
praisethemoonNever had such busy days at work x)09:48
praisethemoonelacheche, yo09:48
elachecheHey there!09:53
elachecheSame here, it was a busy 2 || 3 weeks :/ And counting..09:53
praisethemoonoh man :(09:54
praisethemoonI was in ISIM last weekend, hosted a small workshop about elasticsearch09:55
elachechenzoueidi: did you managed to send SMS using a 3G dongle via cli (bash/py) ?13:00
* pavlushka heads up13:15
pavlushkaelacheche: I failed13:15
pavlushkaI tried to use some gui like wammu and modem-manager-gui but little success13:16
elachecheSame :/13:23
pavlushkamodem-manager-gui worked once or twice but that's not accountable13:26
pavlushkaor countable13:28
pavlushkaHello nzoueidi | the leaned one :p13:30
nzoueidiHello :D15:25
nzoueidino elacheche didn't try it15:25
nzoueidibut am planning to15:25
nzoueidipavlushka: :D15:25

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