
Seven_Six_Twoare there people really here, or is it a chan full of znc-held connections?00:55
Seven_Six_Twoaisrael azend|vps bregma cyphermox Diyode-Quassel genius3000 lubotu1 meetingology MylesBraithwaite okwaho any ubuntu-ca ops here?01:00
okwahoyep im here01:01
azend|vpsI'm here01:02
bregmapeople are here, but they're all the quiet introverted types01:31
bregmano channel ops though01:32
Seven_Six_Twoanyone with ubuntu wiki editing privs? I'm looking to be able to edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/London02:26
Seven_Six_TwoI don't actually need an ircop02:26
cyphermoxyeah, we can edit02:38
Seven_Six_Twocyphermox, can you allow me to edit?06:30
Seven_Six_TwoI manage lolug.ca and would like to fix the information06:40
Seven_Six_TwoI am liberal-animations06:54
cyphermoxSeven_Six_Two: no, I can't give permissions, but you may tell me what you want to change.14:03

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