
Kilosgood rains all night05:39
Kilosmorning inetpro superfly thatgraemeguy paddatrapper and all others05:43
Kiloselena_p welcome to ubuntu-za05:43
Kilosand morning to you05:43
paddatrapperMorning oom Kilos05:58
superflyNight Kilos, paddatrapper 06:42
Kilossleep tight superfly 06:42
paddatrappersuperfly: night07:00
inetprogood mornings07:07
Kilosmorning inetpro 07:08
Kilosyou forgot me as an addon this time. you ok?07:09
inetprohaha, sorry oom K07:09
chesedomorning all07:31
Kiloshi chesedo 07:31
* chesedo sees that me had peeps with IPv6 addresses here07:32
* Kilos waits for elena_p to say hi07:37
paddatrapperchesedo: Those seem to be bots of some sort - joined and left a couple of channels I'm on07:38
chesedopaddatrapper: seems reasonable - the first 64 bits are also the same amongst these two07:41
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
unlaudableso that was interesting...10:25
unlaudableI was getting notifications from another #...10:25
unlaudablebut could not open xchat anywhere... not in alt-tab, not in tray10:25
unlaudableeventually killed it10:25
unlaudablehad to resetup my nicks XD10:25
unlaudableGnome... but I am a bit behind...10:26
unlaudableseems to be a known thing... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bamf/+bug/99591610:26
Kilosim trying to place you10:26
Kilosin a game park?10:27
Kilosor nature reserve?10:27
unlaudableum.. no Jozi, work for Obsidian10:27
Kilosoh you the guy that got the guy in the nature reserve to use afrihost?10:28
unlaudablespeaking of which anyone interested in attending the Docker event this week?10:28
unlaudableKilos, have no idea what you talking about :-)10:28
Kiloslol im lost10:28
unlaudableI rarely chats here...10:28
Kilosyes thats why i forget10:29
Kilosgotta do things regularly so they go into subconscious or i forget10:29
Kiloshave you fixed the bug now10:30
inetproKilos: he's been here like for ever10:30
Kilosyes inetpro but quiet10:30
Kilosi remember noisy peeps like you10:30
* Kilos ducks10:30
inetproKilos: even Cryterion is still here11:05
inetprowb Cryterion11:05
Kiloshi Cryterion 11:05
Kilosi remember him11:05
chesedoKilos: obsidian is where karl (kmf) works too11:08
chesedounlaudable: which docker event?11:09
inetprochesedo: I think it's this one, https://twitter.com/Rubicomm1/status/83360828803821977611:12
inetproor https://twitter.com/FreeBeerSession/status/82236024138809344011:14
inetproJhb on Thursday11:14
chesedoinetpro: great ty11:42
* chesedo added them to our next agenda11:42
chesedowe should probably keep a look out for these kind of stuff to announce them on the news list...11:43
chesedothey can create a nice conversation piece there and for meetings11:43
unlaudablesorry... https://www.eventbrite.com/e/docker-south-african-roadshow-johannesburg-tickets-2966558456211:55
chesedoty unlaudable12:14
chesedounlaudable: will you be there?12:16
unlaudableI am going to be yes, as is kmf12:16
chesedoso you will join our meeting on the 28th to share how it went?12:17
chesedohi RemonShai12:25
RemonShaihi che12:32
RemonShaihi chesedo , glad to see you...12:33
chesedoyou too RemonShai, welcome to the ubuntu-za channel...12:51
chesedoor have you been here before?12:51
RemonShaiyea.... a bit... 12:51
chesedoRemonShai: lol, another one of the silent ones?12:52
RemonShaiyea... ubuntu-bd12:53
chesedoah ok, do you know tareq12:53
RemonShaiyea... my friend & great man too... I know Kilos, pavlushka etc.12:54
chesedogreat, do you know the status of his ubuntu membership?12:57
chesedowe discussed it one here in one of our meetings...12:57
unlaudablechesedo, the irc meeting?12:57
chesedounlaudable: yes :D12:58
unlaudable28th? what time?12:58
chesedounlaudable: 20:30 SAST12:58
RemonShaiI know but I'm not a member.12:58
unlaudablechesedo, yeah can do that... *OK Google*...12:59
chesedoRemonShai: oh...12:59
chesedounlaudable: lol13:00
unlaudableanyone goign to the devconf event?13:03
chesedounlaudable: march's?13:04
unlaudablehttp://www.devconf.co.za/ same time as scaleconf unfortunately... :-(13:04
unlaudablenot going to either...13:05
unlaudableat least the scaleconf stuff makes its way onto youtube13:05
chesedoi think kulelu88 might be at one of them...13:05
=== smile|away is now known as smile
SEpticMaaz coffee please16:40
MaazSEptic: There isn't a pot on16:40
SEpticMaaz you make me sad16:40
MaazSEptic: What?16:40
KilosMaaz coffee on16:41
* Maaz washes some mugs16:41
Kiloshi SEptic 16:41
SEptichi Kils16:41
SEpticwhat have i missed?16:41
Kilosrain i think16:42
Kilosrather wet here16:42
SEpticyea, heard about people stuck in flooded cars etc16:42
Kilossjoe i dont get news so just see what happens around me16:43
Kiloswhats news your side16:43
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:45
KilosMaaz dankie man16:45
MaazGroot plesier my vriend16:45
SEpticbeen super busy16:57
SEpticdid a 4 or 5 week stint in the uk16:57
SEpticwork is swamping, but alls good16:57
SEptic_any one here use logitech media server?17:46
Cryterionmaaz: coffee on18:04
* Maaz puts the kettle on18:04
Cryterionmaaz: beer cold18:06
MaazCryterion: What?18:06
MaazCoffee's ready for Cryterion!18:08
not_foundMaaz: tea please18:15
MaazAs soon as the kettle boils not_found I will pour boiling water into your cup if you have the tea bag in already18:15
not_foundMaaz: I love you18:15
Maaznot_found Don't embarrass youself. You aren't a cyber chick18:15
chesedolol, hi not_found18:26
not_foundhey chesedo, how are you?18:26
chesedoor 404 :p18:26
chesedoi am 20018:27
chesedoor great and yourself?18:27
* not_found was using an avatar with 404 on its shirt on the ubuntuforums for ages18:27
not_foundfine thanks :)18:27
* not_found is doing that night shift thing... night number 3 of 4, almost half way... zzzzz18:30
Kiloshi not_found 18:32
not_founduncle Kilos, how are you?18:35
Kilosok ty lad and you?18:35
Kilosjust been tired so slept most of the day18:36
not_foundany news on the results from Australia the peeps in ZA wanted? and I am doing fine thanks18:38
SEptic_*forgot Kilos was upside down*18:46
=== SEptic_ is now known as SEptic
not_foundKilos: ^^18:50
Kiloshaha sorry bad bad bad mobile connection here18:52
Kilosnothing yet not_found just a demand from lawers18:52
superflyKilos: is there any way you can collect the cash already donated and send that to the doctors so long? it might appease them for a while. most docs are happy to work out a payment plan (they like to earn interest on the money you owe them)20:06
=== smile is now known as smile|away
Kilossuperfly tara does that all the time20:34
Kilosdebs is negotiating with them now20:34
Kilosthey wanted $200 a month and she is telling them impossible and offering $50 i think20:35
Kilosi think the lawyer is handling all the doctors20:36
Kilosand paramed guys20:36
Kilosill try find out more20:36
Kilosgotta sleep now20:36
smile4evergood night 20:37
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:37
smile4ever:-) 20:37
not_found2000 ZAR isn't a non trivial amount21:27
not_founddouble negative >.<21:27
not_foundengrish is hard21:27

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