6 it didnt work. | 22:02 |
Dubintu | ok. can i change the default to use ipv4? | 22:03 |
multi_io | the ubuntu 14.04 distribution contains no package openssh-server?? | 22:03 |
Dubintu | im also not sure on what ipv6 and ipv4 are | 22:03 |
k1l | Dubintu: echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' | tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4 | 22:03 |
multi_io | at least the official Docker images doesn't. | 22:03 |
k1l | multi_io: it does. | 22:03 |
k1l | !info openssh-server trusty | multi_io | 22:04 |
Dubintu | echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' | tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4 tee: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4: Permission denied Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true"; | 22:04 |
ubottu | multi_io: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.8 (trusty), package size 318 kB, installed size 996 kB | 22:04 |
multi_io | root@ffe76db9fcc2:/# apt-get install openssh-server | 22:04 |
multi_io | E: Package 'openssh-server' has no installation candidate | 22:04 |
k1l | Dubintu: echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4 | 22:04 |
multi_io | Ubuntu 14.04 | 22:04 |
k1l | multi_io: run sudo apt update | 22:04 |
havenot | is fglrx unsupported in ubuntu 14.04? | 22:04 |
Dubintu | Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true"; | 22:05 |
multi_io | k1l: thanks | 22:05 |
k1l | havenot: no, that is the last ubuntu which works with fglrx. but you cant use the 4.4 kernel and xorg from 16.04 then | 22:05 |
havenot | k1l: sourcelist says trusty updates but no security | 22:06 |
Peyam | k1l, how did you know it was ipv6 that was the issue? | 22:06 |
k1l | havenot: use the system settings to activate security repos too | 22:06 |
k1l | Peyam: that is a common symptom to stay at 0% on some repo servers then because it cant resolve the ipv6 ips | 22:07 |
Peyam | k1l, cool | 22:07 |
Dubintu | Thanks a lot for your help, K1l and Peyam! | 22:07 |
havenot | k1l: its activated, but i dont want to update if its not nessesary | 22:08 |
havenot | k1l: because i read that fglrx is only supported by some points of 14.04 | 22:08 |
havenot | k1l: and how do i install fglrx? | 22:09 |
k1l | havenot: no, its fully suported by 14.04(.5) just not when the kernel and xorg from 16.04 is in use with the hwe | 22:09 |
k1l | havenot: what kernel are you on? uname -a | 22:09 |
havenot | and how do i avoid using the newer kernel when updating? | 22:09 |
k1l | you dont get it automatically. you would have to install the pacakge for that. | 22:10 |
havenot | 4.4.0-62-generic #83~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 18:10:30 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 22:10 |
k1l | havenot: that is the 16.04 backports kernel. so there is no fglrx for you | 22:10 |
havenot | how can i fix it? i dont care about kernel version i just installed ubuntu 14.04 to use fglrx | 22:11 |
havenot | this is my only goal | 22:11 |
havenot | k1l: how can i switch back to a supported kernel? | 22:12 |
k1l | dpkg-query -l xserver-xorg-core* | grep '^ii' | nc termbin.com 9999 | 22:12 |
=== novilerrascal_ is now known as novilerrascal | ||
havenot | k1l: should i run this command, or do you answer someone lese? :) | 22:13 |
k1l | no, that was for you to run and show the output url, havenot | 22:13 |
havenot | ok wait | 22:13 |
havenot | http://termbin.com/c5q7 | 22:13 |
k1l | sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all libwayland-egl1-mesa | 22:14 |
k1l | that will bring you back to 3.13 kernel and matching xorg | 22:14 |
havenot | k1l: it doesnt work libcheese7 missing and gtk23 | 22:15 |
kyledev | on this path: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/example.com-le-ssl.conf line 13 its saying I have an error when setting up letsencrypt. This path doesn't even exist? i see sites-enabled/example.com.conf but? | 22:15 |
k1l | what means, it doesnt work? please show the output on paste.ubuntu.com and link it here. | 22:16 |
havenot | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24030153/ | 22:17 |
k1l | sudo apt-get remove unity-control-center | 22:17 |
k1l | than again | 22:17 |
k1l | *then | 22:17 |
havenot | k1l: ok it worked, and how do i install fglrx now? should i use the additional drivers menu? | 22:19 |
k1l | when its done run "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends unity-control-center " | 22:19 |
havenot | ok | 22:19 |
k1l | after that run "sudo apt-get autoremove" | 22:20 |
k1l | then reboot and see if you are on 3.13 kernel then "uname -a" will tell | 22:20 |
havenot | ok thank you | 22:20 |
ALFA | FEDERICA 14 ANNI | 22:24 |
havenot | k1l: ok iam on 3.13.0-108-generic | 22:25 |
k1l | havenot: then install fglrx | 22:26 |
havenot | ok i try the addiotional driver menu | 22:26 |
havenot | k1l: ok fglrx-updates is installed, do i need to run amdconfig ? | 22:29 |
k1l_ | havenot: i am not familiar with the fglrx specifics | 22:30 |
havenot | ok i try a reboot | 22:31 |
user_ | Hey guys, is there really a difference between apt-get and apt? | 22:32 |
k1l_ | user_: apt is the new apt-get,apt-cache etc. | 22:32 |
rifter | apt-get is an apt command user | 22:32 |
rifter | oh? apt-get apt-cache etc were always part of apt. did something change? | 22:33 |
user_ | Oh ok. So when I run sudo apt update, is that the same as sudo apt-get update? | 22:34 |
k1l_ | user_: yes | 22:34 |
k1l_ | rifter: talking about the apt command. | 22:34 |
user_ | Thanks k1l_ :) | 22:35 |
rifter | so there's a new command? | 22:35 |
k1l_ | rifter: "apt" | 22:36 |
rifter | yeah I was looking at it just now. Didn't know it was new for apt to be a command. But I always used the other commands anyhow | 22:37 |
k1l_ | yes, they made the new command to group the apt-* commands and give them some better workflow/wordings | 22:37 |
rifter | sounds cool | 22:38 |
Bashing-om | rifter: See: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/26q2sm/apt_vs_aptget/ ; http://www.howtogeek.com/234583/simplify-command-line-package-management-with-apt-instead-of-apt-get/ ; https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/apt-1-0/ <- apt 1.0 . | 22:39 |
rachmadhj | Hi. I am Rachmad from Indonesia. I get this problem when i try install Ubuntu Mate http://imgur.com/a/kteN2. Maybe someone has a solution. Thanks. | 22:39 |
rifter | thanks Bashing-om | 22:40 |
k1l_ | rachmadhj: what is the issue? | 22:40 |
snkcld | when network manager restarts, is it supposed to ensure that nm-applet is running? | 22:40 |
snkcld | or is that outside the scope of that service/ | 22:41 |
rachmadhj | The issue is on the link imgur that i give. | 22:41 |
k1l_ | rachmadhj: i dont see an issue there | 22:41 |
rachmadhj | My drive has 3 partition on my before OS (Windows) and it still there. I still use Ubuntu Mate on live disk. | 22:42 |
Bashing-om | rachmadhj: Maybe, you are in for a shock . from the mate liveUSB pastebin the output of terminal command ' sudo parted -l ' . | 22:47 |
rachmadhj | @bashing-om This is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/dx2BFUmE | 22:53 |
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OerHeks | rachmadhj, seems like there is no partition there at all, empty, not even a MBR | 22:55 |
Bashing-om | rachmadhj: Well, as you now know; you have a problem. If there was anything on that drive that is impotant, STOP . You will need some type of file recovery . | 22:55 |
OerHeks | maybe that windows is fully encrypted? or totally removed | 22:57 |
OerHeks | (bitlocker) | 22:58 |
rifter | oh good call - encrypted disk | 22:58 |
snkcld | how can i have nm-applet not show unmanaged devices | 22:58 |
OerHeks | rifter, i cannot remember how that disk would look like, bitlocker should show something?? | 22:59 |
rachmadhj | I'll try to login from my windows. | 23:00 |
rachmadhj | I still chat this on Ubuntu Mate Live | 23:01 |
OerHeks | snkcld, never done this myself, blocking an interface by mac http://askubuntu.com/a/573407 | 23:02 |
lord-ragnarock | Hey everyone :) I've got this asked on the PPC channel as well, but hopefully the larger crowd may help too: | 23:09 |
OerHeks | lord-ragnarock, ubuntu related? | 23:09 |
lord-ragnarock | Yes, haha | 23:10 |
lord-ragnarock | To start I'm attempting to install 12.04 LTS on this Power Mac 7500, and right now I'm checking my CD's integrity to rule out a CD, Drive or other hardware problem. | 23:10 |
OerHeks | Do a MD5Sum check ? | 23:11 |
OerHeks | !md5sum | 23:11 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM | 23:11 |
lord-ragnarock | I'm booting using the kernel and ramdisk from the alternate ISO, and wondering if there's a way to provide an alternate install medium, such as a USB thumb drive | 23:11 |
Traviks | hi | 23:12 |
jeremy31 | lord-ragnarock, have you tried newer versions of Ubuntu as 12.04 will be end of life in a couple months | 23:12 |
kk4ewt | is there a ppc version of ubuntu? | 23:12 |
lord-ragnarock | I tried I think 14.04 Lubuntu a few years ago, which ended up bootbable. But I only ever got 4 colors :P | 23:12 |
lord-ragnarock | kk4ewt Yes, but it's not very supported these days :/ | 23:13 |
kk4ewt | link please | 23:13 |
lord-ragnarock | What kind of PPC device you have? | 23:13 |
lord-ragnarock | Asking so I can figure out the right iso lol :P | 23:13 |
kk4ewt | several different ones | 23:13 |
lord-ragnarock | Ohhhh :) | 23:13 |
user_ | Did you try 16.04LTS? | 23:13 |
kk4ewt | powermac 4 and 5 | 23:14 |
lerner | so I run ifconfig and a new profile (vibr0) appears. I have no idea why.How can I know about itsorigin? | 23:14 |
kk4ewt | lerner, its part of the install | 23:14 |
lord-ragnarock | Oh wait, nevermind... You canfind it all on cdimage.ubuntu.com ;p | 23:14 |
lerner | kk4ewt, it was never there | 23:14 |
kk4ewt | have had it for years in other distros | 23:14 |
lord-ragnarock | user_ me? | 23:15 |
lerner | o,ok... | 23:15 |
lerner | kk4ewt, is lo also part of the install? | 23:15 |
OerHeks | lord-ragnarock, does that powermac come with usb ports?? | 23:15 |
lord-ragnarock | It requires a PCI card for USB, which is how I have it configured | 23:15 |
user_ | Yes. From what I found, they put in a lot of work so most likely it should be bootable for PPC | 23:16 |
lord-ragnarock | Hm. I guess I could try 16.04 | 23:16 |
AvatarA | anyone knows why ubuntu.com would redirect me here? http://ww38.mirror.zeusboxes.com/16.04.2/ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso | 23:16 |
k1l_ | AvatarA: because that is a mirror | 23:16 |
lord-ragnarock | I'm weary cause from my experience 14.X was virtualy unusable. Yet again that was a spin-off distro... | 23:17 |
k1l_ | AvatarA: but looks like the domain ran out and wasnt renewed yet | 23:17 |
calmlb | can i pay someone 25 bucks to remotely login to my windows 10 machine and install ubuntu mate for a dualboot | 23:17 |
AvatarA | well it doesn't work and before that it redirected me to some random XXX advert | 23:17 |
k1l_ | AvatarA: choose another mirror https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads | 23:18 |
lerner | i never understood this: if I have to execute 2 commands ($ sudo ifconfig virbr0 down and $ sudo brctl delbr virbr0), I can execute them at the same time with && right? | 23:19 |
rachmadhj | @bashing-om Here i am with my windows. | 23:19 |
lord-ragnarock | You should be able to lerner, yes | 23:19 |
rachmadhj | @bashing-om My drive is still exist. | 23:19 |
lerner | lord-ragnarock, if I have to execute 50 commands, I can also do it with '&&', correct? | 23:20 |
lord-ragnarock | O_o | 23:20 |
lerner | just an example | 23:20 |
lord-ragnarock | Um, I haven't gone past 2 commands..... | 23:20 |
lord-ragnarock | I couldn't help you there hahaha | 23:20 |
user_ | lord-ragnarok Good luck. Logging off. Thanks guys | 23:20 |
lord-ragnarock | Thanks user_ :) | 23:20 |
Ben64 | lerner: pretty sure && is dependent on the first one to complete successfully for the second to run | 23:20 |
lerner | ok, if all commands require admin privileges, it is enough writting sudo just in the first command? | 23:21 |
lord-ragnarock | IIRC yes | 23:21 |
k1l_ | lerner: no | 23:21 |
lord-ragnarock | oh | 23:21 |
Ben64 | lerner: what are you doing that needs 50 sudo commands done at once | 23:21 |
lerner | Ben64, just an example | 23:21 |
k1l_ | sudo privileges dont survive | or ; or && | 23:21 |
Ben64 | really weird example | 23:21 |
lerner | I once had to getrid of like 45 outdated kernels | 23:21 |
Ben64 | sudo apt-get autoremove | 23:22 |
lord-ragnarock | Oh wow :x | 23:22 |
lord-ragnarock | That's a lot of kernels lmao | 23:22 |
rifter | yeah so you'd need to put sudo before every command | 23:22 |
Bashing-om | rachmadhj: Well, as surprised as I am , not much I can contribute , seems I am out of my depth here . | 23:22 |
rifter | lerner for instance I have: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 23:23 |
OerHeks | rachmadhj, is that windows is fully encrypted with bitlocker? | 23:23 |
lerner | rifter, that one comes in handy!! | 23:24 |
k1l_ | lerner: you dont need to run 50 single commands for that. aot works with several packages at once | 23:24 |
rifter | yeah like you can do : sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3 | 23:24 |
rachmadhj | @bashing-om Thanks you very much :) | 23:26 |
rachmadhj | @oerheks How to check it? Encrypted with bitlocker or no? | 23:27 |
rachmadhj | @oerheks I will try to google it. | 23:27 |
OerHeks | rachmadhj, i don't know how to tell .. but bitlocker only encrypts the whole drive, if you did: you need to reinstall windows without bitlocker, no way to decrease. | 23:28 |
rachmadhj | @oerheks Ok. Thanks for the solution. I will try it. Thanks anyway. | 23:30 |
lord-ragnarock | Uhhh, where can I find a 16.04 ISO that's for desktop? :P | 23:31 |
lord-ragnarock | cdimage.ubuntu.com has only server images | 23:31 |
lord-ragnarock | just for reference I'm still looking for PowerPC hahaha | 23:32 |
Bashing-om | lord-ragnarock: ubuntu : https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop . | 23:33 |
OerHeks | ppc ? no, 14.04 is available https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads | 23:34 |
OerHeks | 3 years... 2 months to go | 23:35 |
=== mortimer_houghto is now known as MortimerHoughton | ||
rocket__ | hi | 23:35 |
rocket__ | i try to achieve gpu pass | 23:35 |
rocket__ | throught | 23:35 |
rocket__ | one question | 23:36 |
rocket__ | when i blacklist my nvidia and switch to intel | 23:36 |
rocket__ | do i also have to remove the nvidia drivers? | 23:36 |
fhess | Does anyone know how I can install a HDMI 5.1 profile in ALSA/PulseAudio? | 23:41 |
kovu | hello | 23:44 |
kovu | anyone here to help? | 23:46 |
k1l_ | kovu: some are | 23:46 |
=== fhess is now known as fred911 | ||
USBVideoAdapterW | Help with USB Video drivers ubuntu 16.04lts | 23:48 |
kovu | when i put my lenovo in sleep as in close the lid and wake up the wifi disconnects and cant reconnect so i have to restart | 23:48 |
USBVideoAdapterW | display jumps between laptop and usb external monitor randomly... | 23:49 |
plgos | anybody know a good emulator for n64 on ubuntu? | 23:49 |
fred911 | I'm trying to get an HDMI 5.1 output profile in pulsaudio/also installed. I've got a 7.1 profile and ever since i update I no longer have 5.1 and it's not listed as an available output profile from Driver: module-alsa-card.c when I do a pactl list but I know my chipset support it, is it a driver issue or does anyone have an idea? | 23:49 |
fred911 | kovu: why can't you reconnect? | 23:50 |
Antergos | yo does ayone know a good n64 emulator for linux | 23:51 |
fred911 | what's the status of your wifi interface when you wakeup? | 23:51 |
k1l_ | kovu: i guess its not loading the wifi module properly. you need to reload it | 23:51 |
kovu | how do i do that please k1l | 23:53 |
k1l_ | plgos: ubuntu ships mupen64plus. Antergos for antergos or other linux better ask in ##linux | 23:53 |
fred911 | k1l_: what is the interface name (run iwconfig) | 23:54 |
k1l_ | kovu: look at lsmod or lspci -nnk which module is in use. then after resume reload it with sudo modprobe modulename | 23:56 |
plgos | k1l_: thanks | 23:56 |
fred911 | kovu: ifconfig wlan0 down | 23:56 |
kovu | do i type that in terminal | 23:56 |
fred911 | ifconfig wlan0 up | 23:56 |
fred911 | assuming wlan0 is the interface returned when you run iwconfig | 23:57 |
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