
anrebshey I have a problem with a pc of mine connecting to the internet. wifi is working fine and my laptop connects fine but since I updated the system to my pc the network stopped working. I've tried several methods and they don't work. I tried restarting network manager and connecting through eth0 but my pc doesn't have the option of going eth0.01:29
chcknrubGod is waiting for all of us to return back to Him. After all, we are all like the prodigal son.02:03
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Chris_R1986Hello.  I am having a problem with chromium in kde, and am really hoping i can get a hand with this because i have been trying for a few hours and google is no help02:43
Chris_R1986does anyone know or remember the way to make it so that the chrome web apps will show up as their own application in the taskbar, rather than just under chrome(ium)?  I think it had to do with adding or commenting out a line of text in some file somewhere, or something to that effect02:44
LiveKDcan kubuntu install and boot under secure uefi boot?02:47
LiveKDor does it still need legacy bios?02:50
valorieeither is fine02:57
LiveKDany configuration needed?02:59
valorieLiveKD: I've never had to do anything special03:00
valoriehowever, some folks have issues -- I"m not sure what the common thread is however03:01
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lordievaderGood morning09:04
BluesKajHi folks11:18
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kcroot_when plasma 5.9 arrived in landing ppa?14:35
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BluesKajkcroot_, ask in #kubuntu-devel14:42
mas886for some reason uninstalling libreoffice messed up everything and now, reinstalled, the gtk theme is not the system's one, neither the language or the icons used. Besides that the program works slower and things like the auto index won't work. any help?15:14
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user|1122Can centrify AD be used in Kubuntu?16:34
user|1122Is it also possible to install apache2.4?16:35
user|1122Can centrify AD be used in Kubuntu?16:41
user|1122it supports Ubuntu; this is what I'm talking about https://www.centrify.com/why-centrify/centrify-identity-platform/16:43
user|1122basically it is an MS AD connector which allows Linux workstations to join active directory16:44
troffaskykubuntu is 99% ubuntu16:51
user|1122ah cool so it can work, thanks16:52
troffaskyi have kubuntu branding on my laptop but installed it as ubuntu - at some point it became kubuntu as there are a few kubuntu- packages installed16:54
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Focarbuonasera a tutti17:11
ubottuFocar: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:11
FocarOK thank you17:12
=== rwb1 is now known as rwb
ferociousmadmanRecently installed Kubuntu 16.10 and learning how to use that and do many other things, trying to learn how to code etc.21:27
krisehow can i resize the widgets ? dont see that option kubuntu 16.1021:27
ferociousmadmanYou have to click and hold the icon for a bit then a small gray sidebar comes up21:28
ferociousmadmanat the top of that there is a resize option and you have to select that then click and hold and move around the icon and it should resize.21:28
ferociousmadmanIt's a little... non-intuitive.21:28
krisethanks ferociousmadman21:29
ferociousmadmanMy pleasure krise.21:30
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user|87175How can I add an application shortcut to the main applications menu? The application is in /opt21:51
user|87175It will need to be accessed by all users21:51
ferociousmadmanHave you tried right clicking, add widget and looked for relevant application shortcuts there?21:53
ferociousmadmanNot sure if that's helpful, but just curious.21:53
user|87175So centrify installed but it is not working as intended21:53
ferociousmadmanI'll be honest, I'm a pretty new user myself, I recently re-installed Kubuntu after a long hiatus. So I'm not sure I can be very helpful. The forums can help point you in the right direction as well. I've had pretty good luck there.21:56
user|87175oh I was able to get the application shortcut done, thanks21:59
user|87175my issue now is getting centrify to work when I login as the AD user, I keep getting a duplicate user entry21:59
pietje__Greetings all22:59
pietje__Have a problem since the latesets update22:59
pietje__System hangs after loging in22:59
pietje__Both guii as well as ascii23:00
ferociousmadmanTotally frozen?23:00
pietje__No response from kb or mouse23:00
ferociousmadmanThat's odd... I haven't had any issues with mine freezing.23:00
pietje__Just did the update23:01
pietje__All seems ok untill I log in23:01
ferociousmadmanand then it just freezes?23:01
ferociousmadmanweird... hmm23:01
pietje__I do get a trace printout, but there is nothing I can do with it as it is simply frozen23:03
ferociousmadmanDo you have a dual boot setup?23:03
ferociousmadmanor are you only using kubuntu 16.1023:03
pietje__I do have xubuntu as well23:03
pietje__But switching to a terminal session [ctrl][alt][f1] freezes as well23:04
pietje__But ONLY after login23:05
ferociousmadmanfound this on the forums...: "When you're in KDE, press ALT+F2 to bring up krunner, and type  "session". You may not even get to type it all when you should see  "Session Manager" as an option. Click on that to open the session  manager settings. In the last group of options, "On Login", set it to  "Start with an empty session". This will cause KDE to start up with a  "default" session, so we can find out if there's something ot23:06
ferociousmadmanFailing that, try creating another user. You can call it "test" or  whatever you want, but create a new user account and log into it. It  will be a bit of a pain because you won't have ready access to any of  your regular user files, but if you can log in and out of the new user's  account without any trouble, it gives us a clue on where to look next  for the problem, narrows down the search." https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showt23:06
pietje__I might try to reboot from USB, mount the home drive and move everything out from the home dir23:06
pietje__I can't log in to create the other user23:06
pietje__I can't get to kde23:06
Snowhogpietje__: Do you by chance, know how much space you still have available on the root partition?23:08
pietje__I will check Snowhog23:08
pietje__reverting to the previous kernel23:09
pietje__[escape] just brought the option23:11
pietje__I am in with the previous kernel23:11
pietje__boot partion has 91% free23:12
pietje__oops root partition23:12
Snowhogpietje__: Okay, not a space issue then.23:12
pietje__Seems a kernel issue23:13
pietje__Well switching to the previous kernel "fixed" the problem23:13
Snowhogpietje__: What graphics card/GPU do you have?23:14
SnowhogStepping away for a tad. Have to feed the cat.23:16
pietje__intel 3rd gen23:17
pietje__Is there an easy way to roll back the updates?23:20
Snowhogpietje__: "intel 3rd gen" doesn't tell us much. What does lspci | grep raphics tell you?23:20
pietje__Seems a standard line23:21
pietje__rev 0923:21
pietje__Intel corporation 3rd Gen Core procesor Graphics Controller (rev 09)23:23
Snowhogpietje__: Okay. Better. Intel GPU's shouldn't be an issue with any kernel version.23:27
pietje__I do have an error in apport.log23:29
pietje__something about "disk sleep"?23:29
=== santa is now known as Guest12456
MKHello everyone. I'm on Ubuntu but wanna try out Kubuntu; would installing the kubuntu-desktop package be all I need to do that? And just pick the KDE session at login?23:32
troffaskypretty much23:32
pietje__MK: Yes, that is all you need23:32
MKCool. Let's hope I like it as uninstalling those 600+ packages will probably be a bit less easy :P23:35
pietje__I have never tried that, I prefer kubuntu23:36
MKmore than half my programs are KDE at this point so I figured I should probably give the desktop itself a try23:36
pietje__It's all personal preferences :)23:37
troffaskyapt autoremove will easily get rid of them, once you've removed the main ones23:37
pietje__Seems my problem is with /run23:38
pietje__user id 1000:1000 may not write to /run/cgmanager23:40
pietje__Should I be asking this in another chanel?23:42
Snowhogpietje__: Just prior to your issue, were you by any chance editing root owned files using Dolphin launched using sudo?23:44
pietje__Snowhog: No I was not23:45
pietje__I am old school, I use vi (well vim)23:45
pietje__And no I had no root terminal open.23:46
Snowhogpietje__: "I am old school,..." These days, not so many of "us" around.23:49
pietje__Will try to join using the laptop where I have the issue23:49
pietje__Snowhog: There still are plenty...23:50
pietje_Ok, this will save me some typing23:51
pietje__Can't see anything obvious in the syslog23:58
pietje__Is this the best place to solve/report issues?23:58

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