
q4ai'm not sure, why lxqt 17.04 comes with parts of plasma kde5, but it's wiered for me00:36
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Zesty Beta 1] (20170221.2) has been added04:29
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Zesty Beta 1] (20170221.2) has been added04:29
lynorianI have a wierd problem on zesty do not think it is critical but gnome-disks shows 3 icons in the menu am reporting the bug now21:36
tsimonq2lynorian: Weird22:26
lynorianreported the bug now322:26
tsimonq2Thanks lynorian22:27
lynorianbug 166669322:27
ubot93bug 1666693 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "gnome-disks shows three icons in menu of lxpanel " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166669322:27
wxltsimonq2: flocculant is talking about not releasing due to the locking issue also affecting lubuntu23:28
tsimonq2wxl: ALSO affecting Lubuntu?!?!?!?!????23:28
tsimonq2OH SHOOOOOT23:28
wxltsimonq2: um23:28
wxli might be getting confused23:28
wxlnope not confused, since it's light-locker23:31
wxltsimonq2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/165639923:32
ubot93Launchpad bug 1656399 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Returning to existing session is unreliable and can leave on blank screen" [Critical,In progress]23:32
wxlrace condition tho23:32
wxlmay be difficult to reproduce23:32
tsimonq2wxl: I'm new to this, what do you suggest I do from here?23:33
wxltsimonq2: my suggesiton would be to test and troubleshoot as much as possible so that you can write clear documentation in the release notes23:34
tsimonq2wxl: OH actually Robert Ancell saves the day!23:34
wxlit's not fixed fixed23:35
tsimonq2wxl: It's in VC23:36
wxlso not fixed in zesty23:36
wxlno :)23:36
tsimonq2We can backport patch23:37
wxlyou can't put in the release notes something to the effect of "oh it will go away eventually"23:37
wxlactually why isn't that bug targeting zesty?23:37
tsimonq2wxl: He has a fix already committed that we can just grab and put in Zesty. Any skilled packager that has 20 minutes can get this fix done.23:37
wxlgo get it done, tsimonq223:38
tsimonq2wxl: On it.,23:38
tsimonq2wxl: Actually I'd rather talk to Robert23:42
tsimonq2wxl: He's the Canonical guy working on lightdm, I don't wanna duplicate work.23:43
wxlsounds good tsimonq223:43

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