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GreatSnoopyhello everybody13:45
GreatSnoopyanybody here using cloud-init + microsoft azure + debian (credativ image) ?13:45
GreatSnoopyIt is never able to fetch its userdata13:47
GreatSnoopyi think its not able to autodetect the platform13:47
larsksGreatSnoopy: what version of cloud-init are you using?13:59
GreatSnoopyloud-init --version cloud-init 0.7.614:04
GreatSnoopywhat it does is gets to a point where it does14:05
GreatSnoopy2017-02-22 14:04:22,657 - url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling '' failed [0/120s]: bad status code [404]14:05
GreatSnoopyand on and on14:05
GreatSnoopyit looks like its not able to deduce it needs an azure datasource14:05
GreatSnoopyi have waagent installed14:05
GreatSnoopyinterestingly, on a centos instance, it does not get stuck to "Calling ..."14:07
GreatSnoopyalso, waagent does get the userdata, but somehow cloudinit is not able to interact/fetch waagent data14:08
larsksGreatSnoopy: I don't know how functional the azure data source was in 0.7.6.  There was a bunch of work done on it recently.14:10
larsksDo you have the option of using a more recent version?14:11
GreatSnoopylarsks: should i try with a newer one ?14:11
GreatSnoopysure,ill try14:11
GreatSnoopyweirdly on centos, I have an OLDER version14:11
GreatSnoopyand it works :|14:11
larsksThe other thing is to do is maybe inspect the logs from cloud-init on the debian system (maybe compare them to centos) and see if you can spot anything interesting.14:11
GreatSnoopyexcept url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling ''  and the fact that cloud init is not able to find an instance id for itself14:12
GreatSnoopyi see nothing relevant14:12
GreatSnoopyi can even post that log maybe one of the devs can spot something i miss14:12
larsksThat's a red herring; that message means it's trying to access an EC2 data source...that is, it's not even trying to get metadata from azure.14:13
GreatSnoopy# pwd ; ls -1 /var/lib/cloud/instances iid-datasource-none14:13
GreatSnoopyyes, my assumption is it does not know its on azure14:14
GreatSnoopytried making sure we have dmidecode and virt-what to help it14:14
GreatSnoopydoes not help14:14
GreatSnoopycan the debug turned up for the platform detection itself ?14:15
GreatSnoopyor for the datasource interaction ?14:15
GreatSnoopymaybe it's something trivial for which reason he does not properly interact with its environment, but i see no hint on where this would be14:16
larsksUsually it's pretty verbose by default, I thought.14:16
GreatSnoopyhm, found this14:18
GreatSnoopyLooking for for data source in: ['NoCloud', 'AltCloud', 'CloudStack', 'ConfigDrive', 'Ec2', 'MAAS', 'OVF', 'GCE', 'None'], via packages ['', 'cloudinit.sources'] that matches dependencies ['FILESYSTEM']14:19
GreatSnoopyi see no azure there14:19
GreatSnoopyon the other hand on centos there is  not a line like that at all14:19
larsksGreatSnoopy: does your configuration include an explicit list of data sources?  E.g. in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg (or cloud.cfg.d)?14:24
larsksDoes the package include the Azure data source?14:24
GreatSnoopylarsks: not as far as i know, its debian default14:25
larsksThere may be folks around later who are more familiar with the debian/ubuntu side of things.   I think they may be on california time...14:26
GreatSnoopyIll try to stick around or log back in later14:28
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smoserGreatSnoopy, 2 thingsn to check is if the Azure datasource is listed in 'datasources' defined somewhere under /etc/cloud/14:48
smoserif its not, cloud-init wont look for that (which is kind of what it looks like)14:48
smosersecond, just make sure you *have* a DataSourceAzure.py14:49
GreatSnoopysmoser: i added now, this datasource:   Azure:     set_hostname: False     agent_command: __builtin__14:51
GreatSnoopyactually let me put something on a paste14:52
GreatSnoopyso this https://pastebin.mozilla.org/897996014:54
GreatSnoopydoes not work, even if i added the two lines with datasource azure14:54
GreatSnoopyi also have /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAzure.py14:55
GreatSnoopyon this debian there is also14:55
GreatSnoopy91_waagent.cfg and 92_azure.cfg14:56
smosergrep -r datasource /etc/cloud/14:56
GreatSnoopy  /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/91_waagent.cfg:datasource: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg:datasource_list: [ NoCloud, AltCloud, CloudStack, ConfigDrive, Ec2, MAAS, OVF, GCE, None ] /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg:# Example datasource config /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg:# datasource: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg:datasource:14:57
GreatSnoopythis is how it looks14:58
GreatSnoopyi thing it is defined in 90_dpkg and missing from there14:59
rharpersmoser: re cloud-init dpkg deps;  in the merge request, you said that cloud-init doesn't want to depend on those packages directly;  can you elaborate on the rationale/issues ?15:04
smoserwell cloud-init doesn't Depend on systemd-networkd15:04
smoserright ?15:04
GreatSnoopysmoser: thanks for that hint, datasources was overriden somewhere i was not expected it to be15:07
rharpersmoser: it's one of those <some networking service to be defined by distro>15:12
rharperbut you're right in that we don't have a way to express the idea that *if* you're using networkd  as your $networking_service *then* you need systemd >= X and resolvconf >= y15:13
smosermaybe slangasek would have a solution15:14
smoserrharper, i'm gonna ask in ubuntu-devel15:18
rharpersmoser: ok15:18
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