
=== miczac_ is now known as miczac
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
=== Guest43 is now known as thirty3
=== Agent is now known as SonicTheNoLastna
=== SonicTheNoLastna is now known as SonicTheEnchilad
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=== madsa is now known as Guest7221
cpaelzergood morning06:33
=== ashleyd is now known as ashd
jamespag`coreycb, pushing proposed->updates for ocata09:47
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zioprotois this the right channel to ask a juju question ?13:43
zioprotoI am trying to deploy on openstack cs:bundle/apache-hadoop-spark-zeppelin-14 but my tenant has more than 1 network, how can I pass the network ID to use ?13:43
zioprotolooks like this is not a valid command: juju deploy --config network=private cs:bundle/apache-hadoop-spark-zeppelin-1413:44
zioprotoI get ERROR Flags provided but not supported when deploying a bundle: --config.13:44
jamespagezul, hmm14:53
jamespagezul, pandas ftbfs on arm64 in ocata-proposed14:53
zuljamespage: can i get the build log?15:04
=== Isla_de_Muerte is now known as NwS
=== SonicTheEnchilad is now known as Agent
=== mwsb is now known as chu
ddstreetcoreycb ping18:48
jamespagezul, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24041961/19:32
zuljamespage: looking19:33
DammitJimwhat does this line do in Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins20:22
DammitJimI understand "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-security"; which I want to disable20:22
naccDammitJim: allow unattended upgrades from the release pocket? I guess maybe for packages that have not been updated since release and could be pulled in as deps?20:24
DammitJimit's weird... I can't find much about that searching online20:25
naccDammitJim: is your question why the release pocket would be an Allowed-Origin?20:26
DammitJimI am wondering what "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}"; does20:26
DammitJimbecause I am about to comment out that line20:27
DammitJimthat line didn't exist on my 14.04 servers20:27
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naccDammitJim: i answered that above.20:28
naccDammitJim: and I don't follow why you'd disallow that, as it doesn't do anything (afaict) if you end up disabling security updates, as there doesn't seem to be any logical way for there to be an unattended upgrade to a package in the release pocket if they aren't installed.20:29
DammitJimnacc, I'm disabling stuff because I have seen the system automatically install updates20:30
DammitJimwhen I logged on to the machine via ssh, I could see there were 22 security updates20:31
DammitJimnext time I log on, reboot, and log on, the count was down to 020:31
DammitJimI've been asked to disable security updates20:31
DammitJimso, that's why I was asking about the previous line to see if I needed to comment that out as well20:31
naccDammitJim: i mean, you can, i just don't think it makes any difference if you do end up disabling security updates20:32
DammitJimme neither, but if the president of the company and the other teams are asking for it, I have to do it (I am not very good at debates)20:32

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