
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r634 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of xubuntu-dev)05:00
flocculantali1234: yup - crashed that time08:17
eladhenWell,I'm running Xubuntu 17.04 with a bunch of development PPAs for several days now. Anything specific I should test?09:07
eladhenAll in all, things seem to be working fine...09:07
eladhenI'm using: xubuntu-dev-ubuntu-ppa-zesty, xubuntu-dev-ubuntu-xfce4-gtk3-zesty, xubuntu-dev-ubuntu-xubuntu-staging-zesty09:09
pleia2flocculant: social media-ed the call for testing16:09
pleia2flocculant: something to consider, just adding this line to all your call for testing emails would make this easier for me: New to testing? Learn the basics about how to contribute at http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa-tester.html16:10
pleia2since all the social media calls go to people new to it, so reading the email about it telling them to use the tracker mean nothing to them :)16:11
* pleia2 squeezes both links in under 140 characters16:11
flocculantpleia2: how about I come up with some copypasta thing that can be used all the time? 16:14
flocculantif I can ... 16:14
flocculantpleia2: and thanks <3/lastlog <316:14
pleia2sounds good :)16:15
flocculantwhere did lastlog come from ...16:15
flocculantpleia2: how do urls count in a tweet? 16:17
pleia2twitter automatically shortens them, but not a ton16:19
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [blackbird] r88 Merge pull request #21 from nkiesel/master... (by Eric Koegel)17:24
flocculantbluesabre ochosi and anyone else interested : robert_ancell> flocculant, no, but I'm trying to get it fixed by the end of the week as I'll be on holiday for two weeks after that21:11
knomeuff :)21:11
flocculantleaving 2 weeks till final beta21:13
knomereal life happens21:13
flocculantyup of course21:14
flocculantjust might need to have an emergency plan planned :p21:14
knomeany suggestions?21:15
flocculantjjfrv8: you can lock and come out of lock? 21:16
knomelike houdini?21:16
flocculantknome: swap it out - same emergency plan as last cycle iirc21:16
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
slickymasterand for that matter ali1234 issues don't appear in VMware22:50
knomeyeah, we only have ali1234 issues on irc22:52

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