
pleia2but the change has been pushed now, so the latest should work for next week00:01
tsimonq2Gotcha cool00:01
tsimonq2Step 15 done, step 16 now00:03
tsimonq2Wait, before I do this I want to read the newsletter one last time to make sure 100% there's no errors00:03
pleia2if you want :)00:04
pleia2I try to, but some days x_x00:04
* tsimonq2 dislikes the phrase "devs"00:04
pleia2doesn't hurt, and it's good to do just so you're sure00:04
* tsimonq2 corrects00:04
tsimonq2Yep ;)00:04
pleia2heh :)00:04
tsimonq2Oxford comma etc :P :P00:04
tsimonq2pleia2: Do we like the ISO standard for times or the American standard? :P00:05
pleia2ah, the neverending battle of the oxford comma (I don't use it unless it's needed for clarity)00:05
pleia2we aren't very picky about date formats00:06
tsimonq2American it is :P00:06
tsimonq2pleia2: <3 Oxford comma00:07
tsimonq2Ok, NOW I can do this:00:07
tsimonq2Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 499 for the week February 13 - 19, 2017 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue49900:07
tsimonq2heh :P00:07
* tsimonq2 tweets and does all the social media things00:08
tsimonq2Grrrrrrrrrr I hate Facebook00:10
pleia2heh, what's the trouble?00:11
tsimonq2pleia2: Facebook likes scrolling my page by giving me stupid popups00:11
pleia2ah, it's just awful, yeah00:11
tsimonq2pleia2: I really really hate step 17 but it's done now :P00:13
tsimonq2Step 18 here I come00:13
tsimonq2Oh gawd00:13
tsimonq2Forums... let's see if I have access?00:13
pleia2alas, step 17 is important, it's how lots and lots of people get the newsletter00:13
tsimonq2Yes I know, it IS important, but it's real pita00:14
tsimonq2Dinner calls, be back in 10-20 mins to finish up00:14
tsimonq2ty :P00:36
tsimonq2mmm meatloaf00:36
tsimonq2pleia2: "Waiting for ubuntuforums.org..."00:43
pleia2lmk if it fails, and grab a screenshot if there's an error00:44
tsimonq2pleia2: How's it look? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235332200:45
* pleia2 thumbs up00:47
pleia2actually, there's tons of whitespace00:47
pleia2it's no big deal, but you want to make sure you're using the plain text option for input when you post it on UF00:47
tsimonq2It's almost as bad as wiki for loading speeds00:48
tsimonq2(that's why I "grrrrrrrrr")00:48
pleia2I'm so close to just giving up on UF because of errors and slow, but it still gets so much traffic :\00:49
tsimonq2Yeah :/00:49
tsimonq2pleia2: Can you please just fix the whitespace? This is getting really frustrating :/00:54
pleia2unfortunately not, I can't edit your posts00:55
pleia2don't worry about it, it's no big deal00:55
tsimonq2Step 19!00:55
tsimonq2pleia2: Fridge done, please check it over00:58
pleia2looks good01:00
tsimonq2pleia2: Steps 20-24 are done, if you could check that too ;)01:01
tsimonq2pleia2: And once I get your thumbs up, I can do emails01:02
pleia2I also usually create the wiki page for the next issue, do you know how to do that with the template?01:02
tsimonq2Yep I think so01:02
pleia2eeeeekkkkk issue 50001:04
pleia2so exciting01:04
tsimonq2:D :D :D01:04
tsimonq2pleia2: So you think I'm ready to send the emails? Does it all look good?01:05
tsimonq2Yayyyy ok sending01:06
tsimonq2pleia2: Are email signatures a no no in publishing these?01:09
* tsimonq2 assumes yes01:10
pleia2definitely a no no01:11
tsimonq2Ok cool, glad I assumed they were01:12
tsimonq2"Your message to ubuntu-news awaits moderator approval" - AHEM pleia2 ;)01:12
pleia2I've long considered doing away with using our personal @ubuntu.com email addresses for them too, but people seem to like it coming from a real person01:12
pleia2on it01:13
pleia2https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news/2017-February/000577.html :)01:14
tsimonq2pleia2: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy01:15
pleia2nice work, that went pretty smoothly01:16
tsimonq2I think it did too. Thanks. :)01:17
josepleia2: I sent out a bunch of requests but didn't hear back, I'll go ahead and send a reminder email01:46

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