
esdwdfttyGNOME Disks, after installed have always three pictures of start, Xxubuntu 17.04 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21669649/scr.png In Lubuntu 17 this have the same after update and i see update GNOME Disks 1-3 days ago00:42
esdwdfttyi instaled GNOME Disks ~ 15 min ago00:46
esdwdfttySystem Load Indicator 0.4 creates such files and when it is started writes to the file of a mistake continuously. /home/user/ .xsession-errors.old .xsession-errors - 5 - 10 min ~ 800 kB02:29
esdwdftty64 bit02:30
bel_kihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24031764/ <-- hardware or software error?03:45
cfhowlettbel_ki, ask in #ubuntu03:46
xubuntu588whats ur name??08:00
xubuntu588i am installing xubuntu08:02
pmjdebruijnif you have any particular question, just ask, and wait to see if someone knows the answer08:03
xubuntu588i just wiuld like to chat ty08:06
xubuntu588u r spanish,no08:07
bazhangxubuntu588, #ubuntu-es for support, #xubuntu-offtopic for chat08:09
lernerhow do I configure xubuntu not to see the splash screen, but the processes being loaded?11:36
lerneror shutting down during turning off11:36
Cursarionwhat determines the web browser used by xfce4-terminal? :|12:25
CursarionI've changed it in Settings->Preferred applications, but xfce4-terminal ignores that12:26
fantoBenDoes anyone know if/when thunar 1.6.11 land on ubuntu 16.04.2?13:28
fantoBenthe crash when renaming files error is starting to irritate me quite a bit :(13:28
Cursarionme too :(13:29
fantoBenThis error is for far now the only thing that is driving me kinda-sorta insane,13:31
meganleighGood morning!13:37
knomefantoBen, Cursarion: should land relatively soon, but no exact date is known13:38
meganleighso, i'm having a bit of an issue with lightdm, if anyone could help. it's kind of complicated and I don't understand how 16.04 has it set up13:39
fantoBenThanks knome, I really need the update to land as soon as possible as the error kind of hampering my workflow I might use caja for the time being but I love thunar too much13:40
knomemeganleigh, please describe the issue13:43
meganleighso, for some reason, there's not /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file. normally I would use that. in 16.04, there's a lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf, but that doesn't do what I need it to. all the settings I seem to find for lightdm are in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ what I'm trying to do is run a program when lightdm starts, and then kill it after I input my password. I can get the program to start, but not kill, and it throws me err13:46
meganleighin Antergos (arch linux) I was able to edit lightdm.conf with a greeter-setup-script to run the program, and then session-setup-script to kill it and it worked just fine13:47
meganleighanyone around that knows about lightdm with XFCE in Xenial?15:03
pmjdebruijnjust ask, and wait if anybody responds15:04
meganleighso, for some reason, there's not /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file. normally I would use that. in 16.04, there's a /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf, but that doesn't do what I need it to. all the settings I seem to find for lightdm are in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ and /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/ what I'm trying to do is run a program (synergyc) when lightdm starts, and then kill it after I input my p15:06
meganleighprogram to start, but not kill, and it throws me errors upon login. in Antergos (arch linux) I was able to edit lightdm.conf with a greeter-setup-script to run the program, and then session-setup-script to killall synergyc and it worked just fine15:07
flocculantmeganleigh: try in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf - just create the file15:12
flocculanthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Configuration https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto15:14
meganleighI didn't think of that. I'll try that now15:14
flocculantmaybe the change from [SeatDefaults] to [Seat:*]15:15
meganleighI'll try that as well15:18
meganleighwell, thanks flocculant. I didn't know I could just create that file. didn't wanna break it15:29
flocculantmeganleigh: working?15:30
meganleighlike a dream.15:30
flocculantcool :)15:31
meganleighnow then....what do you know about compiz? :P15:31
flocculantonce upon in the dim and distant past I used it with Ubuntu, then came Unity which I didn't like, so I installed Xubuntu and stayed with it - not using compiz ;)15:32
meganleighah okay15:34
meganleighI've got it installed, I'm just trying to get it to run by default without having to use startup application15:35
meganleighI may have found a way to do it properly though15:40
meganleighnow for something completely different! :D15:47
meganleighI have a program that has been purged and autocleaned through terminal...but it still shows up in the whisker menu. I even have menulibre installed and it doesn't see the program either15:47
flocculantlose the .desktop file for it from .local/share/applications/15:50
meganleighah! okay15:50
meganleighis that in my home folder or somewhere else?>15:51
meganleighnvm, found it15:51
meganleighand you're some kind of wizard. :P thanks for all the help15:51
flocculantyea sorry :)15:51
meganleighmy xubuntu is almost finished! :D now...why don't the desktop icons match the rest of my icons....15:52
meganleighanyway, thanks for the help again15:57
nicklasHello. Running Xubuntu 16.10. Iv'e added the steam repos, but I can't find it for installation?17:02
bonsaitreeWhere can i find the files which are used to modify the Thinkpad's trackpoint resolution and sensitivity?17:55
bonsaitreeAnyone knows where can i find the files which are used to modify the Thinkpad's trackpoint resolution and sensitivity?18:00
Cursarionso, err, earlier I asked about how xfce4-terminal decides its default web browser, and no one replied, but I figured it out - update-alternatives.18:14
Cursarionnow I'm trying to figure out how xfce4-terminal decides its default mail client, and I've got nothing18:15
CursarionI've changed the setting via the GUI, so now exo-open --launch MailReader is what I want18:16
Cursarionbut xfce4-terminal ignores that, and there doesn't seem to be anything about mail in update-alternatives18:16
CursarionI don't understand why there are so many defaults :|18:18
Cursarionactually, scratch part of that, update-alternatives didn't do the trick for browser18:23
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sorinelloHello. Cna someone tell me which package to I have to install to be able to connect using SSH from Thunar ?20:35
xubuntu27wIs there anyone here that may be able to help me with an issue in pairing a Logitech t630 mouse in xubuntu?20:36
tmsbrgsorinello, you mean with sftp:// links? https://askubuntu.com/questions/70423/how-do-i-connect-to-a-server-with-thunar-in-xubuntu#7753720:52
sorinellotmsbrg, from one of my machine I am able to do it by typing ssh://, not sftp://20:54
sorinelloand from another machine it doesn't work, thunar give me the denied icon in the url bar20:54
tmsbrgI never used ssh like that but it could be that it would work if you install the packaged described in the link20:55
tmsbrgmight also be that it's not a problem with packages but with whether you have the ssh key on your machine20:56
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=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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