
zygawhat is the best way to detect a genuine ubuntu kernel?08:26
zygavs some other kernel?08:26
apwzyga, from what context, the only absolute way is to confirm the kernel binary is not modified relative to the package and the package is from the official archive08:43
zygaapw: cloud providers often boot a different kernel 09:19
zygaapw: we may have the package on disk but it is not used09:20
zygaapw: I was wondering if we could put something into our kernel that we could ask from userspace for09:20
zygaapw: e.g a dummy module that says "this is a certified Linux kernel from Caonical"09:20
apwzyga, how would you guarentee that the cloud provider did not also dothat09:20
apwin order to not seem different from ours09:20
zygaapw: so that even if they fake that (on purpose) we can have a legal standing that they cannot do thus09:20
zygaapw: and if they don't do this it is easy detect 09:21
zygaapw: yes but if they do it on purpose we can do other things09:21
zygaapw: I'm after casual kernel replacement, not mailciou actor09:21
zygaapw: e.g. a module that adds a file to sysfs that says "this is a certified Linux kernel, designed for Ubuntu, from Canonical"09:22
apwzyga, i assume a non-malicious kernel in that context would have a non-standard version number09:22
zygaapw: yes but what is our version number?09:22
zygaapw: what can I check for in userspace to easily know "certified kernel"09:23
apwzyga, launchpad knows what our officially released version numbers are, and they have a standard form09:23
zygaapw: complicated09:23
apwanyone modifying the kernel has to avoid our namespace09:23
zygaapw: I need to make a spot decision when I see !ubuntu kernel09:23
zygawait, what is our namespace?09:23
zygaI don't see any ubuntu / canonical words in  'uname -a'09:24
apwthe problem is anything we do in our packaging would likely be copied to the cloud-vendor kernel09:24
apwso if we add something saying it is certified, theirs will also say that09:25
zygathat's much better09:25
zygabecause then we can use trademark law to smite such use09:25
zygaright now we don't have any way to detect misuse 09:26
zygaor a way to react really09:26
zygawe'd be fixing one of those at least09:26
zyga+ if they read the kernel patches from us we could ensure the module has very clear language09:26
zygathat the intent of the module is to signify a certified canonical kernel09:26
zygaand it should not be copied without an agreement with canonical09:26
zygaas that would signify trademark violation09:27
apwi am not sure our licencing would let us do that09:27
zygawhich licensing?09:27
zygawe keep saying you get to call it ubuntu if it is unmodified09:27
apwthat this is a gpl 2 package09:27
zygathat's fine09:27
zygathey _can_ legally include that module09:27
zygabut they cannot legally use the trademark09:27
zygathis is mozilla firefox vs iceweasel issue09:28
apwbut are we fixing the right issue09:30
apwyou want to know the running kernel is (assuming non-malicious actors) 09:30
apwfrom us.  why is the fact it is in a signed package from us not the right thing09:30
apwthat is how we assert that things came from us09:31
apwso you can safely consume them09:31
zygaapw: hmmm, because the package is not a running thing, I just booted linode instance of 16.04 and it has our kernel installed09:31
zygabut not in use09:31
zygathe VM gets booted with an external kernel09:32
apwright but you can tell which kernel is running09:32
zygaI don't think that looking at the package can ehlp09:32
apwmatching its version number09:32
apwif you don't have a package matching it, your are not ubuntu09:32
apwif you don't have a package signed by us matching it, you are not ubuntu09:32
zygaanother problem is that this would not work in core world easily09:32
zyga(e.g. packaging formats differ)09:33
zygaI'd much rather ask the kernel about itself09:33
apwwhat are we going to be gating on this informaito09:33
zygaI want to include this in the error report we're sending to daisy.ubuntu.com09:34
zygaalong with whatever kernel version we get09:34
zygawe suspect there's a large population of errors caused by replaced kernels on cloud systems09:34
zygaI'd really like that trivial (GPL2) module that just uses our trademarks09:34
zygaeven if people can spoof that09:35
apwso we can tell if people are using legit version numbers on our end if this is daisy09:35
apwwe do that kind of thing to bin launchpad bugs for reports which are on modified kernels09:36
apwdo we have a case where people are making kernels with versions that look like ours09:36
zygado you have some more data about this?09:37
apwor is this hyperthetical attack?09:37
zygasorry I misread your qeustion09:37
apwmore data?  as in how we decide if things are legit?09:37
zygano, no; I skipped the "do" in your last statement09:37
zygaI don't know of such kernels but I'm still making a sweep through pouplar cloud providers09:37
zygabut we did see ancient / or current but heavily modified kernels as the norm09:38
zygaand they all disable security09:38
apwyou could probabally argue, if you were going to, that /proc/version_signature includes our trademark for this purpose09:39
zygathat's perfect!09:39
apwand we use the version in there and/or the version in /proc/version to determine if this is09:40
zygaI didn't know about this file (I kept looking at sys)09:40
apwa valid kernel09:40
apwfrom us.09:40
zygathanks, I think this will do!09:40
zygaI'll re-check what each cloud says there09:40
apwi am pretty sure the version in there is reliable enough for most purposes09:40
zygaI think so as well09:41
apwand you can compare it against published versions in launchpad easily enough09:41
zygathank you apw, I think I can keep myself busy for a while :")09:42
kaynemohello all ! upgraded to 4.4.0-63-powerpc64-smp kernel today and lost networking on ehternet (seems that module doesn't load up), rebooted to previous kernel (currently running it) and the network is just fine. Any ideas?11:34
apwkaynemo, do you have the appropriate meta packages installed or did you hand install that change11:38
kaynemowell it was the result of sudo apt-get dist-upgrade command11:39
apwthen you have the right things installed11:39
kaynemowhich is weird, because it will not bring up the network no matter what I do11:39
apwkaynemo, which driver is used when it does work11:40
kaynemohow to check that ?11:42
apwls -l /sys/class/net/wlp3s0/device/driver11:44
apwthat sort of thing11:44
kaynemocant find file or directory11:49
apwkaynemo, you did sub in an appropriate device right ?  and on the working kernel11:50
kaynemowell yeah11:51
apwwell if that doesn't exist, then hmm, but lsmod and guess11:51
kaynemolsmod is a long list and I can't find the network one11:59
kaynemolspci and find command lead to r8169 driver12:07
kaynemoummm.... anyone to comment on what happens with the ethernet on the 4.4.0-63-powerpc64-smp kernel ?12:56
apwkaynemo, hmmm12:58
kaynemoit's not that I cannot live without a new kernel and all, but, you know, a) it is weird, b) reluctant to upgrade from now on ))) also curious )))12:59
apwkaynemo, nothing obvious in teh delta from -62 ... -63 so ... thats odd ...13:07
apwkaynemo, next thing to do is file a bug against the kernel (ubuntu-bug linux) and tell me the bug number13:08
apwkaynemo, and i will ask one of my collegues to help you bisect it13:08
kaynemothank you !13:08
kaynemowill do so13:08
kaynemoBug #166620913:12
ubot5bug 1666209 in linux (Ubuntu) "PPC new 4.4.0-63-powerpc63-smp kernel kills networking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166620913:12
apwkaynemo, ta13:33
rtgtseliot, we're seeing i386 ADT test failure on nVidia 375. https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-zesty/zesty/i386/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-375/20170216_141621_af1c4@/log.gz13:43
tseliotrtg: maybe the i386 chroot/machine has a problem? I don't see how this and the DKMS dependency thing can depend on my packages: "ERROR: ld.so: object 'libeatmydata.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored."13:46
tseliotrtg: oh, bad build too, can I get the log, please?13:46
* tseliot has no i386 hardware13:47
tseliotrtg: I mean this /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-375/375.39/build/make.log13:47
rtgtseliot, you can install in an i386 VM which a least would give you the compile errors13:47
rtgtseliot, ADT doesn't keep logs like that frm an ephemeral session13:48
apwrtg, yes it does keep those logs13:48
* apw files you a bug, one sec13:48
rtgapw, indeed ?13:48
tseliotthat would sure save me some time13:48
apwrtg, yep, there is an artifacts.tar.gz thing with all sorts of crapola in it13:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1666220 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-375 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-graphics-drivers-375 375.39-0ubuntu1 ADT test failure with linux 4.10.0-8.10" [Undecided,New]13:50
apwtseliot, ^13:50
tseliotapw: oh, the error looks familiar, thanks13:51
tseliotapw, rtg: that build failure is weird. NVIDIA already set a test for that in their conftest.sh: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24034020/14:22
tseliotI'm not quite sure why that would be different on i38614:22
rtgtseliot, I'm not gonna hold up promotion to release over that, but I'd sure like to see it fixed eventually14:26
tseliotrtg: I going to brute force that into building, so it shouldn't really be a problem any more anyway ;)14:28
tseliotrtg: by doing this http://paste.ubuntu.com/24034067/14:35
tseliotthe cast is probably useless14:35
apwtseliot, that is "interesting"14:36
apwtseliot, but very sensible14:36
tseliotapw: heh, it's a temporary workaround14:36
apwtseliot, what does the double cast even mean in that context14:37
apwanyhow, whatever, it isn't your code14:38
tseliotapw: it should be for the size, I think. I had the same problem when I had to call this:14:39
tseliotNV_SMP_CALL_FUNCTION(nv_setup_pat_entries, (void *)(long int)hcpu, 1)14:39
apwyeah i guess it widens it first, but uggg14:39
tseliotyes, I know... :D14:40
apwtseliot, anyhow thanks for looking ... appreciated14:40
tseliotapw: you're welcome ;)14:41
tseliotI'm going to test (using virtualbox) and upload14:44
apwtseliot, ack ta14:45
tseliot...and no internet connection from virtualbox...15:16
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