
nick__hi i have lost my sudo password what do i do?06:03
Astro7467your sudo password is your password - so do you have auto-login enabled and now forgotten your password?06:04
nick__must be the case. i have a password to unlock when pc has been standing but it must be different06:07
Astro7467no - it is the same06:07
Astro7467the password prompt by sudo is a verification it's really you06:08
nick__but it does not work tells me to try again06:08
nick__will try again06:10
nick__it worked06:13
Astro7467great - thanks for confirming back06:13
peter__hi all09:03
peter__my rpi 2 wont detect myhdmi sound09:03
peter__is there a reason or a fix09:03
peter__tried to edit config.tx with no luck09:04
=== markus is now known as Guest57498
Guest57498hallo ! folgendes problem: wie erstelle ich verknüpfungen auf dem desktop mit einer url? ziehen vom browser auf den desktop funktioniert manchmal, manchmal nicht. system: ubuntu-mate. danke für eure hilfe.11:03
mate|48727i just installed ubuntu mate and i want to know how to install sl15:32
Akuliwhat is sl?15:32
Akulithe program that displays a train or something else?15:32
mate|48727it's an ASCII animation that appears in the terminal.15:33
Akulioh that one15:33
mate|48727Of a train15:33
Akulitype sl to a terminal to get instructions :)15:33
mate|48727ok thanks15:34
mate|48727we tried sudo apt-get install sl15:34
Akulishould work15:34
mate|48727just realised that we're using 16,10, which uses apt instead of apt-get15:36
Akuliis apt-get gone?15:36
DarkPsydeLordyou can use both15:36
mate|48727no you cant15:36
Akulii thought i could15:37
DarkPsydeLordi can15:37
Akuliin 16.10?15:37
Akuli$ which apt-get15:38
mate|48727???? still can't do it using apt.15:38
Akulido you get an error?15:38
swrightI just installed in mate 16.04 without a problem15:38
Akuligreat swright :)15:38
DarkPsydeLordmate 16.0415:38
DarkPsydeLordthats why15:38
swrightI used:  sudo apt install sl15:39
mate|48727Should I install aptitude instead and try that?15:39
DarkPsydeLorddid you get an error msg?15:39
mate|48727It just can't find it. 'Unable to locate package sl'15:39
Akulioh i know whats wrong15:40
Akulirun this:   nc termbin.com 9999 < /etc/apt/sources.list15:40
Akulii think you need to uncomment the place that sl comes from15:40
mate|48727and also are there any dyslexia settings for ubunto mate15:41
mate|48727my freind has been reading for me and i want some independence15:41
swrightin mine, it looks like it pulled from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe15:42
Akuliyes, looks like its coming from universe15:42
Akulimate|48727, i think ubuntu mate comes with a screen reader if you need it15:42
swrightyes, on my 16.04, there is a screen reader.15:44
swrightit's the orca package15:44
mate|48727Hello. 'Friend' on.15:44
mate|48727Back to sl...15:44
Akulithe termbin command should give you a link, can you copy-paste it here?15:45
mate|48727I have ubuntu mate 15.10 installed on my main computer and it works fine15:46
Akulimate|48727, run this:   sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list15:46
Akulimate|48727, scroll down to where it talks about universe and remove # from beginning of the lines starting with deb and ending with universe15:47
mate|48727nope, still doesn't work15:56
Akuliyou need to save that and run sudo apt-get update15:56
mate|48727no luck15:56
Akulidid you apt-get update?15:56
callum_hi im back16:02
callum_my freind had to go16:02
Akulithe guy with sl issues?16:02
callum_how do i fix it16:03
Akulidid he run sudo apt-get update?16:03
callum_i will try it16:04
callum_ok it has done16:05
Akulidoes sudo apt-get install sl work now?16:06
ivancarryHey anyone who would tell me how to switch fully to linux... i know its bit out of topic but windows is starting to be pain for me... so are there any tips or common issues with a full time switch and tell me how to prevent them :)17:02
Akuligaming and microsoft office are the first things i can think of17:03
sixwheeledbeastJust switch17:03
Akulii would start with a dualboot to see how it goes17:03
ivancarrywell ye but i made my way to run League and few steam games i like thats all i need17:03
ivancarryye the ms office bothers me a bit ..17:03
ivancarryiam on a dual boot setup17:04
sixwheeledbeastI started with Ubuntu with all intention of dualbooting I never bothered and then ~10 years went by17:04
sixwheeledbeastI don't miss Windows for a second.17:04
ivancarry:) glad to hear that17:04
ivancarrywell ye i was keeping dualboot for recovery reasons aswell17:05
ivancarrybut for couple last weeks17:05
Akuliif you can't live without ms office you can't live without windows/osx17:05
ivancarryiam pretty much trying to get things done over here17:05
ivancarryisnt there a wine workaround?17:05
Akulino, but you can usually use libreoffice17:05
Akulii think some old 2007 ms office runs in wine17:06
Akulibut the latest version doesn't17:06
ivancarryye ive been using it .. and its nice and fast and pretty capeble17:06
ivancarryye i would be happy with 2k1017:06
ivancarrythats quite old i belive17:06
ivancarry6years exactly lol xD17:06
Akulitry it under wine17:06
Akuliif it works then great, you can get rid of windows :)17:06
sixwheeledbeastI find Libreoffice fine and a lot of the time is compatible with >=2k1017:07
ivancarryalso one more simple question... is guest session a danger to possible hostile? and should i pw protect grub?17:07
sixwheeledbeastGaming is less of an issue with Steam becoming popular17:08
ivancarryyeh i very suprised17:08
sixwheeledbeastSorry not sure what your asking there?17:09
ivancarryi play only three games... lol csgo and sometimes rocket league.. they work fine altho i can tell the difference in league..17:09
ivancarryye i notcied that my question was wrongly asked17:09
ivancarryis a guest session a threat17:09
sixwheeledbeastthreat in what way?17:09
ivancarrylike someone would be able to use it to acces some of my data.. or possibly mess with the system in any other way17:10
ivancarryfor example if i would have an Hard drive connected they would be able to read it if iam right...17:10
ivancarryits a general ubuntu question ... i belive17:11
sixwheeledbeastGuest session is just a temporary disposable user from memory. I believe you can disable guest session if you are concerned. At least I have no Guest session option any more. It would depend on the permissions the user had, it's all configurable.17:13
ivancarryi did some simple config changes and its disabled.. but if i would run linux with this option accesable if it could cause any harm...17:18
ivancarrybut as far as i remember there hasnt been any issues with it so its safe probably...17:18
vltHello. Any idea where this error message after each new login for every user could come from? http://imgur.com/nEL3GDF  It seems to be something bluetooth related which I don ahve or need.18:52
vlt*don't have18:52
Akulidoes this get fixed if you remove blueman?18:56
Akulisudo apt-get remove blueman18:56
mate|11505If I remember correctly, you were trying to help out with sl.21:11
mate|11505Have I got the wrong person?21:12
Akuliyes, then your friend came here and i told him what to do21:12
Akulior maybe someone just pretended your friend :)21:12
mate|11505Yeah, I am the friend.21:12
mate|11505I have a new issue for my personal computer.21:13
Akuliexplain more :)21:13
mate|11505I have an installation of ubuntu mate that has been customised, version 15.1021:13
mate|11505I also have wbar installed.21:13
mate|11505I suddenly realized that i had no space left at all on the hdd.21:14
mate|11505I was wondering if there is any efficient way of freeing up some space...?21:14
Akulifirst of all lets find out what's using it21:15
Akulimate comes with a disk space usage analyzer, open that21:16
mate|11505I'm using my windows 7 pc and the one with no disk space is upstairs and shut down at the mo.21:16
Akuliis it so out of space that you can't start it?21:16
vltAkuli: Yes, removing blueman seems to have solved this problem. Thank you!21:17
mate|11505On the DUA, it says something like....      /   100%.21:18
Akulihow about /home=21:18
Akulihow big % is /home out of /?21:18
mate|11505I think it was filling about 35%.21:18
Akulito be honest i don't know how much space different things take21:19
mate|11505I tried bleachbit and apt-get autoremove, with no luck.21:19
Akuli$ sudo apt-get clean21:19
Akuliremoves all apt's cached packages21:19
mate|11505Yup, tried that too.21:19
Akulistill full?21:19
Akulito be honest i have no idea how to check which packages are biggest21:20
Akulido you have old kernels hanging around?21:20
mate|11505No, other than the windows 7 loader XD21:21
Akuli$ du -sh .cache21:22
Akulihow much stuff is there?21:22
mate|11505dunno, can't go up to check, I am busy21:23
mate|11505I just need a tip or summat.21:23
Akulii'm out of ideas because i have no idea what is taking up that space21:23
Akuliyou can ask on ##linux too21:23
vltOk, next problem: How to troubleshoot a non working screen lock? When any user selects "lock screen" or presses ctrl+l the screen gets black but no password is needed to reactivate the desktop. What could be missing here?21:24
mate|11505I don't have anything I really need on it...21:24
Akulimate|11505, oh right you need to register for ##linux21:24
Akulivlt, there's a setting for that somewhere21:24
mate|11505How about I run $ sudo rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root21:25
mate|11505Bye, I'll fix it tommorow.21:25
Akulivlt, let me run my panel in english and find it21:26
vltAkuli: Thanks. (Mine runs in German if that helps ;-)21:28
Akulivlt, system -> preferences -> screensaver21:29
Akulivlt, check "lock screen when screensaver is active" :)21:29
* vlt tries21:30
vltAkuli: It already is.21:31
Akulione way is to get rid of mate's screensaver altogether and just use bare xscreensaver instead21:31
NerinaI'd like to know if Wacom tablets will be supported on next version in July...21:32
NerinaAre supported but there is no GUI to configure them, from control panel!21:33
NerinaAnd there will be a 32bit version on next version? Or I'll be forced to install a new 64bit version directly?21:34
vltAkuli: Mate runs in an XVnc/XRDP session here. Maybe a bare xscreensaver is too complicated here.21:34
Akulitoo complicated?21:34
Akulii was surprised by how easy xscreensaver was to set up21:34
vltAkuli: I just thought that because the "real" X server is running on a different machine than the mate session ...21:36
Akulii don't know21:37
HoppingMadManI am guessing you will have to Nerina, because I do believe that  Ubuntu 17.04 will be only 64 bit.. But we will see the whole 64 bit only has made a lot of people mad21:39
Akulii'm not going to install it then :)21:40
HoppingMadManYeah I am looking to move away from Ubuntu as my core and maybe go to something like Debian21:41

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