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om26ermzanetti: hey!10:06
mzanettiom26er, hi10:06
om26ermzanetti: thoughts on bug 1666462 ?10:06
ubot5bug 1666462 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Should force scan wifi devices when indicator is opened" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166646210:06
mzanettiom26er, I'd agree this makes sense10:07
om26ermzanetti: do we need design input on that ? a small spinner would help as a feedback that its refreshing.10:10
mzanettihmm... dunno... I guess actually making it update would be enough10:10
Saviqmzanetti, om26er, I think that's actually a indicator-network bug, I believe it does know when it's open10:31
Saviqunless dednick says otherwise, I know we talked about this at some point10:31
ltinklSaviq, in general it doesn't know but I agree the bug is in indicator-network itself (or even NetworkManager)10:40
om26erltinkl: network-manager probably responds to requests.10:41
* ltinkl trying to figure out how we hide the volume notification with sound indicator open :)10:44
om26erltinkl: is that new requirement, in unity7 era it was explicitly requested by mpt to show volume notification even if the indicator was opened10:49
mptom26er, I think you’re misremembering. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#notification>: “There should be no extra visible notification if the focused window contains a system volume control.” ltinkl10:52
mpt(where the volume slider in the indicator would, ideally, be implemented as a system volume control)10:53
ltinklmpt, yup, that's how it's implemented atm10:53
om26ermpt: hmm, I might have something else in my mind. Spent the last few minutes trying to find a bug from 2010-2012 time.10:59
om26erSaviq: Hi! when are pointer friendly indicators coming, do we have designs ? It feels I am a little behind adopting new Ubuntu technologies this time. I was one of the very few to adopt unity when it was first released in 2010 for netbooks :)11:02
mptom26er, probably bug 652978, reported in 201011:02
ubot5bug 652978 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Notifications should be suppressed when indicators open" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65297811:02
Saviqom26er, they're almost there, Trevinho's working on it12:29
Saviqltinkl, I think we discussed, at some point, that indicators should be told when "in focus"12:30
Saviqthat'd help here and there12:30
ltinklSaviq, yeah I think we do that12:32
Saviqyou just said they don't know? ;)12:32
ltinklSaviq, I wasn't sure where exactly we do this, but we definitely do :12:33
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