[00:27] Bug #1666700 changed: maas allocating new IP to existing MAC/IP pair when old IP is free [06:42] if I want to change APT mirror that is used during MAAS deployment. do I have to edit image? [06:42] Juju changes sets mirrors itself, but only for the ephemeral system it seems [06:43] and the target system defaults to archive.ubuntu.com === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [08:23] roaksoax: thanks! :) [08:35] hmm cannot be reached while commissioning [08:35] what is that [08:35] 254 [08:55] ok figured that one out. had to reconfigure the region controller and add the correct ip [08:55] so now the commissioning hangs at the apt update with Ign:1 ... messages [08:58] ok i just have to wait for 10 minutes until this is progressing? why [08:59] for the first time in 2.2 beta i now have a ready node. can now deploy [08:59] great just 3 days [09:17] how to lower the timeout values for those apt Ign: messages [09:17] its like taking forever [10:07] Ign:76 failed deployment [10:07] ;) [10:07] nice [10:30] tell is this normal to wait for each Ign message 5 minutes [10:30] no wonder that this doesnt finish [11:05] Bug #1666852 opened: apt IGN messages timeout very high causes failed commissioning and deployment [11:27] its the proxy [11:27] somehow the proxy has very high response times or timeout values === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [13:20] Bug #1533555 changed: [doc] MAAS docs do not say how to set the default gateway for a node === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [17:24] Bug #1666997 opened: MAAS fails to enlist new nodes === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [22:48] Bug #1667141 opened: [FFe] Standing FFe for MAAS 2.2 [22:51] Hi all. is there a way to limit Discovery to a specific interface?