
tsimonq2wxl: How do our translations work?02:42
RyoonIvoI am interested in contributing, who could give me information?02:42
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: Hi ;)02:42
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: What do you know how to do and where do you want to help? :)02:42
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: To be more specific, have you done anything Open Source related in the past?02:43
RyoonIvoI know programming in C language, Java and Python. I can help in whatever they need, no matter the area.02:44
tsimonq2Awesome. :)02:45
RyoonIvoUnfortunately not. But I'm looking to contribute to the community.02:45
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: What kind of computer are you on? Could you give me a ballpark as to what specs you have?02:45
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: Because if you have good enough specs, I have something you could work on right now ;)02:48
RyoonIvoI'm using a STi laptop with 4GB RAM, 320GB HD, Intel Dual Core 2.30Ghz and running Arch Linux.02:48
tsimonq2Ooooh cool02:48
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: amd64 or i386?02:48
RyoonIvoMy laptop is not something current and robust. Hahaha02:49
tsimonq2You ever try running VMs on it?02:49
tsimonq2Lubuntu is a fairly lightweight OS either way, just wondering if your computer supports virtualization.02:49
RyoonIvoYes, I use virtual machines sometimes.02:51
RyoonIvoI've used Lubuntu several times with other hardware, it's really a well-worked distro.02:52
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: Read through my Ubuntu ISO testing tutorial here: https://www.tsimonq2.net/blog/2016/04/27/02:53
tsimonq2Let me know if there's anything you don't understand.02:54
RyoonIvoAll right, I'll check it out.02:55
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: Basically, we need help completing these testcases: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/373/builds02:55
tsimonq217.04 Beta 1 ships on Thursday and we need tests done :)02:56
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing - also helpful02:56
tsimonq2Awesome! :)02:57
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: That should at least get you started (and give you things to Google if you don't understand parts of it), I was going to write the call for testing to the mailing list, otherwise, I'm in this channel 24/7 if you want to ping me for help, otherwise wxl should be around from 12 PM to 7 PM CST tomorrow, he's also a good person to ping if you're stuck and I'm not around. :)03:00
* tsimonq2 needs sleep sometime :P03:00
tsimonq2RyoonIvo: But like I said, if you are reading that and you don't understand anything and Google (or your favorite search engine, mine is DuckDuckGo) doesn't help, don't hesitate to ping. :)03:01
tsimonq2Also, I would either look into an IRC bouncer or just keep your IRC client open all the time (I use irssi on a remote server) because then you can ask questions, we can respond, and if you're not available, you can get the answer when you are. :)03:02
RyoonIvoIn a matter of schedules, I will have to calculate, because I live in Brazil. Haha03:04
tsimonq2I'm in the US03:05
RyoonIvoI'll read all the material you've given me. I actually hate Google, I love DuckDuckGo. But you can leave that if I have questions I will question you.03:06
tsimonq2Ok, thanks, have a nice night! :)03:08
RyoonIvoYou too :)03:09
lynoriantsimonq2, The zsync link is broken03:57
lynorianfor desktop of both i386 and amd6403:58
tsimonq2lynorian: Are you sure?12:56
tsimonq2lynorian: What exactly is affected?12:56
wxlyikes we need some testing!19:06
lynoriantsimonq2, only the links on the tracker the cdimage link works19:19
lynoriangrr I can't find a usb drive at the worst possible time I have done several vm tests20:00
lynlivetsimonq2, on the live session I do not have xserver-xorg-synaptic is not installed in the beta21:33
lynlivemeaning I do not get mousewheel on my touchpad :(21:33
lynlivereporting a bug against default settings21:34
lynlivereported a bug and is on tracker21:49
lynlivethis is lynorian btw21:49
lynliverebooting for desktop-amd64 manual partitioning21:49
wxl^^^^^^ tsimonq221:52
wxllynorian: it is in the installed system right?22:06
lynorianwxl I am installing it right now so I do not know22:06
wxllynorian: k leave a note one way or another on the bug please22:06
lynorianI unfortanetly lost all my usb so on metal it will take a long time22:07
lynorianglad I did not throw away this giant stack of cheap dvds my dad got just yet22:07
lynorianyes I know this is frustrating and embarrasing for me22:07
wxli'll paypal you the money if you want to go grab one :)22:07
lynorianwxl I have the money it is just won't really arrive in time for beta 122:08
lynorianunless I go to a store22:08
wxlwhere is the image?22:08
lynorianit is on cdimage22:09
wxlthere's no 2017022022:09
lynorianyes I do not know why22:09
wxlso are you using 20170219 or did you grab it before it diappeared?22:10
wxlawwww fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge22:10
lynorianwxl I do not think the 201702220 ever really existed this is something wierd with the tracker22:10
* wxl siiiiiiiiiiiiighs22:11
wxlwell i know that when you're using the tracker you usually name the version22:12
wxlso it could have pebkac22:12
lynorianwxl not in installed image22:13
lynorianfff now I find my usb ...22:17
wxllynorian: it's not in the installed system?!?!?!?!22:18
lynorianno xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is not in the live system22:18
lynorianwxl it works for moving the cursor and clicking but nothing as advanced as a scrollwheel on the side22:19
lynorianor in the installed system22:20
wxllynorian: and to be absolutely sure that's not the case in previous versions, right?22:20
lynorianof zesty isos or releases of lubuntu22:21
wxlit's actually not there on alpha 222:21
wxlwonder if it's a seed issue22:22
* lynorian goes to see if it is on a vm installed from alternate22:22
lynorianwxl that is what I think it likely is22:23
wxlit's not on the .list22:23
lynorianwxl that pretty much explains it22:24
lynorianunless I missed some other driver that is supposed to replace it22:24
lynorianI do not know if we switched to libinput all of a sudden or something22:24
lynoriannone of those modules are loaded either22:24
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Zesty Beta 1] has been updated (20170219)22:25
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Zesty Beta 1] has been updated (20170219)22:25
wxl^^ it was a pebkac22:25
wxli can't find anything in the seeds, lynorian— not even in core ubuntu stuff22:35
wxlfound it lynorian22:50
wxlwant me to tell you how to fix it? extra bonus points for you :)22:50
lynorianHow with bzr to a seed22:56
wxlcheck out http://packages.ubuntu.com/zesty/xserver-xorg-input-all22:57
wxland compare to http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/xserver-xorg-input-all22:57
wxlremember how we use no-follow-recommends/22:57
wxland see how synpatics is now a recommend?22:57
wxlso we need to explicitly add it ot the seed22:57
lynorianwxl that explains it22:57
wxli'd start with a bug22:58
wxlcode's here https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.zesty22:58
wxluse the last revision as an example since that also explicitly added something22:58
wxlyou can see the drops in the changelog lynorian http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/x/xorg/xorg_7.7+16ubuntu2/changelog23:01
wxlyou need anything else from me to make this happen?23:02
lynorianwxl currently do not have bzr setup on this install23:02
lynorianI am setting up my more recent secure boot laptop as my backlight in my other one seems to getting quite dim23:03
wxllynorian: k well let's touch base later. maybe we can get tsimonq2 on it23:06

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