
lernerguys with gnome use disk usage analyzer. For us without gnome, what do we use?03:25
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
xubuntu45iHello, bonjour.10:00
xubuntu45iI was waiting for release 2. Install is running.10:01
xubuntu45iWhat about scanning with un Epson XP-102 ? With release one, it was messy !10:02
xubuntu45irelease 2 of 16.04 !10:05
xubuntu38wHas anyone ever dealt with Xubuntu asking for authentication to hibernate, despite hibernation not being enabled on the system?14:44
kaerhonhiiii :D15:28
kaerhoni have a weird issue i asked in #inkscape : (first, my computer has xubuntu 16.10), yesterday i installed a bunch of font packages via synaptic, and they don't show up in inkscape. They do in libreoffice, though. any idea what could happen?15:33
kaerhoni manually put some other fonts files (ttf) in the /home/.fonts directory, and these ones show up15:33
flocculantkaerhon: on the offchance this is the case - did you install inkscape as a snap?15:37
kaerhoni think so yeah15:39
kaerhoni wanted to see the gradient meshes ;x15:40
kaerhonthat explains why15:41
kaerhonsorry, i should've remembered the snap part15:42
xubuntu38wHas anyone ever dealt with Xubuntu asking for authentication to hibernate, despite hibernation not being enabled on the system?16:19
=== blb3383 is now known as blb3384
=== blb3384 is now known as blb3385
xubuntu14iis everyone dead?20:18
xubuntu14imomy? momy where are you?20:19
knomepatience, where are you?20:22
flocculantliving in the last decade I think20:23
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
ppokojowczykHi. I've got a long running issue with xubuntu ( exactly with all kinds of distros based on XFCE ). I use XFCE because of simplicity and lightweight, but with some apps like firefox or gimp I notice some kind of lags / sluggishness, I suspect it's because of GTK. I'm thinking about switching to lubuntu, but considering either XFCE and LXDE is based on GTK, should I expect improvement in this case?22:21
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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